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    Tricks Abound!

    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Tricks Abound!

    Post by Vera Walden 23rd September 2019, 8:31 am


    666 WORDS
    @Dela@"Cillian duCrosse"
    Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
    If you have no legs, run. If you have no hope, invent. - Alegria

    She was training all day for this moment, and by training, she meant starving.

    Her expectations of the eating contest whimsically painted the dreamlike mental image picture of a large picnic table, seating faceless individuals that spoke helium-infused gibberish and looked about as generic as the next competitor.  Not even the most gluttonous contestants there could eat their way out of the first round of frosted sugary sweets, juicy assorted meats, and freshly prepared salads. The only challenger there that could go the distance had a face, an overly defined face that looked nothing like the real Vera Jayne but was, nevertheless, Vera Jayne. This doll-esque persona, this touched up version of herself was the prophesied winner and receiver of all edible things.

    Then came a change, a much needed reality check; the eating contest was still the primary highlight of her evening and, in general, the festivities. The difference was that in real time, the great picnic table of everything delicious was empty and barren, for now, with a sign next to it that only signified the starting time. A shame as she was aching for real food and wanting something other than her usual diet, which consisted of a scorching hot, easy-to-make ramen in a bowl; but the upcoming challenge was worth working up a great appetite for because of the endless food supply she was going to receive just for participation alone.

    Amidst the crowd stood the true to life Vera, commonly dressed in a white collared shirt and jet black slacks; slightly above the expertly established red bow tie, a disturbingly narrow face appeared, with beady blue eyes of death and a sunken pair of cheeks. She was the soul-crushing vision of world hunger in a surprisingly springy human body,  as her stomach grumbled and her head throbbed painfully into the early signs of night. Nearby food stands she saw, but gave into temptation not, so staunchly was her attention glued to a cooking and baking match within a few paces of her view— this treat, this dream come true, was her future buffet.

    Some would bring the food they made from home, and some would cook it live and at the very last minute before the judging began.

    “Oh, eugh, spare me! There isn’t any food. There is just a bunch of ingredients to make food.” Salivated the slurring Vera, thinking, she sounded passably human just because she actually tried to seem it. While the suddenly brainless idiot uttered these words with unsightly levels of desperation, she moved closer to where the cooks were taking a moment longer than they needed to, in her eyes, to prepare, and like a good zombie she deeply considered feasting on their brains. But then, as if someone heard her plea, food started appearing before her very eyes.

    Perhaps someone very loud did.

    “That fish you cooked last year was so raw, it was still looking for his son! Do you really want to try that again? What a disgrace! My churrasco steak with chimichurri sauce will put your seafood to shame!”  came the blonde-haired chef’s taunt, which might not have been aimed at the incredibly shook purple-haired scrub, but  the ferocity of his tone made her jump straight out of her skin and reconsider the possibility of reincarnation. He was taking it out on the  helpless old man, before them were the dishes of their choosing, and not too far from the bickering two was the nosy snoop.

    It’s noisy enough, she thought.

    When they weren’t looking, she slithered a little closer to the haughty chef’s steak, as she peeled back the foil and mercilessly drenched it in a special sauce she found sitting rather innocuously by their divine creations. Too much of a good thing could ruin anyone’s chances of winning, and that is especially true when it comes to the potency of hot sauce.

    Vera quickly, silently sealed the soiled delicacy and casually walked away to continue her browsing. Food, glorious food!



    Tricks Abound!  Puglyfe6

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 24th September 2019, 1:21 am

    She wasn't proud of what she was about to do, but even someone as lazy as Dela has to eat.

    The aforementioned laziness was the reason she had to stoop to slinking off to a festival for said sustenance, simply because she couldn't be bothered to get off her butt and do some Rune Knight work for some money for food before she was completely broke. Opening her wallet to find only a starved and nearly suffocated fly struggling out had her identifying with the poor bug. This is what she got, yet would it change her habits? No. She only took up a job now, half-starved and weak and shambling up onto the train to Oak Town. There was no way she could succeed in this task like this. Cerulean eyes grew distant as her sluggish mind devised some sort of plan, and they remained that way as she got off the train as well as while she stood in the midst of the throngs of excited people at the Equinox Event.

    She'd have to con someone into paying for her food. Surely in some backward monster-collecting-video game-sounding town, Dela could find a senile grandma or a horndog.

    Given the younger crowd she saw so far, it would be the latter. Mustering herself up to pour the charm on for some poor sap, she began weaving through the crowd looking for an easy mark. A curvy little blonde such as herself shouldn't have too much trouble wrapping some single guy around her pinky finger, as gross as it felt to think that. Thankfully, it seemed she wouldn't have to do that after all. In fact, she could get all the food she wanted for free, just by entering a contest. As she read the sign on the eating contest table, she mentally told herself that all she needed to do was be patient. Her acting skills would get a stay of reprieve, and no lonely hearts would get broken.

    It seemed the eating contest would follow a cooking contest. Dela was a mediocre cook at best. Perhaps if it didn't take so much effort she'd be good at it, but why spend hours on something that could be ordered somewhere out? Let those people slave over the hot ovens and stoves, while she just played games and waited. That was definitely the blonde's speed. The agitated rumbling in her tummy accompanied by some lightheadedness convinced her of something else. She couldn't wait for the eating contest. She needed food pronto. Entering the cooking contest just to snack on ingredients and whatever she managed to cook up? It was work, but at this point it was absolutely worth it.

    Turning to head to the cooking contest tent with intentions to sign up and lose, her line of vision landed on a familiar face. Oh, it was her. From the last festival. The one who nearly drowned that one not-kid kid with apple-barrel water and thankfully caused Cillian to change that god-awful shirt he'd nabbed from some elderly retiree. What was her name again? Plucking out her little beat-up notebook, she thumbed through it until she came to a page of comprehensive notes. Did Dela keep records of everyone she met? Yes, pretty much. She never knew where this knowledge would prove useful. This was Vera. Right, Cillian's friend. Unpredictable. Kind enough but possibly wicked? Right now she recognized the expression on Vera's face at the molecular level, as if their kindred spirits had connected. The Rune Knight had been about to say hello when Vera all but confirmed her assumption that they were both starved within hours of the end of their lives. The girl wandered off toward the cooking contest area, and Dela followed.

    What she saw next was curious, but definitely amusing. The woman who looked rather dapper was being a bit wicked, having skirted close to try and snatch some ingredients to munch but instead sabotaging some jerk's food with a nearby sauce. How interesting. "I saw that, Vera," Dela spoke flatly from her new position beside the purple-haired woman, a smirk manifesting on her glossy lips. Arms crossed over her cropped black tank top and overalls that only had one strap actually attached. "Instead of just watching, why don't we enter and eat up the ingredients instead of ruining some turd's perfect tasty steak? Who knows, maybe we can make something small and eat it before they notice and toss us out. It'll hold us over until the eating contest."



    Tricks Abound!  60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 28th September 2019, 8:39 am

    Rolling die for baking contest competition.



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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by NPC 28th September 2019, 8:39 am

    The member 'Cillian duCrosse' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Tricks Abound!  OdAaNwh
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Posts : 175
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 28th September 2019, 11:11 am

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      928/1500 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Honestly, this probably wasn’t going to be anywhere near a fair competition.

