Fairy Tail RP

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    Demonic rising


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Demonic rising Empty Demonic rising

    Post by Luceam 9th September 2020, 10:08 pm

    Driving down the unpaved road at sunset was the Dagger Corp JM2 Harlem owned by the Sabertooth Fae Mage. Luna was exhausted as she had returned from a long day handling each aspect of her life.

    Her directly younger brother Leon required Luna's help preparing a clay for a special art project. While it was nothing seriously taxing, it was a large effort even with Luna's earth manipulative abilities. Once she was able to squeeze in a shower and a meal, her younger sister, Zina, needed help with a school project, or more aptly needed Luna's help retrieving it. The school that Gaia helped Zina get into loaned Zina a mortar and pestle. While experimenting with spice blinds in the backyard a dog was attracted by the scent and jumped at Zina, managing to scurry off with the pestle. After an hour of tracking, and fifteen minutes of negotiating with a dog, Luna managed to retrieve the pestle intact and lectured Zina about being careful with expensive items.

    Soon after Luna was visited by her future sister in law, Leon's fiance Ema who begrudgingly had her own embarrassing request. Ema was in town house sitting for her flower loving aunt, however unlike Luna, Ema had no green thumbs. Luna had to stop by the house and revive all thirty plants either from the brink of death or just beyond, before hiding in a broom closet when Ema's aunt came home early. Luna then had to sneak out as Ema's aunt would know just by seeing Luna in her house that Ema had failed in her duties, and she managed to just barely sneak away.

    Then lastly and most stressful was her eldest brother Gordon had called her out to the middle of the woods. From what Luna remembered that Gordon was supposed to be at a camping bachelor party for one of his crew members. Gordon was hesitant to confess the details so Luna knew something was wrong and had rushed immediately to go towards the camp site, and right she was to be annoyed. Midst the drunken hijinks, alcohol got spilled into camp fire and grills setting the area around ablaze and there was a lot of shoving, signs of tavern brawling, and various cuts. Luna had to treat burns from minor to third degree, cuts, stab wounds, lacerations, two castrations, revive three of eleven men from death, reattach two limbs, and neutralize liters of alcohol. Luna agreed not to tell all their spouses so long as they all agree to avoid the hijinks.  Luna thought she was done with chaos at this point but oh was she wrong.

    Meanwhile as Luna was going about her day, a representative of the Magic Council had come to Ace of Spades with an urgent request due to a recent epidemic of demonic disturbances pretty close to a village. They requested any Sabertooth member and waited at the bar, however they only want member of higher power so they turned away any newer member. They expressed the urgency as the day dragged on and with no takers after a few hours the guild had called upon a random qualifying member to take up the duty. After painstaking process of elimination and a power of veto in play, Luna received the call on her way back to Ace of Spades. Luna was annoyed but she didn't dare refuse, so she drove to the Red Dragon Inn, forgetting to lock her doors and trunk as she hurried in to meet with the Magic Council's representative in a private room.

    Luna was informed that a massive demonic energy had appeared recently and was spreading around an area, getting close to a village. The explanation was not immediately known and the magic council was concerned for the village, especially as there were strange sightings. There were strange demonic animals that were more dangerous then normal ones, the reports theorized that the demonic mana's source was somehow infecting the wildlife and thus was the secondary reason for the urgency. To make matters worse while the midafternoon was approaching evening, the area in question was at the very least a good hour's drive and Luna would have to leave immediately. Annoyed that she had little time for preparation, she ventured to the local market for apple juice and beef jerky for the road before returning to her car.

    The road was long and the one thing Luna was grateful for was that there was no traffic the whole time save one or two horse driven carriages. Luna watched the road lit by the amber sky, sighing. Her gaze only parting from the road to check the GPS on her ilac inside the dashboard slot. When the shade of the trees was starting to obscure her sight she turned on the headlights. At this point Luna was focused only on getting the job done, or at the very least being in a position where she could set up camp and sleep in her car before finishing this job.

