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    Hair Day from Hell (Training)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Hair Day from Hell (Training) Empty Hair Day from Hell (Training)

    Post by Sanguine 10th June 2019, 9:51 am

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 1602/2000
    Tagged: @tagged
    Muse: Hairy
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    This seemed like a better place than any to get away from everything for a little while. Lately, things seemed to be growing in a much harsher manner than she had hoped for and having the whole issue happening to begin with was more upsetting than anything else had been until now. Joining a guild in which you're the only maid that is.. well an actual maid can cause a lot of attention to be gathered. And when these bunch of people happen to be of the dark affiliation, they can tend to be a little more entitled. While Sanguine was more of someone who could put up with it for a while without a problem, every so often she had to get out of there before she could rip the head off of someones shoulders. The only issue with that was that if she did that, she would end up wanting to then suck their blood dry after the leftover pumping blood stopped spurting out of the neck like a water fountain. Though now the sound of that had her stomach grumbling a little bit. A slayers gotta eat, and frankly she ate quite a bit more than anyone realized. It only never truly showed from years of forcing herself to eat in a more civilized, mannerly fashion beyond how she was raised to begin with. Something that was quite easy to do under Grim's guidance and would continue to do.

    Something lately had been pulling her around closer and closer into the cursed lands. At first, she thought it something of Grim calling out to her, but she knew she only need to wait in the castle for her masters return if she so badly sought her or was requested. No, this feeling tugged at something specific inside of her, drawing her in. But the feeling was somewhat familiar and it caused her to be aware of it, but unfortunately she wasn't the type of person whom could so easily pick out what it was that was doing this. For someone whom spent years being tugged at by collar and leash, she surely felt this new one was something of the same type, only this time she had felt it more magically than it was physical. Unable to take not knowing what it was drawing her here, she had to sate the need to know by showing up there and hopefully finding it. Though this wasn't her first trip here, it was about her third or fourth going alone. Before, she'd traveled through here accompanied by Grim for various jobs, but now she'd been going alone and each time she got further and further inside before that feeling dissipated, leaving the maid stranded on where to go forward and only to turn around.

    The maids eyes silently peered over the door to this strange manor. Whatever it was that had been pulling her about the last couple weeks had been growing stronger in this point, and it wasn't stopping either. "Seems a bit dreary for my tastes... but I suppose it doesn't matter." Grabbing the door, the demi-dragoness pushed the doors open only to feel them locked. A small sigh of annoyance left her mouth and suddenly the doors unlocked. Her hands never left the handles, so in turn she pushed again and opened them with no issue. As her figure entered the dark, unlit building, the doors slammed shut behind her along with the flickering of lights to illuminate the main room of the manor. "Good evening, darling~ I'm so glad you could join us tonight!~" A rather girly voice spoke up. Her voice carried around the room, masking where she was actually hiding. With no time to spare, a pair of arms gently embraced her from behind, causing Sanguine to squeak and flush. The wandering hands exploring her body while she continued to recover herself. "W-Who the heak are you and why are you feeling me up?" Her arms pushed this strange womans away, swinging around before she saw nothing there at all. "Ohh, my sisters were right! How pure of you to avoid foul language~ Maybe you do still have some of that pure holy girl left in you, demon child."

    The routine was getting old. Hiding away while taunting someone like Sanguine was a quick way to get yourself killed. Starting to grit her teeth, her eyes narrowed down to show the bit of a sign that the attempt of taunting was more easily getting to her than she let on. "Maybe we should just make her bow and give it up like a good little maid~ Give you a different type of 'serving' to do." The giggling laugh of a second voice, this one much more mature had risen out of the blue, but left her getting angrier by the second. "But you were so right! Her chest is so squishy! She smells like fresh strawberries too~ You like that, right?" Ignoring that the maid was even in the room, the two of them continued their little banter of conversation. "Is that so? Maybe I should go and have a look myself, but.. another time. I think it's time we present ourselves to this little toy~" Instead of her anger growing, she quickly began to subside it while the leading of them showing themselves had become visible finally. The first had been a slender looking woman. Her pale skin and dark purple colored hair draped down her back to the bend of her back. Her Amethyst colored eyes peered on from the distance while a pair of demonic looking wings lightly fluttered on her back, looking as though it would struggle to hold her in flying. The second to show up had been a much more mature looking woman for sure. A bust to rival a ten year old girl, though her hair was a mesh of straight golden blonde hair and oddly formed thick curls nearing the ends which had been around and just beyond her rear end.

