Fairy Tail RP

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    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 1460
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,311

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer


    Post by Ray Jyx 29th October 2019, 4:20 am

    'Halloween in Hargeon!' is what the grand signs read at the main entrances to the town, which hardly looks like itself. The entire ocean-side location appears to have been put under a witchy spell, completely transforming it into a spooky city even the undead would be proud to call home! A full moon bathes the whole area in eerie brightness that can never quite stave off the darkness, so enchanted candles and lanterns seeming to belong to the grim reaper himself have been given orders to float all around to light the way for the much-anticipated guests, accompanied by exquisitely carved jack-o'-lanterns edging every road and alleyway. Distant shrieks echo from around corners off the beaten path on the way in. Are they from spirits, or children playing pranks? Purple ribbons emblazoned with glittering black bats swag between each ominously flickering street lamp with large bows tied at each post that flutter in a non-existent breeze. All costumed individuals will be admitted by a towering patchwork monster-bouncer with bolts in his neck, and once inside are welcome to partake of the festivities held within... but perhaps only the brave will chance it on his hauntingly magical night.

    Along the boardwalk near the piers, Hargeonites have set up the main festivities. More pumpkins grace this area with their warm glows, most carved like the rest on the paths, though some hold the likenesses of the mages kind enough to gather so many on the jobs offered in the days before the grand event. They're stacked into pyramids of various sizes between bleak vendor tents and entertainers set up long the lengthy path. Some sell snacks so good they'll haunt your dreams, while others sell cursed items and magic charms. Ghastly clowns on stilts juggle fireballs and chase any who show fear. A gaunt man with fake blood smeared all over his face swallows swords. Acrobats in skeleton leotards flip and soar, sometimes spitting fire in the process. Zombie-ran stalls are dispersed throughout with creepy games where you try to knock down shrunken heads with apples, or throw axes to decapitate a precariously flailing zombie hanging from a rope. Dare you step up to let a toothless psychic read your palm? Or will you head down an alley to a haunted house? Or maybe petting the adoptable black cats brought in from Mathilda's Feline Shelter is more your speed? If all the hustle and bustle is too much for the introverted souls, head out onto the docks and pick out one of the many ghost ships bobbing in the inky waters and take on more of a spectator's role.

    Closer to the bubbling black-water fountain that fills the area with purple mist at the center of the long walkway, a massive stage appearing to be made of bones has been erected, already filled with instruments idly playing themselves to provide some creepy music for the attendee's wicked enjoyment. All around the fountain is clear of tents and other festivities save for a long, narrow tent of black canvas that serves as the bar, serving up perfectly terrifying concoctions to liven up the evening for those who need a little mystical social lubricant. The open, misty space is surrounded by green, purple, and orange lights that dance around as the ghostly announcer soon invites attendees to do the same. Once the night is properly started and the crowds are thick, the instruments playing themselves will suddenly crash to the ground, and the best musicians in all of Earthland will assemble in their best costumes, just to put on one of the most anticipated concerts of the year! Feel free to crowd around the stage to watch, or take to the edges to dance, should the spirit possess you.

    One thing's for certain, there are enough thrills and chills for all involved. Hargeon is the place to be this Halloween! They've spared no expense and planned everything to a terrifying T...except for that lingering black fog. It rolls in on its own and provides a little extra chaos to those who fall victim, perhaps conjured by an extra powerful mage or just a natural ghostly phenomenon. One thing's for sure, mages who investigated a black powder last Halloween might find it awfully familiar...




    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:


    Post by Sanguine 29th October 2019, 2:48 pm

    Errings Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 720 words
    Tagged: @tagged
    Muse: undead
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    Never one to normally venture out on her own, there was a temptation to go out to have herself a good time. Be it by herself or happen to just get to know others was something rather tempting to the maid. Besides, one wouldn't question a person approaching a Halloween costume festival dressed as a maid. The luxury of owning normal attire was something still a little foreign to her as well, however this time it was different. To fit in normally was a little more of a comforting thought outside of being stuck within a castle less dragged out by a collar and chain like she normally had been. This time it was she who was dragging herself out by the collar and chain and whether she liked it or not, she would make the best of it. For whatever reason, it felt like a necessity that she do this in this particular fashion.

    It must have been rubbing off on her though. The need to be punctual to the letter with time was so ingrained into her mind at this point, anything with a time constraint was more than likely going to never going to fail. There were little to no reason why she would ever be worried as to why she would have any issues with going, aside from now the social awkwardness of being the first person to it as far as attending guests had come. Several people whom she presumed lived in Hargeon had continued to set themselves up for the last minute minor decorations worked hard and quick to do so as the maid continued her way past them. She found it to be a little more curious as to why nobody that she saw yet was early like she had been, but she quickly brushed it off and let off a shrug. It wasn't too big of a deal, simply putting it into other context made it easier to get through the reasons and focus on having a good time.

    Now, Sanguine was never one to make a spectacle of herself, but this was something that ended up becoming something she never truly hoped would happen. Instead, the blood slayer looked around and went right to the refreshment table. She poured herself a cup of the punch and headed towards the fountain. Something had drawn her to the spectacle that was the fountain. It was different, unique, and certainly bewildering. Needing to take her mind off of things, she closed her eyes and let the running water help calm her down while she took a sip of her drink. While she had taken her drink, the black fog had snuck up on her and left her with little choice to inhale as she drank. Abruptly, the maid had to stop as she was beginning to cough from having the liquid travel down the wrong pipe when the continuing fog caused her to trip into the fountain.

    The splash had drawn attention to her for sure. The fog had lifted just as she fell in and as she popped out, her hands made a wet splat onto the side. She pulled herself out, but was now soaked. Going to step out of the fountain, she had miscalculated her step and again, fell over, only this time she'd fallen onto the solid ground with no water to break it. Her head felt dizzy for sure and as she stood up, her outfit was completely dry. Pink? Her head tilted seeing the color she wore, unable to remember wearing the color at all. Now the red hair she had was shorter and curled almost perfectly tight, but this was long and straight, toned into a yellow/orange shade of color. Wait... She didn't have that hair since she was a teen- No.. She had no recollection of her childhood at all.

    Whatever was going on left her puzzled, her hands gripping onto her own twintails, one in each hand. She looked like a young, lost teen whom got lost in her own thoughts or just found out her favorite boy band was a lie... ok, maybe not that badly. In reality, every memory previously wiped from her mind was flooding back into her head. She was somewhat normal again, but for how long was the question.



    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Amalie 29th October 2019, 5:49 pm

    Amalie strode through the streets of Hargeon in her costume, it had taken her quite some time to find this outfit. But considering her usual nature, she felt it carried a sense of irony. The large white wings protruding form her back, the lacey white dress that hung down to the midst of her thighs, the glowing halo accessory that hovered above her head. Normally, she might have gone for something a little 'darker' in nature, like a devil or a witch. But given her circumstance as a commander of a legal guild permitted to kill, and her situation with Anima, she thought it was rather a statement to dress as an angel to everyone and herself. Not to mention, even for an angel dress, it was still subtly seductive. Cut teasingly low, with patterns cut into the side of the dress, covered in shear last to offer a teasing view of the skin of her hips and waist. She hoped Johann would like it, wherever he was.

    As she ventured deeper into the streets, she noticed a street bar, smirking. She decided she would move in that direction, getting herself a small drink before going to meet her partner. However as she walked, a thin stream of black smoke wafting past her, sifting into her nose and mouth as she breathed. She would cough as it hit her throat, stopping in her tracks as she waved her hand to move the smoke away. She continued forward toward the bar, as she did so, her body began to change. Unbeknownst to her, she would grow smaller and smaller, her features de-aging at an accelerated speed. The dress now hanging all the way past her feet, yet she wouldn't notice, just continue her confident stride forward. She reached the bar, confused as to why it was suddenly so much larger than it had appeared only moments ago. Maybe it was a trick, a halloweeny feature? Weird but ok. As she attempted to hoist herself up onto the bar stool, she nearly toppled over, barely managing to scramble herself onto the seat. She turned to the bar, waiting for the server to look over to her, she saw them glance in her direction but found herself irked as they chose to serve someone else. This continued a few times, turning Amalie's expression into a sour scowl at this point. "Excuse me! What does a girl need to do to get some service here?" She barked irritably. Huh, that was weird, did her voice sound different? Higher-pitched maybe? The barman looked over, his own scowl mimicking hers as he approached. "Yes?" He would ask.

    "I'd like an Amaretto Sour please, actually make that two, I need it after you kept me waiting so long." The barman rolled his eyes, reaching down into his mini-fridge, he would pull out two juice boxes. "Are you kidding me?" She snapped, getting angry now. The barman sighed, "As much as I'd like the cash, I don't serve alcohol to kids, but if you wanna play pretend, here. Here's two 'amaretto sours'." She looked at in him disbelief, baffled that he was being so rude, plus who was he calling a kid.

    "Very funny, but I'm not in the mood to play with you. So can you serve me the drink I asked for?" The barman rolled his eyes, "Listen brat, this whole big girl act is adorable, but I'm not serving you alcohol. I could lose my licence, either take the juice boxes or I'll call the Rune Knights to escort you back to your parents." Her eyes narrowed, she glanced at the juiceboxes. Normally, she would never had accepted this, but for some strange reason, she suddenly really wanted the juice. She glanced back up at him, something washed over her. Something she hadn't felt in a long time, an almost irrational anger."You, mister, are an ass. I'm twenty seven years old, so when I ask you for jui- alcohol, you damn well better serve it to me!  She snapped, He sighed, shaking his head as he made his way around the bar. As he did so, Amalie realised just how big the man was. In fact, he was huge, three times the size of her. How was he so tall?

