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    Start of something special (Inv)

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 3rd December 2019, 8:27 pm

    Post word: #666
    Self written: #666
    Total written: #666/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____Aiding other guild members was not exactly Grim's personal choice, sometimes sure she took a fondness to some of the girls that joined and other-times really took a liking to them. This time was different as she had not yet met the girl she was to have on a job with her. She knew it was a female after reading the job information, and was allowing such a demand to help someone she did not know slide due to such thing.

    _____Keeping to the higher area of the main hall where she and the other person taking on the quest would be meeting to get a first look at the one she was teamed with. Sure she could have done the same thing from the first floor, but this allowed her a better view of things she enjoyed to check out and kept her from getting called out on such. It was sort of why she was almost known to be perched on the railing looking down and eating an apple or some fruit she scavenged to enjoy along with the view.

    _____When the person she was suppose to meet arrived, mostly going off the vibe she was getting she hopped off the railing with a light sigh. She was hopeful for someone a bit older to be honest, maybe one she could play with after the work was done. But just from seeing the doll with the girl she very quickly labeled her a child and was left without the fun she wanted for later unless she considered a few years to be possible option.

    "Take it you are the person going with me to crash a wedding?~"

    _____Grim spoke up from behind the young girl, her attire changing from the usual ghostly robes she wore with a sudden snap of her fingers into a formal grey dress. She had a personal issue against pure white, and seeing as it was a wedding she would very much stand out if she picked black. Mumbling a bit to herself as she made the dress a bit more of a silver or very light grey to hopefully reduce how much she stood out. Then again pale skin, crimson hair, and venom green eyes did that well enough as she eyed the girl up and down quickly with a smile.

    "Please tell me your not just some kid trying to make a point to some boy you can be a mean bad girl?~ I really hate pretenders!"

    _____Grim's magic flickered around her filling the air with the smell of rotting skin as she glared the girl down testing her resolve. Moving closer and if the girl got nervous and started to back away Grim would try to route her towards a wall and get within a few inches of her face leaning towards the girl. Holding it for a moment before backing away and moving to set up a way to the job the best way she could, with rift magic.

    _____Humming low as she cut the air with her hand and formed a magic circle around it before a door would emerge and open overlooking the village off in the distence as Grim walked in with a light yawn. Hand waving for the girl to follow, and if she seemed against it due to how Grim had acted so far the reaper's shadow would peel from the ground and start pushing the girl to follow had she not chosen to do so willingly. Soon after the blackened figure soaked back into the ground behind Grim resuming the shape of her shadow.

    "We have some walking to do, the best way to avoid people knowing we come from out of town is to act natural while returning aka entering it. So hurry along, doubt you being pushed along by a shadow would sit well with locals much more on a day of someone's wedding.~" Grim mused as she walked calmly along the main road into the village humming.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,255

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 3rd December 2019, 10:06 pm

    It wasn't very normal for Silvia to work with strangers. Not because of the fact that she didn't need them, but more so the fact that she didn't want them. Her social awkwardness was extremely high, but after dealing with someone as big a personality as Odhran, she highly doubted the next person could be worse. So, when she was forced to do a job with one of the higher ups in the guild, she complied. Either way, it came with her higher ranking, which meant that she couldn't refuse no matter how much she wanted to. It wasn't as though she was trying to prove something to her guildmates, but she at least wanted them to respect her enough for them to know that she means business.

    She had received information on where to meet her partner. It was a spot in the main hall, where there were numerous floors. However, there weren't many people there. At this time of day, people were either out on jobs, or asleep, preparing for nighttime jobs. Some other people though were there lounging around, laughing with the friends they made through the guild. As Silvia stood there watching them, she looked down towards Selena, and said to her, "Sometimes, I wish we had more friends. It's mostly my fault, but I'm hoping to make it up to us by doing something with someone else. Who knows, maybe she'll be friendly."

    With these words said, a lady appeared behind the two of them. She then yelped as she took a step back from her. All of a sudden, the clothes that Silvia had been wearing turned into a silvery dress. This made her feel extremely uncomfortable, as her pale body was finally seeing the light. She mostly wanted to isolate herself from others, so she tried her best to cover herself up so that people would walk right by her. Now though, she was open to the public. She seemed like she was you're average 16 year old girl, ready to go out on a date. In confusion, she looked up at the crimson haired woman in front of her. Something about her eyes made Silvia cower, wondering how someone could have such a color.

