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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 22nd April 2022, 11:04 pm

    Midday rose at the guild as the sun was high overhead, though the blizzard would had made it hard for it's rays to shine down on the guild. Light tended to be persistent though and still managed to shine a few rays down on the buildings below. One of these rays would had shown through the window of the guild infirmary, illuminating the room where one iron dragon slayer laid in bed. It had been a week since her fight with the guild ace Mercury and had defied expectations, recovering much faster then anticipated. In fact the day prior she had managed to stir and stay awake for a half hour before falling asleep. As such the normal meals sent to the infirmary had one small portion added to see if the slayer could eat, while not expected it wouldn't be surprising if she could by this time.

    Reina was far from her bed though. In fact she was back in Joya, the basement of a theater to be exact. Her eyes scanned the concrete floor for something that should had been there, but found empty ground and a curious smashed imprint. She would had began to inspect before she put her hands up in a stance, hearing a noise from the darkness. Ready for a fight, her face dropped when seeing the figure awkwardly walk out of the shadows. It was a neko, woman with cat features plain to be seen save for the very noticeable hole in her head. Reina's body shook as the horror continued toward her, an unknown feeling of panic rising in her. She quickly made for the hole in the roof, but as she climbed it seemed to stay out of reach, while the neko was close enough now to reach out to Reina. In a desperate state, she launched herself upward in hopes of reaching the hole, but her fingers fell just short. She then felt herself falling...


    Reina woke up in fear and doubt, armor less and mad. The thin hospital gown and bandages didn't nearly have enough layers to make the dragon slayer comfortable, in fact, it only made her angry. "Grrrr my armor! Give it back at once thief, or I'll, I'll! I'll go tell my daaaad!!!" she growled it in the draconic tongue, a mixture of grunts and hisses that clearly conveyed her fury. Though for all of her wrath, she might as well have been a turtle on its shell, fuming and struggling on the ground next to her bed as she struggled in vain. Normally this shouldn't have happened, but someone didn't count on Reina chewing through the iron rails on her bed in her sleep. More bad luck was that the normal nurse was not present at the moment, leaving Reina all by herself for the moment.

    WC: 473


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 24th April 2022, 9:24 am

    Tim was sitting on a chair opposite to where his redheaded guildmate fell off her hospital bed. The fall sounded ugly, and the fact the girl responded with a growl and a rant in a language he didn’t understand a word out of just proved what the staff had told him. It wasn’t a well-kept secret between the researchers who witnessed her scuffle with the guild ace and the doctors who tended to her after the fact that the young lady had a personality problem. ‘Well deserved, if you ask me.’ Tim was told by one of them over a drink. ‘Nothing against the lass but if she’s planning on going anywhere but up in this guild? She needs a reality check before she takes another step.’

    Tim, however, was slightly more concerned about something else.

    How she got herself into the hospital room was slightly interesting. Apparently, she quite literally bit more than she could chew. She took a bite off a holy-slash-unholy dagger because she didn’t know consuming something like that would have adverse effects. Additionally, even before doing something like that she already had the reputation of both looking down on people and disregarding casualties all in the banner of being a ‘Dragon’ or some such. Tim never relied on rumors alone, but in all his years on the streets he never underestimated how close some would get to the truth. In this case, there was some truth to the stories. But from the way the redhead growled and spoke in her own tongue, there was a feint desperation to it. It was a vulnerability Tim knew first hand.

    The reason he was visiting her was because of two things: the first reason, he had been exposed from his years in the workhouses an unspoken tradition of nipping things in the bud. Back in the Neutral Grounds’ workhouses if someone’s a little slower finishing their workload, purposefully not doing their job or just having some signs of being sick? The moment they step off their shift he and the other kids would badger the person in question. Then and there they’ll get the reason and make sure something gets done to keep them from lowering their collective performance, anything to keep themselves in the workhouse and not out the actual streets. Tim had kept this tradition all his life and there no reason to stop now.

    Tim’s second reason was because of Reina’s insistence of calling herself a dragon. As far as Tim had read, dragons weren’t any smaller than a house. Also, her behavior was eerily similar to how his father was before his life went off the deep end, along with Tim’s. He might be wrong, of course. But while they were officially on the same guild, Tim wasn’t going take that chance. Before her little imagination escalates into complete delusion, Tim needed to bring her back to reality.

    I’m getting ahead of myself. First thing’s first— Shaking his thoughts away, Tim used his Grav-à-tête spell to help his guildmate back to her bed by levitating her off the ground. While she was slowly hovering back into the comfy hospital bed, Tim stood up from his seat. He dusted Servant off any crease that might have formed and picked up the steel tray with precise control despite the thing holding a full coffee set and a Cloche-closed metal plate containing her meal. Tim debated whether or not he should come armored but after remembering her track record decided to wear his black and white cat-person themed armor, complete with the cat-ear accessory.

    “Good Day, or Morning— in your case, young lady.” Tim took a step forward and stood straight, tray held low with one hand. He gave his most disarming smile as he greeted his guildmate. “Lunch?”



    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 30th April 2022, 4:40 pm

    Reina's displeasure was instantly heard from the instance she was lifted off the ground, a mix of anger and confusion. She would had thrashed violently but the bandages and her overall weakness from recovery prevented it, only stopping when she felt the bed under her again. Mad eyes searched until they laid on a figure approaching her, with the grogginess of just waking all she could make out was...cat ears??! "Leave me alone! It's not my fault!" she cried aloud interrupting his words, her arms raised up in a protective manner to shield her head with bandaged arms and dull grey scale covered elbows. She would had held that pose for a minute before daring to peek from under her arms. What she thought was a specter was instead a stranger, a man?