    She hopped off of the barstool, turning to face him, despite his overbearing height. She still looked up to him determinedly, hands on her hips. "Alright kid you asked for this." He reached down to grab her, she jumped back, bringing her leg up before stomping down hard on his foot causing him to cry out in pain. She turned to the bar, reaching up, she swiped the two juice cartons off the counter and ran. Rushing away through the festival, giggling airily. After a little while of running, she had distanced herself far enough from the bar that it was safe. Opening up the juices, she would sip on them casually as she explored. Where was Joh-Joh? She wanted to see him, see him and give him a big squeeze. She finished slurping her second carton, throwing it away in a trashcan. She yawned, suddenly really sleepy, she was tired. Maybe from the running? She decided to rest her legs a little bit, finding a bench, she slid onto it. Sitting there, swinging her legs idly. She yawned once again, stretching her arms, she laid down against the seat, tucking her legs behind her. Maybe just a little nap would be okay, whilst she waited for Joh-Joh. She thought as she closed her ice blue eyes. And just like that, a few minutes later, she would be fast asleep.

    Amalie's WC: 933




    Post by Guest 29th October 2019, 9:39 pm

    Zhang had been hearing talk of there being a Halloween festival in the quaint port town of Hargeon as of late, and if what many of his patients had been telling him was to be believed, it was quite a medley of sights and sounds. Naturally, his usual introverted nature was overridden by his even more powerful curiosity, and so, he had decided to head out to Hargeon to check it out. Of course, attending a Halloween festival probably meant that he had to pick some sort of costume to wear for the occasion.

    "Huh...I guess I could just pretend to be dressed up as a deranged physician-scientist...I certainly do look the part to some degree..."

    He thought to himself as he checked out his appearance and current attire in the mirror in his bedroom.


    After a few seconds, as he was satisfied with his looks, he headed off at a nice, leisurely pace to take the public transport to Hargeon. After a few hours, he was dropped off near the entrance to the town at which point he got down, gave the driver his fare and then started to walk into town.

    "My my...it does indeed look like a party out here...

    As thoughts such as these swirled in his mind, he walked along at the same leisurely pace as per his usual preference. While walking along, he eventually got lost in his thoughts for a while until suddenly, he started to cough for some reason. Almoat immediately, he snapped out of his thoughtful stupor and looked about in an attempt to find the cause for his sudden onset cough. It didn't take too long to find said cause...given that it was swirling all around him at present. Said cause was a sort of strange black fog which seemed to be pervading everything else around him as well.

    "Wh..What in heaven's name IS th-this s-stuff?!

    He exclaimed while coughing some more despite his best attempts to stave it off and look like his usually stalwart self. It didn't seem to be related to the festivities since the passersby who were also unfortunate enough to get caught in its clutches didn't seem to be expecting it either. Furthermore, some were actually affected by it in strange ways...some were de aged...while others were genderbent...

    Sadly, he didn't have time to worry about them as he too started to feel the effects of this fog. his whole body which was on the slimmer side of the build spectrum, now had started to mutate ina really grotesque way. He struggled to maintain control, but alas...it was to no avail, as the effort caused him to pass out on the streets of Hargeon.

    After several hours, the person that had been Zhang woke up in the heart of Hargeon Town. However, unbeknownst to him, a rather egregious change had taken place in him, one that affected both his form and personality. As he got up from his resting place, some of the people around him seemed to be backing away while others were staring at him openly

    What the...? What the hell are they staring at?"

    He wondered, completely at a loss since he had no memory of what happened to him in the past several hours. Soon, his temper got the best of him since the people were still staring unabashedly at him as though he were some freak of nature in a zoo of abnormal creatures.

    "Whatchu gawking at, you maggots?! Scram unless you wanna get beaten to a bloody pulp!!

    Upon hearing that insanely loud, guttural, and belligerent roar, the onlookers finally scattered, leaving him to his own devices at last. He sighed, muttering under his breath

    "Damn those punks...treating me like i am some freakshow...how rude...

    As he swore and cursed some. more u der his breath in this vein, he got up and started to wander about, looking for a mirror so he could try to see what was so strange about his looks that it could frighten the masses around him that much. Sadly, he didn't find any, and as if that wasn't bad enough, his head was hurting badly as though someone had decided to use a jackhammer on it. From. past experience, he knew that the only thing that could soothe him when he was feeling this miserable...was some nice strong alcohol. He looled about and finally found a streetside bar that looked halfway decent. So he headed off in that direction and soon reached it.

    "Yo barkeep...couldja get me a martini cocktail? 3 ounces  of Gordon's gin, 1 ounce of vodka, and 1/2 an ounce of dry vermouth, make it Lillet...shaken, not stirred...after that garnish it with a big lemon peel, if you would."

    The barkeep was staring at him, but this time Zhang or rather the personality that was dominant now, aka Stein, finally got to know why. He took a look in the large mirror opposite where he sat down

    "Geez...no wonder i keep gettin' gawked at...I look...hideous..."


    He shook his head and turned his attention back to the barkeep who was staring nervously at him.

    "Hey pal...don't worry, I am not some deranged madman/monster..at least I won't be...so long as you get me that martini cocktail i asked for just now."

    His voice was still pretty deep and guttural, almost like that of a wild animal, much to his dismay. So, he fell silent so as to not freak the bartender out too much and began the wait for his special martini cocktail, wondering why his form looked the way it did now.


    Post WC: 934

    Personal Total WC: 934
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3693
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:


    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 29th October 2019, 11:54 pm

    Wearing the same Valkyrie costume that she had worn to the West Fiore Trading Company party, Leona passed through the gate that separated her from the Hargeon Halloween festival. She could tell that the town had went all the way with the decorations for the festival. There were jack-o-lanterns lining the docks and specially made paper lanterns sitting on little discs floating in the water. There were stalls of all kinds manned by people dressed as zombies; their costumes and makeup were so good that the blonde was momentarily concerned that she might be at ground zero for the Hargeon Zombie Outbreak. There was even an elaborate stage made of bones where playing instruments floated in the air... it reminded her of the Autumn Jamboree from almost two years ago.

    Leona walked along the length of the pier and paused at the sight of the lower docks, where she had her career-defining struggle with the serial killer Jacob Goodnight. It was career-defining because the numerous wounds he had dealt to her during the fight landed Leona in the hospital. The fight with him convinced her that she needed to quit going it alone and join a guild for support. That new focus in turn led to the chance meeting with Leila Vergious and then to her membership in Silver Wolf. It might be safe to say that if she had easily won the fight with the bald serial killer instead of nearly dying, she might be a Guildless mage to this day.

    Leona felt the wind blow the long braided hair of her costume wig around and noticed that the wind began to slowly pick up as if building strength for a forceful gust. She instantly clamped her hands to her sides to keep the dress from flipping up like it had outside the West Fiore Trading Company headquarters when she went there for its Halloween party. Leona felt the wind blow hard and the fabric of the white dress with a red border try to lift up, but her hands pinned it in place and the dress only exposed her knees when it flipped up. Relieved that nothing more had been exposed, Leona removed her hands from the dress and smoothed out the wrinkles just as a cloud of black fog rolled in and hit her squarely in the face.

    Leona instinctively closed her eyes and began to cough violently, doubling over and almost lurching off the side of the pier. When she recovered, she looked at the lower docks again and saw someone, someone who had not been there before. It was a man, a bald man wearing a blood-stained butcher's apron and white t-shirt with dark pants and brown work boots. Leona's eyes widened as the stranger waved at her with his left hand while holding a well-used butcher knife in his right hand.

    It was Jacob Goodnight!

    How could it be him?

    She had killed him months ago. He was dead. The police had taken his body to the morgue.

    But here he was, alive and well.

    Leona hurried to the stairs leading to the lower docks and hustled down them to confront Jacob for a second time. She braced herself for him to stride towards her for a fight, but the bald butcher only turned to face her with a wide smile on his face. Leona rushed to within twenty paces of him and paused. Why was he not attacking her with everything he had?

    "Hey girly. It's been awhile. I've been wanting to talk to you." Jacob said to her as if he was talking to an old friend. Leona was disturbed by his friendly attitude towards the person who killed him.

    "I've been watching you from the other side, girly. You've been doing good for yourself. When we met you were just some two-bit mage looking to play hero and make a name for herself, but now look at you! You're a Wizard Saint and you run a guild!" He congratulated her on her meteoric rise from no-name mage to the toast of Earthland with a tone of paternal pride. The Wizard Saint was at a loss for words and took some time to finally muster a response.

    "But... I killed you! How... how did you come back?" Leona asked him after partially getting over her disbelief. His only response was a deep, booming laugh that made Jacob clutch his large stomach. Once he recovered he answered the question.

    "Girly, I never really died. You see, so long as one person remembers you, just one, anyone at all, you never die. Thanks to you and the good people of Hargeon Town, I'm gonna live forever." He answered readily. Leona was struck by how philosophical the statement was. She was also stunned by the fact it came from a man like him. She was also struck by the truth of the statement, but she did not have time to engage in a debate with the bald butcher, who began to slowly fade away.

    "Well girly, it's been great catching up with you, but I've gotta get going. Say hi to your other friends for me!" Jacob Goodnight bade her farewell with a friendly wave before blinking out of existence.

    Leona blinked. What "other friends" was he talking about? In the distance behind where Jacob stood she spotted an obese man in burgundy robes walking in front of a slimmer man wearing burgundy robes with gold trim and brown leather boots. Both men were walking towards her.

    Leona's stomach turned a flip.

    The men were Bladdi Maccoi and Mutura of the Sands!

    Mutura was making good on his vow to return and make another bid for world conquest. But how? Leona had no clue.

    Tonight was going to be a long night.

    Leona's Costume:

    [Post Word Count: 1,008]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,008]



    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)


    Post by Guest 30th October 2019, 6:03 am

    She had no idea what was going on but ever since she’d inhaled that weird black powder, the pink haired girl just couldn’t help but run around like a mad girl. Ok, she was always a little mad but there was something a little different today. Dressed in a cat costume, Cierra was sprinting through the streets, giggling like crazy and making a mess of all of the stalls that she came across. There was no rhyme or reason as to why, it was just for fun and she couldn’t give any less of a shit as to what any of the stall owners thought. She’d always loved Halloween and the vampire slayer was going to make the most of it this year. The girl would hop, skip and jump with the grace and agility of a feline and anyone who tried to stop her fun would usually end up getting scratched.

