Fairy Tail RP

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    Unexpected Opportunities

    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 223
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,722,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Unexpected Opportunities - Page 2 Empty Re: Unexpected Opportunities

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th June 2023, 4:11 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    A Matter of Fate

    Stubborn and a hard ass. That much he knew.

    Xavier continued to smile through as Saffron expanded, partially, on her thoughts of Vandrad. But as he wasn’t aiming to settle on the topic, lest it invite any concern or wariness, he pushed on to her magic again, wondering if by absorbing the magic and kinetic energy, if it altered her at all. It sounded a bit like a sponge and generally those would expand upon taking in water. Saffron touched on Emma first, remarking that it was a shame she was completely heterosexual but she didn’t seem too wholly bothered by it. She’d still flirt with her, as she did most women, if only because that’s how she interacted with them. "Oh Emma flirts with everything that moves, man or woman. That’s usually how she gets her ass in trouble; some women like to play back. Makes it mad awkward,” Xavier admitted with a laugh.

    Finally she moved to his question, clarifying that she didn’t bulk up with her magic. In fact, it seemed most people couldn’t usually tell when she was actively using it until she started to get quicker on her feet and outclassing them in strength. But apparently if she’s pushed far enough, she could become enveloped in fire, though there were extreme circumstances involved in that. In yet another ironic twist, that one time experience had happened just before she saw the band perform, since they’d gone to the resort to recover from the mission that, even more ironically, involved her acting as a slave to bust up an illegal ring. "Man, you sure you ain’t in the military anymore? That sounds like some special ops shit rather than usual guild stuff.”

    She circled back to her ‘transformation’. Apparently she started to glow and her fair became a firestorm. It only happened that one time, which she was quite upset about. But she did think there was, at least, a possibility that her magic could allow her to bulk out. She then referenced two people being more advanced in magic than her and they took on different forms. She mentioned the hair and eye color, which he knew was referencing Vandrad. But it seemed she was talking about someone else as well. Did that mean there was another person who used the same magic as the two of them? That could be troublesome, especially how she sounded awfully familiar with the other person and, more concerning, Vandrad did.

    As he pondered that for a few minutes, she turned the attention to him, nodding and asking about his magic. He’d only spoken about it in a limited sense so, by the sounds of it, she figured he could pick up any instrument and know exactly how to play it. He laughed. "Well, not quite that simple, no. It grants me an affinity to music; luckily I was pretty musically inclined as a kid so it kinda just buffered that. What my magic is actually used for is enhancing other people’s strengths. I don’t even always have an instrument; I can use this player I had developed. I channel my magic into it and it blares out a tune that then affects other people or, if I’m in a tight spot, the bad guys. Make ‘em feel stronger, faster, get all ramped up due to the jams. But I can also attune to any instrument; I pick it up and spend a little time playing around with it and I can learn it pretty quick. Fastest so far was an hour to learn the saxophone.”

    He took a sip from his beer and nodded to her. "You mentioned both. Is there someone else that uses this Energy… magic thing you and Vandrad have? Sounds like for such a rare magic, there ain’t a lot of missing gaps, you know?”

    @Saffron Remington | 641 / 10306 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 273
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    Unexpected Opportunities - Page 2 Empty Re: Unexpected Opportunities

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th June 2023, 5:28 pm


    Saffron chuckled as he asked her if she was sure she wasn’t still in the military, seeing as how the type of work she admitted to doing sounded far more like spec ops work than anything else. “Nah, I’m a civvie. But I’ve still got some contacts, and sometimes they need need help.” She shrugged. It was about as much as she was going to get into on that particular matter. Even if she felt like it was her place to talk about all the shit with the Dread Masters and the du Wolffs, she blonde was still trying to wrap her head around a lot of it and probably would have explained some things incorrectly anyway. But, none of that was her business, nor was she about to get into the fact that nearly everyone in her life at this point held some kind of position of influence or power. That would just come across as bragging. So she simply left it that she still allowed herself to be contracted from time to time as needed, which was more or less the truth anyway.

    She asked about his own magic, understanding that they’d been talking about her for a bit and wanting to do the socially polite thing and let him talk a bit more about himself. Despite her sass, Saffron was interested in learning more about him. Granted she’d have plenty of time to do that for the foreseeable future, but hell, they were already here and drinking so it was as good a time as any. Trevor was amused at her guess regarding his magic, giving her a laugh and explaining it wasn’t quite that simplistic. As he described it, it wasn’t just that he could pick up and learn instruments in record time, but he could also use the music to affect the people around him; ramping up their own strength and abilities, or even using them against opponents when necessary to put them at a disadvantage.

    Her purple eyes lit up a bit in excitement. “Brooo that’s lit. You’re basically a fucking bard.” Saffron didn’t necessarily consider herself a “nerd” in the traditional sense, but she did love video games and board games, so it was cool to meet someone that had abilities similar to classes from certain games she’d played in the past. “That’s really sweet, man. If I had magic like that, I probably would have made a career out of it, too. Now I just have to sit here and be mad and jealous that it would apparently only take you an hour to do the kind of stuff it took me two decades to learn how to do.”

    The blonde grinned at him a bit, taking another drink from her beer as he continued the conversation. He was still a bit curious about her magic, considering she had said it was rare but had mentioned finding two other people that wielded it. A fair question, all things considered, and one that at the very least proved that he paid attention when people talked to him. “Unfortunately, it’s a bit complicated, and I can’t get too deep into it; personal matters that aren’t really my business to spread around. But yeah, Vandrad and my other friend both use the same magic, and both have been helping me hone my skills – though Van’s my only official trainer. The other buddy just gives some pointers from time to time and occasionally acts as a sparring partner.”

    There was certainly a lot more to it than that, including the recent discovery that at least one other person also used the magic… however, Saffron wasn’t about to blab about that kind of stuff. Not that she was suspicious that he was prying or anything – her magic had always been a topic of interest to the people around her, so she was used to such curiosity and people wanting to ask questions. However, as a soldier she knew when to keep her mouth shut, and she wasn’t about to betray any of her friends’ trusts by talking about their personal struggles and fights with some rando.

    With a sigh, she checked the time on her arm. “Well, Trevs, it’s been real, but it’s getting late and I’ve got a helluva drive to get back to Magnolia.” Polishing off her beer, she would help clear the table of the empty bottles, putting them in the nearest receptacle, before slinging her jacket over her shoulder. “Thanks for the drinks… and the audition.” She smirked a little, teasing him, but it was also a genuine statement. Saffron lifted up her free hand to offer him a fist bump. “I’ll see you at rehearsal. Night!” And with that, she showed herself out, making her way to the front of the guild where her bike was parked, and headed home.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 810/12,135 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


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