    Cillian had been scouting his opponents for the last hour, and none of them were really offering anything that he felt was going to top his dish. Not that the food wouldn’t be good, of course, but if there was one art that Cillian had perfected over the last four decades of his existence it was cooking. He had a variety of spices and techniques that had been long lost and dead for ages. Add that to his knowledge of modern foods, and he was a pretty formidable opponent when it came to these things.

    The outdoor kitchens were sweltering. The fall heat was setting in like summer’s last dying throes, and most of the people that were currently cooking at the stations that the festival had provided were having trouble keeping their sweat from dripping into their concoctions. Cillian had ditched his long sleeve shirt ages ago, rendering him down to little more than a pair of red studded pants and a white apron that covered his otherwise bare chest. The temperature was even worse over the open stove and being so near the ovens, but truthfully it didn’t really seem to be bothering him all that much.

    In fact, he looked like he was right at home. There was a big, toothy grin on his face as he tossed the rice in the wok he was cooking over. He had brought nothing but fresh ingredients for the dish he was planning on serving for the cooking event. Bowls of freshly cleaned and chopped vegetables lined the counter next to him, along with a plate full of raw shrimp that had been caught and dressed that morning, slices of pork and chicken, and a litter of seasoning jars that had been used for so long that the labels had all worn off of them a long time ago.

    Humming to himself happily, he dumped in the various meats and started cooking them, keeping them from getting burned by continuing to roll them around in the pan so they wouldn’t get scorched on one side for too long. He drizzled a little bit of butter in the pan to add some flavor and keep the meat from sticking. Once the meat was about halfway done cooking, he dumped all manner of seasonings on them. What he used was anyone’s guess -- and there certainly were other competitors trying to watch him while they worked -- but only Cillian knew exactly what everything in the mysterious shakers were. It filled the air with a savoury aroma that caught more than a few noses.

    Then he dumped in all the vegetables, tossing them into the rice and meat mixture to bring them to temperature. A healthy portion of soy sauce turned the rice a delicious and perfect shade of brown. Cillian was a rather unassuming man that came off as a bit of a dunce most of the time, mostly because he didn’t really pay attention to much outside of what actually caught his ever wandering interest. When it came to cooking, though, Cillian was an absolute master. It didn’t matter if it was barbequing, frying, baking, flambaying… if it was edible, he could make it and he could make it taste hella good. There was a reason Laverne had offered to keep him around as a permanent house guest.

    The only real competition he had today, from what he could gather, were a husband and wife duo that entered every year and always brought the same dish. It was a basic chili pot, but popular enough among the frequenters of the festival. Still, Cillian felt like bringing the same old boring dish every year was lazy at best, and he was looking to wow the crowd with his surf and turf themed fried rice. A dish that would normally seem pretty basic in comparison to a number of steak and roast and seafood plates that were being prepared, but he was sure it would net him the championship, and that Mr. and Mrs. Reeves would be sent home with little more than a participation trophy!

    Once everyone was done preparing their food and all the judges had been selected, it was time for them to bring their dishes to the table. All those who had signed up to cast their votes would be coming by at their leisure to test the cuisines. Each chef, including himself, was stationed behind their creations and dishing out portions of them to the judges. He giggled quietly to himself as people kept coming back for more of his simple fried rice than the other fancier meals that had been prepared.

    That was when he spotted two familiar women that he hadn’t been expecting to see together. The purple and blonde hair duo that was Vera and Dela caught his eye, as well as the little badges they’d been given to show they were two of the many people that would be deciding his fate today. Cillian grinned, not because he saw an opportunity to swing the vote his way -- he’d rather win fair and square, after all -- but because he could imagine the only reason either of them had signed up for something like this was for the free food.

    “Right here, ladies,” he said to them with his big dorky, slightly impish smile on his face, scooping up a large spoonful of his rice based dish. “This is the meal you’ve been waiting for.”  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Guild : The Rune Knights
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Vera Walden 29th September 2019, 8:11 pm


    The broth of ambition, and many with that likeness in mind, came in the form of sweat and tears; a great many onions were sliced and diced on this warm evening, the cooks mourning over their efforts and dragging the cherry-nosed onlooker down with them so she, too, could have a taste of their version of hell. It was involuntary, the uncomfortable stinging and burning sensation that painted her watery eyes red and gave her a runny faucet of a nose.

    With her hair frizzing up by the rising hot steam, while the food preparers slaved away unheeded, the hideous purple-haired fuzz monster, trying not to sound like a whimpering violin, rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand in a manner that was so furious and desperate, anyone could have mistaken the slight quaking of her shoulders as a definitive sign of grief. Thus the blinded dolt, almost drunkenly, moved away from the stand, looking like she was doing some interpretive dancing for the crowd. She could have also been warding off evil spirits, but that would have been a very wrong answer.

    It was the mentioning of her name, in this not-so-serious show of misery, that stunned her enough to listen. She had only subtly exposed her deed, as she did the first half of her given name.  Her precise location was made detectable by the sound of her voice, which Vera did well to follow with the slightest turn. Vera lowered her arm in a flash; not because she had favored doing so, especially under the circumstances, but because she was curious now, and that really involved opening her sensitive peepers.

    They were glassy and swollen, as if soaked to the retina in lemon juice. Keeping them open long enough just to see who it was, the malnourished novelist struggled to maintain their visual form of contact, her relief evident only after she could recognize the sultry appearance of the apple-wielding girl, an adventurous acquaintance of hers that crowned Cillian a kink lord. Vera was surprisingly good with names and faces, and hers came to mind rather quickly. She did not possess an elephant memory for everything; only people, as there was always the possibility of never seeing them again. What she credited as excellent recall, was actually a curious product of trauma.

    The emphatic culprit, much of her cleverness stunted by the confidence in her tone, made no attempt to deny her the truth, and the shining words of nobility followed suit. “In my defense, Dela,” she sobbed, still a sniffling mess, “I was left unsupervised.”  The smirk that played on the pink lips of the sly blonde gave her the impression that she had nothing to worry about, and yet she had plenty of reasons to.

    The writer stopped to analyze the delightfully mischievous imp’s suggestion, and the look of concern vanished from her face. She smiled approvingly. “I can’t cook. It’s genetic. But I’m assuming your prowess as a kitchen raider and a sass master makes you a rare gem. I’ll tell you what, I’ll distract them. You go get what you need, and then we’ll dip like baba ganoush and enjoy. I’m so confident this isn’t going to, like, backfire at all.”

    Or so she thought.

    “It’s a family emergency!” cried two great big men in trembling voices, looking down at the two much shorter women, with Vera looking paler than a ghost. Did any of them have a good listen in on their latest sleaze? The cousins were apologetic as they ripped off their name tags and handed them over to the girls, explaining how they would no longer be able to judge the cooking contest.

    “Willy Stroker,” said Vera, inspecting the tag she was given. She pinned it over her bust and knew that if they didn’t play the roles assigned, then there wouldn’t be cooking contest, which would result in the cancellation of the eating contest. But she didn’t exactly feel like using her brain to judge people. Not right now. Society liked to judge enough. She looked at Dela and moaned, “My name sucks.”

    The sound of music at a rise pervaded the air slowly but loudly, annoying Vera as she took her place beside Dela. She was honestly quite glad she wasn’t alone in doing charitable work for the public. She was doing this to secure their chances of enjoying the vast array of delicacies that awaited them.

    The figures of their talented competitors came slowly through the eddying mist, and stood behind their generous offerings, where one, or maybe all, of the judges admired each and every single one of their invaluable creations. The hungry violet-topped savage was trying not to drool, with both hands on her stomach, her gaze solely focused on sight of food, and her nose on the differing aromas. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” slobbered Vera, unable to contain herself as she latched onto Dela’s arm. She was too hungry to remember her lifelong aversion to touch, overpowered by her desire to eat.

    The starved neanderthal came to her senses at a good time, detaching herself from the poor blonde in the hopes of being a good judge, and looked at the grass beneath her feet. The crowd grew uncomfortably large in size, the music swelled in her ears like there was no tomorrow and her mind associated these factors disadvantageously. She couldn’t stand festivals. They always reminded her of home. Before she could dwell on it more than she needed to, she reinforced her purpose (free food) and stood straighter than a pole. The nerd adjusted her bowtie out of habit, opened her mouth to give them a most theatrical welcome, but her stomach beat her to it with a tremendous growl. She tossed out ‘socially acceptable’ and deadpanned: “Give us all your samples.”

    She retreated back to her seat.

    No one questioned their grumpy judge — a blessing. She was already snagging two plates for herself and Dela, passing one to her so they could both savor everything in sight. Vera had a childish expression, her baby blues sparkling tears of joy over her first taste of food, which confused the chili-making couple. Several bites later ‘Willy Stroker’ stopped to admire a simple looking dish from afar; it was an unusual choice, and she liked that. The chef responsible proudly encouraged Vera and her fellow judges to try his cooking.

    Vera blinked.

    She looked at him, then back at Dela with a question in her eyes. Was this deja vu? She showed some surprise when she realized it really was Cillian, most everyone else, however, was lost in a trance. The sample was slightly more generous and greater in quantity than what the other cooks had given them, which scored points with Vera. As she savored the fruits of his labor, she was left speechless and wanting more. There was no interval of relenting rest, not even for something as essential as air, she would rather die eating than put an end to this perpetual bliss. But, oh, her plate was empty.

    That was heavenly.

    As she looked at Cillian with hazy eyes and with a changed manner of breathing, it dawned on her harder than the true meaning of Christmas did for the little green hermit, that all their staring was justified. She was no longer oblivious to his finest attribute as a man. It was all coming together for her now. It was all that rippling...


    “I think I’ve found my champion. What say you?” she asked her flaxen-haired companion, and maybe the general public.


    Tricks Abound!  Puglyfe6

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 184
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    Experience : 1,987,286

    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 1st October 2019, 6:54 pm

    I'm a derp. Rolling~


    Tricks Abound!  60731_s

    Posts : 23945
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by NPC 1st October 2019, 6:54 pm

    The member 'Dela' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Tricks Abound!  Die_01_42158_sm

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 184
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    Experience : 1,987,286

    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 1st October 2019, 7:00 pm

    Yes, this was all going according to plan. They'd hatched a bit of mischief, and even though the woman's eyes were wrestling with onion fumes or something of the like, she'd serve the perfect distraction for Dela. This was a two man job, and Vera had agreed so easily. She'd been just about to pose as a judge to skillfully steal edible pieces of dishes from all the contestants when the plan backfired. That was fast. The two jumbo dudes offered such a quick explanation and dipped out, leaving her blinking in their wake. "Aw, I didn't want to actually do any work," grumbled the blonde, peering down at her name tag that made her a real judge only after Vera commented on her own. Dela's look soured further. "Your name sucks?" she asked incredulously, pinning her own on and pointing to it with a lifeless expression. Scrawled on it in big, black letters was 'Dick Stroker'. "Clearly the family emergency was really that their parents are complete trolls. Why couldn't he just go by Richard..."

    What was done was done. It'd be way too much trouble now to find whoever she needed to speak to to not be Dick Stroker, the actual judge. Thus, the new cousins William and Richard were stuck together in their seats of judgement, clinging to each other at times in grand attempts to not rush in and devour anything they could get their little urchin hands on.

    Everyone was slaving away, cooking complicated dishes while she and Vera lounged around and fanned themselves, as if they were royalty and the chef brigade was forced under threat of death to produce a feast and not scam artists trying to thieve free grub. But even at her laziest, Dela was still pretty observant. Amongst the contestants was a particular silverette man she was all too familiar with. Of course he was here. The odds that all three of them were just coming together during a festival by chance were so crazy that she wondered if she should buy a lottery ticket. If Wren and Beaux showed up as well, there was surely a high chance she'd be a millionaire once the numbers were drawn.

    She had her doubts about him. Perhaps it was the cynic in her, but she just assumed he would do poorly. He was a zombie whisperer, not a chef, right? He couldn't be both, could he? Why someone who was a terrible cook would enter a contest was beyond her, though she'd been nearly about to do the same thing just to eat the ingredients. A smirk did appear on her lips as she watched him, only for it to dissolve into something like disbelief when she realized he appeared to know what he was doing. It was quite the sight to behold. Simple, yet complicated. Well, wasn't Cillian just full of surprises?

    Time came around to finally do what this whole debacle had been about; tasting. Between moseying between competitors to taste and Vera bringing her things to consume, she snacked and judged harshly. Most were okay, some were good, but none blew her mind. Her mind was supposed to be blown, right?

    Moving on from the chili that didn't move her, Dela and Vera finally came to Cillian. It did look simple. Dela was still skeptical. The morbid thought that the dish might contain zombie meat was something she didn't vocalize, but was put off all the same. It did smell fan-freakin'-tastic... her debating and squinting at him finally ended and she took a bite. POOF! Her mind blew a fuse and she stood there, blankly staring into the voice as she hunched over her portion of Cillian's dish. Her mouth took over and chowed down at sonic speed. It was absolutely delicious! She could barely comprehend the marriage of flavors in her mouth...

    "What say you? Vera asked, causing Dela to unceremoniously lift her head, mouth too full and munching on fried rice with a few stray bits on her cheeks. "Mmmmph?" he asked, then nodded as her brain processed the words at a delay. Fighting to swallow without choking, her hands slammed own on the counter in both effort to breathe and excitement. "Yeah, this dude wins," she finally said, moving her eyes from Vera to the Kinklord himself, adding another title to him. Best Cook. He got two trophies, while the rest got their sad little loser trophies.

    Abruptly she turned on her heel after announcing the winner, ignoring the groans and the fevered protests of Mr. and Mrs. Chili. Forgetting all about her unfortunate nametag, Dela nearly sprinted (gasp!) to the eating contest tent, signing up and taking her seat like a nerd into a school desk an hour before class started. Yes, she was still hungry, and yes, she wanted more of Cillian's food that was meant for the contest. Even as the eating contest started, she was thrilled that she received a monster portion of his meal first, since that's all she actually wanted. After finishing the perfect plate of food, she stood, giving up with a full stomach and snatching her eating contest loser trophy, not that she cared. All she'd wanted was a full stomach, and Dela had certainly accomplished that goal for the day.

    [WC: 884 || 1638/1500]


    Tricks Abound!  60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Posts : 175
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 1st October 2019, 7:54 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1625/1500 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Somewhere in the recesses of Cillian’s derptastic brain, he acknowledged the fact that he should probably be worried about the obvious friendship budding between not just two women that he kept running into, but two women that specifically loved to give him a hard time. At the same hand, that made it all the more interesting. He liked the two of them well enough, even if they got frustrated with him for his antics. And really, who didn’t get frustrated at his antics? It was nothing new, and surely Vera and Dela wouldn’t be either.

    Still, it was quite entertaining to watch as both women took a bite of his meal and paused in shock and wonder. The tall, lanky man could only continue to grin at them like the imp he was, knowing they were hooked. Before he could say anything, both of them were consuming their plates so fast he had to wonder if they’d actually chewed its contents or just straight up inhaled them. He giggled to himself when they came up for air, each sharing a look with the other and announcing quite loudly that he was the winner.

    “Woo!” he celebrated, more than happy to accept both of his trophies. Take that, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves! Now that was done, all he had to do was provide the rest of his food for the eating contest, which Dela had practically sprinted off to join. Cillian had a sneaking suspicion that she was doing it just because his dish was going to be one of the ones offered. And, well, free food was always a plus. Curiously, she ate his meal almost to the exclusion of all else -- and would probably be thrilled to know that he had also provided two desserts to go with the contest. One was an apple pie laced with the perfect amount of cinnamon and sugar, still warm from its time in the oven. The other was a cold strawberry pie with whipped cream and bananas.

    When everything was said and done, Dela would find Cillian and Vera standing beside one another waiting for the blonde to return. He had managed to save a small slice of each of the two pies, sneaking them to Vera with a wink and a grin as the two of them had watched. “I’m impressed,” he told Dela when she returned. “Where did you even pack all of that?” She certainly wasn’t the smallest woman he’d ever seen, but she was thin of frame and not exactly the type one would imagine could make several plates of food disappear in a matter of minutes.

    All that was left at this point was to figure out what to do with the rest of the day. Cillian had honestly figured he’d join the contest and go home, not particularly having a lot of friends, but he did enjoy the company of these ladies. At the very least, they were usually quite amusing with their antics and sass. “Well, since fate decided to stick us all in the same place again, did you guys want to play a few games or something? I heard they have a maze which sounds like fun. There’s going to be a fireworks show later, too. I just gotta get my stuff.”

    Assuming they were amiable to spending more time with the “Kinklord”, he lead them back to his kitchenette station where his jacket was hanging. [color=#f2a829]“What do you guys want to do?” he asked them passively as he pulled off the apron and stuffed it into a small box with his spices and ingredients. For that brief moment, his chest was completely bare, leaving his rather defined eight pack completely exposed. Given that Cillian rarely covered too much of his front anyway, he didn’t really stop to think about that, and soon it was partially hidden behind his jacket which he threw on, buttoning only the last two buttons. Then he stood expectantly before both women, waiting for one of them to lead the way toward whatever activity caught their interest.  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Vera Walden 6th October 2019, 11:16 am

    Tricks Abound!  Nyehe


    With the anticlimactic reveal, there were good sports and sore losers in the taxing cooking contest, as in every game or sport. Cillian, the kosher winner of a trying competition, was awarded two illustrious trophies, and was a wellspring of admiration and jealousy for the Reeves.  A small number, in hearty gulps,  have picked holes in his palatable cuisine for being impervious to imperfections. Such grievances were laughable and also stirred hints of suspicion in the losing few.  There were many more, however, that thought the contrary and gave their compliments to the chef.

    One of the enormous compliments given was the silence and tactlessness of Vera, with fatuous tears rolling down her flushed cheeks at the moment that she replayed the events in her mind and recalled his sample with more than usual attention to detail.  All the cookies he could have baked for her back then.  Gone! But it happened so long ago and she was almost sure he’d forgotten all about it.  She listened with dismay to the rowdy protests of her stomach, and as she regretted turning down Cillian’s offer to make her cookies when they first met, the newest regret would materialize before her eyes if she wasn’t the first in line for that eating contest.

    Their fair companion, Dela, left them to join in on a more auspicious activity. The purple-haired faucet, who had received the implication of what that was wanted to use this fairly golden opportunity to camouflage her shame and tag along for the ultimate pig out session. Yet in spite of her arriving very nearly at the same time as the ravenous girl, Vera was denied entry due to a sudden influx of hungry competitors.  

    “Miss Stroker, we have reached the maximum number of participants. I’m afraid you’ll have to try again next year.” The attendant was forward and had been carefully educated in agreeability.

    Vera was one of those unpredictable moody types with simple desires, but she disliked to excite personal attention and brought to mind a time when she had to rely on meager scraps to survive. She was by no means happy with the outcome, though the trials suffered because of the streets taught her by gradients to associate value on the little she did have. A nonchalant shrug came easily to her shoulders and there were no hard feelings to anchor her spirits. It was the perfect excuse to leave the festival.

    Vera would be polite enough to wait on Dela when Cillian, sneaking his slices to her with a good-natured wink, addressed ‘Dick Stroker’ with a humorous question of his own. His offerings in no way went unacknowledged as her eyes sparkled and her face glowed. At the end of her joy she was reminded of the tiny fat orange he had salvaged for her, but the admittedly talented cook, though an unusually generous and fun-loving man, also tried to offer her up as a sacrificial tribute. His idea failed and backfired as they ended up having to find the ring together. He owed her something after that ordeal, which she pardoned for now because she needed this. She needed these godly slices.

     Can I sink no lower? My plans were ultimately foiled by strawberry pie, she inwardly scoffed.

    Vera decided she couldn’t leave anyhow. Their smallest ally, maybe even the youngest by the looks of it, still had that terribly sketchy badge on upon returning.  With a title like that, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of her? The thought made her nearly gag in her mouth.  Not on her watch.  One of the first things Vera did was approach Dela and snap off their name tags with her free hand. It was there that their contentious names were in the habit of giving wicked impressions, and the girl flung them into the crisp grass to nip the dotty boffola in the bud.

    The unexpectedly mute lady, scooping up her portion with a spoon, was in no rush to talk or  swallow the sugary delight. The poor famished thing was enchanted and too absorbed in her dessert to object to the maze challenge.  The weirdo was in the promised land of goodies, and chewing noiselessly, followed them into his kitchenette station, watching her first slice disappear and finding solace in the apple pie that she had yet to try. But when the succeeding course presented itself it was altogether served on deep lustrous yellow plate with abs; clearly her panache for fancy was ignited by the sultry removal of the apron.

    There was nothing quite so engrossing as the plodding, phantasmagorical gesture alone. At once her mirthfulness ebbed and she at full tilt finished her actual meal to escape being noticed or accused of ogling.  She suddenly found the floor to be a much more enthralling subject.

    What a nice floor.

    Word Count; 807/2742 TAG @Cillian duCrosse @Dela
    made bycapt. meows


    Tricks Abound!  Puglyfe6

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 7th October 2019, 2:42 am

    Content with her consumption of Cillian's delectable offerings, the blonde made her way over to where the two waited. It was nice of them to wait for her, though she had almost hoped to slip off and return home to nap. It was funny, though. While the cursed magical girl tended to think more of herself than anyone, she had noticed that Vera was denied entry to the contest. It was a shame since the contest had been the whole reason the two stuck around. Not to fear! Dela was as sneaky as she was cunning, a proper candidate for the spec ops department of the Rune Knights when she wasn't being exceptionally lazy. Her messenger bag had been in her lap, and wouldn't you know someone like Dela would have empty Tupperware inside just to sneak food out of buffets? This wasn't a buffet, but close enough. Every so often she'd let some food fall into her lap, ever so careful not to let the judges see. It could be misinterpreted as a cheating tactic, though in the end, it was clear she'd had no intentions of winning. Only eating her fill and thieving some lunch was on her agenda.

