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    A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 15th August 2022, 4:42 pm

    There was an exasperated look on the man's face as his purple hues scanned the town center and failed to see any signs that looked familiar. The youth stood roughly at five feet and nine inches tall, red-rimmed glasses only accenting the stern look that was hidden behind his eyes. Despite the world behind filled with different magical beings and phenomena, the male that was standing there seemed to still stand out compared to the rest of the world. Currently, he stood wearing a white button-up shirt with short sleeves, with an insignia on the breast that bore no resemblance to any of the guilds that existed in this world. With his brows furrowing together tightly, loose strands of his blue hair fell into his view where he would blow them aside with a soft breath. Underneath his right arm was a gym bag that bore the same insignia as before, with the wooden hilt of a katana sticking out of one end. Those who were paying close attention to it would tell that it was, without a doubt, simply a wooden training Katana.

    People seemed to walk around him as he stood there, staring furiously at a piece of paper in his hand. His good friend, his best friend actually, had given him this map. It was had been drawn with several different crayons and, while it was childish, Sojiro had enough faith in his friend that it would serve its purpose. And that had been his own downfall, seeing that this map had gotten him to a town about three days late, with no sign of the inn the others were staying at,
    "Oh I'm going to strangle Takumi when I see him again." It was at that moment that Sojiro would cast his gaze from the paper that was in his hand and towards the sky, looking forlorn,[color=#ffffff"Well, this is it. I'll die in this town."


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 24th August 2022, 12:12 am

    A cliche or a fated meeting? It didn't matter, really. Whether it was the universes' doing to unite two disconnected souls or just happenstance, another confused youth was wandering the streets of Magnolia. She didn't have a map or anything, and she wasn't really heading anywhere in particular, though. The petite girl with the horns was simply traveling the peaceful-- at least by comparison to her home country of Sin-- cities and towns of Fiore with great interest. The culture and language were so different that those two things alone made it difficult.

    And here she thought it would've been her horns.

    "HEY! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THAT!" a gruff man called, addressing Kanna though she wasn't aware of it. There wasn't a money system in Sin. They bartered and traded for what very little resources there were amongst the ruined dirt and steamy caves, but it wasn't uncommon for there to be root vegetables sitting out for people to take and eat on the go. That's what she thought those potatoes on the market table were when she snagged one while walking by, crunching into it raw and being pleasantly surprised by the lack of bitterness. She hadn't meant to steal, but the farmer didn't know that.

    The second "HEY!" was much closer, and that one startled her out of her blissful ignorance. She turned just in time to see the man reaching for her, and like any reasonable alarmed person, she squeaked and ran. It was all a misunderstanding, of course, but she saw it as outrunning a mugger and he saw it as a criminal escaping, all of which led her to blindly run into the bespectacled man standing in the middle of the street and staring into the sky.

    As she bonked into him and tumbled to the ground, she also started reaching out to the poor young man, trying to get his help. Would he know that? Maybe not, because she was spouting quiet but terrified Dravni as she begged him to get the man away. Kanna could speak Fioran, just not under duress. Not yet.

    [wc: 351]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 11th September 2022, 3:53 pm

    His thoughts of finding a place to live, getting a local job, and receding to his fate of being stuck in this town forever were suddenly torn away when someone collided with him. The impact caused him to let out a low grunt as he stumbled back with a single step, purple hues moving from the sky above to find a girl that had been knocked on her rump. As he took in the pleading look on her face, as well as her outstretched hands towards him, it wasn't long before the shouts of the merchant soon came after. Sojiro's brows would furrow together as he realized that some thief had run into him after trying to snag something from a vendor. Why did this keep happening to him? The same thing happened to him when he met Tad, a good friend of his now, right after the boy had tried to steal a jacket.

    A long sigh would leave the man's lips as he would bend slightly at the hip and take one of her outstretched hands so that he could pull her onto her feet. If she allowed him to do this, even as the screaming farmer approached, he'd take in her details more thoroughly which would cause him to blink several times. Did she have horns? That was pretty cool, actually! Sojiro didn't come from this world, so the man had no idea what was considered normal and what wasn't. Because of that, after taking in the details of her horns, he'd put it to the back of his mind for the time being.

