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    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 1st May 2020, 6:41 am


    In an apprehensive silence, Louie sat at Fairy Tail's tavern with his golden blonde hair neatly hanging from his head, and a cheap red wine staining almost the entirety of his torso. It soaked his expensive blazer and dress shirt after some waitress stumbled and spilled the drink all over him. What started as a pastime while he sought out Arcadia turned into one red, wet mess in an instant. While Louie hated messiness in general, if there was something he hated more than that, it would be being the victim of those messes. And if there something he hated even more than that...

    "Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Louie!" the waitress—or whatever she was—stood there in shock, pale and horrified by her mistake. After a moment of devastating silence, she quickly fumbled in his pockets for a handkerchief, to which she'd bend down and try to dry his face where some of the drink and splashed. "Let me get that for you. Are you okay? Here, just let me—"

    Briskly, Louie's fair and delicate hands latched onto the woman's wrists, squeezing them with an angry tightness before quite literally tossing it away from him. When the woman would bend down to see his face before, she was greeted with perhaps one of the most malicious and venomous complexions she had ever laid eyes on. It was a sort of silent rage that was in the process of brimming over but not given verbal shape quite yet. Unfortunately for her, this was only the beginning of his fury.

    "Do you know how much this suit cost, connasse? Could a shit-for-brains germ like you even comprehend how much this suit is worth?!" Louie finally rose his head to face her, his poignant stare intense with vexation. The blonde was so upset with the unfortunate mistake made by the waitress that he didn't stop at belittling her. Instead, he grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her up to his face, forcing her to keep balance on her tippy-toes.

    "I'm sorry, Louie—"

    "No matter how many trivial jobs you could work in a lifetime would ever cover the cost of this suit! Not ever! Jamais! So how do you expect to repay me?! What could someone as insignificant, as dumb, as useless as yourself have to offer me as compensation for this? Your dumbass pea-brain just spilled cheap red wine on my suit! My suit!" the blonde ranted, squeezing on her collar even more and nearly lifting her above her toes.

    One gruff man from the table she was trying to serve spoke up. "Lad, maybe tone it down a little—"

    "Don't address me like we're familiar. Keep your disgusting self out of this, pig." he glared at him, and then back at the waitress. When he realized how far on the edge he was because of her, he abruptly let go of her shirt, dropping her to the ground. The young multimillionaire cleared his throat, adjusted his tie, and looked down at her. "Not that your life's worth anything, but perhaps killing yourself is as ample of a compensation someone of your stature could ever hope to provide. Couchon."

    After that, and with the woman in tears, Louie began to take his leave of the guildhall, almost too disgusted to ever return to that place. He didn't even know why he bothered to come. To just talk to that jailbait? It wasn't worth the sort of trauma these commoners put him through! Several people watched him as he approached the grand doors, cursing under his breath in his native tongue and he marched through the swarm of people.

    How dare she... how dare she... me! Louie Calvin Klein! She had the nerve to spill such cheap wine on ME! These fools are idiotic! Moronic! Absolutely lost! They have no standards! Coming to this third-world country has been a mistake! Ugh! he vented to himself, speaking ill of "his guild" in his own mind.

    Post Word Count: 665 | Total Word Count: 665 | Needed Word Count: ???
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    connasse = dumb bitch

    jamais = never

    couchon = pig



    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 1st May 2020, 3:22 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was not a hero, at least, he didn’t believe he was one. The standards that people painted about heroic types were so… beyond his comprehension. He saw no advantage in going out of his way to save people that were perfectly capable of saving themselves, or so he told himself. Strength had always been a powerful motivator for the Prince of Bellum and he had honestly believed at his core that to survive in this world, you had to be willing to put in the work. But he also knew that people were perfectly capable of reaching a lot in life and staying there, undesirous to push themselves further. That wasn’t necessarily for him but he held no disrespect towards those that had found a station and chose to get off. If they had found happiness, then all the power to them.

    But there was definitely one thing that turned him into a protector and it was the smug, arrogant slime that believed they were superior to others. Having been raised in the courts of Bellum, he knew very well what a person with an inflated opinion of themselves looked like. Bubbles of unwarranted confidence that seemed to float above the masses, scoffing and mumbling insults at how common they were in comparison to themselves. His family had always been humble and only shook their weight around for greater purposes of the realm. It had been all too evident when Sabine had been in Bellum that anyone that tried to act superior to others was going to find themselves lacking at the end of the day.

    Vandrad hadn’t expected to find that kind of attitude in Fiore -- at least, nothing too familiar to the royal galas of Bellum. Fairy Tail especially seemed to be more of a warm and welcoming home that brought in anyone that was willing to be loyal and work for their own care. Up to that point, all the members of Fairy Tail he had met had been friendly, forward and warm -- traits he didn’t embody himself but respected when it came to operating as both a guild and a business. He didn’t have any inkling of worried thoughts as he came into the guild hall, looking less worn than he usually did after a job. He walked up to the business counter and put the job flier down for the fairies, so that they could mark it off as complete. "Thanks,” he said to the being that took it from him, giving her a nod of gratitude. No one would accuse the Prince of being overly friendly ever but he was hardly ever spitting out insults, unless Mercury happened to be visiting.

    A loud crash caught his attention, his head swiveling over to look in the direction of the bar area, directly behind him. One of the waitresses had unfortunately had a bit of a tumble and spilled some wine on another one of the members of the guild. The man was, besides being wetted crimson, was another male that seemed far more pretty than butch. Truthfully, Vandrad wondered if he was one of the male sort that modeled on the side with wizardry being his main occupation. But seeing as he didn’t know the man personally, he let out a small breath and started to turn his attention back towards the fairies working. His mind was working its way towards what he wanted to do for dinner when a small yelp caught his attention, bringing his gaze back around.