    As she stuttered, trying to come up with questions, or statements, or whatever, the woman before her spoke. It seemed to be her partner, and she did not seem pleased with Silvia's age at all. Silvia looked down at Selena, hoping that the doll would give her the courage to stand up for herself. As a pulse of dark energy came from it, she felt a bit of confidence in herself that let out words she was not expecting. "Of course I'm not a stupid little brat. I have my reasons for coming here, and I know for sure that you do too. So, before you go questioning my abilities, remember that I'm apart of this guild for a reason. Obviously I'm not as high ranked as you, but I'm working my way up. Got that? Great." With that, her mouth instantly closed shut. She took in a deep gulp, wondering where that had come from. She then looked down towards the ground, trying not to embarrass herself anymore.

    So, with the woman opening a portal to their destination, Silvia felt inclined to walk in. She definitely didn't want to be on the bad side of someone who exuded as much magical energy as she did. Especially not at the level she was at. Her magic was weak at the moment, meaning that she needed to train up her skills before she could ever stand up for herself against someone like her again. Though, depending on if her mouth acted up again, she might not get that option to stay reserved. As she went through the other side, she followed the Crimson haired woman silently, hoping that she wouldn't ask her anything.

    wc: 655

    Last edited by Silvia on 9th December 2019, 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 3rd December 2019, 11:50 pm

    Post word: #542
    Self written: #1208
    Total written: #1,863/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____Grim smiled at how the girl reacted, her word choice would have gotten her a kiss on the cheek had she been a bit older. Settling for just a playful pat on the head as the other girl exited the portal and Grim closed it behind them to ensure it did not draw needless attention. Humming as she started to work on her own outfit, waving her hand as she kept making changes and revisions unable to decide what era she wanted to showcase. Going for a bit of a older choice, adding more frill and detail to the border stitching with gold and red tones she mused happily at the result.

    _____Hands moved down to her side as her hair would drift around and begin to braid itself and make her appear more human and proper, soon followed by her skin tone gaining a light shade of pale and her eyes shifting to a more dulled green. The ability to make sure she did not stand out was key as always, sure she would make sure the guild was known to be there, but it falling back on her personally was not in the plan she drawn thus far.

    _____As they got closer to the village Grim could not help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her, the whole scene sort of reminded her of back when Sanguine was still younger and Grim dragged the girl along for a job dressed as a cat maid. The reaper looking over for a moment at Silvia before briefly changing the dress she had given the girl into a cat maid outfit, humming and looking it over for a moment, and eventually swapping the girl back to the dress with a light sigh.

    "Sanguine wore it better when she was your age.~ You pin me more for a bunny girl?~ Would you like to try such an outfit on?~ I assure you I'll keep it modest... mostly anyways.~"

    _____Grim mused her words as she looked over to the girl who seemed to not like Grim thus far, not something the reaper was a stranger towards. She could easily just try and trick the girl's mind into being more then happy to be around her with a bit of magic, or more then such but she figured such was rude on a first date so to speak as she chuckled a bit and held her hand to show she would very much be happy to change the girl's outfit again should she desire it or not speak against the idea.

    _____Grim, at her core loved to play around with other girls, sure she was more of the behind closed doors type of play the best but the casual girl fun and close friend type was also never anything short of a good time. As they got closer to the location of the wedding though Grim's games would stop, had the outfit been changed it would swap back to the dress, and Grim seemed to be dead focused on the couple to be as rage seemed to ooze off her skin. the bottom of her dress begun to cloud with blackened smoke as bolts of grey magic arced around it like a storm cloud.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:

    Last edited by Grim Reaper on 11th December 2019, 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing word count)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,255

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 4th December 2019, 11:33 pm

    As Silvia had been walking down the road, she kept her head down. She felt like she was a deer in the headlights, waiting to be ran over by her job partner. It wasn't that she didn't like the woman. It's just that she felt fear when she was approached by her. Whether it be because of the fact that her magic levels were high, or her presence in general was just high was very unknown. All she did now, was that there was no reason to fight her.

    So, as the woman changed her clothes through magic, Silvia just kept her mouth shut. Even as she was changing the clothes on Silvia once more. This time though, she had put her in some kind of maid outfit. This made her extremely uncomfortable, as her cheeks turned a bright red. This woman was pushing her past her levels of comfort. Things she had never thought she'd have to do. All Silvia could do though, was just sit there, trying her best not to anger the woman. She didn't know how the woman would react if she got angry, but Silvia was surely not going to like it when she did.

