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    Ark of Embodiment {With Stats, Might Get Around to Eventually Making Stats, but for now...I'mma go Statless on this one}

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Ark of Embodiment {With Stats, Might Get Around to Eventually Making Stats, but for now...I'mma go Statless on this one} Empty Ark of Embodiment {With Stats, Might Get Around to Eventually Making Stats, but for now...I'mma go Statless on this one}

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 2nd December 2019, 6:43 pm


    Ark of Embodiment {With Stats, Might Get Around to Eventually Making Stats, but for now...I'mma go Statless on this one} Arc_of10

    Magic Name: Ark of Embodiment
    Magic Type: Lost / Summon / TakeOver
    Description: The Ark of Embodiment, in a world filled with limitless possibilities for magic, is limitless to a whole new degree. It is amorphous in its abilities. It is flexible in its uses and capabilities. There is a reason it had been considered Lost once before.

    The Ark of Embodiment is similar to a Make magic, where virtually anything can be created out of whatever chosen element. The Ark of Embodiment, in a sense, could be considered to be a Make magic. Rather than ice, fire, earth, or memories, however, it is Imagination Make.

    Anything that the user imagines can be a tool. Should the user desire to strike down their foes with their arm made of flames, they can do so. Should the user desire to conjure up a beast beyond compare to crush their enemy to smithereens, they can do so. Even if they wish to fight with the tools of the earth and their own creations without altering their body, they may do so.

    The Ark of Embodiment is limitless. In the hands of a user with a strong enough sense of creativity, it can be a deadly tool that none can hope to stand against. Those who come across one with the capabilities of the Ark of Embodiment should fear, as they will not fall easily, if ever. Be wary of anyone who has such power at their fingertips, as they may as well be a god.

    Unique Abilities:

    • Ability: Whims of a God: The user has 40% more MP, increasing by 5% each rank up to S.
    • Ability:The Mind is Mightier than the Sword: The user's spells do 40% more damage, increasing by 5% each rank up to S. {Unlocks at B}
    • Ability: Word of Judgment: The user has 40% more strength, increasing by 5% up to S rank. {Unlocks at S}


    Non-Combat Spells:

    C-Rank Spells:

    B-Rank Spells:

    A-Rank Spells:

    S-Rank Spells:

    H-Rank Spells:

    Signature Spells:


    Ark of Embodiment {With Stats, Might Get Around to Eventually Making Stats, but for now...I'mma go Statless on this one} SQB8HXg

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:17 pm