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    Scarlet Snow

    Aspen Azarov
    Aspen Azarov

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Samurai Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 200,107

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip - Deus ex Machina
    Second Skill: Take-Over - Draconis
    Third Skill: Sanguine Avenger

    Scarlet Snow Empty Scarlet Snow

    Post by Aspen Azarov 14th January 2020, 11:07 pm

    Scarlet Snow GHxYWq2

    The salty scent of the sea lingered on the streets of Hargeon Town, even now when the entirety of the city was covered by an all-encompassing blanket of white, snow and ice sparing no surface. The people of Hargeon nonetheless appeared to be in a mood that was more than festive, groups of children, much to the annoyance of the townsfolk, making it a sport to battle each other and any random passerby with a pelting of snowballs. None of this, of course, mattered to Cassius, who neither paid much mind to the presence of the crashing waves nor the universal holiday cheer that had taken the people. The wraith had never actually been to Hargeon before, a fact that also mattered very little. He had only a single thing in mind now that his mission had been successfully completed, and that was receiving compensation for a job well done, as always. Gold was what he desired, the material drawing him to it in an almost unnatural way, but then again, little about the spirit was, in fact, natural. So little that even Cassius himself still didn't know why he existed or how he had come to be, pursuing every clue that could lead him to an answer with a semblance of interest, as much as was conventional for the wraith, but to very little avail, and while his objectives had changed somewhat now that he was part of the organization that called itself Hidden Blades, the range of emotions he felt had evolved not one bit.

    Currently disguised as a man he, and more importantly, perhaps, others from the guild had come to call "Revvy", the ghost wandered the main road that lead through Hargeon, snow crunching beneath the feet of the doll he possessed, his goal, naturally, leaving the boundaries of this settlement and make his way back to Crocus to report his accomplishment, although they probably already knew of it. As he had come to know, the resources of the organization he had joined seemed nigh limitless, the division they titled Supports especially taking great care to clean up after the wraith and some of the messes he tended to leave behind. The fact that Cassius wasn't exactly of the communicative kind meant that it was a wise idea to, understandably, keep an eye on the spirit and monitor him somewhat. Whether the guild actually did this or not, Cassius did not know and did not care. What he lacked in social skills he made up for in martial prowess, though, and arguably, that would undoubtedly be the only thing Hidden Blades would be interested in. That, and his loyalty, of course, which would lie with the organization as long as they kept providing him with the ideal environment for his work and an abundance of both material and means to expand his prized collection.

    More or less minding his own business, the wraith paid little attention to his surroundings, expecting to bother no one and not be bothered in return when, unceremoniously, the object he was currently inhabiting was lifted off the ground by a mighty blow paired with a thundering roar, the velocity and momentum of the swing sending him flying into a nearby stall that, as a result of his hard impact, collapsed down onto him. Certainly, any organic creature would have suffered from immediate and intense damage, probably not escaping without broken bones or ruptured organs. Luckily, that was not a factor for the wraith, who simply raised himself from the rubble, a few scratches on the artificial skin of the puppet under his command, now seeing the thing had delivered the blow he had suffered, laying metaphorical eyes on a monstrous gorilla-like ape, its body covered in white fur and eyes practically alight with rage. The creature unleashed another roar, dissatisfied with the fact that its victim had survived the attack, before charging at the wraith, drawing its fist back for a wide swing aimed at Cassius.

    The wraith, however, as opposed to the last punch, was prepared for this next attack, catching the fist with his own hand and bringing his own monstrous strength to bear. Pushing against the Yeti, the two were locked in a stalemate, fist against fist, but the spirit, of course, relied on more than just his bare hands to do his job. Reaching out and summoning a massive greatsword into his free hand, the wraith unceremoniously rammed the blade into the ape's arm, a loud cry of agonizing pain ripping through the quickly emptying street. With a spat of crimson, Cassius pulled out the weapon, leaving a behind a gaping wound, only to feel the creature's grip relent, dashing forward and slamming the sword into the mosnter's gut, pulling back and repeating the process. The snow around him was covered red with violent spurts of red liquid, the raging Yeti tumbling before him and then finally collapsing onto its feet. With one swift strike, the wraith would decapitate the creature, leaving its body to sink to the stained pavement like a toppling sack of potatoes. This, though, didn't make him any smarter. Shouldering the weapon, the wraith wondered what exactly had made this thing attack him in the first place, Cassius now hyperaware of the area around him beginning to scan for more targets to confirm whether or not his immediate surroundings were clear, a single, red eye glowing faintly underneath his mask.

