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    To Earthland and Beyond! ● Syn


    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : MV
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ran
    Experience : 1,775

    To Earthland and Beyond! ● Syn Empty To Earthland and Beyond! ● Syn

    Post by Syndrome 22nd June 2021, 9:15 am

    Recently, Syn had visited the clerical office near Solemn Park to get her official license as a Wedding Officiate who had the power to marry individuals. This was just something she had wanted to do for a while to further increase the methods she had in her power to make other people happy.

    Next on the list was something else she had wanted to acquire, which was a passport. In order to go outside of Fiore as a Fioran mage, she needed proof of her identity and authenticity. Syn was no stranger to governmental bureaucracy, and she had initially considered getting her passport and Wedding Officiate certificate at the same time, on the same day. Well, not exactly at the same time, but directly after the other, during the same single appointment. Unfortunately, the clerical office near the chapel had not been able to provide a longer appointment on that day she had requested to get her license. Therefore Syn was visiting a different office, which was much smaller and had less residents frequenting it. On the other hand, most of the people who came here were wealthy guildless mages or wealthy civilians who knew of its location.

    Syn strode inside and was greeted by the sight of a short queue and very plush looking leather waiting seats. Without a word or a single gesture, she made mental note that her number was 58, meaning this location had helped fifty eight people so far today. Taking a seat, she could see that the current number being called was fifty two. She had a little ways to wait. But it wasn't long before fifty eight was being shown on the screen and played on the admittedly quiet loud speaker. Standing straight, Syn made her way over to the clerk and said immediately, "I'm here to get my passport as a mage. I'd like to find additional work in other nations." While she was fully prepared to show them her guild mark, seeing as Meliora Vitae was not a disreputable organization, they waved her physical question off. Since this was often the place guildless mages went to,  Syn had no doubt that they had granted passports to no small number of them. It worked in her favor.

    After a few more minutes of talking with the clerk and giving him her personal information, a passport was issued. Syn paid the extra fee in order for it to be received by her today, and she was told it would either be mailed or she could wait here to receive it directly. Choosing to wait, since she had already come here by now, Syn took another look around. Although in the beginning of Fiore's borders opening up, passports had been wildly popular and these types of locations were full to the brim, the borders had been open for long enough that the rage had died down a bit. At least, it was not stuffed full at small places like these. Either way, regardless of the cause being the lesser craze or the more hidden venue, Syn was grateful. Now she was able to receive a passport without much fuss.

    Since the borders had been open for a bit as well, many tourists and visitors had already made mistakes in other countries. Their restrictions were now the most reasonable they could probably get, at least for now. In addition, other nations seemed to be more trusting of Fioran mages and had a lot of job opportunities available. A bit of some kind of trust had been established between nations after the time borders had been open so far. Syn planned to take advantage of all of this. Once again getting to her feet as her number was called from a side door, she accepted the parcel that contained her passport. Opening it on the spot, she double checked that everything seemed suitable and then took her leave silently.

    654 Words



    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : MV
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ran
    Experience : 1,775

    To Earthland and Beyond! ● Syn Empty Re: To Earthland and Beyond! ● Syn

    Post by Syndrome 22nd June 2021, 6:00 pm

    She knew what her next step would be now that she had acquired a passport. Naturally, Syn's goal was to go on an international mission. Fiore was only the starting point. All across Earthland, there were numerous communities and individual people who needed assistance in one way or another. Honestly, Syn was not just some brave and kind adventurer who had set out to make a living helping people. She had wants and desires of her own, and many were selfish. For example, she simply had an urge to see the world. The incredible views and altogether too mouth watering dishes that awaited her in different nations pressured Syn to experience travel herself.

    Using the iLac that she had acquired from another excursion only a little bit ago, Syn researched on the interwebs about international bookings available. While it would be nice to take a mission that had a net positive benefit on the world, Syn would accept anything as long as it wasn't negatively impacting people. She still had her morals, and she would stand by them until she died. But simultaneously, she had wanted to take a vacation for a bit. A nice, easy job in a beautiful country like Minstrel would certainly be a treat that she would eagerly look into.

    Finally, Syn saw the perfect listing. A woman wanted help moving into a house in Midi. The only issue was, the road had recently been taken over by bandits that were using magic and were partially backed by the local government due to small scale corruption. It was an issue that could be solved with the intervention of nation wide law enforcement, but the woman had decided to also call for foreign help. She was a wealthy individual who just wanted to get situated into her new villa without worrying about her life and belongings. Syn understood that. After all, she couldn't blame the woman too much for turning to outside sources for help. It was human nature to look for any solution possible in desperate times. Therefore, judging her was unproductive, since even if Syn herself wouldn't have done the same thing, she hadn't been in the same position in the first place.

    Nodding to herself, she quickly tapped her fingers across the screen of her iLac until she reached her phone app. International calls were expensive, so if this didn't work out right away she would email or find another method of communication. "Hello, this is Syn, I saw your ad for a mage..."

    420 / 1074 Words - latter 500 to be used for a Freeform



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