    Almost seventy minutes after leaving Ace of Spades, Luna pulled over and parked off the main road and shifted her car into park before turning on an internal light. She leaned back her seat for a moment and sighed exasperated before finishing off the small bottle of apple juice she brought for the road. "Should I store the car on the space station?" She said looking at the magic watch on her wrist, considering the option before not even wanting to bother with it. "Well, time to deal with this noise. After all, only the Magic Council asking me to hunt down something that resonates of my natural predator after I had a long day..." She said to no one as she got out of the car and stretched her arms. "Alright, no more Shirain damn surprises..."

    WC 976



    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Lilynette 10th September 2020, 5:23 pm

    2133/5000 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    Let's go find enlightenment through excitement!
    HP: 450/450
    MP: 291/300
    Base Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Current Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Active Spells: -
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    (-) Corset of Asmodeus
    (-) Guantlets of Asmodeus
    (-) Boots of Asmodeus
    Enemies: 0/0

    • Enemie 1 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 2 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 3 hp:0/0

    Muse Lilynette's Theme
    Lilynette had been sitting at the bar of the Red Dragon Inn for hours. She had just received the approval for her rank up from D-rank to C-rank and had been celebrating with bottomless martinis ever since. The past month had been quite an exciting exploration for her. She had quit modeling, joined a guild, and even discovered her lineage as a child of the mythical Knight of Swords, allowing for her to unlock a bit of her magical potential by summoning the knights ancient blade.

    "This has been amazing," She told herself, thinking of the insanity that had unfolded throughout the past couple of weeks. A smile cursed around her lips as the members of the Sabertooth guild began to flash throughout her mind. Lilynette couldn't have started this adventure without them, and she was well aware that.

    She climbed up high on her bar stool, the unstableness of both the stool and her drunken self causing her to wobble, and stumble onto the countertop of the bar. She raised her martini, at least the half that had remained unspilled, into the air. "Free *hiccup* drinks for everyone he-"

    "Young Lady! Get off that bar top this instant."

    Lilynette turned her head, stumbling a bit as she tried to focus her eyes on the crotchety voice the was really killing her buzz. She opened her mouth with intent to respond with a snarky remark, but her eyes met the gaze of a few of her fellow guild members, all of which shook their heads and shouted "Don't do it!" with nothing but their eyes. Lilynette let out a grunt as she closed her mouth and slowly began to get down off the counter top.

    "Honestly, it's mages like yourself that give guild a bad reputation. If you are going to be so irresponsible, I suggest you go and join one of those unruly neutral guilds. I hear Fairy Tail is a good fit for... rebels, like yourself."

    Lilinette could fill a bit of drunken anger boiling up inside of her. Who the hell was this rain on Lilynettes Parade? They certainly weren't a member of Sabertooth; no one in the guild would dare dress up in such gaudy attire.

    "That's one of the magic council's little worker bees,"
    The bartender told her as he finished polishing off one of her previous martini glasses. "Best keep your tongue in your mouth, sweetie."

    Lilynette had never seen a member of the magic council up close and personal. So far, she wasn't a fan. As she continued sipping her martini, she kept her eyes on the magic councils representative.  They had made their way over to the job request board, and held a piece and paper up in the air. "The council is requesting assistance of an esteemed member of the Sabertooth guild. They will be rewarded handsomely for their troubles in both honor, and jewels. If you believe yourself to be one of these esteemed members of the guild, please come speak with me."

    Lilynettes ears perked up a bit as her body began to tingle. She slapped her hand on the counter and slowly began to get up. "A job directly from the council? What kind of insane request is it! I bet it's going to be quite the adventure!" She spoke, her previous excitement having returned to her, full throttle.

    She looked in utter disappointment as she saw the magic council turn away the first two Sabertooth members of the guild that had approached them immediately after their announcement. "No way..." She muttered, falling over back onto her stool. "Those guys... Those two are A-ranked mages..." She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself as she looked back down at the letter in her hands. The letter congratulating her on achieving her first rank up, and becoming an official C-ranked mage.