    And that was when the merchant ran up to them, panting softly and flailing his hands around,
    "That girl is a thief! She stole from me and I demand she pay for it, no one is going to want to buy it now!" Sojiro would move to step between the woman and the upset man, raising both his hands up in a peaceful gesture while trying to give his best-disarming smile, "Excuse me sir, but I'm sorry that this is just a huge misunderstanding. I'm sure that we can all just figure this out with we take a deep breath." The farmer would continue to have an angry look on his face before taking a deep breath and letting out some of his anger in the process. The farmer would then look at the woman with a raised brow, "Well, missy? What excuse do you have?"

    Color for Farmer: #ccffff
    WC: 413


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 2nd October 2022, 3:35 am

    Calming somewhat now that she had some ‘help’, her Fiorian returned to her, though it was thoroughly colored with her Dravni tongue. “I… I didn’t mean to steal!” she assured them both, anxious orange eyes peering down at the half-eaten tuber in her hand. The man was right, if this was something he meant to sell for currency, it was worthless now, and for that she felt very guilty. “W-Where I am from, foodstuffs such as this sit out for us to eat whenever we are hungry…”

    By this point, tears were starting to bubble up on her thick lower lashes, partially out of remorse, but also increasing panic, which was about to be revealed. “I would gladly pay what I owe, but… I am new here. I have no… jewels?” Kanna looked to their mediator for confirmation on this nation’s money. Whether he answered or not, she’d continue. defaulting back into her former way of life. Bartering. “B-But! I can offer… uhm… my shoes? They are very well made. Oh! Or p-perhaps my ribbon?” she offered, gesturing to various things on her person with increasing stress.

    In the end, perhaps out of spite or wanting this circus to be over, or a combination of both, the farmer agreed to a trade. One potato for her authentic, hand-made Sinnite shoes. It was very unfortunate, and though she’d made the agreement, it was clear she was very sorry to part with them as she was using Sojiro as a point of balance while she slipped them off. How could she travel without shoes…?

    [wc: 262]
    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 2nd October 2022, 10:57 am

    There was definitely a lot to unpack in this situation but everything seemed to become clear as he listened to the woman. The first thing that he noticed was the use of the word 'foodstuffs', which was simply too cute, and the second was that he understood how this woman felt. It was only a year ago that he was summoned to this world without his consent and was helpless in this strange land. But there had been a girl who found him, helped him understand how things worked and got him on his feet. Perhaps this was his chance to do the same for this girl, she seemed more stressed than he was about the situation. When she had asked about jewels, he had nodded his head to confirm this but for the most part, he began to get lost in his own thoughts.

    That was until the girl had moved to place a hand on him to start taking off her shoes, tearing Sojiro from his stray thoughts and to the situation at hand,
    "I'm sorry but I can't let you have her shoes." Sojiro would say very abruptly while turning his head to look at the female, "Please don't take off your shoes, I'll handle it." What kind of hero would watch a girl trade her shoes for a single potato? So, assuming she let go of him, he would take a few steps so that he was between the farmer and Kanna while reaching into his duffel bag. After a moment, he'd pull out a handful of jewels, twenty in total, and shove them into the hands of the farmer, "Here you go, sir. That is more than enough payment for a single potato." And, without even waiting to hear a response from the man, Sojiro would gracefully spin on his heel and face the horned-woman once more, "You really are a strange one, miss. My name is Sojiro Sakura and I'd like to treat you to a meal." The blue-haired man would offer her his best smile while extending his right hand towards her.

    WC: 334


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 7th October 2022, 3:39 pm

    Kanna paused mid-unshoeing when the poor roped-in bystander stopped her. After a hopeful but confused blink, she obeyed and put her foot down, releasing him.

    Was this what people called a hero? Her hands clasped together in front of her as she watched this spectacled man handle the issue. The pang of guilt she felt when he produced money on her behalf was so palpable that her shoulders caved inward a little and she cringed. What a mess she'd made. Life outside of Sin, while only improvements thus far, was very strange. It was like playing a new game but the rules had been left out of the box.

