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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)


    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 27th October 2019, 3:52 am

    It was like the girl was giving off an aura of intense energy that was almost radiating of of her, an excitable and almost maddening feeling that the pink haired teenager felt most of the time but was far stronger than usual tonight. She was standing in front of a large pumpkin field just outside Oak Town yet, the slayer made no effort to actually try and collect any of the large fruit and simply stood there, as if she was waiting for something to happen. There was an oddness about the place which caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up and her animal like instincts were telling her that there was something strange going on. It was a weird feeling but it didn’t scare her but instead caused a grin to form across her youthful face. Perhaps this little reunion would turn out to be more fun than she thought it would.

    “Hmph! All this time to get here and you leave me waiting!”
    she said to herself, tapping her foot on the grass, an impatient look crossing the girl’s face. This meet up had all been her sister’s idea and she ends up being late? It was enough to piss Cierra off a little but the thought of reuniting with her baby sister was enough to keep her from lashing out, for the moment anyway. It had been ages since she’d last seen her sibling and to suddenly be contacted out of the blue had come as a bit of a surprise to her. She and her mother had only just visited the mansion recently, only to discover that the girl had taken off for some reason. It had been a hell of a shock for Cierra, who didn’t honestly think that her sister would have the guts to do it. Oh, she wasn’t angry and actually felt a touch a pride that Cersei had finally managed to take her life in her own hands. Her mother? Well, that was a different story. She had taken the news badly and the vampire slayer still had the bruises to show for it. Her mum couldn’t punish Cersei so had done what she always did, took it out on Cierra. As usual though, it had turned into a fight, as the girl never took anything lying down.

    “If you don’t turn up in five minute then I’m going to start slashing!” She’d then shout to herself, causing the few other people in the area who were picking pumpkins to give her a slightly frightened look, causing her to turn her attention to them, “What the hell are you lot looking at? Haven’t you heard a girl talk to herself before? Mind your own business!” The look on their faces was priceless and Cierra giggled at the reactions. They were well and truly baffled by her or so it seemed and she did love it that way. Folding her arms across her chest, she’d continue to wait although her gaze would continue to scan the field, convinced that there was something peculiar about it.

    (519 Words)
    (519/1500 Words Total)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 27th October 2019, 10:26 am

    ”Crap, crap, crap!” Cersei had been in a rushing fit down a trail headed to her destination. She had reached out to her sister over the last Maybe week or two and the two had managed to work out a good place and time to go meet up. It had been quite a while since Cersei had even seen her older sister, and even more so with her mother, but sadly, she either was kept away by her father or just had the bad luck of not being around when they did. It wasn’t too often they got to hang around, but since Cierra was free for the festivity this year, it only seemed right that she had gone ahead and tried to make it. Of course, she was the bit of a ditz to have forgotten the time and forgot she was already running late.

    Now to make up the time, she had ran down the trail in an attempt to make up for time she had lost due to her own idiocy. Hopefully, Cierra didn’t get too impatient and begin smashing the pumpkins or making a scene by yelling out to the trees or something embarrassing like that. But if she was anything like their mother, shame was something she didn’t feel. ”You should have flown there, little red~” A voice cooed in her mind, the sudden thought causing her to literally trip on her own feet and crash onto the ground. ”Wh-Where did- Wait... your that spider woman I summon, aren’t you?” She spoke, looking around and expecting to see the large spider form or something meant to be intimidating. Though honestly, spiders never bothered Cersei... even ones as big as her.

    A mused chuckle left the summons mouth as she found her tripping to be as amusing as her having summoned herself through a portal. ”Relax, dear. I’m merely here to watch. Less you’d like me to come and snack on that pretty little body of yours~” Only the rolling of her eyes and an annoyed sigh left as she had stood up and brushed herself off as best as possible. While others either could not speak or simply tried to intimidate her purely by appearance or threats, none of them attacked her. Nor have any of them acted the same as this one. She took her amusement in any number of ways, though usually she was quiet. Maybe she knew about meeting Cierra and her curiosity piqued? It was hard to tell when she was too afraid of these “things” to want to use her magic. Some mage she was....

    Trying to regain her composure, the summoner took her pace once again until she reached the clearing and could see Cierra in the distance. The bubblegum pink hair was such a dead giveaway sometimes, it was no surprise to see her through a crowd or something. ”Cici!~” She waved one hand out as she took off running towards her once again. Once she got up to her older sister, she leaned down, her hands resting on her knees while she took deep breathes from her run. ”Long time.. no see, huh Ci?” She pushed herself upright and smiled happily.

    534 words



    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 27th October 2019, 1:01 pm

    “You kept me waiting long enough,” Cierra said huffily, watching as the girl doubled over and caught her breath, before her gaze was briefly captured by a rather strange pink coloured mark on the back of her sister’s hand. The pink haired slayer knew what it was in a flash which sent alarm bells off in the back of her mind. She’d always disliked guilds and the thought of joining one herself made her feel a little sick to her stomach. In truth, Cierra had sworn to their mother that she wouldn’t be taken in by any of their lies, having been taught that true freedom came from travelling the world without rules, which all guilds had, whether light, dark or in between. Besides, there was just so much fun that she could have by wandering the earth alone, never knowing what was around the next corner.

    “It’s been a while, yeah,” she’d then go on to say once Cersei had stood up, “You didn’t leave us a number or anything when you ran off, Cer. Could have at least said where you were going, it’s not like mum or me would have stopped you leaving that house. Creaky old manor it is too.” She sounded a little annoyed as she spoke but a smile would then cross her face and she’d pull her baby sister into a tight hug, “I was worried about you, baby sis and I hope that you you’re not going to make a habit of just running off without a word, that’s my thing.”

    Chuckling, she’d eventually let Cersei go, a smile still on her face, “You must have quite a story to tell, sis. It’s been some time since you left the house after all and I’m sure that you must have had some fun since then. I mean, if it were me, I’d have gone absolutely nuts having to live in that place all the time, bored out of my skull. Being able to explore the world must have been eye opening, yeah?”

    That feeling of unease was still in the air and Cierra’s ears would prick as the tension continued to rise. This field was weird and the slayer could almost taste the tension and as she paused for a moment before speaking again, her eyes would glance at the girl’s hand and she’d ask what she’d wanted to from the moment she saw that mark, “Why’d you let yourself be branded like an animal, Cer?”

    It sounded like an innocent question but beneath Cierra’s sweet tone was something else and she would listen extra keenly to her sister’s answer. The thought of having a relative in a guild just rubbed her the wrong way and it caused seeds of doubt to be planted in her mind. Just what had her sister been doing in their time apart? Was it something to do with father? That useless asshole was a waste of oxygen in Cierra’s opinion and he always seemed to have something going on.

    (504 Words)
    (1023/1500 Words Total)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Experience : 1,160,407

    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 27th October 2019, 2:02 pm

    Still huffing for air, she couldn’t just pick herself up in the moment that her sister had commented over her making her wait as long as she had. It was a little hard to see her face with her hair hanging around her face like a set of curtains, but once she picked herself, the curtains drew back to see her face. That’s when her smile started up and she was so happy to see Cierra again. Despite being the younger sibling, she was surprised to realize that she was the taller of the two siblings. Not unheard of, but not really a common occurrence. ”Sorry about that. I forgot the time and I had to run right from the station to get here... by the way... did you like, get shorter? You were totally taller than me last time we were together.” She was genuinely curious, but after a moment she’d shrug off whatever answer was given should it not be joking worthy and just enjoy the moment.

    Ran off? When did she- OH! They must have thought when she had been taken to that bitch of a cat girl’s castle that she had just simply ran away from the manor she lived in. When did they plan to do this? A surprise visit? If the place was unkempt, it had to be at least a month after she was gone since she didn’t have a way to contact cleaning services or anything. How was she gonna get around this? She couldn’t tell her that part, knowing full well how her sister was with certain news. ”Well uh... I went off to that show in Minstrel our father takes me to, but I thought of staying there for a little while. I guess I forgot the time there too.” A poor attempt at a joke would make her lightly laugh, but she figured it wouldn’t fly too well. ”But I totally won’t make sure to tell you. I have your iLac number anyway. I can just text you if I won’t be somewhere!” She made her reply while blushing from the hug. It wasn’t often she got one, but it was always nice when she did.

