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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 22nd February 2018, 2:42 pm

    Adalinda groans as she leans against a tree. She had just bought herself a new bottle of alcohol over in Hargeon, but she grabbed the wrong one. She didn't realize that she had grabbed a cheap foul tasting, watered down hops, till she took a swig of it just recently. She was looking at the label quietly, glaring. This wouldn't sate her. She needed something stronger. She had been traveling around Fiore for a bit, wanting to stay out of trouble, and get away from Tamaria's nagging to get herself a boyfriend or girlfriend for a bit. Especially after the mishap with the photoshoot for Sorcerers Weekly. That could have spelled danger for her. Especially the one girl she met.

    The dragon slayer mage honestly had been worried about being approached by random men after that shoot when the magazine had been published. And only a couple times had she been approached already by strange men. And both times they seemed like they were weak at drinking while talking down to her. The men only recognized her for the fact that she had black hair that seemed to have blue streaks in them, and because of her bright blue eyes that were practically like ice. She let up a growl to that thought and brought the bottle back to her lips, gagging on the taste and spitting it out to the ground next to her. "This... is... gross... Why am I still drinking it?" She groans as she caps it and just sticks it back on her hip.

    She had ended up near a city. Oak City was it? Yeah. The little place near Magnolia  She was trying to keep down low and not cause trouble for once. She was debating on going into the city to get herself something better, but that would mean to spend more jewels. Jewels she didn't want to spend at the moment since she wanted to save it up. She wanted to buy an expensive liquor that she would get to cherish happily with herself. Just the thought of it made Adalinda calm down and smile softly. She closes her eyes as she leans her head against the tree, humming a drinking song to herself as she let herself enjoy nature, despite the fact that she hated plants now.

    "Found you, Ada." A little squeaky voice says as the cat came and landed on a low branch, retracting her wings. "You know how hard it was to find you? You're quite rude to just leave me back in Magnolia." Adalinda sighs. Of course Tamaria was able to follow her. The cat never ceases to amaze her with how great she was able to track her down. Then again, Adalinda probably did smell like a tavern, and that's not too terrible of an issue in her book. At least her friends could find her easily. Tamaria noticed how Adalinda was acting, and jumped onto the ground before her slayer, putting a paw on her shin. "What happened? You know you can talk about it to me. Did you find a partner finally?"

    Adalinda growls at the cat and showed her the alcohol. "I grabbed the wrong bottle on accident, so now I got watered down hops..." She mutters unhappily.

    Tamaria sighs and hangs her head. Of course it was the alcohol. That's all her friend cared for. Tamaria shakes her head and puts her hands on her hips. "Well... guess all we gotta do now... is find some more alcohol for you." She says confidently. She earned a smirk on the lips of both of them. Of course Tamaria didn't like that Ada drank, but it helped her function, and not be sad, so she was okay with it. "Now the only question would be... where to go to find some good ones that are still cheap...?" The exceed murmurs as she taps her chin. Adalinda snorts and nods her head. She wondered as well. Both the exceed and the mage were lost in thought over this little situation she was having.

    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 23rd February 2018, 12:50 am

    Thru the forests of Oak a huge black shape was moving thru the trees causing the huge limbs to crack and groan under the intense weight put on them, Yuudai was intent on stopping at some point soon he had been on the move ever since he had left the cursed lands and now he was hoping to rest and perhaps drink a bit before he worked on finding a place to settle down for a while. Catching the scent of two beings he quickly turned and the branch gave out from under him before he caught another one and he flipped a few times before he landed with his back facing the dragon slayer.

    After a moment of landing he would rise up to his full height and would crack his neck for a moment as his nine tails moved behind him and he straightened upand brushed off his hakama pants. he would turn to her and her partner before he sniffed the air for a moment and then he leaned down and a bit closer. His muzzle would crinkle in disgusted before he finally spoke.”ugh what is in that bottle did someone piss in it and try to sell it as booze” he complained his voice was deep and a bit rough but was not bad . His purple eyes would look at Adalinda for a moment before he brought his travel bag down from his shoulder and he reached into it before he pulled pulled out a large bottle and put it on the ground in front of the slayer.”here if your going to drink at least drink something good no sense in downing what you have its only good for watering the ground.” he said as he dropped into a cross legged postion in front of her still towering over her.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 23rd February 2018, 12:05 pm

    At the sudden sound of the tree branches above creaking and groaning, Adalinda had brought forth an iron kunai. She slowly straightens against the tree, sniffing the air for the source of the noise as she lets her eyes scan above. She tensed as a branch broke from above her, in which she grabbed Tamaria and hugged the cat to her to keep the tree from falling on her and hurting the little cat. Tamaria was shaking as she noticed the big thing in front of them, and Ada just scowls at it. Her kunai was still in her hand, pointed at the creature while she was in a defensive stance while holding her exceed. She was prepared to attack if she absolutely needed to. When he stood, Tamaria froze from his immense height made her wonder if he was even real.