    Ambling up to Vera, she produced the container filled to the brim with not only Cillian's food but any other dish that crossed her. "Too bad they wouldn't let you enter," Dela commented, offering an impish grin, pleased with her own preparedness. She liked to think she was clever. Thanks to her, Vera wouldn't starve either. However, she noted that somehow Vera had her hands on two slices of pie, so it seemed she wasn't the only one sneaking the violette some grub.

    Now that she was within range of the man and there wasn't some sort of contest going on, Cillian and Dela could begin their witty banter. "Doesn't everyone come equipped with a hollow leg?" Dela quipped in return, trying to pretend she wasn't stuffed to the brim and slightly miserable. It seemed the three would be spending the rest of the festival together as well, which seemed to drain all of her energy, but she couldn't deny she needed to walk a bit. Her metabolism was high but not so high that she could go home to sleep after gorging so much and not fret about her widening hips. It would be hard to use her girlish charms to her advantage if everyone thought she was a behemoth. "Yeah, ok," she agreed off-handedly, trying to ignore her body's cries for a nap.

    Following the two back to the cooking tent. He asked what they wanted to do. "The maze sounds oka--" her words died in her throat as he shed the apron, standing there with his top-half bare. Now that they weren't in a mine-shaft playing with dead things, she noticed something that had been beyond her recognition before. 1-2-3...-8...well, he just had a full set of defined abs, proving the old saying about them being like a washboard to life. Normally the gamer girl was able to appreciate male beauty with almost cool indifference, liking what she saw but able to retain her normal composure. However, this man was so utterly infuriating at times, so goofy, so slick, that she'd subconsciously blocked the element of physical attraction out of her mind until it literally smacked her in the eyeballs this very moment. With the death of her words she inhaled, proceeding to choke on her own spit, an embarrassing but also convenient cover for the blush on her cheeks. Holy abs, Batman. Thank god Vera had removed her Dick Stroker badge.

    The Rune Knight was suddenly much more self-conscious about her small food baby belly. Her arms crossed low over the slight pudge, aware of her own looks now. Glancing at Vera, she noticed her female partner was finding the lumpy outdoor carpet covering the grass of the utmost interest, which Dela read as a direct link to the offending abs that were now covered by that dumb short jacket. Now that she'd seen the muscles, she couldn't unsee them! Wear a longer jacket, heathen! GAH! Why couldn't Vera just meet eyes with her so they could internally scream together?!

    "Ahem, right," she cleared her throat, turning stiffly on one heel and rushing out of the tent and toward the maze. Maybe she could get lost ahead of them and have time to compose herself.

    [WC: 740 || Dela's Total WC: 878]


    Tricks Abound!  60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 1st November 2019, 4:25 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      889/1500 WORDS

    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Luckily for both women, Cillian seemed to be completely ignorant to the fact that his abs had just sparked a couple nosebleeds. Vera was suddenly intensely focused on finishing her pie and staring at the ground, while Dela fell into a coughing fit. “See, that’s what happens when you eat too fast,” he chastised the blonde playfully, dopey grin spread across his face. He was utterly oblivious to the vaginal perils of both women before him, merely standing there with his hands in the pockets of his pants while he waited for one of them to give some kind of indication of where they wanted to go.

    It was ultimately Dela who took the lead, steering them toward the corn maze. Cillian shrugged and followed her. “Coming, Jayne?” Soon enough they were wandering through the stalks of corn, attempting to make their way through the labyrinth along with several other festival attendees. They got lost several times, with Cillian trying to cheat by walking through the walls of stalks instead of following them.

    Even though it was a simple activity, it was actually kind of fun. The three of them teased each other a lot, mostly the women picking on him, but he enjoyed such interactions. Eventually they managed to make their way out by slipping through the corn when no one was looking, but since they didn’t make it to the exit they came out of the place somewhere else: A pumpkin patch. “Oh hey, what’s this?”

    He wandered over to a sign that was staked into the dirt. “Looks like there’s some kind of party taking place nearby and they’re just asking for people to pick some pumpkins and bring them. Guess they’re gonna be used for making snacks.” Cillian strode into the patch and started inspecting the gourds with an expert eye. “Ooo, this one looks ready,” he said, rapping on a particularly plump pumpkin and listening to its hollowness. “What do you think, ladies? Show up with some pumpkins and see what they got going on? If it’s boring we can always go find something else to do.”

    The undead gentleman was pretty spontaneous, often enjoying his life from one moment to the next without putting a lot of thought toward his future. Plus, the foodie in him was interested in seeing what kind of treats they were going to make and if he could steal or improve any of the recipes.

    While they were in the middle of picking fruits, however, he felt a familiar sensation. Suddenly wearing a more sober expression, Cillian turned his head up and started panning the area. “Dela.” He singled out the blonde because she knew of his ability to communicate with the dead, and even though he hadn’t said anything he knew she was smart enough to put together that he was sensing something along that nature. Vera had yet to be with him when any spirits or such things had cropped up, but this was probably the first time she’d ever seen him look somewhat serious and that likely would speak for something.

    The problem was, he couldn’t tell what he was looking for. The area felt like it was littered with spirits, each of them thirsting for life. It was only then that he noticed exactly how many crows were in the area. His crimson eyes fell on them as they watched the humans with hungry black gazes. And as soon as their sights locked, there was an understanding. They knew what he was, and knew that he had singled them out. They were going to attack.

    “Get down!” he told the two women, and no more than a split second later nearly one hundred crows took flight and dive bombed the area, shrieking and cawing loudly, trying to peck and scratch at anything they could reach -- especially Cillian. Growling with annoyance, he tapped into his raw magic and used his connection with the dead to force control over the creatures. Many of their attacks suddenly stopped as they struggled in the air as though they were being attacked from the inside, all while Cillian stood braced with his hands out, a look of intense concentration on his face.

    With a furious cry he threw his hands down and all the crows dropped to the ground, lifeless. Cillian was panting heavily, a bit of sweat dripping down his brow. He had never tried to exercise control over so many spirits at once, particularly ones that he hadn’t conjured himself. It had drained quite a bit of his energy. “You two alright?” he asked, looking over toward Vera and Dela.

    Something was still wrong, though. He could still feel spirits in the area, and even as he checked on the two women he noticed that the bodies of the crows were still moving, being sucked slowly toward a focal point where their corpses melded together until they turned into a hulking humanoid creature with a sinister grin and very crow like features. With a terrifying screech it loomed over them, and Cillian could only form a single sentence in reaction:

    “Well, that’s a new one.”  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Vera Walden 4th November 2019, 3:54 pm

    Tricks Abound!  Postingthing


    Over a short period of time she  disallowed to acknowledge their common interest, but finally she assented to meet her gaze.  Just barely. While Dela  bolted  and Cillian followed after, Vera had to immerse herself with eating snagged  food from the competition. Not unlike a black hole she went about devouring her meal, hiding the pink flush that had colored her cheeks. To accompany them at leisure was not a problem to the rosy nomad on account of seclusion being inevitable upon entering the corn maze. “So, let's see if we can find a less painful way to get out of here.”

    Cillian took the path of least resistance, cheating his way out of the labyrinth. When they  landed in the patch, rather than the proper exit, she was greeted by a sign, a few happy campers, and a bunch of orange pumpkins. “What’s so fun about pumpkin picking?” whined the self proclaimed child of the corn, already fed up with the towering stalks and the future picking of fruits. She was quite prone to laziness, and knelt down in the lush grass before the gourd when she determined doing nothing was the only preferable activity. She put the nearly empty container down so she  could lay on her side like a dead rat and close her eyes. Sunshine and Silly-an could enjoy each other's company, and she could still reward herself with a short power nap.

    Here there wasn’t anything to discontinue the peaceful retreat but the scary silence that transpired after the unexpectedly solemn cook called out to Dela. Vera rose at once and was unpleasantly stunned to find their faces make the switch from relaxed to tense. “Is there something really huge and ugly, not particularly as fun-sized or as cute as us, standing right behind me?” whispered Vera, inconceivably fast, as they seemed to be looking for something invisible to her. She seemed slow at first and turned around without speaking, her attention drawn to the innocuous crows, but preparing herself mentally for the unimaginable.

    Sincerely as she loved animals, Vera held herself more and more away from her ideals (not to do them harm) for fear of jeopardizing the safety of her altruistic caterers, and a puzzled countenance grew upon her.  Her eyes opened wide with a flash of their natural lustre, and a strange smile played on her lips.  “I dream of a world where chickens of darkness can cross the road without having their motives questioned. Spare us! And I will make bird life great again.” She looked down at what she was holding; the same container Dela had given to her, filled with a piece of real chicken. “I accidentally messed up our lives. Where is the esc button? I could really use one  right now. No? How about a backspace feature?”

    When told to get down, she merely crouched and stared at the diving flock overhead. She had never seen so many crows in one place, but they quickly came to a standstill, neither flying nor landing, and uproariously writhed as though they were being deep fried in hot oil, which stunned Vera long enough to keep her quiet and not as fussy. She stared at the falling birds in blank amazement; her own astonishment greater, however, when one that flew too close to the trio fell in her container with a rather dull-sounding thud.

    The remains of the dark spirit trapped in a small animal split up into numerous and mutually disgusting bits, warm blood and delicate gut tendrils gushed copiously over her fingers, and through the pervasive air to merge into something quite dangerous and very  large-scale. The former entertainer had no fear of seeing its innards, though the reason for it would remain a mystery to everyone. Vera seemed to have gone deaf and mute, and as the two closest thing she had to tangible friends hopefully prepared themselves for the next surprise, the sight of blood carried her thoughts back to a tiger, a collection of mangled bodies and lastly a little boy’s crying face.

    She rapidly shot up from the ground, dropping the food holder in the process, and frantically tried to sever any chance of it coming together fully. A whiff of corn dust was sent the developing form’s way by the wild-eyed mage’s outstretched hand, looking moderately severe and uncharacteristically focused. Her concentration during the summoning had been so intense that she hadn’t taken into consideration the presence of other people in the area, which she would have normally done under such circumstances.

    But she did not strive to check on them, only the pair standing behind her mattered now. She was acting on impulse, not reason. She snapped her fingers in front of their eyes, not even mildly hopeful when the dust particles landed on its incomplete torso and shredded it in an explosion of flesh and blood. Her actions only managed to buy them some time, and she was perspiring heavily from the effort whereas the creature was already recovering its full form.

    “If you are afraid of running away because you want to be good and just,” she said, as if she wasn’t serious just two seconds ago, “we can soothe reality and say that we are advancing in another direction. It’s a workable justification, don’t you think? This is not me making a suggestion, by the way. I’m ordering the both of you to haul ass because I don't want us to die here.”

    Word Count; 914 TAG @Dela@Cillian duCrosse
    made bycapt. meows


    Tricks Abound!  Puglyfe6

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 8th November 2019, 2:09 am

    His misunderstanding was their blessing. The corn maze at least accomplished its new purpose of distracting her from her new awareness of Cillian's entire being. It was a form of pure, unadulterated fun. There was no ulterior motive, nothing to be gained other than a nice memory for old Dela to have of young Dela days...even though she'd been 'young' for a while now, and highly doubted she'd ever see her old Dela days if she didn't break this curse soon. His abs were obscured from the mind by giggles and smirks and a whole lot of corn. Once Cillian decided it was time to break back out into the open by, of course, not following the rules, Dela followed him through the corn. "Ugh, there's sticker burrs in here," she grouched as they broke free. The sparse clothing she had on had attracted small, brown prickly things that rubbed and scraped her skin. She paused to try and pull them off, annoyed by the effort it was taking.

    Once she was burr-free, she took in the patch. Coming from a rather poor farmer's town, she didn't find herself particularly impressed with the large garden. If anything, it rapidly brought on the exhaustion she'd been doing a decent job of staving off despite the various physical activities of the day. With slumped shoulders, she eyed the wooden sign requesting help. "Seriously? They just have a sign out asking random people to do their job for them?" Dela asked flatly, predictably not seeing any good reason to expend her energy on something like this. Party or no party, farmers need to farm. Vera had the right idea. The no-longer-starving violette seemed content to nap on the container meant for pumpkins, and Dela had half a mind to join her.

    Yet, much to her dismay, Cillian just went about his merry way picking pumpkins. He really was a big, dumb dope. Well, she'd just stand here then...maybe watch as he bent over to pick them...

    When she heard her name in that serious tone, she straightened right up and wrinkled her nose in dismay, suddenly filled with the appropriate seriousness. Cerulean eyes panned from the man fluent in death to around the patch, looking for anything or anyone that might have already met their demise. So help her, if there were more zombie puppies around here, she'd gladly check out of life for a little bit. Just throw her on the pile of picked pumpkins. Vera could use her as a meat shield.

    Vera alerted her to the threat in the sky first as she spoke of chickens, and while Dela was vaguely amused by the strange outburst, she had no time to question it. Cillian hollered for them to get down, so get down she did. Diving down into the dirty valley between rows of orange fruit, she covered her head with her hands like an army man preparing for an explosion. In a sense, it was an explosion. The frenzied flapping of black wings, so close to each other in their murderous mob that they produced a white-noise roar as they descended upon their well-constructed male companion. If she'd been the hero type people tended to assume she was, Dela would have remained standing and tried to help him, but no. Dela was many things, but a hero was not one of them. She cared what happened to Cillian and even Vera, but not quite enough to throw herself into danger. Not yet.

    The man in red's furious cry and the subsequent rain of dead weight forced her to look his way, taking in the sight of his tension and sweat, the serious look on his face as he panted with effort. She wasn't sure what he'd done, but he'd looked darn good doing it. A light blush flushed her cheeks as she rose back to her feet, thinking the weird threat was over. So what that he'd protected them and looked hot while doing it? What did she care if he wanted to expend so much effort when it didn't benefit him much at all, other than saving his own skin. In fact, he probably hadn't done it for anyone other than himself, anyway. Dela's hands dusted herself off, steering her mind away from Cillian's abs and more to the interesting change in the birds. Dead or alive, this wasn't normal bird behavior...

    And neither was their combination into one giant crow creature.

    Vera rose to do the unexpected, manifesting interesting magic to do some damage and buy them time. Was that dust? Like...feather duster dust? Dela made mental notes to ask all of these things later, since she was still an info broker at the end of the day. Despite her fellow lazy girl's effort, the monster was repairing itself and the duster uttered Dela's favorite words.

