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    Bar Clean-up Pt.1

    Teresa Sinclair
    Teresa Sinclair

    Lineage : Prismatic Grace
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 38
    Mentor : Faustein
    Experience : 25,173

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    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Empty Bar Clean-up Pt.1

    Post by Teresa Sinclair 7th November 2020, 7:01 am

    Teresa could not help but grin widely. Her hair was soaked with beer, smelled terribly and stuck to her skin like fly paper. All over her silver body suits were pieces of food and other kinds of stains. The beginning of a blue eye was already beginning to show it’s sharp edges and her jaw was delightfully painful, crackling every time she tried to yawn. It all had happened so out of the blue she could not help but feel delighted.

    It had been a normal evening. Just a random night in the Blue Bull bar in Crocus city. The candles had been lit, the air heavy of fried food and beer, even feeling fatty as you walked in. Beer was flowing freely and Teresa was just enjoying her sixth golden ale of the evening. She could slowly feel all the stress of life flow away and her shoulders relax. In a while she would probably order some food and then mix in a bit on the dance floor. There was some kind of jazz/rock band playing and the sound was not all to bad. In fact the longer she stayed -read the more she drank- the better the music seemed to become.

    All in all quite standard and then suddenly out of nowhere there came a tankard full of ale flying through the room. Teresa had just been distracted, trying to pull out a cigarette from her breast pocket and did not see it coming. So involuntarily she had volunteered to provide a backstop for the flying tankard, using her right and and cheekbones.

    In a loud thundering crash -at least so it seemed to her- the tankard exploded upon impact, showering her in beer and knocking her straight of her bar chair.

    Instantly the entire bar began to fell silent as it had just became apparent what had happened. -And Teresa did have the reputation for being a terrible sport. They all watched as the drenched silver eyed witch slowly, a bit groggily, crawled back upon her feet. “OKAY!” She bellowed loudly, a bit wobbly, as she wiped a little bit of blood from the corner of her eyebrow to prevent it from running into her eye. “who did that?” She suddenly asked dead calm and in a honey sweet voice, looking down the room.

    Instantly several dozens of hands shot out, pointing two a pair of man seemingly brawling in the far corner of the pub. The two were well known for being rivals, both fighting for the hand of a lady and it seemed logical that one had thrown the tankard to the other, missed and accidentally hit Teresa.

    “Right… excuse me everyone.” She said calmly as she slowly began to walk towards the two in the corner, casually grabbing a chair on the way and raising it above her shoulder. “I am just going to say hello…” She continued as a grin began to form on her face and she smashed the chair with full force down upon the two man.


    Needless to say that had resulted in quite a bar fight. It was magical, having everything. From people flying through the windows, chairs breaking, bottles popping on peoples head, the bar being used to slide people across as a wet cleaning rag… even the big mirror behind the bar had been destroyed, just as the owner had tried to carry it off.

    “Okay time to go.” She said happily, cheerily looking over the massive destruction she had caused. It really had been a brawl to be proud off. Just as she was about to turn and head for the door, suddenly a massive green hand grabbed her by the back of the neck and squeezed hard enough to make the fight just leave her all at once. “NOT SO FAST MISS SINCLAIR” The booming voice of Le-doral came from behind as he spun her around. As always she was quite impressed as she bend her neck backwards to look up to the full nine and a half feet the Orc was tall. “I HAD WARNED YOU. IF YOU EVER DID THIS AGAIN, I WOULD MAKE YOU CLEAN YouR SHIT UP.” He continued loudly -Teresa honestly was unsure whether that was his normal voice or not- as he spun her around and pushed her to some closet. “YOU PAY FOR DAMAGES AND CLEAN. OR I WILL INFORM YOUR GUILD!” He said with a big grin as he crossed his arms, which where the size of logs, and waited to see wha the silver eyed witch would do.

    “Oh crap baskets!” She sighed as she stabilized herself from the push, glanced backwards a single time and then sighed again as she opened the cupboard to grab a broom and supplies.

    WC: 788
    TWC: 788

    Last edited by Teresa Sinclair on 7th November 2020, 2:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Tcrw0f10

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
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    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Empty Re: Bar Clean-up Pt.1

    Post by Oberon 7th November 2020, 9:04 am


    Light filtered in through the latticed window as consciousness filtered into Arthur's being. Pain sloshed around his head as his breathing picked up and his excitatory nervous responses fired. Suddenly, he found himself fully aware of his situation, and in this sudden moment of awareness, Arthur was drooling over some type of mahogany hardwood floors. Blood pressure rising, the knight took in his surroundings as he attempted to piece together what had happened. Broken glases were strewn around the tavern's inn, plates and food caught in the crossfire. The place was practically a pigsty. Steadying himself against a paneled wall, he heard someone call out his name.

    "Arthur!" An older woman called out.

    "Huh, yeah? Sorry, I think I..."

    "Passed out on my floor after you got too drunk during a bar fight?"

    The thought made his head spin. The thing about getting blackout drunk, which he commonly forgot until the situation rose, was that he could not remember the foggiest about what had transpired that night. For his own sake, Arthur hoped he hadn't done anything too crazy. As a visitor to magnolia, he wasn't sure what he'd do if he was arrested or something. Eyes heavy with sleep, he turned to finally face the woman and respond.

    "I ummm, sorry about that, I mean it. Doesn't usually happen."

    The older patron shook her head.