    "Is he another dragon...?" She murmurs to Adalinda in slight fear before he turns around to look at them. Adalinda clenches her jaw a she continues to hold her kunai, not wavering from her defensive stance. Tamaria had flown back to be behind the tree that Ada had been leaning on, fearing a fight would arise.

    Ada takes a deep breath and watches as the wolfs muzzle was coming in close. At the mention of the alcohol smelling terrible, she was taken aback. "W-what...?" Her shoulders slump. His voice, despite being different than she was normally used to, actually didn't sound too bad to her. Slowly she looks down to the very bottle on her hip she was complaining about to Tamaria not too long before he showed up. Her upper corner of her lip twitches in confusion as she tilts her head.

    At the sight of the other bottle of alcohol, she glares a little to him. Her hands lifts her kunai a bit as she points it to him. "How could I know that this isn't poisoned?" She didn't trust others just willingly giving her alcohol after coming in contact with Advent and him threatening that his sake he gave her could very well have been poisoned. She at least learned from her mistake and was cautious now. The mage's other hand went to her side and pulled off the bottle she had grabbed, turning it to show the label to him. She sets it down on the ground as she stays by her tree. 'Who in the world is this tall... animal thing?' She clenches her teeth at that thought, and glares a little. "Who are you? And what are you exactly?" Her bright blue eyes bore into him as she stood there.

    Tamaria had slightly come out from behind the tree to look at the wolf before them. She was curious of this guy too. Of course she was going to be out of the way for now. She didn't want to get in between them in case a fight broke out. Ada did have a habit of rousing others to do so from time to time.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 23rd February 2018, 12:37 pm

    Seeing the woman holding a kunai made Yuudai scoff mentally since even if she could get close to him it would take more then a dagger to put him down. She seemed to be confused and he spoke again. “your alcohol is bad its hardly got any punch to it it’s the equivalent of someone pissing in a bottle” he explained. When Adalinda glared at him and questioned that his alcohol could have been poisoned Yuudai snatched the bottle and removed the cork with his teeth before he took a few huge swigs of the liquid inside.”there its not poisoned if it is I just poisoned myself” he said before he put it back down in front of her.”also its wildberry brandy home made” he added as he enjoyed the warmth in his throat if there was one thing that the werewolf did well it was make alcohol.

    Adalina then asked the big questions who was he and what was he at that the hybrid yawned a bit revealing all his teeth before he spoke.”I am called Yuudai and what I am is a werewolf specifically a cross of werewolf and were fox” he explained as he met her glare and he was not phased by it as his purple eyes peered at her blue ones calmly.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 23rd February 2018, 2:10 pm

    A small snicker escaped from her lips. "Damn straight does it taste like someone had pissed in it... I stupidly grabbed the wrong bottle... So I probably overpaid for it..." She grumbles as she nudged the bottle with her foot. Him taking a sudden swing of his drink, made her grow wide eyed in a bit of shock. Her jaw hangs slack a bit as she snorts. "You could still be immune to it..." Adalinda grumbles to herself. Her kunai had disappeared and she takes a deep breath as she steps closer to it. Not everyone could be immune to things.

    "Ada..." Adalinda glances back behind her to the cat. Tamaria hid behind the tree more again.

    When the black haired girls head turns back, the creature before he told her what he was. She purses her lips. "Adalinda..." She murmurs a bit. "So.... Yuudai... what's your aim in giving me some alcohol?" She grabs hold of the neck of the bottle and picks it up slightly. She sniffs inside of it to smell how it was before she lifts it up more and brings the top to her lips and takes a taste of it. She blinks, and sets it down as she looks up to him. "This tastes... good..." She nods slightly in approval. "Thanks." A snicker escapes her lips as she really wasn't expecting it. She lightly licked her lips as she wondered why this stranger was even giving her alcohol in the first place.