    The woman had been trying to clean up the mess she had made but her attempts had been stopped by a forceful grasp of her wrist. The man she had accidently spilled wine onto was looking at her with such a look of fury that it was palpable in the air. But it wasn’t just that of having his outfit stained -- no, there was something deeper and more carnal in his eyes as they stared forward in almost unbelievable rage. The first words out of his mouth were full of a toxin so wretched that even Vandrad felt the savagery in them, as he insulted her both in Minstrel-speak and Common. He demanded to know if she truly understood how much the suit he was wearing cost, his head raising to look at her sharply. Before she could even answer, his other hand was snapping up to grab her by the collar and yanking her towards him, the girl barely managing to stay on her toes.

    Louie. She called him Louie as she apologized, the name registering in the deepest, darkest recesses of Vandrad’s mind as his body instinctively turned to face what was happening. The man continued, tearing into her with the words of a superior belittling a commoner. He demanded to know how he would be repaid, rattling off insults at her like it was second nature and, even worse, acceptable.

    The Prince was seething between clenched teeth, only halted when another man spoke up and attempted to disarm the situation before it got worse. All he got was vitriol shot in his direction for his efforts. Louie paused, apparently becoming painfully aware of just how much of a spectacle he was making. Finally he released the waitress, the poor girl falling to the ground. If all that wasn’t bad enough, if he hadn’t already said enough to make a miniscule mistake worse, Louie managed to collect himself and then, as a departing comment, he suggested the woman kill herself as perhaps the most minor recompense for her transgression.

    He wouldn’t get very far as he tried to leave. "Hey asshole,” Vandrad roared, silencing the already stunned room further. Fire spat from his eyes as he glared at his fellow guildmate, seeing past the pretty outside to the disgusting inside of Louie. He pushed himself from the business counter, walking directly into Louie’s path. "Allow me to get familiar, écume. If you think you’re going to walk out of here after that disgusting showcase, your ugly, arrogant face is going to get very familiar with the ground while I drag you wailing through the streets of Magnolia. You’re going to weasel yourself back over to that girl, apologize for being an insufferable, disgusting, useless mistake of a man and beg her forgiveness. Or this,” and as he said it, he reached out and tore the lapel right off the suit in one swift motion, sending it flying against the wall with a wet, wine-soaked splat.

    "Is the least of what I’m going to do to you.”

    Words: 1112 / 1112 | Tag: @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 1st May 2020, 9:23 pm

    Louie was prepared to go home to his luxury suite in Capital Crocus, ready to vent away his vexations and all of his problems with a drink of far greater expense than the one that soaked his chest now. Such was the plan until a shorter, much brawnier man stepped into his immediate pathway while the other guildmates parted like the Red Sea for this infuriated entrepreneur.

    Louie glared at him with the same disgust as he looked upon the waitress with, but didn't stop walking. At the rate of his stride, he was expecting the man to move out of the way on his own after realizing how foolish and moronic it was to impede his path.

    "Out of the way, pig—" Louie commanded, but before he could finish, the rather gruff man had interrupted him with an insult he hadn't heard in a long time, and that alone was enough for the blonde to stop in his tracks. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and as if that wasn't enough, the brawny man continued to barrage him with such crafty and yet berating insults that Louie was beginning to suspect that he may have been talking to the waitress this entire time, and not him. But seeing the fire in those filthy, small eyes of his made it clear that he was completely aware of who he was addressing. And finally, like icing on a bitter cake, the short man had the nerve to rip away the lapel of his suit, tearing it and tossing its stained fabric against—well, that didn't matter, now did it? All that mattered is that those ape fingers of his had even grazed his attire. Soiled, but still his own!

    The moment he felt that man's hand touch him, Louie's face hardened and crimson irises shrunk. Like a scalding hot pot of water, he could feel his rage begin to boil over. Or perhaps that was an understatement because, by the time the lapel and his attire had parted ways, Louie became visibly enraged. Tiny veins popped out from his temples, his delicate hands clenched together, and his ears became a little red.

    Louie faced down, his face hidden beneath the threads of his silky golden hair. His face seemed to be covered in shadows, much like his spirit right about now, and slowly, his face rose so that the venom—the raw malice in his eyes could fix on the man before him.

    "Ha...! Louie's malicious frown broke into a wicked smirk, his eyes glaring and brows still knitted. The blonde began to chuckle, peals of laughter falling from that venomous mouth of his and filling the silent room with his disbelief. "Me? Apologize to that thing? Ha... haha!" Louie laughed again, covering his face with his hand and pushing his hair back to reveal his jovial expression. Suddenly, in an instant, a golden magic circle appeared, and from it came a golden rapier—magnificent and shining. Louie only held it for a moment before suddenly lunging at the man before him, aiming straight for his throat. He aimed to kill. The laughter vanished instantly and was replaced with the true anger that had been lacing his eyes before.

    Post Word Count: 537 | Total Word Count: 2314 | Needed Word Count: ???
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    connasse = dumb bitch

    jamais = never

    couchon = pig



    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 4th May 2020, 3:34 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) RJtajUnz_o

    Louie certainly tried to get a word in edgewise, clearly still intent on spilling his venom to any that got in his way. Apparently something Vandrad had said, or perhaps just the motion of actually getting in his way, brought a swift silence to his objection. There was a look of disbelief on the pretty man’s facade as the Prince tore into him, viciously demanding reparations for the waitress or offering thinly veiled threats as rewards for ignoring the ultimatums. Vandrad topped it off by grabbing the lapel of Louie’s suit and tearing it off so neatly, one might have thought it came sans a single strip of fabric in the first place. The only evidence of its existence was the wet piece of cloth that was sliding down the wall of the building, destined to flop uselessly on the ground.

