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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Nekros 19th November 2022, 10:48 am

    “This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night. This is Halloween, everybody make a scene, Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright. It's our town, everybody scream in this town of Halloween. This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.”

    Indeed, this is Halloween! A night of fright and terror that spreads throughout all of Fiore. Children dressing up as ghouls and zombies, witches and animals infected with rabies. Traveling all across the country for treats, parties with meets and greets, all in the name of Halloween. Now different cultures celebrate for different reasons, for the dead, for the fun, or even just because it's just become tradition to dress up before bed. Tolglalen wasn’t any different, but it was more about business as usual around the docks than it should have been.

    However! One mage, a ghoulish and undeeeeeeeeeeaaaaddd man that runs the Exotic Emporium deep within the land! A place that collects and houses all sorts of exotic creatures from all over Earthland, to feed and entertain. This year was different than the rest, decorations littered the place, attractions and games populated all of the large open spaces. Fog and smoke blanketed the floor like a mighty pond of water. The haunted atmosphere was on point to both enjoy and fear. They had all the games and stalls from surprise potions to whacking ghouls with a hammer. Even the exhibits were decorated with haunted houses such as one that floats above the massive Basilisk pit, glass and fog keeping an air of mystery, and protection for the guests, about what was beneath.

    When nightfall hits, trick or treaters and all manner of guests flooded the zoo en masse. All having a good time and all from different corners of Fiore. Hours in, one half of the ownership of the emporium struck out on his own to enjoy the spooktacular as well. It was, afterall, the perfect time of year to let his other side out, a Mr. Hyde to his Dr. Jekyll if you will. Stepping out of his office, his face half mutated into an extraplanar visitor. The left side of his body, specifically, was gray and had a large red and glowing eye in place of a human like facade. Lips were connected by fleshy sinew strands that stretch and vibrate as he talked and mingled. Nava, his giant red panda, was also in spirit! His bright orange fur was painted to be that of a zombie version of himself, many of the children enjoyed the large, furry beast.

    Jaeger strolled up to the first activity he saw, a shell-like game making use of coffins and candy. The dealer was there to mix up and confuse the player who was there to simply guess where the candy was. It was a game of much skill and intuition! Were you skilled enough to keep visual track of the right coffin? Or does your gut tell and lead you to another? Or perhaps this night, the fabled G.O.A.T. of the carnival will make an appearance and both with mark the right box! Unfortunately, this wasn’t Jaeger, he relied more on his gut feeling than anything.

    “Go ahead, coffin man. Switch them up! I’ll get it on the first try.”

    The confidence was there, but will the hunches be on his side?  Only father time will tell, as he was the one running this game. The candy was placed in the middle coffin, closed, and then shuffled with a speed that only the gods could see. The suspense filled the air, all those watching tensed as the coffins slid across the table. Sweat beaded up and dropped down like  a rainy day as Jaeger gulped with anticipation.


    The coffins stopped. Three identical coffins rest upon the spooky table. Smoke and fog cloud around like a tablecloth. EVeryone went silent as JAegers hand slowly approached the left coffin.

    “Its… Its uh… this one!”

    His hand slaps the coffin and the Father Time figure, who now stands to look more like a grim reaper like a fellow, opens the coffin to reveal…..

    Nothing. The large crowd ‘Awwws’ with disappointment.

    “Well…. Oof"

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Secondary Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39188-extraplanar-force-god-slayer-lacrima
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t46448-halloween-spook-tacular
    Post Word Count: 699 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 699 words.
    Event WC: 699/4,000 words.

    Lineage : Scorched Earth
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,100

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Calliope 19th November 2022, 2:05 pm

    Rolling for Coffin Up Candy!



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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by NPC 19th November 2022, 2:05 pm

    The member 'Calliope' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Die_06_42164_sm

    Lineage : Scorched Earth
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,100

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Calliope 19th November 2022, 2:52 pm


    Calliope had never been to a zoo before, let alone a zoo during Halloween! She had always wanted to go to one, but unfortunately her life up until very recently had made it difficult to be in complete control of where she was at any given time. And while there was certainly still a lot going on and much processing to do, her life was arguably in a much better place now. Besides, what better excuse did she have to finally go to one than her daughter? Though the child was only a few months old, she was old enough to hold up her head and actually take in the world around her, so truthfully she was the perfect age for something like a petting zoo, or even just staring in fascination at the large beasts the zoo grounds housed.

