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    The Path Forward

    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 18th March 2021, 10:14 am


    Sweat was dripping down her face, but Saffron ignored it, focusing instead on the target in front of her. The large, body sized bag that hung from the ceiling was doing it’s due diligence in being at the receiving end of her fists, swaying gently on the chain from which it hung and providing a decent amount of resistance thanks to the gravity of its weight. The training room at Fairy Tail was a bit basic -- astoundingly so, for a country that boasted a number of guilds entirely comprised of mages that were capable of making all sorts of crazy things. Not that it was a complaint, of course. Saffron really didn’t need a whole lot, especially for a light, late morning workout that was really just to break a small sweat and wake her body up. It just wasn’t what she had been envisioning. So far, a lot of Fiore was different than what she’d expected, though not necessarily in bad ways. The technology was a little antiquated, but that was something she had figured going into it, having been spoiled her whole life by the advanced work in Bosco.

    Still, she was enjoying it. She loved how different it was, loved not knowing what her day was going to bring next and what kind of wacky people she would run into next. Fairy Tail was certainly full of them, which kept things interesting. Saffron hadn’t really made any of what she would call friends just yet, but she wasn’t in a hurry to do so, content to ease her way into the new setting and observe for a while, finding small places to interject herself and get to know people here and there. Or simply just watch the hijinks in the main hall as they ensued for a good laugh.

    Presently, she was dressed in a pair of black board shorts and a blue sports bra, with a plain pair of black tennis shoes on her feet. Her copious amounts of blonde, wavy hair had somehow managed to be pulled back into a ponytail behind her head, though it was a wonder any tie or elastic band could hold so much without breaking. She had sports tape wrapped around her left wrist and hand, which was the only flesh and blood arm Saffron still possessed. Her other arm was fully robotic starting from about halfway down her bicep, the metal painted to sport an array of black and gold colors. Despite no longer having any muscles to keep strong on her right arm, Saffron continued her workout as if it were an organic limb, punching the bag at a steady rhythm with both arms, hard enough to get a good work out but not so hard that anyone might think she had stuck a photo of someone on the bag and was taking her aggressions out on it.

    She was aware when someone else joined her in the room but didn’t pause the workout or pull her focus away to greet or even look at them. Instead, she finished the routine to completion before allowing herself to rest, wandering over to where she had left a towel and a bottle of water. After taking a hearty gulp of the refreshing liquid, she finally let her curiosity get the better of her and turned to see who had joined her, using the towel to wipe the sweat from her brow. Presuming they made eye contact in the process, she’d give him an upward nod of acknowledgement. “Sup?”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 589 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 19th March 2021, 8:59 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    Well this person was new.

    Vandrad had not expected to find anyone else in the training room. It was rare for any of his guildmates to make the trip over to the extraneous room because no one else cared that much about training as much as he did. Sure, Mura had gotten better about it and Mercury came over from Silver Wolf but they specifically came to work out with him. He couldn’t recall a single time he’d come in and found anyone else occupying it. So Vandrad had come in with that expectation in mind, already planning out the regimen that he would take part in. He came to an abrupt halt as he opened the door and caught sight of a blond woman in there, pounding her fists against a sandbag she had set up. His brow furrowed in confusion as he stood in the doorway watching.

    If she sensed him, she didn’t seem to care. She kept right on throwing jabs and working out her body. The prince took a moment to watch before he continued his way into the room, tossing his things on the ground near the entryway. He walked a little further before he came to a stop, crossing his arms over his chest and watching her. His eyes scanned over her, watching her form flow in the midst of simulated combat. They focused on the robotic limb, the synthetic replacement for what had been lost. Had she been born without it or was it an injury? That wasn’t easily figured by just looking at her. After a few moments of consideration, she finally finished her exercise and walked over to refresh herself. It wasn’t until after she had drank a significant portion of her water that she finally turned to look at him, dabbing herself lightly with the towel. She greeted him with a simple nod of her head and a misnomer for ‘what’s up’.

    He stared at her for a moment before he stretched his neck out to each side, the muscles cracking and popping. "You’ll hardly get any kind of workout from punching a bag filled with sand,” he explained as he rolled one arm and then the next. "If you want to really get some exercise in, you need to fight someone who can make you work for it.” He then got himself into a fighting stance, clearly offering her a different method of training without actually asking her.

    Words: 409  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 20th March 2021, 9:18 am


    Boy, this guy was short. And his hair was ridiculously wild, defying gravity on all sorts of levels to stand so tall up on his head and practically add a foot of height to him. He was ripped as all get out, though, in a way that Saffron was actually a little jealous of. Not that she wanted to be bulky - her athletic build that was a nice hybrid between muscular and slightly curvy was good enough for her to be happy with. It was just that a six pack would have been nice, too.

    It was admittedly a little weird that he had been watching her, but honestly she was starting to get used to that kind of thing. Even in Bosco a lot of people couldn’t take their eyes off her arm, which had been a spot of contention and soreness for a while but she had since moved past her sensitivity over the issue. That generally didn’t stop her from calling people out for staring, of course, as Saffron had far too much fun taking opportunities to make people feel uncomfortable. For the moment, however, she hadn’t been awake all that long and her mind wasn’t really alert enough at the moment to say anything to him about it.

    Not that she would have had to, anyway. Not long after she gave him the barest of greetings, he spoke up to inform her that punching a bag of sand wasn’t much by way of physical exertion. Before she even got the chance to finish raising her brows at his boldness in walking in an critiquing her exercise routines without even introducing himself, however, he followed the statement up by informing her that she would get a greater challenge out of a live target that was able to think and react. He even stretched his arms briefly before squaring off against her.