    Vandrad could feel the rage from the man -- it was even more choking than it had been before. But his own emotions were burning just as bright, clashing against the invisible aura of fury and pushing back with the same gusto. Vandrad stood there, stoic as ever, watching Louie’s veins visibly throb, raised on his flesh like tiny colored spiders buried beneath his skin. The pretty boy’s head fell, his locks framing his face in such a way that it cast a dark, ominous shadow. Was he intentionally trying to be intimidating or was that some side effect of whatever magic he had? A moment later Louie’s head rose again, fixating his cold but somehow still burning rubies upon the black onyx gems of Vandrad. He laughed, the kind of guffaw that one held when they needed to deem someone unworthy. The Prince knew it quite well. His chuckles continued before he asked if he truly meant him, asked if he was supposed to apologize to the waitress, which he so lovingly referred to as a thing.

    He laughed at the notion even stronger this time, reaching up to push his hair back. For a brief second, Vandrad was sure the pretty boy wasn’t about to do something extremely stupid and would just break into an angry tirade. That would have worked out far better for him. But the instant the golden magic circle took form, the Prince understood that Louie had almost certainly cracked. An exquisite rapier of the finest make, crafted out of pure gold, appeared in Louie’s hand, its radiance juxtaposed against the pretty boy with almost angelic grace. Then came the strike -- a furious stab with the intent of piercing Vandrad through the throat and ending the battle before it even began.

    Vandrad slid to the side, the sharpened point passing through the air where his neck had just been and missing his flesh by mere centimeters. At the same time, his arm shot out in a heavy punch, looking to catch the off balance pretty boy square in the stomach. He would follow through with his punching motion, his intent to send Louie flying back into the doors that led out to Magnolia. His aura roared to life, engulfing him in gold and crimson flames that seeped into his hair and eyes, imbuing them with a sheen not unlike a pure ruby. If Louie had managed to hit the door and fall through, he would find another kick aimed for his stomach. If the doors managed to hold against his weight, the poor lad could potentially be on the receiving end of a hard tackle, ripping the doors off of their hinges even as it was reduced to splinters.

    The Prince of Bellum would disappear for a quick moment, only to materialize several feet away from Louie. But the angered look on his face was gone -- now there was one of amusement and excitement. The bloodlust that he kept down outside of battle had awakened. "I was hoping you’d be as stupid as you look. With everyone watching, you attacked me first. Now whatever I do to you… it was in self defense.”

    “And I’m going to do a lot to you, couchon”

    Words: 687 / 1799 | Tag: @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 6th May 2020, 8:43 pm

    While Louie had aimed for the throat, it was nothing but air that his brilliant rapier had pierced. Without a moment to think, he could feel the man's hard, bony knuckles ram into his stomach, lifting him off of his feet and sending him flying through the air like a missile until his delicate backside slammed into the grand doors that would grant anyone entry into the Guild Hall. At first, the doors were only nearly knocked off their hinges, but as another powerful kick swung into his stomach, both Louie and the doors were no longer held in place.

    Despite being tossed into the prying eyes of Magnolia like some punching bag, Louie still managed to land on his feet. His rapier had been stabbed into the ground, effectively keeping his balance during the confusing events that had just transpired. He looked at the ground, panting while looking at his hands, listening to the gruff man's taunts from just ahead.

    "Attacked? No, you deserve to die." Louie glared at him, his voice condescending and bitter. He began to stand up straight, plucking his rapier from the dirt beneath his feet and pointing it at the... albeit, a little different than before, but the same pig. "What makes you think you can touch me like that? Me! Louie Calvin Klein! The very dirt I walk on is worth more than your life ten times over! It's worth more than everyone here's combined! And to think you touched me... me! For someone who's mostly forehead, you've got a lot of balls, germe." The moment Louie said that, another magic circle began to cast beneath that man and would suddenly allow large spikes to burst forth from the ethereal symbol, attempting to skewer his foe in place.

    The look in the young blonde's eyes was an outrage, brewing in his gaze like a cauldron of boiling water. In one hand he held his rapier, and the other was clenching his stomach, trembling just enough for only Louie to notice. It felt as if his stomach had been crushed, along with the ribs around it, but it was hard to tell. Right now, Louie had been too vexed to even acknowledge his discomfort—he never even looked at his wound, only holding it. His eyes had never left the man before him.

    But every moment that passed that his ruby eyes sank onto that man's onyx ones, he felt his heart beat a little faster and his breaths become hot and quick. No one had ever raised a hand against him, and no one even dared to think of it. Was he really so barbaric that he thought this to be acceptable? Even thinkable?

    Louie's face became dark and revulsed by who he was looking at, beholding him like some creature or cretin who had done him some harm. It wasn't the usual anger that he expressed to ordinary miscreants who were too dumb to understand their wrongdoings, but a far more venomous vexation. "Disgusting... absolutely disgusting. And to think you've assaulted me all for a nobody like her. And when I'm the victim? You barbarians really all think the same! Pitoyable!"

    Post Word Count: 528 | Total Word Count: 3529 | Needed Word Count: ???
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    pitoyable = pitiful

    germe = germ



    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th May 2020, 10:05 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad set his stance a bit away from Louie, his body easily shifting into a defensive one as he eyed the pretty boy. To his credit, the maniac had taken a punch to the gut and then another kick to the same spot and then had broken through the doors and forced them to swing the opposite way of their prime direction. Still, Louie managed to land on his feet, using his rapier as a foundation to keep himself from toppling over. The Prince delivered his words and was retorted quickly, the pretty boy claiming that he deserved to die. "Tsk,” Vandrad scoffed in amusement as the rapier snapped up to point at him. "If you think so high and mighty of yourself, then fine. I’ll give you one free shot. But I’m warning you; you better not throw it away.” He kept his on-guard stance but he didn’t budge as the man broke into a tirade, once more placing himself upon a pedestal above Vandrad and anyone else that deigned to be anywhere near them. And they had accumulated quite the audience, both from inside Fairy Tail and from passersby as well.