    But with there also being a holiday going on, there was double the excitement! All available excess space around the property had been filled with various stalls hosting games and drinks, and all sorts of Halloween and fall themed activities. As always, Calliope was more than happy to simply wander and enjoy the sights, watching as various families enjoyed themselves with candy and prizes. Most of them were dressed up in some way, befitting of the holiday, and she hadn’t hesitated to join them! She’d found an adorable harlequin style dress that sported various black and pink panels, and had a big poofy skirt and sleeves. One leg had a pink and white striped stocking while the other was black and white, and her shoes and gloves were a mismatched pink and black as well. Even her eyes and hair were mismatched, though they were always like that, the pink and brunette locks tied up in loose, messy pigtails on either side of her head.

    Her daughter was fastened into a pouch on her chest that was designed to let Calliope carry her while also being able to have her hands free. The little girl was dressed up in a costume of her own made to look like a little witch, with short blonde hair and bright pink eyes that soaked in the atmosphere around them with interest as she babbled away.

    A small crowd caught her attention. Curious, she made her way over and managed to worm her way up to a front spot to see what all the fuss was about. Everyone was watching a young man – half of whose body was done up like it had been mutated into some kind of alien figure – playing some kind of shell game that had been gussied up in Halloween fashion with little coffins for the cups. The man was attempting to keep up with the movement of the coffins as they sped around back and forth. When they finally stopped he was asked to choose one of them, pointing at the left most coffin. The attendant running the game stood and dramatically flipped over the coffin to reveal it to be empty!

    The crowd around her let out a collective noise of disappointment. Meanwhile, the man in charge of the game was already looking for his next player. His eyes fell on Calliope, beckoning her forward. “You, there! The young woman with the adorable little witch. You look like you’d like to give this game a try! Maybe you’ll have more luck than the gentleman here!”

    She was a little surprised to be singled out, but with the encouragement of the crowd Calliope slowly approached the table with a shy smile. “So… what do I do?” she asked, looking back and forth between the game master and the man that had just played.

    “I’m going to put a piece of candy under one of these three coffins, and they’re going to shuffle around. When they stop moving, you just have to guess which one you think the candy is under. Find the candy, and you win!”

    “Well… I do like candy. I’ll give it a try!” She watched as he hid the candy beneath one of the coffins, and soon enough they were shuffling so quickly that Calliope earnestly had no idea where the prize had gone. Honestly, even if she still had her magic she wasn’t sure she’d been able to keep up with it! When they finally stopped moving, the perplexed look on her face would be more than enough to tell anyone watching that she had absolutely zero idea where the candy was. “Oh boy.. Um… I guess, maybe that one?” She pointed at the one on the far right. The man lifted up the coffin…

    And it was empty. Another round of disappointed “awwws” sounded around the crowd. With a rueful shrug, the short woman looked up to Jaeger with a somewhat sheepish expression. “This game is certainly a lot harder than it looks, isn’t it?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 813 | TAGS: @Nekros



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Nekros 28th November 2022, 7:55 am

    Rolling for Coffin Candy Up!

    Posts : 23945
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by NPC 28th November 2022, 7:55 am

    The member 'Nekros' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Die_06_42164_sm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Nekros 29th November 2022, 9:15 am

    How fitting for that of the Grim Reaper, Father time, to find another victim for their sick and twisted game! The old codger found another to try his activity of treachery, a young lass in harlequin. Not only that, but the baby. There was a baby involved! How could this gamemaster con his way into her heart and get her to play this? It was easy, the crowd helped! Everyone was in on it but Jaeger and this woman, the crowd just funneling anyone they can into trying their hands at fate.

    After enticing the woman into playing, the game master explained the game and how to play. Jaeger could see that she was intrigued by the candy and mystery. Then… the shuffle began. The sweet piece of candy was hidden well, the audience watching could see it well on her face. To the reaper running the stall, the half alien mage could almost see a sinister grin grow on his face. What could he gain by tricking people? It’s a free game! What else could it be but the disappointment of loss! The dissatisfaction of not getting candy by those that play. It was a cruuueeel plan.

    Time slowed as the time came for the game master to stop his dastardly shuffling and to let the hybrid haired girl pick a coffin. In Jaegers head, dramatic music played in the background, adding a more intense atmosphere to her choice. Buh buh, Buh buh, Buh buh. And so it was chosen, the far right coffin was to be the one opened; It was empty. The crowd aww’d in response, but they were all in on the ruse. The man's eyes squinted and narrowed to the gamemaster

    “Yeah, its uh… much trickier than it seems. This grim reaper is much faster than I anticipated when I hired him for the job.”

    The person remained silent, but grinned. Jaegers voice getting a little muffled on that last tid bit.

    “Though let’s see how good he is when put on the spot. Again gamemaster!”

    And the game master was already a step ahead and shuffling the coffins. As soon as Jaeger spoke, he slammed a hand down on one of the coffins to pick.

    “This one!”

    The audience gasped at the sudden pick. His grin widened, the stall runner slowly opened the coffin to show it was empty. The crowd went from high anticipation back to their Awwing once again.

    “Luck and fate were not on my side, it seems. Father Time here is good at his job…. At least. Maybe too good.

    However, Welcome to the Exotic Emporium! We have many more activities to partake in. Potion testing, dancing, or even whack-a-ghoul to a fun petting zoo of baby animals for the youngin’s.”

    Behind him, the crowd lifted their spirits and cheered! His immediate thought was that it was for him welcoming someone to the zoo. However, upon turning his head and getting the scene in the corner of his eye, it was someone at the coffin game  and winning. The grudge he now has with the person running that game is immense. Returning his gaze to other potential of this Halloween trickery.

    “As I was saying, Welcome! How have you found the zoo so far?”

    “Well…. Oof"

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Secondary Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39188-extraplanar-force-god-slayer-lacrima
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t46448-halloween-spook-tacular
    Post Word Count: 544 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 1,243 words.
    Event WC: 2,056/4,000 words.

    Lineage : Scorched Earth
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,100

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Calliope 29th November 2022, 5:53 pm

    Rolling for Witch's Brew!



    Posts : 23945
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by NPC 29th November 2022, 5:53 pm

    The member 'Calliope' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Die_03_42160_sm

    Lineage : Scorched Earth
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,100

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Calliope 29th November 2022, 6:19 pm


    Well, this man was quite suspicious that the game master had rigged the system, immediately electing to put the attendant on the spot by going another round. Calliope watched with vested interest as the coffins once more were shuffled about, the blonde haired man practically slamming his fist down with enthusiasm to pick again… only for the coffin to once again be empty. “Aw, darn..”

    He lamented losing a second time with a comment on the game host being perhaps a bit too good at his job. However, he wasn’t to stay down long as he launched into a small welcoming speech to Calliope about the zoo grounds, which he referred to as the Exotic Emporium. She watched him with eager eyes as he described various experiences that awaited her there, including dancing, drinking potions, and even a petting zoo. Both of their attentions briefly waned at a slight cheer of the crowd, and they turned to see that someone, somehow, had miraculously won the shell game! Calliope clapped a little to add her congratulations to the crowd’s before returning her mismatched gaze to the man, who asked how she had been enjoying the zoo so far.

    “Oh, it’s wonderful! I’ve never been to a zoo before. Are you the owner?” she could only assume that he was, or at least a member of the management, with the way that he was greeting her. With a bright smile, she offered her hand to him to shake. “My name is Calliope. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for hosting this festival, it really is exciting! I honestly don’t know where to even start! Though I do want to find the petting zoo eventually.” With a smile, she looked down at the child strapped to her chest. “I’m sure my little Meika here will love it!”

    “I don’t suppose you could show me where one of the potion stations are? I’d love to try one!” Presuming he was amenable to leading her to the location she’d mentioned, soon Calliope would find herself standing at a kiosk where a woman was dressed like a witch, cackling madly while stirring a color changing liquid in a large cauldron. The Luminous Rose mage was practically dancing on her toes in excitement, the sensation only growing as she saw people ahead of her in line having all sorts of fun and silly enchantments cast on them from imbibing the drink – enchantments she presumed were temporary. “Would you like to join me?” she asked her host, offering to get him a drink as well.

    If he wanted one, she would be sure to order two when she got to the front, making sure to hand it to him before taking her own. With a giddy wiggle, she took a big sip, letting the delicious punch quench her thirst as she smacked her lips in pleasure. “Ooooh, that’s delicious…”

    Then, before both of their eyes, her body began to morph. Her incredibly short body grew a few inches taller, her chest shrinking until it was flat under her dress and her hair becoming much shorter until she had been fully transformed into a young man, though still sporting the dress. “That’s a neat enchantment,” he said with a smile as he looked himself over. It was a little bit of a bummer, as Calliope could have transformed herself like this on her own anyway, but still – the man was doing his best to be a good host and she didn’t want him to feel disappointed!
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 593/1406 | TAGS: @Nekros



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Nekros 30th November 2022, 4:39 pm

    Rolling for the Witches Brew!