    Appeased by earning several times over what the singular potato was worth, the smug farmer meandered off back toward his stall, where urchins had undoubtedly burgled more potatoes than twenty jewels could remedy in his absence.

    The hero turned back toward her and spoke to her again, and she gave him her undivided attention. She didn't know what to feel, so the color of her eyes swirled through the rainbow as she looked up at him. A meal? The horned girl glanced at her half-eaten potato. Given what she'd just learned, would that not cost more jewels? Why would he willingly do such a thing? With how that man reacted, jewels must be very valuable, so her first instinct was to turn him down. Then her stomach audibly complained and she blushed. "Uhm, thank you very much, Sojiro Sakura," she accepted quietly, bowing deeply to him to show her gratitude.

    When she straightened back up, she matched his brilliant smile with a pleasant one of her own, then peered curiously at his extended hand. What was he doing? The hand was empty, so he wasn't giving her something. Was he asking for something instead? Did he want her potato? No, that didn't seem right, since they were about to go get something to eat... cautiously, she extended her own hand and placed it in his, though she didn't shake it (why would she? she didn't know the greeting custom) or even grip too hard to hold it. It just sat there as she looked back up at him and tilted her head.

    [wc: 371 || total: 2065]

    Last edited by Kanna on 7th October 2022, 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 7th October 2022, 6:45 pm

    When she looked up at him with irises that shifted between several colors, Sojiro had been stunned for a moment as he appreciated the odd yet charming aspect of it. Had her eyes always been changing like that? He swore that they were a solid color when he had looked at her the first time but perhaps he just wasn't paying enough attention. Another detail that he could ask about in the future. There was a small smile that touched the man's lips when her stomach rumbled, although he did his best to hide it.

    As her hand was placed into his, she would be treated to one of the many greetings of the land as Sojiro would give her hand a few shakes before releasing it,
    "You can just call me Sojiro, my last name is unneeded. Is there something that I can call you?" The blue-haired man would gesture down the street with a short movement of his head before turning on his heels and beginning to move. He wasn't from this town and this was his first time perusing but he knew, somewhere in his gut, that there had to be a restaurant or a food stall somewhere on this main road.

    He bit back his initial urge to bombard the girl with questions despite his curiosity growing more intense with each passing second. Instead, assuming she walked with him, he'd turn his amethyst gaze onto the woman while perking a blue eyebrow,
    "Is there anything you're allergic to? Or any foods that you find yourself craving?" Sojiro would adjust the large duffle bag on his left shoulder, slipping it so that it was mostly against his lower back now instead of at his side.

    WC: 288


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 7th October 2022, 9:03 pm

    Oh! Her eyes widened, settling on a deep, rosy pink hue at last, which was her default 'pleasant' emotion. Despite being so culturally shocked, Kanna did have a nice, deeply ridged brain beneath those horns. So when greeting each other, Fioreans shook hands. Odd, but really nice! Much better than the aggressive glaring and grumpy grunts of dominance back home. It had thrown her off so much that she'd forgotten to return the favor and provide her own name, which made her feel very silly when Sojiro had to ask for it.

    Turning to walk with him down the bustling town's street, her cheeks warmed in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. I'm Kanna... er, I don't have a 'last name' to go with it," the half-breed answered, puzzling over the subject of surnames. She was pretty sure she didn't have one, at least. If she did, no one ever told her, and she didn't know anyone else's in her tribe or even in nearby tribes. Did she need to get one outside of Sin? How did one go about acquiring a last name? Add that to the growing list of things to worry about later.

    Moving on to the subject of food, Kanna started to visibly relax a little more and clasped her hands behind her back as she walked. "No allergies," she assured him, at least, not that she knew of, "but no pickles, please," Kanna added quickly, disgust wrinkling her petite nose. Vile vegetables ruined by soaking in a salty, bitter water were her least favorite flavor, so she might has well pretend she was allergic. Even the smell of them might make her gag if too potent.