    Tamaria hesitantly gets out from  behind the tree. "Great... seems another person who can easily win you with alcohol..." The exceed scoffs quietly. Adalinda glares at her exceed. She knew she had a problem when it came to her and alcohol, but she was getting dry and didn't want to lose herself to being sober drunk.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 24th February 2018, 3:26 am

    Yuudai nodded his head  at her explination." it’s a crime to sell something this low grade“ he grumbled knowing that she would most likely agree. At her  muttering of him being immune the giant wolf shook his head a bit."I’m not immune and besides that  poisonous plants and berrys don’t make good alcohol” he explained before he took the bottle from her after she took a drink and he took a swig of the contents before he set the bottle back down in front of her  as an offering that he was willing to keep shareing the bottle with her. After all didn’t alcohol taste better when you were drinking with someone instead of alone.’

    I guess you could consider it a friendly gesture, I mean did you want to keep drinking that shit you bought and have that flavor sit on your tongue all day I figured you could at least use a palette cleanser” he explained with a small laugh at the end. Seeing that Adalinda was still standing and able to handle the strength of his alcohol Yuudai seemed to become surprised.”you must drink often considering you can handle it.i normally make my alcohol strong ” he explained as he remembered that the alcohol content of this bottle was rather high which he liked considering he was rather large so it took more to effect him.  He bowed his head a bit at her thank you before he took another drink. Hearing the exceed grumble the werewolf shrugged his shoulders at her words.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 24th February 2018, 2:02 pm

    She snickers as she nods. Most definitely did she find it a crime, but unfortunately, she also felt it was her fault. She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "No... unfortunately it's more my fault. I grabbed the wrong bottle and told the person selling it that it was the more expensive alcohol... so I pretty much was made to overpay for something that should have been much cheaper... All those jewels..." She groans and nods. At least he was right, poisonous stuff didn't taste too great in alcohol. Or she was told so before at least. She smirks some as he gave the alcohol back so she could drink more of it as well. She wasn't going to argue his friendly gesture after he made the point of her terrible alcohol she had gotten. As he complimented her ability to drink, she nods and snickers. "I need maybe eight or so barrels to knock me off my feet completely... or I black out and who knows what happens then." She snorts and takes another sip.

    "Ada drinks quite frequently, enough that she could probably own a bar with the best stuff and serve it like it was nothing. Though... she's probably glad you stopped so she could have alcohol... what were you doing around here anyways?" Tamaria tilts her head as she sits herself down. She wasn't even going to have a drop of any of the alcohol, she was more of a wine exceed than liquor.

    Adalinda slowly nods after the exceed's question. She was a bit curious as well. "Did you have business that I happened to distract you from?" She smirks some and lets herself slowly slide down the tree to sit down. "I was just literally roaming, taking a break from working so much. Needed to get more alcohol and figured Fiore would be better to get some to sate me for a while." She chuckles and grabs the bottle after Yuudai finished his sip. Honestly, Adalinda found this quite relaxing. Drinking with someone in the forest right outside of Oak Town. All the heavens knew that Tamaria wouldn't drink with her. One sip of anything Ada liked, and the exceed would be flat on her back, out cold.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 24th February 2018, 3:59 pm

    "hey at least you have something better to drink now thats gotta help at least a little bit" Yuudai said. he could honestly say he was enjoying this, his first person he met outside of his pack and she can drink like he could." sounds like you would be a good person to drink with but I can't help but wonder who would win me or you" he said with a wolfish grin. when Ada and her exceed asked why he was here the werewolf shrugged bfore he took another drink."I have no busniess I'm acutally traveling and looking for a place to settle down soon perhaps join a guild" he explained before he would continue.

    "I'm originally from the cursed lands and its tradition to leave to show that your are a true adult in the eyes of the pack"Yuudai explained. "I'm guessing your a dragon slayer if your scent is anything to go by you have the faint scent of reptile on you along with" he took another sniff of the air before he spoke again." iron and other metals" he said before he grinned a bit." I use Luner magic myself"


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 24th February 2018, 5:50 pm

    She winked to him at his comment about her having better alcohol, and her smirk widened as he noted how she could be a great drinking partner. "I'm always up for a challenge if you ever want to see who's able to hold their alcohol better." She leans forward and grinned a little bit to him as she raised an eyebrow. At his mention of just traveling, she chuckles. "You have a guild in mind that you're thinking of joining?" She listens to him a bit as he explains where he came from and what they do to show they're an adult.

    She raises an eyebrow, and smirks, especially as he starts revealing out loud the kind of mage she is aloud. "That's pretty cool, and yes, I am a Iron Dragon Slayer. What does lunar magic? Since you seem to kind of already know my magic." She had glanced to her hand, where she had her kunai before. She takes her sip of the alcohol and takes a deep breath. She felt calmer, more level headed.