    She crumpled it up in her hands as she felt the adrenaline pump This was bound to be the kind of job Lilynette was looking for. This was going to be the reason she had quit modeling! A grimacing smirk etched its way across her face. Hehe, All I gotta do is wait for someone who is "worthy" enough of the job, and tag along with them.
    It had been a good sobering hour or so before this quote unquote worthy member of the guild had arrived. The Magic Council's Representative was quite giddy to see the pink haired guardian of the guild, Luna, approach them. Lilinette had been chugging nothing but water in preparation for what was bound to be a grand old time, and got up to try and listen in on the details of the mission, but the son of a bitch had decided to make their way to a private room in the inn.

    She scoffed as she threw back her seventh glass of water. "I have to pee anyways. I'll just get Luna-chan to... tell me on the way...theeeeeeerrRRRROOUUUUGHHH!!!!!" She let out a grunt before even having come to an end of her sentence. "Of course it had to be Luna! UGH, Lily you have such bad luck!"

    She slammed her foot on the ground and grabbed her bag. "She's never gonna let me join her on this mission, not without the councils agreement..." She practically kicked open the door leading to the outside world as she continued complaining "Ugh, why does that guy have to be such a buzz kill! And I was all dressed up in my armor and ready for a job, too."

    She then turned her attention towards the car that was parked right outside the inn. The grimace returned to her face as her body practically went on autopilot, and made its way into the trunk.
    I have to pee! I have to pee! I have to pee! This sentence had been going on for about the past half hour or so. Maybe getting in the trunk hadn't been the best idea, but there was no time for regret now! The moment this car stopped again, Lily would be able to relieve herself.

    It was then that a strong, hot, red light began to fill the trunk. As the car came to a stop, Lilynette let out a scream of terror. "AM I ON FIRE?!?" She shouted, kicking open the trunk of the parked car and leaping out. She fell to the ground and rolled for a few seconds, quickly leaping back up.

    The glowing red heat wasn't coming from a fire, Lily realized. It was her armor. She starred down at herself in confusion; trying to figure out what was causing such an odd and unnatural reaction. Her eyes then began to widen as she saw a pink haired girl in plane view before her.

    "Hey... Luna-chan..." She shouted, a bit embarrassed as she lifted her hand in the air and began to wave at her fellow guild mate.

    Post: 1158 words @Luceam I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to be this long!!!


    Demonic rising 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Luceam 13th September 2020, 11:46 pm

    As Luna breathed and took in nutrients and energy through the earth, her sixth and seventh senses came back into full focus as she heard something come from her trunk. "Fuck my life." Luna thought internally as she was able to recognize the life force of one of the recent recruits, the middle aged model turned mage Lilynette. After all the ordeals Luna had to go through today and being drafted into this job, Luna thought she was at her limit but now she really knew she was now close to the line.

    Her typical warm emerald eyes and soft smile was replaced with a sharp gaze and scowl that reeked of anger and confusion. She was angry at Lily for the alcoholic mid life crisis snuck into her car, angry herself for not noticing, angry at the world for not letting her sit down and relax; she was confused as to why the hell Lily would sneak onto a job when that could risk her getting expelled from the guild, killed, or worse, confused as to what the hell she thinks she can do when this job had specific requests. In the end she came to the conclusion that either Lily had way too high an opinion of her capabilities, underestimated the sheer power of demons, or underestimated Luna's power in general.

    Luna placed her hands to her face before a long exasperated, sigh that turned into a groan. In a moment Luna was so stressed she reached a sudden calm before looking back at Lily with a relatively dull yet calm expression as she spoke in a polite, customer service tone. "One moment Lily, I need to take care of something of the utmost urgency. Please remain patient as I  shall only be a moment then I'll be right back."

    Luna looked around and found a decent sized rock in the ground and slowly approached it, taking a deep breath closing her eyes. She calmly rubbed her hands together before in a motion she clenched her hand into a fist before slamming it down hard on the bolder letting out a loud scream of frustration. The rather hefty bolder started to crack numerous times quickly before exploding into a dust cloud. Seemingly through sheer strength and a single punch the rock turned into a massive pile of dust as she was breathing rather heavily, her calm aura on the verge of violent impulses as the rock dust practically fell off her body and clothes as she returned towards Lilynette.

