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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 29th May 2019, 2:30 pm



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 29th May 2019, 2:37 pm

    The Cards Aren't Always Right
    It had been quite some time since the short five foot, two inch mage had heard any word from her mentor. She had made sure that any letters that were sent to her by Ruvel, would be immediately directed to her, regardless of where she was at. They had last met back ages ago to get to Minstrel for another job. They had gone to talk to a priest there with Masha. That was a fun time, kind of. She had received a letter from her mentor just as she returned to Ace of Spades from a quick outing. She was reading the letter with her Gale force glasses rather quickly while she was eating her food. Noya was sitting next to her in her own little chair, and munching on raw meats. “Well then… I suppose I need to go meet up with Ruvel again... “ She says as she quickly finishes the food on her plate, and finishes the wine she ordered with the pasta. “I should quickly change to something a bit better to work with and head out.” The job had mentioned news of a treasure to be found that once belonged to a swordsman that was renowned for deciding the fate of every fight with a single strike. Gaia had honestly read up on this once upon a time in a book. It was regarded as nothing more than a fable. But to know that this fable may now be true? She was eager to see how true it could get.

    “Stroke was said to be a great swordsman who could direct the fight any which way they wanted. Their sword Divinus was said to have been blessed to him by the gods as a legendary sword for his courage. Noya! Do you realize how historical this is that it’s true?! They had found the area of the sword~! I thought it was just hogwash! But if Ruvel is sending me this letter about it… it might be true then.” She was jogging from the inn to her home at the edge of Ace of Spades to quickly change into something she felt would be a bit more appropriate.

    When she reached Rose Garden, where she was to meet Ruvel, Gaia was dressed in a white button up blouse with a orangish pleated skirt under. Over her blouse she wore a grey three fourth sleeve coattail jacket that was held together by a button to keep from coming off of her. She bore a star shaped bolo tie under the collar of her shirt with matching stockings on her legs, and low wedge strap heels. Noya was on her shoulders as she carried her staff in her arms, and held her cloak on over her arm as well. Honestly, she was rather excited to see her mentor once again. How would this job go down? She looked over to the cloud see from the docks, and felt the excitement just welling up once again. She bit her bottom lip and gripped her staff to try and calm herself down. Ruvel was to be here any minute probably. She was looking out for that little blond head of his. She had much to tell him now… or at least a little bit to inform him. Last she saw him, her magic wasn’t unlocked yet. Now, here she was, able to summon her cards whenever she wished! She lightly spins her wedding ring on her finger as she puffs her cheeks a bit.

    Pulling out her iLac, Gaia begun looking up more information on Stroke and his tale again. She read the tale before, he was a mysterious person, fought well, was gifted the sword, then was injured while fighting a sea creature and was poisoned. While he was poisoned, he secluded himself on an island in Cloud Sea, and built a shrine for his sword before he succumbed to the poison. She taps her chin as there was literally nothing more to the tale, and it was frustrating to her a bit. There had to be more… Shaking her head, Gaia stuffed her phone back into her bag, and went back to waiting for Ruvel, holding her head up as she leaned on her staff. “Noya, do you suppose we’ll be taking a boat this time? Or would we be riding upon Bennu again? I wouldn’t mind riding Bennu. But I don’t think I should ask…” She quietly murmurs more to herself than Noya. Gaia was personally feeling she would be pestering Ruvel if she asked to ride the beautiful fire bird once again. The little fuzzy white ferret was just resting on her masters shoulders still, not moving and watching her with her big black eyes. She too was waiting for the Ruvel to show again. She was rather excited to see him again herself. Gaia blinked as she had a thought. “Maybe I could see if Ruvel could teach me the language he spoke before? Or at least to understand and possibly read it.” She knew a little bit of other languages, but not his.
    TAG: @Ruvel WORDS: 851 NOTES: bleh
    MEL @ WW



    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 8th October 2019, 9:34 am

    Ruvel || Y-Rank || Onyx Moon
    Word Count : 1,304
    Notes: @Gaia

    Search for the Divine Blade

    It had been a while since the youth had seen the black haired tarot mage that was his first Sabertooth mentee, the last time they had seen each other he was the size of a toddler and they couldn't have a conversation without going through a third party. This was due to the difficulty of communication, his elder adoptive brother going missing and so the company and care of Tolgalen fell on his shoulders, the fact he was promoted to wizard saint before quickly ascending to being one of the four god of Ishgar, the need to go home for some unknown reason, the things that happened had not only broken the de-aging curse but given him an entirely new magic. Then there was issue with the area known as Tsak Ordahic, it turned out that the entire area was beyond deadly due to two deadly pathogens that no one knew anything about given how long they had been around. He had, had to get in touch with the other guild masters that overlooked the Silver Moon Fairy alliance and inform them of what was going on after the companies winter ball was gate crashed by two men who called Tsak Ordahic home. It was decided that information was needed so that the three guilds would go on an expedition together to figure out what was going on and perhaps learn more about the pathogens so they could make some kind of protection against it in the long run. It ended up that so many people wanted to help that it was split into six teams that each had their own roles to play.

    He himself was in charge of one of the teams that were charged with collecting samples, turns out they also had to fight and even done some scouting. He was so frightened about these deadly pathogens escaping their confinement that he had placed several contingencies in place that no one but himself knew about. Thankfully so far he hadn't had to enact any of them, it weighed on him that he had to do such things but it was for the greater good as far as he was concerned. He couldn't let something like that out of that area, if it did then the people of Tolgalen would be at risk and from there the ending could be cataclysmic due to just how many people came and went from the continent on a day to day basis from all over earthland. The burden was so heavy but it was one that he himself had to bare on his shoulders alone, that was the curse of the one who was the caretaker of the continent of Tolgalen he supposed. He had made sure that he was the only one that could use the most severe of all the failsafes, he was a passifist after all and even when all hope was lost he still looked for a peaceful solution. Now with the issue at home dealt with he believed it was about time he checked in with his mentee and help her grow some more, he really needed to get off Tolgalen for a while and away from the weight of responcibility. The more he thought about it the more he knew how ironic that was given that no matter where he ended up he had some kind of responcibility.

    None the less he had a letter written and sent to his mentee so that they might meet up and likely deal with unfinished business. He had been so occupied that he had actually forgotten the job that they were going on. 'Swordman of fate.' Amuul reminded Ruvel making the youth rolled his eyes 'We've been through this, fate doesn't exist if it did there is no way I would have ended up inside the hell of home. I would have been raised by my parents.' he sent back to the younger of the twin princes, in honesty he didn't know if his parents had died or had gave him to the facility he only knew as home for some reason. He liked to believe that it was the former over the later but he was losing the only memory he had of them, it wrenched his heart and stomach to think that one day that memory would be gone and he wouldn't know one way or another. He hoped that one day he could find his own answers but that meant going back to the place he apparently was raised, the ransaked palace inside the barren and frozen wastelands of the silent glaciers. He remembered the ruins of the land around it, it seemed so lively and well cared for from what he could tell when it was whole, now it was covered in wraiths, vengeful spirits and who knew what that couldn't find peace due to the violent way they had been killed.

    'Why haven't the death cast claimed the souls of my homeland?' he asked now he thought of it 'They don't know they are dead.' Oykai replied to him making the youth stop and blink in confusion 'Why does that make any difference?' he asked what he knew to be the leader of the cast 'They were killed before their time by one of the spiritual calling, due to this we can not claim until they should of passed regardless of how dangerous they are to the living...' Oykai replied sighing for a moment 'To try and do so has dire consequences, one tried and it cost their existance as they might hate the living even more than me it can be said but they do fatal damage to my cast and to this day I have no idea why.' he said his tone showing how perlexed Oykai was over the mystery 'They didn't attack me or Johann when we visited.' He commented 'They don't attack those born there and as Johann was with you he was seen as a noble guest of the crown' Shindara added, the whole thing gave Ruvel a headache but it was something that he would have to sort because he feared that they possibly would want to rest peacefully by now, they deserved it after protecting their homeland for many cycles he guessed. For not that was an issue for later as he would need to discover more about the land he was born of, its people and what happened on the faithful day they all seemed to have perished. His stomach twisted as he was frightened that he might have been the cause of it but without proof there was no real way he could know, it was just all a dreaded speculation. He had arrived in Rose Garden a while before his letter would have made it to Gaia but he guessed that since he lived on another continent she would have went to the docks believing he may have sent the letter via a magical means so got to her within a matter of seconds. It wasn't until after his conversation about his birthhome that he realised he was right behind her when she mentioned Bennu "Well that would be up to you, I prefer riding Bennu over being on a boat to be perfectly honest." he whispered into her ear before taking a few steps back his hand going to his chest as he bowed making sure she had turned towards him before doing it. "It allows me to not only have a closer bond to him but tend to his health. There is also the fact that he is faster than a boat, we don't have as many dangers flying and he is warm." he explained a warm smile on his face. "However, if I am to call him we couldn't do it inside rose garden, his flames can turn sand to glass and quite often creates obsidian." he said showing he wasn't willing to put the town at risk for such a thing but would allow her to choose their mode of transportation. "And which language would you want to know, I know several thanks to the bonds I have held and still hold." he enquired not realising this was the first time he would have seen him as a teenager as he was the size of a four year old toddler last they spoke.

    <~~~~~"Even the light has darkness if you look close enough."~~~~~>

    Notes: Word count can be found by hovering over the picture at the top of the template


    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 22nd September 2020, 8:59 pm

    WC: (513) 1364
    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Search for the Divine Blade/job approval
    Spells used (duration):
    notes too lol

    The Divine Mage

    The tarot mage had honestly been lost in her own bubble to realize there was someone so close to her. She usually had herself alert in case someone wanted to gnab her from home or something. She blushed rather deeply and had a hand over her ear that was whispered into. "M-mr Mizune!" She says before she quickly straightens herself and bowed to him. "Apologies for not noticing that you were there! It had been a while since I've seen you, and you look much different than before!" She muses to him. He talked about why he preferred to ride on Bennu, and her eyes lit up a bit. She begun nodding about the faster than a boat bit, she was aware of that at least. Her eyes were practically sparkling as she was excited to do so. Surely her dragons wod be jealous… but that was a risk she would have to take with this opportunity.

    He had questioned her about the language she wanted to know. "Oh! The one you spoke to me with before! The erm… oh! With Shindara translating for Masha and myself!" She nods to him. "And I would like to ride Ben-" Before she could finish, someone came racing towards them and bowed apologetically to Ruvel. "Sorry, sir, we have an issue that you're greatly needed for. And it can't wait or hold off for anyone else." He glanced towards Gaia, who was seeming disappointed in this, lowering her shoulders. "It's okay, work first. I can ride Bennu another time." She wouldn't say she was disappointed, but there was hope for another time with those words as she watched her mentor excuse himself and the two West Fiore Trading Company members leave her presence.

    Gaia stood there, feeling a bit dejected, and closed her eyes. A gasp escaped her lips and she somewhat rushed off to the nearest post office. "Maybe Itori would like to come with me?!" She murmurs as she sends a letter to her fellow ace requesting if she'd like to assist in finding this historic piece, telling her she was currently waiting at Rose Garden docks if they wished to join. Noya had reached down and stamped her paw print on the paper after Gaia signed the paper, making the mage lightly scold her for doing that, but didn't go further than 'its not good to do that' and went to mail the letter to the kitsune. Of course the bespectacled mage was determined to continue with this job. She wouldn’t be able to wait too long if she were to leave then come back with Ruvel. The sword might be taken by then, and worse case scenario, someone uses it for nefarious deeds! Stories of the lore of Stroke and his weapon, Divinus was something that shouldn’t be passed up on so easily. Sure, there was bound to be others trying to go for the weapon, as well as nasty pirates. But she had faith in her summons that she’d be safe. Noya would help her out too if she needed it.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 924,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 24th September 2020, 3:48 pm

    It had been a quiet day so far. Itori had helped sweep the floors of the Red Dragon Inn, cleaned some of the rooms, then wandered throughout Ace of Spades and helped out people with their daily tasks. It might seem strange that she could just walk up to people and aid them with housework, but by this point, she was well-known across the city and everyone was aware that she considered it part of her duty as an Ace to help the citizens, even if it was with mundane tasks that she could finish in an instant if she but bothered to use her magic for it.

    But using magic would defeat the point. Itori wasn't opposed to using magic, even for simple tasks, but there were times where you didn't want to resort to using your most potent abilities. For her wandering through the town and helping people out was as much for the sake of having something to do with her time as for the sake of altruism. Not that she was in danger of getting bored or anything: the tenko had long since forgotten what it meant to be bored. It was just that of all the things she could imagine doing with her time she quite enjoyed the idea of doing this.

    It also helped that the people of the Ace of Spades were friendly and cooperative.

    So no, she wouldn't use her magic to finish their chores in an instant. Unless there was an emergency or she was short on time there was simply no point to it. Life had no meaning if you only ever used the most efficient means to skip the journey and reach the goal. She'd known other long-lived people who felt the same: an entire tribe, now lost to the sands of time, who for as long as they'd lived had tried to avoid using their supernatural abilities as much as they could. They could achieve nearly everything they wanted as long as they put the effort into it, but they had realized that danger of such power and shyed away from it.

    To this day Itori was quite certain that the cause of their disappearance from this world was not a natural disaster or hostilities with other people. Instead she believed that the tribe of nigh-immorttals had run out of reasons to remain in this world.

    A tragic story. Depending on how you looked at it.

    She thought about that as she began to stroll back towards the Red Dragon Inn, where she would use the teleportation device to return to Yggdrasil. She'd spent enough time helping people, and she had an interest in spending some time reading. The libraries inside the world tree were of such massive size that she was quite sure that even if she had a second eternity she wouldn't be able to read everything in there. Maybe Gaia could... The other Ace could read at quite an amazing pace, and that wasn't even including the enchanted glasses she used.

    "Hey, Ito! Message for you from Gaia!"

    Itori tilted her head to the side. Speak of the devil... She looked up above, where Nenet the phoenix quickly swooped down and landed right in front of her, holding out a letter. The fiery-winged woman was looking as chipper as usual, and Itori answered that familiar grin with a smile even as she accepted the letter. "Thank you very much Nenet. I assume you already know what the contents are?" She didn't think it was possible for anyone to explain to Nenet that there was something indecent about reading Itori's mail. Not that the tenko minded, since she trusted Nenet, but still...

    "Oh, yeah. She needs your help with a job. Something about an ancient sword." Nenet shrugged as she placed her hands behind her head. "She's in Rose Garden, anyway."

    Itori raised an eyebrow as she stepped to the side of the street so the two of them wouldn't interfere with the traffic while she read through the letter. "I would not have guessed that Miss Sabin would have an interest in any sword." There were plenty of mages who had an interest in weapons, whether it was ranged or melee, but Gaia had always appeared to be drawn both towards books and magic. Reading the letter herself definitely cleared up any confusion, however. "Well, it appears to be less about the blade itself, and more about the history behind it." She looked at Nenet, who was already nodding. "Could I ask you to accompany me?"

    Arriving at the edge of Rose Garden Nenet turned back into her bipedal form after Itori had slid off of her back. While Itori was capable of travelling on her own two feet Nenet was both fast and quite a comfortable ride. Itori wasn't entirely sure whether it was because of the softness of her feathers or the warmth of her phoenix flames, which rather than scorching your flesh would warm your very soul. Regardless of the reason, she found it quite pleasant and Nenet certainly didn't mind helping out like that.

    "So this Stroke guy was some master swordsman who could basically do anything with a sword? I bet he knew a lot about stroking then!" Nenet snickered at the easy joke. Itori, however had her eyes cast ahead as her ears twitched and she located Gaia's presence within the large city. "The basics of the story are accurate. Stroke was a master of the blade, with abilities of such magnitude that I imagine even Miss Nassar would have found facing them a challenge. A warrior without equal, many would say."

    Nenet raised her eyebrows at that, then blinked. "Oh! Did you know him?" Itori shook her head, the phoenix girl following the tenko as the two of them began to walk towards where Gaia had to be waiting. "I heard of Stroke during my travels, but we never did cross paths. I must admit, given how this was a scant few decades ago I am mildly surprised that the story has already become something of a legend. Whether that is a testiment to how unique a person Stroke was, or merely an example of how quickly history fades from memory..." She left the thought unfinished, Nenet raising her eyebrows further before shrugging and looking around instead. "Well, the sword is definitely real."

    Itori nodded this time. "Indeed it is. And we shall most likely meet more than a few individuals who would want it for themselves. For better or for worse." Her vermilion eyes were looking into the distance, looking at something beyond sight, before she returned to the here and now. "Probably one of the reasons why Gaia wants to get her hands on it." Nenet chuckled as she saw some street performers juggling flaming spheres. "I really like Rose Garden. It's always so lively." Given that her own element was fire she was right at home with the vibrant atmosphere of one of the most magic-laden cities of Fiore.

    Itori didn't immediately answer that observation, but she couldn't disagree. The world was filled with places where life was tough: it was nice to visit a place like Rose Garden where you could see the fruits of people trying their hardest to create a place worth living in. It also helped strengthen her desire to help create other places of a similar nature. Ace of Spades was one of them: while it lacked the sheer liveliness of Rose Garden it was thriving and filled with warmth. The kind of city where you could spend your entire life and be content every single day, from child to elder.

    As the two of them reached the spot where Gaia's letter had told them to meet up Nenet would be the first to call out towards the tarot mage, raising both hands in greeting. "Hey goodlooking! Hope we didn't make ya wait too long!" She gave her usual friendly and slightly cheeky grin. Itori meanwhile simply walked up to Gaia and gave her a light bow. "It is good to see you in good health Miss Sabin. I believe we are to aid you in recovering a powerful artefact before it is taken by those of a less savoury nature?"

    WC: 1,381
    PWC: 1,381
    TWC: 2,745/20,000

    Last edited by Itori on 30th November 2020, 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) HdAc9DB

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 18th November 2020, 9:12 pm

    WC: 548
    TWC: 3293
    Search for the Divine Blade/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    notes too lol

    The Divine Mage

    Gaia was showing Noya some pictures of the possible depiction of Stroke and how his sword looked. She was also brushing up on more stories on him and his many adventures. There weren’t any visible pictures of them as Stroke had kept his face away from most others besides from those he fought with. Or at least that was what was said about him. While she was a bit in her own world, Noya perked her head up and chirped happily towards Itori. Gaia looked up just as she was called out to. She blinked a moment before she smiled brightly. “Hey! It is good to see you as well Itori!” She turned off the screen of her iLac and placed her hand on her hip.

    “Yup! I wish to find Strokes sword, Divinus. I briefly mentioned that Ruvel invited me to do this in my letter, but something came up for him, but I wish to continue this search regardless. A sword rumored to be as powerful as it is would only cause trouble in the hands of, as you said, of those of a less savoury nature.” She nods as she smiles brightly. “I had hoped you would help me out in this and booked us a couple tickets for a ship since it might be easier to find the sword that way. I’ll try to not also hold you back as well.” She claps her hands together as she bit her bottom lip, iLac in between her hands as she did so. She looked back as a whistle was blown for passengers to board the ship. She turned her burnt sienna eyes back towards the kitsune and smiled brightly as she put her phone in the little pouch with her tarot cards on her hip. “I’m ready to go when you are.” She muses.

    As the two boarded the ship, Gaia smiled at the ship's crew and nodded a thank you to them. She let herself be near the railing as she was feeling giddy. “To think, I’m roughly as old as the tale of the sword being hidden.” She laughs softly to herself. Noya chirped to Gaia as she moved to wrap herself around her masters shoulders. She wouldn’t be leaving Gaia anytime soon. The bespectacled mage looked towards Itori and smiled. “Have you heard roughly where the sword was?” She had reached back into her bag and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She had almost missed it before, but Ruvel had left her with the map for the potential location of the shrine for the sword, and she was going to utilize it to the best of her abilities. She opened the map up and looked at it again. Pointing to the far upper left corner where some smallish islands were peppering the map.

    Already she had talked to the crew about the location she wanted to go. She had indeed told them about the shrine and the sword both possibly being there, wanting to prepare them that she was hiring them as a form of passage to the place, and that there would be others trying for it as well and could be dangerous. She wasn’t just standing around after sending her message to Itori, she had to be productive!



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 924,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 30th November 2020, 6:36 pm

    While Gaia and Itori discussed the job at hand Nenet gazed out over the ocean. As a phoenix she didn't really have much interest in the large water bodies: for one thing, she had all her flames which she would rather not see extinguished. For the other, she could fly so it wasn't like she had any difficulty crossing such obstacles. She could count the amount of times that she had to swim on one hand. All the other instances had been more for the sake of fun than anything else, but she doubted that there would be a lot of vacation time during this job.

    While Nenet was rather unusually lost in thought Itori listened attentively as Gaia explained the situation in person, nodding at the right times to show that she was keenly paying attention to the other ace's words. "Given the level of power that Stroke wielded during their time it would have been inexcusably neglectful of me to not answer your request for aid in finding their sword." She tilted her head slightly to the side. "Of course as we are members of Sabertooth dangers that originate from this realm are not necessarily our primary concern but I would be surprised if anyone commented on that."

    "I shall also dedicate myself to being a worthwhile contribution to this mission." After giving Gaia a light bow Itori's ear twitched and she looked towards where the boarding whistle was blown, alerting all passengers that it was time to depart. "Nenet and I are prepared to depart, so I suggest that we hasten ourselves to board the ship." As if on cue Nenet rejoined the conversation, grinning as she looked at the boat. "Hey, if it means I can just relax and let the boat do all the work." With that she stepped on board, with Itori following behind. While Gaia might only have bought two tickets due to not having met Nenet before Itori would quickly resolve that small issue so the three of them could set sail.

    Nenet wandered about on the deck, watching the crew work, while Itori joined Gaia at the railing. "I must admit that I was rather surprised to learn that Stroke is treated as a legend despite their story describing events that occurred in very recent history." She gazed out over the endless waters. "Usually such a story would only become a legend after at least half a century had passed, if not more. It makes me wonder why the story of Stroke and the blade Divinus would change from history to folklore so rapidly."

    Unfortunately she had to respond negatively to Gaia's question, shaking her head as she did so. "I fear that I will not be of much use in that regard. While I did hear of the exploits of Stroke during that time I was occupied with other matters. The only thing I know is that Stroke sailed out into Cloud Sea to find the most isolated of islands, to build a shrine in which the blade Divinus would be sealed away to prevent it being abused by individuals of the same character that we mentioned earlier. As such, the only lead and suggestion that I have is that our target must be a lone island, most likely small and nameless."

    Of course Itori did have some methods to help search, but she wasn't going to be able to shortcut the entire job by simply telling Gaia where the shrine with the sword was. As the two of them discussed the task the skies would remain clear, which was a good omen since being out at sea during a storm was just the worst. Nenet was spending her time flirting with one of the crew members, with varying levels of success.

    "While we have mentioned the risk of less pleasant individuals obtaining the sword Divinus I find myself curious whether you have received information that such individuals are currently actively searching for it or if we are merely pre-emptively taking the sword into custody."

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 4th May 2021, 10:30 pm

    WC: 1004
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    Gaia #ff99ff

    The Divine Mage

    Gaia was glad that the kitsune was accepting in helping aid her in this search and she smiled sweetly. “Thank you very much for your aid!” Her eyes glanced over to Nanet as she spoke, and smiled to her as well before getting onto the boat. After Itori expressed her surprise about Stroke and him being treated so soon as a legend, Gaia tapped her chin while she thought of it. “It may be because he was so good, one of those once in a lifetime fighters that you do only hear about in legends and folktales. Someone being that good is rare, afterall.” She takes a deep breath before asking about if Itori was aware of the location.

    She pushed some of her dark hair behind her ear, and listened momentarily, nodding as she leaned over to show Itori the rough estimate on the maps. “Yes. Somewhere around here should be the location of the shrine with the sword. I won’t be surprised if there are multiple with fakes though.” She mentioned before she looked up to see what other workers were doing, and Nanet. Her eyes then trailed to the sky, smiling to herself before over behind her to the waters again. Itori spoke up again, and she blinked to the woman's comment. A small smile slipped on her lips. “I didn’t receive any information directly, but I did hear mere talks going around the docks that had me guessing that there are people in search of the shrine for its blade. And for the fact that it’s Stroke who we’re talking about. Unless you count rumors as information, then I would have to say both are the reason for the warnings of pirates and dangerous things enroute to the blade. A blade as mighty and as valuable as a famed wielder of it, is absolutely not something that should be out and about in others hands.”

    She looked down to the map again, gripping it slightly before she shook her head and looked up again. She wasn’t going to second guess herself on if this was the ‘right course of action’ or whatever. It’s better to be prepared than be underprepared. Be ready to fight, even if there is no fight at all during the mission. She would prefer that, honestly. She would hate to have to deal with fighting… She turned back to the water. “Let's hope precautions weren’t necessary at the least…”

    As she said that, she was barely hearing horrid screaming coming from a distance away from the ship. It was accompanied by some ‘music’ as well.

    “Help me Bob, there’s a bully in the alley
    Way, ay, bully in the alley!
    Help me Bob, there’s a bully in the alley
    Bully down in "Shinbone Al"!”

    She shuttered a little as she turned her head to see the weak little boat of tattered shirt men aiming their ship in the same direction as theirs. She was honestly questioning if the holey thing could be considered a ship with how much it was in disrepair.

    “Ship!” Someone in the pegged ‘crows nest’ called down to the commerads below, making Gaia glance towards Itori as they did that. She still wasn’t sure how this little thing was making its way towards them like so… The man in the crows nest held his hands around his mouth to call down to the shipmates before he was looking up to the ship, and towards Gaia and Itori. “Ey! Joe! I think they’re trying to look for the sword! Ey you wenches! We’re getting to it first! Or we’ll be forced to have to beat you for it! And hear me, we won’t be nice about it either!” He had laughed a laugh that made Gaia shutter and make a face.

    “Gross…” She couldn’t help but mutter to herself. Should they even be dignified for a response? They didn’t really even have any weapons on their poor ship. “S-should I even do anything about them? They seem more like an annoyance than anything…” She mumbles to herself before she puffs a cheek up. She holds up two fingers, almost seeming like she might be holding an invisible cigarette potentially, before she breathes out a mumble to herself. “Water Knight Pachua…” The card jumped out of her pouch before landing between her fingers. On the card is a silvery-blue dragon holding a golden chalice in their claw, and that same dragon will shimmer out of the card behind the tarot mage. “I apologize Knight Pachua… but could you keep them at bay? Don’t harm them if you can.” She looked up to the dragon with pleading eyes.

    The knight closed his eyes before dipping his head down for a quick nod. As his element was water, he looked down towards the water before pointing the chalice, that he still held, towards the water in between the two ships, but closer to the more damaged one. Water bursted from the cup from wherever the source was from, and created a great enough wave towards the other ship that they were able to steer it far off course away from them. “I hope that was satisfactory, Lady Gaia…” The knight grumbles in a husky voice. They were holding the cup upright again, and no more water was flowing from it. “I will stay to lend my assistance…”

    Gaia looked back to the knight and gave a small curtsy to the knight. “Thank you! That would be very helpful. Please help us well when we need it.” She watched as the dragon nodded to her before deciding to go overboard into the water to be another patrol to the ship. She heard some murmuring behind her from the crew, and felt her cheeks blushing a bit. She didn’t use her magic too often like this. Part of her was self conscious since she had been without her cards for so long, but at the same time, she was grateful for the cards and their assistance to her.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 15th May 2021, 11:31 am

    Itori inclined her head as Gaia expressed her gratitude, then pondered the question of why Stroke's legacy faded into legend so quickly. The tarot mage's suggestion, that it was because the blade master had been so unusually powerful that it was difficult to see such stories as anything but legends, was worth considering, the tenko folding her arms inside of her wide sleeves. "That could be part of the explanation, although even then I would have anticipated for there to be those who had known Stroke personally, and who would still be around to affirm that the blade master did, in fact, exist."

    "Maybe they couldn't be arsed." Itori let out a small sigh at Nenet's casual input. The phoenix might be correct, but the tenko would rather not just attribute the situation to what was the most laziest answer possible. "That said, the fact that most people consider Stroke little more than a legend does mean there should be less individuals invested in acquiring the mythical blade. If Stroke was commonly accepted as being real entire nations might have become involved in the fight over the weapon that could guarantee victory to the wielder." The blade, Divinus, was no mere weapon after all. Stroke could have slain most opponents with little more than a kitchen knife, but it was Divinus which helped Stroke achieve feats which no mere mortal should be capable of achieving no matter how good they were with a blade.

    The nine-tailed fox frowned slightly, then shook her head as Gaia suggested that there could be fakes. "It is certainly a possibility, but I would not spend too much time anticipating it. From how I remember it the stories say Stroke built the shrine housing the divine blade alone, over the span of four years. Unless the records have omitted the aid of other individuals it is more likely that Stroke did not have the luxury to also build several fake shrines." She closed her eyes as her tails swayed softly behind her. "In addition, Stroke was most firmly a blade master, utilizing no abilities or tricks beyond physical prowess and skill with the sword. If any challenges have been left behind to increase the difficulty of acquiring Divinus it is unlikely Stroke would base those challenges around deception. A master of the sword may use feints to confuse their opponent, but they would not rely on a hidden blade to strike."

    "That aside, I wholeheartedly agree that it is vital for us to keep such a powerful weapon out of the hands of those who would misuse it, of which there are many." The tenko looked out ahead, vermilion eyes studying the waters ahead before her ears twitched and she glanced to the side instead. "And as we speak of the devil, may its presence be revealed to us." Her expression was one of distaste, as she was forced to listen to really poor music even before it came close enough for the others to notice.

    Nenet, on the other hand, laughed once she could hear it. "Well, someone is having fun!" She looked away from the sailor who was managing to resist her playful flirting, the phoenix unbothered as she instead watched the ragtag bunch of fools with a grin. "Might as well leave them be, they're pretty funny." Even though she said that she didn't actually bother to get in Gaia's way when the tarot mage summoned one of her dragons to wash the other boat away. Instead the phoenix just leaned against the railing of their own ship and waved at the beggar-looking crew as they were carried away by the wave. "Better luck next time~"

    Itori, on her side, did her best to put that bunch of nothings behind her. Gaia had gotten rid of them without harming them, so there was no reason to pay any more attention to them. Instead she kept listening to their surroundings, her brow furrowing once more as she could hear another ship in the distance. "I suspect we shall be facing a more problematic adversary within the next half an hour. They are still quite far away, but from the sounds of it they are considerably better equipped and also better trained than those men Sir Pachua just relocated."

    Nenet looked into the distance, then back at Itori and Gaia. "Want me to go deal with them? A little fire on the deck should scare them off, and I might be able to get a fight in as well." Her grin made it clear that she was itching for an excuse to punch somebody.

    Itori glanced at Gaia. "I suspect that might be the best course of action. The less uncout individuals we have to deal with on course to securing the weapon the better. Just be careful not to get captured..." She resisted the urge to sigh again. Knowing Nenet she might let herself get captured so she could fight her way free or something.

    "I make no promises!" With that Nenet jumped into the air and spread her wings, flying off into the distance where a ship was beginning to become visible on the horizon, albeit still far, far away. Nenet's wings left behind a fiery, glowing trail as she quickly became a distant figure as well.

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 29th May 2021, 7:36 pm

    WC: 440
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    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff

    The Divine Mage

    A soft giggle escaped her lips as Nenet had put her own comment about the people around Stroke and why they didn’t exist. She agreed though with Itori as she mentioned there would be less individuals wanting to get after the sword. That should be a plus, but she wasn’t fully sure. “Or people thought it was a fake. Too good to be true.” She mumbles to herself about why there wouldn’t be many people gunning for the sword before shaking her head to stop dwelling on it. She listened to Itori tell how she recalled the stories of the legendary swordsman and how he made the shrine for the sword himself. The possibility of challenges also wandered through the tarot mages mind too after it was brought up.

    She took a deep breath after dealing with the bandits and Sir Pachua went into the water, and glanced over to Itori. She takes a deep breath as she nods and leans over the railing a little, letting her fingers dangle down while she watches the water. She knew if she were to be in the presence of her parents, or anyone of high society, they’d probably scoff at her for her ‘improper’ actions. But she was in the presence of a ship’s crew, and a fellow guild mate and their companion. There was no need for her to be proper and she could relax. Put her in a diplomatic position, she might act a little differently.

    “I have no doubt they’ll be better trained, not everyone on the sea is a potato on a plank of wood and knows what they’re doing around a ship.” She had mused aloud. She looked over to Nenet and raised an eyebrow, but her attention was brought to Itori again as she approved of her companion going after the next ship, and nodded in agreement, before she snorted at the ‘no promises’ bit. The phoenix honestly gave Gaia the vibe that she wouldn’t keep the promise in her fun.

    “I don’t think I’ve asked or heard… How did you two come to know one another?” She asked curiously to the kitsune before she stood back up again. Noya perked her own head up and looked behind them to the crew, before looking back to Itori and Gaia. Gaia quickly clears her throat as she ducks her head below her shoulders slightly. “If it’s okay for me to ask while we wait to hear what happens to that other ship?” She bit on the inside of her cheek as she stood there, before she moved her left leg to hook her foot around her ankle.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 31st May 2021, 3:30 pm

    "It is true that the accomplishments of Stroke were of such scope and magnitude that more than a few might dismiss the stories as nothing more than embellishments and fanciful tales." Itori mused as Gaia contributed her own idea for why Stroke might not be better known. The tenko might have spent more time considering the question, but the band of ragtag misfits in an even shabbier boat distracted her. After that she was thinking about other things, so the question of Stroke's anonymity faded away into the back of her mind.

    Itori stood next to Gaia as she peered out over the waves towards where Nenet was approaching the distance ship. Her folded arms were hidden inside the wide sleeves of her clothes, leaving little more visible of her than her nine lustrous tails and her head. She nodded as Gaia commented on their next encounter. "Indeed. To brave the waves is no small task, and those who are unprepared will either bring back tales of disaster or not return at all. Those driven away by your ally should count themselves lucky that they made it this far, given their abundant lack of skill and experience." She showed a small smile. "Thankfully, as casual as Nenet may be in mannerism, it is unlikely that a collective of common bandits, seafaring or not, would be able to overwhelm her." Itori might find Nenet's behaviour a tad too playful, but she would never deny her friend's skill.

    "It is no trouble at all Mrs. Sabin. Most likely she will take her time, savouring the opportunity." Itori looked towards Gaia, ignoring the ship in the distance for the moment as she held out one hand, palm upwards. Above the hand a small illusion formed, a sphere showing a scene of a valley hidden in the Phoenix Mountains. "Some time ago Sir Uchūken fell ill, and it was deduced that the most effective medicine would consist of yellow bamboo seeds, only found in the Phoenix Mountains. I was tasked to retrieve these seeds: aside from an opportunity to test my abilities, the Phoenix Mountains can be quite dangerous for the unprepared."

    In the distance a fiery light erupted from the pirate ship, and if one strained their ears they might hear sounds of battle and screams. Itori barely acknowledged it, merely flicking one ear before continuing her tale. "Finding the location I was prepared to retrieve the seeds and swiftly depart, but as it turned out a phoenix considered the valley an extension of its territory. Unsurprisingly, that phoenix was Nenet. After a brief conflict I managed to persuade her to allow me to obtain the seeds I required. However, to do so I had to rely on some unorthodox methods." The illusionary sphere above Itori's hand showed how the tenko had entered the valley only to be assaulted by Nenet in her full phoenix form, the nine-tailed fox relying on her magic barriers to keep Nenet's flames at bay until the phoenix left for seemingly no reason.

    "After she realized what I had done Nenet sought me out. At first she wished to resume the fight, unsatisfied with the conclusion. However, eventually she explained that, as much as the encounter got on her nerves, she found my abilities interesting. After that she... simply decided to remain with me rather than returning to her nest." The sphere faded away as Itori folded her arms inside her sleeves once more. "All things considered it was a simple chain of events. However, as much as I wish that Nenet could be a bit more cautious and reserved at times, I would not deny that she is a pleasant companion."

    In the distance more flames flared up on the pirate ship, now close enough that one could easily hear the sounds of people in distress. Itori's ear flicked again, and she sighed. "I do hope that she leaves the ship in whole enough a state that those brigands can sail away after she loses interest. Otherwise we may have to take them captive."

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 13th June 2021, 8:20 pm

    WC: 614
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    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff

    The Divine Mage

    As the two were waiting on Nenet, and Itori commented on how the phoenix wouldn’t be bested by bandits and that they wouldn't be able to overwhelm her, the tarot mage glanced over and nodded. She didn’t think they would at all either. She pushes a lock of her hair over her ear and let her attention be fully on the kitsune as she was told of how the two met. She let her burnt sienna eyes eye the sphere showed her what happened. She was amazed by the things the kitsune could do, smiling at the sphere as it played the scene before her. She glanced over towards the ocean again as the fiery light came. She was a bit concerned, but Itori seeming unphased got her a little calmed down, and she listened once more. She seemed a bit in awe as she watched the ‘fight’ that Nenet and Itori had. A small snort came from her lips at the end result of the encounter.

    The ship being closer got her attention once again, and she frowned at the distressed sounds from these bandits. She shrugged her shoulders after Itori wished the ship would be intact. “Honestly, we may have to still hold them captive… especially if they seem like they’re not going to give up.” She murmurs as she pinches the bridge of her nose under her glasses bridge. This almost seemed inevitable with how the fight was sounding, despite them seeming like they were losing.

    “Save the rum! Save the rum!” Someone aboard the ship tried shouting before a shattering sound came. There was plenty of guesses as to what happened to that rum after that noise from the ship.

    Gaia started to grow concerned as she looked down at the water where Knight Pachua had let his head pop up out of the water. His blue eyes were visible and he turned his head towards the ship Gaia was on before lifting his head a little more to speak. “Wish for me to go and assist?” His voice was a little gurgly from the water, but Gaia nodded regardless and watched as her water dragon started swimming towards where the ship was with Nenet.

    The tarot mage glanced over to Itori, raising an eyebrow curiously. “How well does Nenet get along with others like Pachua? Water beings?” She was half tempted to call the dragon back in case Nenet didn’t need his help, or wouldn’t accept it. The two were literally at opposite ends of the spectrum, but at least Pachua wasn’t a King or Queen of the chalices. They would probably have a bit more of an attitude with the phoenix.

    Noya had lifted her head and glanced between the two female women, then back behind them around the ship before back towards the ship in the distance. The creature was curious about how long it would take them to get to the islands, but also wanted to see how the fight was going too. Despite the ferrets' species apparent origins being that of quick savanging on their home planet of Tetsukazu, Noya was pretty interested in being able to fight and sneak in and out for scouting or surprise attacks. The ferret started to go down to her masters tarot pouch once again, startling the summoner for a moment.

    “Noya! Calm down a little! Just wait before I pull another card!” She softly hisses to the ferret, but she was more worried. She wasn’t wanting to over do it with her magic, not yet. She may need more later at the very least. It would be wise to not burn all her magic before it’s desperately needed.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 19th June 2021, 7:12 pm

    Itori was glad that Gaia was enjoying the story, true as it was. Aside from being quite amusing in a way, how she only met Nenet because the phoenix happened to be aggressive within her territory, only to then abandon said territory to follow Itori around, it was a way to keep the two of them occupied while Nenet did her work clearing out the pirate ship. There didn't appear to be any powerful entities on that ship, so they could trust the phoenix to be able to handle it... although whether she ship would still be intact was a different question entirely. For that, they'd have to rely on fate itself to deliver the answer.

    "It would be safe to assume that anyone who fails to admit that they are outmatched will be incapacitated by Nenet. While she does sincerely enjoying toying with her prey, she remains aware of what our objective is, and would not tolerate these pirates to remain a threat after she has lost interest in them." The tenko looked back towards the ship in the distance. "Truthfully, their apparent weakness is a blessing in disguise. Nenet can be quite lethal when facing adversaries who pose a serious threat, but with those significantly weaker than herself she is usually careful to not go overboard." She might give the pirates broken bones and scorched skin, but probably nothing that they couldn't recover from.

    After the rum was spilled there was a flare from the pirate ship as it quickly ignited, which caused the situation onboard to go from problematic to dangerous. Most of the pirates were beginning to abandon ship at this point, jumping into the water where at least Nenet's flames couldn't reach them so easily. Of course, not soon after this Gaia gave her summons permission to go and aid the phoenix, so those pirates who were seeking refuge in the water were now facing a water dragon. Their response, understandably so, was to try and get out of the dragon's way, clinging to barrels and life buoys to remain adrift. Some of them had also managed to lower a rowboat, but it couldn't really hold all of them.

    Itori frowned lightly as she considered the question posed to her, but then shook her head. "It should be of little concern. Nenet may be kin of fire, due to her nature as a phoenix, but as long as they don't try to extinguish her flames she would not be biased against them. Of course, given that a water being may extinguish her flames accidentally... we shall have to hope that Sir Pichu is careful in his assistance." She gave an amused smile as Gaia's smaller companion, Noya, tried to get to the tarot mage's summoning cards. "Thankfully, I believe we shall not have to wait much longer before we can resume our journey."

    On the pirate ship Nenet was facing the captain and the first mate, seemingly the only ones who hadn't jumped overboard yet. While they weren't immune to their flames the first mate could use water magic, which kept the worst at bay. The captain, meanwhile, was wielding a magical blade which produced a substance the phoenix was suspicious of: it burned, which was good, but even if it wasn't ignited it caused a hissing sound when it hit the wooden deck. With the first mate acting as support the captain was advancing with complex sword techniques, Nenet doing her best to dodge them while also attempting to land a blazing punched which wasn't quickly extinguished by the first mate. She'd go for the first mate, but the captain wasn't giving her the opportunity to switch targets or fly overhead. "Come on then, try to actually hit me!" Yet she was having fun, as the grin on her face made clear.

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 13th July 2021, 11:35 pm

    WC: 467
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    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff

    The Divine Mage

    After being assured that the phoenix wouldn’t harm those who weren’t too bad of a threat, the tarot mage would nod slowly as she liked the sound of that. She would like as little casualties as possible if she could. She watched a bit as the dragon swam over to the boat when she gave the go ahead, and sighs as she honestly felt like a sitting duck aboard the ship, not even assisting as much as she probably could on land. She looked over to Itori once again, and nodded. “Pachua would honestly only extinguish enough flames for him to get in there and use his abilities, though I do believe he would work with the waters and what he has now.” She nodded once again though when Itori also mentioned that they could resume their journey soon. It was only a matter of time.

    In the water, Pachua is able to swim rather fast. He swims up to the pirates who got overboard, and starts swimming in a circle around them. No way was he going to let them even attempt to run away. After the dragon dove under a few times, a couple of them tried to get out of where the dragon corralled them and tried to get away from the area, only to be met face to face with the dragon, who’s face growled in theirs before they ran back to their crewmates and huddled together where the dragon had them. They didn’t dare try testing the dragon's wrath, even when they were sure it was circling under them under the water. The dragon made his way up onto the ship, noticing the water of the first mate, and the burning blade of the captain?

    He saw the grin on the phoenix’s face, and seemed to almost sigh. “The wizards are getting closer to their destination. Would it be alright for you to wrap up?” He glanced over to where his rounded up group of drunks were, they at least were watching the waters for him, and not this ship that they abandoned. He then looked towards the water mage before him. Would they be the easiest for him to deal with? He still had his cup clasped between his claws, having even been swimming with it as he rounded up the pirates. He held it up and was ready to start tilting it over towards the first mate, but was waiting to be sure that Nenet wouldn’t stop him first, letting his eye glance towards her to be sure before he did anything.

    If she were to give him the go ahead and not fight the first mate herself he’d finish tilting the cup till it was completely at the first mate to blast out a rush of water at them.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 14th July 2021, 6:35 pm

    "Nenet might appear carefree, but she is not unintelligent. She would be aware that a dragon who is kin of water would not find any comfort in her fire and extinguish any flames obstructing their path. And Sir Pachua is an ally, so she would have no reason to take offence or perceive it as aggression." Having allies with close bonds to different elements could get tricky depending on their personalities and the way said elements interacted, but Itori trusted Nenet to not throw a fit at the water dragon getting rid of some of the fires she'd started so he could move freely. After all, even a dragon couldn't just brush off a phoenix's flame with all its mystical properties.

    With Pachua swiftly gathering all the pirates who'd abandoned the ship the only targets left to deal with were the captain and the first mate. Their combination was making it difficult for Nenet to get in and punch their lights out, but at the same time they weren't managing to drive her off either. The current situation was a stalemate, and the moment Pachua showed up that stalemate was broken. Nenet rolled her eyes as Pachua asked her to wrap things up. "Fine, fine. Help me out and we can put an end to this." The captain and the first mate didn't look happy at how casually they were dismissed, but both of them knew that facing a phoenix and a dragon at the same time was bad news, even if neither of the mythical beings were taking the fight very seriously.

    Nenet took the opportunity and dashed forward even as Pachua threatened the first mate with his cup. Once he released his own stream of water the first mate tried to block it, but the dragon's deluge was stronger than what he could withstand, driving him back even as he tried to maintain his footing. The captain, now without the first mate's backup, performed several slashes to keep Nenet out of striking range, but now that she no longer had to fear the first mate's water magic Nenet jumped over the captain's hissing blade. Spinning vertically in the air she kicked the captain's hands with enough force that the sword was wrested from her grasp, and upon landing Nenet spun horizontally to kick the sword away.

    The captain raised her fists to try and grapple Nenet. The phoenix, having other planes, knocked the captain's arms aside with her blazing wings. With the captain's weak spots wide open Nenet first punched her opponent straight in the guts, then when the captain doubled over Nenet followed up with an uppercut which sent the poor human flying until she collapsed in a heap on the deck. "There we go! Now for the last one!" She grinned as she advanced on the first mate, who was still desperately trying to maintain his footing. The dragon's torrent was threatening to launch him right off of the ship, but so far he was barely holding on.

    That ended when Nenet knocked his feet out from under him with a low roundhouse kick. The first mate barely had time to register what had happened before he flew off of the deck and into the ocean. Nenet laughed, then grabbed the captain and tossed her overboard as well. "All right then, let's go back to the others. Good job buddy." She gave Pachua a wink and a thumbs up before spreading her wings and leaving the ship behind. The ship, with all its crew overboard, continued to burn merrily. Another person might be worried about what would happen to the pirates, but Nenet figured that they'd be all right. The first mate was pretty much unharmed, after all, and having a water mage with you made surviving on the ocean a lot easier, especially if you weren't that far away from inhabited land.

    Returning to the ship Gaia and Itori were on Nenet called out before landing. "That was fun! Found anything yet?"

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 23rd August 2021, 9:19 pm

    WC: 881
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    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff

    The Divine Mage

    A soft smile slipped on the tarot mage’s face as she listened to her fellow ace once more about the phoenix’s interactions with her dragon. She trusted the kitsune’s words. Pachua dipped his head some when Nenet agreed to hurry up with her fight and have him help her out. He was more than willing to oblige as he let his cup tilt over towards the first mate. The water rushed and pushed them away from Nenet enough to distract them. After the captain was dealt with, he stopped the water just in time for Nenet to knock the first mate off his feet and into the water. The phoenix tossing the captain over had made the dragon let out a huffed chuckle. It was mildly amusing to him. He nodded his head to her before she flew off. He slipped himself into the water, and ended up rounding the pirates all together once again. They were to be captives to be jailed since they intended harm upon the mages and the ship they traversed on.

    Gaia looked up as Nenet came up, and snorts as she pointed to the other side of the boat. “I heard them talking about seeing land up ahead.” She then pulled out the map and was peering at the tiny corner with the sprinkle of little islands. The water near the boat splashed some before the dragon that was in it shot themselves up and was peering his head near the edge of the ship. “It won’t take too terribly long to get to the island. I can help speed up the boat, if you wish?” The summoner nervously looks to the map, then over around at the crew, then the dragon looming near them. “I… think that might attract attention to other boats. Yes, there are boats already out around here, but that doesn’t mean every boat would be okay. If we need the boost though, I’ll be sure to ask for your assistance.” She also didn’t want to do something to the ship without the captains go ahead, nor to accidentally harm the crew on accident either.

    They would just have to be patient and wait to get to the land that was up ahead. That probably wouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes by now anyways with how the winds was catching the sails. Probably helped that, despite her words, Pachua was directing the water to lead them towards the lands too, a softer boost than Gaia was thinking. She wasn’t all too aware of it though, so she couldn’t get onto her dragon summon for doing it.

    About ten minutes later, Pachua would turn his head and squint his eyes a little in annoyance. “Lady Gaia…” He says in a soft voice. “There are more coming this way…” Gaia turned her head towards where Pachua was looking, and sighs. “If we can avoid them as much as possible, that would be great. If they start attacking us, by all means, please help us protect the ship and the crew…” The tarot mage lightly gripped the railing of the boat. The boat that Pachua had seen, was still a decent deal of a distance away. It wouldn’t be an annoyance anytime too soon, especially since they were closer to the island that the sword was supposedly on.

    Gaia let go of the railing and turned to the other side, where the island was, and started making her way to get a better view of it. Pachua cleared his throat a bit, and glanced between Gaia and Itori. “If it’s no trouble, I could carry you on my back towards the island to get you there faster while the crew takes the ship out of open visibility?” He suggests, getting Gaia’s attention to look back towards him. She blinks for a moment, but then smiles. “I personally wouldn’t mind. I’m getting a little antsy to see Strokes sword.” She scratched the back of her head nervously as she wanted to spew out more information about the tales of his sword, but she held her tongue for now. She didn’t want to bore people with the information, or get caught up in telling it. She glanced over towards Itori, wondering if she wanted to also join her on Pachua’s back to travel to the island.

    Regardless if Itori agrees, Gaia allows herself to be upon the dragons back, sitting sideways as she was in a skirt, not wanting to feel uncomfortable in it as she was on his scaly back. Gaia had the thought to look back towards the boat that Pachua noticed. She blinked a little. There was two ships? One was farther than the other, but the first one was actually seeming like it was coming on to them faster than before. She had a bad feeling about this. Noya chirped on her masters shoulders, and the tarot mage had her hand near her pouch on her side. She needed to be ready to use another card in case something was to happen when the got on land. Her burnt sienna eyes peered back towards Itori through her blue rimmed square glasses. “I get a feeling we should hurry.” She purses her lips, shaking her head and getting ready to get going fast.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 24th August 2021, 6:42 am

    With the pirates having been taken care of the four of them could afford to relax once more. Nenet nodded as Gaia explained that they were quickly approaching land. "Good. I get the feeling that as long as we stay on the waters we'll have to deal with more of those." She shrugged and gave a quick grin. "Not that I mind, but I'm guessing the two of you would rather not fight one pirate gang after another," Itori could be so boring sometimes, preferring the route of minimal violence. The tenko was a peaceful spirit, and while she definitely could fight when needed she would never choose to do so if she thought it unnecessary.

    Itori indeed did nod in agreement. "Our primary objective is to secure the sword, to prevent it falling in the hands of those who would misuse it. If possible, we should avoid confrontations." Tilting her head slightly she listened to the winds and the waters. She could already hear the distant sounds of other sea vessels, even if it would take several minutes before they would get close enough to be spotted by her companions. "Once we have achieved that objective their presence would no longer be an issue, as there should be no civilian seafarers in the vicinity." Pirates and thugs could be as threatening and hostile as they wanted, but once Gaia and Itori possessed Stroke's blade it would be all for naught.

    For the next ten minutes Itori would sit there and quietly meditate, listening to the song of the world. Nenet would lean over the side of the ship, gazing into the distance as she enjoyed the sensation of the wind caressing her feathered wings. More trouble would soon arrive, but for the moment at least they could enjoy the good weather. "Pirates aside, it's a good thing it's not raining or something. Imagine having to make our way through that!"

    Once Pachua announced the presence of yet another ship Nenet pushed herself upright and cracked her knuckles. "Shall I go and deal with them?" While she was looking at Gaia it was clear that the question was as much aimed at Itori, who did indeed answer by shaking her head, her eyes remaining closed. "I support the plan laid out by Mrs. Sabin. Let us prioritize evasion, and only resort to more aggressive methods when conflict becomes unavoidable." Of course, given that she'd said 'when' instead of 'if', she was quite confident that eventually they'd have to fight again.

    "Well, all right then." Nenet looked a bit disappointed, but didn't argue further as she instead watched the other ship in the distance, shielding her eyes with one hand against the sun. "That's a pretty big ship though. Also looks a lot different."

    "That design is called a longship. It is favoured by raiders."

    "Huh. Not pirates then?" Nenet looked back towards Itori, who hadn't moved from her spot.

    "They are similar, but not quite identical. While raiders are also known to attack other ships they are more famous for pillaging coastal settlements. Their ships are also designed with this purpose in mind: they are fast and shallow, allowing for the raiders to quickly arrive, plunder, and depart." Itori opened her eyes. "A transport ship like the one we are utilizing will not be able to outpace a longship."

    "Awesome. So, fighting time?"

    Shaking her head Itori turned towards Gaia. "I agree that it would be best for us to part ways with this ship and its crew. Those raiders must be here for the sword, in which case they should not give chase if this ship were to divert its course." She looked back towards Nenet, a light smile on her face. "It might also be beneficial for us to make a scene of departing. I imagine that you know how to accomplish this."

    Nenet raised an eyebrow, then pointed at herself with a thumb. "Me? Sure, let's do that then." Crouching down her form shifted: feathers quickly covered her entire body, her legs turned into full-fledged talons. Within moments she had turned into a large bird, with a magnificent coat displaying a myriad of colours while possessing the vibrance of the sun.

    "Nenet and I shall follow the two of you. Our pursuers will have little difficulty noticing Nenet." A dragon was already pretty noticeable, but a blazing phoenix? Impossible to miss.

    Climbing onto Nenet's back Itori settled herself, then lightly patted her companion. Flapping her wings Nenet ascended into the skies, quickly following after Pachua who was carrying Gaia. In the distance the other ships, which had been gaining on the transport the mages had been using, kept following the two flying figures while the transport ship slightly changed course to find a place to safely hide while Gaia and Itori finished their mission.

    "Agreed. We should obtain the sword before the competition has an opportunity to do so. I fear that if one of them were to wield the weapon even the four of us might face significant difficulty in reclaiming it." While a lot of Stroke's power manifested in physical ability and skill, the divine weapon Stroke had wielded would still be immensely powerful and dangerous in the hands of another.

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 7th September 2021, 10:23 pm

    WC: 886
    TWC: 12004
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    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff
    Apalala #6633ff

    The Divine Mage

    As they were waiting in the bit of peace they found since getting closer to these islands, Gaia looked over to Nenet while she mentioned the fine weather. She chuckled a little as she nodded. “It would put a damper on things… wouldn’t it?” She slightly teases as she stretches her arms up above her head. “It’s a good thing that it is sunny, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those clouds turned on us any moment though.” The weather of the oceans could often be unpredictable as nature always had its own mind when it came to things like that.

    After Pachua’s announcement, Itori agreed with Gaia’s plan, noticing the other had worded it differently. Of course the tarot mage should have thought that the other’s on the waters that were in search of Stroke’s blade would definitely attack them to stop them. It was her trying to be more confident that they could avoid it, but it might have been wishful dreamings if she were honest.

    As it was mentioned that the ship that was coming to them was a longship, Gaia lightly rubbed her forehead. Just their luck, huh? She let Itori explain to Nenet about the purpose of the longship. When Pachua asked if he could take them on his back and separate, Itori seemed to similarly like that idea to keep the crew safe from danger. A soft giggle came from the mage’s lips as the phoenix seemed more than excited to make a scene. She gave a quick nod to Itori as she said she and her companion would follow her and Pachua. “Then I’ll see you two on the shores.” She nods before she gets on top of her dragon summon with Noya wrapped around her shoulder.

    Pachua started to swim off towards the island, going faster than the ship with him manipulating the water to his whim. There would be absolutely no way she was going to let others besides the members of Sabertooth grab hold of the legendary weapon. She could only imagine the potential dangers that weapon could cause in the hands of another. As they traveled, Gaia glanced back to see that the crew was safe from the following ships, and she frowned. The other ship needed to be stalled. She thought for a moment and quickly pulled out a second card. She turned towards the longboat and held up the card. “King Apalala of the Deep.” She calls before the picture of a deep blue dragon holding a golden cup on the card started to shimmer and disappeared off of the card and was in the water next to the summoner and the knight of the waters. “King Apalala. Please slow down that boat.” She points towards the longboat.

    The regal dragon looked towards the boat, and scoffed. “You’re dealing with such trifles?” He laughed before he held up his cup above his head before simply tipping it completely upside down to let water gush from the cup into the ocean. As soon as this action happened, the amount of water was enough to shove the water out away from the shore and towards the longboats. The waves were getting rougher and rougher, enough to start causing a tsunami. The waves had already begun shoving the boat back from whence it came. There was no doubt that that wouldn’t be the last of them. It wasn’t intended to hurt them for now. Was it a little bit of a dirty trick? Maybe in someones’ book, but not hers. She felt it was perfect for keeping herself and her companions safe. “Is that all you need of me, child?” The dragon says as he tips his cup up again.

    Gaia snorts softly. “No. King Apalala, thank you for helping me. We’re searching for a famous sword. I would like to recruit your assistance in finding it and helping keep trouble at bay for us.” She points up towards Itori and Nenet to show the dragon that there was more than just her and Pachua. The dragon did indeed look up, but he sighed and nodded as he allowed himself to travel with them to the sands of the beach. Gaia let herself slip off of Pachua’s back as soon as they were safe from the water, and looked around. She walked towards the flora of the island, and had a shiver run down her spine from excitement. They were close. She could tell.

    “Do you even know where this sword is, child?”

    “Not particularly… but I’m having a feeling it is on this island…” She tells him before she starts to push some large leaves to the side slightly to look farther into the forest of trees. “Would you think the shrine is on a mountain in a cave like one of the rumors says?” She asked either of the dragons, Itori, and Nenet should the pair be nearby and ready to search. Most of Gaia’s search might be based on rumors, but it doesn’t hurt to try searching with these rumors. It didn’t hurt to check the rumor out in case it was actually true. The dragons seemed to shrug their shoulder to the tarot mage, making her shake her head before looking to the forest of trees and pushes and tall grass again.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 8th September 2021, 3:09 pm

    With Nenet flying through the air, bright and radiant as she was, there was no way that the other ships would miss her. As the Sabertooth mages kept making their way towards the island and their transport ship changed course to get to safety it was a relief to see that their plan had worked: the other ships showed no interest in the ship as it instead went after the dragon and the phoenix. While this meant that Sabertooth would have to deal with this miscreants in the process of securing the sword, at least it meant that innocent civilians would not be involved in the conflict any longer. That, and Itori thought their odds were pretty good when it came to a direct confrontation with these individuals. Numerous as they might be, none of them appeared to be truly remarkably adversaries.

    However, the situation changed a little when Gaia called upon another of her draconic allies, with a call to push their pursuers back. At first the longship tried to weather the unnatural storm, but as the waters kept raging and smashing against the vessel the raiders were forced to acknowledge that a frontal charge wouldn't get them through this obstacle. The longship turned as it set course for another part of the course, far enough away from the Sabertooth mages that it would be difficult for them to use magic to prevent the raiders from making landfall. Especially since, fast as Pachu and Nenet were, these raiders clearly were familiar with the sea and knew how to make good time as well.

    The second ship, bigger and slower than the longship, was further away, and not as heavily affected by Apalala's waves. While it was slowed down it kept stubbornly trudging onward. It would take some time before it would reach the shore, but Sabertooth would nevertheless have to move quickly.

    Reaching land Nenet would spread her wings wide to slow herself down, then planted her talons on the sand and waited for Itori to dismount. The tenko quickly jumped off, allowing Nenet to return to her humanoid form and stretch. "So, think they noticed?"

    "Most certainly." Itori commented as she looked out over the waters towards the large ship which was still slowly heading for the coast, the longship already having moved quite far in its quest to find a part of the coast which wasn't being guarded by the Sabertooth mages. "The assistance of King Apalala has bought us some valuable time. I suggest that we use it wisely."

    "King who?" Nenet looked confused for a moment before comprehension dawned. "Oh, you mean the second dragon guy?" She pointed towards Apalala. "Yeah, that was a good trick. If it wasn't for the no killing thing you could've drowned them."

    The phoenix shrugged as Gaia asked the rest their opinion about where the sword might be. "If the rumours say it's in a cave up the mountain we might as well look there first. We don't have any other clues, do we?" Jumping into the air she spread her wings as she looked out ahead over the dense forest, taking several seconds before coming back down. "Although we've got two mountains here, so we might have to split up if we want to make sure we get there first."

    "I would rather that we remain together for the moment. Our adversaries may be weak individually, but they are numerous, which leaves us vulnerable to ambushes." Closing her eyes she brought her hands together. "If you can spare a moment I may be able to divine which direction we should take."

    Nenet raised an eyebrow before shrugging. "Go ahead." Turning around she'd shield her eyes with one hand from the sun as she kept her gaze on the bigger ship in the distance. "Might not want to take too long though."

    Unless either Gaia or the dragons had any objections Itori would become motionless as she cast her vision into the world beyond, gazing upon the island as if a bird flying above. Most of it was covered by dense forest, with the two mountains that Nenet had spotted before rising up from the sea of green as craggy monoliths. As she focused her vision on those mountains she noticed that their rough exterior made it difficult to discern between cliffs and caves.

    After several minutes of this Itori would open her eyes. "I can not claim to be entirely certain, but I believe our odds would be better if we headed for the western mountain." Stepping forward she began to look for a way through the forest. "I should be able to guide us there, but we should hurry: the raiders have already made landfall, and they are moving with purpose."

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) HdAc9DB

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 15th September 2021, 9:23 pm

    WC: 560
    TWC: 13358
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff
    Apalala #6633ff

    The Divine Mage

    As Gaia, Pachua, and Apalala reached the shore, Gaia was a little nervous as she felt she wasn’t sure how the other two would react to the high royal dragon. But Itori seemed to be okay with it regardless, acknowledging that time was bought. A smile was on her face as she nodded. Apalala snorted as Nenet mentioned that he could have drowned the raiders, making him tilt his snout up some. “I could have, but killing them quickly wouldn’t be fun, and they could have tainted the waters for the fish.” He looks back towards where the ship had gone after evading his waters.

    The tarot mage pouted slightly when Nenet asked if there were any other clues to finding the sword that she could help. “Unfortunately, there’s not much on it as the general location it is in was only recently discovered.” She comments quietly before the phoenix flies up into the air. Itori commenting that she’d prefer for the group to stick together had Gaia nodding with her. “I would appreciate sticking together as well.” She nervously scratches her cheek with a finger. Itori bringing up a possible solution to finding the sword had Gaia perking her head up some. “Go ahead! Anything is better than nothing.”

    The dragons only stood where they were at, waiting on the kitsune to give them a potential way to go as well. When she was back to them again, they looked towards the area she said they should start heading to, and both nodded. “Please lead the way.” Pachua says as he holds his cup up to his chest. Gaia nods as she starts to walk a little bit towards the mountain from the beach they were on. She was slow at first, letting Itori take the lead to get them towards the mountain that they needed to, figuring she had a path she saw from where they were at.

    Noya had her head perked up on Gaia’s shoulders as they were walking through the flora of the island. She was almost like a guard dog on alert. Every crack of a branch or twig that she wasn’t sure was from the group, she would turn her head towards the sound, letting her beady black eyes glare in the direction the sound came from till she was sure it wasn’t a threat.

    Gaia was using her staff as a walking stick almost, being careful to not trip. King Apalala and Knight Pachua had shrunk themselves down to ride alongside Noya, not wanting to be destroying the island by accident. This didn’t bother Gaia or Noya one bit, in fact, Gaia prefered this to having to put the dragons away in their cards. When they began to make the ascent up the mountain, Gaia would glance towards the forest, keeping her own eyes open for potential danger of the raiders. She was hoping that they wouldn’t have to come in contact with them any time soon.

    “Itori,” Gaia turned her attention towards her fellow Sabertooth mage and tilted her head as they were climbing. “Where had you sensed the raiders coming from before? I would like to be a little more cautious of that area as we travel.” Of course the dragons would keep their attentions all around if possible, but being extra alert at a potential side didn’t hurt sometimes.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 17th September 2021, 4:08 pm

    With all the others quickly agreeing to follow Itori's lead the tenko walks into the forests that cover most of the island, carefully making her way past trees and brushes which appeared to have been left alone for many years. Stroke hadn't died that long ago in the grand scheme enough, but enough time had passed that nature had reclaimed most of the island... although most likely the swordmaster hadn't done much more than build a shrine for the divine blade that the Sabertooth mages were now seeking to secure.

    Nevertheless, even with the dense overgrowth Itori did her best to find them a path which would lead them towards the western mountain. Viewing things from above didn't get you a clear view of the world below the foliage of the trees, but she had spotted a couple of clearings which she could use as points of reference to guide them. And fortunately, despite her clothes looking perhaps unsuited for travelling through a forest at a glance, her divided skirt meant she could still move freely, and combined with her experience travelling around the world she actually had a relatively easy time making her way onward, occasionally halting to check whether her companions were also doing well.

    From the looks of it Gaia was keeping up quite well, even if she had to carry three passengers. It was interesting to see the two dragons in their minuscule forms. Nenet for her own part was hopping over brushes as if it was an afterthought, the ever-active phoenix finding a trek through the woods as unremarkable as a trip through the skies. "Man, there's a lot of trees around here. You'd almost think someone had planted them here on purpose." The fiery woman pushed a large branch out of the way, her brilliant feathers brushing against the leafs.

    "That is improbable. Stroke had little reason to do so, and there are no other signs of any other individuals having visited this place since." While Nenet clearly wasn't serious with the suggestion, Itori had a hard time not giving a serious response. Perhaps she could work a little bit on that. Not that her companion minded too much, but it could become awkward under other circumstances.

    When Gaia addressed her Itori turned her head to look at her fellow Ace, listening carefully to the woman's words before nodding. "Understood. The raiders should be to the northeast of our position. Most likely they will be heading for the same mountain as our group, so even after we secure the weapon we should prepare ourselves for a confrontation."

    "I could go and deal with them." Nenet helpfully piped in. Itori glanced towards her friend and shook her head. "I am confident that you could, Nenet, but we shall also have to contend with the crew of the other ship. Given its size, I suspect there may be some troublesome elements present, and I would rather have you by our side when we face them." Truthfully, even such a huge ship was unlikely to hold any threats Gaia and Itori couldn't take care of, but the tenko preferred to be careful. Especially when their task was simply to secure the sword: it's not like they were here to deal with any criminals or dangerous monsters.

    Nenet shrugged and flashed a grin. "All right then, I'll stick around to punch those other guys when they arrive." It didn't matter much either way to the phoenix.

    At first their path onward had been level, but as they got closer to the mountain they'd have to walk up an incline in the land, the terrain also become rougher. At first they only had to make their way through the thick flora, but now they also had to watch out for places where rocks made advancement difficult. There were some vague signs of a path that Itori was trying to follow, but nature hadn't been kind to it. Still, they were steadily making progress, and if they looked back (and didn't get their vision obscured by the trees) they'd see that they were already a fair bit above sea level. "Within a few minutes we should reach the edge of the forest. Beyond there it should be easier to find the path Stroke must have built to reach the shrine, if this is indeed the correct mountain."

    WC: 727
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) HdAc9DB

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 4th January 2022, 9:30 pm

    WC: 576
    TWC: 14661
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff
    Apalala #6633ff
    Dorolth #669966

    The Divine Mage

    As Nenet had seemingly joked about the amount of trees, Gaia had tried to not giggle too loudly about it. She shook her head, and tried to stifle even more giggles from Itori’s response back to the phoenix. Though, it ceased when she asked her question. Her eyes followed in the direction that northeast was for them, nodding quickly as she even agreed to be prepared for confrontation. Her burnt sienna eyes glanced towards the dragons, in which Knight Pachua had climbed upon his summoner's head to keep a better vision out for the potential raiders.

    Despite this being a slight time crunch to get the sword before others, Gaia was honestly having a good time traveling with Nenet and Itori. They seemed like a nice calm to the tarot reader compared to most others oddly enough. Gaia trekked the mountain carefully, even by Itori’s leadership, the dragons still helped out every now and then when they noticed loose rocks that could harm them. Itori’s comment on them being at the edge of the forest soon, made Gaia smile. “Hopefully the path will be easy! And that this is the mountain we need too.” She chuckles softly. She felt Pachua stiffen a bit atop her head, and softly sighs. “We’re being followed?”

    “Not exactly, my lady.”

    “What then?”

    “They’re a distance ahead of us on the other side of the mountain.”

    Gaia frowns as she holds up her staff, sticking it in the ground to make her way up till they got to the clearing. “Itori, did you hear Knight Pachua say where the other raiders are?” Of course, if Itori didn’t, Gaia would repeat and point in the direction that Pachua said. She looked towards her hip as she was debating on gathering another card out for her to play right then. She reached down and opened the pouch, a card already slipping itself out of it so she could grab it. With the card pinched in between her fingers, she chuckles a little. “Close enough, I see.” She comments as she looks ahead.

    When they got to the clearing, Gaia held up her card, “Earth Queen Dorolth.” She says before the card seems to shimmer. Before them, a two-toned, brown/green, female dragon that was holding a disk with a five-pointed star in the center of it stood before the group. Her deep green eyes looked down to the group as she dipped her head.

    “Thank you for summoning me, child. I believe my assistance will be better suited here.” She comments in a deepish voice.

    The tarot reader smiles as she nods. “Of course.” She says as she looks around the clearing. She wanted to tell if there was any raiders nearby, or a clear path to this shrine of Strokes’. She paused for a moment though as she took in the scenery from atop this mountain. It looked rather great, and of course she saw a long boat in the distance too. Off the coast of the beach with some dinghies on the beach on the other side of the beach. She turned around to see where the other ship she saw was, and luck have it, it was close to the island as well, a galley though. She pursed her lips. “I think we may have more than just a bunch of raiders to deal with… maybe.” She was hoping this galley was just a traveler who wanted to see the island.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 11th January 2022, 12:34 pm

    "As long as we stick to the path traversing the mountain should not yield any significant issues. That is, if Stroke deigned to built such a path." Itori frowned as she considered the possibility. "Given the nature of the weapon we are seeking it is possible that the previous owner did not wish for anyone to possess it, in which case we might find ourselves facing obstacles rather than a clear path forward." It all depended on what kind of mentality Stroke had: would the legendary sword master have believed that eventually someone worthy of the sword would arrive, or was the weapon meant to never be found or wielded again? But if it was the latter, why not simply destroy the blade, or bury it somewhere? A shrine was like a beacon: eventually it would draw in those who wished to claim the blade for themselves.

    One of her ears twitched as the brief exchange between Gaia and Pachua occurred, the tenko quickly nodding as the tarot reader asked her whether she'd heard what the dragon had to say. "I did, yes. If others are already scaling the mountain as we speak we should hurry." She was rather surprised that someone was already this far: she had thought all their competition was behind them. She only had her own carelessness to blame for that. "Nenet, could you scout ahead without engaging? If they have already advanced to this point it would be better to not be reckless."

    The phoenix nodded. "Sure thing. