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    You Did This to You

    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
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    Experience : 7,996

    You Did This to You Empty You Did This to You

    Post by Saffron Remington 8th June 2022, 7:45 pm


    Saffron groaned. She was drowning from boredom. There were a number of jobs on the board, but next to none of them were scheduled to be done today as all the clients were far too busy enjoying themselves at the Spring Festival that was being hosted throughout Fiore’s various cities. Normally the Bosconian woman would have been all about joining in with the festivities but her typical festival partners, Hosrius and Grubar, had both made other plans and abandoned her. She had thought about going by herself; it wouldn’t have been the first time. Hell, she’d met Hosrius at a festival that she’d gone to by herself. But that was back at a time when she was still new to Fiore and didn’t know anyone, and was trying to get more exposure to the culture. Now that she actually had friends out here and had integrated herself into the guild, it felt more than a little lame to go somewhere without any company.

    She sat in her room at the guild for a couple hours, lazily flicking back and forth between various shows on the lacrivision and not really being very captivated by most of them. Saffron was far too social of a creature to waste her day being glued to the screen. As her body sank lower and lower into her recliner she finally groaned as she realized she’d been staring at the ceiling longer than at the lacrivision itself. “Fuck it.” She couldn’t take it any longer.

    Turning the machine off, she dragged herself out of the cushioned chair and threw on a new outfit that was more suited to being out in public than the sweat pants she had been lounging in all morning. A pair of worn and faded shorts were thrown on beneath a white tank top, with a purple handkerchief tied around her left thigh. She slipped her arms into a brown leather jacket that was cropped short at her waist and pulled on a pair of fingerless black gloves. Completing the ensemble was her trademark boots with a set of orange socks poking out of the top. With a quick brush of her hair to make sure her glorious mane was just so, the woman strolled out of her room and made her way toward the exit.

    If she hadn’t been so bored and restless all morning, she may have missed him as she passed by. As it was, it took a moment for her mind to catch up with her eyes. The blonde walked past the open door to the office where the guild leaders often conducted business and it wasn’t until she had fully passed the door that she registered Vandrad’s presence. Turning on a dime, she backtracked and poked her head inside with a perplexed expression. “Yo. What are you doing here? Did all the aliens ditch you too? That pow-wow must be more exclusive than I realized.”

    Saffron assumed that Vandrad knew that Mercury had plans to meet up with Hosrius and Grubar at the festival today. Frankly, she’d assumed that Vandrad had been invited, so it was a genuine surprise to see him still at the guild hall. She would barely give him enough time to respond. “Welp, their loss. Let’s go, old man. I refuse to be this bored out of my fucking mind when there is a festival going on right outside of our doors.” She slapped her hand against the threshold a couple times to emphasize the decision she’d made for him before she pulled back in the hallway and walked off completely confident that he would follow. The only indication that she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t just come along simply because she demanded it was her voice as it called back to him from down the corridor.

    “If you don’t come with me, I’m going to tell Mercury that you called me your friend.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 655 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 20th June 2022, 6:46 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    You Did This to You RJtajUnz_o

    As far as Vandrad was concerned, this was a day off. Though that still required him to fill out paperwork for Fairy Tail, that was hardly a chore to the ace. Paperwork didn’t bother him like it bothered other people; he found it relaxing. And since he didn’t have Mercury constantly chirping in his ear about one thing or another, he could focus up and get his work done in a timely fashion. After that, he could return to his crafting station and continue development on some of his projects.

    It was as such that the former prince also didn’t really register anyone passing by. Plenty of Fairy Tail members made their way past the staff door and a few of them even greeted him as they went. They were all met with grunts of recognition but nothing more. The armor-clad ace was fully focused and had no intention of being distracted by mere passing conversations. Luckily, most people understood that about him now and didn’t make a big deal out of it.

    Then there was the likes of Saffron. He, once again, didn’t pay her much mind, sensing her signature magical aura as it went on its way. He imagined that she was going out on a job or out with someone else or whatever -- the blonde was always going out and about when she wasn’t training with him or so he believed. Despite their newly crowned friendship, Vandrad didn’t claim to know everything about her or her activities during the day. But unlike everyone else, Saffron did not continue onward when she realized he was there. No, unsurprisingly, she felt the need to put on the brakes and turn to face him in the doorway, albeit in a comical manner as her head popped around the corner. A single eye rose from the document he was working on to look in her direction even before she greeted him and wondered what he was doing there. She theorized that he had been ‘ditched’ by the aliens.