    "It's probably magic that has to do with the moon... The name kind of gives it away. Lunar means 'in relation to the moon', Ada..." Tamaria takes a deep breath. Adalinda glances over to the cat, who shrugs. "Well, I'm not wrong." She mutters and goes to the black haired mages' side to grab the flask that she usually has hidden at the back of her belt. It was usually filled with water for the exceed to have something to drink while the slayer had her alcohol.

    Adalinda lets the exceed take her little flask, and looks to Yuudai. She cocks her head to the side a little as she has a small smirk still on her face. "So? Can you show me? I've never come across Lunar magic before." Of course her curiosity was getting the best of her.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 24th February 2018, 7:29 pm

    if your up for a challenge I’d be happy to take you on right here right now” he said with a confident smirk ”I have some extremely strong alcohol if your interested” he added since he had one more bottle of alcohol and it was specially designed, it was a rare alcohol made by his people which even the strongest drinkers had trouble with. At the question of if he had a guild he wanted to join the wolf shrugged.”so far I have no idea but I’m sure I’ll find one soon” he said though he was still unsure about what guild would suit his personality.

    my magic hmm I suppose I could reveal some of its abilitys” he said as he focused for a moment before his coat started to glow with moonlight then he suddenly had three copys of himself seem to appear from around the area however they were just illusions that were tricking the dragon slayers eyes from looking at Yuudai in a way it was a form of hypnosis to trick her. After a moment his fur lost the glow then he smirked and spoke.” Luner magic focuses on not just using light from the moon to attack but also on confusing and tricking the opponent with illusions and tricks” he explained as he gently scratched the back of his ear to relieve an itch he had.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 24th February 2018, 8:46 pm

    At the word 'challenge', Adalinda ears seemed to perk up, while Tamaria's ears slowly lowered down. "Oh boy... I don't like this anymore... You better take that back..." Tamaria says to Yuudai as she glances to her slayer. Her eyes were grinning along with her mouth. Honestly, the slayer couldn't deny a drinking contest. "Ada... please... We... ugh! Why now of all times?! We should get back to the Divide Islands! We should get jobs to do! Not drink!" Tamaria was now on her feet and trying to shake Adalinda out of accepting the challenge. The mage glances to her Exceed, then snickers.

    "The company can deal without me for a bit. Besides... if I start getting drunk, they won't have to deal with me on the island!" She chuckles as she looks right at Yuudai. She was about to accept his challenge when he admitted to not knowing what guild he wanted to join. Should she offer her guild to him? No... he was a complete stranger. Even though she had been to Johann as well, but she was now starting to drink some high end tasting stuff... Maybe she shouldn't offer now that she was actually feeling a tingle from the alcohol. At sight of his magic, Adalinda gasps at the multiple of hims about. She snorts and looks back to him. She listens to his explanation of his magic, and nods.

    "Is it just you who knows how to do it...? Or your... clan did you say? Or tribe?"

    "Pack, Adalinda..."

    "Yeah, pack! Thank, Tammy. But yeah, that! Does your whole Pack have the same magic? Or just you?" She asks curiously, then her eyes go onto the alcohol before her. "I think... I also accept your challenge... I want to taste this 'extremely strong' alcohol you say you have on you." She smirks as she slowly leans forward. "Or do you think that you might actually lose to me?" She snickers.

    "Ada... Stop it... You get bad when you're drunk..." Tamaria says as she sounds worried again. Adalinda ignores the cat and was holding out her hand to accept that challenge finally. "You don't need to destroy the town."

    Adalinda looks to the exceed finally. She gives her a 'seriously?' look, and rolls her eyes. "We are outside of Oak Town... if anything... it'll be trees that get hurt... and they'll grow back." She snorts before her eyes trail back to Yuudai. "So...?" She grins to him rather widely, anticipating the oncoming drinking challenge.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 24th February 2018, 9:26 pm

    Yuu heared the exceeds words but he simply shook his head, it seemed like fun so why back down from a challenge now. When she asked about his magic he blinked before he spoke “Not all of my pack can use it but I have the most training and the most potential in it” he explained before Adalinda accepted his challenge and he grinned before he took the bottle in front of them and corked it before he pulled out another bottle and this one had dark liquid in it as well.”this stuff is hard to make but can put even poison dragons on their ass and they are immune to alcohol” he said before he uncorked it and suddenly a sweet smell came from the bottle .