    It was hard to come up with some things while she was being so sweetly interrogated by her own sister. What exactly could or should she even tell her? She knew Cierra would probably go berserk on the girl whom tricked her, but not before she laid into Cersei herself for making such a stupid choice... ”Not all the time...” She started off, giving a small sigh while her hands rested at her hips. Unlike her smiling sister, the summoner was left with only a grimace. ”It wasn’t at first, but as I got older he was around less and less. After a while he would’ve around only a couple times a year, about every 2-4 months, give or take. He didn’t leave me for dead, in fact I’ve had a very deep pool he would leave me and just refill on his trip back. I’ve always been smart about my spending, so he found it easier to trust me, I guess. But.. I’m really sorry I missed the chance to see you and mum again... I miss you both.”

    Being the definition of a latchkey kid was hard enough to bare, but she couldn’t really grasp what she had asked next. Branded? Did she know about the cat girl!? It wasn’t until she saw the eyes leering at her hand that she realized the guild tattoo. A real sigh of relief left her and she only laughed, waving it off, literally. ”Silly Cici~ I didn’t get branded. I joined of my own volition. Just because you follow mum’s ideals on guilds, doesn’t mean I do too.” Still, her hands rested at her hips and she’d stand for that decision. Despite her desperation, she found that to be a choice she didn’t regret.

    660 words
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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 28th October 2019, 4:48 am

    There was something off about what Cersei was saying and the pink haired girl’s smile started to fade as she listened. Her baby sis had always been a bit of a ditz but the pink haired teen was naturally still suspicious and her arms soon folded across her chest, not saying anything until Cer was done speaking. Paranoia was such a close friend of Cierra’s and she could feel its loving embrace as she thought to herself for a bit. Was her sis hiding things from her and if so, why? Was she so afraid of her own sister that she couldn’t be truthful or was she up to something more sinister? They were questions that their mother was bound to ask later although for now, the slayer didn’t speak of them out loud. Honestly, she hadn’t come to start a fight or anything and had genuinely missed her sis.

    “I didn’t get shorter, you just ate too much and got taller...not to mention wider,” she cheekily said, giggling to herself and looking up at her sister, she had definitely grown a bit and was more like their mum in that regard, who was almost six foot. “I think you need to lay off the desserts a little sis, they’re starting to show.” Her tone was playful for the moment and her pink eyes sparkled with amusement.

    “What do you expect from him?
    ” she’d then go on to say as she heard about their father’s whereabouts, “He’s always been a hopeless case and I bet half the time he doesn't even remember that we’re his daughters, let alone the fact he’s supposed to take care of you. I don’t actually blame you for leaving the place Cer, it’s the right thing to do and I’m sure mum will say the same when I explain things to her, I hope.” There was a brief moment where she looked slightly wary but shook her head and carried on, “We miss you too sis but with the way it is between mum and dad, we couldn’t visit the house all that much. At least now that you’re free of the place, we can meet up more often.”

    The comment about Cersei’s joining of a guild actually caused the pink haired slayer to laugh, which was enough to cause the few people who were still around to give her funny looks again, given how her laugh seemed to sound more maddening than anything. “You really say some silly things sometimes Cer. They’re gonna use you to do their dirty work and then cast you aside when they’re done with you. That’s how guilds work sis, they get rewarded for your hard work. One day, you’ll come to regret joining one, as mum did, so don’t come crying to us when this idea of yours blows up in your face.” It was a rather prickly subject for her to say the least, something that had been driven into her mind from a very early age. They were a cage.

    (505 Words)
    (1500/1500 Event Total)
    (28 Extra Words)

    Last edited by Cierra Huxx on 29th October 2019, 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 28th October 2019, 12:15 pm

    The nerve of that bratty little- No, she shouldn’t let things like that get to her. She was better than that and if that’s the way Cierra wanted to be, she’d get her comeuppance sooner or later. Instead of freaking out and blowing up like she may have as a child, the red haired sibling simply pouted and rolled her eyes. Her hands folded at her chest now with her head turned away. She remained that way for a good minute. She wasn’t going to let her get much more of a rise than what was there now. Even with the next comment about her weight, Cersei only huffed through her nostrils, making no attempt to make a comment. She knew Cierra was playing around by the tone of her voice, but it didn’t mean she didn’t take even a little of it personally. ”You pink haired, Napoleon lookin’, midget...” She muttered, hoping it wouldn’t be heard, but also unaware of the little slayer attributes passed down by their mother.

    When the topic rolled to their father and his choices, that poured quickly deflated. Cierra would see just how sad the idea she had come to was without her saying a word, only listening. She made points, but also brought up some doubts and suspicions of her own. ”I just.. always thought Mum loved you more. And that’s why she wanted you. I just assumed dad thought the same when he took me, but I’d started to think differently.” She arms sunk down to her sides, though one reached over and lightly held onto the other by her forearm. ”But I think it was just that dad didn’t want to be around me because I didn’t have magic. And I think he started to resent that he didn’t have you instead of me, so he wanted distance himself from me. He would stop by and then once a year I would go to Minstrel with him and watch him in this show. A bunch of magic performers and all and he was really good in it, but I don’t know why. Whether it was to motivate me or slowly break me down.”

    Just then, Cersei would smile happily, as though she hadn’t just been on the edge of tears. ”But despite that, to heat you both cared is enough to know he isn’t worth my time. I’m making friends and moving on just fine without him. So I think when I see him next, maybe I’ll introduce him to Charlotte.. or.. umm.. maybe the one with the large fists...” Tapping her chin trying to recall names was hard. Only knowing Charlotte was because the spider woman was able to speak with her. It was a line of communication, but sometimes she just had bad timing. Well, her and Theresa. They seemed to be the only ones not willing to kill her... that she could tell. Her fear of using them kept her from establishing any kind of relationship with them, which in the long run would hurt her with going in the more dangerous tasks in the guild.

    The sound of a crying crow would call out loudly. It was suddenly followed by another, then another, until they began a symphony. Looking up, a swarm of them had circled around the pair and the few villagers around had fled in screams and terror. Out of the corner of her eye, Cersei managed to barrow avoid a peck to her head, but before she could utter a complaint, they had taken a dive down and began attacking and circling both girls. Covering her face, small scratches and pecks began to form over her hands and arms for defending herself. Her clothes becoming tattered little by little until she felt something hit her. Hard. With one cry of pain, the summoner was launched several meters away from her sister and landed on the ground, rolling several times in pain before she felt that same pressure pinning her down, face and arms into the ground. The shriek of a harpy almost could shatter ear drums of most, but she simply began to kick and thrash trying to get free from whatever was attacking her, but she couldn’t do anything but grow angrier and angrier. Her back was beginning to glow in a pattern, small bits seeable through the rips in her clothes on the back, but not enough to tell for sure through her clothes either.

    743 words
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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 28th October 2019, 1:29 pm

    At first, Cierra was going to respond to Cersei’s insult but as her sister quickly moved on and began to talk about her feelings towards their father, she paused, listening keenly. What she was hearing didn’t surprise her but what did was just how off guard it caused herself to become. The pink haired slayer struggled to feel much empathy for anyone but when it came to her baby sister, she just couldn’t help but feel that way. Yes, they hadn’t seen much of each other but that didn’t mean that she didn’t care. It was just a difficult emotion for her to deal with. To say that she’d been raised by their mother in a caring way would just be a lie and it was rare if ever that even she’d seen Sarisha’s softer side.

    She took a step forward and was about to reach out when all of a sudden they were set upon by a large murder of crows and the moment that they begun their assault, Cierra’s mind instantly switched off, to be replaced by her raw instincts. Whatever she was going to say was wiped from her lips and mind with the final straw breaking when she saw Cersei be thrown away from her, she completely snapped. A wild smirk would cross her features and her pupils would dilate, resulting in an almost psychotic look to emerge. Lifting her head, she would shout to the birds, who were mainly now coming towards her, “You mother fuckers! I’ll tear you to shreds for spoiling our reunion!”

    The birds would come tearing down towards her and with a battle roar, Cierra would fire a burst of blood into the air, which would then began to hammer the ground in the area around her, causing the birds to caw in panic. As the blood touched her, she felt her physical strength increasing and she lunged at the animals, lashing out with wild punches and kicks towards them. Swift and deadly, Cierra would leap and catapult around the beautiful rain of crimson, striking multiple birds and easily taking them out of commission with just a single blow. Oh, it was glorious, if not a little dull at just how easy they were to kill but the ecstasy of combat overtook every other sensation and she started to giggle as she destroyed her enemies.

    The ground around her would soon become covered with feathers and the majority of the crows that were attacking Cersei would start to come her way instead, sensing the threat. She was a force of animalistic rage and every kill just increased her excitement. This was living and what their mother had been teaching her since she was a small child, from the moment that she’d killed her first animal, at the age of 3 or 4. She’d been born to be a killer of man, beast and god and after 15 years of training, it was second nature.

    Overwhelmed, the few remaining crows would take off and fly away to a safe distance, before beginning to merge into something far larger and more powerful. It was difficult to tell just what it was at first but Cierra didn’t give a shit about that. She hungered for blood and the birds had not even been close to enough to satiate her need for it. Perhaps this next foe would be more worthwhile. As the creature began to step forth, the hairs on the back of her neck would stand up and she would briefly turn her gaze towards her sister.

    Seeing her sibling struggle so badly against such foes caused an angry scowl to cross her features and she would yell out towards her offspring, “What the hell are you fucking doing?! Get up and fight, you coward! What do you think mum would say if she saw you being beaten up by weaklings like these?! If this is how you respond to a challenge then you’re damn right that mum loves me more than you. She could never love such a pitiful waste of oxygen like you. GET UP AND FIGHT!”

    Returning her gaze back to her new foe, Cierra would smile, a pair of blood red claws forming on her hands, “All right, you’re next.”

    (712 Words)
    (1500/1500 Event Total)
    (740 Extra Words)

    Last edited by Cierra Huxx on 29th October 2019, 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Experience : 1,160,407

    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 28th October 2019, 2:45 pm

    It was an odd sensation to begin feeling this unimaginable amount of anger welling up inside. She had felt angry before, but nothing like this. Seeing her sister getting angered herself, her own anger fueled by how weak she felt under whatever it was she had been pinned to the ground. It only added on with the pain of how hard this thing had been pushing her face into the ground, her arms almost feeling as though they would snap at any given moment from how tight they were held onto. Cersei continued to try and fight, but the more she did, the more her face was buried in dirt and the tighter her arms were clenched together between one hand of this beastly creature. Her continuing actions only made her groans and cries begin to sound more feral and angered, more and more with each one until had heard something.

    At first it was hard to tell for sure if she had been the cause of whatever yelling was going on. It wasn’t until she was able to open her eyes that she saw that it all came from Cierra. The red head’s eyes were already changed. They were definitely more feral, slotted pupils with an altered shade of a yellow. Strange red markings began to form all over her face and head, including that of her hands. They began to turn a slightly faded shade of red and her nails growing slightly, blacking out until they were pitch black dark. Two horns would begin to push through her skull, shifting her hairline as it grew longer and thicker until it came to a halt. Her hair itself began to grow longer, lighting itself into an almost honey blonde color. All of this during the span of every single word Cierra yelled at her.

    Then the breaking point. The last few words directed at her had finally sunk into its final point. She had enough of the insults, the pain, and the feeling of weakness. Her eyes began to glow a bright red that would soon hide her eyes from sight. Impossible to tell where she had been looking, the blonde teen let out a loud roar before her muscles all simultaneously twitched. She pulled against the force that held her arms together and broke them with ease. Swinging them around, she moved one to the ground and the other to the arm over her head and gripped down so tight the bone snapped. It shrieked out with pain and moved back, only to then feel a follow up of the back of Cersei’s head colliding with its face and making it stumble back. She swung around and her legs swept the creature off of its feet. Pouncing on top, she began to swing punch after punch, clawing into it until it had finally stopped moving. It was hard to tell the blood from the shade of her skin anymore, but the creature was without a face or even the better part of a skull anymore. But her anger was far from subsided.

    In the distance, however, stood several sets of eyes peering though the shadows, a feminine giggle leaving her mouth. Charlotte - ”Such an interesting girl... well, both of them it seems.”

    545 words
    1500/1500 event total
    962 extra words



    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2019, 4:13 am

    The creature that Cierra had been waiting for finally took on an actual form and to her surprise, it was a scarecrow, wielding a large scythe and grinning at her with a look in its eyes that seemed to mirror hers. The slayer didn’t think for a moment about caution and just charged forwards towards the creature, ducking underneath its first swing and then launching herself towards it, her blood claws ready for battle again. Her attack was accurate and caught him across the face, causing him to reel back slightly but rather than shout and scream, he simply laughed and swung with more fury. He was the perfect foe for the slayer and the two were soon engaged in a battle of pure strength and speed. No fancy tricks, no special spells, just two maniacs who wanted to beat the holy hell out of each other. It was complete bliss and every strike of her claws only caused her senses to become more acute as the blood lust and pure anger pushed her further. She’d struggled so often to understand what her and Cersei’s mother had been trying to teach her and it only seemed to ever make true sense during battle, once the humanity was stripped away and only the beast beneath remained.

    A powerful strike did manage to catch her across the stomach and a spurt of blood would burst from her body, causing her to giggle with surprise, “Not bad, Scarecrow but now it’s my turn.” All of a sudden, she would suddenly turn into a pool of blood and almost instantly reappear behind her foe, with a speed that seemed to catch the creature off guard. Before it could react, she would stab him where his kidneys would be, a powerful double stab that caused him to screech, before jumping up and delivering another double stab where his lungs would be. Her attacks were accurate, despite her madness, having been taught long ago about where the weaknesses were in humanoid creatures. Black blood and straw started to pout out of the creature and his attacks became noticeably slower. Ducking underneath a reckless strike, she would then move around the front of him and slash him directly across the stomach, just as he had done to her, resulting in her getting a face full of his blood, which only caused her to laugh harder.

    To finish him off, she would leap into the air once more and unleash a powerful barrage of slashes towards his head and upper body, ruining what little there was of his face and causing him to collapse to the ground. With a roar, Cierra would then pick up his scythe before decapitating the scarecrow with it and then planting it into his headless body.

    Once the fight was over, she would remain still for a moment or two, enjoying the taste of victory before turning her gaze towards her sister, noticing the sudden changes in her appearance, as well as the corpse of the creature she’d been fighting. “Nice job sis, I was starting to think that you were lying when you said that you’d finally learned some magic. A pretty form you have there too. What is it? Pussy style? Kitten Takeover?” Her tone was still laced with mockery and anger, hidden behind a fake attempt at sounding sweet, goading her sibling with every syllable she uttered.

    (568 Words)
    (1500/1500 Event Total)
    (1308 Extra Words)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 347
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Experience : 1,160,407

    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th October 2019, 11:22 am

    Huffs of venting anger left the blonde girls mouth. Steam visibly left with each breath as her opponent laid so lifeless, its head smashed like someone had dropped an egg on the ground and exploded. Still, her rage seethed on from the combination of verbal insults, the inability to shake being pinned down, and the months of anger of her own that had been pent up. Everything pouring out like an open flame and the result left the smoke of some of that extinguished anger to leave her now. Her claw like fingers dug into the lifeless corpse of the undead beast she brutally bashed the skull into and began to rise from her seat atop of the body.

    Something ticked inside of her brain that caused her to act without mercy or hesitation. Hearing Cierra’s voice triggered it as something to be seen as a threat. The voice that called her out, demeaned her and told her things she had never wanted to admit to herself. Thrown into reality and cutting the thread of her sanity. Her head turned slightly to look over her shoulder, seeing only the red glow of her eyes. While Cersei’s enraged self could see beyond the red hue, all Cierra would see would be that red. Her mouth opened, but instead of words, came a gritting of fang like teeth, followed by a growling. Something akin to a wild dog or another feral beast out for blood.

    With only the motion of turning herself around, the summoner launched the body of the beast at an inhuman speed for the size and weight that the beast could have been seen to be. However, before reaching Cierra, the body would be shot into another direction, veering it off from the pink haired slayer and then hitting a tree. White webs would begin to quickly encase the body while the sound of heels in the dirt would be accompanied by a rather sinister chuckle. ”My my. I wish you were this competent of a summoner on a regular basis. Maybe then you’d stop cowering like a scared child.” The voice spoke up. Several spider legs posed on her back, her only current visible eye peering between the enraged blonde and her sister. ”I couldn’t take watching this from the shadows any longer. Much less this girl’s pitiful attempt at fighting.” Her eyes would settle onto Cierra during a pause. ”You girls have much to learn~ But for now, I suppose a little assistance might help. I can’t let the only thing letting me freely from the void be ruined over trivial insults.”

    Now Cersei was confronted by two things that she wanted to turn into paste. What had stopped her first move was the sound of laughter in the air. She looked around, her growling noises only picking up and getting more restless. A spectral brig would phase in from nothing right behind her and deliver a swift clawing to her back. She stumbled forward and the sudden agonizing pain of its poison began to kick in. The girl dropped to her knees, screaming in agonizing pain. It shot Charlotte’s attention to her, seeing this and then recognizing the creature from which was attacking. ”Is it truly that time of year? Picking on little girls and boys because of our inferiority?” A small jest of amusement left her mouth before it shifted to a smiled. She would step forward, looking toward Cierra briefly before returning to the slayer. ”The name is Charlotte. Your.. sister was it? Don’t mistake her for done over his poison. Oni’s are relentless for their durability.”

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2019, 12:13 pm

    “Oh, so that’s what she’s supposed to be,” Cierra uttered with a giggle, seemingly unaffected by the angry look in her sister’s eyes, feeling nothing but elation at the fun she was having. “I’ve never seen her like that before so I admit that it’s a surprise.” There was no lie in her words and she was rather stunned by Cersei’s new appearance although there was certainly no fear. The pink haired girl had seen much scarier things in her time and had experienced her fair share of pain and torment. That was how she’d grown into the teen that she was today although there’d been a fair share of lust and pleasure too. Emotions were the key to everything and letting them loose was the only true way to live. A motto that she lived by every day.

    Cierra would briefly look the spider lady over, tilting her head and enjoying the woman’s form for a moment or two before adding, sounding oddly sweet again, despite the situation and her state of mind, “Nice to meet you Charlotte. I wish that we could get better acquainted but I suppose that’ll have to wait until this ugly bastards dead. You’re very pretty though.” There would be a moment where the madness in her eyes would briefly turn lustful but the sound of her sisters screaming eventually returned her focus back to the bizarre looking monster that was attacking Cersei.

    “Oi, fucker,”
    she’d shout, causing the monster to snap its head up and stare at her, “You’ve already stuck your claws in her now try and do the same to me. I’m much more lively than she is so how about we dance for a bit? I’d love to know what colour your blood is.” The pumpkin creature would laugh and suddenly dart towards her, wielding its poisonous claws and slashing towards her, causing Cierra would quickly dart to the left and catch him with a powerful strike from her own blood claws. “You’re too slow, pumpkin pie!” Laughing, she would dart away and then suddenly shouted, “Blood Body!” Causing an enormous amount of blood to burst from her and coat her entire body in the stuff, turning her entire form to blood. Hair, eyes, clothing, everything turned red, resulting in her becoming the living incarnation of blood.

    Laughing like a maniac, she would then open her mouth and fire a powerful blast from her mouth, catching him in the face. With a wild shriek, it would leap back, covering its face for a moment, as her blood began to spread through his body, poisoning him and causing blotches to form on his face. Darting forward, she would then lash out with a barrage of blows that would pepper his body, before finishing with a vampiric fist that sent him flying backwards. Sensing what she thought was the end, Cierra would unleash a battle roar and come into finish him.

    Only to be sent hurtling backwards as a massive sphere of dark energy erupted towards her and sent her crashing into a tree, landing hard on the ground. Winded, she would try to recover her strength but for the moment, all she could see were stars.

    (536 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th October 2019, 2:14 pm

    There was nothing to say that Cersei was without continuing her fighting. If not for still adjusting to the amount of pain that the poison was putting her through was paralyzing enough, she could feel her body was beginning to exceed its limitations. She’d never done much in the way of exercising but for the minor jogging and tiniest bit of dumbbell work, if that. She wasn’t so much in need to have to work out, but after today there would be very much a reason to. Her body’s straining was causing numerous injuries to herself and it was quickly causing not only more agonizing pain, but it was starting to slow her down as well. How she would get that healed up was beyond a thought at the moment.

    The only thing on the summoners mind at the moment was tearing everything to shreds that her eyes could settle onto. As her mind cycled the pain back to the formerly mentioned attempt at apprehending her, it continued to fuel her anger. Working her way to her feet could easily be a giveaway to her body quickly working its way to giving out on her at any given moment. However, Cersei was far from done. She wanted to end everyone. It didn’t matter to her who or why, they just had to die. From an observational standpoint, it was nice to see what kind of potential lied within her. For the summon itself, Charlotte took great amusement in seeing her work her way up from the obviously self destructing body.

    ”Ah, yes.. sorry. Your sisters dilemma is rather amusing. Courageous. But I’m sure after this I would love to get to know you, darling. Perhaps both of you.” It didn’t take much longer before Cierra darted off to fight the pumpkin king. In the meantime, she made herself a throne of webbings, sitting down on it while she had watched the pink haired girl fighting. She was the exact opposite of her sister. Something to be said about either them being actual siblings or just calling themselves that because of how they had known one another. It wasn’t something that she could tell on her own. Humans were interesting people for sure...

    After the pummeling of which Cierra delivered onto their opponent, the blonde Oni seemed to have gotten herself either under control or healed up enough to go on the move again. The poisoned, battered, nearly defeated pumpkin king wobbled and attempted to rise when he felt a harsh crack of a fist to his pumpkin skull. It was then met with a burst of flames and another pulse mixed within of void energy. He sensation of it caused Charlotte to sit up from a relaxed position of watching. Now down one more enemy, watching the lifeless, and headless body phase out of existence, she let out another bout of steam from her mouth and her attention turned to Cierra.

    One step went towards the pink haired sibling. Seeing her on the ground made her grin with her growl still happening. Pouncing like a wild animal, she landed directly on top of her sister, hands pushing down on the slayers wrists with force that Cierra would never have never of expected to have happen. As she glared down, ready to stage a strike, a twinge of pain struck the apparent flinch made her eyes widen. The opacity of the glow dissipating to see the feral eyes and from there, she could be seen as someone who looked like they had just woken up from a nightmare. ”Ci.. everything.. hurts...” Her eyes quickly shut and her body collapsed onto that of her sisters. It was then that Charlotte approached the two, giving a moment for the elder sibling to collect herself. ”Lets get her to somewhere safe and let me fill you in.. at least to what I can tell you. Shall I carry her, or would you prefer to?” Honestly, she was hoping to avoid that duty, but filling a favor of impression from seeing her fight while she was asleep was much better than fulfilling it while she was conscious.

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 30th October 2019, 4:50 am

    The pink haired girl would slowly sit up, cradling her fallen sister in her arms for a few moments as her own battle madness began to seep out of her system. The thump against the tree had done a great jump of cutting off her momentum and the shocking strength of her sister’s attack on her was at the forefront of her mind. The slayer didn’t like to waste too much time thinking but she supposed that it would be needed after this. There were questions that needed to be asked and answered, on both sides and the elder sister understood that it would be pointless to hide things any longer. There was too much secrecy between them and now that Cersei had left the house and finally found her own place in the world, Cierra believed that she was ready for the truth and her mother would no doubt feel the same. With their asshole of a father out of the picture, it could all come out.

    “I’ll do it,” she said gently to the spider woman, softly rolling Cersei off of her for a moment so that she could stand up, before picking her sister back up again. The blood that was covering her body would slowly be absorbed inside of her, removing every speck of it from her body and clothes and causing a relaxed smile to cross her features. It was a useful little trick and always helped her cool off after a hard training session or in the case of today, an actual fight. “Keep up, sexy spider,” she’s say cheerily, winking at the lovely summon, still happy to flirt even after all of this.

    She could have flown but instead just carried her sister on foot, leading Charlotte towards the edge of the town and coming to a halt under the shade of a large tree, where she would then take a seat once again. Cierra was cautious about walking around the town itself and so decided that this would be a far better spot and would also be a perfect lookout spot, in case any other intruders enemies decided to make themselves known. She reckoned that they were probably safe but it was natural for her to be on guard and her slayer senses were still on point, just in case.

    “Time for you to spill the beans, Miss Charlotte,” she would then say, still holding Cersei in her arms and looking towards the summon, “The kind of magic that she was using ain’t one for the timid and I can still feel her trembling now. She’s not strong enough yet to wield it properly and will just kill herself if she keeps using it.” She’d briefly glance down at her mumbling sister, before returning her gaze to the spirit, “I’m gonna take a stab and say that this has nothing to do with you or the other summons so what’s this all about?” She was concerned naturally, as well as curious and it was hard not to keep looking down at her baby sister.

    (513 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 30th October 2019, 9:49 am

    Charlotte only watched with curiosity the way that Cierra had been watching the human interaction between her own summoner and that of the very wild older sibling. She was tempted to take advantage of the situation just as much as always, but honestly, after seeing how calmly the pink haired girl had gotten up, it wasn’t rocket science to tell she would most likely end up beaten and needing to seek treatment by Theresa. It wouldn’t be all bad to do so, but the hassle of sitting aside and letting herself continue to feast on her summoners victim was enough to sate her for the time being. That, and the treat she didn’t have to do anything to get it herself made it much sweeter of a treat for sure!~

    The spider queen smirked at the comment that was given towards her. “Sexy”, Huh? That was new for her, but it was endearing to hear from a human no less. Her form was derived from a human whom she had spared the death of in return for her servitude, but humans could only last so long in the void without a tether or something to keep the atmosphere from affecting them. In the end, she simply chose to preserve that. Maybe in turn it gave her a less instinctual need to only kill and hunt. Whatever the case may be, it was definitely worth the results. Watching screaming and begging humans wriggle in her cocoon’s could only last so many centuries. ”I’ll remember you said that, little girl~” She taunted, collapsing the webbed throne she made for herself and then beginning to follow Cierra and her unconscious summoner.

    ”Spill the.. what? I don’t understand the meaning of your-” She paused as the slayer began to speak once again. The way she put things sounded about the same thoughts that even Charlotte had in what she assumed to be a magic, but the form of the Oni that she still carried to her outer appearance showed her otherwise. ”I’m afraid I’m just as enamored as you are by it. I simply know her to be a summoner forced upon me by a demon for whom she sold her soul to. That’s all the information that feline prick ever bothered telling us.” Her arms folded at her chest, eyes trained on the unconscious girl. ”She’s sweet, but deathly afraid of myself and the others. Frankly, some of them can be very intimidating by appearance. If she struck some deal with Oni’s while she was forced down there, you’ll have to wait until she wakes up. And would love to be around when she does. It’s piqued my curiosity for several months, but again, her fear of us has kept her from being useful to us, or herself even.”

    Finally, she settled her eyes off of one sibling and then onto the other. As much curiosity as she held for one girl, the news of a sibling whom went from psychotic like Frankie to as caring as the summoner was intriguing to say the least. ”And yourself? Are you two actually sisters? Or is this something akin to the humans version of a very tight knit friendship? From your polar opposite attitudes, it’s very hard for one such as myself to even begin to conclude one way or the other.” One could only conclude so much, so she wasn’t so sure she was up for learning that they were truly sisters.

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 30th October 2019, 10:59 am

    The slayer listened keenly and to begin with, she had a look of concern on her face but at the mention of her sister being tricked by a feline, Cierra started to giggle, “She sold her soul to a cat demon? Only Cersei would be silly enough to do that although I have to wonder just why she would do such a thing in the first place. Selling yourself to a demon can only end in pain and suffering, no matter what they offer in return.” It was something that their mother had taught her when she was young. Demon’s were the ones who needed to be dominated, not the other way around. “That sweetness is what’s gonna finish her off if she doesn’t find some inner strength,” she’d go on to say, “The fact that she’s afraid of your kind doesn’t surprise me that much as she’s always been timid, even as a kid. I swear that she was scared of mum sometimes although a lot of people tend to be. The world isn’t one for the timid though and if an enemy doesn’t beat her then what’s stopping one of your kind doing the job?” Cierra was never one to mince words and she just said what she thought.

    When asked about herself, the pink haired teen thought about whether to answer or not but in the end, decided that there was little harm in it. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that Cersei hasn’t mentioned much of our past to you. Yeah, we’re sisters by blood but my mother was forceful when it came to me being brought up solely by her where as sis was raised by our father. I’m not sure what the actual deal was between them but mother has always said that he’s an absolute useless bastard. He gave Cersei this massive great house but was hardly ever there for her and we weren't able to visit all that much. My childhood was a lot rougher than hers though I think as mum was pretty harsh with me. She taught me everything I needed to survive and I love her with all my heart but there were times where I was petrified of her and feared for my own life. She’s a goddess of water you see and expects me to one day have the strength to bury her kin, at least that’s what I think anyway..”

    Giggling in a way that might have seemed off given what she’d said, Cierra would briefly speak again, “After a while though, I stopped being afraid of her and started to understand what she’d been teaching me. Everything clicked in my head and I’ve never been the same since then. I love who and what I am and no longer fear anything. I just go gung ho into every situation and live every day as though it’s my last, it’s the only way to live, balls to the wall, as people like to say.”

    Looking down at her little sister for a moment, she’d add, “I think deep down mum knew that Cer would never be able to survive as I did and that’s why she distanced herself. I know that deep down, she cares about both of us, she just struggles to show it.”

    Flicking her eyes back up to Charlotte, she would flash a dirty grin, “I wish that you were my spirit though, as I certainly wouldn’t be afraid of getting up close and personal with you.”

    (585 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 30th October 2019, 2:26 pm

    As the spider queen simply listened on to the pink haired girl as she had wondered to what extent her summoner had to sell her soul. Frankly, it was the same thing she wondered as well, but she was never truly in the position to be able to do anything about it due to already mentioned fears. ”I do as well. Though frankly, it was amusing to say the least that she had been one the only few people whom didn’t fear the idea of me being a giant spider, more or less. If not for the fear of the others, I would have more than a little respect for her. But you, as you’ve previously mentioned have a very fortuitous personality. It’s good to hope this one will as well in time.” She have off a soft smile, looking on to the sleeping Oni for some time before the smirk of a devious thought formed. ”Or perhaps I can break her for you. Give her a bit of the ‘family resemblance’, if you will.” A mused chuckle ended her offer, though joking, would most likely not help her in the long run of her own goals.

    ”In the void, we all want the same thing. Be it the main goal in their life or not, what they want now is what Cersei there wants. She just won’t admit to the idea of killing something. She’ll never reclaim the soul she sold, however whatever those Oni’s did... they must be pretty angry to do what they did to make a deal with a human.” Voicing her opinions had given her a chance to reply to the given thought of what stops the other void beings from attacking her. Hearing the backstory given from the point of view of her sister was a little enlightening. It was a crafty set up on some part in how they were raised. Involuntarily split from childhood did sound bad, however she didn’t expect to hear of the mother being that of a goddess. Things made a lot more sense now that she was hearing that.

    ”Yes, God’s are very fickle beings, no matter whom they are or their intentions.” She let off a small sigh and began to wonder something. What god was their mother? Wait... water.. goddess? Oh no... ”P-Please don’t tell me... you both are offspring of Sarisha... that goddess of water?” The hesitation and sudden change in her verbal language showed even in the void, their mothers presence was a fright. Who knows whom knew who she was and tried to take advantage of that hidden nature or simply use it for personal gain. Knowing this now, it brought a whole new light to the situation. Sadly, now that the information was out the way it was, she wasn’t so hot about wanting to be as flirty as normal... at least until she could digest this news.

    [Several hours later]

    A small cabin set with a roasting fire. The sun slowly rising now from the next morning coming and yet the girl still slept. Over top was a woven silk blanket that had been made of spider webbing. Charlotte herself sat around, enjoying the peace and quiet of the time, making any idle chit chat with Cierra, unless even she took a nap once they got here. Whatever the case was, she was thoroughly mixed with emotions on seeing these two offspring of a goddess whom left ripples in any number of places. ”Mmrg...” A small noise left before the shuffling of the girl brought her to finally notice the blanket. Suddenly she began to squirm in her sleep and her noises got louder and finally she shot up from her laid out position. ”NO, DON’T!” She screamed. Her eyes were shot open and when she sat up and huffed from her panicked nightmare, looking around to stop the spider summon. ”Ch-Charlotte? Where are we...” Her hand began to rub her head and that’s when she first felt it. A horn. Confused, she began to feel around until she noticed the second and starting to pull until the pain reached her and she stopped. ”What happened to me? And where’s Cierra?” Again she asked, leaving the spider queen to remain silent. She didn’t want to say the wrong thing, but that changed when she turned to see the mirror. Her eyes widened and another loud scream left. She jumped back and then into the corner where she noticed the discolored feet, then her hands. ”P-Please, t-tell me what’s happening!” Pleading out again for an explanation, only to see her stand up from the seat. ”I’m going to remain quiet, as you won’t trust what I say. So, your sister will explain to you until you can believe what I tell you. Then, you will explain to both of us why it is you sold your soul, what the reason, and whatever else she asks of you. Just relax, this is not a permanent change, you just need to fully relax your body.” Wanting to believe her was hard, but it was the only thing she had to go on.

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 31st October 2019, 4:35 am

    It had been a surprisingly comfortable night and Cierra had spent most of it just chatting with Charlotte, amused by the spider woman’s tales of the void. The pink haired slayer was quite enamoured by her although the spider did seem a lot more wary of her now that her mother’s identity had been revealed. She knew why of course as her mum was well known among beings of both light and darkness, with Sarisha having taken the lives of more than one god in her pursuit of vengeance. Yet, Cierra didn’t honestly have any issues with demonic beings as such, even if her own magic was meant to slay them. In truth, she loved their dark nature and it was angelic beings that she despised, as her mum did.

    She hadn’t slept at all but that wasn’t anything new to her. It could take ages for her to calm down after a big fight and the adrenaline and lust for blood made it impossible for her to sleep. She’d also learned the art of taking mini naps in order to recharge her batteries while not leaving herself open to any enemies for long. The world was filled with them after all and her mum would kill her if she found out that she'd been captured or caught off guard while sleeping. The slayer had been told stories of how prisoners were treated by the Rune Knights and the local law and it wasn’t a fate that she wanted. Death was preferable but the funny thing was that even if she did die, she’d just regenerate later. Such a lovely power indeed.

    Hearing her sister speak, Cierra would come into view, having been perched on a tree stump and thinking to herself for a bit. Her expression was neutral for now but depending on how Cierra reacted to her questions, that could change very quickly. There was no time for games now, the truth needed to come out. “From what we can make out, you’re currently in the form of an Oni, Sis,” she’d say softly, approaching Cersei and squatting down in front of her, “During the fight with those spooky creatures, you lost control and gave in to your anger, turning you into this lovely creature. After beating the enemies, you then tried to attack me, which came as a bit of a shock to say the least. I never knew you had it in you, Cer.”

    She’d paused briefly, before prodding the girl on the horn, her tone turning a little more serious, “You need to come clean with us now and tell us all about this deal of yours that you made with this cat demon, as well as explain as to how come you suddenly have the powers of the Oni. There’s no point trying to lie and hide things any more, so you need to spill it, before this new power of yours ends up with you getting yourself split or someone close to you. No one’s safe until you get this under control, including your…..guild mates.”

    (513 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 1st November 2019, 9:08 am

    The frightened Oni only listened to her summon for a moment before Cierra had shown up, safe and sound. Frankly, she was worried that something was going wrong, however the only thing wrong to her was what she looked like. She was mortified by it all, however something that had been heard by her older sister made her relax just a little. It did mean a lot to her to now nothing had happened to her during their encounter. If only she could say the same for herself, that would be lovely... instead, she sat up against a corner in a panicked fear over what had happened to have caused her to be in such an alternate and different form to begin with. Her eyes tried to pan away from Charlotte to look on to her sister, which took a moment. When she finally did, Cierra was right in front of her.

    ”Y-You’re not s-scared or a-anything, Ci? E-Even after what happened?” She asked on, her mind racing to find a solution. Oni’s... the name was so familiar, but she couldn’t place where it was from. Her attention drifted to her hands. Their differently pigmented skin color was enough to hold her attention until it was brought about the cat girl... ”You told her, Charlotte?” Cersei asked, looking up to her summon. She simply shrugged and kept silent, not denying anything, but when her head but two and two together, she remembered why the name was familiar.

    The summoner tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ears and sat herself up. She let out a big huff of air, trying to relax herself. Cierra was right. If she didn’t tell anyone about this and what happened tonight happened again around her guild members, she couldn’t live with the guilt of having hurt one of them. ”A-Alright...” She averted her gaze down to the floor, laying her hands on her lap and sitting in silence to figure out a good starting point. ”Ok, so... The way our father had been leaving for longer and longer periods had started to make sense to me then.” In a slight pause, she pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and resting her head on her knees. ”I had started to realize he didn’t want to be around me because I didn’t have any magic. At first, I didn’t want to believe myself. I thought it was just a silly thing. It didn’t last very long. Those trips to the show in Minstrel? They were like being dragged out and shown a motivation to try and discover your own. No, it was more of a feeling like your told you won’t amount to anything because you don’t have what it takes to earn his approval.”

    Her eyes lifted up now to her sisters, just to see how she was taking this first bit of her conclusions. Nothing was definitive, but she was highly intent on believing the ones she drew herself. ”This was when I was 10. For the next few years, I tried every which way I could to try and see if I learned magic. I had hurt myself a number of ways because of the dangerous materials involved. Cutting myself on metal, burning myself on fire, stuff like that. I’d go to sleep almost in tears some nights and begging, praying to be able to. I just wanted him to see me for more than some responsibility, but years went by and nothing changed.” She stopped for a slight sniffle and to rub a tear that was building in her eyes before continuing. ”Then one day, this strange cat girl walks up to the manor and asks for me. When we get to talking, she told me she was here to answer my prayers. She told me she could teach me a magic, but I had to pay one simple price; my soul. I didn’t say yes right away, whether you believe it or not. It weighed heavily on my mind over what that would mean for you and mum... but ultimately I agreed because at that point, the thoughts started to bare the same for her as they did for him. She opened this strange portal, had me follow her into it. We ended up in this big room in a castle and that’s when things changed.” She would stop and move her arm, showing a brand on her arm with the symbol of a cat designed from it. ”I was quickly met with that brand, then the mark of the summoning magic on my back. She left me in that room, locked in there until the pain from it all subsided. When she came back, she told me since I sold my soul to her, I was her property and she was going to keep me as a servant for eternity.”

    In the background, during this all, Charlotte had set herself up something to help convey the words to the rest of the creatures within the void. Far too long were they held down by this demon, and with this story, they would surely be more inclined to be of help to her than to think they had a standstill of fear of retaliating against her. A small ball made of the void itself sat in her hand, replaying every word from beginning to end into the other plane. ”So, one day I was just outside the walls, truthfully not even remembering what I was out there doing. I was alone, not a person or another of her maids with her. I took that chance and I took off. I kicked off the shoes I wore and ran off bare footed because like, you just can’t run in heels. Twisted my ankle real bad as a kid once. Anyway... I ran for what felt like days until these horned people stopped me. They saw the brand, the panic on my face and they instantly took me in and hid me. They terrified me just from what they looked like alone, but they were really nice. When I told them what happened, they talked amongst themselves before they had concluded me another offer. They too wanted this girl dead, but they couldn’t in their diminished numbers. So, they offered to CRAFT me a soul... which by the way I thought was an impossible thing. Nah, it’s real. I watched their every step in making that thing and they told me that whatever abilities this gave me were to keep. All I was to do in my end was kill her. And I plan to do just that.” She looked down, over to her hands and feet, seeing what was there now and the story now in a calmer mindset. It was easier to bare.

    Now, her attention turned to the spider queen, seeing the ball in her hand. ”What’s that?” She asked, making the spider laugh and then crush the ball of void energy in her hand. ”How else can you gain our trust simply on my word? So, I broadcasted the whole story to the others. The word has reached at least half of the void, and the word will spread. My word alone will not secure you it, however when it’s reached everyone, you’ll have our support in killing her.” The summon replied. Cersei’s eyes widened. A strange way to show kindness, but to know that she’s not have to live in fear of her own magic would be something for sure. Certainly a great surprise for when the cat demon would come after her.

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 1st November 2019, 1:47 pm

    The slayer was ominously silent as Cersei spoke and simply listened, her expression becoming darker and darker as time wore on. Every word was registering with her and very few of them were pleasant to hear. Cierra wasn’t quite sure what to say for some time and  there were moments where she could have actually throttled her sister due to her naivety during her confessions. Her eyes did not leave her sister’s eyes once and didn’t pay any heed to whatever Charlotte was doing. She’d asked for the truth and that’s what she was getting, although it was frankly far more than she’d been expecting. It all made sense and the pink haired teenager didn’t feel the need to ask any questions about what she was hearing. The girl was just so frustrated about what she was hearing. She felt such an immense amount of anger towards her father, the horrible feline that had tricked Cersei and there was just the slightest amount of it towards her mother and herself too for not being there.