    Her mind gathering this new information, she slowly relaxed as she let her arms fall to her side, though they were not relaxed. She eyed the tanned man with suspicion as he stood there with a metal tray in hands. "Who are you? Where am I and where's my armor?! Don't you know what happens when you steal from a-" Reina would had found her demands cut short as she tried to point at him, only for something in her arm to scream in protest at the sound of a pop. She would had withdrawn it with a sigh of pain, rubbing it gently from where the pain had originated, focusing on it for the time being. Though the slayer's eyes would had focused on him the instant she noticed or heard something from him.

    WC: 268/741


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 18th May 2022, 7:44 am

    It only took a muffled pop and a wince from Tim’s redheaded guildmate for him to abandon his plan. Tim let go of the tray, letting it levitate in its place while he leaned closer and tried grasping her shoulder gently while looking at the part of her arm she had been rubbing gently.

    “Was it from me levitating you?” Tim even dropped his prim and proper way of speaking, letting out a sigh and a ‘damn’ as he looked at her.

    Considering what he had heard happen to her, it would be overkill for him to add another one to the pile of injuries on her plate. While Tim had steeled himself and learned to be cruel, lately especially, and even resorting to killing, he wasn’t one to just needlessly bring random misery to someone without any reason. He thought he could for the sake of keeping her in check, but looking at someone vulnerable hit too close to home.

    “Hey, kid.” Tim greeted her again, casually this time. “I’m also a member here. Don’t move around so much, you’ll just hurt yourself, alright?”

    Depending on her reaction, Tim would actually want to treat the wound however he could. Regardless, he opted to ask first. “Mind if I take a look?”



    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 19th June 2022, 2:33 pm

    She eyed his approach warily as he stood by her bedside and asked his question. Reina chose not to answer right away, instead now examining the man before her. Even laying down she knew he was quite taller then him, wearing more fancy clothes then she was use to seeing. No that wasn't right, she often saw them on the people around the guild that did a lot of the menial work. Staff? The help? The name didn't matter as much to Reina as the fact he was still here, most she had interacted with usually left quickly after spotting her with thinly hidden nervousness most of the time. Which made him more odd that he was still around, though as her gaze traveled to his hands she spotted something more familiar. Scars; a few numbered on the hands that he had and Reina recalled her father's words on how each mark tells a story. It was why she was proud of the scars she had collected herself...most of them anyways.

    Subconsciously rubbing the area just below her collarbone where it was most bandaged, she now decided to look the stranger in the eyes. Their was a look on his face that she couldn't place, familiar but foreign. No, she knew pity when she saw it.

    "A dragon is not a fragile creature and neither am I, Nor am I a hatchling." She spat, and would had followed with another question but realized that his hand was on her shoulder. She looked at where he was holding her with confusion, not of what was going on but just the manner of it. Such a gentle grasp was the reason why her reaction was not as volatile as her prior one, moving her shoulder away in a slow manner while looking slightly uncomfortable until he let go.

    Taking a breath, she looked at him with a annoyed expression more toned down from her earlier mood. "You still haven't answered my questions. Where are we in Silver Wolf, where is my armor, and...is that mine?" She finished with a notable change in her tone as the she now noticed the tray, her curiosity fixed on it.

    WC: 365/1106


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 20th June 2022, 11:53 am

    “Oh, cooler heads prevail it seemed like.” Tim muttered absentmindedly.

    In the end, just being himself was more than enough to earn his guildmate’s attention. It sounded like the redhead’s tone had simmered completely down. Even the way she complained about not being fragile nor a hatchling sounded less harsh and more like a child’s attempt at being indignant. Tim didn’t mind handling an attitude like that, it reminded him of the many flavors of customers he had back in Hargeon. Another problem child to the pile was not beyond his expertise.

    Tim noticed she looked at his hands earlier. He didn’t know what she was looking at exactly, but a figurative stab in the dark won’t hurt anyone.

    “Are they rough to the touch? Sorry ‘bout that. Been in this job for a bit now but the calluses from my old job haven’t popped off.”

    She didn’t exactly answer his request, but the way she was completely cooperative now was as good a permission as any. Tim reached over her arm again, as placating as he could, and slowly tried to find any internal dislocations or problems. She was mostly bandaged so he opted to gently squeeze her limb to check. As he did so, his guildmate had given him a barrage of questions.

    Tim went about his inspection as efficiently as he could and answered all her questions as he was doing so:

    “Where? Well, we are in the infirmary…”

    He checked her wrist and forearm with a gentle squeeze, nothing.

    “…your armor’s wiped, scrubbed, and oiled by yours truly. Left it in the laundry room, warm and dry. I’ll have it sent here after you’ve recovered…”

    Tim moved up over her upper arm and shoulder, again nothing.

    “…and, yes, that’s your meal: beef stew, with a bit of carrots and potatoes. The cook went a little crazy with the tomato, so it’s a bit more reddish than how I would’ve done it, but it’s still good. Even brought coffee for a little pick-me-up…”

    There’s a little bruising forming over her collarbone. But it’s nothing an ice bag won’t fix. What Tim was looking for, was something that’ll lead to internal bleeding. It seemed his worries were more of an overreaction on his part.

    “I used Joyan Altura beans. Soft acidity— I don’t want to upset your stomach. And a little nutty flavor, just ‘cause…”

    Tim slowly landed his hand over her elbow.

    “…I can even feed you, if you… want… huh?”

