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    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date"


    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

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    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date" Empty Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date"

    Post by Altarias 2nd January 2021, 4:55 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Illya practically cheered when she found out she could just enjoy the winter holidays without a concert. While she wanted to bring Aoi along as well, her fellow female officer already seemed to be busy, at least from what she had told her. It was no big deal, as JJ was perfectly willing to join in with Illya's decision to head to Oak Town for the enjoyment of the festivities.

    "We totally look like a couple here, don't we?" she teasingly asked the larger bodyguard, knowing how the implications annoyed him. She beamed a bright smile, looking at the wintery town around. If nothing else, the holidays provided for a great time for the rising star idol to simply enjoy the sights and sounds of Fiore. "Don't worry, I know you don't like me talking like that." She lowered the pitch of her voice in an attempt to mock her friend's own voice. "I would never think of such a dishonorable thing! Why, we are friends!" She giggled, her voice returning to its natural pitch. "I still think that you freaking out when I talk like this is cute, but I'll respect that. You're a good guy, but I'm sure I could find someone who's less of a stick in the mud than you." She laughed once more. Among all the people she talked to, JJ felt the most natural. Most people seemed a bit offput by the Sound Slayer, but JJ was not one of those. She did not truly know if it was because he liked her as a person or if he was simply a tolerant man, but she also did not particularly care. JJ was a great friend to her, and she was perfectly content with keeping their friendship.

    Oak Town was also seemingly perfectly content with its rustic winter feel, Illya feeling as if she had walked into a snow globe. A light fall of snow peppered onto her face as she looked towards the sky. "You know, JJ," she said absently. "I've never really gotten to experience the holidays. The past few years I've had to do concerts to get by. Well, I didn't really need to, but the pay for a holiday concert was just too much for me to pass up. My odd jobs around Magnolia never really paid for my house as much as I wished they could, if I could get some more... well I kinda had to. This is the first holiday I've got to just spend relaxing, you know? And I'm glad it's with as good a friend as you." She turned to him and smiled before breaking the heartfelt moment by quipping, "Now if only Aoi would stop being a butt and actually come here with us! I mean, seriously! I had a whole outfit ready for her and everything! I planned out this cute little photo session, with you as the photographer, since it was a little more difficult to find an outfit for you with just how tall and muscular you are, but don't worry, I found one anyways!" Completely passing by her continued story on how she would be around Aoi, the idol pulled out Laerwen's emerald colored key and brought it down, summoning the Spirit, who was already bearing the present. Before Illya could even ask, Laerwen had handed her the present and quickly vanished with the information that she had a winter festival of her own to attend in the Celestial Spirit Realm. Illya smiled and said goodbye before thanking the elf for coming in to assist with her present. She handed it to him and waited for him to open it up, imploring him to wear the winter based clothes she had gotten for him.

    "Do you like it, JJ?" she asked. She waited for his response before grabbing his arm and dragging him towards where karaoke was being played, asking if he wanted to join in as Illya herself grabbed the microphone and began to sing, giving a quick impromptu performance to the crowd in Oak Town, but only for a single song, being handed a peppermint for her joining in before asking JJ if he wanted to sing a song as well, not even noticing the mistletoe hanging above her and JJ as she asked.
    WC: 0716 | TWC: 0716

    Karaoke Done


    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date" GMALSW8

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date" Empty Re: Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date"

    Post by Addre 3rd January 2021, 5:24 am

    Oak Town was a city of history, and its temple was revered by most of the people residing inside and outside the walls of this town donning ruins of old symbols like accessories. And in this time of the year, the town wore some more festive colors on top of those hotspots too - red, green and white were the most dominating lights in the streets. Snow was falling, freezing the air and giving JJ quite a hard time - he had been too used to the tropic climate rom his homeland and near Amber Island, so this white snow was new - but he came equipped with a long, red-and-white scarf to warm his neck up.

