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    Nino Corleone's Background [WIP]

    Three Evils
    Three Evils

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 239
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Age : 30
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    Nino Corleone's Background [WIP] Empty Nino Corleone's Background [WIP]

    Post by Three Evils 21st August 2013, 6:25 am

    "The Adventures and Misadventures of Nino Corleone"
    "The Sealer's Journey"

    Background: Thousands of years ago, there was a vast, thriving kingdom, a surging, expanding empire that grew more and more powerful day by day, a land of many wonders the world had never seen and where prosperity was such that even the poorest man had more than the richest of all

    However, despite this, the heart of the king knew no joy.

    There was no court like his. He had reunited all sorts of eminencies from every corner of the world. There were sages, alchemists, geographers and geomancers, mathematicians and astronomers, translators and archivists, jurists, grammar scholars and prestigious authors. In his court lived the wisest priests, the finest monks and the greatest saints, heralds of God and his sacred message.

    Thus, his was the palace of knowledge.

    In his harem, there were women. Concubines from every country, with skin white as snow and desert's sand, tanned as mountains at sunset, yellow as smoke and dark as obsidian, all of them experts in the ways of pleasure. There were as well numerous gorgeous young boys, too young to grow a beard and with lustful, insolent eyes, sweet as the sweetest of peaches.

    Thus, his palace was the palace of desire.

    In his palace there were magicians: astrologers that could interpret the will of god in the night sky and the dancing, falling stars; Spellcasters from the far east, with strange hats and long sleeves full of mysteries; Wizards and holy pillar men from everywhere where there was magic, keepers of the secrets of angels, demons and men. And there were poets and musicians and men of perfect taste. And there were in that place strange prodigies: men with animal heads, animals that talked like men and mechanical marvels, that imitated life, moving and singing when they were talked to.

    His palace was the palace of wonders, for that was the age of magnificence.

    And the king was wise, when he sat to judge, even his sages were astounded by the sagacity of his veredicts. During his reign, the country had blossomed splendidly.

    And yet, the king lived tormented.

    And in those moments when shadow fell upon his soul, he observed the city from the highest balcony, from where he could observe his city extend at his feet, the flaming carriages crossing the sky, the markets full of delicacies and birds made of sapphires, emeralds and a thousand other gems that sung with voices that were more moving than those of any bird born from an egg. From there he could see the merchants entering in the city, with horses that transported silk, perfumes, diamonds and pearls the size of melons and dancers dressed with ethereal clothes, with their souls inked on their skin and with their eyes permanently closed, for their heavenly gaze could go make a man go mad. He saw the ships, big as islands, arrive to the port. He saw the spires of the building rise towards the sky like longing fingers, decorated with gold, silver and pink granite, softer at touch than a lover's caress. It was from there from where he beheld the one and only flight of the great winged horse, made all of crystal except for his eyes which were made of bone, and its battle against the heavenly demon bull of disaster, which was sent by gods of the neighbouring countries in a futile attempt to put an end to their glory and rise above. Everyday the king went out to his balcony and observed his country and his people, incomparable, overwhelming.

    And still, the king's soul suffered.

    No words, no conquest could make him happy, the laugh of his children or  even the kisses of her wife and the peace resting between her thighs could alleviate his pain, and the more blessings and treasures he had, the more the king suffered, because he knew that one day, it would all crumble like sand castles when the tide went up. His, his empire and even the memories would be forever gone, lost in the waves of time. How could he be happy in the paradise he built when he knew that it would never last?, This was the perfect era and his was the perfect reign. It would never get better, for humanity, it was all downhill from here. And the king didn't want that.