    Her elbow was littered with scales! And they didn’t feel like lacerations. They felt, natural, for the most part. “Uh…”

    Tim knew how he would feel if someone had walked into him with his curse in full view, hell, the last time it happened it was with Silver Wolf’s ace. He had his eyes darted around the hospital room while he was absentmindedly inspecting her arm and answering her questions. His cluelessness was costing him!

    “Sorry…” Tim suddenly pulled his hand away with a ‘damn’ under his breath. “Didn’t mean to— you don’t have to explain if you don’t want to.”



    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 25th June 2022, 2:54 pm

    Reina was yet again subjected to the touching once more despite her vain attempt to worm out of it. She would had grudgingly put up with it, admittedly while odd he was being gentle as she felt his hands work their way up and down her arm and to her shoulder. The few spots where her skin was exposed she did feel his supposedly rough hands, but they were hardly noticeable, then again people had such a low tolerance for the splendor of dragon scale.

    While he did his odd routine he at least answered her questions in the meantime, helping distract her from the process. She was confused briefly by the mention of infirmary, but given her surroundings and the state she was in it had to be a hospital, or as her dad called them a hostel. The more important question though was her armor, hearing that it had been touched by someone other then her had her feeling of anger rise up again. "You better bring it here right now so I can fix whatever you-ah!" her annoyance was cut off as she felt his hand on her shoulder. While his touch was gentle, she was surprised her shoulder was injured to such a degree from...something?

    While the man began explaining what he had brought her Reina was only half listening, only catching that it was a stew. Her mind was trying to piece together how she ended up here. As far as she was concerned very few things could best her except another dragon, did she fight a dragon recently? It wouldn't have surprised her, but the fact she didn't remember it forced her to forgo the possibility. After all she would had remembered such a worthy foe! Foe, yeah she did fight someone recently, her body seemed to ache from the memory. But who was-

    The man who was examining her arm suddenly stepped away from her, breaking her out of her thought process. He was apologizing? "You should be sorry! What did you do?" She began to examine the arm he had been feeling, expecting some sort of blemish he had left on her immaculate scales...scales??! Reina took a deep interest in the trace amount of scales on her left elbow, taking time to feel and pull at them, confirming their legitimacy. She would had examined her other elbow revealing the same change. After taking a minute to stare in silence at the new development, a smile began to creep on her face. She soon began giggling to herself as felt a surge of happiness go through her.

    She soon raised her arm as high as her sore body would allow, showing off with pride the scales on her elbow. "Well I see why you were now touching my arm. It's probably not every day you get to feel authentic dragon scales, especially those from the Darksteels! Ohhhh Cha's going to be so proud! I wonder when my wings will come in!" Reina was briefly lost in her own world before she eyed again the tray once more.

    She would had tried to move herself to it but her body announced it's protest internally. Not letting this slow her, she would had extended her arm to create her iron limb spell. The iron though did not form like normal, instead appearing as flimsy and light as aluminum foil. Still she would had been able to pull the tray closer to her as it floated through the air within arms reach(more then likely thanks to the helpful tim). She would had started her lunch by devouring the very metal cover itself, taking a single bite at first before slowly crushing it into her mouth. She lamented that it was a sterling silver and not full silver, but soon found another issue.

    Reina's body barely recovered would have trouble processing this metal blend and began to panic from the metal going too slow in her throat. Quickly going for the cup of brown liquid she would had used it to wash down the metal before coughing up a little of it. Clearing off the bit that she spat up with her hand, she would had set down the empty cup before laying back in her bed with a long sigh. "If your going to give me metal make a quality blend and not that of sterling silver blech...I guess since you did bring me something I'll allow you to feel my scales again before I continue eating er, what was your name?"

    WC: 756/1862


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 28th June 2022, 9:34 pm

    “Darksteels…” Tim parroted the redhead.

    The name didn’t ring any bells for the young man, but what did stand out to him was her saying the metal protrusions were ‘authentic’ dragon scales. Tim had never encountered a dragon in his life, let alone judge if what she was saying had any ounce of truth to it. But her reaction, the way she raised her arm and showed off her scales made Tim uneasy. She even wondered about gaining wings, something Tim raised a brow at.

    But before he could ask her to elaborate, the redhead began eating.

    Given her circumstance, getting beaten up and hospitalized for a good amount of time she had quite the appetite. And considering Tim prepared the food, he shouldn’t be surprised if she had been able to finish her entire meal; he laid the portions enough for her to finish without feeling bloated, after all. But her eating the silver tray? What’s more, washing it all down with the coffee like it was as good as the food Tim prepared?

    Tim was looking at her, dumbfounded. His mouth slightly agape, saying “Sure, I’ll take that into account next time.” when she complained about the quality of the metal ‘blend’, whatever that meant.

    She did allow him to ‘feel’ her limb again, but not before asking for his name.

    Tim was completely staring at the iron limb. He gave a short, “It’s Tim. Just Tim…” Before looking over her arm again, holding it by the elbow and wrist as gently as he could.

    “A ‘dragon’ curse…” He muttered. Her little attitude made some sense now. From the way she just ‘ate’ metal like food to the way her scales manifested… Tim, having a lineage cursed by a deity as well, had not encountered someone in a similar situation outside his family. But if Tim’s cursed inklike skin had been metallic in nature, this would have been an eerie representation. Tim could only imagine what childhood the poor kid might have gone through. But to just carry this like a badge of honor is a very dangerous way of going about things. Tim should know, his father had been in a similar way.

    “It’s a very similar taint to ours…” Tim muttered to himself. “It’s just manifesting in a distinct way.”

    Tim, already his prime, was too late to get his curse removed. For a lack of a better term, his curse was already ‘ripe’. And while Tim had spent his months since becoming a member of Silver Wolf trying to get as many of his fellow curse-bearers cured. A longing for being cured as well, was something he could never let go—

    Tim then recalled how the redhead reacted to seeing her scales earlier.