    Mercury was going with Hosrius and Grubar to meet up with a contact of the mercenaries. Apparently he had a connection to Maker and was determined to aid in their hunt for him. "No, I was invited along, as Maker attacked my family and, as such, it is considered a personal matter. But Mercury is more than sufficient enough to get the intel from their source. Besides, they alo spoke of actually attending the festival and I have no desire to do anything like that.” He’d been to one too many festivals as far as he was concerned, positive that he would be dragged to another one by Mercury sometime in the future. The opportunity to skip one mattered more to him than meeting a man from the cosmos to learn what little more they could about Maker and his schemes.

    What he hadn’t anticipated was that another equally as demanding force would take up the reigns where they had fallen lax. Saffron announced, most likely without having really listened to anything he said, that it was the loss of Mercury, Grubar and Hosrius and that they would be going out. As she put it, she had no desire to remain stagnant and ‘bored’ when she could go and be active and mingle with the people of Magnolia. With that decision apparently made, she patted the door aggressively and went off. Vandrad scoffed in mock amusement. "Bold of you to assume that you have any means of making me go anywhere,” he muttered.

    But of course, he’d forgotten that he had given her ammo, the fool he was. She hadn’t even made it fully down the hall before she called out and informed him that if he opted against coming, she would tell Mercury about their freshly minted friendship. His hand froze mid-stroke of his pen and he closed his eyes and groaned. It was a conundrum; on the one hand, it didn’t really matter whether she told Mercury or not. It would come out eventually; some flagrant use of free ammunition to benefit herself in amusement, no doubt.

    Yet at the same time, he could only imagine the kind of torture Mercury would put him through now. And between dealing with it in the present or far in the future, all he could do was say a little prayer for his future self. Sighing indignantly, he finished his sentence on the paperwork and  closed the folder. It was annoying and he would have to come up with a suitable punishment for her after the fact. But with a groan he got to his feet and closed the door to the office. As he walked after her, he scoffed again as he spoke up to her. "Sooner or later you’re going to misfire on that particular piece of information and then you won’t have your advantage anymore.”

    Words: 814 | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by Saffron Remington 20th June 2022, 7:29 pm

    Rolling for the relay race.



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    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by NPC 20th June 2022, 7:29 pm

    The member 'Saffron Remington' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    You Did This to You Die_02_42159_sm
    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by Saffron Remington 20th June 2022, 8:00 pm


    Despite what Vandrad likely believed, Saffron had heard him just fine about his lack of desire to go to the festival. It was just that she had decided not to accept his answer. After all, friends didn’t let friends be boring – or at least, that’s how she saw it. Vandrad was certainly grumbly and antisocial, but that didn’t intimidate Saffron or give her pause in the least bit, unlike nearly all of the rest of the guild’s membership. So when he tried to state that he was content to just sit inside and do paperwork instead of being involved in the gathering, she simply brushed it off and took charge, informing him that he was going to join her – or else.

    She didn’t hear his muttered comment about not being able to make him do anything, but she had rightly assumed he was at least thinking something along those lines, which was why she made sure to follow up with the trump card that he had provided her not so long ago. And sure enough by the time she was making her way through the main hall and toward the guild’s entrance he had caught up with her. As he informed her that there would come a day that Saffron would slip up and let the truth slip, losing her advantage in the process, she merely grinned at him. “I’m insulted that you think I can’t keep a secret, or that I would be so careless with my blackmail. I may not have made the military my entire personality like you did, but I am still capable of exhibiting discipline and self control when necessary. In fact, since I’m such a great buddy, I’m not even going to tell Mercury that you went with me so she can’t tease you about it.”

    Out they walked into the streets of Magnolia, the city filled with throngs of people laughing and enjoying the various foods and festivities. Vandrad would quickly find that one of the benefits of going to a function like this with Saffron was that, unlike Mercury, Saffron wasn’t necessarily looking to be as involved as possible with all the different games and contests. In fact, she seemed more or less content to just be out and about and spending time with someone whose company she enjoyed, stopping for the occasional snack and laughing at all the people that were making fools of themselves. For her it was clearly less about the direct involvement and more about the atmosphere and companionship.

    That wasn’t to say that she didn’t want to get involved, however. She simply was more selective about the energy she spent, more interested in games that were going to challenge her on some level. And after a bit of wandering around the fairgrounds she found just the event: a relay race in which people made up teams of four people a piece and had to dress up in a leprechaun costume which then needed to be passed along to the next runner before they could run their lap. Normally something like this had the potential to be insanely unfair, but it seemed the main rule was that no one was allowed to use their magic under any circumstances to give themselves a winning boost.

    “Okay, that looks hilarious. I’m signing us up.” Magic or no, Saffron was quite certain that they would wipe the track with their opponents, provided that they were paired up with other halfway decent runners. The two of them were both extremely competitive, and while this was just a silly race with no worthwhile achievement to speak of, it was still a physical activity that they could both appreciate as a light workout to keep them active and engaged.