    Eventually, she’d respond to her sister’s tale and it was very similar to how their meeting had begun, as she’d pull Cersei into a hug. “You’re a damn fool, you know that right?” she’d say angrily, finding it impossible to hide her feelings, “To go through all that just to try and get that bastards approval. We both know that his approval doesn’t mean shit and we’re both far better off without him in our lives. I don’t know about you but if there’s anyone who deserves to pay for all of is, it’s him and I swear that if I ever see him again then I will turn his face into a bloody stain. That’s what he deserves, no more, no less.” Her anger was palpable and it was probably a good thing that the look on her face was shielded from her sister due to the hug. It was a look that only those that she truly hated saw, rather than the usual grin that she bore in combat.

    “As for that fucking cat,” she’d continue savagely, “I trust that you will give her a horrible death sis because if you don’t, I will and mum will say exactly the same. I know we haven’t been there for you as much as we should have been but believe me sis, we do still care, even if we don’t show it very often.” Sighing, she’d then say, “It was me that set you off during the fight sis, my words that caused you to enter this new oni form of yours. From what I can tell, it’s rage that sets off your transformation and the moment you lost control, you became this. I don’t know the how or why’s yet and it might be something that you’ll have to learn through practice but believe me Cer, this form of yours is well worth learning to use properly. You showed a side of yourself that I’d never seen before and one that even had me on my toes.”

    “I haven’t been there for you sis but when the time comes to face this demon of yours, I’m here for you if you need me, every step of the way. This cat has made it personal.” She finished, finally breaking the hug and stepping back, looking a little shaken herself at what she’d heard.

    (569 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 23rd November 2019, 12:59 pm

    It wasn’t much of a surprise that she didn’t hear a word from her sister during her entire long story over everything that happened. She had come to expect that of some things, however what she didn’t really think would be a worry or an issue seemed to be proven wrong once it was all said and done. Still, Cierra responded much differently than the blonde had ever expected her to. She gave her a hug. Despite all she seen, what she looked like, what almost happened to her because of her lack of self control, she saw through it and hugged her. So, why did she still feel like shit? Why was this still so cumbersome to her to carry around and that this type of reaction was so undeserved?

    When she started her brash wording, it started to feel just like her thoughts had always presumed telling her would go. However, when she continued, Cersei couldn’t help but look up with a surprised look on her face. But one thing that stood out to her that she had neglected to mention, atop the other comments made to bash their father, she simply had grit her teeth until she felt the anger was starting to make her black out again. ”IT WASN’T JUST HIS APPROVAL I WAS LOOKING FOR, DAMN IT!” She slammed her fist into the ground, cratering the small area around her hand. ”I.. I know it doesn’t probably mean much... but I wanted it from you and mum too. She was this amazing water mage and I had always wanted a magic like that! And you. You always were the apple of her eye as far as I knew. And.. you being able to learn too, it.. it made me envious.”

    At this point, the tears were streaming down her face. She’d kept herself together for years over this with minor leaks in the Dam of her mind, but this time the dam just broke. And much like the sigh that she was given for her earlier break, the confession over her losing her control over her anger wasn’t much of an issue to her. As much as it bothered her with those words, the results from it seemed to be worth it. ”Well then let’s let that be water under the bridge. I’d like to think if it weren’t for that, that I’d be dead... and frankly I don’t want to let down people who believe in me.” She looked away for a moment, but as her gaze shit back to the pink haired slayer, she smiled.

    And then the smiling Oni looked on to her summon, as if she also intended to show Charlotte she meant the same in wanting to help them and then believing in her was what she intended by relaying her story to the others. ”Don’t give me that face, child. Go sleep or something.” She waved the girl off before looking to her sister and giving her own smirk. ”Sorry to dash your hopes, but I must be off. Homesickness is a rather big pain. But perhaps next time we can play~” With a somewhat mischievous chuckle, a portal would open up before the spider queen, who would rise from her seat and step through it, leaving the two sisters alone. ”What was that about, Ci?”

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 23rd November 2019, 2:17 pm

    Cierra didn’t flinch during Cersei’s mental collapse and just let her get it all out, again staying quiet and just letting her sister vent. To hear that it was her own and their mother’s approval that were just as desperately sought was a bit of a surprise to the pink haired slayer. Yes, she had shouted such things during the fight but that was during her battle madness and there was little thought behind anything she said or did then. Her mind just became consumed by adrenaline and blood lust, as she had been taught by their mother. In truth, Cer didn’t need to prove anything to her and honestly, Cierra didn’t completely believe that she had their mother’s full approval either. The water mage set the bar so incredibly high and there were times where it didn’t seem like anything she did was enough to fully satisfy the elder god slayer. Cierra still didn’t know what Sarisha truly wanted from her and had simply been told to go out into the world and make her mark, as vague as that was.

    She would have spoken sooner but Charlotte decided to choose that moment to reveal that she was returning home, which naturally annoyed her. The pink slayer scowled and folded her arms across her chest, “You’d better mean that otherwise I’m gonna wander into the void and force you to play with me.” Her tone was a mixture of annoyance and playfulness and it would be tough to tell whether she meant or not. She was for sure attracted to the spider lady and there were moments during the time they had spoken together where her imagination had wandered off in a rather perverted direction. She’d get her hands on the beautiful summon, sooner or later.

    The pink haired slayer had to smirk as her sister piped up afterwards and said with a wry grin, “Charlotte and I hit it off quite well while you were sleeping and we’ve gotten quite close. She promised to show me some of her more intricate webbing and I was looking forward to it too. Next time, I guess. Maybe it’s something that you should ask about too. Now that you’ve made friends with your summons, it’s only fair that you share some quality time together.” A chuckle would escape her lips then and she’d add, “I sure would if I were you.”

    Her expression would turn a little more serious then, “So what are you gonna do now that you’ve found this new form of yours? Is there someone at your guild who knows about this or something? It packs a hell of a punch sis and you’ve gotta find someone who can help you control this thing, before it starts taking control of you, as it did earlier. Not everyone’s gonna be able to defend themselves as I can and it could cause trouble for your guild mates if you run wild again.”

    For a second, she paused and then said what she was going to say before, “Cer, I want you to listen to me very carefully. You don’t need my approval or anyone else’s and I want you to remember that. I don’t think that anyone has mum’s approval and that includes me. I know you’ve had it rough but trust me, living with mum would not have been any easier. I didn’t know what she was gonna do half the time and there were nights where I was quivering with fear under a blanket. She’s lost in the world of god’s and angels sis and I’m not sure if she even gets our world. You wanna know why I’m the way I am today? It’s because I snapped. One day I just said, “Fuck it, mum, I don’t wanna be afraid any more.” Once that happened, I stopped being afraid and started listening to her, which is what’s got me to this point. She cares for both you and me, in her own twisted way. ”

    (669 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 25th November 2019, 2:28 pm

    It really didn’t bother Cersei all that much that her sister and one of her summons were hitting on one another. Should it have? Probably... but frankly her mind was in a bit of a messy situation as it was and having many various thoughts running through it, worrying about her sisters sexual choices wasn’t really one of them. Granted, Charlotte was a rather gorgeous looking person, she wasn’t really the summoners type. Now a chiseled looking man? She’d be drooling at the mouth like a fat person to an all you can eat cheesecake buffet. It wasn’t really a big worry to her that she really do something of the sort, so she really didn’t pay much mind to the way the two interacted. They could do what they wanted so long as they left her out of it.

    The Oni girl just rubbed the back of her head for a moment as she had come to realize what she would have to do. Did she really know anyone in Fairy Tail who could help? That was vague. She met very few people since she joined and though she didn’t mind not knowing all, she wasn’t entirely aware of all the possibilities of what happened when she was ofc visiting the cat girl demon. Letting out a sigh, her hand moved down towards her face when she bumped into one of her horns, which was new and a strange feeling none the less. She grumbled and just brushed some of her hair behind her ear, letting off a shrug. ”I really don’t know. I don’t quite feel so comfortable throwing this out there to them yet. Especially if I have no control over it.” She paused, folding her arms at her chest. ”So I think keeping this to ourselves for the time being is best, don’t you think? When I know more of what I’m dealing with, I’ll let this out. All in the open. But I want to make sure I don’t hurt anyone. I don’t know if can live with myself if I let someone get hurt because of my lack of control. That goes for my summoning too. I.. I have a lot of progress to make. I don’t know if I can do it alone though, but some of it... I think I have to. More than anything, I don’t them to hurt you, or me. Them I can get over, but you and I? I couldn’t live with myself if I did..” She let off a smile despite the seriousness of the situation. It wasn’t about telling anything or not. This was blood over bond.