    Word Count: 907
    Word Count Total: 907 / 1,500

    1x Yeti Defeated



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
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    Scarlet Snow Empty Re: Scarlet Snow

    Post by Jester 15th January 2020, 7:40 am

    I thought that you'd want what I want, Sorry, my dear
    But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns...

    Composure was quite a fickle thing, such a necessary tool for a man such as himself, yet so difficult to grasp. Like wisps of smoke, as you desperately clawed for it, it's misty tendrils would dance through your fingers like a mischievous imp escaping your hungry clutches. It had evaded him for quite some time now since the last seasonal celebration put together by this pitiful organisation. His mind had come undone again, and it had taken even longer to put the puzzle back together. Weeks upon weeks of seclusion curled up in that place, unseen by the world that knew him. Slowly but surely his mind had begun to return to it's more, cohesive state, although it was by no means comforting to the clown. He loathed this side of himself, the side those monsters had created with that selfish games and their merciless hands. He could contain it, but only for so long and the longer he contained this berserk nature, the longer he would lose himself when he fell to it. All those broken toys, dolls with their heads snapped clean off, cars crushed under the pounding of his fists, soldiers set alight in a blaze of hatred. It would take months to undo the damage he'd done.

    A test. A test of composure, risky but necessary, could he hold out? After returning to the world in which 'Jester' existed, he had taken some time to investigate what had occurred that night. Horror and bloodshed, violent with little artistic flair. That side of himself, he was so untactful, so unimaginative. It was a stain on the man he wished to be. But there was little he could do to undo what had occurred, and so he made a plan. First, he would be sure his mind was ready for this return, and then once this was clarified. Well then, it was time to go on a hunt. He needed to dabble it a habit that was quite therapeutic to him, he needed a new game to play. Once that would build into a crescendo of pain and suffering that would elicit the most exquisite sense of satisfaction.

    Which was why, once the news had gotten out that there was another festival to be had, he quickly prepared himself for the celebratory event. He had put on something rather plain and uninteresting. A black shirt, dark denim jeans and normal shoes. A grey scarf wrapped around his neck and his hair styled in a plain, relaxed fashion. He looked nothing like his usual self, instead, he was rather akin to that person. The man whom he resembled so keenly, a fact the clown could not escape, nor did he try to. He had loved his papa after all... hadn't he? It was strange, the man he both loved and perhaps hated, although he'd never asserted that fact, was the form he felt more containable in. As himself, as Jester, he took greater pleasure yet he could barely control his urges, his sinister desires exploded out of him in a playful, quirky nature. Yet, like James, it was different. James was boring, plain, and rather... normal. As James, he was less likely to unfold into chaos, a prudent necessity to ensure this test was successful.

    There was another feature he'd accommodated, a small detail, one that would add to his calm state of mind. See there one another factor privy to these place, one that he wasn't entirely sure this ulterior appearance would make much of a difference. With festivals, often came despicable creature, running around with reckless abandon, causing trouble wherever they ventured with little care or consideration for their actions. Things that often erupted with hyena-like giggles that if persistent sent him into an unbearable rage, the sound a familiar anchor to the past that so brutalised him. Laughing children. Which was exactly why a pair of black earphones fitted themselves into each of his ears, wires are hidden under his scarf, dangling down into his jean pocket where a LacPod sat. Instead of festival cheer, laughing kiddies and Christmas music, all his could hear was classical music. The soft melodic sounds of The Swan by Saint-Saens helping maintain a state of calm. Why this music? Well, there was a reason, but he wouldn't think of that, of her. Not right now, after all, he wanted calm, not melancholy.

    After first arriving at the festival held in Hargeon, he'd spent a good while wandering around, keeping things explorative rather than engaging in anything. It had been acceptably calm, albeit a little dull, after an hour he decided that it was time to engage in some activity or another, something to occupy him and would immerse himself a little more into the festival itself. It would not take him long to find a suitable activity, something immersive yet not too excitable in nature. Not too dissimilar to what he'd already been doing, renting some skates, he skating around for a while. It was a little more... irksome than before. There we're more children here, but he was skilled enough on the ice to flit around them with grace and precision. His music still drowning out the sounds around him. It was pleasant, he skated a lot as a child, he remembered it well, fondly even. After a suitable time, he stepped off the ice, pleased with the result. That had been an acceptable outcome, perhaps he could try engaging in a little more. Something similarly involved, if this went well, then perhaps he would even be ready to return to Erring's Rising soon. After he'd found a target and indulged in a nice game of cat and mouse, he didn't wish to find his target today, he needed to be sure he was in the right frame of mind first. Trying to hunt when he was frazzled led to mistakes and anomalies in the results, this would not do.