    Louie finished up his spiel with yet another alternative insult and then a magic circle sparked to life beneath his feet. Vandrad had only a moment to look down before the spikes came soaring up from the cobblestone, the sharp creations slamming into his stomach, his arm and into his leg. From a certain standpoint, he looked well and skewed, with his armor cracked and crumbling around the spike in his torso and the jumpsuit on his limbs torn. There was even a heavy trickle of blood that ran down each barb, indicating that Vandrad had, in fact, taken some damage from it.

    He stood there, his eyes shadowed as his head hung over his chest. Louie continued to rant and rave, calling him disgusting, painting himself as a victim and titling the Prince as a barbarian. "You stupid fool,” Vandrad hissed, his aura crackling to life once more around him. It flared up so distinctively that it ripped the spikes that had pierced themselves into his body to shreds, revealing the wounds beneath. Already his energy was working to heal the injuries, closing the bloody gaps. Vandrad’s head lifted to meet Louie’s, his own crimson eyes fuming with indignant disgust. "You attack an innocent girl, tell her to end her own life over a measly accident and you have the gall to call me a barbarian?” He kicked through the spikes in front of him as he marched towards Louie, hatred dripping from every word. "I’ve dealt with slobbering, gibbering oafs like you before. You paint yourself in this elegant light to hide just how truly disgusting you are. You pretty yourself up to hide the ugly, repulsive trash beneath the skin. Not even your magic is worthy of my time. That was your one shot and you wasted it.”

    He thrust a hand out, unleashing a beam of magic straight at Louie’s chest. But before it would even come within the proximity of the pretty boy, it would disintegrate into glittering particles. Yet Vandrad was gone, having teleported from his spot to behind Louie, his leg snapping out as he swung it down and in, aiming to trip the man and leave him displaced in the air for a moment. But it was a moment that the Prince would act upon, swinging both his arms down, clasped together at the hands, to attempt to slam Louie into the ground, further destroying the cobblestone street they had wound up on.

    Electricity crackled around Vandrad’s form as he glared down at his guild mate, snorting through a vile sneer. "I’m going to do you a favor, pretty boy. Since you went through all the effort of getting yourself dolled up, I’m going to help you show the world who you truly are. I will drag your face against the street, against buildings, against gravel, until it is nothing but blood and bone. I will rip away the facade and show this world who you truly are underneath. You want to be the victim -- I’ll make you a victim.”

    Words: 721 / 2520 | Tag: @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 23rd May 2020, 3:16 pm

    His golden skewers pierced that man's flesh, no doubt about it. The blood gushed from his litany of wounds like anyone's would with those injuries, but as if wearing a bulletproof vest, he not only took that attack, but brushed it off like it was nothing. He marched forward, giving off his speech like Louie once had. It was obnoxious.

    Abruptly, a beam of magical energy shot forth at Louie's chest, but never connected with it. Just before it struck, it disintegrated into tiny particles, and yet the brutish man was nowhere to be seen. Before he was marching at him just in front, but now he had suddenly vanished like some sort of trick. But this was a land of magic, not tricks, and before the infuriated millionaire could realize what was happening, it was too late. In an instant, Louie could feel the man appear behind him, but just before he could turn around he felt his feet leave the ground, tripping and slamming his delicate, unblemished body into the cobblestone street below them.

    The blonde boy grit his teeth together, stifling the grunts of pain in his throat before they ever had a chance to escape into the ears of the brute violating him. If there was one thing his pride had done for him thus far, it was preventing him from ever letting out a sound of weakness.

    Louie looked up with ruby eyes wide with spite, meeting with the equally vile look on that man's expression. Was he actually enjoying this? He felt as if some massive bull were hovering over him, enjoying what he had just done—relishing in the atrocity he had just committed. For a moment, Louie was frozen with hate. Looking up at that man, he could feel his heart race and his blood boil over. Who was he? Who was he to do this to him? To violate him in such a way? As the man spoke, it was as if his threats went through one ear out the other.

    "You wouldn't dare, couchon." Louie cursed at him in a low, venomous voice, "You're nothing—you hear me? Rien. Compared to me, the only thing you have going for you is that mile-wide forehead. Lay one of your disgusting fingers on my face, and you'll be ruined. I'll make sure of that! I promise you that you'll regret it, couchon!"

    In a fit of hatred, Louie rose his head only to spit on or at that man's feet. His eyes didn't leave his as he slowly began to pick himself off of the ground, grabbing his rapier on the way. He could feel the damage done to his body when it slammed into the ground, feeling the weight of the damaged street pack into his ribs like heavy stones suffocating him. But he was good at hiding it. If not for the pact he made with Lady Twilight, he might have been dead right about now. But this fool could never kill him! Not him! Louie Calvin Klein! In what world would his blood be good enough to even kiss that man's flesh?


    Post Word Count: 522 | Total Word Count: 4772 | Needed Word Count: ???
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Rien = nothing

    germe = germ



    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 791
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,080,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 1st June 2020, 12:02 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) RJtajUnz_o

    This really shouldn’t have been as cathartic as it was, but there was no denying that beating the blond idiot was releasing years of pent up aggravation. For so long, the Prince had been forced to keep his tongue clamped around the higher society, his limits drawn by his mother based on who her guests were. It wasn’t that Themescyia was all accepting -- even the Duchess knew when and where to put a person in their place. But as her son, it was understood that Vandrad had to show some level of manners for people that were invited to court. And so many of them were so pompous, so full of themselves, such utter disgusting, wastes of flesh and human spirit. The world would be better without them but murder on that scale wasn’t acceptable, even for Vandrad. All he really wanted was to tear out their foundations and knock them down to their basest forms.

    He was getting that opportunity now with Louie. It was evident that there was no mercy, no shred of respect ebbing off of the Prince for the pretty boy. Vandrad was capable of acknowledging skill even in his enemies and would have normally remarked about Louie’s ability to negate the magic wave coming at him. But he wasn’t even going to bother commending the boy with that; he’d earned all the ire and disrespect in the world and there wasn’t place for even a seedling of appreciation to be planted. The Prince of Bellum knocked Louie to the ground, causing further damage to the pretty boy’s body and to the cobblestone street he struck. It was there that Louie glared up at him, listening as Vandrad explained in detail exactly what he planned to do. He was going to scar the pompous wench for good, shred his facial flesh until it was gone and leaving him as ugly as his soul was.