    “Meow!” she shouted, leaping up and stealing a drink from a woman who was walking past her, before downing it in one go and going about her way. It tasted great and was clearly alcoholic, causing the girl’s pupils to dilate and making her even more nutty. The woman would scream and run for her life, causing the girl to laugh, before turning around and chasing after the woman for a while. “Come back here and have some fun with me,” Cierra said with a giggle, “I’ll let you rub my belly and stroke my fur if you want! We’ll have a purrrrrfect evening!” It didn’t quite have the effect that she thought it would, with the woman shouting about her being a drunk kid or something, which made no sense to her. Kid? Her? She was eighteen now and by no means an innocent child.

    Confused, Cierra would let the woman go and then head towards the centre of the town, where she knew a large fountain was and looked down into the water, jumping about a foot when she saw her reflection. The woman hadn’t been kidding at all and the girl in the water didn’t seem to be any older than 5 or 6. Raising an eyebrow, she’d stare at herself for a few moments and then just burst out laughing. “Fantastic!” she’d shout, clapping her hands, or paws with the costume, “I’ve got to make the most of this while I have the chance. Fun awaits!”

    Without wasting a moment, she’d spin around on the spot and after admiring her new look the best she could, the child would then start to hurry off again, a look of mischief in her eyes. Maybe she could find a friend or two to toy with for the day or perhaps find someone to use a scratching post. That second thought caused her to shake her head, finding it a little weird but with a shrug, she just went with it and the sound of her giggling could soon be heard again as she began to search for a suitable target.

    (505 Words)
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2592
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin


    Post by Mura Kensho 30th October 2019, 10:14 am

    12 Year Old Mura:
    ”Hmmmmmmh… now, just bring me your hand, and I’ll read what you cannot see,” the crook-backed, toothless lady said, offering a hand to rest his own on. He did as told and awaited her… well, return to the conscious world, for the moment she touched his hand, her own eyes went blurry and lifeless. Seeing the future always had something to do with blinding oneself, didn’t it? Kanix was no different; she had been permanently blind for reasons unknown, but her keen tarot reading and soothsaying were invaluable. It had been… a while since he last had his future read by a sorceress.

    Previously, when he entered Hargeon Town, he quickly took notice of the black powder. The shaman was way too familiar with it, for it reminded him of the Moon Dust from a previous Halloween that did stuff to him. Bad stuff. Stuff that he didn’t want to replicate. And if he remembered correctly, he could minimize the effects with Hades’ magic, exploiting its dark nature to nullify the worst outcomes. It, uh… it resulted in this weird scene where Mura switched between a 10-year old body of his ad his actual, present form. It required quite the focus to keep himself safe from the effects of the powder, for it was imprinted with insanely strong seals that his magic couldn’t completely break on its own.

    For now, though, he had been his 19-year old self for a while now. It was all about focus, right? That was also why he hurried over here, to this soothsayer’s place, where he assumed that no ghosts would be present. The cartoony ones that he hated so much…

    “Oh dear… your past was no normal one, even for a wizard,” the soothsayer spoke, “And your blood is so… oh no, w-wha-“ Sadly, his séance ended rapidly with the soothsayer backing away in fear complimenting the time of the year. She looked dreadful, scared for life. Mura simply looked up at her in confusion, enough lack of concentration to transform back to the 10-year old body again. “What was that all abou- oh, damn it! Not again…!” he moaned in annoyance. This mist-like place ruined every Halloween Festival of his, didn’t it… he should’ve stayed home this year.

    The lady explained to him that she saw nothing but mean gazes and overwhelming oppression stomping on her neck like that of a tyrant. She could feel the heel of another entity terrorize her as long as he even looked at Mura. It couldn’t be Kyuken or Zirconis, for they were just as confused to the whole ordeal as Mura was. Out of worry for the old lady, Mura decided to leave her be and ventured outside again, embracing the misty atmosphere of Hargeon’s Halloween Festival.

    He took a deep breath - bad choice, that only made the effects of the black powder stronger - and began channeling magic until he had gathered enough to cancel the curse put upon him. His body grew back up to normal, and he slowly opened his eyes and walked with a stern look on his focusing face.

    He needed a break. Eyeing a nearby seat, he sat down and exhaled heavily, only to transform to that 10-year old version of himself. He felt strangely comfortable in this young, small form, but his overall appearance was still not so much different from his older self; he still had the duck tail, gi and cloak, and also his Wizard Saint Badge on his belt. But in this form, he also felt a lack of magical control, for he couldn’t sense many people around him when he was that young. As a matter of fact, all the attention to the ‘focus’ and the strange, annoying mist, had distracted him from the small girl who was heavily asleep right next to him.

    “… Oh no,” Mura whispered under his worried breath. Zirconis followed up quickly with the pace of a comedy show: “I can smell juice from her… low-quality.” “Who thinks that she’s also affected by- wait, we don’t have time to play around right now! Mura, listen to me-“ Kyuken suddenly broke into the conversation and pushed his spirit ball face up to Mura’s confused face, “You’ve seen this mist before! We can’t have whoever’s playing with people’s bodies stroll around so freely! We need to find them!”

    “A-Alright, alright… they never seemed to harm us directly, but I’m sick and tired of being played with myself, you know,” Mura replied dryly. Truly, being at the oblivious end of the play was as irritating as it could get. “It could be that Night Lady again… or the Pumpkin Lord. They’re the only two Halloween nerds that I can imagine would pull this off every year…”

    WC: 796
    Personal TWC: 796

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 4th November 2019, 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Post by Thagirion 3rd November 2019, 3:46 pm


    After killing the pumpkin spirit.. or monster, or whatever it was, Solmar had gone by the village to let the farmers know that it was safe for them to return to their home as their land had been cleansed of the evil taint. Having always been somewhat touchy around the time of Samhain, as it was the period in which spirits, demons and fairies had a much easier time crossing between worlds as the boundaries were weakened, events such as the pumpkin spirit popping up and starting a whole issue were not uncommon. Ever since his own Sidhé and Fomoiré blood had become apparent to him, it was as if he was suddenly a lot more susceptible to such things, which might have explained something in regards to how his fire magic had suddenly become so much stronger during the time of the summer solstice when fighting Cernunnos. Not sure whether the two things were related at all, all he could really think about was his next job, which was why he had originally come towards Hargeon. Though taking on jobs was nothing new to him, as the whole “wandering mage” thing had more or less been his thing for a few years now, something about the current one piqued his interest.

    For some reason, something in the water had been corrupting the fish in a nearby fishing sector not far from the city. Claiming that the fish were getting a lot more violent and bloodthirsty, grew to twice or sometimes three times their regular sizes and started decomposing quickly after being killed, the local fishermen were facing somewhat of a crisis. So when Solmar made his way over to the city, he hadn’t exactly expected the people there to be as festive as they were. Upon entering the village, all it really took were a few moments of looking around to see that the citizens had been going all out in terms of decorating for the whole “Halloween” thing. Funnily enough, most people that were dressing up or placing scary things in front of their homes and in their streets had no idea that this custom was also used in the past to scare away lesser spirits and fairies. Keeping them from spreading their mischief, they were usually frightened and moved on to another place they considered to be less scary in order to go about their misery business, which was obviously incredibly funny to them. Lost in thought as he passed through the city, he did not even notice that something was going on.

    And something was clearly going on with him, he just didn’t know it yet.

    As he pondered on what might be making the fish so violent and what made people want to spend a lot of money and invest a ton of effort into something silly as Halloween, he had started shrinking down to almost half his original size. By the time his nose picked up on a strange scent lingering around the city, it was at that point that he noticed the smoke hovering above the ground, as well as his own reflection, which startled him most of all. Bringing his hands to his face to see if what he was seeing was the effect of some stupid trick mirror or not, it seemed that what he was seeing was nothing short from the truth. He had become a child. Aside from his body having shrunk, he could hear how his voice had gone along with it, sounding like ten year old boy. Whether this was something that had been done to him by one of the fairies or spirits that were undoubtedly going about their mischievous business in the city or something that had been done by one of the local mages, he wanted to figure out how to undo it. Looking around, he saw how there were other kids walking around the cities’ streets. At this point, he wasn’t sure which were really kids and which people had become kids the same way he had become one.

    At the risk of talking to a kid and scaring it by being considered a weirdo, Solmar looked around to see which one might be the easiest out of the bunch to get to. When his heightened hearing picked up on one of the kids whispering the words “Oh no”, he figured that reaching out to that one in particular might be a good idea. And if he was wrong, well, at this point, they were all kids that could just pretend they were playing some kind of stupid game. It was the perfect cover.

    Hey you, are you a kid or a grown man?

    Sir Leonard
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    Post by Sir Leonard 5th November 2019, 2:25 am


    Leo had to make it up to Lina for spending Halloween with other people back in Magnolia due to a job the required to be taken by numerous mages. Fortunately for him, Hargeon has hosted a large Halloween party: stalls, fortune tellers, ghostly decors, the works. And so, once again he had his daughter beside him and this time, they were facing to the wind while they were on a tall building's balcony where there the owner was more than happy to oblige the father and daughter duo who appear to be wearing matching costumes as superheroes. Lina tried to keep on a serious face while they held their poses only to burst giggling after a few seconds at how cool they looked but mostly because she was spending time with her father again. Indeed, Leo tried to be there for Lina as much as he can. Coming to her practices and making sure they celebrate the holidays together which the little girl appreciated very much.

    From the balcony, Leo and Lina could see the thick fog covering most of the town and being new to this event, they simply thought it was all part of the theme of the event and they were impressed by it. After all, the pair aren't strangers to spooky fogs as the mansion they used to live in was blanketed in fog from time to time as well.

    After the little detour with which they thanked the home owner with a courteous little bow of Leo's head and a smile, the old man was happy to return the gesture while Lina remarked that that was way better than getting candy. While on their way, they went into the fog, again not thinking it was harmless but when they got in, Leo was coughing because of inhaling this supposed fog, again not thinking it was of any trouble and that there might be something in the fog which was separate from him causing him to cough. And like the thoughtful father that he is, he covered his daughter's mouth and nose so her little boy might not inhale whatever it was in the air.