    It was apparent on the look of his eyes that Illya’s comment about them looking like a couple disdained him. How long was she going to joke around with that? He was lucky that she hadn’t blatantly meant what she said, for given her fame, it could only become such a hassle and an annoyance to him if all her fans believed that they dated. He didn’t see any romantic possibility in her; he… had different tastes, perhaps. Maybe he had a crush on someone else, or maybe he wasn’t into pink hair. Speculations from the writer, but yeah…

    While her mimicking his voice didn’t annoy him as much, he still wanted to make things clear. “Please don’t fool people into thinking that we’re dating or anything like that. I am in no way angry or spiteful of you, Illya - you’re a very beautiful woman and a splendid bearer of melodic voice, and I pray that your life brings good winds to you, but…” JJ warned her with a slightly anxious look on his usually monotone face, “If your fans ever got that idea, they wouldn’t leave me alone… just like the lunatic from your previous concert-“ He was talking about the beanie-wearing idiot who assaulted both Illya and him out of pure spite of not being able to attend the concert himself. Just because of JJ’s association with Illya, he was targeted by the foolish boy’s anger too - he hoped that such an event wouldn’t occur once more.

    While he didn’t understand her calling him a stick in the mud, even if it was coming from her as a joke, maybe he was being rude to her? He wanted to apologize, but he thought back to what he had said to her, and… huh, nothing stuck out. Still, knowing that his actions might’ve been a hassle, even if Illya took them so lightly, he still lowered his cap in tawbah.

    Hearing how she had never experienced Fiore’s Christmas due to her business and occupation was shocking. Was she… that busy? Damn. She was passionate about her role as a pop idol, and her position in Dies Irae was solid, so… maybe that was why she had her first opportunity to celebrate Christmas this year. That was one thing they had in common now. “I have no doubt in my heart that we’re friends, Illya - best friends, even,” JJ continued as a way to lighten his chest up a little. He shouldn’t feel so down and bad all the time, and he needed to start explaining about his own alienation to the holidays in a good tone. “… Say, I’ve actually read a little about Fiore’s winter holidays. I haven’t celebrated Christmas before; we have other holidays in Desierto that differ in time of the year. I’m honored to spend it with you for the first time, if that helps you.”

    She wished that Aoi, the third Officer of Dies Irae, would have joined them too… while moaning about her absence, Illya summoned Laerwen via her Celestial Key and handed a gift box to him. He accepted the gift - Christmas was about giving - and opened it to find a red coat with white, fluffy edges accompanied by red leggings, a red blouse and a staple of his - a red cap with two peppermint sticks etched to it.

    “Hmh…” he hummed in deep thought before emitting a blinding light - all but a brief moment, but enough to give him time to completely change his clothes. He was now… huh, he looked like the mythical Santa Claus. Maybe Illya was a big fan of Santa Claus.

    He softly nodded with his still monotone look, more clad for the winter cold and grateful for Illya’s consideration. He was quickly dragged along with her, much to a few people’s discomfort as he heard whispers with his Demon Slayer hearing… damn it, there were actually some fans of hers here in Oak Town, and-

    Oh no…

    When they arrived at a small stage where people sang random songs through a mic, Illya found herself in her element and began singing. JJ was a little hesitant on walking up to sing, but there was a small magazine with famous Christmas songs and their lyrics to aid him. He managed to climb up and search through the lyrics until he found a pretty easy song:

    “*cough* … W-We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeeeeeaaaaaar!”

    “Good tidings we bring…!”
    “To you and your kin…!”
    “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeaaar!”

    He was no professional.

    “Oh bring us some figgy pudding, oh bring us some figgy pudding, oh bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it right heeereeee…!”

    What were these lyrics about? What kind of pudding was figgy?

    He simply stopped mid-song and put the mic away, thinking that he needed to sing no more. It was almost perfect timing, for he… failed to dodge a sudden snowball aimed at his face that toppled him off of his feet and made him land on his back.

    “You piece of shit, you planned to get up there with her, didn’t you?!”
    “How sleek of you, I’m so jelly like URRRRRRGHHHHHHHH…!”

    What was with these ridiculous requests? JJ began panicking a bit, for he didn’t know how to respond right now - what was he planning? Why were they jealous? And why in the world should they kiss? This made no sense…

    “Hey, would you all pull yourself together?!” he rebuked them as he rose up on his feet again. Had lllya said anything about the two of them? If she had, he would be veeeeeeeery disappointed in her… but it didn’t seem to be the case at all. “First of all, I have no idea what y-…”

    Ah, upon pushing himself up on his feet, he noticed the garment above the two of them - whoever placed it there was evil. A mistletoe… and having read about the holidays and their traditions, JJ knew exactly what that meant.


    Perhaps for the first time since he joined Dies Irae, he lost his composure and succumbed to embarrassment.