    Now it was Saffron’s turn to stare as she stood there for a moment, considering him through a studious, unreadable gaze. Without taking her eyes off of him, she raised her water bottle back to her lips and took another drink from it. Once she had swallowed, she asked, “So do you always go to the gym and challenge complete strangers to a fight, or am I just like... super unlucky?” Despite the question, her tone betrayed her amusement, as did the light smirk on her face that followed. Screwing the cap back on her bottle, she set it down and tossed the towel next to it. With a quick stretch of her own, she sank into her own ready stance and slowly stepped toward him with an outstretched arm to tap his own hand, a sign that she’d had professional training and knew the proper way to start a sanctioned spar.

    Once they tapped hands, she didn’t hesitate. Where most people would take a couple seconds to dance around and read their opponent, playing the game of seeing who would make the first move, Saffron elected to try and throw him off his guard by going on the offensive right from the start, throwing a couple quick jabs to test his reaction speed and start to get the measure of him.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 537/1126 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 20th March 2021, 2:37 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    It always seemed that Vandrad came across people that caught his eye at the strangest time. He never expected it; in fact, most of the time, the prince actively tried to avoid people. In spite of his new position, he still wasn’t going out of his way to interact with people that much more than he already had before. He had his priorities and his responsibilities and he actually found that he was capable of handling tasks and assigning them could come virtually. He didn’t necessarily need to go and talk to someone, face to face. And when it came time for training, it was safe to say that Vandrad was always on a one track mind. Get through his workout and get back to his other tasks. When something got in the middle of that, it would usually cause problems.

    But when a possible prospect managed to catch his attention, no matter the place, he gave it serious consideration. This woman was on the younger side but well built; she had already put some effort into strengthening her form. Her synthetic arm was interesting but frankly, was the least of Vandrad’s concerns. He’d seen plenty of disabled people before, several of them getting similar new attachments to keep them from losing a step or still allowing them to get a hand up, to put it one way. There was a potential power within her that seemed oddly familiar, a resonance that spoke to him and called out to him. She seemed… disinterested in him at first, focusing on refreshing herself and cleaning away her sweat before she turned and greeted him.

    It was barely a greeting but it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to it. How many greenhorns in the army would reply with half-interested, prideful remarks when they were first meeting him or another superior? Too many to tell. But this wasn’t the army, it was the Fairy Tail guild and despite his placement as Ace, he didn’t expect anyone to just know him and his position by sight. Arcanos knows it took him some time to realize who everyone was in his own guild. Still, he continued to observe her for a moment longer before he started speaking, already taking on the role of instructor without offering or even introducing himself. He informed her that she would only find a true challenge in someone that could hit back and put himself in a fighting position.

    She let the challenge hang in the air for a moment, watching him and thinking about what his offer meant. Continuing to let him wait, she took another swig from her bottle before she finally spoke, asking him if it was commonplace for him to go to the gym and challenge people he didn't know to a fight or if she just pulled the short straw? "Considering I am the primary occupant of this training room most days and host most of the training sessions, yes,” he stated simply. "As for luck, I suppose you won’t know about that until the match has concluded.” Without getting out of his stance, he watched as she deposited her bottle and towel to the side before getting into her own stance. She stepped forward, reaching out and offering her hand in a metaphorical gesture to start the match.

    She wasted no time as his hand brushed against hers. Her arms shot out in a flurry of quick jabs and Vandrad used a single hand to bat them away, his arm slithering in front of him quickly and efficiently to keep her from landing a square hit. Still, it was an impressive strategy; attempting to keep him off balance from the start and see how quickly he could react. On his last deflection, his other arm snapped out in a punch towards her gut, followed by a turning kick to her side. Then he dipped down and spun with his other leg out, attempting to sweep her legs out from under her and knock her on her ass. "You’re new to Fairy Tail,” he stated, once more a simple remark without much depth.

    Words: 687  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 21st March 2021, 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 20th March 2021, 4:11 pm


    The blonde had no idea who this guy was outside of being just another member of her new guild, though frankly that wouldn’t have changed her behavior. Saffron wasn’t necessarily disrespectful to people in authority, but she was definitely a very casual woman that had never really taken to the formalities of the army, usually doing just enough to not be acting with complete insubordination. Fairy Tail wasn’t an army, and she didn’t intend on treating it like one, not now that she had all the freedoms of a civilian. That being said, she did enjoy a good spar, and she could only assume that this guy would be able to put up a good fight if he was confident enough to confront a stranger. It was a level of self surety that she could respect, and it intrigued her enough to play along, if only to see if he had the skills to back it up.

    He maintained his stance as he answered her mostly rhetorical question, informing her that he did in fact like to start up spars with people he hadn’t met before, particularly ones that he found utilizing the training room, as apparently it was an extremely underused facility within the guildhall. In fact, he was directly involved with just about everything that happened here, including hosting training sessions for other members. Though when it came to her luck in catching his eye, he remarked that it remained to be seen how the chips fell. Saffron grinned, appreciating his candor.

    They tagged each other’s hands and she lept right into things. His reflexes were impressive. More than impressive. He batted her fists away with a single hand like she was little more than a fly buzzing around in his face. Quick as lightning, he found an opening in her defenses and he snapped out an attack of his own aimed toward her gut. She seamlessly stepped back to make some room so his hand only came into contact with the air where her stomach had just been. He followed it up with a kick that she deftly blocked with one arm. While neither of them were fighting at full strength right now -- a good thing, too, as she could already tell that he had far more training than she did -- even the minute amount of damage he did with the landed blow still seeped lightly into her core where the kinetic energy lingered and would continue to pool and build up with each hit he landed.