    “This hasn’t happened to you up until know, has it?! This curse, how have you been able to control it...?”

    Tim looked directly at her crimson eyes, not even thinking how he hasn’t let her answer yet before giving another question. There was a desperation in Tim’s voice he half-hoped his guildmate would not pick up on. But there was no going back now.



    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 4th July 2022, 8:38 pm

    With a unwanted slowness, she reached over to grab the bowl of red stew to place in her lap with the spoon. She tried to greedily devour the stew, but her stomach was still not well enough so she had to eat more slowly. Of course she had also been slowed because Tim wished to feel her arm more, feeling his hands at her scales and wrist. In a way it was amusing for the slayer to see the man in deep consideration about the new discovery. It was a welcomed reaction, too many people around her reacted to her claims of dragon blood with ridicule and disbelief, but now with physical proof they would all begin to see her for who she really was.

    As she began to wake the first thing that began to come back to strength was her senses, her taste and nose certainly picked up on a rich flavoring of the stew, this flavor could had been because of these tomatoes. And her ears picked up on even his low muttering about her dragon curse.

    Curse? Reina couldn't have heard right, surely he couldn't be so ignorant. It did mean she paid more attention to what he spoke, her gaze once on the food now on him. She watched as he looked deep in thought, less examining her arm and more lost in his own head. Her curiosity grew upon his mention of having a similar taint. Unless her nose had been messed up from the strong scent of the stew, she was sure he was not a dragon slayer. Though now that she did focus on it, their was something familiar to his magical aura.

    Her concentration would had been cut short as he urgently asked his own questions, his brown eyes meeting her crimson ones that would had caught her off guard.

    "I-yes this is new to me, it's probably because I entered dragon force again. This, power, has been something I had always been able to control. My father ensured of it. And if we were truly similar then you wouldn't talk of it as if it were a disease!" She would had snapped her arm out of his grasp with a quick motion, wincing as the pain irritated her from the motion.

    Before he could interject she would continue, a familiar anger in her eyes but fueled by a different emotion. "I'll tell you this Tim, the power of a dragon is only a curse to those who do not have the good fortune to be blessed by their wisdom, their magic! How anyone could look upon being granted a armor that no sword could hope to pierce, a strength to shake the very mountains themselves, the wings to soar high in the air and refer to it as some sort of foul thing would be ridiculous!"

    Her breaths became quicker as she continued her passionate speech, the lacrima on the side that was once glowing with a dull blue soon begun to brighten up, its blue shade slowly giving away to a red as it went on. "And to call it a curse! How shallow minded can you be to look at a superior form to this and call it wrong? Undesirable? Do you enjoy wadding around in your own muck and filth of mortality?! Your easily broken and wounded flesh! You...mongrel..."

    She shifted in her bed as she felt her own rage build up in her body.

    "...you dirt crawling maggot..."

    Her magical aura was now stronger then before, flaring like the tendrils of a fire.

    "...you FOOL!" she finished with her last insult in a draconic growl as she would had launched herself from her bed at Tim, spoon and half a bowl of stew clattering and spilling to the ground. In her impulsive rage she would had attempted to grapple Tim and wrestle him to the ground to prove the strength of a dragon.

    WC: 657/2519


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 5th July 2022, 12:05 am

    The way Darksteel carried herself as Tim went off in his little world spoke pride, and Tim didn’t even realize till it was too late. His guildmate yanked her arm off his grasp, it looked like it hurt more for her. Tim put his arms between him and her, palms out.

    “Miss Darksteel, I…” Tim didn’t even get a chance to say anything edgewise before she went off.

    The girl went into a sermon about a dragon’s power. Her eyes never left his as she roared her heart out from Tim’s apparent insult to her status as a dragon. She mentioned something about her father, about how he made sure she had complete control of her power. She talked about how Tim could have possible called it a curse. She talked about it being conceivable how having such a blessing would be called undesirable. She then resorted to name calling.

    Tim, apparently, was shallow-minded.

    Tim, apparently, enjoy wading his easily broken and wounded flesh in a pool of muck and filth called mortality.

    Tim, apparently, was a maggot.

    Tim was also a fool, to boot.

    With a last roar the ‘dragon’ lunged at Tim! The young man’s freshly cooked food and well-prepared utensils came flying as she launched in a rage.

    The midday sun’s light bounced around the white room and, letting out a disappointed breath, Tim summoned his bastardized domain. He allowed his injured guildmate pass through him as if he was nothing but a ray of light. But before she would injure herself even more, Tim materialized his hand the last second, touching her leg and levitated her again. This time, Tim didn’t let her float back to bed. With the mess she made, some of the shards might have landed in there.

    He looked at her, his brow arched up, biting his lip as he shook head disapprovingly. “I thought you’d be better than this.”

    He wanted to say he wasn’t angry at her, but he’d be lying.

    He knew she would try and say something back or, at least, spit out an insult so he shushed her mouth with his finger. Erebus’ curse crawled out of his hand. The tar-like substance dripped down, only dissolving when the sun’s light overwhelmed it.

    “Please let me finish.”

    Tim frowned.

    “I’ve never met one.” He began. “A dragon, I mean.”

    He let go of his guildmate, letting her float safely. “But I’ve had my fair share of butting heads with gods and the like.”

    “Gods are completely full of themselves, you know that? You’re just a kid flapping her figurative wings around, saying ‘dragons are the best, I’m on of them!’ so I thought you’ll do fine. Just a little hammering around that attitude and we’ll have a decent person on our hands.”