    WC: 1177

    "Tawbah" - an act of repenting to God in Islamic belief


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 200
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
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    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date" Empty Re: Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date"

    Post by Altarias 5th January 2021, 1:16 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Illya had to try very hard to stifle her laughter at JJ's less than ideal singing skills, certainly the crowd that had formed around her during her singing was more irritated with it than she was amused by it. At least, that was what she assumed judging by the jeers of the crowd. That was until she heard them make mention of jealousy. Certainly they were not jealous that JJ was not as prolific of a singer as she was, right? Illya offered a hand to JJ, still amused by his tumble and his poor singing performance. "Don't worry, you tried your best. Not everyone's a great singer, and that's perfectly fine. I'm sure that with a little bit of training, you could be a star on the stage!"

    Illya was just about ready to leave when a man dressed as Santa came by. "Ho ho ho, Miss Pegasus! I see you've found yourself to be the present for everyone!"

    Illya gave a quizzical look towards him. "Present for everyone? I mean, I guess you could call me singing a single song as a concert and that could be a present but-"

    "But especially for that man right there! Ooh, is he your boyfriend? Husband? Lover?"

    Illya was still completely lost. "N-no..? He's just a friend. We're buddies, see?" Illya gave JJ a side hug as she said that.

    The Santa laughed. "Well, that's all fine and good, but there's a tradition to uphold here in Oak Town!"

    Nope. Illya still was not picking up on it. "Tradition?" The Santa pointed up to a small bit of mistletoe hanging above the two. "Oh, the flowers? Is there something special about it?"

    The Santa seemed stunned for a moment. "O-of course! It's mistletoe! You know, if two people stand under a mistletoe, it's tradition for them to kiss!"

    Illya took a moment to process that before feeling her face flush red. "W-w-w-w-w-wait, w-what?! K-k-k-k-kiss?!" The crowd murmured amongst themselves as the Santa nodded. "B-but, w-we're just f-friends, honest!"

    The Santa shook his head in disappointment. "As long as you two aren't related, relationships don't matter! Friend, lover, boyfriend, stranger, who cares! Such is the way of the mistletoe!"

    Illya could not have been any more red at this, stepping back and bumping into the mountain of a man that was her friend. He was still just a friend, right? He said it himself! Best friends! Yeah! That had to be it! Just friends, nothing more! JJ had made it very clear that Illya was not his type and Illya had accepted that, but now they were being forced to kiss?!

    "I-I'm guessing you don't want to kiss? E-Either way, I-I'm trying to save my fir-" she remembered back to the Single's Night when the strange woman Medeia stole her first kiss. "I-I'm trying to not have to kiss too much. I-It's embarrassing, you know?" She looked around at the excited crowd before a plan hatched into her mind. "I certainly could just kiss him right now," she began with a renewed confidence. "Ooooooorr I could give it to one of you guys! I had initially planned to be a bit low key while I was here, but since the cat's out of the bag, I might as well make do with an event for the fans! Soooooo how's about we make this a little competition? There's an ugly sweater contest going on right now, so consider me the judge for another one, how's about that? So, whoever gets me the ugliest sweater can-"

    She was relieved when her plan worked and people began scattering to find the stations to make ugly sweaters while others rummaged for already made ones. A smile crept across her face as she swiftly flicked her key, a slightly annoyed Laerwen glaring at the idol as Illya asked Laerwen to make one herself for Illya to turn into the contest proper. "Hey, JJ?" she asked. "We're going to run right now, but once things calmed down a bit, can I ask you to pick up the sweater from her? Laerwen can just text me where she left it once the thing's being made. I'm super sorry about bringing you back in the middle of the party, Laerwen!"

    The elven archer chuckled. "Dunnae worry 'bout it, Illya. Party's a wee bit chaotic right now. The king's absolutely sloshed out there and he's tryna convince some spirits to invade some place called 'Poland.' Dunnae even know wat the fook a Poland is, but there was quite tha raucous bit o' laughter from that wee git callin' 'imself a god. Bastard's wanderin' around like a fooking badger without a head anymore. 'E's either half mad half drunk or full mad full drunk and I'm not 'bout to stay around long enough for his goons t' try an' recruit me to 'im. Bastard dunnae even know how the Spirits even work yet he's got the absolute gall to call 'imself a god, the git."

    Illya nodded, pretending to understand what Laerwen said as she grabbed JJ's hand and ran off, taking a peppermint from the Santa, trying to find an escape from the crowds and return to her relaxing holiday in Oak Town.

    WC: 0872| TWC: 1588


    Wintertime "Definitely Not A Date" GMALSW8

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 4:03 am