    "And it better not because I don't have time to clean up all of this mess before the night rush starts. You're going to help me, alright? I've got another pair of hands helping now too. Shouldn't be too hard for you.

    Resigning himself to helping out the woman, he smiled at her and got down to work. Looking over her shoulder, Arthur came to see the blonde woman fetching a pair of cleaning supplies from a cabinet. Feeling social, he approached the woman before reaching out to shake her hand. Best to have a solid introduction, he thought.

    "Hey, 'name's arthur, guess I'm helping you clean up this mess.'

    WC: 336 TWC: 1124
    Teresa Sinclair
    Teresa Sinclair

    Lineage : Prismatic Grace
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 38
    Mentor : Faustein
    Experience : 25,173

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    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Empty Re: Bar Clean-up Pt.1

    Post by Teresa Sinclair 7th November 2020, 12:03 pm

    She had not even noticed the young knight before he had gotten up and introduced himself. To be fair though, the floor was littered unconscious people. Some were knocked out by the fight, but some also had been KO before the fight even started. The blue bull was known for a lot of things, but definitely not for the quality or pureness of the alcohol. The best quality was simply that all the drinks kicked like a mule on crack and some of the new patrons tended to get caught off guard by that. In fact a whole daily betting system had been invented on it.

    Everyday a ‘recruiter’ would draw in an unsuspecting bystander with free drinks and the regulars would bet on which round would be his final. In the entire history of the bet, the only person to every survive the entire night had been Teresa, who had fourteen hundred years -don’t ask about the century she tried to live as a celibate- of experience. Her liver had enough time and practice to evolve into a detoxing plant most medical facilities would be jealous off. Ever since that legendary night she had been hailed an honorary member and every day got the first two ales for free. -Every regular got that, as the patron knew that the regulars usually stayed for 10-15 beers on average, so getting them in was the most important.- Plus she got her own named seat near the end of the bar where she could drink in peace and observe the bar.

    For a moment she wondered if she could remember Arthur coming in or whether he was a regular member. Frankly though she was still drunk of her tits and despite coming out a winner, she did receive several blows to the head during the chaos of the fight.

    Regardless she did not remember the knight, so he probably had come in when she was busy focusing on her beer. “Well it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Teresa from the silver Woofies guild.” She said with a chuckle, laughing about her own little joke. “Do you think you can help me with throwing out some of these bums? We have a lovely field of grass were we usually dump them.” She said with a smile of experience, as she walked to a particularly fat one and grabbed him by the ankles.

    WC: 407
    TWC: 1,531/2000



    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Tcrw0f10

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 726,963

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Commander of Helios
    Second Skill: Warrior of Helios (Light Demon Slayer)
    Third Skill:

    Bar Clean-up Pt.1 Empty Re: Bar Clean-up Pt.1

    Post by Oberon 7th November 2020, 12:18 pm

    Frankly, Arthur was still relatively new to the world of magic, still learning about the guilds of the world, so this was his first time hearing of that specific guild. Not knowing who they were or what they did, he simply smiled as he looked around at the mess in the room. Definitely a lot of work to be done. At the request for help, Arthur smiled and dusted off his hands. This shouldn't be too difficult, aside from the larger men. He was physically strong, and so this was the perfect task for a man of his calibre.

    "Yeah, no problem! I'll help you haul these drunkards out of the bar. I've come to like this place quite a bit, still new in town to be honest though. The grass is being kind to them, I appreciate your honor in that regard." Arthur cracked a smile as he finished his reply. He wanted to learn more about her guild, what it did, and what it stood for. But he couldn't just probe her about it from the start, they had a job in front of them to do. This job would take priority, because the barkeeper probably couldn't lift all of these men by themselves. It was a good thing, to be able to help the inn like that, when they had helped him with lodging and finding jobs. Paying it forward always felt nice, and Arthur didn't mean breaking a sweat if it meant he got to flex his biceps a little.

    To the barkeep, Arthur spoke.

    "Yeah shouldn't be too hard now, I think we've got this."

    Arthur approached a blonde man leaning against the bar. Neck braced at a harsh angle, Arthur felt for the man as he hoisted him over his shoulder. Poor guy would definitely feel it in the morning, that's for sure. Walking out into the street, there were a few odd looks tossed his way, but he didn't mind. Finding the spot of grass Teresa was talking about, Arthur gentle lowered the man onto a particularly plush spot in the grass. It was like a bed of flowers, kind of cute honestly. Popping his shoulders, Arthur sighed before heading back into the building to face the busy-working bartender.

    "Got the first one! Only a few more to haul out."

    These few more men were a lot more streneous than the first. Both were larger in size and thus generally harder to get a grip on. He couldn't do the polite hero lifting as he had before, instead opting to awkwardly drag them out of the establishment similar in manner to how Teresa was handling things. It was definitely a lot easier on his sore shoulder than what he had done before. It was too bad, they'd probably wake up with a few splinters but nothing too bad. Arthur took extra care to avoid the rusty nails in the floorboards while dragging them out into the grass. Nothing he could do about the roughness of the street, aside from moving them as gently as possible. Soon, Arthur and Teresa found themselves in front of a pile of unconscious drunkards.


    WC 526 TWC 2057/2000


    Oberon Sutharlan | Vault | Golden Lacrima - EXP2021/11/10 | #FBCCD3 | Faerie Legacy

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:44 pm