    Tim paced around the room.

    “But them?” He looked out the window. “These bastards are the peak of being megalomaniacs. The worst part? They actually have the magic to back it up!”

    Tim clenched his hand, the tar squishing, crawling over his arm up into his neck. “They burn civilizations to the ground because they feel like it. They whisper sweet nothings and make people into husks to their whims. Empty promises are their drug, and somehow, I’ve seen time and time again how they rope mortals into their mess. And then there’s monsters like us, ‘graced’ with their taint from the moment we are born.”

    “Like I said, I’ve never met a dragon.” Tim walked back to his guildmate. “But if your only take away from being with them are ‘we are the best to offer in existence’, how are you any different than an egotistical deity?”

    He kept his eyes locked with hers.

    “And I do mean what I say when I want you to be better.” Tim’s face felt hot. “Call yourself a dragon, for all I care. Grow wings and soar through the skies all you like; I wouldn’t mind doing that myself. But why come in with such arrogance? Why the superiority? I’ve seen people do more good than any god. I’ve seen more compassion in the company of faeries and wolves than deities— You know what’s more impressive, more powerful, than seeing a dragon that can shake mountains? Seeing a dragon who everyone knew could do that, but doesn’t.”

    He was seeing red.

    “I’ve yet to see a powerful god.” Tim let out a dry laugh. “And from what I’ve heard about dragons, they’re on the same pathetic boat.”

    Tim blinked, finally realizing how far his curse had manifested. The young man took a step back and lit his cursed arm and face with his magic’s purple light! He seared the curse off his body, the way the tar-like substance burned made Tim wince. Between breaths Tim muttered to himself. “…too close…”

    The young man closed his eyes and sighed again. “Damn it.”

    He let her levitate beside the bed. “I’ll have someone clean that up. I’ll bring your armor up. If you can move that well, I won’t stop you from getting out. Till then, behave.”

    Tim walked out of the room, but said one last thing over the doorframe.

    “You’re a powerful dragon, right? Well, I don’t think you are if you have that empty pride crawling over your head. Prove me wrong.”

    He walked out echoing ‘Nurse!’ over the hall way.



    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 21st July 2022, 10:11 pm

    Reina's hands found no purchase on Tim as she was in the air. She braced herself for the inevitable fall but found herself short, quickly turning to voice her aggression. Only to find a finger right near her face.

    She may had been tempted to bite at the limb save for the suspicious substance dripping from it. She couldn't have placed where it came from. A open wound? Regardless, the substance traveled down his finger until it hit the light to where it hissed and vanished. Looking at him now, the way he held in the shadows of the room made him ominous, even the very light itself now seemed...off.

    With her aggression made useless and her left at his whim, she more or less had to listen to his lecture. It wasn't really a drag for Reina once he brought up gods. The truth was her own father had a particular fascination with god that she couldn't explain why, and here this guy was bringing up multiple of them.

    So she listened as he began to speak with curiosity, even if he brought up certain words that stung like a hornet. Seriously she was twenty years old!

    And was surprised at how he spoke of them! Egotistical, meddling, arrogant, he made them sound so...human.

    "But why do you say us-" she was cut off as he continued, and her ire was stoked as he compared dragons to them, dragons! Her father was nothing of the sort, to be like that! Indeed he was right that her father had no need to shake a mountain willingly, why sometimes he did so after he got mad.  Though it did bring up a serious question; why does he view dragons as so? If he had met her father, he clearly wouldn't have such a misguided opinion.

    Her thoughts were interrupted as he positioned himself in front of the room's door, now away from the window light of the room, more of the inky black substance had covered his arms and face. The black oil seemed to be part of his skin by this point, the formations granting Tim a far more sinister look then before.

    “I’ve yet to see a powerful god.” she watched as he let out a dry laugh. “And from what I’ve heard about dragons, they’re on the same pathetic boat.”

    How could he say such a thing! He had clearly never seen a dragon in person! If he did, he would know the splendor, the majesty, why she-

    -was the closest thing for him to witness of a dragon.

    Who was wrapped up and bed ridden.

    Who was stopped by a simple spell.

    Much like the appearance of purple light burning away the ink on Tim's body, the truth burned away the questions that had been brought up. She was the closest thing Tim...no, most of the people around her have had with a dragon! And all that she had shown them was weakness, the fight that put her in this bed was proof enough of it. The fight with-

    "...Yes Mercury she has awaken. Someone on staff volunteered to bring lunch up for her to see if she can manage it. Yeah the one who showed up after you ah, did your thing. Yes it's just me-"

    Reina had tuned out the rest of the conversation, only focusing on the name. Mercury, the one who took her hits with ease. Mercury, the one with such abominable power. The one who was circling the corner now. A look of creeping dread and fright was building on the young slayer's face as the footsteps neared, and as soon she heard them round the corner she would disappear in a puff of white smoke, leaving only a pillow floating in the air.

    "...Well given that she's up now I'm sure it would be fine to come by if you wish, though she may not be happy to see you. N-not that I'm trying to tell you what to do!" The man who turned the corner was talking into a Ilac when his eyes met with Tim's. A sense of urgency on the nurse's face emerged as he hurried over while, very politely and in a rush, ending the call.

    "Hi! I think it was Tim right? I would had been here sooner but I got tied up with the mess hall, I think a pup had their way with the food." The brown skinned man would look up at Tim, his white spotted arms were folded as he saw Tim's expression. "She didn't bite you did she? Please let me make sure she's fine and then we can tend to it." The nurse Leonardo was sure it wasn't a bite as this was more of a excuse to get the man away, clearly something had happened.