    Thus, the best, most renowned heroes of the time were sent in a quest for the salvation the king longed for in the form of power, the ultimate power needed to protect the ultimate greatness. Men came and went with artefacts beyond imagination, the captain of his guard gave him the Sword of the Great Cid, a weapon that kept its wielder alive as long as he had the will to fight, no matter how fatal his wounds; The kingdom's Archmage brought to him the Tourmaline Orb from the shadowlands of Sheol, which contained 1000001 terrible demons and spirits which had been trapped there two thousand years ago by the child of a sun god; And his eldest son brought him a candle of obsidian that would forever illuminate infallibly the path to follow in his life. However, none of those items held the power the king needed and in the process many lives of good, loyal men had been lost forever to the cold hands of death.

    But their lives were not the only thing lost. With each failure, with each year without satisfying results, the king found himself more and more cornered as time kept running out. First came impatience, then despair and finally... Madness. And thus, the levee broke, his kingdom, his empire falling apart as his sanity did. From the man that he used to be there was but a shadow, a cruel, neurotic man that ruled despotically and saw conspirators everywhere he looked. Those he sent that came back with anything less than the absolute power were sentenced to death, half of his court of wonders was executed and a quarter ran away and in those streets where beauty and life were found abound, no sane man dared to set foot.

    It was only many years later, when elderly king was coming to an end and the kingdom held its breath, hoping for his hour to come soon, when the Devil made his grand entrance. For a long time had he been observing the king, amused at his despair, overjoyed at how his heart grew darker and darker, the seed of evil growing within it... And now, in the darkest hour, the fruits of that seed had finally matured. Now, the last thing left was sowing them.

    He came as a nomad, dressed with what had been in past times the most ethereal, ornate red silk, but that now was ragged and tattered, covered with the dust of the long path he walked, his face covered completely by the fabric. Unexpectedly, he burst into the throne room, and though the guards attempted to stop him, they couldn't even move. Such was the Devil's power.

    The king was presented an option. He could either gain the power to manipulate people, or the power to transform into an unstoppable, all-powerful demon.

    Foolishly, the king chose to accept the demonic power offered to him. And so, the Accursed King metamorphosed, the evil in his heart consuming his soul and becoming the most powerful being that had ever walked the earth, a mindless beast that caused endless destruction.

    In a single night, he destroyed the rests of his own kingdom. From that fateful day, the monster was known as Oblivion, for barren wastelands were the only thing left on its wake.

    With his newfound power and renewed youth, the king spent years terrorizing the land before a coalition of all the guilds in Fiore managed to stop him for good... But the danger was not over. During his reign of terror, the king seduced, and rapped many women that in turn gave birth to apparently healthy babies... However, through their veins ran the Cursed Blood. Many of them could transform into terrible monsters and followed the footsteps of his father, some even rivaling his power. These children, these Fiends were and are known as "Oblivion's Might" and are a menace for the whole world even nowadays.

    This is the story of the Forgotten King, cursed be his wicked lineage!

    ... However, though evil was in their blood, not all of them leaded a life of sin like their progenitor. Once upon a time there was a wizard that descended from Oblivion but that sought to erase the stigma of his ancestors by erasing the burden their crimes had placed upon mankind's shoulders. Being a master at sealing magic, he lived his life undoing the evil of his brothers, defeating all of the Oblivion's Mights he learnt the existence of and absorbing the demon they carried inside to free them and their future children from the curse. When he passed away, his child succeeded him and after him, his grandchildren and so on.

    Soon enough, as the Mights became increasingly rare, the sealers begun not only taking in the evil from the Mights, but also all other sorts of evil, their objective passing from ending the menace passed down the generations to freeing the entire world from evil.

    But, oh woe, they were unwittingly planting another seed. One seed far more malicious than the one that had given birth to the original Oblivion.

    The many demons passed down the line from father to son and from mother to daughter could not break the seal and they discomposed... But with time, the dark essence left by the Mights proved to be the perfect medium for the return of an unspeakable evil that had been long been forgotten before the Era of Men. The malicious foetum fed on the evil the sealers took in until it finally reached the status of a Might, one so strong it threatened the age old seal.

    To contain the creature, the sealers gave up their mission, dedicating themselves to preserving the seal and establishing a village dedicated to the transmission of the many ways of magic that each sealer had recollected in their endless journeys through the world. It is in this village where Nino's story begun.

    Son to the renowned academic Ignatius Algiachi, Nino was kick to demonstrate his magical aptitudes. His father, seeing that the force was strong in this one, lead him to an early life of study and training, since magic is a sword with no handle, powerful, but dangerous for everyone if not properly handled.

    And so, Nino passed most of his childhood between books and heeding the words of many mages that taught him of magic and its many secrets, not leaving him much time for friends, though he always managed to get rid of them through trickery. Besides that, Nino's childhood was pretty normal, no dead/absent parents, no childhood traumas, no baddies coming in to destroy the village...

    Wait... It might have been a little to early to say that one last thing...

    Thing is, when you have a jar containing millennia of  pure, primordial evil, there's always some smartass that says "Heeyyy, duuuuude... I could control that power and rule tha world or somethinnnng...", and, as always, they are so very fucking wrong.

    No one knew how it happened. The truth about the  of the sealers was a secret and so was the existence of the demon passed down the generations, but the fact that someone managed to acquire the information remains a fact.

    They came in the middle of the night dressed in black, like thieves, assassins or death itself. They were mages, dozens of them, even hundreds. Together, they assaulted the village, stealing  the elder scrolls kept in the academy and eliminating much of the opposition before they could even react.

    ... However, they were not for the scrolls, they were after Nino, though he could not imagine this, for he knew not the truth about the entity resting within yet. He was given one of the eldest scrolls and was told by his father that it was the objective of their attackers, that he had to run away and never turn back no matter what.

    And so, they both parted ways with both of their hearts full of fear.

    But Ignatius attempt to guide the mages away from him was useless. Before he could escape, Nino found himself cornered, surrounded by mages he had no chance against.

    This was it, he was going to die right there and then. His little heart beat desperately. Nino considered himself a lucky person, but that night fate had dealt him a bad hand and he was out of options, the only thing he could do was praying... And so, he did what seemed to be the most appropriate. Get mad. He was furious at everything, at the world for being so unfair, at his father for leaving him alone, at these people for ruining his life, but overall, he felt furious towards himself for being to week to save himself... If only he had the power, wished his heart fervently...

    ... It was then when he heard the "voice" for the first time, a "voice" that would follow him everyone till the end of his days... But Nino didn't care about it. The only thing he cared about was that the voice offered him just what he and the Accursed King had wished for.

    When Nino woke up, the sun had already risen and he was lying on the grass soft, green, wet grass of the hills, a pair of kilometers away from the village. Last night's events must had been a nightmare. With difficulty, he got back on his feet despite the pain he felt in his entire body, including places he didn't know that could feel pain. Though none of that mattered anymore when he turned around and beheld the devastation. His village and a large part of its surrounding didn't even so much as exist anymore, where the buildings had once stood, where the fields extended as far as his eyes could see, the land had turned black and dark grey and even from there could he detect the foul scent of ashes and charred, rotting corpses.

    Unable to say or even think, Nino turned and started walking, his face frozen in the mixture of horror and disbelief he had adopted the moment when his eyes met the rests (or rather, the lack of them). Right now, be only wanted one and only one thing, run. Running away from this hell and never stop.

    And so, he went from village to village, from city to city, living on the brink of starvation... Until he mastered the arts of the only thing he had left from his father, that is. The scroll's teachings proved to be very useful, and be it through thievery or honest work, Nino was never hungry from then on.

    After some time, Nino arrived to a city which's name the author cannot remember at the moment. Nino hadn't ever seen one so big or so pretty, so he decided to stay. Thus, he joined the local guild, Blue Pegasus, ready to start a quiet new life away from the past and his demons.

    But little knew Nino that his dream of peace would never be.

    RP Sample: I don't like doing this stuff, I always get blocked when writing samples... What do you need it for anyways?, Can't we overlook this part please?

    Face Claim: Narancia from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo, Ahriman from Shin Megami Tensei III: Lucifer's Call.

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 6:05 pm