    "Are you kidding me! What the hell is wrong with you! If you were any of my children I'd have you well over my knee right now but I never had to do that with any of them as none of them are this level of crazy!" She said as she was not withholding anything. "This isn't a game, you were turned away with good reason. You understand that this isn't a tea party, there are consequences. Hell this could get you kicked out of the guild, possibly me if I somehow let you die. Believe me I can't revive you if your soul gets eaten or reincarnated." She took a deep breath as she was rationalizing the situation. Leaning against her car as she groaned. She had aexperience as a former guild master of a legal guild so she had a reasonable idea on how to figure out the right solution. "For the love of all that is holy, divine, and orderly I so don't need any more stress after the day I had."

    Luna went over the facts, they were currently in the midst of a demon infested area, from what Luna recalled Lily's combat experience and experience with magic in general is negligible if not rookie level, and they were an hour away from Ace of Spades and fifteen from the nearest town, by car.

    "Why can't I just have normal housewife problems, like do I make a pork roast or prepare a meat loaf next week? No, Luna has to get the life and death decisions! I was done with that shit after Aurora but no, the universe threw another lost child in my way and now I gotta decide whether a glorified midlife crisis gets to see to-" A small droplet of a pink liquid oozed out of Luna's shoulder before dropping into the ground forty centimeters away before digging into the ground. a twisted root shot out of the ground before untwisting halfway with the tips pointed up as a pink magic circle formed, and out came one of Luna's Nature Fairy spirits, the princess huntress Vita.

    She walked towards Luna slapping her in the face as the root crumbled. Luna was taken aback by the action before looking at Luna in the eyes. "You needed that, seemed she pulled the grenade on your ball of stress." Luna took a deep breath closing her eyes, calming down. "Thanks Vita, I needed that." She rubbed the bridge of her nose as she reevaluated the situation, "Alright at this point I'd lose too much time dropping you off at any safe place. Just means, you're gonna have to tag along but you're far from off the hook later." She looked around sensing the ominous demonic energy in the area, as well as distorted life force from various affected life forms. "Vita, mind sticking around? We're hunting for a demonic energy source, I was going to call out Aegis and Arken, but at this point I'd much rather end this day by walking into the mouth of a giant demon."

    Vita nodded in response, always willing to support Luna when she calls. "I don't got any plans tonight except babysitting my father... So yeah totally free you got me for the night."

    WC 966
    PWC 1942
    TWC 3099


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Lilynette 19th September 2020, 7:29 pm

    3754/5000 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    Let's go find enlightenment through excitement!
    HP: 450/450
    MP: 291/300
    Base Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Current Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Active Spells: -
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    (-) Corset of Asmodeus
    (-) Guantlets of Asmodeus
    (-) Boots of Asmodeus
    Enemies: 0/0

    • Enemie 1 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 2 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 3 hp:0/0

    Muse Lilynette's Theme
    It was quite evident that Luna-chan was not excited to see Lilynette. Her nervous smile quickly faded and her squinted eyes began to open wide as she watched Luna punch a rock into sand with appeared to be a single hit. "Awwwe, come on now Luna-chan, this'll be so much fun!" She chuckled, clapping her hands together as she skipped her way to Luna. Whether or not she should have been afraid of Luna was a question that Lilynette was tying to keep in a bottle, trying not to imagine herself as the used-to-be rock. It was as twisted root began to sprout from the ground that something even more strange began to grab her attention.

    As Luna chatted away with whatever was sprouting from the root, Lilynette couldn't help but notice an odd bubble, floating down before them. It had a red and black soapy texture to it. Her first thought was if there was child around who was blowing bubbles, or perhaps a carwash of some sorts. But as she slowly glanced around, the bubble advancing, she could see that no such things were site.

    Lilynette could feel herself being enticed by the bubble, without thinking her hand jolted up towards the sky.

    "Well aren't you just perfect." range an oddly clown-like voice from the bubble. "Excuse me?"


    Before she could react, the bubble popped, excreting a a strange black and red liquid that spewed onto the ground, forming a puddle.

    Liliynette took a step back out of a bit of shock, starring down at the puddle before her. "Luna, guys, are you seeing th-"

    Before she could even think to finish her sentence, a creature sprung out of the puddle like a jack in the box. "Well hellllooooooooooo there," It chimed, its body quickly piecing itself back together. "Are you here to help me with my predicament?"