    Louie, of course, took offense to the very notion. He insisted that Vandrad wouldn’t dare, berating the Prince as nothing. He compared the two of them, in some weak attempt to gain the superiority high ground, despite sinking down to base and pathetic insults. Louie was damn well sure that if Vandrad were to even put a single digit on the boy’s face, his life would be over -- a remark that Louie backed up by saying he would ensure that very conclusion. He wound up his pretty little speech by slowly pushing himself to his feet, spitting at Vandrad’s feet as he took hold of his rapier and attempted to portray himself as some kind of viable threat. If anything, he planned on carrying on his resistance to defeat until the bitter end. That was…. Something.

    Vandrad’s stern glower broke for a moment, his lips peeling back into a wicked, malicious grin as he began to laugh. He wholeheartedly chuckled, clearly amused at the words being flung at him with such disdain and fury. As he began to settle, crimson orbs set their fiery gaze back on the pretty boy’s own gems. "You’re more than welcome to try, pissant. My only hope is that the thugs you hire to do your dirty work are capable of more bite than you are, you sick puppy. How wonderful it must be to be as stupid as you are; feeling superior because you target an innocent woman that you know can’t fight back against you. I truly am amazed at how pigheaded people like you can be. Call me nothing all you want -- we both know that you’re the real nothing here. Nothing more than a mewling quim!”

    His aura bolstered once more, magical energy surging from his core into the outward dispersal. He closed the distance between them, thrusting his foot up towards Louie’s stomach in an attempt to plant the spit-covered boot into his gut. His left arm cocked back, the primary focal point of his magic, as it began to glow a bright red. All of his fury, his hatred, his compressed agitation, was pulled into the limb as it was enveloped in Vandrad’s magic, a truly devastating attack. When it snapped forward, its target was Louie’s face. With everything behind it, there was no way it wasn’t going to break every single bone in the pretty boy’s features, cracking the perfect, dolled up facade and scarring it for good. It wouldn’t kill him in the traditional sense…

    But a man like Louie, it was as good as a death sentence.

    Words: 752 / 3272 | Tag: @Louie @Nessa Cordelia Lux | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 4th June 2020, 1:17 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Clicking on her iLac, Nessa's violet eyes perused the mainstream of Lacbook idly, white earphones connected to the phone as sounds of Sakura Kisagami's latest release blared loudly against her eardrums. A pleasant melody, one that only contributed to the jovial mood that she was in. Her eyes raked over Gaia's recent post, a scenic photograph of moonflowers. Nessa would like the photo, her thumbs quickly tapping across her screen as she commented 'Stunning!' on the picture. She paced casually along the footpath that carried her toward's the guild, taking her time with her stroll. She had needed to return home to sign for a delivery, her sofa had finally arrived for her new home. For which she had permitted herself a short break from her Ace duties.

    Her days were so crazy lately, her schedule was a never-ending stream of paperwork, business calls and client meetings. Now that she was splitting her time even further following the creation of Lux Design Ltd, she found herself even more stretched. But it wasn't without perks, the reaction to her product was amazing. It was an exciting change of pace and she was learning so much about the fashion world. Fortunately, her status had allowed some doors to open for her that might have previously been closed.

    Needless to say, she was completely distracted during her approach to the guild, entirely unaware of the chaos that had broken out during her little break. As she stepped along the footpath that led to the guild's entrance, she would finally glance up from her mobile. Violet irises skimming over the glass idly, slowly taking in the scene through the window. She stopped, recognition slipping in as she spotted the faces of those in the guild, a sea of displeasure; a mix of anger and fear. She quickly reached up, pulling out the earphones, she ran up to the door. Yanking it open, she shoved the wires into her pocket, following the gazes of the crowd for the source of the commotion. And it was there that she saw them in the middle of a fight; Louie and Vandrad.

    Louie was facing the older male, looking starkly different from his normal well-presented self. His front was covered in red wine, and his clothes were torn. Then there was Vandrad, who was mildly bleeding from lacerations that peppered his body. There were lethally sharp spikes protruding from the ground, the furniture destroyed as a result of their apparent scrap. Their faces were the epitome of rage and the air was thick with tension as the crowd looked on. She saw Vandrad kick out at Louie and activated her magic instantly, disappearing in a flash of light. She would reappear in front of the crowd, charging forward without hesitation. She would reach out swiftly, grabbing Louie by the arm, she yanked him out of the way of Vandrad's impending fist before stepping in front of him to shield him from the blow. She attempted to summon her magic shields but was only able to manifest one as Vandrad's powerful blow descended across her cheek. The shield took the brunt of the blow but without the reinforcement of more defensive magic, it cracked under the power of the hit - allowing the remainder of the damage to strike Nessa's full-on.

    She rocketed back, her neck snapping to the side from the immense punch, losing her balance completely. She would fall to the ground, palms slapping against the wooden deck of the guildhall, her breathing heavy as her body reeled from the blow. There were audible gasps from the onlookers, followed by an uncertain silence. Nessa reached up, wiping the blood from her lip, her entire body trembling from the shock. Her eyes watered slightly from the pain that now reeled her face. She took a moment, attempting to quell the dark waves of anger that rippled inside of her, waves of energy radiating from her body, ebbing and flowing through the room in thick palpable pulsations. The earth would begin to shake slightly, glasses and plates clinking audibly, and a low rumbling could be heard as the entirety of the guild would feel the effects of her rage. After a brief moment, the magic settled and the room steadied once more. Finally, she managed to speak, uttering a single word, one that albeit quiet was heard by the entirety of the room; "Enough."