    He would soon find another option, watching from afar as individuals worked at carving forms out of ice. Curious. He often enacted something like this, although he likes to work with wood, stone and sometimes plastic. Never had he tried carving into ice, intrigued, he approached the creative station. Stopping on the way at a stool next to it selling hot chocolate and similar warm drinks. He purchased a super-sweet candied-flavour hot-chocolate, the salesperson attempting to warn him of its sweetness. Although his earphones allowed him to feign indifference, besides, he knew what his preferences were. For a clown such as himself, the sweeter the better. Taking the drink with him, he made his way over to his assigned block of ice. Eying it with a distinctively analytical gaze as in him mind an image began to take shape, ideas formulating, the mechanics of how to begin, where to carve setting in. With a sip of his drink, he would place the drink down on a wooden post, collecting his chisel and hammer he would quickly get to work.

    He soon lost himself to the craft, his mind finding a peaceful focus between the combination of throwing himself into work and the sounds being played delicately into his ears. He was so enraptured by what he was doing, he almost didn't notice the chaos that occurred nearby, had it not be the bustling of movement around him, he may not have paused to look. He turned to see what everyone was staring out, picking up his drink casually as he did so. A small break to watch whatever drama was happen was warranted at this point. His golden gaze fell on the monsters that ravaged the festival, an assortment of wintery beasts. He cocked his head, remembering that this was something that often happened at festivals such as these. Something about the gathering of human prey and fluctuations of seasonal magic seeming to lure out such beasts.

    He made no move to help, nor flee, instead, the red-head simply watched the chaos. Trying to assess how he felt about it, did this disturb his sense of calm? Not quite, it seemed his mind was rather accepting of this plot twist. In fact, the violence felt rather familiar to witness, relaxing almost. His attention was drawn to one individual who unlike the rest of the humans had decided to engage in the beasts. He was a skilled individual, fascinating to watch as he tore apart the yeti that he fought with ease despite its stature and strength. Sated that he knew the outcome of this first, he'd return his attention to the ice sculpture, working away once more, whilst occasionally glancing over to the fellow to watch him fight.

    WC: 1450 | Tag: @Cassius @Tokens: 5/5 [Iceskating, Hot choc and Ice sculpting in progress] By Jester
    Monsters defeated: 1x Yeti by Cassius


    Aspen Azarov
    Aspen Azarov

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Samurai Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 162
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 200,107

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip - Deus ex Machina
    Second Skill: Take-Over - Draconis
    Third Skill: Sanguine Avenger

    Scarlet Snow Empty Re: Scarlet Snow

    Post by Aspen Azarov 16th January 2020, 7:14 am

    Scarlet Snow GHxYWq2

    And indeed, it seemed that despite the brutal show of force from the wraith, targets were still present, abundant even. From every corner, every nook and cranny, another miscreant seemed to emerge, driven by desires entirely unknown to Cassius, though one thing remained more than clear. If these creatures behaved in a manner that hindered the wraith in his objective he would exterminate them without mercy or care. Currently, the swarm of monsters was evidently hostile, and the first of them had paid the price. Now faced with a small group of humanoids that had appeared from seemingly nothing in the snow around the spirit, strange noises, like a rustle of shattered shards of glass echoing from the Ice Elementals as they summoned weapons of pure frost to their side. The wraith tilted his head. If it was a fight these creatures wanted then Cassius would, indifferently as ever, fulfill their wish. His arms at his side, his hands formed cramped claws as the magic circulated through his artificial body that substituted for a real one, armor alight with embers first engulfing his hands and arms, then gradually taking over his body, molding it into a slightly different shape as he possessed another spirit

    Similarly, the blade within his grasp was set ablaze with the roaring storm of fire, Cassius dashing forward with characteristic speed, efficiency, and precision. A wide swing of the blazing sword practically disintegrated the first Ice Elemental, its form scattering into a million pieces when it hit. The monster wasn't alone, though, the other two elementals immediately beginning their own attack on each of the wraith's flanks. An icy spear hit Cassius' armor, the spirit, of course, not sensing any damage or pain from the impact, though the attack would surely leave a scratch on the metal, a fact that filled him with an immediate and burning wrath. Unceremoniously, the wraith extended his hand, clasping the elemental's head within the grip of his armored glove before crushing it between his fingers, a swarm of burning ash and cinder exploding from his grasp as the creature evaporated. With the last elemental now being isolated, Cassius spun around, blocking another strike with a spear using the hilt of his blade, catching it and pulling it around and down before crushing it with his foot, bringing the blade up and driving it straight through the last elemental in a single, fluid motion.