    The smell was deceptive but at the slayers taunting words Yuudai gave a few barking laughs before grinning again.” I like ya your good looking and you have a backbone to match your personality” he complimented.” but I don’t intent to go down easy so lets see what you got we will take a swig then pass it back untill either its empty or one of us passes out sound fair?” he asked before he took a swig of the liquid and passed it to her feeling it burn as it went down his throat but the flavor was good.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 24th February 2018, 9:46 pm

    Once the original bottle was put away, and the new bottle was taken out, Tamaria made her wings appear. She didn't want to stay around for this. This was going to end badly... for everyone. She just knew it. "Adalinda won't pass out easily... not before she destroys the place." She groans and looks to her Slayer. "You behave! Don't kill the town! Or Johann will probably have your ass!" The exceed was furious, and only cursed then. Adalinda snorts and waves at her exceed before he compliments her. That compliment made both Tamaria and Adalinda pause a bit.

    Adalinda's eyes glance over to Tamaria, who was grinning now. "Oh? You like her, do you? You didn't happen to see her in sorcerers weekly... did you? In a photoshoot in some... rather sexy clothing...?" She seemed to giggle. She then looks to Adalinda, and has a cheeky grin. "Yeah... Adalinda has too much backbone sometimes... Maybe you're not so bad..." Of course the cat gave her seal of approval just from him showing interest in her mage. "Don't have too much fun Ada~! I'll be back later. Try to not destroy Oak Town, or the forest..." The cat had flown off quickly before the girl could throw something at her.

    The black haired mage had a light blush on her cheeks as she reaches over to grab the bottle from Yuudai, and takes a sip from it as well. She wanted a reason to not speak after her Exceeds words. She gasps at how strong it actually was. Maybe she finally did meet her match, alcohol wise at least. "Holy crap!" She finally cries out when it fully went down her throat while she looked at the bottle. The look on her face showed she was rather delighted by the taste of it. She liked the smell of it as well and put her nose to the top to get a good whiff of the alcohols scent. "Holy crap... did you say you made this yourself? It's really good! I don't know which one I like better right now." She was laughing a little as she started to hand it back to him. Of course, she had been tempted for another sip, but the challenge required them both to have one sip. She had to abide by it.



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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 2:06 am

    Yuudai laughed a bit at Tamarias comment “That’s good I like a challenge” he said before he heard her comment on sorcerers weekly and her photoshoot.” huh no I didn’t perhaps I should when I go into town” he said with a teasing tone towards Adalinda. As they started the challenge Yuudai smirked at her reaction and he nodded at her question.”yep I make that myself the flavor may change but the strength is the same I’m guessing your enjoying it” he asked as he took the bottle from her and took a drink before he passed it back and he growled lightly as he felt the heat scorching his throat.

    whew that burns now matter how much of it I drink” he commented as he felt his face feel warm.”so how long have you been drinking for. I’m not considered an adult by my pack and I have been drinking for a long time now” he said as he scratched his other ear as he waited for her response. He wondered how long she would last if she could hang with him drinking wise he knew he had found his first friend outside of his pack that was a sure thing.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 10:50 am

    "You don't have to get a copy of the stupid magazine... I was dragged into the stupid thing by Tamaria... Ended with me beating up some perverts though." In all honesty, there was only one picture in there she liked. It was where she had leaned against a tree while distracted in a flower themed bikini while in heels. She had glanced through the magazine when it came out to find which pictures they used for her, even though she had a copy of all the pictures by request for herself. Adalinda's face had been slightly pink, from a mixture of the alcohol, and being embarrassed by him teasing her about the magazine.

    She takes another sip of it before she answers his question, shaking her head from the burn a little as well. "Legally, since I was sixteen, so three years. Illegally, I couldn't tell you exactly." She passes the bottle back. Honestly, after having some of the other alcohol before this one, she was feeling it hit her already. Adalinda's guessed that this stronger one was probably equivalent to about half a barrel of ale on it's own to her. So she bet she may have four or six more sips in her before she blacks out. She just hoped she could behave and not destroy the place like Tamaria asked her to not to. She looks to the other and grins a bit. She figured she was holding up good in his eyes.

    She tilts her head as she raised an eyebrow. "Since I don't like drinking in silence, how about tell me more about yourself? Have a girl you left behind?" She shifts herself to let her slouch as she rested on the ground.

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 1:00 pm

    oh but now I’m curious though good to know you knocked some perverts on their asses” he said as he took the bottle up and held it up to here in cheers for her actions before he took a drink. He coughed a bit as some of it went down the wrong tube and he felt his body getting warm. He may be a huge werewolf but even he had a limit he was most likely going to last the same as her at this rate perhaps one sip more if he was lucky. “eh I won’t push people need some kinda hobby for some its painting for others like us its drinking. Lucky for us liver damage is pretty easily healed by magic” he joked as he passed the bottle back to her.