    Leonardo would had moved around his guildmate to look into the room, a sudden look of urgency plain on his face as he darted around looking for the redhead.

    "Ok! She couldn't have gone far, her magic signature is still around here. If I'm not back in five minutes crack the lacrima near her desk. Hopefully we don't have to. God damn it the first time I'm left alone!" He would had hurried away ignoring any words, dead set on finding his missing patient. The only patient in the wing currently.

    After the foot steps had faded Reina would had reverted from her form of a pillow in a cloud of white smoke, her face now more somber. "I, I want down." If Tim had allowed her to float down her feet would had been shaky, so much so that she would had propped herself up with the nearby dresser, settling into a nearby chair with a long sigh. Taking deep breaths, it was clear whatever strength had possessed her had left the slayer. "Tim..." She would had began, her eyes focused on the mess in front of her, shards of the bowel mixed with the red soup. "...I would think the same thing if this was all you had to see of a dragon."

    "oo bormah frolaaz zey, Zu'u paak hi voth enook su'um!(1)" she would had lamented, the growl not intended for anyone in the room.

    WC: 1031/3550

    OOC: (1) Oh father forgive me, I shame you with every breath!


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 22nd July 2022, 6:13 am

    Tim was by the wall beside the door of Reina’s room.

    The man was leaning, brows furrowed, while he waited for the staff to come around. It has been a while since Tim outright blew up on someone’s face. And from the way the redhead’s room was completely silent after he left, Tim knew she took his entire spiel to heart. Tim didn’t like playing the stern councilor, but his anger had gotten the better of him. He just hoped she took the better lessons from his outburst.

    The staff who arrived was apparently talking to their Ace, not that Tim wanted to deal with both her and the kid.

    The staff went off, talking about having been busy from an incident in the mess hall. There were a million things Tim wanted to rebuke to that, one primarily being why would an infirmary staff get called by the kitchen. But he’d let it slide; one outburst a day keeps the migraine away. “It’s fine. Her bed’s a mess though—”

    The nurse went past him, talking all the while. But when he entered the doorway he froze, started panicking, completely ignoring Tim beside him. He walked towards the front desk, deadest on ‘finding his patient’. The only instruction Tim was given by the man was to break a lacrima by her desk should he not return after a few minutes. Tim peeked inside and indeed found nobody inside. But the fact a pillow was floating daintily over the exact spot Tim left Reina floating, and the fact a magic signature was on that spot, as well.

    “She right here.” Tim looked back to the nurse. “Would you mind getting her armor instead? Oh, he’s gone.”

    With a sigh, Tim walked back inside. From the looks of things, he should finish what he started. Tim had already cleaved through her. Her little attempt at hiding was either fear or the general feeling of wanting to be left alone. Tim wasn’t foreign to the feeling, the strength of trying to find answers for yourself. But there was also strength in another person’s advice, and support. It was a sappy thought, borderline cheesy. But Tim knew its importance to people.

    “Shapeshifting’s one thing I don’t expect dragons to have.” He smiled thinly, trying to gauge her.

    She asked to be let down. Tim obliged.

    The redhead had just been beaten in a fight, now it looked like Tim’s verbal beating took some toll on her. Sitting by the nearest chair, she looked completely more contemplative. She admitted she would have thought the same thing about dragons had the redhead saw her own display as one’s only experience to the scaled creatures. Suddenly, she growled in a language Tim didn’t know. But there was a hint of pain in her words, even if he didn’t understand a word she said.

    “I don’t understand dragon tongue.” Tim assumed what that language was. “But if you can keep talking in Ishgar, I can listen to you ramble all day.”

    Tim leaned closer. “How about you tell me about the dragon you know? You seem like you have someone that fits the bill; that someone you look up to. If you can tell me how amazing dragons can really be without trying to punch me, it can actually be a story you can tell to anyone, right? How about it, Miss Pillow Dragon?”

    Tim, for once, smiled genuinely at his guildmate.

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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 30th July 2022, 12:44 am

    She looked crossed at the mention of pillow dragon and met his eyes, a new smile on his face. She had doubts on this one as well, but couldn't place what it was well enough to act on it. "Well...that would be Chalybe my father. He's a dragon that has mastery over metal while controlling a fire hotter then any flame around, I think he referred to it as ire? No I'm thinking of a song..." she paused as she tried to think of something more. Her face contorted in trying to think of the best way to describe such magnificence.

    "...Well, he's big and strong enough to carve through a mountain with ease finding raw ore, especially silver my favorite. He's also really good at fighting, he says he's not a big dragon but he always knows how to fight them well, especially this huge red one that kept bothering us for years! Every month it would come by roaring it's fire breath, calling out my father's name and Cha would hit him hard! I never saw it but the whole mountain shook while I was in our cave waiting for the fight to be over...when I was young of course! By the time I was older he stopped coming by, which was a shame because-". She had stopped mid sentence with her boast, suddenly it made sense why her father never wanted her to be anywhere close to the fighting. In all likelihood she would had been just a flea to the red dragon, at best a tick!

    She took a breath to recollect, her eyes now wandering to the light of the window. "Well besides that he always looked so cool, his scales were as black as the rock we would sometimes find when we would hit a river of magma. But it was best if you could catch him outside in the sun! It kind of shone like glass, but they were tougher then any metal I have seen. Along with the fire traveling through them, he looked like a furnace, ready to spit out something that would leave you full of awe!" She now had a smile on her face, only interrupted as she shifted in her chair and winced from a pain.