    After only a few moments, Grim changed Silvia's clothing back to the dress she wore before. Which, Silvia had a new appreciation for. Grim then criticized Silvia's appeal, making her feel brought back to times of loneliness as a younger girl. Those times where people would call her weird, or whisper bad things about her behind her back. The only good thing she could say about the experience so far, was that the woman could at least speak her mind. She gave zero shits about what anyone thought about her. Sure, that wasn't too far fetched for a darkie, but she wasn't as confident as some, or as explicit as others. That was probably one of the only things she could like about the woman.

    As she was thinking about all these things, Grim had changed her clothing into a bunny maid outfit. This one was a bit more revealing than the cat outfit, making Silvia want to yelp out. However, she tried to stay strong, knowing that the road to their location wouldn't be much farther. She took in a deep gulp of air, and tried to shake off the distress she was feeling.

    Once they had reached the location, Silvia saw as Grim became overcome with anger. For whatever reason, something had made her seem extremely angry. Silvia had no idea why she did it, or what would even happen to make her feel that way. She took a step back, realizing that she was right not to get on the woman's dark side. Magic was exuding from her, and causing storm clouds to circle around her. Silvia didn't know what this woman's magic was, but she had trained it well. Without it even doing anything, it still exuded a power that brought fear into the people around it.


    Last edited by Silvia on 9th December 2019, 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 5th December 2019, 1:10 am

    Post word: #473
    Self written: #1681
    Total written: #2,838/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____The wedding seemed to have been mostly over, by the time Grim and Silvia had arrived it seemed to be the last few moments, Grim's hand turning upward and rising at her side to point towards the bride and then slowly closing her grip, the shadows around her seeming to pull closer together leading towards the woman as the reaper hummed lightly. It was the perfect timing to be honest, right as she was about to say her "I do" back before she was dropped into the shadows and vanishing for the moment.

    "Hello, I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but there is one thing your beloved forgot to mention.~"

    _____Grim mused as she chimed up to get the attention of the group. Hand shifting to point at where the bride had been before the Shadows seemed to spit her back out dawning a maid outfit. Not long after she would look around before rushing over to Grim's lowered hand and sitting in-front of the Reaper who looked down at the female and then back to the group. The bride smiling as she rose and began to lick and kiss Grim's hand.

    "She is mine now.~ As for the rest of you, I give two choices. If you are a woman you may leave, or you will become maids and residents of Helheim. If you are male, you may die, or become woman and serve the residents of Helheim.~"

    _____Alexandra chimed as she moved her hand to pull the Bride up and french kiss her calmly as the groom seemed to be the first to take action. Watching the Groom out of the corner of her eye as her hand rose and a black sphere shot forward almost instantly and just as quickly as the orb had appeared the chest of the groom was blown out entirely. The body dropping just shy of Grim as she finished the kiss and looked back to the remaining group as she held the Bride in front of her and rested her head on the shoulder.

    "Sorry but the one close to the heart I can not permit to stay with you.~" - "That is fine master, you are the only one left in my heart.~ Thank you for the gift of serving you.~"

    _____Humming happily as she placed a kiss along the Bride's neck and moved her focus to the remainder of the wedding guest as they got ready to fight while some started to run to the other possible exits. A slow glance over to Silvia to see what the woman might think, or be doing now that the job has started. The wedding was already crashed, and from what Grim could sense only four mages posed much real issue for her. It was time for Helheim to get some new residents.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:

    Last edited by Grim Reaper on 11th December 2019, 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing word count)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,255

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 5th December 2019, 6:25 am

    As Silvia saw Grim begin her work on the crowd, she thought that it would be good for her to allow Grim too see that she wasn't just any teenage girl. In agreeance with her thoughts, Selena gave off a pulse of dark energy. However, the dark energy wasn't just for that, it was also sent out to show the doll's need for blood to be spill. Like always, Silvia would agree, not only because Selena was her friend, but because Silvia had her own reasons for doing the killing herself.

    After a few months of being Selena's puppet in killing, Silvia had started to create reasonings for her kills. She created a moral compass that gave her a reason to do these killings. She may have been a killer, but that didn't mean she didn't have her reasons for doing so. She wasn't like most other villains, in which they did whatever the hell they wanted to whoever they wanted. There was one type of person she would never kill, and that was children and teens. However, if these teens were too much of adults, then she would do what she did to all other adults. As children grow into adults, they lose their freedom, and if a teen loses that freedom to have fun and do what they want, they will never get that back. So, to end the misery of that adult, and those teens is crucial into creating the utopia without rules, just freedom.