    At the question of himself and if he left anyone behind Yuudai shook his head.” nah I’m single even in my pack a lot of the girls were intimidated by my size so they didn’t approach me, you don’t seem to care though so I don't see what their issue is” he explained as he felt his face heating up from the alcohol.”as far as familiy goes my mom is a were fox and my dad was a werewolf and I have no siblings. lets just say my childhood was interesting.” he explained. His status as a hybrid was always a tough subject in his pack since he was not one species or the other so it caused issues at times. “ alright same question to you tell me a bit about yourself. Got yourself a boyfriend?” he asked as he waited for his turn with the bottle.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 5:26 pm

    Adalinda's face blushed deeper as he said he was curious of her in the magazine. She was mentally cursing Tamaria now for it. At the same time, she guessed he would have found out eventually anyways. When he offered the bottle back, she grabs it from him.She listens to him before she takes a sip happily. She snorts and shrugs her shoulders, lightly tapping the neck of the bottle. "Well... We have a tall guy in our guild, I don't know him. Seems like a meathead a little..."

    She hands the bottle to him once more, taking a deep breath to try to get the clouds out of her head. As he throws her question back, she shrugs her shoulder. "Nah, nor a girlfriend either. No one's good enough for my level... Everyone I've come across says I need to tone myself down. Or that my muscles are unattractive. It's really pathetic to me. I just can't stand it though. I was raised to be strong. And I see no issues with my own muscles. Even someone like you says they look good since you say I'm attractive! There's not many people who act like that, and it makes me kinda sad." She was sounding a little whiny, not realizing that she kind of revealed that she was half hoping for a chance with someone who didn't care for her body image. And she obviously didn't care that she revealed liking girls either. "My father was obviously an iron dragon, he taught me to be strong as steel, and I'm not rejecting that for anyone. I need to get stronger." She smiles as she nods.

    Adalinda takes a breath as she stretches.
    "Maaan, I tell you, people sometimes suck... With all their judging and whatnot." She shakes her head and sticks a tongue out in disgust.



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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 6:03 pm

    Yuudai shrugged a bit at her mention of tall guys being meat heads, he knew most lycans were very tall but not all of them were dumb, some like himself were extremely cunning and tough to beat.”eh maybe he is just an idiot but then again I don’t know the guy” he said as he took the bottle and took another drink.”how ya holding up feeling the booze kick your ass yet?” he teased as he passed it back to her. As he heard her explain that no one was at her level and that she had no boyfriend or even girlfriend the hybrid nodded in understanding. She told him that people wanted her to tone down or that her muscles were unappealing which made the werewolf snort.

    I find women with muscles far more appealing then those skinny twigs I heard walk around the streets. I’m a rough being so I need someone who can handle my strength and won’t break like they are made of glass. Don’t listen to those idiots they don’t understand the mindset of the strong” he explained feeling his face get flush from the alcohol despite it being hidden by fur. “ I know its going to be hard out of the woods I mean not many females like someone covered in fur but if they don’t like how I look then fuck em” he said being rather blunt at the end of it.

    an iron dragon sounds like an interesting parent and no doubt made you strong already. I can only wonder how much stronger you will get” he muttered before he heard her complain about judgemental people and he simply nodded.” yeah but sadly that’s how society works and nothing we do can change that” he added.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 6:56 pm

    "You wish it was already. I'm still standing... Er... Sitting right." The slayer laughs softly to herself and shakes her head. She was amused by his snort and points to him as he talks of not liking twigs. "Yeah! And who's able to handle alcohol like myself! If they're blubbers after one sip, or on cheap shit, they're terrible in my eyes!" She snorts and finally sips from the bottle. Her cheeks were already getting a rosy color, making her blue swirled tattoos show a bit more prominently.

    He continued to make her blush as he mentioned liking strong women. She snickers and lifts an arm to show off her bicep playfully. "I bet I could handle you." She snorts. She nods to his comment of saying 'fuck 'em' to whomever doesn't like him as he was. "If it means anything, I don't mind how you look. You look quite good to me... Like... I guess pretty hot 'look good'."" she shrugs as she hands it back to him finally.

    "Eh... My father was an ass, but I do hope to be stronger than him one day! Just need to get the practice... Bah..." She snorts and shakes her head once more. How many sips has she had already? She was losing count. That probably wasn't good. She stuck her tongue out again and waved her hand, agreeing with the society crap. Adalinda was trying to focus on how many sips she already had. It was stronger than she expected. Maybe she was going to black out sooner than expected?