    The girl knew what she didn't want, but pinpointing what she did was much more difficult. She thought about it for a good, long time. Replying with 'I don't know' wasn't really her style, even if she also wasn't the assertive type. If Sojiro was polite enough to treat her to a meal, the least she could do was answer his question. Her eyes lit up as she finally thought of something. "The animals that goes mooo... Uhm, what are they called..." She struggled to remember the stories she'd heard of a creature she'd never actually seen. The few Sinnites that had traveled and returned seemed to be very fond of the red meat. "...Oh! C-Cow! Cow, right? What does it taste like? Is it easy to get, Sojiro?"

    [wc: 408 || total: 2761]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 15th November 2022, 10:53 am

    As the duo began to move through the streets together, he listened to her answer his questions with a faint hint of a grin on his lips. The lighthearted way that she carried herself, as well as being able to almost see her brain working on the surface, made Sojiro think of his best friend who had one of the biggest hearts he had ever known. So her name was Kanna? That was a fairly nice and normal name compared to what he was used to hearing in this world. The man gave an understanding nod as she explained that she'd like to avoid pickles, if possible, which should be easy enough. When she had begun to explain she had wanted to eat beef, Sojiro truly couldn't stop his lips from spreading into a wide grin which was followed by a small, sincere chuckle, "Yes, cows are the ones that go moo. But, when you take their meat you'd say you're looking to have some beef." The tone of his voice showed that he wasn't speaking from a place of judgement but was trying to help her understand that way that things worked here; he had wished someone had done the same for him.

    This girl seemed odd, even by this land's standards, so Sojiro finally decided to ask,
    "Where are you from, Kanna? I'm not from here but you don't strike me as one of the natives." The blue-haired man would shift through the streets with the woman easily as they approached, what appeared to be, a market area of some sort. The smell of different foods would be more than prominent within the air, with booths set up along the way, similar to the one that Kanna had snatched her previous meal attempt from. It wasn't hard for Sojiro to find a location simply named 'Burger-Mania', with tables that were set up both inside and out.

    There had been a waitress outside and when they approached, Sojiro stated that they'd like a table for the two of them and preferably outside if they could. The young woman was happy to oblidge, taking them over to a simple round table with two chairs and an umbrella sticking out the center to protect them from the direct rays of the sun. Two menus were placed down in front of them and Sojiro would order two waters and lemonades for the two of them. Once the waitress left to get the drinks, Sojiro would lean back in his chair and open the menu to start purusing the options,
    "Feel free to get anything on the menu that you want to try, I'll be offended otherwise." It had been delivered in his normal tone of voice but that had been his attempt to make a joke with the girl.

    WC: 467
    TWC: 3,228


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 16th November 2022, 2:27 am

    Ah, so cows were the animal while alive, but beef was what it was called when it was dead and ready to eat. That was an important distinction, and as such, she filed it away as new knowledge that she was sure would be useful going forward. How weird she'd sound walking into a place to eat and asking for cow! Even though he was understanding and helpful, the horned girl still flushed with embarrassment.

    Inevitably, her place of origin came up. It didn't bother her, though she sincerely wished she could seem as normal and belonging as Sojiro did, even though he wasn't from here either. Her differences were much more pronounced no matter what she did. Kanna had opened her mouth to answer when their arrival at an eatery distracted her. Her magenta hues eyed the title while she translated it. Of course, without context for what these things were, all she got was that something called a 'burger' was mentally-ill.

    As they were seated at a lovely table outside amongst all the market excitement, the half-breed smiled up at the umbrella that blocked the more annoying qualities of the sun. Neat. Then she turned to the menu, which would take her some time to decipher, so it was good that Sojiro was already on top of the drinks. She liked lemons, so whatever lemonade was, it was probably delicious.

    The joke flew a little over her heard, though. "B-But, uhm, what if I want to try too many things?" she asked worriedly, glancing up at him with a stressed frown. While she wasn't the airhead she sometimes came off as, there was nuance here that she didn't quite get. Kanna didn't know the customs and niceties of this land and what the rules were for when people are 'treating' you to something. She was genuinely afraid she'd really offend him and startled her into frantic studying of the menu for anything she might like.