    He swiftly transitioned into a sweep, but rather than pull away or allow herself to be put off by it, she quickly shifted her stance and found her center, planting her foot firmly on the ground and using it to stubbornly stop the attack before it could knock her off her balance. Pivoting on her planted foot, she reciprocated with a kick of her own pulling her knee up to her chest before snapping it out in a side kick aimed at his sternum.

    “Figure that out all on your own did ya?” she asked when he commented on her being new to Fairy Tail. Once again, while her words seemed disrespectful her tone wasn’t anywhere near such, more playful than anything else. Planting both feet back on the ground, whether or not she managed to hit him, she went back on the offensive, aiming a series of punches in different areas across his chest and shoulders to keep his guard moving. “Yeah, just joined on the other day. Never been a part of a guild before. We don’t really have them in Bosco.”

    Feinting with her roboting arm, she whipped her body around to aim a spinning back kick at his side. “What about you? You must have been here for a while if you run all the training programs.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 643 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 21st March 2021, 11:41 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    It was clear this woman was trained enough in self defense and martial arts that she was capable of defending herself justifiably. His punch found nothing but air as she leapt away from him, putting enough of a distance for her stomach to be out of harm. As he snapped his leg out to kick at her, she raised her arm up to block the attack, pushing through the strength of it to hold it from her softer, more vulnerable parts. And as Vandrad slid down into a sweep at her legs, she chose to tank the damage from it, her legs unmoving as her clearly stubborn nature forced her to fight against it. It also opened up a perfect opportunity for her to strike at him as he came back up, her leg coming up and unleashing itself in a sidekick for his body. Rather than block it, he let the foot land true, the heavy thud of her limb meeting his muscle deafened more than it normally would be. He glanced down at her leg, still victoriously planted against his chest, before he knocked it down and away, getting himself back into a fighting stance.

    He wanted to see what kind of strength she was working with. No doubt she was holding back; trying to get a read on him at the same time he was analyzing her. But it gave him ample opening to feel her physical strength. It was modest but not unimpressive. Her style, her stance, was all forged and crafted from training. She knew where to aim and what to aim to hit. As he stated that he hadn’t seen her around, she chided him for just figuring that out on his own. A slight narrowing of the gaze was her only answer, a remark that seemed all too familiar to something his Silver Wolf partner would say, though this girl seemed more amused more than anything else. His arms slid back to his chest as she moved in to pepper him with punches, the prince moving in tandem to block her strikes.

    Apparently she had just joined recently. She’d never been in a guild before, as they weren’t commonplace in Bosco. An alien to the land as well -- something he shared with her. One arm moved to protect against the synthetic arm but it proved to be a feint, her body twisting to launch a back kick with an added spin at him. He turned into it, his free arm coming up to catch the leg at the heel. And then, mustering a bit more strength than he was using before, he turned his frame and attempted to throw her, holding her leg with the intent of tossing her away from him. It would hardly be a worthy throw; at best, it would send her rolling on the ground a few feet away.

    But either way, he would move back in, this time launching punches at her from all directions. He even added in his knees, looking to slam them into her core and drive the air from her lungs. It would drain her, weakening her will and focus. He made like he was going to sweep for her legs once more but, instead, came back up quickly, a rising uppercut aimed directly for her jaw. "It’s been about a year since I came here from Bellum. Guilds aren’t a thing there either but I was part of a fraternity of sorts. The army.”

    Words: 581/1268  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 23rd June 2021, 6:08 pm


    Saffron had a feeling this guy was really holding himself back.

    The ease with which he countered her attacks told her that this exercise wasn’t really doing much for him. That being said, she wasn’t all that offended by the notion. She enjoyed fighting but Saffron wasn’t the type of person to get upset when someone didn’t go full tilt against her. A spar was a spar, and Saffron had been reminded all too well recently that she wasn’t invincible, and there were always stronger people around. Besides, at the end of the day she was more lazy than not, so she was perfectly content with a half assed spar that was just vigorous enough to keep the blood pumping and keep her muscles loose.

    Not to mention, she had a feeling his restraint came less from not taking the session seriously and more because he was simple focused on analyzing her from a teacher’s standpoint. After all, he did claim to be the head trainer at the facility, one that was so underutilized that anyone at all besides himself making use of it was a bit of a shocker to him. He likely just wanted to see what she was capable of so he could offer some pointers. That was cool, she guessed. Saffron wasn’t exactly looking for some kind of mentor, not now that she was free of military life, but she certainly wouldn’t turn down some insight.

    She swung her leg around and planted her heel on his chest, the shorter man keeping his center and tanking the strike much like she had done only moments ago with his attempted sweep. After a calculating glance at it, he knocked it aside and she immediately grounded herself again to keep better balance. As she threw a series of quick jabs his way, the blonde explained that she was new not just to guild life but to Fiore itself, having come from Bosco. When she asked about him, she threw a feint before attempting another kick at him. He snatched her by the ankle and hurled her. “Woop..!” she exclaimed lightly, her eyes widening a bit in genuine surprise as she was pulled fully off her feet. Despite being caught off guard, she adapted quickly, twisting in the air and seamlessly rolling right back onto her feet in a low, ready stance in a fraction of a second where she was ready for him to follow the action up and press his advantage.