    Now that Cierra was laying into her, she sunk down a bit as she laid against the wall behind her. She thought over everything that was told to her, and as she had, each of those Oni like features began to fade. Starting work her feet and moving up, everything began to regress until by the time she had finished speaking, Cersei was herself again. And she watched it all happen. When she heard that Cierra stopped talking, she looked up with a bright smile and giggled a little. ”You’re right. But we’re also different in a lot of ways. I know mum did what she did out of love for you. And you’re doing the same for me in a different way. So, I want to be the kind of fighter you are. Bold and without fear, but I don’t want that to change who I am, you know what I mean?” She continued fo smile happily at her sister before she would step forward and wrap her arms around her, embracing the older sibling in a hug and squeezing tight, but nothing that she would actually feel. ”I’m lucky to have a sister like you, Ci. Just please be there when I need you, because I know I will.” She pleaded softly, laying her head on the sisters shoulder as she was just looking for the comforting hug now.

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 26th November 2019, 6:32 am

    As she felt herself being pulled into Cersei’s embrace, Cierra naturally wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her in return. She could hear the plea behind her younger sibling’s words and it gave her a moment’s pause as she thought about all that had just been said. The slayer was of course unfamiliar with the workings of a guild and given her sense of apathy towards them, she’d never had much interest in knowing. So she wasn’t taken aback or anything when Cer’s desire to keep her transformation between them. It made sense to her and she understood the reasoning behind it. She could feel the emotion behind her sister’s words and Cierra had to smile slightly as she spoke about not wishing to hurt either of them more than anyone else. It could have been seen as a soft state of mind and even their mother would probably of talked in such a way but Cierra couldn’t help but be slightly touched by her sister’s sweetness. Besides Sarisha, Cer was the only person that Cierra truly cared about and her happiness was important to the dual slayer, even if she didn’t always agree with her choices. She’d respect her decision.

    “I think that when you want to be, you can be pretty fearless and bold already,”
    Cierra answered, giggling slightly, “As I for sure saw that when you changed into the form. You’re tough Cer and I have no doubt that you’ll be able to handle both these oni powers and your summoning ones. It’ll just take time and training, that’s all. I mean, you already took a massive leap forward today by earning the respect of your summons, right? You opened your heart to them and in return, you’ve gotten to know them a bit better too. You’re not scared of them any more and that’s the first step to achieving anything. Fear is the biggest barrier than you can face but once you plow through it then everything else afterwards will seem like child’s play. I think that’s mum was trying to teach. Beat fear and you’ll reach your potential and become the mage that you’ve always wanted to be sis.”

    It felt kind of strange for Cierra to speak so much and so philosophically but it was just that simple desire to help out her baby sister that pushed her into doing so. She’d been absent for so much of Cer’s life that it was difficult for the pink haired girl not to feel just a sliver of guilt about it, even though there was very little she could have done about it. Well, there was nothing she could do about the past but at least now that her sister was free from that damned home and their father’s influence, she could try and put things right.

    “There are gonna be a lot of trials that you’ll have to face in order to master this stuff, I bet,” she added after staying silent for a bit and just hugging her sister gently, “If they’re like anything like mine have been then you’re gonna be in for a tough time but don’t worry, I’ll be there when you need me and anyone or anything stupid enough to try and stop me will be in for a world of hurt. I can promise you that. You’re my baby sister, after all and that’s what matters most to me.”

    For a moment, it seemed like that would be all she had to say, however she couldn’t help but start to chuckle, “You know that you look really weird with horns sis. I actually thought you were some kind of weird deer when you transformed. Good thing it wasn’t permanent.”

    (623 Words)
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    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 26th November 2019, 1:44 pm

    As she felt her own sisters arms wrapping around her body, it took a hell of a lot of strength in her to keep herself from crying. She hadn’t felt this kind of a hug from really anyone in quite some time, and longer from someone she had any blood relation to. It felt like something that she needed as well as to let so much off of her chest as she had, it was tension relieving to say the least in so many ways that she couldn’t believe how much better she felt. To let out the very thing she held most afraid to tell someone, even her own blood sister, she felt almost brand new knowing she shared this innate desire to splatter this demons guts across the halls like Christmas decorations. Hopefully, she would get that chance, but later rather than sooner, if anything.

    As her sister continued to spread her words of encouragement, the red haired girl only managed to hug a little tighter. Every syllable that left her mouth was only giving her more and more of the courage that she lacked, the confidence that she had scared away from herself. Whether Cierra realized it or not, she was helping much more than she may have considered to be possible. Could it have been that she was able to have one, but she just lacked these things because of the time she spent beating herself up and pushing herself from the truths that could have given her the dreams she always seeked? Perhaps she was truly destined to learn this summoning and this demon had just forced it open and then used her as though it were granted to her. It wasn’t an easy feat to have escaped either, so when the words Cierra spoke to her made her think back, the courage she displayed to even try and leave was an example of that. The girl was right. But now she just had to prove that she was right to think she wasn’t just lucky. If so... this would be one hell of a lucky streak she was on. Gambling worthy for sure.

    The last sentence of sweet words was enough to set her waterworks off. Slowly she began to tear up and they streamed down her face. That kind of sentiment was more than dear to her, but she ended their hug, the tears still her eyes though closed while she held a bright smile on her face. ”And I’ll make sure to do everything in my power to get stronger to help protect you, too. We girls gotta stick together, right?” She giggled a little, laying her hands on the slightly shorter, yet older sisters upper arms. But, the next line that came toward her had her smiling face quickly turn into a pouting one. Crossing her arms, her cheeks puffed out and her head averted from the elder sibling. ”Way to kill the mood, sis. Way to ruin the fricken mood...”

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    The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event) Empty Re: The Pumpkins Strike Back! (Event)

    Post by Guest 27th November 2019, 5:38 am

    “Oh come on, don’t be like that,” Cierra answered with a giggle, “I was only joking and after all we’ve been through, I think we could do with a bit of laughter after all of the tears. You were magnificent and deadly in that oni form of yours and I honestly saw a bit of not only me but mum too in the way you fought. The same look in your eyes was the one that we sometimes have in battle too and it seems to me that it shows you have the same fighting heart that we do. If mum could have seen you during the fight, she’d have been so proud sis. You fought like a Huxx against those creatures and the way you handled them was amazing."

    Blood lust was a family trait and one that had definitely come from mum’s side of the family. Sarisha fought with a silent fury and although Cierra was a lot more noisy, they both tended to have that same ruthless streak. When either of them entered combat, they were fighting to kill, not simply maim or injure. It was an animalistic trait that had saved the pink haired slayer more than once and she had come to love her fighting style, as well as the adrenaline and pleasure that came from it. In the heart of combat was where she loved to be, where she could just allow herself to become consumed and everything else was thrown aside. It was living, plain and simple. It was obvious that her and Cer’s father obviously didn’t have it, being the useless bastard that he was and it was a relief to Cierra that despite her isolated childhood, Cer did have some of those instincts deep down too. She would need them too.

    “Now, cheer up or else,” she continued teasingly, her pink eyes sparkling with amusement. She couldn’t have been happier with how things had gone and Cierra was infinitely more curious into how things were going to go for her little sis, now that she’d open the door to her powers. “You’re gonna have to introduce me to some of your other summons some time too,” she’d continue after a bit, giggling almost uncontrollably, “If they are all as sexy and attractive as Charlotte is then I’m gonna have to get acquainted with them. Don’t worry though, I won’t do anything too twisted with them, unless they want it of course.”

    The events of the day had left her in an incredibly happy mood and the pride that she felt towards her sister was stronger than anything. In her heart of hearts, Cierra knew that she’d never have been able to handle the horrible life that Cer had been forced to live and did honestly believe that she was the luckier of the two. Sure, living with Sarisha had been horribly rough but she’d at least been able to see the world and experience so much, where as Cer had only been able to see the walls of that damned house. Damn their father and damn that bloody cat demon who’d had its way with the pink haired slayer’s sister. They would both pay the price soon enough though and that thought brought a smile to Cierra’s face.

    With a grin, she’d give her sister a playful slap on the shoulder, a sign of love and camaraderie.

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