    In the meantime, her mind did manage to come back around to her earlier question that she hadn't had the chance to answer. "I'm from Sin. That's probably why I am so strange to you," she answered simply, her even tone not betraying her nervousness and shame in the admission. It was common knowledge that no one had a positive opinion of her harsh and isolated homeland filled with violent people and hellish beasts. However, Kanna was honest almost to a fault, so deceiving folks would be wrong. "How about you. You said you aren't from here. Did you mean Magnolia or Fiore?" Kanna wanted to know, all the while keeping track of things she wished to try, like the Buckin' Broiled Burger that had beef in the description, and something called Vulcan Fries.

    [wc: 461 || total: 3689]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 16th November 2022, 3:57 pm

    Sojiro had let his own gaze move over the menu to scan the items, not usually a fan of the specialty burgers and their kin but it didn't seem like he was going to have much of a choice this time around. Twistin' Turkey Burger, which was not made of turkey meat but had it layered on top of the sandwich, was probably going to be his best bet. When she asked her first question, there was a small wave of his hand to convey his dismissive of the idea, "If you can't eat everything you buy, that's fine. I've got a friend with an appetite that would put a whole football team to shame when it comes to appetite. But I personally believe that trying new foods is one of the many great things in life." Which was true, there was something about food that Sojiro had always and will always love.

    When she had finally answered his question about where she came from, there was a small moment when he froze entirely for a second before trying to play it off. What the hell was Sin?! He had been in this land for over a year now and had never heard of this place. Was it another continent? Oh lord, if that was the case then he had so much more to figure out about this land. It was hard enough to try to blend in with the locals of Fiore, but the idea of having to learn about another culture and their beliefs so that he could blend in... Well, the thought was already giving him a headache,
    "Ah, I see. I can't say that I've heard of it." But then she asked his following question, causing him to pause once more.

    When he first arrived here and tried explaining things to the locals, they treated him like some sort of madman! Despite the fact that this realm had magics that could not be explained, the idea of him being sucked out of his futuristic world and being dropped into this had seemed like something worse than nonsense! But he quickly put those thoughts to the back of his mind, placing his menu down as the waitress would approach with their drinks, placing them down and saying she'd be right back to take their orders. He hadn't known this girl but she seemed kind, and Sojiro hated lying to people in the first place. So he sighed,
    "You're going to think that I'm crazy but neither, is the true answer. I'm not from this land or even this planet." Sojiro would raise his right hand and gesture out towards the small town, "I was torn from my world and brought here, against my will." There was another long sigh and if she had been looking closely enough, the smallest hint of sadness behind his amethyst-colored hues.

    But then he'd adjust the red-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose with an index finger before offering her a small laugh, followed by a smile,
    "But my story is boring. Perhaps you could tell me more about your home?"

    WC: 520
    TWC: 4,209


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 17th November 2022, 4:31 am


    The noise, though indicative of both shock and keen interest, was quiet as ever. It was her facial expression that was loudest, with her raised brows and widened eyes and soft oval mouth. Her jaw didn't gape long, though, before it formed into an excited smile. She decidedly did not think he was crazy! Another planet? There were other planets that people lived on? Hands clasping in front of her and against her chest, it was like she was forcefully holding in the torrent of questions she had for him about his home. Was there violence? Was it peaceful? Were people as nice and open as he was? Were there wars and places like Sin? Oh, she'd very much like to travel to a new planet and escape the terrifying circumstances of Ishgar and Earthland as a whole. On a new planet, she wouldn't have to worry about her mother's killer finding her and visiting her with the same fate.

    However, though she was strange and foreign, she wasn't a woman without restraint. In fact, one could say her entire life was nothing but careful restraint, as if she was constantly keeping her worries inside while traversing a minefield. Perhaps she'd ask him later. For now, he wanted to know about her home, if it could be called that.

    "Uhm, Sin is-- she trailed off, eyes and hands momentarily moving like she was envisioning a mental map "--far west from here, and a little south. On the same continent but with one... two large countries between us if you traveled there in a straight line. It's covered on three sides by water and only connected to the largest and scariest country, Pergrande, though we're separated by a giant wall. The Great Wall of Sin is to keep us and our monsters out."