    Soon enough they were on the track and forming a line with the two other teammates that had been assigned to them as they determined what order they would go in. Saffron offered to go first, confident that she could set them up with a decent enough lead to give them time, if needed, should there be any mishaps with changing costumes or compensating for the speed of their other teammates. She waited for the race to start, poised over the garment on the floor in anticipation, and the second the siren sounded for them to begin the blonde snatched the outfit off the ground and threw it on herself. She didn’t necessarily get the attire on much faster than the other teams, most of the other first runners getting dressed in relatively the same amount of time as her. However, once she started running she stepped on the gas pedal and just didn’t stop, practically leaving streaks of dust in her wake as she built a remarkably significant lead against the others.

    As her lap came to a close she ripped off the hat and threw it at the next running on their team without even really looking, already more focused on tearing off the leprechaun suit as quickly as possible so the next person could get it on. Surprisingly, the guy got dressed in record time, practically jumping straight into the suit the second it left Saffron’s body. Then, he was off with about as much gusto as Saffron herself had been, the man already halfway around the track before the other teams had finished passing on the attire to their second runners. “Phew! Look at him go!” Saffron cheered. It seemed as though they had been paired with some proper runners!
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 921/1576 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th July 2022, 8:51 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    You Did This to You RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad, unfortunately, always seemed to underestimate the women in his life. He had started to wonder lately if he attracted a sort-of type to himself; surrounding himself in women that were strong, independent and arguably as insufferable as any that could exist. He’d met plenty of prissy, easy-to-please-or-dismiss ladies over the years -- usually introduced as his would-be brides by his mother, in all her amusement -- but none of them seemed to stick around. No, the ones that remained were always and intentionally pains in his ass and Saffron was no different. As he remarked about her eventually losing her advantage due to an ill-timed reveal of her information, she grinned back at him and insisted that she was perfectly capable of keeping a secret. In fact, she was more than sure that her abilities in discipline and self control gave her an advantage, especially when it came to keeping the fact that the two of them had attended a festival a secret. "You don’t need to play coy, Saffron. I’ve learned your machinations well enough to know that being a ‘great buddy’ as you put it is just a barely disguised brag about having yet another piece of blackmail to add to your list.”

    After all, simply informing him that he was scot-free in terms of getting reamed out for going to this celebration with Saffron and not Mercury was a double-edged sword. He was more than practiced in recognizing advantages that he was, unfortunately, giving the women around him. Nonetheless, he had given his word, however reluctantly and he followed her out through the main doors of Fairy Tail and to the streets of Magnolia. It was pleasantly surprising to find that Saffron wasn’t entirely determined on jumping into every event and activity they came across. No, it seemed she really just enjoyed being part of the atmosphere of flourishing celebration. While not Vandrad’s first pick for locale or enjoyment, he could, at least, take joy in the fact that he wasn’t stopping at every single vendor, charlatan and boisterous extrovert that had taken up residence on the streets. But right around the time he was beginning to enjoy himself, being separated from the main attractions, was when Saffron found something she ruled they were doing. Vandrad barely had time to look at the rules before she was demanding he follow her to the track.

    From the looks of things, it was meant to be a relay race of some sort. Though they explicitly stated that the competitors couldn’t use magic, it still seemed wildly unfair. Both Vandrad and Saffron were in peak physical condition and even without the interference of unearthly power, they were most likely the true specimens among the other runners. That would have been enough to intrigue him but his interest came to a swift and abrupt halt when he realized that the relay part of the race was determined by who dressed in a ridiculous costume the fastest before undressing and passing it on to the partner. He scoffed and scowled as he was led to the end of the track, the last person in the final stretch of the race.

    There he stood, arms crossed, frowning as the race began. He watched as Saffron swiftly dressed herself in the costume, right alongside the other competitors, seemingly in sync. But the moment she was dressed and running, her superiority was showcased. Her sizable lead gave her plenty of time to undress like a woman on fire as she approached the next runner. Surprisingly, the next-in-line for their team seemed to be just as athletic as she was, dressing himself and taking off with near-equal speed and enthusiasm. Even more remarkably was the fact that when he approached the woman that was third in line, she matched the energy in both dressing herself and rushing towards Vandrad.

    But there was where the momentum came to a standstill. She was ripping off the hat and tossing it his way before she’d even come to a full stop. The flimsy costume piece crashed into his torso, rolled over his folded arms and fell to the ground uselessly. The woman was so focused on getting undressed that she didn’t realize that Vandrad wasn’t doing his part until she was throwing the rest of the costume his way. “Hey man, what are you doing?”