    "You said 'sisters' as a plural... so where's the other?" Sanguine questioned, her arms folding under her chest as her eyes began to peer around the room. It was a rather large manor, but she only knew that this room was the lit one. How many more rooms could be like this? Simply put, the place was a little too immaculate for an abandoned manor. "Oh, she's somewhere~" The purple haired succubus giggled like an immature child, however the blonde began to walk forward and stopped a ways away from Sanguine, but not too far as not to be able to jump her if need be. "So, what's your name?" Her green eyes peered down her body for a moment from what Sanguine observed, watching for a moment before it shot up to her face and the look she gave became a bit of a glare. Envy?~ In a mannerly fashion, the maid pinched onto her uniform and she gave a curtsy. "I go by the name Sanguine. Though my master tends to call me Black Rose, so I suppose if you'd prefer Rose of Sanguine, you can feel free. How about the two of you?" She rose from her mannerly greeting to the still glaring blonde before she sighed and pointed toward the other succubus. "She's Daphne, and my name is Delilah." Ah, so one was a rather stereotypically named one. Perfect.

    The purple haired succubus jumped down from a banister above and landed beside Sanguine, hugging onto her arm with a little giggle. "I can't wait til you're broken in like a perfect little toy!~ We have so many fun games to play with-" In a tick of anger from the tone of voice mentioned to her, the maid had quickly shoved her free hand against the Succubus' throat. Her hands flesh was shredded as her claw tore through, gripping into her skin. Suddenly, something blonde colored had wrapped around her hand that gripped the other succubus. Following the trail, Delilah's hair was what had so harshly gripped to her arm. Taking a closer look, she had another section trailing around before she felt her own neck being gripped onto. "Oh my, oh my!~ You're HER daughter! AHAHAHA! Oh, I have so many better plans for you, little maid. But, if you let my sister go, I won't snap your pretty little neck." Her threats were left unanswered verbally, but with one fell swing, she'd slashed the girls throat in several places before her acid coated claws hacked the hair around her neck off. "Y-You bitch! How dare you cut my hair! I'm going to personally put you through hell you've never seen before in your life!" She was angrily yelling at this point. Another strike of the hair sent Sanguine into the air before each limb was constricted by her hair. A fifth had completely covered her head, growing tighter and tighter before it almost felt like her head shattered, but she instead fell to the ground. Looking around, Delilah vanished. On her shoulder, she felt a tap and looked, only to see her own hair waving to her. Giving a light wave back, it didn't hit her at first that she'd suddenly seen her own hair moving on its own. "Yoo hoo, little maid~ I'm now a part of you. A little demon to demon bonding Rose. Now... Now to drive you insane... let's start picking around this pretty little brain of yours, shall we!?~"


    Hair Day from Hell (Training) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Hair Day from Hell (Training) Empty Re: Hair Day from Hell (Training)

    Post by Sanguine 10th June 2019, 4:49 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 2977/2000
    Tagged: @tagged
    Muse: Hairy
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    "Get out of my head right now!" She shouted, not caring if this supposed other sister was around. The Succubus laughed at her, beginning to pick into her mind, forcing scenarios of her past to push forward. "Awww~ You used to be such a little cutie pie!" Poking the bear little by little, she didn't seem to be doing a good job at it, but as she ventured on into her mind, the succubus didn't care what it did. Her revenge was going to be done her way and she'd make sure this girl was broken by the time she did it. "Stop it! I don't want to see these!" Flashes of her memories; the slaughtering of Beanstalk village, the imprisonment by Harrigan to start already had the invading female cackling. "Oh, no no, honey. You're gonna enjoy this with me whether you like it or not!" Her hair suddenly began to grow longer, coiling around her body and then constricting her. Unable to move an inch, the maid was also silenced as a portion had especially wrapped around her mouth, keeping her from being able to say or do anything. "Such a naughty, naughty maid. Learning to kill since you were a wee child? Let's see here~ A nun? How cute... from serving god to serving the devils of the earth! My, you're better than I had ever hoped for! HAHAHA!" Her cackling echoed through her head, the maid shaking her head, trying to fight this Succubus from prying, but she was unable to do anything from let out muffled screams and squirming in the coils of her own hair.

    "You're such a mess. Conflicting senses of right and wrong?~ Multiple families that have passed you along like you were nothing? It's no wonder you whore yourself out to the first woman who wants you to serve her!" The tormenting voice was angering her as well as upsetting her, but still she was unable to fight back in any way. The succubus poking about hummed happily to herself as she continued to pry into Sanguines mind, moving about until she had gotten to the Nightmare kidnapping. "The fall of little Madi? How precious! I should have gotten a bag of popcorn before coming in here! Picking your brain is so much fun, I may never wanna leave!" Unable to tell if this was a serious comment or just another provoking comment had her still shaking her head, crying now as she was starting to be tortured helplessly by her own past memories. Even as some were replayed, she recognized them to the bible to which she'd memorized from the time she was a small child. Instead, the girl was having them thrown into her face and laughed at by this Succubus.

    "You know Rose, I kinda feel bad for you. Going through all that, pushing through thinking you could see your way through the impossible? Hell, if not for Nightmare, you'd probably be there still! But look at you now! Trapped in our hair in a haunted mansion next to our dead sister.. I think I've had my fill..." A sigh left the succubi's mouth, pushing the maid along while she was unwrapped by her own hair, down to her mouth. "Now shut it and listen, and I'll let your mouth go, ok?" Giving no chance to thought, she wanted to hear out whatever it was Delilah wanted to say, and like that, her mouth was free. Taking in a deep breath and then exhaled, just quietly nodding her head. "I'm gonna make you a deal. You and I, being succubi of some shape or form are going to mix together. You'll have your little cute, busty maid, but I will have myself a look that I can shift to. You'll have to be cocooned in your hair for a good... week? But after that, you'll gain full knowledge of my hair magic, my past, and vice versa." Staying silent, Sanguine tried to process this, but she wasn't aware all of her thoughts had also been relayed to Delilah. "Well.. what exactly am I getting out of this? As well as you? Why not just vacate and then run off?" Her questions seemed to touch base to a number of issues, but the maid was soon hearing a laughter in her head. "Well, truthfully... I can't leave. I'm kind of bound with your soul now. What you get out of this is you live, you get a free magic, and most importantly.. me! You know you'd love having my pretty little face around! What I get out of it is a replacement sister, a constant movie, and every so often I get to screw with your life for my own amusement! Besides, I want to see what kind of master you so dearly serve~" The maid scoffed, rolling her eyes as she stood up to her feet and brushing off her uniform. "You went into my memories, you should know what Master Grim looks like. Above all else, she'll be the person I follow to hell and back." She smiled, which in turn gave Delilah a shiver up her spine... as well as the maids. "Oh... Kay baby~ I guess we'll start the fun!" Before another word could be said, her hair once again began to constrict her body, slowly shafting its shade of color as it coiled around her body. Once she was fully wrapped, her body hit the ground and her body seemed to go into a form of sleep, becoming completely immobile.

    One week later

    The hair slipped away from around her body and left her newly acquired body. Struggling to move after a week was a pain, taking the maid several minutes to be able to get up to her feet and walk. "I can't..." With a grunt of agitation, she sluggishly walked over to the still dead succubus and dropped to her knees. Yes, she was still usable. Smirking, the maid leaned in and bit into the claw marks of her neck, sucking and consuming the blood until there was nothing left. With some new strength in her, Sanguine sat back up, pushing the corpse aside and moved her hand over the dried up blood, bringing life to it and conforming it into a ball in the shape of an apple. Biting into it, she quickly ate the entire sphere of blood, letting out an exacerbated sigh of relief. "Much better. So Delilah... how's the taste of the blood to you? You taste what I do, right?" She looked up, standing up with much more ease now and walked around until she had to gauge herself in the mirror, beginning to laugh. "Why are you laughing? And.. the blood was fine I guess?" Her hands traced down her body for a moment winking at her reflection. "Because this totally is your body. Just look at how flat you are compared to me?" Giggling, she had reached her hands up and trailed her hair, seeing it shortened to her shoulders. "You little brat! I AM NOT FLAT!" Now Sanguine had begun to laugh aloud, her voice even sounding slightly different than her own. It was.. a little more psychotic sounding to be honest. "The way you glared at me when we met? Seeing this body now? No way you're anything but flat, honey- Oh dear... now you've got me talking like you... I'll try to make it work with my maid duties. But you better keep yourself in line..." The succubus chuckled, giving a mental sigh. "Well, if your hair stays braided, then sure. If it's undone and you didn't do it yourself, then you best beware I'm gonna strangle someone. Even those little small part braids you do in yours is enough. If you feel them come undone, best double check... My only warning, Rose. Now, LET'S GO KILL PEOPLE! I'm bored!" Giving a shrug, Sanguine had no objections. Food was in need and it seemed like a fun way to test her new magic...


    Hair Day from Hell (Training) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:52 pm