    So far, all she had said were objective facts about it, but it was clear by the puckering of her eyebrows that further explanation was more personal. Subconsciously, she reached up to touch one of her horns. "It is a harsh and unforgiving place filled with demons and monsters and alphas. Our history says that once our lands flourished and were capable of nurturing both its people and bountiful farms, but for centuries it has been nothing but scorched ground and acrid air from volcanoes and lava rivers. Because of some sort of portal, I think. Food is scarce. My people are few, but they are violent, unfriendly, and closed-minded, even to each other. Violence is both currency and primary solutions. It is not advised to visit if you wish to leave unscathed... if you can leave at all. We are so isolated, I didn't even know there was a war happening." None of this was concerning her personal story, of course, because she didn't want to burden him with such a thing. Kanna was careful about oversharing, and she couldn't imagine Sojiro would like to hear about her unfortunate birth circumstances and her mother's murder while sipping lemonade.

    Kanna fell quiet for another moment, searching for something good to say. Life in Sin had been little more than traumatic, but she always looked for the good and redeemable. Finally, she settled on something. "But we are resilient and tough to survive and endure such adverse conditions without any help for so long. We are strong and determined. Does your planet have a place or people like this, Sojiro?"

    [wc: 572 || total: 4781]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 17th November 2022, 3:07 pm

    Sojiro had been watching for her reaction to his declaration and was surprised that she didn't immediately scoff at the thought. It was a pleasant change of pace and as she elaborated on where Sin was located and how it was, the man would let his hand move to his lemonade and bring it to his lips to enjoy some of the bittersweetness. The Great Wall of Sin? It was no wonder that things weren't so great, mindset was more than half of the battle, and with a name like Sin... What person had decided on that for their name? Their people were prosecuted in the normal areas of this land? Racism? And he had been enjoying this world so much, but to hear that caused his lips to move into the faintest of frowns.

    Things made more sense as she explained the people and their way of life, causing Sojiro to nod softly and utter gently,
    "And that's why you didn't understand how currency worked... You're used to fighting for scraps." No judgment in his voice, far from it, but now he was understanding the situation that Kanna had been in when they had run into one another, "That sounds like an unforgiving land, I can understand why you wanted to get away from that. I'm sorry for whatever trials and tribulations have led you to this moment but I'm relieved to hear things will be changing for you." And that had been when the waitress had finally come back with a pen and notepad, asking them what the two of them would like to eat, "I'll take the Twisted Turkey Burger and a side of the Magnificent Mozzarella Sticks." The woman would nod while turning her attention around to Kanna, smiling at her and ready to take down whatever she ordered.

    Once the woman was done taking the order and heading off to the kitchen, Sojiro turn his gaze towards the town again, as if looking at something far away,
    "My world, huh? We don't have magic back in my land or people of different races. Well, we had races, but not ones like the people of Sin. There were humans and that was it. By the time I was born, any war that had happened had been done for nearly twenty years. Science was the power that dominated the place where I came from, dying from disease was just a myth at that point. Cars could fly through the sky, you could read anything in the libraries..." There was no hiding the look of longing that crossed Sojiro's face as he spoke about his home, "Some people were terrible, horrible people but every place were people like that. There were many good people there, that did their best to make the world a better place. My parents... My schoolmates... Everything I had built in my life..." He trailed off and blinked once, barely feeling the single tear that escaped and slipped down his cheek.

    Sojiro would give his head a firm shake, causing the tear to disappear, before coughing to clear his throat,
    "Anyway, my world was very different than this one in almost every way. We didn't have people with horns on their heads or anything like that, unless props. But, I have to say that if we did have people with horns, I hope they end up being as kind and open-minded as you are, Kanna." The man would finally turn his gaze back onto the woman finally, drawing himself back to the present and offering her a smile. The smile was supposed to be charming and soft but it was hard to see anything but the sadness that lurked beneath, "I'll have to introduce you to my friend, Takumi, some time. He comes from the same place and could probably convey its wonder better than I. Talking to people has never been my strong suit."

    WC: 642
    TWC: 5,423


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 18th November 2022, 9:22 am

    She ended up ordering two questionably monikered burgers and some loaded fries, though she was hardly interested in consuming the cow anymore. This talk of another planet had her intrigued far beyond a rumbling belly.

