Fairy Tail RP

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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Aliannah Sun 14 Feb 2021 - 20:58

    Event Info:

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    Aliannah was anxious, it hadn't been a week since she had heard of the news of the war breaking out between Pergrande and Bellum. War was never good and although Alyia had taught her that war was necessary in the balance of the world so that no one person got too strong, Aliannah always found that war was not something one should have to turn to in order to find peace. She could hear now in her head Alyia's voice, 'To have peace one must have war, it is the balance. To have peace there must be violence.' She had heard that many times in days of training to use her magic, well not particularly her magic, Alyia's magic that became hers. It was complicated and in all honesty it hurt Aliannah's head just thinking about it.

    Though in her attempts to distract herself from thinking about the war, she couldn't help it. Thinking of all the kids and families that would be broken apart because of the fighting. Children abandoned at the borders where the fights were taking place, left with no families, orphans. Without realizing it Aliannah's hand lifted to her mouth and the girl began to chew on her nails. This wasn't good this really wasn't good. How many kids would be orphaned with nowhere to go? Who would take care of them, look after them, take them in? The blonde groaned loudly and she let her head fall into her hands.

    She was currently propped up in one of the corners of the Research and Development labs, a place she went when she didn't want to bother anyone with her problems. She coincidentally found it while talking and interacting with Ling, another member of Meliora Vitae.

    Bitten fingernails caught on strands of hair as she pushed her fingers through it. She was in a dilemma, she wanted to help, but she didn't want to be the reason kids would lose their parents. It was a struggle. There was no right way to go about thing- no, it didn't matter if she participated or not, people would lose lives and love ones at the hands of others. If she were there at least she could be able to minimize damage. She didn't have to kill the enemies, only incapacitate them, tie them up, make sure that they couldn't do anymore damage and when the war was done she could just send them home. Brilliant.

    A sigh of relief came from soft pink lips and the girl couldn't help but feel like a weight had rolled off her back. Then, when the war was done she could help build an orphanage in Bellum for all of the kids who had lost their parents. It could connect to hers and then the kids from both countries could have penpals. A sad smile appeared on the blondes face as she picked herself up and launched herself off of the counter she had perched herself on.

    However, she didn't want to go alone. Who was her best friend right now? Elias was gone, so that was a no. Who in the guild did she know the best? Oh! Tabitha. If she could convince Tabitha to go then she could minimize the damage twice as much. Sure she could have also asked Ling, but he didn't seem like much of a fighter, so that was out of the question.

    With determination written on her face the girl dashed from the room, in not quite a run, but a very fast walk, going to exactly where she met Tabitha last time, figuring that the cat like mage would be down at the bar with a glass of wine in her hands.

    TAG: @Tabitha @KuroFaustΩ @MaddoxWORDS: Personal: 619 || Total: 619 ╳ NOTES: The slow burn tho



    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Guest Sat 27 Feb 2021 - 16:51


    It had been some time since Faustein’s last couple of adventures, these being his stint as a dirty laundry man at a certain village that had hired him to wash their village-sized load of dirty laundry and of course, the recent Valentine’s event festivities that had been held, to which of course, he had been dragged by none other than his newest precious little research specimen, Maddox. Since then, he had once again gotten back to his daily routine of being a practicing physician scientist mage and of course, to his one true love, aka his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research. So, time had marched onward upon swift wings for him at least, but there was a storm brewing as of late which he had been keeping track of since it could potentially either allow him the good fortune of bringing new and exotic research specimens into his constantly expanding collection, or otherwise impede his research severely in more ways than one. Said storm was of course, the impending clash between Bellum and Pergrande, two of the many nations of Earthland.

    To his misfortune and great chagrin, it had come to pass eventually, and Faustein had received a notification upon his iLac, aka his magitek smartphone, a few days after the Valentine’s Day event which had the signature ringtone which was, of course, the “Voices of War” special soundtrack given as a DLC to frequent players of one of his most favorite iLac game apps of all time, namely the one called “Oda Nobuna’s Ambition” and of which he was one of the most frequent players, hence why he had said soundtrack in his prized personal collection. At any rate, the notification that this soundtrack was associated with was the one he had set for job requests, special missions, or other such important affairs. That, in turn, meant this notification he had gotten was about something important, and in this case, it had been the very thing he had been fearing and looking forward to the occurrence of in equal parts, i.e., the start of the war between Bellum and Pergrande. So, he had forced himself to arise, despite his almost completely delirious state due to extreme sleep deprivation again and had checked the message in the notification. This message had called upon him to serve Fiore in battle on the side of Bellum, apparently and so, despite his great reluctance to exert himself in such a manner, he had sent his approval of his role in the upcoming battle to the higher ups of Fiore. Afterwards, he had started to prepare for said battle.  

    That brings the story up to the present day wherein he was currently standing after having readied himself fully from his magic to his outfit and everything else in between, poised in front of Maddox’s quarters with the wicked gleam of perfect vengeance in his magitek cyborg eyes illuminating in a rather ominous way this one otherwise dark hallway of the Elysium guild of which both he and Maddox were active members. The reason for this was because, naturally, Faustein had been feeling more than a little miffed for having been dragged out to the Valentine’s Day festival by Maddox a while back, not only because he hated crowds but also because everything there was pink, a color that he absolutely loathed on a visceral level.

    This is payback for dragging me out to the Valentine’s Day festivities a while back, my precious

    Faustein mused with his usual smug, condescending smirk playing upon his thin cyanotic lips as he activated his space-time chronometer on his left wrist and teleported directly into Maddox’s quarters with neither warning nor preamble. Then, he picked her up, slung her over his shoulders and then shifted himself and her with his spacetime chronometer to the location in Pergrande where a brief war council was going to be held for all the participants on Bellum’s side to congregate and go over their battle strategy before entering the battlefield to maximize their victory gains and minimize any losses towards that end.



    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| CNkIWMc

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein picks up Maddox and teleports to Pergrande with his magitek spacetime chronometer to attend the war council and meet the other participants in his group.










    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1600 HP
    MP: 1292 MP (due to passive -5% to MP from equipment-based MP reduction b/c 5 pieces of equipment total on hand)
    Melee Damage: 96 HP per hit
    Speed: 192 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 800 HP (+20% from magic, +80% from equipment = +100% overall)
    MP: 800 MP (+20% from magic, +50% from equipment = +70% overall)
    Melee Damage: 80 HP per hit (+20% from magic)
    Speed: 160 MPS (+20% from magic)
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: None Yet
    Active Healing Buffs: None Yet
    MP Costs: +10% to Asklēpian Bioalchemy Spell MP Costs
    MP Regeneration: +10% once per 5 posts
    HP Regeneration: None Yet
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains


    • Item

    • Item



    • Passive +60% to Spell Healing
    • Passive +30% to Spell Range
    • Passive +30% to Spell Speed
    • Passive +80% to Spell Durability
    • Passive +50% to Spell Damage
    • Passive +20% to HP
    • Passive +20% to MP
    • Passive +25% to Physical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +25% to Magical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +20% to Strength/Melee Damage
    • Passive +20% to Character Speed

    POST WC: 681, TOTAL WC: 681 / 4000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on Fri 12 Mar 2021 - 0:30; edited 3 times in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Maddox Wed 3 Mar 2021 - 1:49

    For her part, Maddox had been enjoying a good book on modern alchemy, happily bent over her desk to take notes in more casual wear than she usually would. She was just about to take down her next series of notes when her intruder spells went off, causing her to snap the pen in her surprise. It wasn’t anybody who bode her true ill intent, but that’s all she could think in the seconds that followed. She turned in her chair to see a flash of white, then suddenly her world shifted as she was thrown bodily over someone’s shoulder. Despite the supposed lack of ill intent Maddox was still utterly pissed at anything who dared think they could manhandle the beautiful being that was her in such a manner and summoned a knife in a burst of darkness just as the person teleported. Just as they arrived at whatever destination, Maddox stabbed the person in the bac. Only for the regular non-magical knife to break in a tang of metal against metal. Ah, so it was Fausty who had kidnapped her, of course.