    The created giggled, its face covered by what appeared to be an iron mask that led all the way down to its abdomen, black bat wings decorating its red, orb-like attire. "You see, I came here a couple days ago in search for someone, and something." Its gaze fixated on Luna-chan, "And you seem to be just the kind of mages to help me find them. You see, I'm looking for a lacrima that connects this world to my home world!" the creature exclaimed. "One of my prisoners stole it, and I would very much so like it back."

    The Creature:

    "Your.... Home world?" Lilynette repeated.

    "Yes, my darling. Hell."

    Lilynette let out a soft giggle as she took another step backwards towards Luna. "You see, a prisoner of the forth circle has escaped back to this world. A prisoner from my circle. Not only did he escape from my circle, but he managed to get his hands on the lacrima that connects your world to ours. If the big guy downstairs finds out. Eek! I don't even want to think of it."

    Even Lilynette, who was always up for an adventure, was a little spooked by this one. Hell? Did such a place really exist? And if it did exist, would that make this a demon? Or the devil himself?

    "My name is Pluto," The creature sang, "And I think you two would like to help me find this lacrima and get on my way, for it seems that the lacrima has been having some... unusual effects on the residents near by."

    Lilynette quickly got over her nerves. This seemed to fit the bill as to exactly what she had been looking for when she went abandoned everything in a mid-life crises hopes of finding something to excite her. She opened her mouth, getting ready to ask the being how she could help, but her mind became flooded with images of Luna-chan and the former rock. Her eyes opened wide again and her mouth sealed shut. She was going to let Luna make the decision.
    Post: 655 words @Luceam Sorry it took me so long, I got ambushed by school work this past week.  


    Demonic rising 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Luceam 26th September 2020, 9:36 pm

    Luna was concerned smoke was coming out of her ears as all Lilynette had to respond to her display of power and brutality against a rock that she decimated with laughter. Luna was really starting to wonder what the hell was wrong with Lilynette as she was treating this like she was crashing a shopping trip. Vita was trying to keep Luna's temper in check and from her just exploding out any worse from stress. However Luna was starting to believe that the worst was quite yet to come, and the universe rarely declined an invitation to justify that a situation could always be worse. 

    Luna sensed the build up of a demonic presence and the echoes that resembled life force build up. Luna and Vita looked over as the familiar presence of a demon fully emerged and while the two prepared for a fight, neither the fae or the spirit pounced as the motives of the demoness were yet to be revealed. Luna laxed her stance as the demoness seemed to be asking for help so she payed close attention to the words. She noted how Lily was surprised about demons and hell given that she really wanted to join Sabertooth considering who the guildmaster is, and at that point everything clicked in Luna's mind as to why a Sabertooth mage had to take this job. 

    Luna realized the magic council knew well more then they were letting on, especially with the fact that Kenna holds a high place among the demons. This was set up so that either Sabertooth would be able to get the job done as smoothly as possible, or use Kenna to play diplomatic tensions in case things go wrong. Not to mention Kenna would be aware of the situation so if something happened to the mages, Kenna might be in a position to help them. It was either that scenario or they were just trying to discretely get Kenna directly. 

    After Pluto wrapped up their story, Luna took a deep breath. She carefully weighed the facts of the situation and found little reason for deceit, and the story while crazy, wasn't implausible considering they were dealing with beings of Hell. "Alright we will find your lacrima, but you should know, we're members of Sabertooth, run by the 'big man down under's daughter Kenna, commander of one of the armies. You'd have to be crazy to lie to us so you must be telling the truth." Luna figured it would be simpler to play the Kenna card to avoid any issues, and name dropping a relation to the daughter of the devil would pose a good dissuasion from most demons that value their continued existence or employment. However she did not want to scare the demon away from assisting. "But Kenna isn't against listening, I can see if I can get her to prevent the 'big man' from cracking down hard on you."

    She turned towards Lilynette confused as she was trying to understand why someone so dead set on joining Sabertooth was perplexed by the idea of demons. She started to guess Lilynette did little research. At this point she was wondering what the woman had to offer besides some magical equipment. "You joined Sabertooth without knowing the master is a demoness? The royal part I get, came as a shock to me too. Still so long as you're in Sabertooth most demons that are loyal to the throne won't touch you. Kenna is not fond of, conflicts of interest."