    As he spoke, the demonic girl took care to envision everything his home might be like, to the best of her abilities, anyway. There wasn't much in the way of this 'science' in Sin. She'd barely learned what a car was, and now she was to imagine them flying? Diseases were nearly eradicated? There was no war. Other than the people sounding similar in nature to the good and bad of Ishgar, it sounded incredible.

    If only she could visit. Even if there weren't people like her, she wished she could somehow solve the problem and go with him for a peek. However, if that were possible, Sojiro would have returned home by now. He was trapped and very sad about it.

    Empathetic as she was, Kanna had a hard time watching people cry. Whether it was just her nature or the unfamiliarity with seeing others cry, since it was so rare in Sin, Kanna's own eyes filled with tears. They rolled down her cheeks without much restraint. It took her a moment or two to notice them, but once she did, she didn't do much to stop them. Sporadically, she'd wipe them away, embarrassed and flushed but accepting. Though she still felt shame over it, she'd come to view expressions of softer emotions as a freedom, one not afforded her people without consequence. It was a blessing to be able to cry without fear.

    "You really miss your home," she sniffled after a few moments, dabbing her nose before she became a mess. "I'd love to hear more from your friend, but you talk very well, I think. Are you both working to find a way back?"

    [wc: 313 || total: 5736]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 30th November 2022, 4:40 pm

    As the girl began to cry, Sojiro would watch with wide eyes for a moment while he tried to figure out if he had said something offensive. No, it hadn't been that, was it because of his own emotions showing for a moment? More tears threatened to come up out of his eyes but he'd close them and temper himself with a slow breath, opening them back up to look at Kanna once he was back under control. The look that touched his face was one of the most sincere smiles that he had ever given, "I do, I really do but thank you for listening. And... Caring." Was that a weird thing to say to someone he had just met earlier this same day? Perhaps under normal circumstances but Kanna seemed to wear her emotions on her sleeve, either that or she was the best liar that he had ever met.

    The man shook his head gently at her last question though, emotions slowly disappearing from his face as he finally adopted his usually stern demeanor,
    "I was stuck here for nearly half a year before Takumi was dragged here, too. In the six months I was alone, and in the six months that we've worked together, we haven't been able to find anything. You can summon ghosts, bring forth creatures from different realms, and even bring back the dead... But crossing between different dimensions? I haven't been able to find anything. It isn't that I've given up but I realized I can't keep searching for something that may not exist." The man would gesture with both his hands to the empty space on the table between them, as if to say that was all there was, "There's a chance I could be stuck here forever and that means I should try to make a life for myself. So, we have that in common, at least."

    WC: 317


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 3rd December 2022, 3:57 am

    It took her longer to stop her crying than him. She made note that he seemed very restrained and had so much control that he could wipe all feeling from his face if he chose to and return to baseline. She'd always struggled with that, but in that way, perhaps the two were more similar than she thought.

    Once more, she listened to him explain with great interest. So for about a year, Sojiro had searched for a way home, with and without the aid of his friend. It seemed impossible with all the magic in Earthland that there wasn't something that could send them back. People summoned other people and creatures and things from other realms all the time. Why not his? Was it blocked off for some reason?

    "If the magic existed to bring you and your friend here, then it exists to send you both back," she reasoned, hoping to stoke some hope within the man buying her dinner. And though she was an optimistic person, she could set aside her idealism and be realistic. Flexibility was important. "But it could either take a long time to find or elude you forever, since this world is so big and mysterious. It's good to also live in the present and take things how they are and build from there. You can both search and build a life here, and either outcome will be a good one."

    Kanna was dabbing the last of her tears off of her cheeks and smiling by the time the waitress returned with their substantial order. Though she seemed concerned about the displays of emotion by her patrons, she didn't pry and merely left the food with little to no chatter. Kanna was grateful for both that and the food.

    "Oh, it smells delicious!" she gasped, wasting no time raising one of the gigantic burgers and taking a huge bite. "Mmm!!"

    [wc: 317 || total: 6370]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 8th December 2022, 9:33 pm

    Sojiro gave a small nod at her words, a smile only touching his eyes this time but her optimism was contagious, it seemed, "I agree. The weirdest thing is that the two of us happened to be summoned in differe-" And that had been when the food had finally come, letting his voice trail off. The man was grateful to the fact that the waitress didn't ask any questions about their current appearances. He looked at the massive burger that was in front of him, turkey stacked upon beef with a side of mozzarella sticks covered in nacho cheese, "It does smell good, I'll give it that." Taking the burger into his hand, Sojiro would begin to take a large bit from the burger without putting a dent into it. As Kanna made her exclamation of enjoyment, the blue-haired man would nod his head in response while enjoying his own burger. Unless she sparked up a conversation while eating, Sojiro would remain silent while he ate until he was full. In the end, he'd only be able to eat about half the burger and two of the sticks.

    Once he had finished with his food, he'd take a napkin and carefully clean his hands off and dabbed his mouth clean, having eaten his mozzarella sticks with a fork. Afterward, he would reach down into his bag that was resting next to the table and pull out a bag that jingled as he did so,
    "I can wait until you're done eating but would you like me to explain the currency of this land? It's different from my own but I've been using it long enough now that I'm comfortable enough to teach you."


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 66
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,575

    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Kanna 9th December 2022, 1:43 pm

    Kanna didn't notice how different their eating habits were until she'd already the Buckin' Broiled Burger in its entirety. Even though hers was also stacked high and covered in BBQ sauce, bacon, fried onions, and cheese-- all of which were rather new to her and taught to her by the menu-- she consumed it quickly, pausing only to brutally remove a much hated pickle. Her bites were small and delicate, but very fast. The eating habits of someone who had to quickly devour sustenance before someone else could come along and steal it. She also ate remarkably cleanly, as if both the burger and the Vulcan fries weren't absolutely dripping with sauce and chopped bits. Not even a stray smear graced her cheek somehow.

    She was three bites into and puzzling over the spiciness of the Gravedigger Burger when Sojiro spoke again. He had one burger he'd only eaten half of. After a moment of hesitation, she put her burger down and resolved to perhaps take it with her for later, if that was a thing. Kanna was a little self-conscious.

    "O-oh, I'm finished now. An explanation would be great, so I don't make any awful mistakes like earlier," she said, her cheeks flushing at the mere memory. Though people in Sin were scary, that man had been the scariest person she'd run into outside of her challenging homeland. If it wasn't for Sojiro, she'd be walking around in bare feet...

    [wc: 241 || total: 6894]


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 18,535

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    A Chance Meeting! [Social] Empty Re: A Chance Meeting! [Social]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 4th March 2023, 1:03 pm

    There was a small nod of agreement from the man as she responded to him, "I agree, thought I wouldn't put all the blame on yourself. That man simply had no class." Sojiro could understand being upset with someone for stealing but one look at Kanna and one could tell that she simply didn't understand the customs. But ignorant people exist in all worlds, that was something even Sojiro had experienced when he first arrived in this land. The man would lean towards his right, letting his hand slip into his duffel bag before it started to rummage around for something inside. A few moments later the man's hand would come out with a small cloth bag, the contents inside jingling softly as they moved around.

    Sojiro would place the bag on the table before undoing the thing string around the time, reaching in quickly to pull out something between his index finger and thumb. Between them was a single jewel of a purple/blue color,
    "The concept isn't too complicated. In your lands, you used to be able to trade any two objects. In this land, there is an extra step. Instead of trading anything you can trade these objects, called Jewels, for a multitude of things; clothing, food, housing, weapons, an education..." Sojiro would begin to trail off at that moment before moving his hand across the table to offer the jewel to the female.

    "You can earn these Jewels by doing missions through various guilds, or applying to work a simple job like helping out at a store or restaurant. While a good amount of missions will require that you are able to defend yourself or even protect others, there are some that are simple and safe in nature. Though, the more dangerous a mission, the more Jewels you will get in return." At that moment he would pause and scan her soft features with his amethyst gaze, "Do you have any questions so far, Kanna?"

    WC: 318/7,212


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm