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    A Fortunate Valentine

    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer
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    A Fortunate Valentine Empty A Fortunate Valentine

    Post by Morgana Primrose 27th March 2020, 7:18 pm

    "Oop-" A clatterish crash of dishes would follow after a slip of tongue from the maid which worked at the company's convention headquarters. Giselle and another butler would be on top of one another, surrounded by a sea of broken glass from the pyramid of wine bottles that the former had been carrying to go with the decor a little ways away from the running chocolate fountain. On top of him would be a comically large pile of cake frosting that was once in the process of being transported into the kitchen before it had been so rudely interrupted.The brown color mashed almost well enough to hide the bald spot on the back of his steaming head.

    "Giselle! This is the seventh time this week!" the man nearly yelled at the top of his voice while Giselle would help herself to her feet. Of course, the difference in balance between them was...more than noticeable. Giselle likely would have been terrified, shaking in her heels while begging the man for another chance at proving her worth to the company had it not been for that demon in her having thrown that rubbish away long ago. At her scolding, Giselle seemed a bit rather uncaring if anything. Her mind was more focused on trying one of those eclairs that Daymond from the kitchen was trying to put and carry on a plate across the way. Of course, she did really need the money and did her best to feign an appearance of guilt. "My apologies, Monsieur Blacke. You cut me off at ze blind spot again. Ai promise it wo-" she was cut off by the man's finger forcing its way to her lips as a look of confusion was painted on those pristine, unaging cheeks of hers. The man in question, a short haired, auburn individual would rise to his feet himself while the buxom maid in front of her reached up to wipe away some chocolate frosting by his forehead. The movement was slow and calculated, with Giselle bringing her frosting stained finger back to her head while tasting the mixture with her sickly lavender shaded tongue. A few rolls of her tongue...and then she offered a toothy grin. "Mmm~" The french woman chuckled to herself while the enraged Mr. Blacke could only seethe in rage while the employee would simply grin at his misfortune. "Bitter...but delicious nonetheless~"

    Before a swing could be made, the manager would scurry out of the kitchen and get things back on track. He got two available and willing volunteers while he brought the two troublemakers back into a private area near the back entrance for staff. "I can't take it any longer!" Mr. Black said, his face now free of excess frosting much to Giselle's dismay. "Every week, there's at least one accident. First, the lights, then the stares from customers, and then the "incident." The woman in question would furrow her brows, as if she had been done a great disservice. In her defense, the bust made it incredibly hard to keep track of balance of both herself and whatever she might be carrying or holding. Her lips curled into a pout. "Ai didn't see anything in ze rules about buying cakes after a shift for consumption. Especially the one that you were saving." Another glare from the man before he continued. "This is completely unacceptable. We've had this talk three times now and still, this problem continues! If you don't pull her immediately I'll.." And so, Giselle's interest waned. The manager here was a real softie. A malleable little man whom she could just sweet talk into letting her stay. She simply waited and bided her time. She leaned back in her seat and put on the sweetest face that she could and waited. It was perfect, no amount of screaming could possibly get her-

    "FIRED?!" Giselle said in surprise, now standing outside of the company building after being escorted to the entrance. She stood outside, still in uniform but with her pin resting in the hands of the sorrowful manager, who offered her a show of sympathy. "I can't do anything about this, Giselle. My hands are tied. This tends to happen when you keep taunting the owner's son ruthlessly for days and days on end." The maid was still pouting in that high and might rich princess act that she was almost always in, but would break the facade now that a duty of servitude was seemingly coming to an end. "B-But zis isn't fair! He came out of the cubby where you can't see who's coméng! I'll...I'll work for free, oui? Just...I don't 'ave any where to go. Please give me un mairé chance!" The woman dropped to her knees and was begging at this point. The manager tried to pull himself away but was too slow. Giselle's hands had wrapped around his waist. "I...told you before. We can't keep doing this every time you want to torment him. I know he's an asshole, but he works hard and is worried about the event." A pregnant pause while Giselle would allow him to pry herself off of his body.

    "Look, I'll put in word with my contacts and maybe it'll pan out. Thank you for your service here and we wish you luck in future endeavors. I have to get back in there and prepare for our guests..."