    Luna turned back to face Pluto as she was seemingly getting revitalized, an attribute granted by her slayer magic, where as long as her feet are on the ground the world revitalizes her through passive transference of life energy. "Sorry bout that, this one is still a greenhorn. What sort of lacrima are we dealing with here, is this just a collection of hell's natural demonic energy, a small portion of a demon's, or did a demon, put a lot and something extra into this if you know what I mean." She was partially concerned for how Lilynette would take that but she was discretely asking the demon in a way that only a more experienced and wisened individual would recognize. Vita however stepped up and explained for Luna. "You think this is a Demon Slayer lacrima? Don't demon slayers emit holy magic?"

    Luna rubbed her nose as she was trying to keep that knowledge discrete, worried about who could be listening and trying to avoid a mosh pit of senseless brutality. "When infused into a host, yes, but when outside it typically reflects the source and can radiated Divine instead of unholy or vice versa. However when tampered with or failed infusion could cause a God or Demon slayer lacrima to react wildly just like any other lacrima associated with that divine element. It wouldn't surprise me this leakage is caused by rejection which has seeped the energy into everything else further then normal. Coupled with the fact that a hell portal was opened and this demon is probably hiding, we need to track him asap."

    She ran over the options in her head and decided that the easiest course of action was to of course consult with the expert and see if there was a way to expedite this mission. "I assume you have a way to track down the lacrima, right?" She asked hoping that this would at least be simple and hard, and not overtly complex.

    WC 916
    PWC 2858
    TWC 4670


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Lilynette 1st October 2020, 10:17 am

    5277/5000 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    Let's go find enlightenment through excitement!
    HP: 450/450
    MP: 291/300
    Base Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Current Melee Dmg: 30hp
    Active Spells: -
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    (-) Corset of Asmodeus
    (-) Guantlets of Asmodeus
    (-) Boots of Asmodeus
    Enemies: 0/0

    • Enemie 1 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 2 hp: 0/0
    • Enemie 3 hp:0/0

    Muse Lilynette's Theme
    The world around Lilynette began to feel cold. She could hear her heart pounding outside of her chest, trying to release itself from the confines of her ribcage. She was excited. She was thrilled. She was terrified. She tightly balled her hands into fits by her side, try to contain herself. Hell? Demons? A magic lacrima? What more could she have possibly asked for. She glanced over at Luna, who appeared to still be fuming with a bit of rage. If only she could have her understand why she had joined Sabertooth, why she had snuck into this mission. If only she could convince Luna not to despise her.

    Well aren't you a smart one, hehe. Pluto chuckled, snapping Lilynette back into the current reality and out of her bubbling thoughtsIf it comes to it,  I would be quite grateful for any help talking you know who down. I would, however, appreciate you discretion with the matter. It would be best if he were to not find out about this little... incident, at all.

    Listening to the demon and Luna speak, Lilynette could practically feel herself shrink. Was she ready for something like this? No, of course she wasn't. And she knew that all too well, but was she going to admit it? Fat chance. This was her opportunity to show Luna that she was just some crazy old fairly young women who was having a bit of a crises. Her reasons for joining Sabertooth were valid. She was valid.

    She wanted to open her mouth in response to the demon, Lilynette wanted to ask him a few questions about the job. What was this Lacrima? Where was it? How dangerous was the lost soul who had stolen it? But once again she kept quiet. She would have her moment to shine here, she just knew it, but now was not that moment. After all, she didn't want to end up like that rock, now did she?

    "Why yes ma'am, I do indeed." Pluto responded, giving a subtle bow in the direction of Luna-chan. She then turned around, pointing off into the distance.This man was a bit of a recluse, you see. Didn't take to kindly to people. Killed a whole bunch of them actually when he was alive. The center of all this demonic energy is coming from that direction, and I'm certain that he's there with it.

    Lilynette was certain that she would be fine. She had heard so many rumors and stories about Luna, that she knew this women to practically be a g-d. Never-the-less, this g-d was furious with her. And as much as Lilynette wanted to join in, she was starting to see the grave error she had made in regards to not asking Luna if she could join on in.