    With this, the threat to his person theoretically should've been dealt with, though little metallic dinks on the wraith's armor alerted him to the opposite, finding himself surrounded by some kind of insect-like creature once again. If the wraith had been anyone else he probably would have made no secret of any perceived annoyance, a heavy sigh would have left his lips, perhaps, but Cassius was different. There was no annoyance to begin with, only unadulterated rage and aggression. WIth a heavy thrust, the wraith slammed his sword into the ground, a burst of flame and heat washing over everything nearby, melting the snow around him and staining the ground black, the little ice scorpions burning away in the blink of an eye.

    And yet, there was one more thing Cassius had to contend with, a massive golem formed of ice and snow barreling towards him from another end of the street. The wraith lost no time, extending his other hand forward to summon a second sword into his grasp, the two he carried appearing nearly identical, though this one, as opposed to flame, was steeped in dark, sinister energies, shadow circulating around the blade like black smoke. With a flash of darkness, Cassius vanished, the shift through space propelling him to the Snow Brute in an instant, the armored revenant sliding across the icy ground below the creature, passing through the space between its legs and dragging one of the blades through the equivalent of the creature's foot. The imbalance threatened to topple the monster, but Cassius was faster, a defiant roar from the Snow Brute the last thing it could do before both swords sliced through its body of snow and ice like knives through butter, Cassius, with a few precise strikes, dicing the golem, turning what was a monstrosity just moments before into nothing but a regular pile of snow. Looking around and realizing that it seemed like the danger had, for the moment, at least, been suspended, the blades, as well as the armor on Cassius, dissipated, the wraith immediately turning around to resume the pursuit of his original intention, though not without acknowledging the fact that all of this had been not much more than a waste of time and resources.

    Word Count: 779
    Word Count Total: 1,686 / 1,500

    1x Yeti Defeated
    1x Snow Brute Defeated
    3x Ice Elemental Defeated
    10x Ie Scorpions Defeated


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
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    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Scarlet Snow Empty Re: Scarlet Snow

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 16th January 2020, 7:44 am

    Rolling for Ice Sculpting Result.

    Edit :: Wrong account oops. For Nessa's alt Jester.

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 16th January 2020, 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total


    Scarlet Snow 60582_s


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    Scarlet Snow Empty Re: Scarlet Snow

    Post by NPC 16th January 2020, 7:44 am

    The member 'Nessa Cordelia Lux' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Scarlet Snow OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
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    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Scarlet Snow Empty Re: Scarlet Snow

    Post by Jester 16th January 2020, 9:41 am

    I thought that you'd want what I want, Sorry, my dear
    But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns...

    Perhaps it was the distraction of the fighting going on in the distance, perhaps the violent had inclined him to be slightly more heavy handed that he intended. However, whatever the reason, as the end of the chisel's blade hit the ice, a larger section than he'd initially intended to carve slid off of the ice mount crashing into the snowy floor. He eyed in for a moment, his face rather blank, assessing his feelings about this. Irksome. He looked at the ice once more, it was significantly reduced in size now, there was no way he could create the same sculpture as before. It took a few minutes for him to figure out a new shape in his mind, even with this small hiccup he could still made it work. He glanced back over to the fight, know wielding a sword of fire as he rushed upon what looked like Ice Elementals. He watched for a moment, before returning his gaze to the Ice sculpture losing himself once more. Amidst all the chaos and screaming and violence, his hands would move with grace and skill as he chipped away at the ice. And just as the fighting came to an end, so did his craft. He pocketed the tools, decided he would take them with him as a little memento. Grabbing his drink, he would admire the sculpture for a moment. It's delicate curves, the exceptional detail, even the sadness in her eyes of the small girl, knelt down looking in horror and despair. He knelt down and with his finger traced a single word into the snow, before standing once more and walking away. Leaving the statue behind with those six letters etched into the ground.



    WC: 290 Jester's Total WC: 1740 / 1500 | Tag: @Cassius @Tokens: 5/5 [Iceskating, Hot choc and Ice sculptins] By Jester
    Monsters defeated: 1x Yeti,  1x Snow Brute, 3x Ice Elemental, 10x Ice Scorpions by Cassius


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