    Posts : 23945
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    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by NPC 30th November 2022, 4:39 pm

    The member 'Nekros' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Die_01_42158_sm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 471
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Adlinda
    Experience : 10,475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Nekros 30th November 2022, 5:14 pm

    How. Adorable. She was so proper and wholesome, polite and well mannered. Even when Jaeger, the owner of this magnificent zoo, was being a little curmudgeon, she clapped and celebrated someone's win at the coffin game. It was just absolutely delightful and refreshing to be around someone like this. It also made him glad that she found the zoo wonderful, he and Pandora had put a lot of work into building this place.

    “Ah, yes! Thank you. I am one the owners, Jaeger Nekros Kruger at your service.  I do have a partner that’s uh… seems to have scurried off for the night.”

    He said, looking around a bit to see if Pandora had been in the general area.

    “Well Miss Calliope, you're so welcome! A lot of these festivals are hosted on the mainland, but we have a lot to offer here on Tolgalen, especially with the zoo here!”

    He had moved around a bit to the open area and threw his arms up to gesture to the whole emporium and the island as a whole.

    “Ah, the petting zoo, it’s making its debut tonight and has been a huge hit with the kiddos so far.  We’re really proud of how big of a hit it has been!”

    Jaeger was quite excited for it as it has been a long project in the works. From having to breed the beasts and animals here at the zoo to being able to have enough small and toddler versions of all that one could see in the zoo.

    “Potion station, huh? Why of course I could, but we shall go in style.”

    With a small whistle, he summoned forth a large beast. One that came running and bouncing from wall to wall to plop and stop in front of the duo. It was a huge Red Panda. He was all fluffed up, fur colored in various greens and such to give a more zombie appearance, but still as adorable as ever.

    “We shall go back Nava back!This is Nava, my personal companion in life. Been with me through thick and thin. Loyal to the end!”

    Nava bent down and Jaeger helped Calliope, with her child Meiko, unto the back before hopping on as well. He took the lead spot to help guide Nava when needed, but the Red Panda’s nose should be able to navigate well to where they need to go.

    “Now Nava, to a potion stand!”

    Once the two, plus baby, were settled, the giant beast started going. Bobbed and weaved through the crowd. Of course, not quick enough to jostle or harm anyone in the way or that was riding him. Jaeger sat facing Calliope, back toward the front of Nava. A joyous smile across his face as they rode around the zoo. The furred panda ran into one of the haunted houses, a large one that sat over a domed enclosure. It was some sort of weird hedge maze, looked fairly small on the outside, but absolutely massive on the inside. There were various Halloween decorations pinned up. Fog floated around the glass floor that peered into the griffon habitat. Some of the creatures were playing with one another, others were trying to sleep. Looking at them though, it seemed like they didn't even know they were in an enclosure.

    After some time, they exited out with a flourish and ended up right in front of a potion stand. A witch took up housing here, her and her cauldron. People were all lined up, grabbing and taking their own potion, each coming with their own effect.

    “Ah, we’re here! Little detour via the Red Panda Express.This is one of many potion brew stands put up all over the Zoo. Go on, have a try!”

    The young lady looked so excited for her turn to try a potion. Before taking one for herself, she turned an asked Jaeger if he’d like to join in as well.

    “Oh? Hmmm why not. A potion for me as well!”

    The potion hit his lips, it was a fruit punch. Very delicious, but not very exciting for all those around him. Everyone else was getting blue vision, floating, or even to swap genders! It made beautiful women into hot dudes and dudes into hot women. It was weird and confusing, especially for the parts down below. It didnt know what to do with itself. For himself though, he was gonna put his own twist on it. Once he set the bottle down, his body started to get darker and hardened. He was eventually crystallized with black crystal. He did his best not to move and posed in some dramatic way. When light hits him, a rainbow reflects in the gleam, it was very pretty.

    The witch cackled and exclaimed ‘Got him!’. After moments pass, allowing for all the audience to see, respond, and gasp. He dropped his elemental gem form and returned to his usual self, which many didnt know was liquid metal.

    “My my. How absolutely wicked of you witch!”

    Looking down, he could see that Calliope had turned into a Calliobro.

    “The villains of this zoo are here en mass! Even changing poor Calliope into… Calliobro. Does the treachery know no bounds!?”

    Jaeger spouted, really trying to play up the theatrics and make it like some sort of story line.

    Character: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17477-onyx-moon-jaeger-nekros-kruger
    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17614-nekros-primary-the-great-tree-ark
    Secondary Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39188-extraplanar-force-god-slayer-lacrima
    Lineage: Custom Lineage: The Sinful Horseman.
    Spell(s) Used: -
    Active Effects: -  
    Remaining MP: 300MP
    Total MP: 300MP
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t46448-halloween-spook-tacular
    Post Word Count: 891 words.
    Total Nekros WC: 2,134 words.
    Event WC: 3,5406/4,000 words.

    Lineage : Scorched Earth
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,100

    Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.] Empty Re: Nightmare on Zoo Street. [Halloween Event: Nekros & Calliope.]

    Post by Calliope 30th November 2022, 7:48 pm


    The young mother audibly gasped out loud as a large animal unlike anything she’d ever seen before came rushing to Jaeger at his call. Her eyes went absolutely wide at the sight of the bear like creature, and there were practically stars in her irises. “Oh my gosh! He’s so cute!! Can I pet him??”

    Presuming Jaeger would indicate that it was okay to do so, Calliope wasted zero time in approaching the red panda, letting it sniff her hands to get a feel for her scent before running her fingers through his thick, currently dyed green, fur with all the excitement of a child. “Wow, he’s so soft..! I wish I could have a companion like this.” She’d never had a pet before, mostly because she’d never been able to settle down long enough to do so. Up until recently, she’d spent nearly her entire life experiencing regular periods of frightening blackouts and waking up in brand new places with no idea how she’d gotten there. As such, she’d never really had the stability of a home nor any of the comforts that could come with one. But perhaps now she could finally get one? It was something she hadn’t stopped to consider, but now she was giving it some serious thought!

    She happily accepted Jaeger’s help getting up onto Nava’s back, wiggling in her seat and squealing quietly in delight as the large beast began its trek through the crowd toward the nearest potion stand. The smile on her face was without reservation as she eagerly took in the sights of the festival grounds while they made their way through, as though she were in some kind of backward parade where the people on the sides of the road were the attractions to see, and she in the “vehicle” was the observer. The panda even ducked through a corn maze of some kind that was filled with fog and all sorts of creepy and fun decorations. Calliope had to be mindful not to fall off the back of the beast as she leaned forward with excessive curiosity to watch the maze game as they passed through it.

    Before long, they were at the drink stand and he was agreeing to her offer to join her in consuming a potion. Even as her body began to morph into that of a man’s, Jaeger’s began to get dark and hardened into some kind of crystalline form. Blinking, Calliope peered at him. “Mister Jaeger? Are you okay..?” She would give him a small poke. Then, she would stare in wonder as a wayward strobe light hit his body, reflecting the light in the full spectrum of the rainbow. “Ooo, pretty!”

    A moment later, after a small crowd had gathered to witness the spectacle, the form dropped and he return to normal. With a wide smile, Calliope clapped as eagerly as she had been all night, genuinely pleased with the trick. Then, he played up the theatrics more about her gender change. She giggled merrily, an odd sound with her more boyish voice. “It’s quite alright. I’m having plenty of fun! Besides, I am quite used to being able to change my body.” Before his eyes, she used what little she had left of her magic to morph her body once more, growing a long elephant’s trunk from her nose and giving a small trumpet to Meika, the little girl babbling and giggling as she touched the animalistic appendage.

    With another laugh, Calliope reverted back to her base form, a woman once more. The music caught her attention and she turned her head to look at the nearby area where a small space had been cleared out for people to mingle and relax while listening to various halloween songs. There was even a small space for dancing. “Ooo, do you want to dance?” Clearly she was a woman that was extremely comfortable around strangers, with an innocent disposition that viewed everyone she didn’t know very well as nothing less than a friend she simply hadn’t made yet. Calliope took him eagerly by the hand and gently led him to the dance floor where she would casually move around to the beat of the music, holding Meika’s hands and helping the little girl “dance” with them in the sling.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 717/2123 | TAGS: @Nekros


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:41 pm