    "I'm all for running. Pumpkins ain't worth this!" Dela cried, though she knew the limits of her squishy, lazy body. She was no runner and the just the thought made her tired. Pulling her staff with crystal from her bag, she held it up. The beautiful gem nestled in the heart-shaped holder exploded into a shimmering rainbow light. She wanted Chester, for his hooves were much quicker and stronger than her legs would ever be. From the staff's light, a magnificent unicorn appeared. Perfect! Not so perfect was the unwanted change in wardrobe, which was now much more nautically inspired. Being a magical girl sucked.

    Hopping onto the white equine's back, she made a clicking sound with her tongue. "Chester! Let's get out of here!" she commanded almost joyfully, and he did start running in the opposite way of the crowish conglomeration....for a second. Suddenly he snorted loudly from those giant horsey nostrils and spun around, heading right back for the beast. "What are you doing? No! Other way!" she cried, tugging on his multicolored mane in irritation. "Are you kidding me?! NO! NO NO NO! Listen to me right now, Chester! We're supposed to hi-ho away from the danger! AWAY!" the reluctant magical girl shrieked, fear growing more and more prevalent on her pretty face as they both careened toward the monster. Chester was unfazed by her begging. "OH, COME ON! NOOOOO!!!"

    Whether Dela liked it or not, Chester would make his own demands. She was to play hero here and use her magic, no matter how bad at it she was. This was the first time he'd betrayed her, hinted at by her bewilderment and the tears brimming her eyes. She shouldn't be surprised. He was a construct of the stupid crystal, after all, so in a way she was never his true master. He would ultimately fulfill the will of the ultimate master, the one who had cursed both Dela and her sister with his magic. To accomplish the purpose of the 'gift', she had to be forced to use it whenever there was a chance. It wasn't like she'd stay dead, anyway. There was no risk, but high reward. However, she'd grown unintentionally close to her escape horse and only protector for all these years, so this new behavior turned her stomach in a way the blonde had never anticipated.

    Once close to the towering blob of feathers and death, Chester reared up and spun once more, angling his magnificent butt right at the creature. His rainbow tail lifted like the cocking of a gun, and with a bit of hindquarters flex, soon he was ripping the most garish fart of all time. Rainbow beams and glitter and hearts and stars blew from his rear, blasting the creature of darkness with its antithesis. As she felt her energy flow into her staff and into that cursed crystal to power Chester's attack, she also noticed the crow monster balloon out and crack enough for the rainbow light to seep through, just before it exploded back into pieces of rotting birds. The unicorn had won, but Dela seemed far from pleased. She just sat sulkily on his back, eyes staring into nothingness.



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    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 13th November 2019, 1:25 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1881/1500 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Wait, was Vera using magic? At first Cillian wasn’t entirely sure she was. It looked more like she was just haphazardly flinging dust at the morphing creature for lack of anything else to throw. Which would have been silly, because the numerous number of pumpkins around them would be much more effective as makeshift projectiles. However, once he had a second to breathe and regain some energy he was able to sense the magic in what she was doing. Whatever she was using, it wasn’t natural. It whirled around her in a miniature cyclone before stretching out toward the crow beast, attempting to rip it apart before it could even have time to fully form.

    The purple haired woman almost candidly told them to run, despite the serious look on her face. Cillian opened his mouth to protest, but before he could say a word Dela chimed in to express her pleasure at the idea of getting the hell out of dodge. It was unsurprising. The blonde certainly stepped up when she had to, but the first job the two of them had taken together had been more than enough to assure Cillian that bravely wasn’t exactly Dela’s strong suit at the end of the day.

    What was surprising was the method which Dela had chosen as her escape route. Cillian had seen a little bit of her magic, but nothing like a legitimate unicorn born from a burst of rainbow at the wave of her staff. Her clothing had also changed, ribbons of rainbows wrapping around her form until an appropriately girly costume of sorts took the place of her old clothes. As she hopped on the back of the horned horse, the only thing Cillian could do was stare in absolute shock. “Am I on drugs right now?” he asked himself in quiet amusement, mind still desperately trying to catch up to the world around him.

    His confusion and entertainment only grew when the unicorn decided to forgo Dela’s instructions and instead turned around to charge the very beast that Dela was trying to escape. Unfortunately for the little police woman, Chester was in charge now. Turning his big horse backside to the creature, he loosed a fart the likes of which Cillian had never conceived before. There were rainbows, there were hearts, there was glitter and stars. The crow screeched its protest but was unable to withstand the magical attack. Ultimately, it shattered apart and the mass of dead birds fell to the ground once more, never to conjoin again.

    A snort echoed across the pumpkin patch. Cillian was desperately trying to hold himself together, but by the tension on his face it was a losing battle. Before he knew it, a laugh sputtered out of his lips and that was all she wrote. He was practically wheezing, clutching his stomach as his considerably tall form doubled over in two. “That was the best thing I think I’ve ever seen, holy fuck,” the man said, gasping for air. “You have a unicorn.. That farts rainbows?!

    Without paying too much attention to the people nearest him, Cillian slung his arm over the shoulder of the person standing next to him for physical support so he wouldn’t fall over from laughing. “She has.. She has a…” He couldn’t even say it again. There were tears rolling down his face, and he wiped them away, turning to look at his new companion to see if they were finding this as funny as he was. “She… Oh.”

    Apparently he hadn’t been paying attention. The feel of wood and straw under his arm had felt odd, of course, but nonetheless he was still surprised to see that the person he’d hooked an arm around was not in fact a person but a scarecrow. Even more surprising, the scarecrow was turned to look at him, it’s maw opened wide in a grin like it was laughing with him -- at him? -- but the inside of its mouth was nothing more than hellish fire. There was also a scythe in its hand.

    “That’s not good.”

    The scarecrow swept the weapon up in an uppercut, trying to cleave Cillian in half between the legs. Thankfully, a scythe was terribly difficult to fight with in close quarters, so the taller man had a bit of an advantage. Stepping forward, he pulled the scarecrow closer to himself causing the blade of the scythe to sweep past him. His free hand reached out to stop the upward motion of the weapon, grabbing it by the hilt and fighting to push it back down, but not before the tip of the weapon buried itself into his shoulder.

    Cillian didn’t really seem to feel it, though, even as the pressure he put down on the weapon caused it to carve down his back, tearing his jacket and ruining it while blood poured down his skin. Rearing his head back, he slammed his forehead into the scarecrow’s, causing the creature to stumble back and lose its grip on the weapon. Cillian carelessly pulled the scythe from his back and dumped it on the ground. Normally he would pull up one of his summons to deal with something like this, but he wasn’t quite ready for Vera and Dela to know the truth about his magic just yet. So instead, he resorted to his back up: fisticuffs.

    He slugged the thing over and over, throwing punches so hard that his jacket finished ripping completely and just fell off his arms, leaving him shirtless again. Raising his leg, he gave a final snap kick right into the scarecrow’s chest, causing it to burst into a cloud of lifeless hay and cloth. Without dropping his guard or his stance, he looked around warily. Somehow, he had the feeling this wasn’t quite over yet...  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Vera Walden 18th November 2019, 10:18 pm

    Tricks Abound!  Postingthing


    Most anxious to dodge extirpation, her craven directive was acclaimed with delight by the cop. The pretty nautically-dressed magical girl besought unspoken permission to mount the  magnificent creature and ran away, in the direction of the beast they took pains to elude.  What she saw ahead; she honestly thought was a chimera in her brain, vexing her jellyfish blue eyes, anesthetizing her appreciation of logic, and inviting mistrust to discern the real world. She often saw things, but what she regrettably deemed customary, seemed unconventional to the demon bird whisperer.  She wanted to see if it had been one of her many hallucinations but was far too drained to use her magic when a rainbow burst forth from the horned horse’s mighty rump, quite brazenly, with a bunch of chunky stars and hearts to color the beast dead.