    As it passed, Lina strangely grew taller, almost at the same height as him and she looked at Leo with curious eyes and asked where her father was and if he had seen him. Confused, Leo raised a brow and asked "What are you talking about, Ms. Lightbringer? It's me." confused. Lina on the other hand was shocked because only her father and a handful of his close friends knew of that name and was certain the "man" in front of her would not have known it. Blinking twice in wonder the little girl got confused and asked "Dad...? Is that you? What happened to you? You look cute."

    Leo's bewilderment grew when his own daughter called him cute. Tilting his head, he asked "What are you talking about, my daughter?" which was replied with by Lina taking an item off her backpack, a mirror which he then showed to his father for him to see his reflection:
    Current Appearance:

    Shocked by what he had seen, his jaw dropped for somehow, he had been reverted back to his younger self and he had been thinking why. Perhaps it seemed apt that he turned in to one because he thought Halloween was mostly for the children. And perhaps, with his current form, they can enjoy Halloween better for he could now attempt antics that would not be appropriate for a 35 year old on Halloween. Of course, he thought of what Lina might think and remember but hey, they're going to have some fun!

    Laughing at his reflection, Leo turned to her daughter and said "Well, it looks like I'm going to need a new costume." to which Lina simply laughed at while they held hands and walked in town looking more like very close friends than a father and daughter duo through Hargeon to try and get him a new costume.

    Post WC: 668
    Leo's Total:668


    [EVENT SOCIAL] HALLOWEEN IN HARGEON! 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

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    Post by Grim Reaper 5th November 2019, 4:11 pm

    Post word: #481
    Total written: #481
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #990012 Hel's speech
    _____Alexandra was unfamiliar with what was happening. Such was the only way she could fathom what was happening as she looked around with her hands held closely to her chest. Her dress seemingly drifting in the air around her, staying well within modesty, but entirely unnatural to most as if it had a mind entirely it's own. The childish frame that was Alexandra drifting around the streets without a sound.

    _____Her bare feet leaving no sound to be heard, and despite the jewelry she wore it also, seemed to have no sound. Her sea blue eyes looked around with confusion and wonder at the place she seemed to have awoken in. Was this a dream, Was it part of her magic forewarning her of what was to come? To be honest, the child version of Alexandra had no idea. While her adult from had arrived, the black smoke had woken what was left buried deep under the cursed soul that was the grim reaper.

    _____Lost within a prison of her own mind before, now free the young princess who had made a deal with dark forces was in a new place and a far time from her own. She did not know this place, and her magic charms did not work that would most times guide the curious girl back to her kingdom. Was she to far? Did her kingdom get destroyed while she had left to seek out the power to protect it? Her head violently shaked as she shut her eyes tightly trying to banish such dark thoughts from her mind.

    "Thou shalt not think such blasphemy... My People need thier beacon of hope... I must find my way back home... With due haste..." Her voice pure, laced with light magic that seemed to make the area around her glow more as her words fought the shadows themselves.

    _____Her focus breaking from the skyline at the sound of water being disrupted. Eyes scanning to see what looked to be another child moving out of the fountain and rushing over with her hands to her chest and worry in her eyes. The girl did not seem much older then her, and the attire she wore tossed Alexandra for more of a loop as to where she was. But her first focus was the girl before her as she reached her hands out allowing a blue glow from her ring to drift around the girl before her mending any possible wounds and easing her unease.

    "Is thou alright? You looked to have taken a rather sudden bath... yet now thee is dry?" Alexandra spoke to Sanguine, her eyes filled with disbelief and worry. She hoped that at the very least this odd land she found herself in spoke the same language as she herself did. Her translation charm was not with her it seemed, so such bad luck would be dangerous.
    Personality + Child plot twisting


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 7th November 2019, 12:00 am

    "It's been awhile, Rising Star. Or should I say, Wizard Saint?" Mutara greeted Leona with a friendly smile. Mutara's lackey Bladdi Maccoi, the slaver who had taken her friends Whitney and Erica captive before Leona rescued them, simply smiled at her and stood at his master's side while Mutara talked. Why were they so friendly towards the mage who had killed them?

    "We've been watching your little crusade to take back the desert from our kind. It's been a most entertaining spectacle. The moment you hear of our activity you hurry down all the way from your mountain fortress and come to the desert to set things right by slaughtering every bandit in your path. Try as you might, you just can't get rid of us, can you?" Mutara asked with mock concern. Leona frowned at him but could not offer a retort because he was right. Every time she killed off a group of bandits or slavers and made the desert a little bit safer, a bigger group of outlaws took their place before the Wizard Saint could even leave Desierto. It was a battle with no foreseeable end, but if she did not fight Nebdoui and the villages with which it was allied would have been overrun long ago.

    "No, you can't get rid of us. Nothing you can do will ever be a permanent solution. You can swing that sword of yours and cut through us until your arm's too tired to even hold a weapon. No matter what you do to us, we always come back! ALWAYS!" Maccoi smugly boasted to Leona. The blonde clenched her teeth because the slaver had a point. Nothing she did could get rid of them for good. No matter how many of them she killed or chased away, they always came back after she returned to Silver Wolf Guild Hall.

    Suddenly Mutara and Bladdi turned their heads right and stepped aside to allow someone passage. Leona spotted a flash of blonde hair and recognized the blue eyes. It was the Hydro-Arsonist she had fought and killed in Hargeon's Sewers almost a year ago!

    "Long time no see, kid. I see you've been fighting a lot lately." The Hydro-Arsonist greeted her. Leona's eyes narrowed. It seemed that all of her past enemies had chosen this night to come back to haunt her... literally.

    "You can't stop fighting, can you? Heh. Neither could I. You're just like me, kid. Once you get hooked on the adrenaline rush that comes with punching someone's face in, nothing else makes you feel alive anymore." The Hydro-Arsonist asserted. Leona was unable to respond to that either. As much as it made her ashamed to even think about it, Leona lived for fighting. She only seemed to feel alive when fighting someone, be it outlaw, supernatural entity, or wild animal.

    "It's OK, kid. You don't have to pretend to be some goody two-shoes hero who hates fighting. You're among friends here. In fact, you have quite the fan club." The woman informed Leona, gesturing towards the open water of the harbor with her left hand. Leona looked and witnessed the floating lanterns suddenly align themselves like they were lighting a path. The water itself turned from inky black to blood red. In the distance Leona could see a mass of figures walking on the water on their way to the dock she and the spirits were standing on.

    "Who... who are those people?" Leona finally poke, asking the Hydro-Arsonist a question. The blonde woman, Mutara, and Bladdi all laughed at her question. Another voice chimed in with the answer she was looking for.

    "They are everyone you have killed to date." A familiar voice answered from her left. Leona turned and faced Spectral Kasim. Leona had hoped that she would not see her old friend tonight, but his presence meant that her hopes were in vain.

    "You have been quite busy, Leona. I thought that even you would get tired of killing at some point, but your appetite for death is insatiable." Kasim chided her. Leona watched the spirits reached the halfway point and could pick out a few of them. She recognized the cultists from Beanstalk Village and Beanstalk Forest and she recognized the Red Sands Bandits, who marched in formation behind their leader and his pet Dire Hawk flying just overhead. Behind the Red Sands Bandits marched small groups of Crimson Sashes following behind some slavers she had killed in Desierto a while back.

    "You have a kill count higher than that of entire bandit gangs, Leona. Everyone you see before you is someone you personally killed. I estimate that there are at least two hundred people walking towards us now." Kasim informed her of what she already knew. Leona felt a wave of futility sweep over her as the small army of spirits drew closer. All two hundred of them had died by her hand and they had all come here to remind her of the futility of her crusade.

    No matter how many outlaws she killed, more would always appear to take the places of the fallen.

    [Post Word Count: 908]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,916]



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    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Post by Mura Kensho 13th November 2019, 12:31 pm

    Mura found himself in the middle of thinking things through. This stupid mist and all the magical happenings in the festival didn’t give him any clues of the location of… well, Night Lady or Pumpkin Lord. He couldn’t feel their presence by magic sense either, so… well, that was annoying. Zirconis was the most annoyed one of the bunch as the green dragon ghost floated up in the air and exhaled from his huge jaws: “YOU PISSANT! I KNOW THAT YOU’RE OUT THERE, MR. VEGETABLE AND NIGHT BITCH! COME FORTH AND SHOW YOURSELVES, IF YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO! GODDAMN WASTE OF WHITE HAIRS, THIS ACCURSED MINDPLAY OF YOURS! C’mon, Mura, let’s just get rid of all this mist in one swing; it’s magic in nature, so your magic should be able to cleave it off! It’s probably busy siphoning your magic power while we’re wasting breath here and now!”

    “Actually, my magic power isn’t too affected by it… I think I can’t speak for others, though,” Mura calmly replied. He had gotten time to relax a little, and Zirconis’ contrasting, furious nature made Mura aware of his own feelings, in which he toned down the facial expressions. It was time to focus… yeah, that idea threw itself out of the window when Mura heard a strange question from a boy approaching him. A dark-haired lad about his… currently apparent age. His question, however, made it all too clear; this person had the same issue as Mura… the mist had claimed many.

    “I’m a grown man, hmpf,” Mura replied cockily, a side of himself that used to have died out back when he was still living in Midi, “You got turned into a kid too, right? I believe that someone that I’ve met before is behind this… if you witnessed the weird, black dust from last Halloween, then I think that it’s connected to this. Every Halloween has been weirded out by either this strange, mysterious pumpkin guy or an invisible lady who calls herself Night Lady or Night Queen, I don’t remember… Maybe this random guy, who sounded friendly enough to want to help if asked, could help Mura with some information that the shaman didn’t possess himself. Maybe he knew more about these Halloween events than the shaman himself.

    Now, a surge of spiritual energy too big to be missed out could be felt in Mura’s bones. He took a quick look around, but the mist didn’t do him justice, and he felt inexperienced in the way of sensing spirits once more. Maybe it wasn’t only because that his magic had been lowered to suit his 10-year old body, but also because of external forces putting him at bay.