    Rather than deflect or avoid his strikes, Saffron guarded her face and blocked each strike, letting his fists hit her without landing on anything important. As she did, she could feel the kinetic energy continue to build within her. It was weird -- he wasn’t hitting her terribly hard, yet for some reason it felt like the energy was building up faster than it did with most other people. Unfortunately, she didn’t really have time to think about that as he distracted her train of thought in answering her question. That, and she had to quickly step out of the way of the impending uppercut. He informed her that he had been with the guild for about a year and was originally from Bellum, which also wasn’t exactly populated with many guilds either. He had, however, been in the army.

    “No shit?” she asked with interest as she stepped in and took over the offensive, moving her feet swiftly across the floor to close the distance with him. Her fists, elbows and knees worked in quick succession to keep him moving, looking to strike fast rather than hard in the hopes of forcing him to open his guard. “Same here. I joined up with the Defense Force a little while after graduating high school. Only served a few years, though. Was given an honorable discharge not that long ago.” Keeping the close distance, Saffron quickly snaked her foot along the ground, aiming to hook her heel behind his and locking their legs together. With a grunt, she unleashed a bit of the kinetic energy she’d stolen from him in a punch aimed at his chest. With any luck, the sudden increase in power would throw him off enough that even if he was able to block most of the the hit, it may still be enough to push him back and cause him to trip over her leg.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 732/1375 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 3rd July 2021, 6:27 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    She recovered from his toss rather expertly. Managing to get back onto her feet, she threw up her arms to block his attacks rather than attempt any kind of dodge or counter attack. But what was the strangest part of it was that he could feel her absorbing an extraordinary amount of ethernano from each of his attacks, suctioning it down into her body like a sun panel with the natural rays of the star. It seemed she was allowing him to hit her, for the sake of building something up inside of her, set on release. A crafty technique, one that he’d utilized a bit in the past but not in great quantities. Once she had absorbed a courteous amount of ethernano from him and the air around her, she quickly dodged his uppercut, clearly not wanting to take the brunt of that attack.

    With that, the balance shifted and she was back on the offense, dashing in at him and letting her limbs rain down quick, unpleasant strikes at him. Vandrad smoothly moved his arms to block the upper appendages, while he cracked his knees against her to prevent her from getting a solid blow on his abdomen. She said that she had been in the army as well -- the Defense Force. It was an impressive detail, one he knew about given his studying of Earthland’s differing standing armed forces. She admitted to an honorable discharge recently and the prince could only wonder if it had something to do with her mechanical arm. Before he could think about it too much, she brought herself even closer, her leg choosing to snake behind his and lock them together. Then her fist came rushing forward, meeting his forearm but releasing a pulse of kinetic energy that she had been brewing.

    It was enough to knock him back and cause him to lose balance, thanks to her precisely planted leg. It was clever, even he had to admit that. Instead of fighting it, he let gravity pull him back and threw his arm down, catching the ground and flipping the rest of his body backwards. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to the air and took hold of the release particles of ethernano that had struck him, the remnants of the energy she had used to strike him. With a great deal of focus, he pulled the energy back towards him as he popped out of his backflip and thrust his hand forward at her. Another burst of kinetic energy erupted from his palm, the reverberation shaking the ground as he unleashed a near-invisible wave of familiar ethernano at her.

    As she dealt with that, he rushed in at her from the side, leaping at her with a flying punch. His own magic took hold of him, allowing him to levitate in the air as he twisted around and sent a scorpion kick at her head. Then, with another twist of his body, he lashed out a side kick at her side but before it could impact, he released his own version of her attack, a pulse of kinetic energy with an aim to knock her down.

    Words: 529/1797  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 7th July 2021, 4:28 pm


    “Uh oh.”

    Saffron had been momentarily pleased with herself as she managed to pull a fast one on him, tripping him up and forcing him to tumble backward. Part of it was getting a solid hit in, yes, but mostly it was just for successfully using her magic with intention. Magic users in Bosco were already so rare that just being capable of magic -- any magic -- was enough to earn someone one of the most prestigious ranks in the Defense Force, or to just outright be a celebrity if the mage was a civilian. As such, the number of people who knew enough about magic to coach other magic users was slim. Add that to the fact that no one had ever been able to confirm what her magic was, and it meant that she’d had to struggle and scramble her entire life to figure out on her own how to use her magic. It was not an easy feat.

    Needless to say, however, her split second victory was quickly washed away as the shorter man recovered and came back at her in kind. Her grin was replaced with the slight widening of her eyes as she felt him reach into his own magic and thrust a hand at her. Not knowing what to expect, she crossed her arms in front of her face and planted herself. When the energy hit, it hit with a lot more force than his other mundane blows had. Her strong stance was the only thing that kept her on her feet, though even then they slid backward along the floor under the weight of the small blast. The energy she soaked from the blast was intense, though. She didn’t really know how to describe it, but it felt… pure. invigorating.

    By the time she recovered, he was already on her. Saffron felt the full weight of his fist cram into her side, the blonde not having been fast enough to confront it. With a growl that came more from exertion than emotion, she sensed him soaring over her head and instinctively lifted an arm up to block the blow that would have otherwise gone to her head. Her hand snapped out in an attempt to snatch him by the ankle while he didn’t have any solid footing, but he had already twisted out of reach and was sending a second kick her way. Saffron shifted her weight and raised her leg to catch the strike, yet before his heel could make contact she was met with another blast of raw kinetic energy.