    She would slowly climb to her feet, using a table to lift herself up. She looked around the room, her expression was hard and one of quiet fury. "Everyone go home." She ordered, there was a hesitation, one which forced her to repeat herself. "I SAID GET OUT." She roared with surprisingly ferocious vigour, there was swift scuttling as bodies hurried out of the guildhall, awkwardly filing themselves out of the room. She then turned to look at Vandrad and Louie, her wound swiftly heal itself as she addressed them both. "Except you two, you stay. We need to talk."  

    WC: 835  Thread total: 6,359
    Tag: @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 4th June 2020, 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) 60582_s


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 4th June 2020, 5:28 pm

    Louie felt that man's foot dig into his stomach, pounded into his gut like the swing of a sledgehammer. The blonde stumbled back, staying on his feet and holding his stomach to stifle the immense pain he was enduring, but refusing to make a sound or any more than a slight wince. Throughout their entire tussle, Louie hadn't let out a single grunt or groan despite the stress his body was under, his pride stifling any noise that may have pleased the brute that was coming upon him. Maybe in a way, Louie was a particularly resilient man to have been so anal about appearances, even under these circumstances.

    Meanwhile, when Louie's head snapped back to Vandrad's, he could only see his fist. Bright, red energy gathered at a single point and congregated into what Louie could only regard as a deadly sun about to scorch him. Was he really going to hit him? Him? Louie Calvin Klein? The very embodiment of perfection and success itself? Was he really that stupid? No matter how much Louie questioned his intelligence, he quickly readied his rapier and braced himself for the impact. Fortunately, it was not a price he was going to pay.

    In a millisecond—no, even quicker than that—Louie felt himself be snatched away from his battle and away from the blow he was expecting to take, falling onto his rear side with a confused and agitated look on his face. What had just happened? The crowd watching them audibly gasped, and an unsettling pause settled over the swarm of people. For several moments, Louie was just as bewildered as everyone else until he saw her. A woman with silver locks and bright, beaming eyes, white skin, and girlish features.

    "You..." Louie trailed off, his eyes narrowing fractionally as they fell onto none other than Nessa Cordelia Lux. In a decisive moment of defense, it was clear that Nessa intervened and took the blow in Louie's stead, bleeding from the lips as a consequence. For a strike as powerful as that one, her blatant injuries seemed almost trivial and healed quickly, but it was hardly her injuries anyone had to worry about.

    An audible and low rumbling could be heard throughout the crowd, like the dangerous and refined growl of an enraged animal. It was brief, subtle, and yet terrifying. Even Louie felt frozen in place when he felt that. Not only that, but for the first time since he's met her, Nessa had risen her voice and commanded everyone other than Louie and Vandrad to leave, and so they did, leaving just the three of them among themselves. When they were left alone, Louie had risen from his feet and dusted himself off.

    "We?" Louie looked at Nessa with the irritation still on his face, almost looking baffled, "We aren't going to do anything, petit procelet. I admit that I may have been speaking too harshly on that girl, but this man destroyed my clothes, assaulted me, and tore up this property all because I what? Lost my temper? The only thing I'm guilty of is none of your business and is to be resolved between that girl and I." the blonde sighed through his nose, almost looking sad. There was a melancholy and disappointment in his eyes that was nearly genuine as they darted and fixed over onto Vandrad. "And you. You truly are barbaric. I understand that you can't put it past your ego and self-righteous mindset to assault me in that way—but Nessa? I trust that you know you should be ashamed of yourself, but I want you to know that you should be disgusted."

    It was a complete lie.

    Louie couldn't recall a moment in his life where he had ever apologized to someone, let alone felt as if he had to. The fact that he is even within their company is a gift in itself, and he understood that jealousy manifested often in odd and destructive ways. That brute of a man simply couldn't understand why he was so... slow. Despite this, the performance Louie was on and the words that came out of his mouth all feigned remorse and actual reflection. It seemed real, but wasn't. It was true that he wanted that girl to kill herself for ruining his clothes, and he hoped that if she didn't have the gall to do at least that much that she repay him at the earliest convenience.

    Post Word Count: 741 | Total Word Count: 7100 | Needed Word Count: ???
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Rien = nothing

    germe = germ



    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 8th June 2020, 11:21 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was going to wreck everything Louie had made for himself. No, the Prince of Bellum had no idea about the prestigiousness of the pretty boy’s life -- his stance within the wealthy, the famous, the one percenters of the magical world. Such trivial details mattered so little to Vandrad, who believed that magical strength and power were the true, pivotal aspects that made up one’s prowess within the world. Waving around jewels or one’s ability to be recognized by masses meant very little when someone came possessing superior abilities to crush you underfoot. And that was exactly what was happening here, as far as Vandrad was concerned. Louie had built himself a paper bubble of his fame, fortune and physical appearance, believing they would protect him from everything in the world. In doing so, he had thrust himself onto such a high pedestal that any of those around him were deemed unworthy of his time.

    But the Prince of Bellum had forced the pretty boy’s attention on him, reminding Louie that his flimsy defense would only go so far. There were certainly a group of people that would have been disarmed by Louie’s position but not Vandrad -- never Vandrad. And the tactical mind that had been crafted in him from years within the military had helped the Prince deduce the weak point needed to break Louie’s entire persona into nothing but worthless fragments. He couldn’t take Louie’s fortune -- attempting to do so would out him as a Prince and that was its own bag of snakes he wasn’t ready to open up. Fame was a point that would fall but only in the sense that, with any luck, infamy would rise up to overtake the previously overestimated familiarity that the people of Fiore supposedly had. No, it was his looks. A man that had lost his mind over his suit being stained, who had attempted to murder Vandrad for tearing off a fragment from the outfit, was so well engrossed in vanity, he may as well be considered the very aspect of it. Everything about him screamed pretty and well kept.

