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    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Empty ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀

    Post by ly 13th December 2022, 3:15 am

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Dc8oons-ee4a246a-6438-46e1-9be0-657610b80069.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA4ZGI1OGJmLWIyYTMtNGNkMS05YzAzLWY5M2RjZjE5NDIxMlwvZGM4b29ucy1lZTRhMjQ2YS02NDM4LTQ2ZTEtOWJlMC02NTc2MTBiODAwNjkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ CROlnLl

    lyra blooms silver wolf

    While it had only been a few mere months since the fairy's last visit to the city of rose gardens, the same feeling of change resonated within Lyra's bloated stomach as it did every time she graced its foliage. This place was a place of the past for both her and her sisters- making her way through the streets as a mage of Eden Rainbow in her travels, visiting Desirée when she was simply a guild ace of Black Rose and having sleepovers at her dainty apartment.. now living was different for them all, and while the change was a fruitful series of blessings, it sometimes felt bittersweet. Holding her left hand under the lump in her belly as she slowly walked down the spiraling stone pathways that led into the decadent gardens that coated the street's edge, she could not help but think of all that change that the year past had brought her- and the many changes that were yet to come in her tiny life among the trees. She was most thankful that her family was united and prospering more than ever before, even in the face of the multitude of wars that unfolded across the horizon. It was remarkable to the soon-to-be mother how easy it was for those of the Blooms lineage to hold up in the midst of her father's heinous acts, and though she knew it was not easily granted to them to be as such, she hoped it would continue to play out that way.

    Finding herself to be in the form she graced Silver Wolf's guild hall for the first time almost nine months ago, being the size of a naturally mid-sized girl with fairy wings upon her back, her pupils would begin to dilate as she would search for a pop-up shop for virgin drinks. She hoped for strawberry or lavender, but it seemed as if the only vendors that lined the garden's edge would be those selling bouquets dedicated to selling bouquets; specifically, those dedicated to the new year, matching the colors of the flowers that blotted the hills as far as the eye could see.  The scents that drifted into her nose from the multi-colored flora were just as intense as they were miraculous, and she could immediately place that they were from the combination of roses, lilies, and baby's breath. It smelled just as the stronghold of roses did when she visited Luminous Rose a month ago but even stronger- it was quite fitting, all things considered, being that she was wearing a dress from the Guildmaster of that wonderous guild, her younger sister, given to her as a gift for congratulations for her pregnancy. The dress consisted of a pink leotard shape on the interior, fitted to be comfortable around her baby bump, seen through an exterior of ruffly transparent sleeves and a flowing lower half marked by floral designs. It was the first time Lyra had got to wear it, as it was previously too baggy around the stomach, but as she near closer to her time of birth she fit better and better inside. Her two companions would play in the bushes as she would continue to search for a beverage or maybe even a snack, being her fern kitten and her eclipse frog.

    "..I wonder if Tim got my invitation I left for him back at the guild hall," she would speak quietly to herself and her distracted animal friends, slowly stepping across the stones in between the garden with her heels making small, delicate clacks, "I've been dying to know how he's been doing these past few months that I've been gone on the artifact trip. Ah, drinks and snackies~! ✧"

    Running up to a small booth that seemed to be selling smoothies and teas deeper into the garden, Lyra would begin to wait in line as she would continue to wonder about the guildmate she had invited to come to this street festival with her, her eyes scanning the text of the menu with a glimmer. Though she had found herself going out for months at a time alone in search for the lost artifacts of the ancient civilization, she felt as though Tim was one of her only friends back at the guild hall, even if they hadn't talked much. She just hadn't had the chance to properly meet anyone other than him and her guildmistress since she joined- but she planned on taking a rather extensive break from going out on long jobs, especially with how long she was into her journey into motherhood. Lyra hoped it would open up a window for more socializing, even if it gave her anxiety behind the rippling white light.

    "..Hi, um- can I please o- order a lavender smoothie with kale?" she would ask the woman ordering the register in her typical stutter, her wings fluttering behind her as she would continue to stand on the ground, "oh! ..and six strawberry macarons please~!"

    post wc: 832
    total wc: 832/8,000
    tag: @Rodadnuf

    Last edited by ly on 29th December 2022, 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ ZyLEllh


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Empty Re: ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀

    Post by Rodadnuf 13th December 2022, 10:58 am

    Winter reared its freezing breath throughout Fiore, its biting frost was halted by the warm lanterns of Rose Garden. Its warm radiance pushing through his body as he stood beside a post.

    Everything happened so fast.