    Standing on one foot as she was, her balance wasn’t strong enough to withstand the blow and she was sent hurdling across the room where she rolled to a stop in a half crouch with one knee to the ground. Her body was so full of magic adrenaline that she was shaking a little. She wasn’t even aware that a light film of golden colored light was clinging to her body in the faintest of glows. In fact, her hair was even glowing just a bit as well. She’d never felt this pumped full of energy before, and she quickly stood to her feet to face off against him again, ready to try to use the vast power stored inside of her to try and return some fire his way.

    But as soon as she got to her feet her knees buckled and once more she was down on her knees. There was a lot of energy coursing through her, more than she was used to channeling. Her purple eyes shifted in a blink and became a bright crimson color as she grit her teeth and growled in determination, focusing on doing her best to harness the energy and keep it in check. In that moment, her sparring partner was all but forgotten, the blonde purely fixated on wrangling with the power within her in an attempt to bring it to heel and make it her own. If she didn’t get control of it here and now, the results would be explosive -- literally. “Hang on. Stay back,” she managed to grunt through her teeth. The few times this had happened to her in the past had resulted in a lot of property damage, or even injury to people standing too close. Saffron didn’t want to hurt him, and in order to do that she needed to bring the energy under her control.

    And unfortunately, that was something she had yet to successfully do every time before...
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 757/2132 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th July 2021, 5:43 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    Saffron had managed to put her arms up in a defensive stance when his counter-attack hit her but it still managed to push her back several feet. Yet it also served to blind her to his offense, as Vandrad took to the air and assaulted her quickly. His fist hit her solidly, putting pressure on her to defend herself or suffer similar injuries. She managed to block her head from any extra damage and then make a wild grab for his leg. Unfortunately for her, his mastery of the air and combat within it gave him plenty of room to move out of the way and deliver towards her another kick, which she managed to block. But she’d lost her grounding by using her leg to block and as the prince unleashed another near-invisible blast, she was sent flying backwards from the full force of the spell.

    She managed to get herself into a semi-defensible position fairly quickly, rolling over her body and winding up in a half-crouch. But before Vandrad advanced to keep the spar going, he felt an extreme amount of magical pressure emanating off of her. Not only that but there was an aura of golden light wrapping around her limbs and body, outlining her entire form in its glow. Not only that but her hair had taken on a bright sheen as well, as if she had funneled energy into it. Yet, from his quick observation, he could tell this wasn’t something that she was intentionally doing. As she got to her feet, ready to continue, the overwhelming force within her became too much and she collapsed onto her knees.

    Vandrad could feel the ethernano in the room lean towards her, being sucked up at an abnormal rate. His eyes widened just a tad as he realized that her ability to absorb the natural, magic-gifting particles in the air was just as keen as his. Her magic felt different but it was eerily similar to Energy Monarch. No doubt some kind of branched magic that had originated from the source where his magic power came from. She didn’t seem to understand that, though. If anything, she seemed to be suffering in an attempt to keep it under control.

    Brief flashes of his childhood ran through his mind, as he recalled just how tumultuous his attempts to control his magic had been. Even when his other magic had come to the surface, his instinct had been to grapple it and wrestle it for control. He knew quite well that doing so only compressed the power further and made it that much more uncontrollable -- and dangerous. She warned him to stay back, her words a struggle through a tense jaw and body. Vandrad studied her for only a moment longer before he walked forward towards her. As he went down to one knee, his Empowerment overtook him, instantly transforming him into a shining golden beacon not unlike her. His hair had even magically grown in a flash, as long and bulky as Saffron’s. And his eyes were a shining teal as he got down to face level with her.

    "Do not try to push it down,” he told her, his words not unkind but certainly not soft. "You are trying to hold a door shut on an explosion. The more you push against it, the greater its strength grows. Let it out, bit by bit and truly feel it in you. Feel it pump through your veins, invigorate your flesh and bones; let your body understand that this power is coming from you and is a part of you. And instead of trying to shut it down, focus on it. Focus it inwards and outwards. This magic power is yours. And when it absolutely has to be released in a direction…”

    "Aim it at me.” Vandrad spoke the words easily and confidently, unafraid of what she could throw his way. She needed to know that by embracing her power and letting it out at a target, she’ll finally begin to understand how to utilize it fully. And the prince was willing to be the one in her sights.

    Words: 690/2487  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 17th July 2021, 5:25 pm


    She really wasn’t paying that much attention to the man at the moment, her focus set entirely on trying to keep her built up energy contained so she didn’t explode half the guild hall her first week into being a member. Saffron was vaguely aware of him moving toward her after a moment, but she was so caught up in her struggle that she was afraid to speak up again to tell him to stay back, afraid that any slip in her concentration would have disastrous results.

    Yet somehow, she found the strength to look up at him when he knelt beside her, her crimson orbs meeting his teal ones, shocked despite herself to see his own transformation. Though she didn’t actively connect the dots in her head, there was a passive familiarity in his new form that managed to still her panic, if only slightly. The blonde did her best to listen as carefully as possible as he instructed her not to fight the energy or try to push it down. Doing so would only make it worse, he told her. The only way to master it and gain control over it would be to embrace it, to let it out bit by bit at a rate she could handle, and make it a part of herself. And once she was ready -- or forced -- to release it, he wanted her to aim it at him.

    Something told her she could trust this man, whoever he was. Something in the way he looked at her, in the way he spoke to her, told her that as long as she listened everything was going to be okay. She couldn’t really nod any kind of acknowledgement at the moment, but he would know she was listening in the way she closed her eyes and tried to focus on settling her breathing, a task easier said than done. Trying to unclench her body in this situation felt much like actively attempting to pee her pants. It went against everything she had ever taught herself to do, against everything she’d ever been taught was right or appropriate. Her body outright refused to do it at first, so she started small.