    “There’s a lot of ghosts running around, now…” Mura suddenly explained to the other kid addressing him earlier. “A-Anyway, my name is Mura Kensho. I hope this isn’t the first strange Halloween that you’ve had, for I could use some help figuring out where this mist comes from. Maybe we can erase its effects on- Lina?! Is that you, Lina?” Mura caught himself mid-sentence and swung an arm around the black-haired kid not to push him, but to reach out and wave to Lina Lightbringer and a kid accompanying her. The kid had the exact same hairstyle as a certain Ezreal, but Mura knew too well that someone - that someone being Leonard Dragonbane himself - would never leave Lina alone in a place like this. He also remembered Leo’s words back when they met Ezreal himself, and how Leo said that he reminded him of his younger self. Put two and two together - that was Leo, and he also got turned into a toddler by this mist. Was nobody safe?!

    WC: 626
    TWC. 796 + 626 = 1422



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    Post by Thagirion 13th November 2019, 8:17 pm

    Hearing a lot of different things that made him uncertain as to how he should be feeling about all of this, he just scratched the top of his head while trying to think of ways to fix it and return it all back to normal. As of late, he had been quite clear of mind and had an easy time figuring out how to go about resolving issued that presented themselves. For some reason, the usually obvious approach he took to things had slowed down, became hazier and harder to grasp. Whether it was a side effect of what had happened that turned him into a child or if it was something else entirely was unclear, though he wasn’t about to disregard that the two might be linked to the same cause. Closing his eyes for a bit to focus on his magic power, he could sense that it had not been affected, at least not in terms of quantity. That said, he did not feel like randomly casting spells to see whether the quality of it all had been jumbled about in some way. Just raising his shoulders as if to say that he felt fine, he thought about what the other kid said to him.

    Yeah.. clearly I have. I don’t know how it happened, but it feels like a strangely familiar kind of magic, though I don’t know who lady night is. That said though… I did kill a spirit with a pumpkin head, he was pretty annoying…

    Wondering if maybe that was the mysterious pumpkin guy the kid spoke of, that meant that they could at the very least rule out one possibility, as a person… or a spirit that had been destroyed could not go casting curses. Solmar had destroyed the phylactery it used to keep coming back after his body had been destroyed after all, after which the body itself just crumbled into nothing by itself. This left this lady night, whoever she was, as a potential cause of their current predicament. It was clear enough to him that this Mura had dealt with this kind of thing before, as the whole concept of Halloween was quite new to him. As such, the “strange Halloweens” were also not something he was familiar with. He knew a good deal about Samhain, that much was true, though something like this was going pretty far for your average fairy being a mischievous little trickster. Whatever pulled this off was stronger, more capable, as it had turned some rather powerful mages into children. As he thought about it more, he hoped he could get some more answers regarding this entity.

    I don’t know a whole lot about ghosts… or about this lady night person, though it seems like you’ve dealt with it before. Maybe getting rid of some of these ghosts that are lingering around, the culprit will get flushed out, or might become easier to find?

    Though Mura had already noticed someone else by the time he asked these questions, he figured the kid would not entirely forget about the conversation and would have heard what Solmar said. As his only encounter with ghosts had been at the time when he had to go into a “haunted” guild hall, he had seen them with his own eyes, though he hadn’t actually fought against them himself. His task had been to fight against an undead abomination and later a necromancer, so he couldn’t be exactly sure as to whether or not he was right about making his next assumption. As a demon slayer, his flames were quite potent against demons and the undead, and since ghosts were just another form of undead, he imagined that his spells would be effective in dealing with them. But all of that was just guesswork at this point as he couldn’t really prove it until he tried it. For now, he would just stick around and wait for answers.

    (658 // 1440)
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Experience : 11,529,025

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    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 18th November 2019, 11:58 pm

    Once the army of spirits had come to a halt in front of her Leona realized the full extent of her bloody career. The spirits of over two hundred people currently stood before her. While that in itself was alarming, of greater concern was the fact that Spectral Kasim's figure was a conservative count. She was fairly sure that there were more bandits, slavers, and cultists that were not accounted for in the crowd gathered before her. She would most likely add to that tally when she traveled through the desert to the Tri-Council City with her mother to visit Kemal's bookstore and get a book on the New Muserian language.

    Leona looked upon the spirits and felt a crushing sense of futility. Bladdi Maccoi's spirit was right when he claimed that no matter how many of his kind she killed more would always appear. She could have wiped out all the outlaws in Desierto and they would simply regain their numbers in a month's time. Spectral Kasim noticed Leona's dismay and laughed.

    "Now you realize the futility of your little crusade." Spectral Kasim started trying to tear Leona down.

    "With the evidence standing right in front of you, anyone else would have given up by now. But I doubt that you will give up. Knowing how stubborn you can be, seeing the spirits of everyone you have killed to date would only make you go back to the desert and kill even more people in the name of justice." Spectral Kasim continued to harangue her about her desire for battle.

    "If you take the ability to fight away from Leona, what else can she contribute to the world?" The Hydro-Arsonist asked Spectral Kasim rhetorically. He chuckled in response. He would not pass up a gift-wrapped chance to criticize the Wizard Saint of Courage.

    "If one were to take that away from Leona, there is really not much more she can offer to the world. She is a mediocre scholar and a poor scientist. She does not have many friends and does not seem to care about her family very much. She does not even have a significant other, but we should count our blessings because that means that she will not have children." He answered sharply, every point he made a thrust into Leona's vulnerable self-confidence. Leona had heard about all she could stand to hear. Her self-confidence was almost at the vanishing point due to the accuracy of his remarks.

    "She's built her career as a hero on a pile of skulls. She kills without remorse and the people of Earthland love her for it. I don't understand why we were called villains. She's more of a murderous monster than any of us could ever hope to be." Mutara of the Sands caustically remarked about the Wizard Saint. The spirits jeered in agreement with the djinn. Leona wanted to get out of here. She spun around on heels and briskly walked away from the docks to the laughter of Mutara, Bladdi Maccoi, the Hydro-Arsonist, Spectral Kasim, and the spirits that had assembled at the docks.

    -Back in Hargeon Town-

    The mentally exhausted Leona was in the middle of the town square and in the middle of the festivities, but she was no longer in the mood for celebration. She just wanted this night to be over so she could go back to Silver Wolf Guild Hall and try to sleep or do something to take her mind off of what had happened at the docks. Leona looked at the bar and was sorely tempted to get a strong drink or two to take the edge off, but that would be utter stupidity. Alcohol would only give a temporary reprieve at best and as soon as it wore off all her problems would still be staring her in the face. It would be best to confront her problems instead of trying to drown them in alcohol, but how could she confront spirits?

    Leona's problems were not of the sort that could be eliminated with a sword. She would need some help for these issues. But who could she turn to for help and who could she trust to not exploit those problems for their own gain? The exhausted and unfocused Leona had no idea.

    [Post Word Count: 748]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,664]



    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

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    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
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    Post by Sanguine 19th November 2019, 1:34 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 648 words
    Tagged: @
    Muse: sleepy
    Music: song name by composer

    Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/Hjs0exT.jpg
    Despite how out of place the slayer had been, she wasn’t on the slightest approached by anyone that showed up to the party so far, it seemed. It hadn’t seemed to be that she did anything while she was around others, so it must have been an isolated incident that caused it, however in the moment it wasn’t a bother. As every last detail of her life flashed into her mind, it conjoined to that of her more present actions and finally it all had clicked together. She felt appalled and sick to her stomach that she had gone through such acts. It was truly certain that she thought her life to change when she begged Grim to be her maid, but to have it had spiral so much was the most shocking of feelings that she had. If it hadn’t have been for the affluent abilities of her memorization, she would probably be within the same boat as the girl soon to approach her.

    This girl was nothing like the one she knew. Though the same person, neither girl seemed to truly know what she was in her adult life. As the voice of this blonde irl had spoken out towards her, Sanguine snapped up from her look of disbelief and realization to look over to her. The aura she carried was rather blissful and pleasant, seeming to be close to a more holy type of person. But soon after she spoke, the words replayed in the girls mind. She was speaking... Elizabethan? Though her head began to tilt off to the side while she thought, the maid pounced to her feet and she looked down, running her hands down her uniform— or rather a more childish look of one. And more over... just when she was used to having a decent sized chest... she was back to being flat chested once more. Perhaps all good things must come to an end...

    The former nun had finally given the girl a smile and she just nodded her head for a moment. ”O-Oh! Y-Yes, ma’am. I’m perfectly fine. Thank you for asking, it’s very kind of you.” She replied with a bit of a curtsy before realizing indeed, her clothes were practically dry as a bone despite taking a dip on the fountain water a moment ago. ”That is strange... my hair I know my magic had dried up rather quickly. Perhaps it got to that too.” She hunch wasn’t so easily shown, but she had at this point looked up and given the girl a smile. Perhaps this was a good thing she’d been regressed in age. Being hidden so well in the public like this wasn’t very hard, and it helped tat given the time of year, a number of maid dressed people would act as a good smokescreen to a public look of attire.

    ”If you don’t find this rude, I had to ask...” She started off, sitting on the edge of the fountain and making sure if the girl wanted a seat beside her, she could do so without worry of sitting in a puddle or something of that sort. ”Your manner of speech. It’s Elizabethan, am I correct? I’ve read so many plays and books written on that fashion over the years, I could pick it out from anywhere!” Her gleeful tone perking up as the nearly shimmering look in her eyes was as though she’d just been within 3 feet of a famous artist or actor. ”My name is Priscilla, by the way! It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss...” She led into a hopeful reply of the girls name. She was intently curious over whom this girl was. It was a miracle she didn’t recognize her, but from the perspective of knowing whom her master was compared to this girl... one would never be able to piece them together at all.



    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

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    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War


    Post by Shen Kadokawa 21st November 2019, 4:53 am


    Traversing the streets of Hargeon with more than just one raised eyebrow Johann looked around, trying to spot any glimpse or hint that would lead him to her. He knew that he was late, perhaps fashionably so, sure, but late nonetheless. Amalie had undoubtedly already arrived, and so would Johann, but a mission had tied him up and required his immediate attention, the Ambassador of Dies Irae refusing to attend an official event, and of course, date like this one in bloodstained clothing, and although it only took the mage minutes to change into a costume that was more appropriate for the occasion, it had been minutes that he didn't have to spare.