    Well, it was time to ruin that. Vandrad put so much magical force into his fist that the gravity around them started to shift. The ground seemed to vibrate and lift off slightly, loose pieces and crumbs floating up to hover at eyesight for both men. There was a fierceness in Vandrad’s gaze that could have ripped iron from stone and its ferocity was solely focused on Louie. The Prince held back just enough to ensure he wouldn’t kill the pretty boy but the damage it would cause would be lasting. And with any luck, it would provide a swift and brutal end to this pointless skirmish, leaving Louie unconscious on the ground for all the world to witness.

    Unfortunately, his target was intercepted at the very last moment. As Vandrad’s magical attack reached its peak, he threw his fist first, aimed poignantly at the center of Louie’s face. Within a fraction of a second, the pretty boy was gone and another figure had stepped in his place, one that was far less deserving of any harsh punishment coming her way. He had absolutely no time to stop his punch as it rammed into Nessa, his knuckles breaking through a single layer of defensive magic before they kissed her cheek. His eyes shot wide as his leg snapped forward to level himself, pulling back slightly on the strength that was still going forward. But it was still enough to knock Nessa to the ground, her bottom planting itself and her palms steadying her from falling over any further.

    The crowd gasped in shock, utterly surprised by the sudden appearance of the guild ace. Either that or they were completely flummoxed by the fact that Vandrad had struck her instead of Louie, though there was simply no stopping what was coming. The Prince of Bellum could only stand there in surprise, crimson eyes still wide as he stared down at Nessa, the woman suffering through the damage as best she could. The ground shook beneath his feet as anger raced through Nessa’s body, the insult of being struck watering the seeds of far darker impulses. For a moment he wasn’t sure if he had just started a melee he wasn’t prepared for.

    She spoke up after her fury settled, putting a halt to any further battle with a single demand. While his own anger at Louie was still boiling beneath the surface, he wasn’t about to disobey a command from an ace of his guild, as much as he wanted to. Huffing through his nostrils, he pulled himself out of a combat stance slowly, his crimson form melting away and evaporating into the air. As he crossed his arms, clearly not happy about the state of conclusion, he continued to glare at Louie, unwilling to curb his hatred even for a demand. Nessa got herself to her feet, demanding the crowd that had gathered to watch to leave immediately. The response wasn’t quite as immediate as she would have liked and raised her voice, her anger coming out in full force with the second demand. That sent everyone away, the men and women practically clamoring over one another to get out.

    It was obvious she wanted the rest of the audience to leave, not the two of them -- but she turned around and clarified to them, just in case that fact was missed. Vandrad, for his own part, understood the blame he had in this and was prepared for the repercussions. But the pretty boy couldn’t help himself -- he needed to speak up again, talk down to someone else again. Rather than apologize, he quickly tried to deflect the blame to Vandrad, only giving an inch in saying that perhaps he had spoken too harshly to the waitress. Oh and he played it up, trying to sound more depressed and distressed. As his gaze turned back to Vandrad, he set upon him more insults over his ‘barbaric’ flaws, how he should be utterly devastated that Nessa had been struck by his punch.

    It was all utter bullshit. And for his part, against his better notion, Vandrad laughed. It was bitter, mirthless sound that betrayed just how maliciously amused he was at the ruse. "Is that the best attempt you have at lying, you morceau de merde?” he asked, taking his time to mockingly speak at a similar tone as Louie with his insult. "Or perhaps you forgot all the people that watched you threaten that girl, threaten another man, then tell the former to kill herself? Or the fact that I merely tore one part of your suit off and you opted to conjure a weapon and kill me in one blow? I only did what everyone else wanted to do because, and let me ensure you understand this quite clearly, nobody admires you. No one is going to stoop down and worship you, you ignorant idiot. So get over yourself.”

    He then turned his attention to Nessa, the harshness in his features softening but only slightly. "I will apologize to you, Nessa -- and to the rest of the guild that was present for the interruption to their days. But I had no intention of letting this man get away with demanding a girl consider suicide for the simple mistake of spilling some wine. My actions went farther than I expected but with the lethal force he attempted to use upon me, I acted accordingly. I will not apologize for what I did against this… creature. I’ve stepped on insects that were worth more than ten of whatever the hell he is.”

    Words: 1305 / 4577 | Tag: @Louie @Nessa Cordelia Lux | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 14th July 2020, 6:03 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa could feel the acidic rage boiling under the surface, threatening to spill out of her. Tempted by her anger, it seeped to the surface like a rabid beast clawing away at her, wanting to be free. It was somewhat overwhelming,  as though an instinctive part of her was suffocating, desperate for breath, it wanted to escape her so badly. But she couldn't allow that, she couldn't let that part of her come out. No matter how good it would feel to just let go, it was just too unpredictable. She had seen the repercussions of letting that thing take control, and that wasn't something she wanted to face ever again. So she squashed it, pulling all of that back inside of her,  and composing herself as best she could.

    When Louie spoke Nessa would listen, her expression hardening at his words or rather, his excuses. She liked Louie, a lot, in a strange way as far as the Starlight Maiden could tell they got on. But even she couldn't deny that beneath the surface there was a niggling stream of consciousness, something telling to look deeper, to stop being naive. Often she found herself silencing the foreboding voice, she didn't need to look deeper, because Louie was her friend. And whilst everyone had secrets, a friendship didn't mean she was privy to what lay beneath the surface, or at least that's what she told herself. She knew Louie could be a little on the 'harsher' side, she had learned that mostly through LacBook. But he was sassy, and not afraid to stand up for himself, that's all it was right? Even so, she knew she couldn't excuse his behaviour right now, because what the pair of them had done to the guildhall, was entirely inappropriate. And whilst she hoped to be or at least become a friend to both Louie and Vandrad, right now, she had to be an ace first.