    Vera hadn’t expected that, and rather thought the bronco was going to stab the towering mutation to death. “You’re not on drugs,”  she said to the blithesome comrade, doing a slow blink as if to substantiate that they were somehow existing on the same plane of reality. “Dela’s escape backfired in the most literal way. I’m not just talking about our little sailor scout  running into the danger, I’m talking about her badass unicorn, Chester,  answering the  call of the wild burrito and saving our lives. On that note,” she made a face as she quickly sniffed the crisp night air, “it’s beginning to smell a lot like strawberries.”  It didn’t gratify the crackpot to have to take in that revoltingly kaleidoscopic butt blast, but doubt had hitherto reigned supreme in her dodgy  universe,  and ample proof was necessary to ward off the sneaking suspicion that she was imagining things all over again.

    Of course it was true, considering Cillian didn’t correct her and was dissolving into laughter because of what he saw, which posed the likelihood of the fabled one-horned creature, the stuff of disgustingly sweet childhood dreams, being a living, breathing thing. “It’s,” the delighted woman gasped, in speaking of Dela’s noble steed, “a real unicorn!” She was tired, and the depletion of her magic did not help her fighting spirit at all, but the rekindlement of an unrealized desire fueled her figurative jets as nothing else could.  

    She screamed wildly, running toward the multi-colored bronco and knowing she wouldn’t have another chance at petting the mythical beast of burden. As the sprinting galoot abandoned the laughing familiar, the scarecrow he’d slung his arm around suddenly twitched. The fool was unaware that anything had happened, but stopping  just in time to see her partner in crime look sullen, widened her eyes and knitted her brows together in thought. Dela could always summon Chester for her  later. Though the satchel was small and not a contrivance of great interest to her, she pulled out a silk handkerchief colored red and embroidered with the first letter of her last name in gold, handed her the comfort hanky, and then said in a waggish voice: “Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms. It could be worse.”

    She knew from experience.

    She hated being right more than anything, namely, when the circumstances were disadvantageous.  She stared wildly about her, swung her arm out and pointed to a scarecrow standing beside Cillian with a most incandescent grin. One minute she was praising the existence of a unicorn, and was just doing something kind of selfless for a change when she was startled by the menacing straw-man, for he cared not what he did to the fellow and charged.  She had turned a few shades paler than her natural skin tone as the scarecrow’s powerful scythe  proceeded to pierce his flesh, and a terrifying scream in the blackness of the night should have been hers to make. But her voice put on a nice pair of bunny slippers and ran for cover. She actually considered giving poor Chester a great big smack on the butt to get him charging, but knew something like that would endanger herself and Dela.

    On the impulse of the moment she fled from her spot, rushing to his side and reaching for the fallen scythe, and found herself frizzing up like a guarded cat as it escaped from her grasp in a puff of smoke. With an angry glance Vera yelled at the nothingness she held so loosely in her hands and smiled aggressively, “Are you having a giraffe? A-Are you kidding me? You'd better not regenerate, or I’m going to harvest your straw balls and choke you with them. You sad piece of elephant shi-!” —a scene that was the cause of much distress summoned her focus and unsparingly forced her to calm down. Cillian was bleeding.

    “Dela, please tell me you have healing abilities too? He is in need of some TLC. Just look at him!  He looks disgusting!” Vera half-lied, looking madly about her. She was so scared, she even kicked the nearest pumpkin, thinking it was going to kill them too.

    Word Count; 833/1747 TAG @Dela@"Cillian duCrosse"
    made bycapt. meows


    Tricks Abound!  Puglyfe6

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    Tricks Abound!  Empty Re: Tricks Abound!

    Post by Dela 20th November 2019, 4:33 am

    The laughs and squeals from her comrades fell on muted ears as she continued to simply sit on the benedict arnold unicorn's back in the throes of a depressive episode. If not for the dark hole she'd mentally dove into, perhaps she'd have blushed and been a little embarrassed. Her magic was pretty lame, but Chester had been her only friend in the world for so long that she'd gotten more comfortable than she thought with his company and relying on him to help her stay alive. See if she ever fed him a sugar cube again. He could starve in whatever dimension he was summoned from for all she cared. Did people still eat horses these days? She hardly heard Vera's encouragments over her own murderous thoughts, vaguely tanking the handkerchief and balling it in one of her fists. Counting rainbows and not storms. Feh. What good was counting rainbows when you could make them come out of a unicorn's butt at will?

    A cold gust of wind blew from the east side of the field, signaling the arrival of the true boss of his stupid halloween level. Dela didn't need to look to know something was there, yet she didn't move a muscle. If she commanded Chester to run again, it wouldn't happen, would it? Would they go careening to the new threat as well? The unicorn's head turned, training a single onyx marble on the pumpkin headed wraith. Nostril's flared, snorting out a visible puff of breath as his new target was acquired. There was no use fighting what was about to happen. What could a powerless pleb like her do?

    In another act of absolute defiance in favor of making the most of using the crystal's magic, Chester bucked her off his back just as Vera rushed off to Cillian's side. That was fine. Making no moves to brace herself or try to land on her feet, the magical girl fell like a sack of potatoes onto the ground below, where she laid as if she was dead. She wasn't, but it might look like that at first. The pain in her shoulder only served as a reminder of how alive she was, and that even if she wished for death she'd be denied it in favor of that weird pergatory place that held her sister prisoner. Blond, pigtailed hair splayed around her like a funeral halo, seeming like a beautiful body awaiting burial. Ultramarine eyes stared blankly into the clouded sky. So much effort all this was. Dela sincerely wished she'd never left her living quarters, much in favor to starving in her own bed, surrounded by her real friends (her plushies) and her games.

    Chester could be heard farting and kicking the Pumpkin King to death a short distance across the patch, a feat the cursed young woman couldn't be bothered to watch. She felt the crystal feeding on her, gnawing like a toothless newborn on something inside her. Each intricate black tatto left on her skin from her deaths ached, pulsing as if they had their own hearts. Maybe they had pieces of her heart, the parts she'd lost with each step toward her ultimate fate. Anyway, existential crisis aside, the Rune Knight could hear Vera's voice shrilly over the unicorn's carnage, even as her mythical beast familiar put a final hoof through the possessed gourde's head and ended this whole fiasco.

    "He's &@^*ing fine, I promise," Dela responded despondently from the row of dirt between lines of pumpkins, still laying there like the dropped sack of potatoes she wished she was. Okay, so she managed to prove she wasn't dead and was at least showing some sort of concern over her fretting female friend. Before she could likely gather her wits and draw any power from the cursed shiny rock, his mutant skin would probably knit itself back together. Besides, she could hardly imagine a scenario where he'd look disgusting unless that scarecrow she'd barely glimpsed from the corner of her eye managed to slice up his abs like paper-thin sandwich ham. Even then, he'd just regenerate. Freak. Sexy, sexy freak...

    Okay, maybe just a little peek.

    [2039/1500 || Halloween Mini-Event complete]


    Tricks Abound!  60731_s

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