    “FOOLSTEIN!!” She screeches in rage, thrashing on his shoulder. “Let us down this instant! Maddox was enjoying that book! We do not have the patience for your shenanigans!!” She yells in her deep masculine voice. Then to her complete horror, realized where she was. Some sort of fancy building with people staring at them oddly, many of them wearing rather fetching outfits themselves. Maddox’s entire being cringed in horror and embarrassment. She was in her reading clothes!! Suddenly utterly calm, Maddox slinked off Faustein’s back, and body stiff like a piece of wood, used her requip magic to change into her usual, if slightly fancier, plague doctor wear. Then slowly craned her neck toward the scientist, a dark aura of fury around her. Her barley visible acid green eyes, one with the Elysium Guildmark on the pupil, said all that she was thinking. ‘How fucking dare you kidnap me from my home without giving me time to change in proper clothes then humiliate me in front of all these important-looking people I will steal everything you own than have them guarded by drag queens that you will have to fight off and destroy your dignity with while I rebuild my beautiful image in that you destroyed you pervy piece of-‘ etc. He probably got the idea, not that he probably cared a wit about her threats. The only time she ever got one up him was on Valentine's Day- ah. That was it. Fausty was getting revenge for her dragging him around while he was comatose from lack of coffee, throwing chocolates at his face, going on a shopping spree, dressing him in a pink suit, making him do those stupid Valentines Day events then stealing his wallet to make him pay for his all… When she actually listed out what he went through a bit of revenge was actually justified on his part. Not that she cared about fairness (hello, dark mage here) and wouldn’t bitch about it anyways.

    Finally, after a staring contest that only latest so long because Faustein was an insufferable smug bastard, Maddox calmed down and demanded to know why where they were and why they were here. And received a surprising explanation. Like anyone who didn’t live under a rock, Maddox knew about the tensions between the two countries that were about the break into all-out war. She had been planning on taking advantage of it to go on a bit of a crime spree in one or both countries actually. But according to Fausty, they were recruiting mages of any alignment to aid in the war effort. She was about to demand she teleport her back to the guild, what did she care about fighting for some country, when he mentioned the price, they would be paid… Hmmm, she was low on cash, and this was an easy and legal way to get it. And hell, why not, she owed the guy. So, Maddox sighed and agreed. Off to war, it was then.

    WC: 685


    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| 63217_s


    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Tabitha Thu 4 Mar 2021 - 4:08

    it wasn't much nor hard to believe that one could find a wine addled cat girl sitting around a bar 24/7 if the chance could come to them. However, a number of personal, family matters had kept her away from the ship for some time. While she enjoyed herself more than she cared to admit with the blonde woman whom she was unwillingly paired with for the winter festivities. Time passed since then and she didn't see Aliannah much. And when she did, the shadow mage made sure to duck and hide from her. She couldn't afford to like her any more than she did as the woman was not much anything less than some goody-to-shoes that even a normally friendly Tabitha couldn't handle. Taking anything from small jobs to even making up small affairs to get chances to stay away made her a little more hesitant to being found to tolerate those types.

    Today however, was one of relaxation. Well, that was the original intention of hers to do so. The recent news of hearing the war between Bellum and Pergrande seemed to be no issue to the raven haired woman. She saw no reason to interfere in the affairs of others if they didn't bother with her. Sure, the outcome would wage to be very impactful should Pergrande win considering what such a murder hobo mentality towards mages had gone. Then again, they couldn't find the shadow mage if they never saw her, so... no fur off her tail.

    On her mind seemed to be thinking only food at the moment. And in fact, she had decided while she was enjoying her time to herself that she partake in a lunch. Hmm.. What to have though? Tuna had been nice, but it wasn't something that was nearly as fresh right now as it had been. Then it hit her. She had prepared her own meal in the kitchen of the guildhall, making a concoction that was not uncommon for her, however was also something the neko had come to think was the perfect treat. She set down an empty stemmed wine glass, a bottle of wine, and finally her meal. The plate prepared was still piping hot when the sound of footsteps caught her ears. They lightly twitched and she turned her head to see Aliannah coming into the room.

    "Of course mew would..." She muttered under the sigh of her exhaling breath. While no doubt the angel would be coming to her table, she grabbed another glass from the bar nearby and set it down before taking a seat in front of her plate of food. "If this is a casual passing by, keep walking. I finally got some time to myself and really wanted to enjoy it. If you came for a job of some kind... pitch it." Despite her cold tone, the cat girls eyes spoke otherwise. She looked from the girl to the glass and then back to the blonde. Without saying it, she had been inviting her to sit. The shadow mage then popped open the bottle of wine and filled both glasses before sliding the plate slightly between the two. On it would be 4 small tortilla wraps that seemed to be more like soft taco shells by shape. The contents had been some odd breaded food topped with lettuce, diced tomatoes, and shredded cheese. "Fried Cod tacos paired with Purrsecco wine. Mew'd be surprised how well it goes together. Talk or try it.." She paused, her head turning away with slightly blushed cheeks. "O-Or both. I don't care either way."

    605 words
    605/4000 words


    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| GtF3mm9

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Aliannah Tue 9 Mar 2021 - 23:25

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    She was right! A smile grew on the blonde's lips and she made a direct beeline towards the cat girl. However, before she could mutter out a single syllable the brunette spoke first. The blonde paused for a moment, the other seemed rather irritated and the girl couldn't help deflate slightly. She wasn't sure why the other was talking to her the way that she was, Aliannah hadn't done anything to her, had she? She paused a moment and rifled through her memories to see if there was any specific time that she had likely upset the cat mage. Maybe when she had change- oh! Her blonde hair! That's right! Tabitha disliked blondes. The blonde nodded slightly before raising a hand. "Hold on!" Channeling her magic to her physique the blonde slowly turned her hair brown. "There! I remember that you didn't like blondes, so maybe this might make it so you are less tense around me!" The now brunette flashed the other a smile and tilted her head slightly.

    "Anywho, I was actually here to ask if you wanted to go with me to the front lines of the war. There's bound to be a lot of injuries and casualties, which is not good, and I want to prevent that. Thus, I was going to head to the front lines! But, I know alone that I might not be able to do as much help as I want so I was thinking if someone could come with me then maybe, possibly, we could minimize the damage done!" Aliannah's hands moved behind her back and she wrung them slightly. She could only hope that the other would agree to go with her. "Of course you don't have to! I'm sure that eating your cod and some wine would be just as good!"

    Yet it seemed like the cat mage had agreed as later both turned up at the council meeting.

    They would be fighting against Pergrande, a nation with a strong dislike towards mages and magic, a place where there was such segregation that Alinnah felt nearly obligated to fight for the lives of the people who were isolated because of their use of magic.

    The still brunette looked around, there were several people here, some bickering and others completely silent, yet the anxiety in the air was tangible. "Excuse me, my guildmate and I are here to help with the war, I'm not exactly sure where we go now, or if we're partner with anyone, or how this whole war thing works, but if you could direct me in the right direction I'm sure I could figure it out." From her experiences, it was good to talk to adults like you were talking to children sometimes. It helped get the point across, but also then people might pity you or underestimate you, both were good when fighting a war. However, then again, Aliannah always hid her magic signature, a lesson from Alyia. It helped you get the upper-hand later in battles when people think that you are too weak and think that they have you cornered so that they let their guard down. Aliannah didn't know much about fighting the way that Alyia did, but while she knew that the Angel had her regrets and had done things in her past that likely haunted her, the woman was old and had seen many things. She had the experience that Aliannah didn't have.

    Light indigo eyes flickered around the scene, she spotted a pair of other mages who seemed like, they too, had just arrived. Perhaps they would all be paired together.

    Her answer was handed to her as a gruff voice spoke from the table, a man sitting at the head of it. "You must be new to war, but if you are here to fight then we welcome you, every man and woman count. You will be paired with two other mages that have agreed to help with our battle." The man motioned to the mages that the brunette had spotted before.

    Aliannah nodded and turned to the others, "Hello! Name's Aliannah and this is my guildmate Tabitha!" What's your names? The brunette smiled at the two. They may be going off into a battle for their lives and the lives of others, but it didn't mean that she would have to act like they would never be returning.

    TAG: @Tabitha @KuroFaustΩ @MaddoxWORDS: Personal: 733 || Total: 1,352/6,000 ╳ NOTES: We're there.




    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Guest Fri 12 Mar 2021 - 22:58


    Faustein had been deeply immersed in his thorough enjoyment of all the various ungodly threats that his precious little specimen, aka Maddox had been heaping upon him till then with that same insufferably smug and amused smirk contorting his thin, cyanotic lips as it had been till then while having the other half of his attention upon his surroundings to ensure he did not lose anything crucial from the conversations going on all around. As it turned out, it was a good thing that he had, for just then, he heard two more mages arrive on scene.

    Oh good, so this will not be completely one-sided…many hands make light work as they say…

    He mused silently while listening to Maddox with one ear and keeping track of the man who showed up after the mages had arrived in the war council room. As he had surmised, the man had indeed pointed out that the four of them would be working together a single platoon of contracted mages on the side of Bellum against the technological warriors of the Pergrande army which had apparently brought the war right to Bellum’s proverbial doorstep.

    Perhaps, if the Norns should will it, there may be a chance to acquire some prime materials for my research…ah, good help is so awfully hard to find…especially these days with a certain police force around…

    He continued to muse silently while commencing the formulation of his battle plans for the impending confrontation. However, before he could get far, his reverie was interrupted by one of the two new arrivals addressing him and Maddox, so he replied in a matching cordial tone and his hitherto fore smug smirk now morphed into a cordial smile, the kind that was his protocol when dealing with patients at his public profession as a practicing physician-scientist, and when he spoke, his voice was revealed to be a rich, resonant, baritone and melodious one

    Ah, the observance of proper civility and decorum before sallying forth to cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war, eh? Quite an admirable sentiment, indeed, mademoiselle. You may call me Stein. ‘Tis a pleasure to make both your acquaintances.

    He said to both Aliannah who had addressed him as well as her companion, Tabitha, and as he was feeling the urge to be melodramatic, Faustein ended his reply to them by giving a bow and flourish similar to how an actor upon a live play or formal theater might at the end of their performance and then waited to see what they would say in return and also for Maddox to introduce herself before they got down to the business at hand, namely the war against the Pergrande forces, his face looking utterly calm and inscrutable with as was his usual manner. At that point, however, a soldier from the Bellum side rushed in to report that their forces were starting to be routed by those of Pergrande. Naturally, in response, the commander of said Bellum army who had been informing Faustein and the rest of the party about the war effort and other such salient details proposed that the four of them move out immediately to reinforce and rescue the Bellum army from its perilous straits.

    Well then, you heard the man, comrades. It is finally time to earn our keep as they say in the vernacular tongue. I shall go on ahead and get us started on the retaliatory efforts from our party, so feel free to join me at your leisure. Au revoir.

    With that, Faustein fell silent and headed off, disappearing in the blink of an eye by activating his spacetime chronometer to immediately transport himself to the battlefield in question.

    Now then, where to begin first, I wonder?

    Faustein mused silently with his amused, smug smirk still playing on his thin, cyanotic lips as he surveyed the situational flow while gathering valuable battle data as was his usual protocol in combat. However, his reverie was interrupted by the swift and remarkably efficient approach of those available soldiers within the Pergrande army towards him.

    Well, this certainly simplifies matters greatly. O ye Norns, Verðandi and Skuld who art the guardians and overseers of the present and future, I beseech thee…please ward misfortune away and grant victory in battle to me…

    He offered up a brief, silent prayer thus while awakening his magic circuits in preparation for activating his spells to receive the Pergrande army combatants.



    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| CNkIWMc

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein picks up Maddox and teleports to Pergrande with his magitek spacetime chronometer to attend the war council and meet the other participants in his group.

    2. Faustein greets his comrades and then heads off to start the battle against the Pergrande army’s forces.









    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1600 HP
    MP: 1292 MP (due to passive -5% to MP from equipment-based MP reduction b/c 5 pieces of equipment total on hand)
    Melee Damage: 96 HP per hit
    Speed: 192 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 800 HP (+20% from magic, +80% from equipment = +100% overall)
    MP: 800 MP (+20% from magic, +50% from equipment = +70% overall)
    Melee Damage: 80 HP per hit (+20% from magic)
    Speed: 160 MPS (+20% from magic)
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: None Yet
    Active Healing Buffs: None Yet
    MP Costs: +10% to Asklēpian Bioalchemy Spell MP Costs
    MP Regeneration: +10% once per 5 posts
    HP Regeneration: None Yet
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains


    • Item

    • Item



    • Passive +60% to Spell Healing
    • Passive +30% to Spell Range
    • Passive +30% to Spell Speed
    • Passive +80% to Spell Durability
    • Passive +50% to Spell Damage
    • Passive +20% to HP
    • Passive +20% to MP
    • Passive +25% to Physical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +25% to Magical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +20% to Strength/Melee Damage
    • Passive +20% to Character Speed

    POST WC: 742, TOTAL WC: 1423/4000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on Sun 4 Apr 2021 - 16:06; edited 2 times in total

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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by NPC Fri 12 Mar 2021 - 22:58

    The member 'KuroFaustΩ' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| NXDHjfc

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Maddox Fri 12 Mar 2021 - 23:08

    Rolling post~

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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by NPC Fri 12 Mar 2021 - 23:08

    The member 'Maddox' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| NXDHjfc Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| NXDHjfc Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| NXDHjfc Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| PzArA86

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
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    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Maddox Mon 29 Mar 2021 - 9:20

    War was so… asinine. Dirty. And a huge pain in the ass overall, Maddox thought. Honestly, she would rather have absolutely nothing to do with the frontlines. If, and only if she was forced to be involved in a war she would have preferred to work in the shadows, behind the scenes. You know, stab some people in the back, steal some documents, plant some bombs. Assassination, espionage, arson, those kinds of things. Not running through icky dirty ditches, breathing in muggy smog, dodging magitek bullets, and interacting with boring soldiers with haunted eyes. She keeps having the field people who approach her thinking she’s an actual doctor while walking around camp. Well, technically she can be if you squint and look sideways, but why would Maddox want to heal mere bullet catchers like those around her? It’s a huge pain. Not that she tries to let that show when speaking to the soldiers. It harder than usual, hiding her disdain, and some do pick it up. Bit most don’t she finds, and feels reassured in her acting abilities.

    But what most people don’t realize is that war is overall, boring. Do you think that it’s all about battle? No, it’s days and days of training, prepping, watching and waiting for the other to make their move. Sure there might be small skirmishes, but the big battles are rare and in between. Things are almost pleasant for the soldiers during this time.

    Or at least that was what it was like historically. But this war, one between magical and metal might, seems much different than the wars of history. Pergrande, based on what she’s seen, was looking toward a traditional war, but Bellum changed the field. The ground was dark and muddy, the battlefield stationary and moving inches by inches via horrible dirt trenches with many regular soldiers squatting in them. The conditions in the trenches weren’t the best, but Pergrande’s magic kept them relatively comfortable. Pergrande propaganda, and some higher-up talk she listened into, said that the soldiers on Bellum’s side were absolutely miserable and in disgusting, muddy conditions.  So, despite Bellum having the advantages of changing what the war looked like, it probably evened itself out.

    Of course, that didn’t matter to Maddox, or the other mages hired on both sides. They were fighting a more classical war, types bards used to sing about and writers these days gush about. Strong mages vs strong mages in an all-out brawl, with the winner getting the upper hand in the war if not an outright victory. But first to take care of the small fry.

    That was the battle Maddox and Faustein were about the fight, with regular soldiers looking on as the general of the army addressed the group of hired mages and powerful mages from Pergrande. The battle was almost arranged between the two sides, and they were about to deploy. There were of course regular army recruit going with them, but once again, they were a distraction at best useless fodder at worst.

    The time was neigh and the general cleared his throat. Maddox, with her crow familiar L’appel du vide (she didn’t question how the magical being knew how to be here) on her shoulder, Faustein nearby after they teleported there. She gave him a sideways tilt of her head, then stopped to listen to the general sprout his propaganda just near the end of the long speech about the magical superiority of Bellum.

    “…. I could not have blamed you for being the first to lose heart if I, your commander, had not shared in your exhausting marches and your perilous campaigns; it would have been natural enough if you had done all the work merely for others to reap the reward. But it is not so. You and I, oh fellow mages, have shared the labour and shared the danger, and the rewards are for us all. The thrill of defeating the mechanical savages belongs to you; from your ranks the magical governors of Bellum are chosen; already the greater part of its treasure passes into your hands, and when all Bellum is overrun, then indeed we will go further than the mere satisfaction of our ambitions: the utmost hopes of riches or power which each one of you cherishes will be far surpassed, and whoever wishes to return home will be allowed to go, either with me or without me. I will make those who stay the envy of those who return. Soldiers, those loyal to the Holy Council of Bellum and it’s rulers, go forth!” The man finishes, and there must be a story in there because it was better than Maddox assumed, then a loud roaring cheer erupts. Supposedly the speech had been magically magnetized so the enemy could hear them, to demoralize.

    But it seems the enemy rigged up a quick speaker system to respond because just as the crowd quieted down, the enemy’s words rang out. “… But has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No! Believe me, I who am speaking to you with full knowledge of the facts, and who tell you that nothing is lost for Empire of Pergrande. The same means that threatens us can bring us victory one day. For Pergrande is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! She has the power of the future behind her. She can align with the great power of technology that holds the sky and continues the fight. She can, unlike the foul Pergrande, prosper without the magical powers of mages, proser for all people free from the tyranny of magic. This war is not limited to the unfortunate territory of our country. This war is not over as a result of the cowardly tactics of the enemy. This war for the future. All the mistakes, all the delays, all the suffering, do not alter the fact that there are, in the world, all the means necessary to crush our enemies one day. Vanquished not today by magical force, we will be able to overcome by a superior mechanical force. The fate of Pergrande depends on it. Now go my people, go and show that it is not how you are born that makes you powerful, but the lives you fight for! For Pergrande!” It had a different feel compared to the speech Pergrande’s general made, less modest and about mechanical prowess, but just as rousing and full of manipulative hope as a great cheer rose out from across the battlefield. But the words have been said, and enough was enough. It was time for battle. Maddox traded a look with her familiar, then exchanged farewells with Faustein. They would be near each other and would aid in the other's battles as necessary but ultimately, it’s would be their own fights.

    Good, it was nighttime, perfect for her magic, clouding Maddox in half-shadow of her great-grandmother’s dark blessing. The battle raged around her; the sky dark above but the spells and light from the camps making the battlefield easy to see; the smog and overcast reflecting that light was so thick that you could hardly tell what time of day it was anyways. Maddox sincerely hoped that it wasn’t going to start raining, the ground below her was just dirt that would easily turn into mud.

    Her plan was simple. She was standing on a ledge a good 75 meters from her targets; the perfect range for her sniper rifle. Miming shooting that exact style of gun and whispering the spell “Shadow Sniper” causes the smoky shadows to form the rifle in her arms. L’appel was currently scouting targets, his dark crow form blending in with the other birds ready to feast on the remains of the dead. Maddox wanted to do as much damage to the higher echelons of enemies as possible, leading them and weaker targets toward her for some crowd attacks, before she gets into her melee wear. That being said, as L’appel soars toward her, she mutters “Gentleman’s Garb.”, causing a rather fetching suit to surround her, “Shadow Assassins Gloves.” is muttered after clenching her fists, causing eerie purple gloves to form on her hands, “Assassin’s aid” to help her kills, then finally “Bracelet of Past Pain.” forming an elegant-looking bracelet on her wrists to help in case someone managed to attack her before she is ready.

    Then L’appel arrives, telling her the targets were grouped together, a bit away from the rest of the army and preparing for a surprise rear attack. Well, two could play that game. Perfect. It was time. Tipping her sniper rifle in the air, Maddox says “Peirce The Stars!”, the homing bullets flying toward the surprised enemy, hitting all 6 of the Imperial Army Recruit, and 2 of the Imperial Army Officers L’appel warned her about. Quickly while they were confused and still trying to spot her, she yelled “Peirce The Stars!” again, managing to hit 6 Imperial Army Officers and 2 Imperial Guards. But trouble was running her way in the shape of an impressive-looking Imperial Paladin - Private who nimbly dodged both of her attacks, a Imperial Guard following her.

    Swearing under her breath, Maddox dismisses the sniper rifle and yells “Hidden Envy!” causing a cane sword to form in her hands. She draws the sword with a yell of “Evident End!” right as the Paladin arrives, hitting them squarely while also hitting Maddox screaming as they dramatically pass each other. Maddox cringed at the wave of psychic power, the Paladin gritting her teeth as the sword slashes at her abdomen. Despite the strength of the spells, neither did much damage to each other. They both turned at the same time, slashing at each other with their weapons.

    The Paladin had the advantage, Maddox knew. She seemed to be able to use that psychic power as much as she wanted, and it did more damage than Maddox’s one spell. Not only that, the other forces were approaching and shooting bullets at her. “Psychokinetic Strike!” was cried out three times, “Full Auto!” eight times, and “Burst Fire!” a large number of times. Not all of the attacks hit, but a good half did. Maddox was not doing well.

    “Acid Smoke!” Was croaked out from above, and green acid smoke covered all in front of Maddox, L’Appel coming to the rescue. “I Lend Thee My Wings!” Was quickly cast next as the crow summon flies into Maddox’s back, giving her dark angel-like wings. Maddox doesn’t hesitate and flies straight into the air. “Good Intentions.” She croaks just as the cane sword leaves in a flash of darkness, replaced by a magitek needle gun. “Healing Remedy.” Is said next, a needle just barely managing to shoot into her leg as she soars higher, healing her a bit. Then, bullets flying past her (the dumb paladin seemed to have picked up the gun of a fallen comrade and that last attack might kill Maddox if it hit her again so no more melee for her), Maddox barrel rolled in the air to dodge and face them. “Swamp Grenade Launcher!” Maddox yells, a wooden bazooka forming in her arms. As soon as she’s in range she aims the bazooka to the sky, yelling “Swamp Rain!” Right as a rain of bullets starts to hit her. Ouch.

    That being done Maddox swoops back into the air again to assess the situation since she can flay just out of range of their attacks. The green smog from both her and L’appel’s attacks clear. Wait, holy crap, was most of them dead? Yes, all of them except for the Paladin and one Imperial Guard she never managed to hit.

    … Screw this, Maddox thought, Fausty dragged her here, he can deal with the super annoying enemy. She could see the carnage he was causing from here. “Night Form!” She yells, calling upon Nyx’s power in her turning into a dark liquid wraith with wings and glowing green eyes. The spells of the two passed through her as they cased Maddox on her way to Faustein, the magical spells and attacks doing little damage at this point. Finally, she closed in on him. “Fausty~!” She whines, knowing he could hear here even with the pandemonium of the battle raging around them. “Maddox is tired~! You dragged the beautiful us to this horrid place, so take out the trash for us! We demand it!” She says haughtily to the Paladin offence, not caring how intimidating Faustein’s magic may or may not make him look. The Pergrande Private readied another attack at Maddox’s back, a while legion of her fallen comrades’ guns hovering around her to shoot the two at once. Oh, and the Imperial Guard also readied their gun as well.

    WC: 2,134
    TWC: 2,819

    OOC: The speeches are modified from Alexander the Great's speech in 326 B.C.; Hydaspes River, India, and Charles de Gaulle, in "The Appeal of 18 June" June 18, 1940; London

    Maddox Stats:

    @KuroFaustΩ @Tabitha @Aliannah


    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| 63217_s


    Omen Angel

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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Aliannah Fri 2 Apr 2021 - 19:35

    Rolling for enemies!



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    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by NPC Fri 2 Apr 2021 - 19:35

    The member 'Aliannah' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| R2fEWNz Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| NXDHjfc Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| PzArA86 Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| OdAaNwh

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Aliannah Sun 4 Apr 2021 - 5:58

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    They were so elegant, the people that she had been placed to work with. wide eyes blinked once, then twice before the blonde smiled at them. She really didn't know how to respond. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I hope there are minimal injuries to our group today and that there will be minimal injuries to other bystanders. I understand that our target is the Pergrande army, but I really don't wish to kill anyone, incapacitate and knock-out so that they are unable to fight is what I will be going for." It was true. The blonde really didn't want to kill anyone. She was there for protection mainly, perhaps after the war she would be able to help the families that had been torn apart and the children that had lost their homes; and while she couldn't bring them all home to her own orphanage, like she had thought before, perhaps she could start another here in Bellum. It was a good idea!

    The blonde clasped her hands together and watched in an awkward silence as the other two mages left her behind in a blink. She followed behind quickly, light on her feet, nearly making no sound to anyone who wasn't listening and only slight sounds to those who might have. She stood at the back of the crowd as the people gathered before her to gain momentum for the battle. It was a loud and boisterous sight, one that she would never forget.

    By the tension that was running throughout the crowd she knew that there would be lots of blood drawn this war and lots of casualties if she wasn't being careful. She would love to make sure that the people she was fighting with were able to go home to their families. Honestly, she wished the same for the otherside, but she knew that was likely not to be the case. Her heart suddenly felt heavy in her chest and the girl reached a hand over it, her fingers clenching at the cloth that covered it. If only there was a way to minimize the pain that both sides felt. Aliannah knew what it was like losing family member and she remembered the pain that she felt as she saw the faces of her parents when she and her sister returned to the scene of the crime.

    Indigo orbs closed for a moment as the female struggled through the memories drifting in her head. Her head hung low for just a moment, allowing for her brown hair to drift over her face. Her magic had still been channeled into her looks despite the fact that Tabitha had suddenly chosen to leave. Apparently, the war was not for her and she didn't have the time for it, or perhaps the cat girl was not ready for the blood that was about to be spilled and didn't want to see it. Either way, Aliannah knew it was best to let her go, she would likely be able to see her another time, then the blonde would be able to tell her that the war went okay and bring her good news of the battle. Though that might not be the case, but the blonde was sure that everything would be okay in the end!

    Taking in a deep breath the blonde had zoned out long enough that she had missed the riled cheer from the other side. She had missed the first shots of war, the bullets that had penetrated into the army of soldiers that were streaming towards them, guns and other non-magical weapons raised.

    What Aliannah did not miss was the bullets flying in her direction. She barely had any time to react to them, were it not for something coursing beneath her skin she would have like been hit. However, her body moved faster than she had expected it to. She had been feeling different since picking up what Alyia had brought home one night. A crystal of sorts, one that reminded the girl of a lacrima. However, the girl remembered touching it and feeling it blend into her body.

    She also remembered how Alyia had said that it was something her sister had left for her, something that was supposed to be passed down her family line, that her sister had received it, but she saw no use in it and that it didn't seem to resonate with her. Yet, that didn't seem to be the case with the blonde as she seemed to be drawn to the stone, like a moth to a flame, but who was the moth and who was the flame Aliannah didn't know as it seemed that the stone was speaking and reaching out to her in the way that she was to it. However, whatever the stone was, she wasn't quite sure. It didn't matter to much then, but seeing as how her body was faster, she was lighter, her senses were heightened, maybe she should have looked into the stone a bit more.

    That was not the problem now. Now, the problem lay with the people that were shooting at her and the other people that were around her. Eyes narrowing at the mob of soldiers the girl lifted her head and her eyes began to glow.

    Souls of her enemies began to fill her sight, hiding behind boulders and walls. She could see the souls of the deceased floating above the battle, some angry and some proud, but most of them sad. It was devastating the battle had just begun and so many people had fallen to the force of violence. Biting her bottom lip the girl surged forward, in her hand a scythe appearing of magic. It wasn't of the crystal that hung around her neck, but of the magic that Alyia had given her. A scythe made of the battle between Alyia and her demon within. It shimmered in the night, the little lights of the battlefield reflecting off of the surface.

    Night time, it was the best time for her abilities, allowing her to disappear into shadows and reappear nearly anywhere. It was almost an unfair fight. Thus as the girl suddenly seemed to teleport behind one of the recruits and someone who seemed to be his higher-up Aliannah couldn't help the guilt that rose into her throat as she knocked them both out with a swing of the blunt end of her scythe. They would likely be able to regain their senses the next day if someone else didn't kill them first. But in a moment the blonde disappeared into the darkness, a ghost amongst the souls as she tilted her scythe in such a way that the blade did minimal slicing damage as she threw two more of what seemed to be recruits farther away and out of the battle, knowing without doubt that the impact to the ground would incapacitate them.

    That was three people, but it seemed that while the girl was worried so much about the people that she had thrown she didn't expect a gun butt to the cheekbone rather than a bullet. Her head swung to the side as she took on the damage. Her hair flickering slightly with the hit, fading slightly between blonde and the brunette hair that she had previously been using for Tabitha's sake. Not that she needed it anymore that the cat girl was gone, she had only used it because she remembered that her guildmate had something against blondes and she didn't want to make the other uncomfortable.

    However, one hit was enough for the soldier to think that they had the upper-hand against the mage. What they didn't expect was for the blonde, rather than swing at them with the blade of her scythe she placed both hands on the metal of the weapon and jammed it back into the recruit stomach, sending him ultimately to his knees and to the ground in one hit.

    If it took her getting hit for her to deal some non-lethal damage the girl would take it.

    She would also take the damage heading towards another soldier of Bellum who was on his knees trying to crawl away from the soldier who was shooting at him. Her body moved at the speed of sound, faster than she had ever moved before, placing herself between the bullets of the Imperial Officer and the Bellum resident. She could feel a couple of the bullets hitting her as she stood in protection, yet as she knew the bullets would hit her, she also knew that she would heal much faster. She hissed slightly as the pain ricochetted through her body, the places where the bullets hit her stinging. To say that the girl might have regretted stepping in and taking the bullets might had been an accurate statement, but it was something that she would do over and over again if it meant that she would be able to help someone who needed it.

    Taking in a deep breath the girl flashed her eyes at the Imperial Officer who had their gun aimed at her and as she channelled her magic through her body, the entirety of her body flickered for just a moment as magic encased her, leaving only when her body took the shape of Hell's Warrior. An aura of death surrounded the girl as she stepped forward, her new heels clicking with every step. She could feel her health returning to her with every moment, seeping into her body from the ground, leaving behind her a trail of death. She was faster than before, nothing but a dark blur in the night as she continued to knock down several more of the soldiers from the otherside. It was almost as if the girl teleported, disappearing into the night only to appear behind someone else, knocking them out with a hit before they are able to shoot at her.

    Magic. Aliannah could see now why it was that Pergrande could be so terrified of magic, seeing as the female mage had managed to take down all of the new recruits that she had managed to find, and debuffed the officers she had run into allowing her to nearly deal full damage to them, but then again making them weak just by standing too close to her. It seemed like the girl was a walking timebomb.

    TAG: @KuroFaustΩ @MaddoxWORDS: Post: 1,734 || Total: 3,086/4,000 ╳ NOTES: We're there.


    2 weak - 6 recruits - 0 LEFT
    6 normal - 12 officers - 2 LEFT
    1 strong - 1 imperial guard - 1 LEFT
    1 boss - 1 imperial paladin - 1 LEFT

    Spells and Abilities Used:



    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Guest Sun 4 Apr 2021 - 22:49


    As he saw the first wave of enemies, namely 8 of the Pergrande army’s officers, approaching him; Faustein began by leaping backward to a new location which was 200 m back from where he started as a test to see how far they could shoot at him from while casting one of his defensive spells by murmuring the short-hand version of the spell’s name

    Adamantine Skin.

    In response, his mana started to spread throughout the cells making up his skin and then caused them to hyper-proliferate while also increasing their production of collagen, elastin, and other such proteins which made up its matrix explosively. This, in turn, caused his skin to become as hard as diamond and just in time too, because a moment later, he found himself face to face with an incoming swarm of high- velocity and high-power bullets from the first of the officers who led his/her comrades in the assault against him.

    Well now, looks like I am still well within their firing range…

    Sadly, he did not have the chance to even finish that thought before the three of the six bullets slammed into him and drove themselves right through his magically enchanted, long white lab coat despite his best efforts to avoid them. Thankfully, his on-the-spot acrobatic maneuvering kept the other three from hitting him and instead, they whizzed past him, missing him by a hair’s breadth. Unfortunately, however, the three that did hit him ended up tearing through his physician-scientist outfit armor’s defenses almost instantly, thus rendering it useless for the rest of the conflict, a fact that incensed him greatly as despite his quirks, he took great pride in his physician-scientist’s outfit armor.

    You insufferable vermin! ... You dare to destroy my physician-scientist’s outfit?!...You have just sealed your fates! I was going to incapacitate you all…and commandeer your bodies for my specimen collection, but you are not… worthy enough to be in it with this costly mistake!

    He managed to say through the intense, searing pain brought on by the impact force of the bullets upon his body. Luckily for him, his barrier spell was just strong enough to absorb all the remaining damage and still stand somewhat intact, so even though he was racked with pain, he did not lose any life force from that attack.

    Looks like I will have to be far more aggressive than my usual form if I want to survive this…they are a formidable army of foes indeed…

    With that in mind, he wasted no further time in activating his “Mystic Eyes” spell with the murmured incantation


    With that, his mana flooded the magic energy networks of his eyes and temporarily enhanced his visual prowess, allowing him to pinpoint the weaknesses in the defenses of the officer facing him, which would make the spell he was about to use a tad stronger. Then, he activated two spells simultaneously

    Plasma Scalpel…Xénosómectomy.

    With that, Faustein’s mana flooded his hands and produced an energy scalpel aura around both his hands while the rest of it was used to blink him past the Pergrande officer after he had rushed at said officer while performing his counterstrike, his hands moving at high speed to deal the max of six slashes.

    Thankfully, his attack was on point thanks to his “Plasma Scalpel” spell and his basic body movement speed being higher than that of the officer and thus, the targeted officer was cut down in short order and lay dead at his feet. However, Faustein did not have any chance to rest for the second wave had two officers coming at him guns blazing, as it were.

    Tch, how irksome they are…note to self, never fight Pergrande army again.

    That was all he could think before he was overwhelmed with their bullet hail once more, and that too from point blank range since the two officers were in close quarters with him. This time, he was not so fortunate since all six of each officer’s bullets managed to strike him with pinpoint accuracy, and thus his defensive barrier was torn to shreds almost as quickly as his now tattered armor and the bullets that remained after the collision with his dermal barrier spell managed to inflict penetrating wounds all over him, causing him to bleed profusely from said wounds. However, Faustein could not worry about flesh wounds for he had to take out these two quickly, so he activated his next attack spell

    Elastic Blow!!

    That caused his mana to flood the muscles of his upper limbs and make them extremely flexible after which he hurled a flurry of 8 swift punches with these unnaturally long, whips like altered upper limbs of his at one of the two officers. Due to the overwhelming number of blows he struck at that officer, despite the armor, he was able to bludgeon said officer to death. Then, he whirled around on his heel while activating his next attack spell without missing a beat

    Bone Katana: Camelia Dance!!

    With that, he slammed one hand on his thigh and with a sickeningly loud, crunching sound, he drew forth a standard-length and shape katana made entirely of hyper-condensed and razor-sharp bone produced from his femur. Then, he went into his attack on the second of the officers, aiming high velocity slashes at them, for a max of 10 slashes overall. He did not worry about their defenses because he knew from the battle data he had gathered while being assaulted by them that his force of arms was greater than the defenses provided to them by their armor. In this manner, the second officer was also cut down and lay dead at Faustein’s feet and so, Faustein was able to get rid of three of the eight officers who came at him in this round, although he did get hit quite a lot in return.

    They are not coming at me in a horde, eh? Well, this group does have some brains…

    As he was thinking that; his eyes caught sight of Maddox coming towards him while screeching at him to kill her enemies for her with her remaining enemies in hot pursuit, namely one Imperial Guard and one Imperial Paladin who now caught sight of Faustein killing off their underlings without mercy or any signs of stopping and shot icy glares at him in response, one that spoke of the promise of a painful death as the least of their retribution.

    How troublesome, as if these vermin were not enough…now I have even more formidable ones to deal with…Very well then, I trust you can handle the recruit level vermin facing me while I polish off your enemies for you.

    He groaned but acquiesced thus in the end since he could not evade the mentioned enemies due to them already having set their sights on killing him.


    Enemy Death Toll:

    • Imperial Army Recruits: 15/15 NOT DEAD (HANDING ALL 15/15 OF THESE OVER TO MADDOX HENCEFORTH)

    • Imperial Army Officers: 3/8 KILLED, 5/8 NOT DEAD




    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| CNkIWMc

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein picks up Maddox and teleports to Pergrande with his magitek spacetime chronometer to attend the war council and meet the other participants in his group.

    2. Faustein greets his comrades and then heads off to start the battle against the Pergrande army’s forces.

    3.  Faustein studies the enemies facing him and begins to engage them in mortal combat which causes him to suffer several wounds while also keeping track of Maddox and her enemies as well as their companion, Aliannah, handling her share of the enemy extermination and at the end, sees Maddox bringing over her enemies, aka the Imperial Guard and Imperial Paladin, to him in exchange for her dealing with his Imperial Army Recruits for him.








    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1120/1600 HP
    MP: 1017/1292 MP (due to passive -5% to MP from equipment-based MP reduction b/c 5 pieces of equipment total on hand and spell usage)
    Melee Damage: 96 HP per hit
    Speed: 192 MPS
    Shields: 000/486 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 800 HP (+20% from magic, +80% from equipment = +100% overall)
    MP: 800 MP (+20% from magic, +50% from equipment = +70% overall)
    Melee Damage: 80 HP per hit (+20% from magic)
    Speed: 160 MPS (+20% from magic)
    Shields: 486/486 HP
    Spell Damage Buffs: +55% to Spell Damage
    Active Healing Buffs: None Yet
    MP Costs: +10% to Asklēpian Bioalchemy Spell MP Costs
    MP Regeneration: +10% once per 5 posts
    HP Regeneration: None Yet
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains


    • Item

    • Item



    • Passive +60% to Spell Healing
    • Passive +30% to Spell Range
    • Passive +30% to Spell Speed
    • Passive +80% to Spell Durability
    • Passive +50% to Spell Damage
    • Passive +20% to HP
    • Passive +20% to MP
    • Passive +25% to Physical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +25% to Magical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +20% to Strength/Melee Damage
    • Passive +20% to Character Speed

    POST WC: 1142, TOTAL WC: 2565/4000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags:@Maddox, @Aliannah

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on Thu 8 Apr 2021 - 21:25; edited 5 times in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Maddox Wed 7 Apr 2021 - 3:31

    1,428/4,247 WORDS
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    HP: 140HP
    MP: 20MP
    Active Spells: See Spoiler Below
    Cooldown: See Spoiler Below
    Passives/Buffs: See Spoiler Below
    Items Used: See Spoiler Below
    Monsters Killed: See Spoiler Below

    “Good!” The dark spectre that was Maddox said to the blood-stained mad scientist in front of her after he agreed to take on the frankly terrifying Paladin and less terrifying Guard. Mostly since said paladin looks pissed as hell, but thankfully all focused on Fausty now. “If that’s all done and good, Maddox shall-“ She began to say, but was cut off by another round of bullets. And boy, that was a lot of bullets, almost tearing her spectral body to species. Not that it did much damage anyways with her current form. “…Take care of these pests for you.” The plague doctor changes what she was about to say with a very dangerous tone to her voice. Then her current dark spectral form with glowing acid green eyes and dark angel-like wings with similar acid green marking in them turns to stare down a small legion of Imperial Army Recruits. Who fearlessly stood their ground, guns powering up for another shot at her despite clearly showing that they did not affect her at all (well it did a bit, but not noticeably)? Like seriously, what were these Pergrande army recruits made of? Sure, she ran from a Paladin, but weren’t Paladins assigned recruits just like them to order around? Did none of them notice that those recruits were distinctly missing? Well, Maddox supposed not everyone could process situations as fast as her, but still. She half wanted to try to talk them into running just out of pure pity. Then the dark mage remembered that one, she had a job to do, two, killing the enemy was part of it, three, these were the enemy no matter how weak, and four, she in all honesty didn’t care enough to try. Bye, bye dear cannon fodder, Fausty had big kids to worry about~! Best she takes care of him so he doesn’t get worn out~!

    Figuring her current gear was fine for the job she was about to do, the spectral form that vaguely looks like Maddox’s ‘Gentleman’s Garb’ outfit gives a slitted, green acid coloured grin. “Shadow Sniper” The being that is Maddox says, barely above the sudden rounds of desperate bullets shooting at her, building up a smog of dust and the noise covering up her other cast of “Peirce The Stars.” All the recruits could do is watch in with nervous energy that only the battlefield could bring as eight dark beams shoot into the sky… then turn downwards towards a few of the helpless recruits. They all scatter and the one's targets start to sprint, but it’s no use as the bullets circle around the group, drawing them into each other until they bumped shoulders before finally hitting their targets. To be fair to them all Maddox hear was some pained gurgles and hushed reassurances. But that would end soon.

    “Swamp Grenade Launcher~!” A cheerful voice sings out, causing the recruits to look around in panic. Then they look up. There is the spectre, black wings flapping silently above them, acid green eyes curved into upward crescents of glee, the acid green mouth turned upwards. Many of them pale as the figure singsongs a gleeful “Swamp Raaaaaaiiiin~!” Causing many grenades to pop out of the wooden bazooka it was holding and have them sail toward the recruits, hitting them fulling and causing the circle of them to be knocked back away from each other. There were in fact shrieks of pain this time as the poison of the swamp seeped into their bodies. But no worries, Maddox will put them out of their misery soon enough~! Oh, the green mist from the grenades was dissipating.

    From the looks of things, a good eight Recruits were no longer ever getting up, sans some sort of divine intervention or a necromancer. But seeing how Pergrande didn’t worship any gods (do they? Something for her to look up later) and such magic haters would never hire something as dark as a necromancer, they were probably very permanently dead. While the others were still recovering from both being flung fifty feet and the swamps poisons, so Maddox took a moment to eerily inspect one of them, just to make sure the recruit hadn’t simply fainted or was faking dead. Flapping over to the nearest recruit Maddox kneeled down to inspect him while also dismissing the wooden bazooka. This one had been hit by her sniper rifle as well, same with the other ones of the ground she suspected. It was the grenades that killed them in the end, the poison more easily getting into their veins from the shadow bullet wound. She lifted the assault gear around the woman, yes that’s a woman, female recruits head, keeping the helmet on but peeling back the black Kevlar around the neck. Maddox could see the acid green veins in the woman’s skin from the plague doctor's poison, showing any coroners that bothered to check the cause of death how she perished other than the large bullet wound in her abdomen. “… No. NO! THERESA!” Someone yelled from behind Maddox, and started to shoot bullets wily-nilly into her spectral head, screaming with grief and rage while he did so. Maddox could only sign in annoyance. The other two were currently making an effort to limp away while this madman approached her. “You should not be so eager to join her darling. But since you insist, this one’s friends shall help you. Meet Fear.” Maddox says, stretching out her arm while more darkness swirls around it, causing a bulky-looking gun to form in her hand, still kneeling down. “Pain.” She says, doing the same for the other arms causing an identical gun to form. “And finally.” She says, then suddenly gets to her feet and whirls around to face the distraught guard. “PUNISHMENT!” before shooting two dark bullets are the recruit, hitting him squarely in the chest. The falls, a look of despair on his helmetless face as he reaches for the dead recruit, before going limp himself.

    Maddox clicks her tongue at the scene but is secretly gleeful. This will be the perfect inspiration for a poem later!  But first, she had to take care of the other two. In that part of the battlefield if one could drown out the other sounds of battle raging, you could hear two shouts of “Punishment!” ring out, two shots fired each time, then silence.