    He left her as the door would close with a soft thud. Giselle stood outside, shocked at the sudden place of unemployment she had found herself in. She stood motionless for a few moments more until her stocking clad legs would mercifully take her across the way and down the steps leading up to the building. There went her meal ticket and home ever since her father's estate had finally been put up for sale. A bench lied nearby as she came to rest on it with a sullen face. No tears came out, not like they could anyway. No, she simply pouted at the man who had robbed her of a job and bed. It was taking everything she had to not just go back and tear this damned collar off and drain him of every last ounce of magic in his veins until he was nothing but the husk that belonged to a wealthy father. Even that part of her brain was egging her on. So maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. She hadn't taste that sweet nectar for quite some time now... While her mind sawed away at whether or not she should take a meal for the road, Giselle's head would be down and her uniform out and clear.

    WC: 1,114
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
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    A Fortunate Valentine Empty Re: A Fortunate Valentine

    Post by Sanguine 28th March 2020, 10:50 am

    ”Wait, the twins both called in sick today? Mistress Medeia had taken her maid on a job alone, Mistress Jennifer has hers doing lord knows what... Her majesty had Bertrand and Nadaline away with her for a trip in Hostia, taking a couple of the others along to help with the cleaning and training there...” Sanguine rattled off to a sharply dressed male in the room, standing on the other side of a desk from which had a number of inventory logs and various types of paperwork on her desk. It was her duty to keep things filed away, make sure all looted material had a place and was her own choice to record it for all to know. ”I’m afraid we’re in hot water, my friend. I know you and I take up the bulk of the work, but we should consider gaining more help. Should we have to train them, I suppose could be arranged.” She continued for a moment, standing up and brushing off her uniform flat down. ”Even with my owner off on a private excursion of her own, I find myself unable to stay on top of everything despite splitting it up evenly.”

    A sigh left her lips, shaking her head lightly and then giving off a small shrug. ”What might you suggest?” She looked to the Butler, whom smirked a little as if he had the idea, even if his eyes lingered down for just a brief moment. ”Hey! Eyes up here, pal! If you’re gonna look at mine, you best show off those muscles to me~” A teasing flirt at best, but hearing a suggestion of taking in the help of others whom are already of the working force for other people wasn’t bad. She had to think for a moment of where she could find- and then it hit her. There was an event going on in which she could observe the workers there, maybe find a couple unhappy participants and work her way into getting them aboard. Perhaps bring a couple back by force? It wasn’t really her style, but work was work.

    With a smile to her face, Sanguine had gotten herself freed from her work. Putting it off a day hurt her to do, but for reinforcements? It was well worth it. And such, she stopped her way into Oak town via her own flight. The availability to fly at her own whim was such a delightful thing. Usually in Oak, she would pick up books anyway, and perhaps a couple of new novels might keep her mind busy while Alexandra was away. Keeping a small humming to herself in a low, but musical tone, she continued to make her way to the library before hitting the event. Making sure to be prepared was something she wanted to be, but then, something caught her eye.

    ”A maid?”

    The muttered words from the ace left her lips softly. She was sullen, the look of sadness on her face brought a frown to her own. There was something more that was drawing the slayer to this girl, but she couldn’t place it. Perhaps the look on her face? Was it perhaps the shorter white hairs that framed her face, the maid attire coupled together with which she could see herself when she was first Grim’s maid. Time where she spent between happy to be freer than some, but still owned by another being none the less. Those times were harsh, something she hated even back then. But, it brought her some hope. Going from just a slave to a lover was something she never saw coming, but nothing she regretted or would change. Grim was her life, outside of this guild, she would still take the side of one over all, but her emotions were what would drive that choice and she couldn’t change her mind on it.

    Putting on a smile, the head maid took her chance and approached the bench the other had been resting on, seating herself down before resting her hands on her lap. Her head turned to face Giselle, a smile and a very cheerful look was about her face. Genuine to boot. ”I couldn’t help but notice you seem a little down, madam. Is everything ok?” She asked. Then, it hit again. That same sensation that coupled the desire to seek the maid out to begin with. Sure, she could ask now, but best to set a foundation than to simply try to slap walls and a roof on and call it a house. ”Maid’s have to try and stick together, right?~” The maid mused, giggling a bit. ”My name is Madison. Might I ask for yours as well?”