    So, as Grim had finished speaking, people began to run towards the exits of the area. However, Silvia took this moment to show her power. There were three exits in the area, and the people trying to run towards them seemed pretty even. Looking at them, she created a single earth thread, and sent it out towards a random exit, saying out loud, "Hey, let's play a little game! Whoever is in the area of where my thread lanes will die. Sounds like a fun way to end you're life." With the thread finally hitting the ground, the women looked at it, knowing what was about to happen. "Now, I'm not as lenient as my guild mate over here. She may have her morales, or whatever they are, but I also have mine too. Your children will be allowed to leave, but not you. With this thought process in mind, she reacted an elemental thread of both earth and fire in her hands. As she slammed her hands together, they mended into one thread that flew into the sky. It then split apart and rained down upon the women as Silvia said, "Weave Art: Meteor Shower!" The threads then collided with the women in the area, making dents in their bodies they wouldn't survive. As the wall broke, the children ran out of the area, both crying and scared.

    Now that she had finished up her business, she looked over to Grim, seeing if the woman was satisfied. She had also wondered what they were going to do next. She sensed powerful magical signals in the area, but she couldn't tell from who they were coming from, and what Grim would do to them. All she could wait for was the command from her superior

    wc: 544

    Last edited by Silvia on 9th December 2019, 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 5th December 2019, 9:44 am

    Post word: #616
    Self written: #2297
    Total written: #3,998/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____Seeing how Silvia acted was rather entertaining to say the least. A small smile across her face as the girl reminded her of someone else she met in the past. What was in issue was how Grim could not voice such thing as she pulled the Bride close and had her scythe burst from the shadows and start to spin overhead to project a shield as two spells blasted into the defenses. The flesh and bone scythe slowing the spin and dropping to Grim's side as the reaper laughed and kissed the bride on the cheek again watching the anger in the two figures who had attacked.

    "Does not seem like your parents agree to how happy you are now darling.~"

    _____The Bride turned red and tried to stay close to Grim as the reaper moved to lead the stronger mages away. This was mostly because all five knew darn well a fight with others around would limit them and Grim would be free to lash out as nobody there but Silvia seemed on the woman's team willingly. Chuckling as she picked up that from the four that followed her onto the dance floor as the reaper snapped her fingers to start the music and her scythe spun at the ready.

    "I'll be a bit busy, Mind handing some of the others while I hand these four little shy cat-bunny?~"

    _____Grim spoke over while looking at Silvia for the moment before she moved the Bride away enough to start a slow dance with the woman. If the other girl looked closely at the reaper she would see only her left hand had to move to control her scythe as it spun and shot forward at one of the two males that followed her over to the dance floor. The dodge it, and to be fair not like Grim was out to kill them as she moved her feet and her hand lower on the Bride to keep up the slow dance that held most her focus.

    "Get your hand off my daughter bitch!" - The man Grim had the joy of aiming shouted as he tried to rush forward only for the woman who had been with him most this time to stop him before a column of black fire shot in front of them. - "Good level head choice madam.~ But you won't stand a chance if you can't reach me on the floor, and once this song is over the honeymoon begins if memory of weddings is correct.~"

    _____Grim laughed as she twirled the Bride and kept dancing with the woman. The once wooden dance floor covered in black smoke to hide the magic mines left around and shifting. Grim was a monster in more then just her mental state but also how she fought foes. At any moment she could have used her strongest spell without warning and level the wedding hall, but she chose to play with her prey. Silvia was not the only one playing a game. What drew a scorn across the Reaper's face was the spark of someone's desire to call off the dark mages they had hired.