    Finished with her work, Maddox floats above the battlefield to take in all in. While she may have been practically kidnapped, the requip mage actually ended up well, not enjoying the experience, but happy that it gave her much inspiration for the future and convinced her to work on her fighting abilities a bit more. Flying back over to Fausty, Maddox spots what looks like a blonde woman with a very intimidating aura wreaking havoc on the Pergrande Knights below. Maddox was impressed by the sheer power, carnage and *gasp* beauty that this woman painted! “Oh, darling you are gorgeous~!” Maddox calls to the woman from above, her deep voice ringing out. “The aura, the majesty, the blood the chaos! All of this death, despair destruction, and in the middle, a white angel standing above the bodies of the fallen, a black angel looming above! Is she an angel of death to those below her, slain by her holy hand stopping the back psychopomp from doing its godly work? Or one of salvation, here to bring them with her to heaven, standing firm against the dark one here to bring them to hell? Only the divines themselves know.” Maddox waxes poetically to the other woman, still in her dark form with L’appel’s wings attached to her back. The image they painted was definitely symbolic, even if the woman didn’t have wings and Maddox was definitely no dark angel. “But that’s just the words of a silly mage done their work, do not let Maddox disturb you anymore!” Maddox says with her signature ‘ohohoho~!’ laugh, then pauses in thought before summoning ‘Good Intentions’ under her breath and taking out a vial from the needle gun, muttering a quick ‘Healing Remedy’ under her breath before throwing it down to the blonde. “Here, a gift from a fellow ally and angel. Have fun darling~!” Maddox finishes, flapping away before she could hear Ms. Angel’s reply. She was pretty sure she killed enough enemies to meet the jobs quota. All there was left to do is meet up with Fausty and teleport home with him.

    All in all a surprisingly good time.

    OOC: @KuroFaustΩ killed ur dudes! @Aliannah You can use that vial to heal 125HP if you want, but you don't have to use it

    Battle Stats::


    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| 63217_s


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Aliannah Thu 8 Apr 2021 - 7:43

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    The basic military was simple, easy to counter. Of course being able to move faster than the speed of sound would allow for that. However, it was only a matter of time before the girl would run into someone that was bound to pose a challenge to her. She could see his shadow over the battlefield, the way that he seemed to control the fighting and directions with one motion of his hand. Yet, it seemed like the man was bathed in light.

    The girl had read about them when telling stories to the kids at the orphanage, Paladins, and yet he was not the only one, a guard stood at his side and took down soldier after soldier of the Bellum army as they charged at the Pergrande militia. Alianah couldn't watch, she couldn't stand to see how people could even consider taking someone down with blood. Mind you she hadn't been watching her own teammates, but without looking she could tell that the two others didn't have the same mindset that she did. Dealing non-lethal damage so that at the end of the day the soldier would be able to go home to their family.

    Aliannah took a deep breath and began moving forward, the ground around her feel dying and bursting up into flames as she walked. The girl looked like a demon stalking their way to their prey. A predator on it's way to claim its prize. But the girl thought nothing of killing the other. Only pushing them into a position in which they would have to surrender and if they would not she would knock them out.

    With each step Aliannah could feel herself becoming stronger as the wounds that scattered her body began to heal themselves, blood stopping as the flesh began to mend itself back together. To someone who hadn't seen it before it was strange, but to those who were used to magic, it was normal. But the brunette barely had a time to rest as the guard seemed to disappear from where it stood only to appear next to the female mage, an attack immediately ready to strike the blonde. But the first swing never hit as the blonde heard it coming before it got there. Her body moving out of the way as it swung through the air towards her. Yet, she was not the only one who could move fast, the blade instantly followed her and the guard swung again, catching the blonde in her side and slicing through her clothing. It was rough and the blonde could feel the sting of cold air against the wound, but she also knew that the next swing wouldn't hit again as the blonde teleported to the other side of the guard, kicking the bottom of his sword and thus making him drop it to the ground.

    It fell with a clatter and the blonde moved to pick it up. it was light in her hands, her death scythe flickering behind her in the light of the moon.

    The sword was interesting as she held it in her hand. It seemed to be made of a metal that rejected magic and would repel it. She could feel the sword struggling against her as if it were alive, trying to make it so that it would no longer be in her hands.

    If that is what it wanted then so be it.

    Indigo eyes flashed towards the guard and the girl stepped forward, taking the sword and swinging it at the man in front of her. eyes glowing in the night.

    However, the blonde never hit. The sword stopping at the last second as the girl stopped the swing of the sword. "I will not touch you to make blood. However, the damage you have done is inexcusable. You must answer for yourself."

    The rage inside the blonde was boiling and she could feel the appearance change that she had put up starting to flicker and change. Falling away from her form and leaving her in with her blonde hair and regal look. A look that made the Paladin behind her gasp, giving away their position. The blonde swung around and without missing a beat swung her death scythe at his neck, the blunt end catching him and clothes lining them into a nearby wall.

    That could have been close. Aliannah had gotten this far without killing anyone and she was sure certain that if she had been using the blade then perhaps the other would have been dead.

    Taking a breath indigo orbs stared into the soul of the Paladin. "You are no better. Seeing as you are a person of holiness, one would think that you would have higher morality than to kill people. However, I can see that it is not in your means to do so. Thinking that the only people that deserve to feel your favour are those of Pergrande." The words slipped from the blonde's lips in a fluid motion.

    "I wish to not see anyone I fight die on the battlefield, but to be sent home to their families. Why fight a meaningless battle when there is something far more important?"

    The blonde looked between both of the Imperial chiefs, however the blonde was not receiving the response that she had expected. Instead the others seemed to be staring at her in awe and in curiosity with a touch of suspicion.


    Aliannah paused. Princess? What? The girl looked at the two as if they had grown a second head. There was no way that they knew her, she had lived in Fiore and Tolgalen her entire life. There would be no way she would know anyone in Pergrande.

    "Aren't the princesses supposed to be dead? One for not bearing the royal lineage and the other because their father ran away with them, thus treason?"

    What? What was this? What were they talking about? Aliannah paused and froze, but what they were saying rung a bell. She had been with her parents until they had gotten killed by someone and she had run away with her sister out of a collapsing building that if they were a moment too late they would have been buried under. But there was no way that these stories were the same. Even if they were similar enough, there was no way that she would ever be a princess.

    The blonde grit her teeth and gripped the death scythe in her hands. Swinging it like a butter knife as she knocked the blunt end of the weapon into the heads of the Pergrande military, knocking them out.

    What ere they talking about? It didn't matter. The blonde seemed to be in a world of her own that it was only at the last moment did she catch the potion that had been thrown at her from her teammate. It seemed like they were done with their fight, and it seemed reasonable.

    The blonde tied the two together and began her walk around the battlefield, healing people with her magic so that they would be able to last until they actually got treatment. Her healing wouldn't have been able to heal everyone fully, however she would be able to pull anyone out of a red light situation.

    The words of the Paladin and Guard echoed through her head.

    It was too coincidental for them to know how she looked and a very close story of what happened to her family for it all to be completely false. There was something, some truth behind their words and the girl was bound to find out why. Aliannah took a bow at the Bellum soldiers that she helped pick up off the ground.

    "It seems like my work is done. Please be safe and may you all get home to your families."

    The blonde seemed to disappear into the night, heading back home to where she would be able to do some research.


    TAG: @KuroFaustΩ @MaddoxWORDS: Post: 1,331 || Total: 4,417/4,000 ╳ NOTES: We're there.

    2 weak - 6 recruits - 0 LEFT
    6 normal - 12 officers - 2 LEFT
    1 strong - 1 imperial guard - 0 LEFT
    1 boss - 1 imperial paladin - 0 LEFT

    Spells and Abilities Used:



    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| Empty Re: Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats|

    Post by Guest Thu 8 Apr 2021 - 23:36


    Faustein finished his disgruntled grumbling and refocused his attention on the matter at hand, specifically the problem of how to handle the many enemies standing ready to kill him at a moment’s notice.

    The probability of success does not seem to be in my favor…what with this many enemies…Oh well, one must do what one must do, I suppose…The guards and the paladin are fewer in number, while the officers are more plentiful, so they are the bigger threat at present…which means eliminating them from this world is my prime directive for now.

    Even as such thoughts whirled in his mind with half his attention on them, Faustein was focusing the other half of his attention on re-applying the same spells from before, starting with his barrier

    Adamantine Skin.