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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 7:19 pm

    Yuudai let out a barking laugh as she mentioned she was still standing or well sitting was a better term. She brought up that she can drink alcohol like he can as well and the werewolf nodded with a smirk.”hell yeah if you can’t drink then get better I like someone who is in my league if your not then its no fun” he laughed as he took the bottle from her again and took another drink. He was rather relaxed now and enjoying the company of someone who not only seemed to share his mindset on many things but could also drink with him as well.” if you can drink this well we need to go bar hopping in the future, though I see our wallets getting empty rather fast” he snickered as he passed the bottle back to her. Who knows how much longer this would go on for.

    At her comment of thinking she could handle him along with saying that she thought he looked good Yuudai actually blushed bright red but it was impossible to see under his fur though his eyes held a surprised look.”heh that’s a pretty bold claim Adalinda but can you back your words up?” he questioned as he flexed his arms a bit. Even under the fur you could see muscle ripple with strength. “I am sure you can surpass your father but it will just take time and dedication” he commented as he stretched his neck and he felt his head get dizzy for a moment before he shook it off.


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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 8:26 pm

    She snickers as she nods to him, holding a fist up in the air. "Yeah! Drinking league!" She snorts and grins happily to herself. "Or we can just buy out a whole bar, or three, and drink all that they have." She snickers as she shrugs her shoulders. She sits herself up and goes to reach for the drink, taking it and just chugging a big swing of it before pulling the bottle away from her lips. She giggles a bit as she leans her head back. The alcohol was taking her over a bit and she was starting to black out a little, but she quickly shakes her head and looks back to Yuudai again.

    As he questions her being able to back up her claim of being able to handle him, Adalinda starts to get to her feet again. She was still holding the bottle in her hand. She snickers before she takes another step while she let up a hiccup. "Y-hic-You're on. I can sh-show ya I can handle-hic-andle ya." She was starting to slur her words before she brings the bottle to her lips once more, but she then hands it back while pointing into his chest. She was starting to struggle against her eyes and was unable to focus fully on him. "Damn str-hic-straight I can handle ya." She grins as she shakes her head a little, trying to focus, but was currently unable to as the alcohol was kicking her ass already, no matter how hard she was trying to resist it.



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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 8:56 pm

    Yuudai busted out laughing at her idea took another drink.”Ha that’s a good one how many bars you think we could clear out before we hit our limit?” he questioned as he felt his vision fading and he growled lightly. He didn’t want to lose. As much as he had to admit Adalinda was a good challenge his competitiveness was high and he wanted to win. As he watched her wobble to her feet he snickered a bit thru his drunken haze and heard her claim that she could handle him. He took the bottle and took another drink before he finally felt the alcohol strike him like a bat across his head and he smirked.”your more then welcome to try” he muttered before he felt his vision go dark.


    As Yuudai started to come to he scrunched his eyes shut as light tried to shine on him and he growled softly at the headache that was starting to kick in as well. His body was also rather sore and he felt a breeze all over his body which made him acutely aware of something, his hakama pants were no where to be found and he also felt a warm body close to him as well snuggeling into his fur. He didn’t open his eyes but he had a feeling he knew what happened and he just tried to fall back asleep for a little while longer.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 9:38 pm

    As Adalinda smiled up to Yuudai, she felt her vision blur away into oblivion for her for the rest of the day. The drinks had taken her over completely by then. Focus wasn't hers anymore.

    Next morning

    The dragon slayer felt someone stir around her. She was still groggy, and just didn't want to be removed from the fuzzy pillow and blanket around her. The growl slightly had woken her, and she slowly starts to stretch. Then the pounding headache set in. She groans and moves her hands to put her fists to her temples. A hangover. She never had a hangover, or at least it's been forever since she had one. She moves herself to snuggles herself into the fuzzy blanket again, wanting to keep warm, especially after feeling a slight chill when she moved.

    Slowly, Adalinda paused her actions. Her eyes open as she starts to lift her head. "Adalinda! What the hell did you do?!" Ada winced and sat up finally after hearing her exceeds voice. She looks over to her, finally seeing the damage she had done to the forest. There was a good few trees uprooted, and a lot of them had her iron weapons in them, like her kunai's and javelins. She noticed her clothes a fair distance away, and blushes deeply as a pair of pants she faintly reme-

    Her head snaps to the fuzzy thing next to her, before she quickly scrambles away. She lets out an unintentional girly yelp, and stumbles as she feels her whole body was sore. She groans and lets herself sit down slowly on the ground as her knees were rather weak for some reason. The hangover mixed with her screaming muscles had her trying to gather her bearings. This wasn't her. She couldn't be like this. She had a high alcohol tolerance... but why did her body? She looks over to Yuudai, and her face instantly pales.