    _____Arm moving off the Bride's waist towards the location of the person before a skull of smoke ripped across the air trapping the figure within the mouth and staying there. The spell keeping the female from being heard or helped but alive until Grim decided what fate would befall that one. Moving the arm back as she enjoyed the dance while the four mages she was up against devised what anyone with half a mind could tell was a plan of approach. Grim looked forward to crushing that hope they had.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:

    Last edited by Grim Reaper on 11th December 2019, 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing word count)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : The Doll's Puppet
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,255

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 6th December 2019, 1:06 am

    Silvia looked at Grim, nodding her head in compliance with what the woman said. Although Silvia wanted to take a stab at the stronger elderly mages, she would listen to Grim completely. There was no use in fighting her, let alone defy her word. So, as she saw her go away from the area they were in, she left Silvia to fight alone. Looking around now, she saw that the people that didn't leave were still there. They were mortified, but most importantly, angry. There were very few wedding guests still in the area. However, the staff was a different story. It seemed like they were dedicated to their jobs, to the point that it was sad. They were willing to risk their lives just for a silly loyalty that kills your childhood.

    So, as she looked around, she saw the staff members all look at each other in agreement. There was an arrangement of them, such as florists, chefs, and priests. With this, the chefs rushed towards Silvia with ladles in their hand. These weren't just any ladles though, they exuded magical power from them. Though, they weren't too much of a problem. As Silvia casted her meteor shower spell, they were struck down as quickly as they rushed towards her. The priests that were still in the area at the time, they were trying their best to heal the wounds on the chefs, not realizing how their lives were taken from them already. She watched them as they shouted out to hear cries of agony, questioning why they were doing this to people like them. Silvia had a simple answer, "Well, because it's just fun. Sure, us darkies have our side goals, but at the end of the day, we find joy in killing."

    They looked up at her, tilting their heads in confusion. It was as though they couldn't believe the words that had just came out of her mouth. Though, they wouldn't be able to really question her anymore, because after only a few short moments, Freya had sent out 6 different elemental threads to the enemies around her, piercing through their skin, and taking their lives. It was funny; the priests were supposed to be healers, presenters of new life. Now, they were corpses on the ground, ready to give way to the next generation of children. The ones that would be carefree. No one to set rules for them, whether through religion, government, or whatever else. Hopefully, Silvia's goal will come closer and closer to being true.

    The florists looked around at the dead bodies that laid before Silvia. It was as though they didn't know what to do, but Silvia knew that they had magic in them. They all had a magical signature to them that was similar in strength to Silvia's. However, they seemed to shocked to actual use them. Silvia didn't like this very much, because if they were going to stay and fight, that was what they needed to do. Emotions get in the way of too much sometimes, and she knew this to be especially true. If they were ever going to beat her, they would need to lose their fear and fight. With this, she created a whirlpool with her magic that took all the florists in the area, as they were dragged towards the center. Some of them had lost all their fight, and sunk down into the whirlpool, slowly losing air.

    Two of them had finally came to their senses. As they created large vine like tentacles to come out of the ground, they lifted themselves up from the whirlpool with anger on their faces. As Silvia looked at them, she smiled. Although they had gone past fear, anger wasn't any better. When you were angry, you were irrational. So, as tentacles grew all around Silvia, they closed in on her, trying to crush her body from the pressure. Of course, what the florists didn't know, was that she had something that was stronger than nature...fire. She formed a fire thread in her hand, as she threw it out, focusing on the explosion and it's focus on the vines, not her. The thread then exploded, burning away the vines that had been there.

    Now, she could see the florists and they were surprised. It seemed as though their strongest spell had not worked against her. Now they were stuck. They were lost on what to do, and they stood there, accepting what was about to happen. Silvia frowned, and said to them, "You were so close to being free of emotion and care, but I guess it's true...adults can never be as free as children. I pity you, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you. I need to cleanse the world of all those who can't let freedom run through." With that being said, she created 6 random elemental threads around her, and sent them right towards the two florists. Like with how the priests died, the florists died quickly. Blood poured from their bodies as Silvia looked over them. She felt Selena bask her with dark energy as the lives of the florists left them. Without even questioning why this was, she just went on to find her partner and see how she was doing. The job was almost complete, and they had made a massacre of what should be a beautiful thing...at least in the eyes of the corrupted adults.

    wc: 908

    Last edited by Silvia on 9th December 2019, 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 7th December 2019, 9:06 am

    Post word: #710
    Self written: #3007
    Total written: #5,616/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____Alexandra would have preferred to keep enjoying her dance with the newest addition to her collection. The girl knew how to slow dance without stepping all over Grim's feet and not to mention she had the perfect shape to hold and enjoy without so much of said enjoyment to drive Grim's lust higher then a mild roar at the back of her mind. What ruined the fun was having to deal with the four mages attacking the entire time.