    With that, the skin covering his entire body beneath his now tattered physician-scientist’s outfit which was his custom, specially enchanted light armor now regained the durability of diamond due to his mana flowing through it again, crosslinking the constituent proteins and hyperproliferating the cells making up his integument simultaneously. Thankfully, it was just in time as two Imperial Army Officers came running at him while shooting off their powerful automatic firearms. Thus, history repeated itself again as his barrier spell managed to stop one officer’s attack completely before breaking down and the other’s attack of 6 bullets managed to strike him successfully, causing even more profusely bleeding penetrating wounds to open on his body. Thankfully, however, he was ready with a healing spell waiting in the wings and which he cast immediately to stave off impending death

    Mystical Palm.

    With that, his healing mana flowing from his core into his hands and then back into his body, healing his wounds to a large extent thanks to the innately superior quality of said healing spell. While he was doing that with one hand, he attacked the first officer with his “Elastic Blow” spell, killing said officer in short order and immediately whirled around while conjuring his bone-forged katana and attacked the second officer with it via the use of his “Bone Katana: Camelia Dance” spell, which of course killed that officer too. However, he did not stop there, but instead charged at rest of officers and attacked them before they could react by first using a new spell

    Cherry Blossom Impact.

    In this spell, Faustein concentrated a large amount of mana into his hand while making a tight fist with that hand. Then, he reared back and then smashed his fist into the ground, creating a giant crater due to the area of effect nature of the impact with a thunderous noise as the ground upon which the targeted officers stood was shattered thanks to the enormity of the impact force generated by Faustein’s new spell. Additionally, since it was an area of effect it hit all the Imperial Army Officers, but unfortunately the Imperial Guards and the Imperial Paladin had leaped away to safety before his spell could strike at them. Thus, all the three remaining officers were successfully hit and were reeling from his attack, which Faustein took full advantage of to rush at and attack all of them with his “Bone Spur Machine Gun” spell, killing them almost instantly, thanks to his previous “Cherry Blossom Impact” spell softening them up. In this manner, the entire contingent of 8 Imperial Army Officers were slaughtered successfully, their corpses lying dead all around Faustein, and leaving only the guards and the paladin.

    That is decidedly odd…why have the guards and the paladin not come to their comrades’ rescue? Oh well, fortunate for me, so there shall be no complaints from me.

    He mused silently as he took stock of the situation on the battlefield while healing himself further with his “Hemotransfusion” spell. His squad partners, Maddox and Aliannah, had already finished off their share of the workload and had left the battlefield, presumably heading back to Bellum’s war council chambers to wait for him. Now, the Imperial Paladin sent the two Imperial Guards at him, obviously aiming to mow him with a tag team attack.

    Now you are truly playing the way an intellectual would, bravissimo! Then come, let us dance the mad dance of death together on this bloodstained battlefield and then, when the dust has settled, the loser shall have the honor of dining with Hades!!

    Faustein exclaimed while dodging the first Imperial Guard’s assault after which, he swiveled on his heel and immediately counterattacked by striking at her with a swift series of blows using his “Defibrillator Palm” spell. Due to his forethought in enhancing the potency of his spells beforehand with his “Diagnoscope” spell he recast the moment before he used his “Defibrillator Palm” spell and his innately superior spell power, his attack was able to force its way through the Imperial Guard’s special anti-magic defenses even with the potency reducing affliction they put up against him. So, that was one Imperial Guard that now laid dead at his feet. Alas, as he was focused on one, the other Imperial Guard was able to successfully strike at him with her attack, causing heavy damage to him, albeit not enough to finish him off yet thanks to the innate physical defenses he had applied to his person. So, he struck at her first with his “Occult Anesthesia” spell to paralyze her completely and then, used the opening that presented him to attack her with his “Nervous System Rupture” spell to kill her off as well, though not without some effort thanks to the same anti-magic defenses being present on her as were on the rest of her comrades.

    Finally we get to be alone together, eh my dear Paladin?

    The sole remaining Imperial Paladin merely scowled at him silently which made Faustein smirk despite bleeding all over and having several broken bones, muscle tears, and other such injuries throughout his body

    Not one for banter, then? Very well, suit yourself and here I come!

    Since his visual prowess was enhanced now due to his “Diagnoscope” spell, Faustein could tell that the Paladin was more powerful than all their subordinates combined and thus, he did not waste time with further idle chatter, but instead began the attack, opening with his “Strangulating Ligature” spell. To his surprise and great chagrin, however, the razor-sharp mana threads which flew forth towards the Paladin simply broke down and vanished ineffectually upon contact with their armor.

    Some sort of magic negation ability? How fascinating…Then, how about this…

    He then conjured his bone katana again and attacked the Paladin at close quarters, but the Paladin was able to break it apart by the end, but not without taking some damage. Unfortunately for Faustein, however, the Paladin’s armor had an even stronger magic potency reduction effect on it than he had seen on any of said Paladin’s underlings. That breakage gave the Paladin the opening they needed to strike at him, and that strike was completely on point, doing massive damage to Faustein and launching him several paces away. Due to the force behind it, he crashed to the hard, bloodstained ground with a loud thud. He was not dead yet, but he was on his last legs for sure, as he was a researcher and scholar instead of a purely combat focused mage.

    Da…mn…I can…not take much more…of those hits…I must end it now…

    With that single thought in mind, he decided to do something which he would never usually do, aka make a final desperate attack. Said attack involved him slamming his hands onto the ground while channeling mana through them. His mana went into the ground and caused a group of 10 corpses to rise as zombies. He then directed this small group of zombies at the Paladin and thanks to the Paladin’s injuries slowing them down just enough, the zombies managed to rip and tear at their body repeatedly until they finally killed the Paladin off as well.

    Th…at wa…s….truly difficult…bu…t then, it…is…war, after…all.

    Faustein smirked and muttered to himself as he scanned the area for any more enemies who might have been lying in wait. Seeing none, he realized his role in the conflict was over, if only for now and then dragged himself back to the Bellum war council chambers slowly on account of his bruised, battered, bloodied body. It took him a long while to get there, but thanks to the help of the Bellum side’s army, he was able to make it back safe and sound, albeit in a state of complete exhaustion. After his return, he reported his work to the commander of the Bellum army and then used his spacetime chronograph as per the usual method to teleport himself and Maddox back to Sin and the Elysium guild hall after receiving the Bellum army’s thankful gratitude, all the while looking forward very much to a nice two week long slumber.



    Enemy Death Toll:

    • Imperial Army Recruits: 15/15 DEAD (HANDED OVER TO AND ALL KILLED BY MADDOX)

    • Imperial Army Officers: 8/8 DEAD


    • Imperial Paladin: 1/1 DEAD (1x KILLED FOR MADDOX)


    Border Clashes Event| Ali&Tabi Statless | Maddox&Faust Stats| CNkIWMc

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein picks up Maddox and teleports to Pergrande with his magitek spacetime chronometer to attend the war council and meet the other participants in his group.

    2. Faustein greets his comrades and then heads off to start the battle against the Pergrande army’s forces.

    3.  Faustein studies the enemies facing him and begins to engage them in mortal combat which causes him to suffer several wounds while also keeping track of Maddox and her enemies as well as their companion, Aliannah, handling her share of the enemy extermination and at the end, sees Maddox bringing over her enemies, aka the Imperial Guard and Imperial Paladin, to him in exchange for her dealing with his Imperial Army Recruits for him.

    4.  Faustein watches as Aliannah and Maddox finish off their share of the work and withdraw from the battlefield and then engages the rest of his own enemies in mortal combat, killing them off successfully, but not without taking massive nearly lethal damage in return.







    Spell Descriptions:

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    Active Stats

    HP: 110/1600 HP
    MP: 572/1292 MP (due to passive -5% to MP from equipment-based MP reduction b/c 5 pieces of equipment total on hand and spell usage)
    Melee Damage: 96 HP per hit
    Speed: 192 MPS
    Shields: 000/486 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 800 HP (+20% from magic, +80% from equipment = +100% overall)
    MP: 800 MP (+20% from magic, +50% from equipment = +70% overall)
    Melee Damage: 80 HP per hit (+20% from magic)
    Speed: 160 MPS (+20% from magic)
    Shields: 486/486 HP
    Spell Damage Buffs: +55% to Spell Damage
    Active Healing Buffs: None Yet
    MP Costs: +10% to Asklēpian Bioalchemy Spell MP Costs
    MP Regeneration: +10% once per 5 posts
    HP Regeneration: None Yet
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 400 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains


    • Item

    • Item



    • Passive +60% to Spell Healing
    • Passive +30% to Spell Range
    • Passive +30% to Spell Speed
    • Passive +80% to Spell Durability
    • Passive +50% to Spell Damage
    • Passive +20% to HP
    • Passive +20% to MP
    • Passive +25% to Physical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +25% to Magical Damage Resistance
    • Passive +20% to Strength/Melee Damage
    • Passive +20% to Character Speed

    POST WC: 1484, TOTAL WC: 4049/4000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags:@Maddox, @Aliannah

      Current date/time is Sun 26 Jan 2025 - 16:15