    His Halloween costume, as such, was relatively simple, consisting of bandages that wrapped around his entire body, although the Ambassador couldn't help himself, sporting a suit above the layer of white linen that gave completed his appearance as an arguably fashionable mummy.

    That, however, still didn't help his dilemma. The Commander was still nowhere to be seen, and so, the Rune Mage had no other choice but to continue roaming the bustling streets of Heargeon with nothing but the hopes to find Amalie by sheer chance. Perhaps he could ask around, see if anyone had run into her? The woman wasn't someone to forget easily, after all.

    Contemplating and lost in thought, the Ambassador barely noticed the swaths of black smoke and fog that had begun to spread out around him until it was too late, despite the bandages that covered his face and mouth unceremoniously inhaling a hearty breath of the material, causing him to cough excessively. "W-what is this?", his confused voice asked in between coughs, one hand lazily waving the strands of onyx plumes away from himself, but the damage had been done. Although not consciously, Johann's mind underwent a drastic shift, one he had gone through before, almost exactly one year ago. "Yoooo Bruh, that smoke really flexed on me hard". Talking to himself was not a habit the man would give into often. Normally, that was, at least. It seemed that, with the return of the black smoke, however, so had the Johann from last Halloween. Although, he still hadn't forgotten his goal. Find Amalie and go on a spicy date, perhaps have some drinks and a freaky night. Who knew? Joh was up for anything. He was convinced that he was a party animal, an absolute unit. Nothing and no one could stop him now. Well, except maybe-

    "Amalie?", he raised an eyebrow, stopping in his tracks with a bewildered look on his face, staring down at a bench ... where the woman seemed to be asleep. Although, "woman" was wrong, in this case. She looked ... well, exactly like a child. "Yoo, Amalie, uh, not gonna lie girl, you kinda look like a baby. Uh, not in that way, you know, like a kid". She didn't react. It seemed the Commander had fallen asleep and was now in deep slumber. Johann looked around. He couldn't exactly leave her lying here like this, right? He had no idea what happened, but there was no doubt that something spooky was going on. It would probably be best to return to the guildhall for now. He picked the blue-haired girl up, placing her on his back so that she could keep sleeping while he carried her.

    Although, now that he thought about it, there was one more thing he had to take care of.

    It didn't take notorious party animal von Weiss long to find a stall that served drinks, shuffling his way towards the vendor with a gleeful grin that was hidden by the bandages. "Eyyy bro, I'll take one of those spooky cocktails if you don't mind", placing some jewels on the counter, the man behind it giving him a quick nod. "Coming right up!". It didn't take long for the other to present the Ambassador with a long cocktail glass, an ominously orange liquid that sparkled mysteriously swirling around inside. "Thanks bro". He went to take the glass, the guy behind the counter shooting him a quick grin. "Had a long day, huh. How old's your daughter?". Johann, of course, was more confused than anything by the remark, until he realized the man was talking about Amalie, who he was still carrying. "Oh, nah bro, she ain't my daughter, she's my girlfriend". The vendor's expression slowly twisted from a grin into one of horror. "Oh, uh, nah bro, it ain't like that. She's, like, totally legal ... bro".

    The man opened his mouth, looking as if he was gonna say something, although closed it again, his eyes gaining a certain, stern glint to them. "What did you say your name was again?". No,nononono. The dude had gotten the wrong idea. Completely wrong. "Uh, good talk bro but I, uh, gotta gooooo". The Ambassador unceremoniously turned around, taking off with the sleeping child version of Amalie on his back. He was glad his face was covered by his costume, horrified of the thought about people getting the wrong impression. He'd even left his cocktail standing there. What a shame ...

    Anyway, he had to get back to the guild as quickly as possible to make sure no further incidents like this one would occur ...

    Word Count: 884


    Victoria Sheridan
    Victoria Sheridan

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Post by Victoria Sheridan 22nd November 2019, 12:37 am

    Wearing a Grim Reaper costume that featured a hood with a skull motif, Victoria had looked in the mirror before she left the guild hall and discovered that the outfit made her look more cute than intimidating. However, the brunette did not care too much about looks because she was wearing a decent costume and that was all that mattered to her. She was not here for a costume party or costume contest anyway. Victoria had traveled to Hargeon Town with one objective in mind. She had heard that the local bars were serving some amazing alcohol, including a few special drinks that were only served during this time of year.

    Not wanting to sit around the guild hall when she could go and sample the special drinks in Hargeon Town, Victoria had ordered the costume for the sake of Halloween and paid a hefty fee for rush delivery. She thanked the Wizard Saints that it arrived just hours before the Hargeon party was set to kick off. Her dark robes billowed in the wind as she strode past the docks and past people dressed in a variety of costumes. There were the old standbys like pirate, astronaut, vampire, mummy, and devil, but there were some other, less conservative choices almost invariably worn by young women.

    Victoria walked by a blonde dressed in a "sexy nurse" costume complete with a partially unbuttoned top that exposed plenty of cleavage and a rather short skirt with red high heels. With her was a muscular shirtless guy with green camouflage pants, two crisscrossed bandoliers filled with fake bullets, and black boots with a red bandanna tied around his head. He was presumably her boyfriend because he kept playfully slapping her on the backside. Victoria thought that this was supposed to be a family event, but then they got close enough for her to smell the alcohol on their breath and she knew that alcohol was involved.

    The brunette walked past the intoxicated pair and wound her way through a section set aside for live musical performances and eventually ended up in the town square, where she spotted several bars to choose from. She also felt three strong magic signatures coming from a blonde chick in a white dress with a red hem and a winged helmet on her head and a guy in a mummy costume carrying a small blue-haired girl on his back and booking it for anywhere but here. All three of them looked familiar, but she did not have time to confirm their identities because all of a sudden she was hit with a cloud of black fog to the face. The brunette doubled over coughing and coughed until she almost threw up all over the asphalt.

    "Oh hell. Not this again." Victoria commented when she stood up and realized what she had just inhaled. It was that same substance that preceded the attack on Sakuramori during the "Night of Eternal Darkness" incident almost two years ago. Victoria did not like the fog rolling through. She found herself wishing that Seth and Itazura were here beside her like they were for the defense of Sakuramori. Black Rose was no more, but it was still her responsibility to push back the darkness wherever it appeared and whatever form it took.

    Victoria took a few minutes to recover from the intense coughing spell before heading to a bar with a skeleton holding a chalkboard sign advertising their "Scary Good!" drink selection. The brunette would be the judge of how good they were. As a bartender who had slung plenty of drinks, she could tell when someone half-assed the creation of a drink.

    -Inside the bar-

    Victoria ducked under a fake cobweb hanging in the left corner of the entrance and made her way to the counter, where a man dressed as a butler complete with black three-piece suit, top hat, and white gloves greeted her.

    "Hi there Mr. Grim. What'll you be having?" He asked her in a friendly manner. Victoria shrugged off the implication that he did not understand that a girl was sitting before him because she was in a good mood despite the lungful of black fog she had inhaled earlier.

    "I'll have a Screwdriver." She answered calmly.

    "Sure. What kinda vodka do you want?" He asked, sweeping a gloved hand back towards the bar, which boasted at least eight brands of vodka.

    "Do you have Albino Gander?" Victoria asked, picking the top-shelf vodka because she was feeling extravagant. The man nodded. This pleased Victoria.

    "I'd like Albino Gander." She answered laconically. He nodded and began mixing up her favorite drink in front of her. Just a few moments longer and she would be sipping a Screwdriver made with Albino Gander vodka, a top band that she had served a few times but had never gotten to drink herself... until tonight.

    Victoria's Costume:

    [Post Word Count: 831]
    [Victoria's Word Count: 831]

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Post by Lilith 23rd November 2019, 6:14 am


    Finally some fun.

    Things had been kind of dull since Lili joined the Rune Knights, she had hoped for more fun, more excitement. Kicking names and taking ass as they say. But so far, all she had was one church predator case and some monsters in a pumpkin patch. She hadn't been able to track down Shen yet, but boy was he in for some punishment when she did. She couldn't believe that little weasel had up and left her with those monsters, not that she couldn't handle it. But still, rude much. So, a day off and a party in a neighboring town was too good an opportunity to miss.

    She did have some local friends in Hargeon, she could meet up with and go crazy with. But something told Lili she needed to work on getting to know her co-workers, especially now she's specialized in a specific department. So, after going through names, she'd decided to go with Dela. She hadn't interacted with her yet, she looked like she might've been around Lili's age, although she wasn't sure. She was certainly a snack too, but this wasn't about hooking up, this was about getting to know someone at work. So she could actually have a conversation that didn't bore her to death. Reports, arrest, blah, blah, blah...

    She moved into the midst of the Carnival, already buzzing with excited just from the atmosphere alone. Lili loved Halloween, it was such a great event, where she could get drunk, and dress sexy. There always seemed to be this vibe in the air that energized her, she was wearing quite the outfit, Neko girls were a Halloweeny thing, right? It was more the attached waist-coat and skirt that had sold it for Lili, but the ears and tails kinda completed the set and gave her an excuse to dress up. She wandered around for a bit, trying to see if she could find her fellow Rune Knight, as she did, idly she wouldn't pay any note to the weird black smoke that filled the air.

    It was only when the top half of her dress felt a little uncomfortable did she eventually notice something weird. She reached down to adjust only to notice that it was really loose, she glanced down, staring for a moment before realizing with a loud shriek that her chest was gone. She shrieked, groping her now flat front desperately. It wasn't even that they had shrunk a little, her boobs were gone completely, she had... well a guys chest. She glanced around, looking for some kind of reflective surface, she ran over to a shop window. Eying herself against the glass, she looked like a guy, except in her costume. Lili would then, bend down slightly, hosting her skirt enough so she could see under it. She would notice the new appendage that poked against the fabric off her panties. She straightened up sharply, dropping her skirt, her face bewildered.