    _____Sure most of the attacks harmlessly bounces off her scythe or got cut to ribbons by the floating weapon of the reaper as she twirled the bride and began to start a slow waltz as the second and third volley failed to reach her defenses. The shouting of plans did not help the four with a winning situation as the Reaper could hear them just fine but chose not to speak of it or bother much with the whole ordeal to begin with.

    _____Watching them keep failing as Grim started to run out of dance routines to goof off with the reaper shifted her focus to look at Silvia who seemed wrapped up with her end of things. Grim could still sense a great deal of other's magic spreading out from the area telling the reaper the girl did not seem to have a endless blood lust like some others she had met before. Humming as she snapped her fingers and the shadows rose to form a small band of musicians who started to play music to match Grim's mood.

    _____The overall was very slow and dull, the reaper's hand twirling black smoke as she moved away from the bride and waved her smoking hand to call off her weapon. The four making the wise choice to stop bickering and focus as now they had the dark mage's full attention on the matter. Tapping her heel as she tipped her head and began to point to each of the four counting down as the tempo of the music rose. When it cut dead in the middle Grim took action. The smoke forming nine orbs of condensed death magic as the reaper waved them around to form a loose ring orbiting her waist.

    "Tell you all what, survive all nine attacks from this spell, and you not only get to have your baby girl slash would have been daughter in law back, I'll even let you take me to the Rune knights without any more attacks."

    _____Grim smiled as she reached to pull a single orb from the line as the others sped up to make up for the missing orb and she started to take aim pointing at the last one she had landed on before the music stopped. The older male was the first to attack her, the father of the maid Grim had been enjoying the company of thus far who now sat near the music players watching calmly. Watching the male try to set up a magic shield by himself as Grim chuckled lightly before flicking the orb.

    _____The result was as expected, the orb moving faster then most could track and as Grim looked at the clean hole it made not only into the magic shield but the man also cleanly into the stomach and out the back before it was given permission to vanish. Watching the group of mages panic as the male coughed green liquid that soon after dripped from the wound where blood should have been. The resulting smoke as the acid that was leftover magic from the reaper started to spread and eat the man inside out.

    "If only one making the shield was all it took you really think I would set such high stakes when all I get in return is another lovely woman to my empire? I might be off my mental rocker due to a curse but COME-ON!" - Grim spoke with a mocking tone as the rest of the body vanished, the woman near the man mourned, and she herself reached to get hold of the next orb. One of nine used, and only three foes remained. The slim chance Grim had thought they had now gone without the extra layer of spell shields they could have used.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells *New*:

    Last edited by Grim Reaper on 11th December 2019, 2:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing word count)


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 9th December 2019, 11:53 pm

    As Silvia looked over to the fierce woman before her, she felt a bit of fear. Silvia realized something about the woman, she liked to toy with people. Whether it be her friends or her enemies. No matter what, she had a bit of deviousness in her body. She used people's fears and desires to her advantage. A tactic that wowed Silvia quite a bit in all actuality. It was something that Silvia hoped she could do one day. Of course, she could never do it to the extremities of her partner, but to exploit the confinements of society and show that they were never meant to be set was something that Silvia hoped to show the world. She wanted to show them that being free from judgement and hate would get them places farther than how they would last with them in her hands.

    So, she watched Grim very carefully, observing everything she did, from how she used the elders' love for each other and the fiance of the groom to bait them into fighting her. It was quite a viscous tactic, but a smart one nonetheless. She had even killed one of the elders already from his rash decision making, leaving the wife of the man to be open to killing from weeping for her lost husband. Everything was seeming to work out in the way that she had wanted them too. Though, there were still 2 other players in the game, and they seemed to be a lot more fierce than the parents of the maid. These elders seemed to be out for vengeance for what Grim had done to their son, and they were vocal about it as well. After the father of the wife had died, they had started cursing at the mage, telling her that she'd pay for what she had done to the wedding. Though, Silvia highly doubted that. Although they're magical signatures were strong, Grim's struck fear into Silvia while the elders didn't. Grim could easily kill the mages at that very moment, but she continued to toy with them. This made Silvia wonder why exactly that was. Was it just the woman's nature, or was there a secret motive to all of this.