    Vandrad would laugh at his words, accusing him of lying and stating his side of the situation. Nessa would permit this if only to hear what Vandrad had to say in return. She found herself rattled by the revelation that Louie would tell the girl to end her life and tried to kill Vandrad. Despite Louie's lighter version of the events, Nessa couldn't see any indication that Vandrad was lying. She didn't know what to make of Louie's behaviour, a part of her told her that this was unacceptable, that she should be furious with him. Another part of her wanted to know why, what pushed him to react so angrily. Was there something deeper that she didn't know about? Something painful influencing his actions? What she did know was that she didn't like this, she didn't like this exchange one bit. She hated confrontation, hearing these two go back and forth at each other made her feel sick, but she endured. She would meet Vandrad's gaze as he apologised to her and for his behaviour in the guild. He did, however, refuse to apologise to Louie, and as she glanced back to the blonde, Nessa quickly realised that there wasn't a chance in hell that she could get these two to see eye to eye.

    Nessa would step toward Vandrad, who appeared the most visibly injured at present, reaching out she would place her fingers softly on his arm, her body glowing with magical light. She would allow her starlight to flow from herself through to him, the warm magic coating his body and attempting to heal him of his wounds. After a moment she would let go, stepping back. "We don't expect a lot in this guild, in fact, we only ever ask of two things when we recruit you guys. Don't do anything to harm your guild or your guildmates. Both of you broke that rule tonight, and regardless of what was done and what was said. You put everyone in danger and that is not okay. I'm not going to force you two to fake an apology to each other, because it's pretty obvious that you won't mean it. But I need you to think about what you did and the fact that this, cannot happen again. You wanna beat the crap out of each other fine, go to the training grounds or go outside. But you do not fight in this guildhall, do you understand?"

    She sighed sadly, her voice slightly softer as she continued, "And... I know what it's like to lose control, I won't judge either of you for it because I would be lying if I said I've never felt the urge to kill someone in a moment of anger. But I choose to control myself and to fight those urges, so I need you guys to do the same, we do not kill each other in Fairy Tail. And if you can't control your impulses then you need to remove yourself from the situation. What if it wasn't me that jumped in front of you, what if it had been someone weaker or frail, unable to recover. This is the risk you take when you act without thought, so please just, take a moment to consider the consequences next time". And with that she relaxed, having said her piece, she considered the conversation done with. They would either heed her message or they wouldn't.

    She turned to Louie, "Louie, we'll compensate the cost of your suit okay, and we're going to arrange a meeting with the waitress so you can talk things out and apologise for what you said to her when you were angry." She then turned to Vandrad, "And I appreciate the fact you stood up for our guildmates, and I understand that you were defending yourself, just be mindful going forward okay. Not everyone gets to sock an Ace in the face and get away with it," A playful smirk would creep onto her lips and she would throw in a small wink to know that she wasn't upset about being accidentally knocked to the ground.

    "Anywaaay," She said, in a more easy tone, trying to move away from the tension. "I'm going to clean up this mess you boys made, you can either stay to help me or go rest your wounds - I don't mind either way. Oh, and consider yourselves both suspended from guild jobs for a week okay? Give you both a little time to cool off." She added casually, her eyes would glow for a moment and a golden Varja would appear in her hands. She would raise the metal device and balance it in her palm, the room around them would begin to shift. The spikes slowly sinking back into the floor, their matter changing under the influence of her magic as she magically reversed the damages done to the room.

    WC: 1141  Thread total: 9,546
    Tag: @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie


    Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators) 60582_s


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    In Progress Re: Affordable Lessons (Vandrad/Open to Spectators)

    Post by Louie 2nd August 2020, 8:54 am

    Right now, the very sound of Nessa's voice was aggravating. For a large portion of her lecture, the words went through one ear and out the other. Louie stood there, simmering like a scalding hot pot of water. There were so many pieces of filth like Vandrad in this country. Pigs who felt the need to come outside of their lanes. Barbarians who dared to challenge his very existence because their brawn had allowed them to. What is so terrible about being less than? Where is the difficulty in being inferior to himself? Why get so upset about a girl who deserved to die being told to? It wasn't a fever dream. It isn't nonsense. It's the truth. Why stand in the face of truth? The man who had assaulted him—Louie would not remember his name, but he would certainly remember what he must do to him.

    It was as if Louie could hear his own blood boiling as he stood there, glaring at his feet. He still couldn't believe it! How could he? How could he do something to someone so much better than him? He was jealous, wasn't he? Or maybe he was bored, standing up for a girl so obviously useless and unmissed. And Nessa, a dimwitted girl who was far more brainless than Louie gave her credit for. What made her think she had a right to step in? Wasn't it clear that Louie could handle it? Did she think so little of him—like the other filth?

    "Pftha... how ridiculous." chuckled Louie, although his face was still hard with a fit of intense anger, "Even after all of that, a little lecture and it's over with? Just like that? And to think that you looked down on me as you had... how mindless are you? Is that thick skull of yours full of air? Is there a brain there at all, or am I setting my expectations too high for you?" Louie looked at Nessa, his eyes charged with an indignant intensity. Why did she have to intervene? The blonde could've taken it! How could have faltered to such a disgusting man—not even a man—a piece of garbage? What felt the worst was not Vandrad's pathetic fit of anger and violent rampage, but the pity and maternal attitude that girl Nessa had towards it all. Who did she think she was? Who did she think he was?

    After a moment of silence, Louie perked up and began to storm off. "Keep your jewels, I don't want such a pathetic thing from this place, of all things. I'm Louie Calvin Klein, I don't need any of you." the blonde quipped, dusting what remained of his attire off, and left with only thoughts of anger plaguing his mind. How could they do something so atrocious?

    Louie wouldn't let it happen again. Ever again. There was no room on his stage for Vandrad, and yet he challenged that. He was a barbaric, filthy piece of trash who didn't know how to stay in his lane. He'd regret it. Louie guaranteed that. There was not a person on this planet who'd dare kill that man before he did. If he could do it once, twice, or even a hundred times, he could surely do it again to a man who very well deserved it.


    Post Word Count: 529 | Total Word Count: 10026 | Needed Word Count: 10000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Rien = nothing

    germe = germ



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