    "I refuse to partake in a stupid dress up contest,” he said sternly, barely paying her any mind.

    “Come on! We’re so far ahead, you could practically walk to the finish line and win. It’s just a silly costume!” She insisted

    "I don’t care. Racing is one thing but having to dress like a clown provides no advantage. If anything, it makes us look even more foolish,” Vandrad said with a sneer.

    The woman was flabbergasted and as she whirled around to see where the other competitors were, she was shocked to find that their large lead was disappearing very quickly. “Seriously?!” she yelled. As the runner up came up to their partner and began passing off the costume, she turned back to Vandrad. “Dude, don’t be a pussy. It’s just a stupid costume. No one even cares; everyone is putting it on!”

    As if that made the matter any better, having to share the same garments that three other people had sweat in. Vandrad sneered at the woman and then down at the costume. But as the second-place team now took first place and the third place claimed second, their victory snatched from them by the former prince’s obstinate attitude, something switched. A moment later, Vandrad reached down with each hand, grabbing the lower costume piece and pulling it on in one smooth motion that most people wouldn’t be able to accomplish. As he tossed the hat on, he turned around, bent slightly forward and then exploded out of his spot. His speed was unparalleled on the track, even without the use of magic, and he came to an abrupt halt over the finish line mere seconds after he’d left his former position.

    Disgusted, he ripped the hat and costume off and tossed them away. He’d secured their victory but he refused to spend any more time in the outrageous outfit than he already had.

    Words: 1041/1855 | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    You Did This to You Empty Re: You Did This to You

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th July 2022, 8:02 pm


    Everything was going great right up until the point that it wasn’t. The second and the third runners tore off with a great deal more speed than Saffron had anticipated, far exceeding her expectations. She did her part as an encouraging teammate, hooting and hollering and cheering from the sideline until the third runner returned and tossed the costume to Vandrad, who didn’t move even a muscle to catch it, allowing the garment to fall carelessly to the ground.

    As the woman tried to argue with Vandrad, Saffron tilted her head back and groaned in audible drama. She couldn’t even be mad at him. Frankly, this was on her for thinking that he’d play along with the costume part of this event. Still, she had hoped that his overwhelmingly competitive nature would rule over his reluctance to put on a costume for what would most likely be little more than fifteen seconds at most. “It’s just part of the challenge, my guy,” Saffron reminded him when he complained about the costume serving no advantage, though she wasn’t nearly as annoyed or frustrated as their other two teammates. “It’s just supposed to make the event more dimensional than simply running”

    He held out for so long that Saffron was certain he was actually going to throw the whole match. They had completely lost their lead, going from first place to a resounding last place. But in the end, as he watched one by one while the competitors around him got further and further ahead, it seemed that his nature got the better of him. With a speed that most people would be unable to follow, he threw the costume on his person and streaked around the track so quickly that he was back and out of the outfit in a matter of seconds, earning them the win. With a sour grunt, he practically ripped the attire off of himself, once more dumping it onto the ground. While their two teammates were still grumbling through their annoyance and attempting to build themselves up to celebrate the victory, Saffron merely shook her head with a rueful smirk. “Show off.” If he had just done that from the start and not made a big stink of it, the whole experience likely would have been a lot less embarrassing for him, but saying so out loud would do no good so in typical Saffron fashion, she simply rolled with it.

    Accepting the two egg tokens they were rewarded with for winning the event, her attention was drawn away by a commotion a few dozen feet away. A small cloud of dust was drifting into the air as a row of stalls started crumbling one at a time. People in the area were screaming and running in terror. “Uh oh.” With only a glance at Vandrad to make sure they were both thinking the same thing, Saffron took off in the direction of the chaos to see what was going on. What they would find when they got there was easily one of the most bizarre sights that she had ever taken in.

    “Is that…?” None other than the Easter Bunny himself, or at least some entity that greatly resembled the Easter Bunny, was tearing through the alley in a frenzied rage, doing his best to completely destroy the place for some unknown reason. She turned her gaze to her companion once more. “Would beating up the Easter Bunny make you feel better?’ As grumpy as Vandrad could be, the prospect of a fight almost always sweetened his mood to some degree. Presuming he was down to get involved, Saffron would grin and tap into her energy, punching her fists together to pump herself up.

    Even with only one of them the fight would have been somewhat unremarkable. With both of them involved, it was honestly just a little sad. Either one of them probably could have knocked the creature’s lights out fairly quickly, but in the interest of drawing things out Saffron purposefully held back enough to make sure that they could almost volley the bunny between them, knocking the beast around like a ping pong ball until it could finally withstand no more punishment and collapsed to the ground, unconscious. “Well, there goes my childhood.”

    “Anyway, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a drink.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 723/2299 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm