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    The story of Hiro Villenn {FINISHED}

    Hiro Villenn
    Hiro Villenn

    Villain- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul of Belial
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The story of Hiro Villenn {FINISHED} Empty The story of Hiro Villenn {FINISHED}

    Post by Hiro Villenn 1st September 2013, 12:26 am

    History: It was just like any other day. The sun shined during the day, the moon was out at night, and during that time children were born. However not a normal child would be born that day. A woman by the name of Lucilya Katherine Villenn would give birth to a devil that day. Not a metaphorical in the future super villain bad guy but a literal devil, a species that is few and far between but is known well as the ruling race of hell. Names of the most notable Devils include Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Astaroth, Leviathan; all names of powerful monsters of hell and most of which are still around today.

    This devil was a half devil whose father is unknown. The boy whose body was born searing in pale blue flames was named Hiro Villenn by his mother. This however would not be the only name he was given.

    Word quickly got out about Lucilya's son and she was forced to leave the city where she lived and quickly hide away somewhere where the religiously devout and Hiro’s satanic father could not hope to find them. She escaped from her home town and to an uncharted island well away from Fiore. Not only that, but this island was coated with special flowers which warded off demon and devil power.

    This was not easy for Lucilya for she a former nun. The very concept of what she had done broke every single one of her beliefs. However this half-devil child was her son and nothing she could do now would change that. So she protected him by fleeing to this island, and in the process was labeled a heretic, traitor, and enemy of the church she had devoted her life to.

    This island had plenty of life on it and there was also fresh water so all Lucilya had to do was build a house and start her new life as a hermit mother. She struggled with Hiro, who was inherently violent from a very young age and once he was coherent enough to understand what his mother was saying, Lucilya would frequently scold him for lashing out on the animals and imbued many of the faiths and morals she had learned into this devil. The only things she couldn't say were that devils were inherently evil and should all be killed. Who could say that to their child. It was also the only belief Lucilya didn't truly believe in when it came to her faith. Why were devil's inherently evil? Sure Lucilya was certain that the arch devil who attacked her and gave her this child was evil but she couldn't bring herself to believe that her own son was the same. She refused to believe that and worked as hard as possible to prove that mentality false.

    Hiro lived an overall simple life. Sure it was lonely with it being only him and his mother but it wasn't a terrible life. Hiro's dream was to see the world outside this tiny island though. Every time he looked at the ocean he would dream of one day crossing it. Lucilya would always give him a smile when he said he was going to travel the world but what was hidden under the smile was the harsh reality and fear of what awaited his child away from this island.

    Hiro's outbursts were regular but thanks to the flowers warding off devil power the damage was kept to a very low minimum and he never set the entire forest on fire. The destruction of the island would give away his location and both his father and Lucilya's religion would be after Hiro. For thirteen years Hiro and Lucilya lived peacefully and quietly. On Hiro's fourteenth birthday however, a family reunion would end this peaceful life.

    Hiro's fourteenth birthday was the day that his father had found him and appeared on the island in all his satanic glory. Despite the power hindering flowers that grew on the island, the power that surged from Hiro's father was incredible and it felt like the flowers were doing nothing, if anything at all. Hiro heard the name his father had given him for the first time, Belial. Hiro was the devil Belial in hell and had rights to rule the place, even though he had no desire to. The island was small however, so it only took a moment for Lucilya to appear wielding a staff, the only thing she brought with her when she fled with her son thirteen years ago.

    As one would expect, a fight between the mother and the father broke out. As one would not expect, Lucilya was fight on par with Baal-Berith. Baal-Berith wielded the power to destroy. His soul held the will and desire to destroy. The power of the soul of Baal, the ultimate destruction magic which turned everything to dust. Hiro could do nothing but watch as Lucilya's incredible prowess utilizing both elemental magic and holy magic together matched the power of Baal-Berith and trees and life itself on the island was eradicated.

    Eventually though, the fight drew near to an end. Baal-Berith simply had more magical power to utilize than a human like Lucilya could hope to store in ten life times. Baal-Berith was still injured gravely though, with his right arm destroyed and wounds coating his body which belied his almost unshaken stance and demeanor compared Lucilya's panting and worn out demeanor and almost uninjured body. Lucilya had one last trick up her sleeve though. Two spells were what she cast. The first was a teleportation spell which sent Hiro away, to Fiore, but not before he saw the end of the fight. Despite Hiro's resistance, he was no where near as strong as he needed to be to get out of his mother's spell. The last spell Lucilya cast was a sealing spell she cast on Baal-Berith. Baal-Berith tried to break it, thinking it was futile, but he would be wrong. Not only was it holy magic, the bane of devils, but it was incredibly thick and layered with hundreds of premade circles in seals. Hiro saw Baal-Berith sealed away back in his hellish domain cursing the mother of his child, and he saw Lucilya pass away from an extreme over use of magical power before he was teleported away. Lucilya's only words to Hiro were, "See the world like you dreamed."

    Hiro arrived somewhere on the outskirts of Fiore, mentally broken and confused. He barely understood anything that had just happened. Only that his mother was dead and his father was sealed away. Over the next few years he would be hunted and persecuted and forced to hide what he was in order to stay alive. So he hid himself. He grew bitter and untrusting of the world. Over the next years of his life he would learn that the world was cruel and that the world hated his very existence. Hiro wasn't going to accept that though. Hiro made his own secret and personal declaration of war against the world, and that he would have won only when he was accepted by the world and it's inhabitants.

    RP Sample:
    Face Claim: Rin Okumura | Ao No Exorcist

      Current date/time is 31st May 2024, 11:20 pm