    She didn't let it stop her for long. "And you know he could! He's so wise and smart to make anything you could think of, why a lot of stuff he told me about people were true. And he never met people, nor left our home to see any of them! Oh he had so much to say and was so good at talking about it-except math. I don't know why, but whenever we spoke about math he'd always end it with a huff. Sometimes he'd get so loud that the cave would shake from the force of his bellows! I'd have to leave and stay out in the woods for the night until he forgave me. Which was cool since he didn't let me stay out after dark before then. They were so many different creatures out at night. Especially bats, it was so weird to fly around with them. Especially how many times they'd hit each other in the air, felt like they were doing it on purpose. Though I learned as a bat I was small enough to fly into the cave even when father didn't want me to, and I hear him talk with god sometimes..."

    She looked at nothing in particular, a curiosity now had grabbed her attention. One that, maybe now she had a chance to get some answers. "You know whenever I asked my father about god, he always said he was koraav, all seeing. We were his kiir so he told me, yet he never made him sound like what you called them. So ugly. Are you sure what you met were gods? Cause I couldn't imagine my father talking to someone so unlike him, especially if they sound like they should be beneath him."

    WC: 667/4217


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 5th August 2022, 5:12 am

    There was an old book Tim read when he would laze around either Edna’s or Dr. Schwartz’s personal libraries. The two were very fond of books, to put it lightly. Between the two of them, they each had a small inside the company’s main warehouse, another one they merged together within the Schwartz Yard, the company court dwellings where employees were housed to keep transport easy and cheap, and lastly the two largest libraries they made in their respective homes. Tim had the pleasure of being able to access all of it, Dr. Schwartz’s collection especially, which delved more into random documentations about foreign yet unconventional topics—

    Tim was getting sidetracked.

    The aforementioned book was recording topics dated, as claimed by its own texts, ‘centuries ago.’ These dates and events should be even older than its claims considering the book’s texts were already three hundred years old, only republished officially fifty years ago! One of this book’s topics was about the cultural trade between Midi, Sin and Enca. Enca’s archipelagic nature was made up of many tribalistic kingdoms before its unification which led to a group of Sinnites meeting a ship of Midi tradesmen stationed in one of Enca’s many port villages. The Midians were known for their poor metal trade at that time period. Having produced so much high-quality metals despite their reputation earned the respect of the Sinnians who traded with them on occasion. These Midians were nicknamed ‘Chalybes’ by the Sin tradesmen as trading between these groups flourished. Though, this nickname would be then lost to many modern languages. The ancient Sinnian word, however, would later be transliterated and used in the modern Bellian language.

    Translated to Ishgar, it literally means ‘Steel’.

    Of course, when Tim’s guildmate mentioned the word ‘Chalybes’ she wasn’t talking about history. She was talking about a dragon. Her father, apparently.

    Tim, of course, was halfheartedly listening to her ramblings. Tim wanted to know how she ticks, which he hoped would lead to him improving his ability to keep the redhead from exploding unnecessarily. Him doing his job wholeheartedly yet listening in halfheartedly, however, was because Reina kept droning on about how his dragon-father was powerful, how he would often fight with other dragons, and other completely irrelevant information. Personally, though, Tim would admit listening about powerful monsters fighting against each other were the least interesting parts to him in a story. Even as Tim read the stories the other kids in the workhouse would steal from the library, he would get complaints from them how he would practically skip the action.

    Reina then talked about living with his father beyond the fighting.

    How he would carve through mountains to find the ore to feed her. Yes, that was some mean feat of strength. But Tim was more interested in how the redhead was looking at the rays of light from the window, how she had slowly become more and more nostalgic—almost yearning. Tim didn’t even notice his body loosen, slowly sitting straight with his arms crossed in complete attention towards his guildmate. Reina talked about her father teaching her about people, despite him not personally going out his way to see how close his inferences actually were. This piece of information taught Tim more about her and her father infinitely more than the stories she told about fighting another red dragon who Tim could already tell was just as daft as any streetwise thug. Reina’s stories about her childhood led her to talking about how the dragon got mad at ger once for badgering him about mathematics.

    Tim actually huffed out a laugh at that, Reina’s father sounded more and more like one of Tim’s co-workers. A particularly rough-cut old man whom Tim owed his life to. “I wouldn’t mind having a drink with this guy if he ever comes to visit you, kid.”

    Her reminiscence about her childhood then led her into remembering his father talking to a deity called Koraav. She wondered why Tim gave her the picture of an ‘ugly’ God, when it was completely dissonant to her experiences. Tim gave another laugh when she said ‘they sound like they should be beneath him.’

    “Beneath, huh. Trust me when I say I’ve heard those words from a god or two before.” Tim shrugged. “And, yes, I did say ‘or two’.”

    Tim scratched his chin.

    “They have temples and such you can look up in the Lacrima-net so I’m pretty sure they’re Gods and not just some copycats, though I wish some of them were. See, two of these Gods tried to kill me on separate occasions, one of the two who tried to kill me went out of their way to talk to me normally later though. But, honestly, it’s pretty hard to make up with someone who tried to kill me. But then again, I’ve done a guild job asked by another God. And—oh! The last two deities I failed to mention were just plain annoyances, and… I just gone and confused you, didn’t I?” Tim pinched the bridge of his nose. “To summarize: I can safely say I’ve interacted with…uh, about five. Two have been helpful, two actively tried to kill me and not said sorry about it, and the last one just whispers sweet nothings over my ear whenever I least expect it.”

    He sighed. “I’ve never met this Koraav, though. Can’t judge the guy yet, considering the only info I have going for me is his meetings with your father. That sort of social call doesn’t really make you lean to one way or another, doesn’t it? He could be running a whole cult behind the scenes for all we know! And in the same vein, he might instead be running a no-rent flea market stalls racket to help the little guy or have a dozen charities under his belt.”