    WC: 501 Tag: @Dela


    Diana Winchester
    Diana Winchester

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Post by Diana Winchester 23rd November 2019, 12:41 pm

    Wearing a white dress and a white corset with a dark crown accessory attached to a headband, Diana walked into Hargeon Town dressed as an anthropomorphic version of a warship from a conflict that ended decades ago. Since the costume components of the ship's hull with attached guns and a scepter were way too bulky to carry around the whole time, Diana opted to just wear the dress, corset, headband, and thigh-high stockings with red high heels. She also wore blue contacts to alter her eye color to better fit with the character the costume represented. Few people would notice the difference and virtually all of them would appreciate being able to walk by her without getting hit by a bulky costume component.

    Why did Diana go to so much trouble to assemble a somewhat expensive costume for this one event?

    Because she wanted to get a glimpse of how people without her particular burdens lived.

    Because she wanted to do something other than go on jobs all the time.

    Diana knew that she had joined her guild of her own free will. No one held a gun to her head and made her accept the invitation to join the secretive guild. Her choice was her own and she would have to live with it.

    If she made the choice of her own volition, why was she constantly having second thoughts?

    She did not know.

    Diana walked through the Harbor District where she had taken the detour on her way to kill Walter MacKenzie, The Shadow Collective's eyes and ears in Hargeon Town. His death meant that the group had lost its man on the ground who knew about local police activities and who ran the safehouse for Shadow Collective agents. His death was also the beginning of the shadow war with the organization of hired guns that Mr. Gorman had sent to complete his extermination of the Winchester family. Diana was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she paid no attention to the cloud of black fog rolling in over the sea walls.

    The blonde was hit in the face by the oppressive fog and breathed a little of it in by accident. She did not cough or choke, but she felt an intense burning sensation in her throat and suddenly developed an intense headache that was so painful that her vision blacked out for a moment and she dropped to her knees just in front of a trashy side alley with a beat-up green dumpster. What was happening to her?

    Diana did not know because someone in a skeleton costume emerged from the side alley and grabbed her by the hair, dragging her into the alley while she was unable to defend herself. She was pulled into the alley and dragged through an open metal door where three more men wearing skeleton costumes were waiting. As soon as she was inside the door was shut without anyone ever knowing that Diana had been kidnapped.

    -Inside the unknown location-

    Diana was thrown onto the cold concrete floor of the dimly lit room and the four men stood over her in a rough square while leering at their attractive captive. The dazed blonde looked around and saw that the area looked like a hastily established butcher shop complete with four butcher knives sitting on a wooden cutting board on the counter to her left. In front of her were meat hooks hanging on chains from the ceiling where carcasses were hung. Under her left hand was a drain where blood was washed away after butchering was complete.

    Were they Shadow Collective agents sent to eliminate her? No. They were too amateurish for that kind of secretive work. They looked to be a run-of-the-mill gang taking advantage of the costume party to kidnap and kill people for the fun of it. Diana had dressed the part of a proper princess, but she no damsel in distress... they would pay for that mistake with their lives.

    One of the men broke away and locked the door while the other three stood watch. Once the door was locked he rejoined his fellows and the skeletons began to menace their victim. One of them hoisted Diana off the floor by her hair and lifted her into a standing position, maintaining his grip on her hair.

    "No one can hear you scream in here, Princess. And trust us, you'll be doing plenty of screaming before we're finished with you." One of the skeletons, a man with blue eyes, told her.

    "There's nowhere to run!" A second, a lanky man with brown eyes, gleefully taunted. Two of the men retrieved butcher knives from the wooden block and stood guard over the blonde, who was still suffering from the headache. It was starting to lift, but it was not lifting fast enough for her to defend herself from her costumed assailants. The other two men retrieved their knives and returned, brandishing them in front of a helpless Diana.

    Diana's Costume:

    [Post Word Count: 851]
    [Diana's Word Count: 851]


    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 189
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,162,621


    Post by Dela 23rd November 2019, 3:31 pm

    Echoing Lilith's sentiment from a position so nearby hardly seemed like a coincidence, but it was. She was supposed to meet the new recruit here but hadn't found her yet. Lilith seemed like an alright girl, not too high strung in a worky way, but even though she'd agreed to attend and even match costumes as 'neko-girls', Dela wouldn't be Dela if she didn't have a more self-serving reason to leave the comfort of her apartment. The blonde had honestly agreed to the party in the interest of seeing the band that was on the schedule to play tonight but instead of finding Lilith, she got assailed by a smoke form of that nasty black powder from last year that had turned her into a self-sacrificing hero with a ton of energy. It'd been horrible, going out of her way to help people only to catch the bubonic plague and die. As soon as she sniffed the black mist, she felt a change...but instead of it being her personality taking the hit, it was her actual body.

    Something didn't feel right as she walked. Something...down there...

    In fact, her whole body felt suddenly constricted. She'd entered the party in a full-body catsuit, honestly not knowing what a 'neko-girl' was really supposed to be and deciding to embody the most terrifying version and come as a furry. Finding the costume had been difficult. Trying to find one to borrow or on the cheap for rent without it smelling terrifying or having been previously used in a way that Dela would never come into a hundred miles of it had proved quite the challenge, but somehow she managed to secure a clean one and was more than amused by her choice. A gray tabby cat with large green eyes was her choice, horrifying in its mesh between actual animal and personified animal. Halloween was meant for fear. That's how it'd been in her village all those years ago. People these days had missed the point. Scary murderers and creepy monsters were too typical. She wanted to bring some real-world fear. Unfortunately, her altered body no longer fit the petite costume, and hearing it rip broke her heart and confused her. All that work, and it was junk? The shoulders ripped at the seams and popped the zipper in the back, and suddenly she had the worst and most painful wedgy...

    Frantically wiggling out of the ruined suit, she'd been reborn larger from her furry cocoon. Thankfully her usual outfit was quite stretchy, so it was still acceptable. Pulling the cat head off so she could see better, she noted that the world looked subtly different like she was looking at it from a different perspective. Actually, that was exactly true. She was taller. Bulkier hands patted over her new frame, checking for differences. Oh. Number one, her already modest bosom was no longer in existence. She continued to pat. Sure, it was an odd thing to do in such a crowded place, but she was certain her alarm wasn't misplaced. As she finally reached the most pivotal area in question, her eyes grew wide. "Oh no...no way...." she groaned, looking down and pulling the waistband of her pants outward for a much dreaded peek.

    Yup. There it was.

    "Oh #^$@ me, I have a d-"

    Hhe abruptly cut off as he heard nearly his exact sentiment echoed eerily close. Sure enough, there was a man that looked a lot like Lilith, and now Dela put together what a 'neko-girl' was, even though it was now a 'neko-boy'. "You too, huh?" a manly voice fluttered from his throat to his party companion, his shredded costume and giant cat helmet held under one of his arms. It was very, very strange to hear the female toned thoughts come out in a masculine voice, but it was what it was. This wasn't his first rodeo with this Halloween powder. It'd wear off. Walking a bit funny, male Dela drew in closer, smirking and glancing around to see if anyone else was suffering the effects and freaking out.



    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 23rd November 2019, 9:55 pm

    It had been a spooky night, filled with such festivities a sone was accustomed to during the scariest time of the year. The twins were eager to help celebrate such things and came dressed in a cute soldier outfit of a time long past. Picked out by their superiors, the twins would march into the hall and do what children normally do what at functions with food: fill their faces with anything made of sugar. Grappa shoveled cupcakes and treats into her maw as Jellisha would spend her time nibbling up anything chocolate related. Their plan was going pretty damn well too, had it not been for that strange black dust circulating into the area.

    "Wh-What's happening?" Grappa asked, sticking close to her sibling while Jellisha would keep her hands up. No signs of danger around them yet. "I don't know...Just stay by me, Grappa." "Mm..." The dark ichor would approach the twins as Grappa yelped in surprise. Jellisha responded by turning around just in time and then blasting the magic with her wind magic. "Th-Thank you..." Jellisha nodded as the twins would go on a blasting spree. The black dust was circling people and some were...changing? Jellisha looked on in surprise as a few people around them would react to this and change genders, even some becoming irrationally different. Grappa shot magic at a piece coming for her sister, only for a clump to surround her entirely. Taken completely, she would feel her lower half get cocooned as she grunted and reached out to her sister. "Grappa!" Jellisha rushed to her sister while her arm was outstretched to took hers. The twins hands met as Jellisha tried to pull her her sister out. The black dust settled around her while Jellisha grunted. "Damn it! Get offa..." She was pulled close to her sister while the dust settled around them both. Grappa coughed as she was gagged and Jellisha shortly after. Their vision was fading and then everything became black.

    A short time later, the coccon would burst, two hands kicked and punching at their cocoon until they spilled out. "Bleh..." Jellisha coughed out, her voice hoarse and much different. Grappa would struggle to lift herself but one she did, something felt...off. "Jellisha.." she paused. "Hey, m-my voice..." It was so much deeper now. Jellisha looked over and blinked. Her hair! Orange and red! "Damn it, what the..." She patted herself all over, even their bodies had changed. Grappa looked down below, checking her costume to check...and then freak out.

    "Ah-I...I HAVE A THINGY!" she cried out, Jellisha said as she blinked. "We turned..." "Into boys!"
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Post by Vera Walden 24th November 2019, 5:30 pm



    The black powdery mass, falling upon the heads of the unprepared, dusted her hair to the bridge of her nose and extended itself past  that point almost curiously. With a final glance at the traveling crowd of cheerful spectators, she surprised herself with a sneeze and sauntered over to where might have been blessed by a sign.  Vera Jayne did not have a high opinion when it came to carnivals, festivals and typically large gatherings. Miserable as they often made her feel, she had already learned that resistance was never truly on her side, but this basic, crucial necessity fashioned a hasty shift in her paradigm, and through the obduracy that denied the anchorite possible enjoyment came in like a bolt out of the blue.

    To reconcile her strong dislike of anything atrociously loud and full of people to the natural obligation of emptying her pestiferous bladder bothered her and reminded her that everything was out to get her, even the scraggly street cat with little wheels for paws. The feline didn’t move very much which led her to summarise it as a disturbing projection from within and moved past the presence of the visitant as she seemed heavily inclined to doing whenever she sustained such visions. But what flustered her more than the sacred potty dance was the frilly dress that took the place of her signature red bowtie, white collared shirt and jet black slacks.

    Anyone would have thought it best to inform Vera of the new set of wings that quickly sprouted from the wholesomely fresh ensemble’s spine, though many brave venturers were thrown on their backs by the sheer force of her large, feathery limbs crashing into them and not a soul could utter a protest, especially if she felt the need to just turn around. She looked everywhere in a state of confusion, and after a few more unlucky individuals had fallen an uncomfortable swelling poked at the frills of her ripping attire. Her puffy sleeves tore at the seams along with everything else, leaving the lower half of her dress to cover her private bits. The weather had been rather cool in recent weeks, but it should not have promoted in her the same level of sensitivity she only often experienced when she was bare and ready for a nice warm bath unless --

    “Who did this?  Don’t you dare look at me, I’m indecent and vulnerable!” Vera shrieked, blushing a deep red, adjacent to a backdrop of horrified eyes and gaping mouths. She crossed her arms over her chest and whatever tears she might have shed for her exposure stopped. Where were her breasts? She dropped her arms and sagged her shoulders, realizing that her eyes weren’t the only organs bulging so strongly from the shock. She numbly reached for the top of her makeshift skirt, tugged it open just a little, and paused to rethink investigating the strange growth. She took a deep relaxing breath and finally addressed the bodily issue, having identified it as a long forgotten sight for sore eyes.

    “Gag me with a spoon, I have a di-”  Vera failed to complete his cry of dismay, for two other men shared the sentiment. “Is that my voice? Is,” he reached for his neck, “that my voice? I’m not freaking out. Are you freaking out?”

    He neared the blonde and the brunette, cackling loudly and wildly, as he walked like a cowboy with a full-blown wedgie.  

    Word Count; 576 TAG @Lilith@Dela
    made bycapt. meows


    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

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    Post by Grim Reaper 28th November 2019, 12:02 pm

    Post word: #408
    Total written: #889
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #990012 Hel's speech
    "Oh my most sincerest of apologies. My name is Alexandra Valentine Bloodstone, Queen of Helheim, and daughter to the dearly departed Alex Stein Bloodstone and Elizabeth Victoria Bloodstone. As for thy manor of speak... I was taught such was proper and tradition of my family and the people. This so called 'Elizabethan' you speak of is most unknown. As for the seat if possible I'd prefer to remain standing."

    _____Sure Alexandra wanted to sit down, her mind was already racing and not worrying about proper stance would help ease the child mind she carried with the heavy burden of queen. But as the representative of her people she had carried herself and gave up most things to be the symbol of peace and hope, of power and kindness. She carried herself with composure and stature fitting of her claimed and given title despite her age and looks. She did her best not to let her childish curiosity or mind roam unleashed in such public spaces.

    "If I might inquire where is this town? It's structure and people seem vastly different from any Nation I was taught of to be around Helheim... Not to mention thee nation's odd advancements in magic... My last recalled memory was in a forest... and next I know am here... Not even my spell compass can seem to find my home's direction..."

    _____Sanguine would have heard the real story, how Grim had once long ago gone to search for the magic to protect her people and how it led to the ruins that now drifted in a different realm. Safe and kept away from the known world outside Grim's and a select few other's say. There was also the new information, Grim never spoke of her parents outside claiming them dead much like this child version of her had said. The maid was looking at Grim, rather the Alexandra before her deal with dark magic.

    "I must find my way back home post haste... My people need me... I have to give them hope we will see another bright morning day where we are not at war with the darkness that surrounds our city..." Her stature and composure started to break down as signs of worry and unease crept up on the queen's mind. If this was a trick of the darkness, one to keep her out of the picture long enough for her kingdom to fall she had to find the way home.
    Personality + Child plot twisting


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    Post by Diana Winchester 28th November 2019, 12:41 pm

    With the black powder-induced headache still strong enough to keep her from defending herself or putting her back to a corner so that she could at least face all of her assailants, Diana was in a bad place. Four men in skeleton costumes holding butcher knives had abducted her as their first victim of the night and the only way in or out was locked. To get out of here she would have to go through them and take the key from one of them, but she did not see which one had it since they all looked alike except for their eye colors. It did not matter... she would defeat them all and take the key from one who had it.

    Diana's headache was beginning to let up enough to let her see her assailants clearly, but it was still not enough to defend herself because one of them grabbed her by her hair and put his butcher knife to her throat.

    "We can end you at any time, Princess. We can end your life at any time and no one would ever know." The man reminded her of her helplessness before throwing her to the floor. Diana almost landed on her face but caught the worst of the impact with her forearms. Her headache was finally beginning to let up and with it came an epiphany.

    Diana was a killer who was born with a small but powerful fragment of the essence of Death itself inside of her.

    She was given the power to take out the trash.

    Why do anything else with it?

    She was the Child of Death.

    Why pretend to be anything else?

    Diana began to laugh for the first time in years. It all made sense now. Or at least it did to her pain-addled mind.

    "What's so funny?" One of the men asked her. Diana abruptly stopped laughing and turned to face him.

    "I'm in the presence of dead men." She answered to their confusion. While they appropriated the imagery of death for their own purposes, they were only pretenders. Diana, on the other hand, was the genuine article. She was born with the essence of Death. She would show them what real death looked like.

    "I think she's lost it." Another opined as Diana began to channel the magic of her lineage into her hands until they glowed pale blue. She would wipe them out in one spell with Spirit Dome. The men took a look at her hands and realized the magnitude of their mistake just as Diana dropped to her knees and slammed her hands palms-first on the ground.

    "SHE'S A MAGE!" One of them shouted just before the expanding blue dome hit him and engulfed him in supernatural flames. Three of them fell to the ground screaming and writhed in agony as the life was drained from them, but the fourth had someone sensed what was coming and ran for it, narrowly escaping the dome of death. He had reached the door and was desperately fumbling for the key with shaky hands.

    "There's nowhere to run, remember?" Diana asked him while slowly walking over the corpse of one of the men dressed as skeletons. They had now learned the folly of kidnapping her and threatening her life. The sole survivor continued to fumble for the key as the blonde walked towards him, her high heels tapping out a countdown to his death.




    "There's nowhere to run." Diana calmly reminded him once she was halfway to him. She raised her right hand and it burst into pale blue flame before his eyes. He panicked and turned back to the urgent task of trying to fish out the key that would open the way to safety. Diana continued to advance on the last of the skeletons.




    The man turned back to face her now that she was within arm's reach. Nothing he could do would save him now and he knew it. Diana could see the fear on his face and in his brown eyes as she reached out for him.

    "No one can hear you scream. Now scream for me." Diana commanded, her right hand reaching for his face. The man screamed when the hand of death latched onto his face. He slumped against the door, then dropped to the ground and writhed until he moved no more. In a final macabre touch the key he had been so desperately fumbling for fell out of his pocket when he jerked about in his death throes. It was too late for the key to do him any good, but Diana could make use of it.

    She pulled the dead man to the side, then quickly cleaned the room of any of her hair that had been pulled out. She then put the key in the lock and opened the door. She closed it behind her and dropped the key in the nearby dumpster. No one had seen her emerge from the room and she had left no prints on either the key or in the room. She had cleaned up her loose hair, so the skeleton men were right in one regard.

    No one would ever know that Diana had been in there.

    [Post Word Count: 925]
    [Diana's Word Count: 1,776]



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    Post by Sanguine 30th November 2019, 2:02 pm

    This seemed like a bit of a trickery situation for the now child maid. Here she sat beside a person of pure innocence which in it of itself reminded her of whom she once was. It was nostalgic to say the least, but her decisions were hers alone and she wasn’t going to turn back on them even now that her memories were back to her of some odd reason. But this girl was familiar... extremely familiar. The name Alexandra.... why was she finding it so hard to remember that name? Though she didn’t really express it in the look on her face, it was frustrating her that she wasn’t getting it to click at first.

    It didn’t seem to snap into place until she listened to the girls story. From there, the gentle smile had faded into one of surprise and shock. This cute little innocent girl was the same Grim whom she had witnessed slaughter many people before? There was no way, but everything lined up incredibly too well to be anything but the truth. Sanguine wanted to ask the girl why she didn’t recognize her at all, but the red hair alone was enough to show why. She was her younger self, and by the time she had met Grim, she long past that. ”Well, to uh.. to answer your question Mas-” She paused and cleared her throat, catching herself mid way through calling the girl ‘Master Grim’ out of habit. ”Ms. Alexandra... this is Hargeon Town. It’s one of a couple port towns in Fiore. I do wanna ask you something, if it’s not any trouble.” Her voice would come off as a little nervous, somewhat hesitant even.

    Whether Sanguine wanted to admit it, she was nervous to be asking the woman she looked up to even as a child. Her face turned red, almost enough to match her hair color and eventually she gave into her nervousness and just shook her head lightly. ”N-No, nevermind. I’m sorry to have bothered you, Master Grim.” She jumped suddenly, her attention becoming more and more scattered trying to find the thoughts and words to string together before realizing what she had addressed the girl as and she let out a light squeak and out of a strange, but old habit, she snatched up each part of her Twintails and hid part of her face behind them. ”I-I’m so sorry, M-Ms. Alexandra! Your name is awfully close to someone whom I’m very close to... Though not so much recently from events out of my control. But I digress.” She began to settle herself down, letting off few larger exhaling breaths and then trying to put on a smile for her. ”I know you must be in some kind of rush, however if you go running off, you may get further away from your goal than you are in wanting to rush back. If I may advise, you take a little time to learn what you can about your surroundings as you may learn more than you think. I understand your plight, but too much impatience may lead to an ignorance of choice.” She patted the seat next to her. She just wanted Alexandra to calm down and relax. Unable to understand what she was going through, she was just wanting to help the best she could.

    557 words



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