    784 words
    784/4000 words
    1,895 total word count


    A Fortunate Valentine JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Morgana Primrose
    Morgana Primrose

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer
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    A Fortunate Valentine Empty Re: A Fortunate Valentine

    Post by Morgana Primrose 30th March 2020, 9:59 pm

    It would be just a small and delicious snack, yes. Then she could go somewhere else. Start anew. Everybody moved place sin life eventually, hers would just be...different. As Giselle would mull about inside of her head, she would not have noticed the pair of feet slowly making their way towards her from afar. It was not until that the voice coming from in front of her that the woman's attention would return into the real world. Her pristine head of white hair slowly leaned back to catch the smile of another perfect being such as herself. She wore her snow white hair down long but otherwise looked somewhat alike to her. It was cute, in a sort of coincidental way. "Ah, so sorry, madame!" she said in that accent of hers, oozing with how foreign she must have been compared to everyone else. "Ai was so caught up een my own sorrows zat ai must 'ave not seen you before." The woman gave a curtsy that was drilled in her head from the literal years of working for the company. It only proved for the knife in her chest to be stuck even deeper. "Ai am Giselle. A...former worker from zee building nearby." Her soft voice convey her sullen mood, crossing her arms in front of her while leaning back in her chair. "Ai was just fired a few minutes ago. Ai've been with zem so long zat ai don't 'ave anywhere else to go."

    The first thing that the other maid out on the town might take of note if she was so inclined was...well, it was pretty obvious. The girl's figure left little to the imagination, particularly in the chest region. It was a pretty sour note for Giselle, who before the unfortunate circumstances which would not be spilled to an absolute stranger in the middle of the day, had a fairly mundane figure. Guess that was your reward for dealing with magic one should probably not be toying around with like it was just child's play. Fat and flesh stretch the fabric to its absolute limit. Giselle herself did not seem like she was particularly fond of the generous gift that some of the more ornery male customers would have tried to convince her otherwise. The second thing worth noting would be that little trickle of a more sinister magic coming from the woman clad in black and white. It was faint but still very noticeable indeed. Though it was weakened, as if held back by something or other. For now though, she just appeared as any other ordinary mage aside from that more demonic traces that were simply floating around her without a care in the world.

    "It's nice to make your acquaintance, Madison. Ai apologize for appearing so unprofessional to another maid." she gave her an understanding smirk but would house still some amount of insecurity about her future and where it would lie. The ends of her short white hair swung idly as Giselle spun back around to face the path leading to the campus as she stood beside Madison. "Fired on zee day of zee perfect mock wedding. Ai didn't even get to taste our centerpiece for zee event this month, Zee Seed of Yggdrassil. We have all been working since just last year when it ended. Gathering ingredients from as far as zee world stretches of zee greatest rarity. Eet is said zat even taking a bite of zee cake bestows good fortune to whomever would consume it." A pregnant pause while she looked down at her gloved hands still. "Ai couldn't even make eet as a mage. Ai tried just about every major guild but every time ai tried was the same answer. All for something ai can't even control. Fate eez a cruel mistress with an even crueler sense of humor, I suppose. I only really worked here because of working as a maid before. A worker saw me and offered a job to 'elp get someplace to eat and stay."

    Giselle shook her head and spun back around to face Madison with an apologetic look on her face. "Oh, look at me. Rambling een front of a stranger who could care less about some useless maid who couldn't make eet. Ai was just excited to taste a masterpiece zat ai helped to create. Zee artist's curse, non?" A brief giggle escaped her lips, Giselle still containing her smirk. Venting to this poor woman did help with alleviating that sadness, even just for a small amount of time. No doubt it would return, but time healed all wounds. "What business did you 'ave down here if ai may ask? Coming to partake een zee company's event no doubt? Just a stroll through zee woods on a mundane day such as zis?"

    WC: 1,114 + 802
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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:39 pm