    Tim looked at his guildmate. “I gotta ask. I can understand the value of being able to protect yourself or anyone you need to…but does ever person you meet really have to be either beneath you or above you?”

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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Thatcywalker 27th August 2022, 11:52 am

    Tim was right that he had confused Reina, but it was for more then one occasion. For starters the mention of a lacrima net was news to her. She knew enough that lacrima's were the name of magic crystals that people had here, and a net was easy enough to visualize. But both at the same time?

    She suppose it could be a bunch of the lacrima's tied together with rope, but then it became of question of how you were suppose to look up a god. Maybe you had to look through the lacrimas? Or wander around until they lit up, it sounded rather tedious to the slayer.

    She didn't dwell on the thought long as she absorbed the next piece of info of...many gods? Their were two that had tried to killed him, then one of them later tried to talk with him who then sent him on a guild job...no that wasn't right. Tim managed to catch himself and simply stated that he had met five gods; two friendly, two who tried to kill him, and one who just whispered?

    "How do you whisper something that's both sweet and nothing?" She murmured to herself, her eyes darting back to him as he spoke about Koraav, not quite catching the deep reverberations she had displayed. She would actually chuckle a little at his statement. "Nonono, Koraav is how you say all seeing in the fiore tongue. The actual name of god was...well god, at least in your tongue. I always thought it was a name but you make it sound more like a thing, like king or lord..."

    Fiore had been a interesting experience to the slayer even ignoring the events that led her up into this bed. One thing that had stuck in her mind was the idea of slayers. Specifically the three; dragon, devil, and god slayers. She had wondered what kind of beings gods and devils were to merit such a treatment. And while she hasn't really heard a lot about devils, gods so far were shaping up to be some overblown creature. The fact that two of them had tried to kill the man before her and failed was proof about their incompetency. After all, her father made sure the slayer knew that if a dragon wanted you dead, you would be dead along with the land and whoever else was on it. Such was the terrible fury of a dragon.

    Her thoughts were interrupted as another question was asked, which caused her to look confused at him, as if asking was water wet. "Well...yeah. Maybe you should stop hanging out with these gods if their messing with your head this bad. Cause it's like..."

    She paused to gather her thoughts. "It's like the Omvol, no matter how much they try to frighten you their just small furry creatures, and are preyed upon from the wolves to white foxes to even the birds in the sky! So their beneath them all despite how much they don't want to be. And the foxes are beneath the wolves and the wolves are beneath the dragon and so on. It's just how nature is; those who can defend themselves and find warmth and food in the winter are better then those who starve. Therefore they've earned their time in the spring. How else could it be?"

    She sighed after saying that, it was a lesson she learned time and time again growing up. Creatures who can't fend for themselves seldom last long, even if she tried to help them. But her father always told her that it's how nature is. "I wish I knew where my father was so I could bring you to him. I assure you he's better company then these gods you know and he'd teach you the basics you seem to be missing."

    WC: 640/4857


    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Darksteel


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) Empty Re: Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf)

    Post by Rodadnuf 3rd October 2022, 3:23 am

    Tim once read a book that housed a collection of stories written by a Ca-Elumian named Kipling that recorded his journey in the wide borderlands between old Desierto and ancient Bellum. He never really delved through whether or not the stories were real accounts or not, Tim only read his works together with the children in the workhouses. He liked how the characters, despite being literal animals, felt like they had more humanity to them than the adults he encountered at the time. But the stories’ lesson, whatever it left to the reader at the end on each one, was always from a broader stroke—a general idea Tim took to heart yet never truly understood at the time. It was the mindset that let him survive even in the cruelest of winters.

    “The law of the jungle.” Tim muttered after his guildmate spoke about nature and the dominance hierarchy that comes with it. “You really remind me of the boy in a book I read as a kid. He was raised by wolves his whole life and grew up with that law by heart. He was called the Man-Cub: a man, yet raised as a cub by the pack.”

    “I lived in the city most of my life…The Neutral Grounds, it’s a place where wizardry in all forms doesn’t work. It was more mechanical than magical, a place that also has its own set of dominance hierarchy.” He scratched his chin. “You could call it a concrete jungle, in a sense. People, big and small. Powerful and weak. In all shape and sizes. In that city, I lived just as weak as the rats and dogs that infested it.”

    “I lived that sort of life you described too: defending and finding warmth. I was better than the others, so I get to survive one day at a time.” Tim, half lidded eyes, sighed. “You survive, yes. But you don’t get to live.”

    “I’m not asking you to abandon that thinking.” Tim smiled. “But being guildmates, we’re like a pack now. You don’t have to literally hunt for food or anything, but all I’m asking is for you to see the opportunity of seeing things more. There is more than one side of nature, after all.”

    “Even the creatures that’s the namesake of our guild knows this.” Tim waved a finger. “After a hunt, the alpha wolf doesn’t always eat first, did you know that? They know as a pack that the hungriest wolf should eat their fill first, and in turn that wolf can contribute to future hunts rather than starve and weaken the pack as a whole. Hell, they even let the pups eat too before the other adults gorge in.”

    “I don’t think I have enough wisdom to speak for anyone but I’d like to think our Ace gave you a chance to prove you have more than just empty fumes—as twisted her methods might have been.”

    “Responsibility is a part of nature, just as much as survival is.” There really was more to it than just semantics, but judging from the way his guildmate interpreted his earlier words, the simpler he needs to approach things with her the better. “How about it?”

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    Rude awakening(Private w/ rodanuf) M7VWYFe

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:51 pm