    While thinking this, she felt a pulse of dark energy come from Selena. It was as though the doll was trying to communicate the fact that she was intrigued with the woman as well. So, she looked down to Selena, and said to her, "Well, Grim seems to be a really talented mage. She makes things really interesting, even though she doesn't need things to be. It's going to be very intriguing to see what she does next...I'm really excited!" With that, a bit of joy came out of her, more so than she would usually show. It was just that she was so excited that she would be able to master her craft more by just watching how Grim did hers. Every mage had their own signature style with how she accomplished things, and Silvia wanted to learn what her own was. She hoped that by watching someone like Grim, she would find that style. Not to mention the fact that she'd be able to show the world who she really was, and why she was the way she was. She wanted people to follow in her steeps, and work towards the freedom that people deserved. People needed to know her name, whether they liked the knowledge of her or not.

    wc: 584
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Grim Reaper 11th December 2019, 3:11 am

    Post word: #568
    Self written: #3575
    Total written: #6,768/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank Wedding town terror job
    _____The toying just seemed to keep going, Alexandra taking the last few moments of her spell to fire them off in random directions before conjuring another batch and to be fair shooting the first at yet another seeming random location away from the three remaining on the floor with her. If Silvia looked to where each was shot the girl would notice remains falling to the ground outside the area. Grim having taken the chance to clean up some who had ran away but decided to try and return to the fighting.

    "Such an underwhelming party you tossed here, I had bring my own music and keep myself entertained. Such a good thing I came to spare this lovely maid a lifetime with people who can't keep her happy at all times.~"

    _____Alexandra's taunt doing just what she needed as the other male shouted and tired to attack, both the woman caught on quickly and tried to throw up defense magic around him as he focused on a attack spell. A amused flick as Grim sent her own attack to shatter the incoming spell, and both defense spells before the attack vanished. Grim's eyebrow raised before she flicked another finger before the three could react and finished off the other male with a dull yawn. Seven orbs all rose around the reaper who calmly had her hand expand outward to send them flying.

    _____Five found targets outside the wedding hall, and the remaining two blasted the woman who still opposed grim into oblivion to join their lovers as the reaper walked to the last 'hostile' that remained in the area. The black smoke that encased the one who had hired the dark mages to crash the party slowly cascaded away revealing another maid dressed woman who knelled before Grim. A half hearten smile and laugh emerging from the reaper as she looked over to the other maid and waved her hand towards the newest addition.

    "Shadow, accompany them back to their homes so they can gather what they can carry to their new home at Helheim. As for the payment make sure they gather it and give to this lovely lady here her share before you return to Helheim also.~"

    _____Grim's shadow peeled from the ground and bowed as she followed the two maids out into the panicked city. A second figure rising from Grim's shadow to watch over them as percussion since Grim knew Shadow would not fight for the reaper anymore willingly and needed an extra eye to keep her behaving. Moving her focus to Silvia as Grim walked over spinning smoke in her hand with a bit of focus on it.

    "Here I had hoped to give you more of the foes to deal with, but those mages barely got me enticed enough so I acted on whim. Forgive me for that much. Part of the task I was given was to help train you on this job and seems that was only a minor focus. If you have any idea on how I might make it up to you madam please don't be shy to ask.~" - Alexandra would bow before reaching out to pull Siliva's hand and kiss the back of it before standing back strait with a clear look of distraught on her face. The reaper enjoyed helping girls become woman, not just in a mature sense but in magic as well.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells *New*:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Start of something special (Inv) Empty Re: Start of something special (Inv)

    Post by Silvia 11th December 2019, 5:35 pm

    As Silvia looked out at the orbs that the woman had thrown out, Silvia had watched as the orbs left remains in their tracks. It seemed as though Grim's grace was just a mere taunt. Silvia had expected that. After all, Grim loved to toy with her subjects before going in for the kill. So, as Silvia looked back towards the woman, she saw as she finished up with her deed. Each of them had thought they were strong enough at the beginning of the fight, but they soon realized how wrong they were.

    Looking at Grim now, Silvia saw as her shadow had formed into a sort of entity. This was odd for Silvia, not understanding how her magic had worked. Silvia's magic was completely based around a core type of magic, while Grim seemed to have an unlimited amount. No spell of her's was really the same in any sort of way. It seemed to just be a collection of different spells that she used to her own benefit. Though, Silvia hasn't seen enough of Grim's magic to know if that was actually the case. She wanted to figure it out though, and she hoped that she would in future jobs. For right now though, they're job was over, and Silvia and Grim would part ways until their next mission. At least, That's what Silvia was thinking was gonna happen. She was ready for their next meeting though, especially with all that she had learned.

    wc: 247

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:42 pm