    She relaxed her shoulders first, slowly easing up on the tension and focusing it into her core until her neck was no longer stiff. She could feel the energy whirling inside of her, draining down lower into her body where it quivered under the pressure but did not give way. After that, Saffron tried to relax her legs, sitting back on her heels and sinking down until she was more relaxed. The subtle twitches on her face betrayed just how much she was struggling to do just this little bit, but there was a fierce determination in her to not just attempt what he had told her to do, but to do it, and do it right the first time.

    The problem was, she didn’t really know if what she was feeling was right or not. All her energy was bottled up in her core now, more explosive than ever like a dam set to burst. She needed to release it, somehow. What had he said? To let it out bit by bit. But how did she do that? Hesitantly raising one of her arms, she faced her palm toward him, trusting that if he was confident enough to tell her to aim anything at him it was only because he knew without a doubt he could handle it. Saffron was hoping to not unleash anything, but just in case she wanted to make sure it was toward him and not the building. After a moment, the energy would slowly start to leak into the limb. It was barely more than a trick, the woman too afraid to maneuver the magic too quickly for fear of losing control.

    That’s not what he said, she reminded herself with a growl. Fear would not help her here. Caution only made it worse. He’d said she needed to recognize it as her own energy, as a part of herself. She needed to stop being afraid, and just do it.

    Her eye snapped open with renewed determination, her yellowed hair flickering with the light radiating from it. Rearing back her arm, the limb became shrouded in a golden sheath of light and with a furious roar she threw her fist toward him for all it was worth, channeling the kinetic power through the limb in a single, violent discharge until it was fully spent.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 759/2891 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 18th July 2021, 3:33 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    The woman was caught in a whirlwind of power emanating off of her and she had no means of catching it. She had a lot more strength within her that she was attempting to keep within but it was quickly getting the best of her. She could barely even move, her warning to him quick and concise but using the last bit of outward focus she could express. Vandrad knew that all too well and while he couldn’t claim to be a master of it entirely, given how his control over his own dark energy had been a trial and was still ongoing. But the energy manipulation she was going through was all too familiar to the prince and one he could help with.

    He transformed himself, giving her a peek of precisely how capable she would be, once she attained control. The ability to morph his physical form based on his own choices and distribute the power accordingly would greatly benefit her in the future. But he had to gain her trust and he decided to do so by showing her what lay for her down the line. And then he took it a step further; giving her all the advice he wished he’d received when he was younger and then giving her the opportunity to release everything she’d been building right at him. It was not an easy ask on either side but he knew she needed it. It was whether she was able to take that risk.

    She wasn’t able to accept or decline, her body rigid and overwhelmed with magic. But slowly she closed her eyes and turned her attention inwards, breaking down her body into segments within her mind. She funneled the power, the prince sensing it as she found a way to pour her magic into her gut. It was a slow, methodical process but she managed to accomplish it with great amounts of focus; attention that she had only used prior to try and slam the lid on her energy. Vandrad watched as she brought up her arm and faced it towards him. Giving a small nod, the prince brought his energy to the surface, his aura simmering down as it wrapped around his body in a protective layer of magic. From the palm came a small release of energy, pouring out in a slight trickle. It was something but not what they were going for.

    She seemed to pick up on that and after a moment, her eyes snapped open and her hair flared with new vigor. Her arm pulled back and then, as it snapped forward, she released a primal scream along with the magic that had been boiling up. From the fist came an explosion of power, slamming into Vandrad’s chest and sending him skidding back on his heels. His hands rushed forward and grabbed the invisible force, his own magic allowing him the ability to feel it physically. He dug his fingers into it and then, with his own grunt, he ripped it apart. Another explosion rocked the room as the kinetic force instantly evaporated but not without letting out a dying scream in the form of a shockwave. The prince glanced backwards and found his back near the wall, the barrier having been several yards away from where he’d last been.

    He glanced back to Saffron and, once again, cracked his neck before stretching and cracking his fingers together. "Good,” he said as he started to walk back towards her. "Again.”

    Words: 583/3070  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 21st July 2021, 5:29 pm


    Saffron mustered up every bit of control she could and shot her attack at him. She was unsurprised to see that he tanked the strike head on, barely doing more than sliding back a few feet across the room before he quite literally tore the blast apart with his bare hands. The magic protested its violent birth and death with an explosive shockwave, leaving the man to calmly judge the power of the strike while Saffron was still on her knees, panting from the exertion. She lifted her hand and stared at it with wide violet like she was only just seeing it for the first time, a look of bewilderment and awe on her face.

    When he approached her once more and instructed her to do it again, she could only stare at him blankly for a moment. He wanted her to do it again? This was the first time she’d ever successfully channeled that kind of power in her entire life without taking down a building or hurting someone by accident. Frankly, she didn’t even really know how she did it, not really. And he wanted her to do it again already? After she had used up all the energy in that one blow? Still, the woman couldn’t deny that this man had somehow helped her progress where no else ever had…

    A weary half chuckle escaped her lips as she slowly forced herself back on her feet. “Alright, pops. But you’re gonna have to knock me around a little first.” Saffron only got the extra strength from being hit, so if she was going to try again she was going to need to get a little more energy first. Stubbornly raising her fists up and squaring off toward him again, she shoved her tiredness behind her and engaged him once more.