    It wasn’t even over ten months ago Tim had been accepted as a member of Silver Wolf. Since his career change from a laborer to a wizard a lot has happened. His job as a wizard threw him head-first into danger. From saving towns and villages against bandits and wild beasts to seeing magical creatures around corners of the kingdom, creatures whose stories he would read as a child. His mettle was thoroughly tested. His unwillingness to take a life was broken. And his reward was the gratitude of the lives he preserved. When the world tumbled itself into a war, he found himself between the pressures of ideologies and self-interest. He was thrown against the raging histories of nations, ones he barely felt the effects of in his life up until then. In the end, even when the year was ending Tim never reached a full cycle being a wizard. His career as a wizard was cut short, and his sole reward for his troubles was nothing but his death.

    It feels…cold. He finally thought to himself. Dying feels cold, doesn’t it, Tim?

    He remembered Tim’s death vividly. And he remembered where Tim was supposed to be now. Tim’s body was preserved by his mentor, a man who never accepted Tim’s death and tried to do the impossible in desperation. Tim’s soul should be claimed by now, going through the motions of the afterlife. And Tim’s legacy would be washed away through the years. Such usually happened in the mundanity that is everyday life.

    What bout him? Well, he was Tim.

    More specifically, he was the Silver Wolf wizard’s regret, a sliver of Tim’s being born from the wizard’s unfulfilled promises right before he died. Fighting a deity, and consequently being killed by it in a horrifically specific manner might have triggered it. Or was it because of his connection with the domain of another deity whose domain skirted over life and death? Regardless, he never learned how he was conceived, only of his purpose and the memories of his parent shard. He doubted if Tim had ever wanted this specifically to happen to him, but he won’t disappoint his creator.

    It took a while since Tim’s death, but when his shard finally became fully self-aware he tried to be as corporeal as he could. He wore a dusty jacket, a dirty white dress shirt, a rough pair of thick jeans, and his old steel toes boots. This was the ensemble Tim had when he was first accepted by Silver Wolf, it was practically his uniform when he was working in Hargeon town. And this would be his skin as he fulfilled Tim’s last whims. He walked through the structures of the garden, cutting through the lives of the people enjoying the holidays. No one noticed his display, only the ones he wanted to see were able. The gardens itself was very much in the festive mood. It was as if it was a world away from the problems these people were dealing with. Then again, this also became the purpose of the holidays for many: an escape.

    Hm. First order of business here is…Miss Blooms.

    He smiled at the name. Tim never talked to Lyra beyond their first meeting in the guildhall when she first arrived, and that was months ago now. Her invitation was laid in the dust of Tim’s table back in his room. He knew if Tim had been alive, he would have been able to meet with her. This was his purpose, for Tim’s sake. And from what he could remember from Tim’s memories. She was a Fae, one of few Tim enjoyed reading as a kid.

    He finally made his way around the sprawling dark greens of the garden.

    “Watch it, bud.” A drunken drawl spat beside him as he made himself corporeal in the middle of the garden. “Ye almost spilled m’drink!”

    “I’m not used to this body yet, sorry.” He huffed out a dry laugh. “You and your buddies’ next pint is on me and let’s make it square?”

    “Well, I—” The man’s face lit up, even redder than the lights around. “More than square! Hear that you lot?!”

    He walked past the man, patting his shoulder as he grogged back to his mates, before finally settling over to a small booth deeper in the garden. Even among the people around. Lyra was a definite stand-out for him. She was quite literally a person-sized Fae with fluttering wings, and that made him audibly chuckle. The booth itself was two connected islets, one was serving juices and smoothies while the other was the one he walked up to.

    “Give those six by that bench behind me a pint, and—where…is…it…” He called the barista up, all the while shuffling his jacket pockets before pulling out a pale paper card. “Here, set me a tab and call this number if I don’t get to pay you before I leave.”

    The bartender quirked her brow, but made a face when she recognized the symbol on his business card.

    “Is this the one on that mountaintop?”

    He nodded. “And while you’re at it. I’ll have some Brandy.”

    “We have a runner for more, they’ll be here in a few minutes.”

    “Gimme the strongest thing you’ve got then.”



    “Your funeral.” She shrugged.

    He came closer to the other side of the twin booths and went beside the Fae, who had ordered her own set of drinks and food. This half of the booth was like night and day against the one he just ordered from. But that didn’t stop him from standing beside Lyra. He called the girl by the register as he leaned by the booth. “I’ll pay for that order just now.”

    “A shot of one-ninety!” The bartender called and slid the drink over to the edge of the booth. He caught the sliding glass and raised the glass, gesturing to the woman he caught it. She gave him a once over, nodding, and went back to taking orders from the other customers.

    “Call it my apology for making you wait, Miss Blooms.” He smiled her way after taking a swig off his glass.

    Post 1,067
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    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ M7VWYFe

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Empty Re: ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀

    Post by ly 29th December 2022, 8:01 pm

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Dc8oons-ee4a246a-6438-46e1-9be0-657610b80069.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA4ZGI1OGJmLWIyYTMtNGNkMS05YzAzLWY5M2RjZjE5NDIxMlwvZGM4b29ucy1lZTRhMjQ2YS02NDM4LTQ2ZTEtOWJlMC02NTc2MTBiODAwNjkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ CROlnLl

    lyra blooms silver wolf

    Accepting the products that she had just purchased from the booth's tender, being that of a lavender smoothie with healthy veggies and strawberry pastries, the pregnant fae would smile and turn to be greeted by a familiar face. At first, he appeared slightly foreign to Lyra, though as her lenses scoped in on him, she realized it was none other than the person that was to accompany her to this party by request- she smiled at him kindly and a blush would fill her cheeks as he paid for her purchase, though one of her eyebrows would appear raised in speculation. Unlike the appearance she was familiar with upon her gaining the sigil of the wolves, she noticed that his body appeared slightly more translucent than before. It was strange to her, a bewildering sight that caused her to reflect back on some of the things that she had spotted within her travels in the guild she had been in prior. There was someone that appeared just as translucent, though brilliant swirls of light and darkness encompassed their body as whisps, allowing them to fluctuate through the plains and its firm architectures. Lyra was completely unfamiliar with what magical abilities Tim was capable of wielding, if any at all, but considered it nothing more than a spectacular magical flare than anything else deeper. After all, her youngest sister was known to be able to bend light, crystalline, and the spectrum in between at will- perhaps it was something from the same school of magic. As she would listen to Tim speak her curiosity for the unknowingly undead spectacle would fade, outshined by the fairy dust that would pour from her wings and the large sips she would take of her smoothie.

    "Hi Tim~! Y- you didn't make me wait, I've enjoyed this little stroll through the flowers," she would speak calmly but still with a tiny stutter, blushing as she would look down at her baby bump, ".. it's been, what, n- nine months since we've seen each other..?"

    Smoothly running her hand across her stomach, which would unmistakenly appear pregnant to anyone familiar with how women appeared while bearing a child, she would continue to smile, excited to share the news with her fellow guildmate. Nobody really knew of her pregnancy other than her immediate family, being that she was gone so often on artifact retrieval jobs and would slip in and out of the guild in fairy form. Lyra was an introvert at heart, but as she neared closer and closer to when fairies hit the end of their holding of divine bright light, being their child, she could not help but show her excitement for what was yet to come in her life to anyone she found herself around. Though this was all stuff that she had experienced in her endeavors this past year- she wanted to find out more about what Tim had found himself embarking on, as it was most likely much more interesting than her magical item hunts. Gracefully as she could, the fairy would flutter her wings to allow her to briefly levitate only inches off the ground to lead her and Tim over to one of the available tables on the edge of the glistening gardens, being those cute round tables with two chairs made of wood and colorful cloth accents.

    ".. I'm sorry for keeping this such a surprise from our guild, but I'm only a week or two away from having my child," she would look down at her stomach and then back up at Tim, her colorful optics fluttering in excitement as she would begin to pick up a macaroon, ".. I'm planning on naming her Valerie- oh, y- you can have some of these if you want them by the way!"

    Pushing the box of strawberry macaroons toward her guildmate with a slightly embarrassed smile on her face, as she felt it was rude to not offer her friend some moments prior, she would begin to twiddle her thumbs in desperation for what she should say next. Laying off the substances was definitely the most shitty part of carrying out her pregnancy, though she firmly wanted the best for her daughter- even if she was a bastard child of the fairy prince of Valeriya. Having to hold in that secret was not the easiest, though it would remove all the controversy simply by holding her lips shut. Lyra had no interest in stirring the interwoven weave of the fairy throne and crown, nor have influence over it in the slightest. She had enough to deal with as is, being the alleged chosen one of their kind for an ancient prophecy- and she knew she couldn't ruin it due to a pastime of fulfilling royal selfishness.

    "Have you been on a- any interesting adventures this year?," she would curiously ask her companion to the party as she would see her fern kitty and eclipse frog run up to the table, "I've found quite the stache of artifacts on my trips. ✧"

    Lyra didn't want to seem too flashy by unveiling the weapons and magical items she found on her trips from her mystical holding bag just yet, especially as she wanted to hear what her friend had been up to first. Holding her hand out beside the table to be greeted by her blossoming fern kitty, which would jump up to rub its head on her hand, the spectral eclipse frog would hop up and onto her head to peer at Tim in curiosity as well, shamelessly as ever.

    post wc: 931
    total wc: 2,830/8,000
    tag: @Rodadnuf


    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ ZyLEllh


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ Empty Re: ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀

    Post by Rodadnuf 6th January 2023, 3:26 am

    There really is a noticeable difference between people who dabbled in magic and those who are neck deep being attuned to it. Blooms looked at Tim, as if she noticed something, before catching herself and went back to her slightly shy and gentle demeanor. Either she was already well aware of his odd state, or she naturally caught his slightly less physical appearance. But she shook the feeling off and instead greeted him with the same warmth since they last spoke to each other.

    “It’s been more than a few months, definitely.” Even though her outfit was keeping her as elegant as she always looked, he couldn’t help notice her baby bump. “I hope it wasn’t too taxing for you coming all this way while carrying the child around? It would have been very much alright for me to make a house visit instead.”

    The wizard listened to Miss Blooms apologize for her attempt at keeping her pregnancy a secret. Tim couldn’t help frown at her unneeded distress. Tim grasped her shoulder gently before she could stammer away any further.

    “Miss Blooms, please…you have nothing to feel sorry for.” Tim softened his expression and smiled at her. “Not only you’re needlessly stressing yourself out, I don’t think anyone from the guild would have this matter against you.”

    Having families and children around was not something foreign to Silver Wolf. Even if they were a wizard’s guild and practically isolated themselves away from civilization, guests bringing their families were very frequent. And among the guild’s circle were the some of the staff and wizard members being from the same family. Tim heard more than once about the guild mistress’ child, though he had not met them yet. There was also the Lore family but, again, Tim might have failed to properly introduce himself to them. Miss Bloom’s situation was not uncommon, at least from where Tim looked at things. Rather, having kept her child a secret from the guild was slightly more of a surprise than having one.

    Not that he was any better.

    Tim remembered his first instinct when he thought of the need to bring a child into the guild house not too long ago. When Tim had journeyed to Desierto to rescue villagers from Hargeon who were kidnapped, he met a street urchin. One thing led to another and when he finally needed to return back to Fiore, he didn’t abandon her. The desiertan child, Heba, was not his. It didn’t even occur to him to adopt her as his own, but he was keen on taking care of her. Currently, she became a ward for Tim’s old bosses, not unlike how he was taken in by them years ago.

    “Not to mention stress isn’t good for the future little miss—Valerie, you said?” Tim let go of his hand. “It’s a pretty name.”

    He took Blooms’ offer and picked up a macaroon. Champagne would have been a better fit to go along with this, though. He slowly munched the piece as he listened to the Fae talk about her trips, all while two creatures were eyeing him in curiosity. One of the two he recognized; the frog, who looked the same as ever. But the other, a kitten, was new to the wizard. He shot a knowing nod at the frog and caressed the kitten’s forehead with his finger.

    “Adventures, huh. I don’t know what would count as interesting to a Faerie…” Tim muttered to himself at his guild mate’s question. It seemed like everything happened all at once this year, even his end, but he didn’t meet with her to make her feel sorry for him. So, Tim opted to think about the job that didn’t end up with him barely living through it. “I went to the moon this year, literally. There was this interstellar vessel that picked me and another wizard up. We spent a good amount of time close to the moon.”

    “It’s probably the weirdest job I’ve taken. Though having Nita with me at the time made things a lot easier.” Tim chuckled to himself. “I don’t know if you know her. She’s from another guild…Luminous Rose, I think it was called?”

    Other than the Knights’ and council’s mandates, Tim never really met with any wizard from the different guilds in Fiore. It was to be expected, he was still far from an experienced wizard, after all. Tim never really delved into looking up the guild she was a part of, he never felt the need. But if they were a group that caught Nita’s eye, they either have an impressive record or a very charismatic guild master—or mistress.

    “These are pretty good.” Tim’s thoughts about his adventures were halted when he finally noticed he was gorging more of the sweets than he intended. He was pleasantly surprised about the macaroons! Even with the unusual pairing with the glass of spirit, it was pretty delicious.

    Post 822
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    ❀ wolves in the petals | w/ tim ❀ M7VWYFe

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:41 pm