    "Luna-chan," She whispered, "Do..." Part of herself didn't want to go. She knew it could get her killed, or even worse, distract Luna and get her hurt. But she really wanted this, she practically craved this mission like a dog craved a bone. Lilynette didn't want to ask, but she forced herself to continue on. "Do you want me to wait in the car..?"

    "Ahahahaha, no no no miss," Pluto laughed, "The glow to your armor means that this is fate. One way or another, your meant to be here."

    The clowns words echoed throughout the young woman's head. f*** she thought to herself, looking over at Luna. She would do as she was told. It she was told to wait in the car, she would wait in the car. If she was told to tag along, she would start moving.
    Post: 607 @Luceam 


    Demonic rising 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Demonic rising Empty Re: Demonic rising

    Post by Luceam 10th October 2020, 7:01 pm

    Luna thought this situation couldn't get any more difficult to handle, and as usual the universe decided to show it will always have the last word, and that word was fate. It was at this point Luna started to understand why Akeya always had issues with fate, it seemed to be more inconvenient then it's worth. However that seemed to make Luna wary of the demon that was accompanying them as Luna was starting to get an ominous feeling about this whole situation. However she was in no mood to pick a fight with the gods and goddesses as she was already dealing with the demons and demonesses.

    Luna adjusted her qipao as she was she was starting to make her way in the direction of the lacrima. "Picked a bad day to not have a fate defying dragoness around then." Luna grumbled to herself as she was trying to fathom the situation before addressing Lilynette. "Well I guess fate has spoken. But just, don't try to attract attention-" She recalled she was looking at a six foot tall model with logic defying beauty. "As much as possible..."

    Luna kept her senses peeled as she walked, listening to the subtle rustling of leaves, looking through the trees at the various shrubbery. The smell of forest, she could faintly smell blood at the far reaches of her sense of smell, but most importantly she was sensing the life force of the area. She could sense the through the trees, shrubs, and grass that there were a number of erratic and chaotic life forces, which Luna guessed was the result of demonic energy corrupting various wildlife creating the abnormal creatures she was briefed on. It was hard for Luna to read those that were further away, however there was one that seemed to be getting closer.

    Luna stopped abruptly as she nodded her head eastwardly, the huntress princess behind her nodded and drew an arrow pointing it towards the distance. A few seconds later rustling could be heard as something large was pacing towards the group at a slightly slow pace. "Bear?" Vita asked quietly to Luna, whos hook her head. "Can't tell, something definitely got overdosed with demonic energy so for all we know it's a dung beetle." She said as she planted her left foot forward and pointed her right arm forward.  All Luna knew that what was coming was charging, and it was not friendly. Luna slowly motioned her arm down in a half circle until it was on the opposite side, keeping her breathing calm a she was emitting magical energy.

    Luna waited as the sounds of trees falling could be heard and suddenly the sound of a odd roar as the nearby eastern trees fell and once the debris settled, a ginormous purple and red platypus could be seen emitting a strong demonic energy. "Easy big guy I don't wanna hurt you... Please calm down." Luna said in a soft voice but there was no avail. She tried to tune into the soul of the platypus but their thoughts were too erratic to be read, however Luna and her spirit didn't need words to know the malicious intent clear in their eyes. A tense moment passed as Luna waited for the  platypus to make the first move. As predicted the platypus quickly struck as it turned its massive body in an attempt send debris flying towards the group at immense speed. Luna took a deep breath as she moved her arm in a crescent motion forward as chunks of earth, vines, and small plants came free from the ground and took the form of an arc flying at the platypus striking it in the side as it try to turn around.

    The blow was strong enough to knock the large beast off balance and over onto its side before Vita fired her arrow right into the platypus's nostril causing the large beast to gag in response. Luna clenched her fists as the trees and two columns of earth rose wrapping themselves around the large corrupted creature binding it to the ground tightly. "Well that should keep him off his balance for a moment..." Luna said slightly skeptically.

    WC 700
    PWC 700
    TWC 700


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 7th December 2024, 5:46 pm