    They continued to spar for several more minutes. While she still struggled to control the energy inside of her, her determination to get the job done was clear. She didn’t complain and she didn’t back down, nor give up. The progress was slight, but it was progress. And while her general demeanor and the way she carried herself gave off the impression that she was a rather apathetic and carefree woman that would sooner sit on the couch and play video games all day rather than engage in any sort of physical labor, she proved herself to be remarkably persistent, even past the point when others would have thought they’d done enough.

    Even Saffron had her limits, however, and eventually when it became clear that her exhaustion was keeping her from really being able to get anything out of the exercises, she tiredly put up a hand in surrender. “Uncle,” she told him, not necessarily choking for air but certainly weary and panting heavily. “Shit, you hit harder than bad news at a funeral.” Somehow making her way across the room, she picked up her water bottle and did her best not to chug it dry, knowing that drinking the liquid too fast would just give her cramps and a stomach ache.

    Once she had cured her cotton mouth and was breathing a bit more normally, she couldn’t help but stare at him silently from where she sat, her mind churning with several dozen questions and comments that she couldn’t decide how to voice. “I’ve… never been able to actually channel that much power before,” Saffron told him quietly. “Being a mage in Bosco is basically an instant celebrity status. There are so few of us that we’re more or less a shoe in for all the best gigs for whatever we wanna do. I was just a private in the Defense Force, but they were eying me for the Magia Squad.”

    She didn’t bother to explain about Magia. If he had been in the Bellum army, then he probably already knew it was the most elite squad in the Bosconian military, one reserved especially for the few mages their army boasted. “The only problem is, when there’s that few mages around, it makes it hard to find people that actually know how to help you. Ever since I realized I had magic, I’ve had to struggle on my own to make sense of it, to try and learn control over something I barely understood. And no matter how hard I worked, I never really felt like I made any progress.”

    Raising her robotic hand to her face, she gently closed her fingers together and opened them again. “I almost died in Pergrande. I should have died. When the Defense Force was mobilized to aid Bellum in the skirmishes, I was plucked from my unit to work with the Magia squad. They had hoped to see enough of my power to finally initiate me. Instead, I got my ass handed to me by a pair of Paladins that teamed up on me after I was already exhausted from plowing my way through a dozen of their comrades; cheap bastards.” Saffron smirked dryly, more than capable at this point in seeing the humor in what had happened to her. “I figured losing my arm and being honorably discharged was a sign that I should just move on and accept that it was time to focus on other stuff, since no one even knew what I had anyway… but you do.”

    Saffron looked up at him. “What sort of magic do I have?”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 905/7396 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 21st July 2021, 6:19 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    The Path Forward RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad imagined that him coming back around and practically demanding that she repeat her expulsion of energy would earn him a bit of a shocked look. He understood that what she had unleashed was something she had never done before and she was probably more interested in celebrating the achievement than anything else. But Vandrad was not one to throw a party over a single step forward, especially one that had been so guided. A lot of people he’d trained usually were so flabbergasted at the result of their efforts that they were resistant to continuing. Saffron certainly had the look at first but then, after a moment, she righted herself and insisted that the only way she was continuing was if he hit her more. His brow lifted slightly at the statement but then he nodded, giving in to her demands.

    And so they continued to fight, sparring at the same speed and with the same energy as before. The woman continued to push forward, as little as she could, grasping to gain some kind of control or recognition of what it was she had. Her attitude aside, she seemed to be a hard worker that was unwilling to give up until she had used every ounce of her energy. And they found that point rather quickly, lasting only a few minutes before she raised her hand and stated her intent to give up. Vandrad swiftly stopped his approach, halting on his heels as she caught her breath. As she remarked about how hard he could hit, her snorted softly and relaxed, though his Empowerment remained around him. She practically crawled over to get her water bottle, drinking from it as if it was the only fountain she’d come across in weeks.

    As the prince brushed some sweat from his shoulders, ignoring her stare as she contemplated, he glanced over at the wall. He was already thinking about grabbing the portal datapad and reading some of the readouts when she spoke up, pulling his attention back to her. He looked over his shoulder at her as she explained that she had never channeled power in that form before nor with as much strength. As he knew, Bosco was lacking in mages and those that did possess the ability to use magic were practically worshipped. Saffron had just been starting out with the Defense Force but she was already being considered for the Magia Squad, Bosco’s elite soldiers that were composed of the wizards that did come from the country. And because of the limited numbers of magic users, that meant learning more about her power had been a hard task. She had to train herself to use it, to understand it and she never quite felt like she made any real, tangible progress.

    She continued, bringing up her mechanical hand in front of her face and explaining that she had nearly been killed in Pergrande and rightfully should have been. She had been tasked with joining the Magia Squad, as a means of testing her potential for initiation. But rather than come out with flying colors, she had seemingly lost her arm and got herself beat around by a pair of Paladins. It seems the Paladins all had the same strategy -- deploy into battle once the enemy had worn themselves out on the fodder. It was brilliant when it worked, though the two of them there proved it wasn’t always successful. A new robotic limb and honorable discharge later and Saffron had accepted that she needed to move forward with her life, as she wasn’t going to get any answers for her mysterious power. That was until she had run into him and as her eyes met his, she asked him what she possessed, seeking some quantifiable answer that would relieve years of questions and mysteries.