    "If you two don't mind... get dressed, Ada! I'll meet you at the docks! Jeez!" The exceed had her eyes covered, and actively avoiding looking in their direction before her wings came out and she high tailed it back to the docks of Hargeon a few towns over.

    Adalinda had her mouth covered as her face was a rather bright shade as she was instantly thinking of why she felt sore, and when it could have happened. When she blacked out. She wasn't an easy person. She noticed something down below on her legs, and gasps a bit. Scratches?! What exactly did they do? Did they brawl? That could be a reason why her body was sore... but not for why a certain area was too... Trying to think with a hangover was terrible. Adalinda just gave up a groan as she sat flopped over her legs. She kind of wished she didn't remove herself from Yuudai now. His fur softened everything to her.

    The mage slowly forces herself to sit up on her legs, having her hands on her forehead as she pouts and uses uses her elbows to cover her bare chest. Her eyes were casted down, feeling a bit shameful for what she might of done. "Yuudai..." Her voice was soft. "Do you remember what we did last night?"



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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Yuudai 25th February 2018, 10:01 pm

    The moment he heard Tamaria yell Yuudai brought his hand to his head and whimpered a bit in pain.”oh god make the noise stop” he muttered before his purple eyes snapped open when he heard Ada scream and he woke before he grabbed his head again well with one hand.”ugh my head wait why do I feel so sore….wait why is my arm restrained” he questioned as he looked up at the tree and saw his arm bound near the base of the tree. When he was asked what they did last night Yuudai looked at Ada before he suddenly got a shocked look on his face and felt pain around his neck and shoulders.” um I blacked out as you approached then I have no clue but if I had to venture a guess” he trailed off before he sighed.

    Adalinda I am so sorry I didn’t think this was going to happen when we started drinking.” he said softly as he covered himself with his free hand and looked down a bit in shame.”honestly I like you and I would like to get to know you more and if it was to go anywhere perhaps a bit slower” he said looked at her with honesty in his eyes. Truth be told Yuudai did like her she was sexy as hell could obviously handle him considering she bit him to hell and she could match him drink for drink. He touched his shoulder and winced a bit.”god you bit me to hell “ he said as he could feel them throb still from the previous night. He looked at her and waited for her answer though he did feel really guilty and was rather worried he just ruined a brand new friendship.


    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) GSvDExK

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    Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai) Empty Re: Meeting the Wolf (Social with Yuudai)

    Post by Lethe 25th February 2018, 10:34 pm

    A nervous chuckle came from Ada, but there wasn't any humor in it. She slowly glances up to him to see his arm... strapped to the tree by her belt. She slowly makes it to her feet and makes her way to the tree to start taking off her belt from his wrist. "It's... it's fine... You did warn me that the drink could make a dragon or dragon slayer flat on his ass or whatever..." She was talking in a soft voice, trying to minimize her own hangover while talking to him. As he confessed to liking her, Ada blinks. She wasn't expecting it honestly.

    "R-really?" Her voice squeaked. It squeaked? She knew she could sound a bit more feminine sometimes, but she hated when she did, especially right now. She quickly nods as she takes a deep breath. She was trying to let the wave of the pounding subside before she continues speaking. "Being honest... You're not... You seem rather cool yourself..." She hangs her head as her cheeks were pink. "I wouldn't mind going slower, if... that is, you're okay? It's been quite a while since I had any form of relationship anyways... outside of acquaintances and guild members." She finally had his hand free, and glances slowly back to him over her shoulder. She had ended up sitting down by the tree, back to him as she worked his arm free of her belt. She was unaware of any marks besides what she noticed at her legs. The pain of the scratches, kind of melted into the soreness of her body.

    His comment of her biting him, made her eyes widen in shock. She bit him?! She stopped trying to be modest and hiding her body and went over to him. "Are you sure I bit you? I don't think I could have..." She trails off as she quietly reminds herself that she just had a blackout. She very much could have bit him. She puts a hand on his neck, and frowns. Guilt was all over her face as she hangs her head once more. "Sorry..." She chokes out. She felt a light breeze and moves to cover herself so she wouldn't be cold from the breeze. "I normally don't let myself bed someone easily... even though we weren't in an actual bed... And we were both apparently black out drunk... god... this is totally not my style." She groans, before a hand goes to her head again. She had momentarily forgotten about her hangover. She needed more alcohol to fix it... but she couldn't find the horse piss she bought... and didn't want to go searching for Yuudai's bag... if the alcohol was even still in it.


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