    Unfortunately, Vandrad didn’t know exactly what it was she had, at least not every detail. But he could provide his observations. "You have a magic similar to mine, which means that it is very rare indeed. It doesn’t operate exactly the same way; perhaps a magical relative to my own, to put it in layman’s terms. Your body absorbs the energy that is used upon you, though seemingly that is limited to kinetic energy for the moment. Think of it like a sponge; you’re soaking up the water and bolstering it for your own means. The problem is, as we’ve seen and you’ve explained, you lack control of it. You soak up too much and aren’t able to properly circulate it. I imagine your telling me to get away earlier was in case you accidentally went critical and exploded.”

    He didn’t need her to confirm what he already knew. "When I first started using my magic, I had a similar issue. I absorb the ethernano from the world at an increased rate; not only that but I can absorb loose particles from attacks used against me. It was named ‘Energy Monarch’ because hypothetically, I can utilize any element that exists. But it’s been built around my standards, my goals so it is used a little bit differently.”

    Vandrad allowed his Empowerment to drop for a moment, reverting his features back to their normal dark selves. "Your features seem to change accordingly as well, though it seems that might be more subconscious than you actively making that choice. My spell, called Empowerment, takes all the magical energy I have and buffs my abilities.” His eyes seemed to trail off for a moment as he concentrated and then, in a flash of gold, his hair turned blond and his eyes a pale green. "There are different tiers, based on how much magic I’m funneling into myself. This is the lowest and it’s, admittedly, difficult to attain nowadays. It’s a bit like picking up a dumbbell that’s too light to provide any stress; I feel no benefit or gain from it so I can’t switch it on easily. The one you saw is the highest level of what I call my ‘golden form’.”

    "And this…” A rush of ocean blue exploded from his feet and overtook him, replacing the gold draping his body in a glowing sapphire. "Is my maximum level. You can probably feel the difference.” After a moment, he let the Empowerment drop for good. "If your magic is as malleable as mine is, you should possess a variety of possibilities for what it can be used for. What you require is training though. Luckily for you, I’m the guild Taskmaster -- the one responsible for making sure each Fairy Tail wizard is operating at their peak magic and physical performance. So if you want answers, then I’m the one you need. I can help you get the control you want and more… so long as you desire it and you’re willing to put in the effort.”

    Words: 1142/4210  | Tag: @Saffron Remington | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
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    Experience : 7,996

    The Path Forward Empty Re: The Path Forward

    Post by Saffron Remington 1st August 2021, 5:11 pm


    He would have Saffron’s rapt attention as he answered her question, at least as best as he could. It seemed he didn’t entirely know what her magic was, but it apparently was cut from the same cloth as his own, so to speak. He talked about how she absorbed power from the damage she took, which was pretty much the only thing Saffron did understand about her magic, talking about how her lack of training and control meant that if she absorbed too much power it would have a volatile effect. Though it wasn’t a question or something he was really seeking confirmation on, the blonde nodded when he brought up her reason for wanting him to back away earlier. Apparently, he’d experienced similar issues when he was younger and trying to learn his power.

    His magic was called Energy Monarch, and as he explained it meant that he absorbed power much like she did. The main difference seemed to be that while Saffron only built up and stored energy in the process of being beaten by it, he absorbed it from the world around him and through it was able to control nearly every element. Saffron continued watching him in studious silence as he dropped his features back to his natural look, commenting on how she also seemed to share a similar ability to change her looks, if subconsciously. As he explained about his Empowerment he took a moment to shift into a different form, his dark hair turning blonde with green colored eyes. Apparently, the colors of his hair and eyes changed based on how much energy he channeled through his body, and this one was the weakest of those forms. So weak for him now, in fact, that he actually had a hard time reaching it because he could barely feel it.

    Then, he elected to show her his highest form. Her purple eyes went wide as he shifted into a bright blue state that was damn near overwhelming. She could feel it bearing down on her like the pressure of deep ocean waters… and yet somehow, the energy was almost electrifying to her. Even without being struck by the power, just the sheer aura of it was coaxing her own magic. Was that because of what he had said? That her magic was related to his? Either way, Saffron certainly could tell the difference. She nodded again. “I know my body changed sometimes, but... from what I've been told, it doesn't always have to do with my magic or actively channeling my powers. My hair glows when I get super charged, but it's never changed colors like yours. My eyes do change color, but I'm not sure how much that's connected to my magic. Like it's some form of magical ability, but it influenced by my mood and emotions more than how much magic I'm channeling. Red when I'm angry or hyped up, blue when I'm sad, brown when I'm worried... stuff like that. it's not consistent, though. It only happens like... if my emotions are really strong, if that makes sense?"

    She didn't often take the time to explain about her eyes, as most people typically figured it out on their own after a while, but considering the insight this guy had given her into her magic, Saffron felt it was worth mentioning, if only to compare notes. The man concluded his answer by explaining that in time, her abilities could grow to become similar to his own, but only with the proper training -- something she had sorely been lacking thus far in her life. Given that he bore the title of Taskmaster for the guild, he was more than willing to take on that role for her. He claimed to be her best chance at making progress, and after everything that had happened over the course of the last half an hour or so, Saffron was inclined to believe him. All she needed to do was be willing to put forth the effort.

    “Absolutely. Just be forewarned, I complain a lot. It’s my coping mechanism.” She smirked at him briefly before her expression sobered. “But really… Yeah, I would like that. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.” She held his gaze steadily for a moment to convey her sincerity. Then, she pushed herself to her feet and approached him, extending her dominant robotic arm to him to shake. “I’m Saffron, by the way. Saffron Remington. I’m looking forward to working with you… even though I have the overwhelming suspicion that you’re going to make me hate my life.” She grinned.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 770/8166 | TAGS: @Vandrad Ragnos


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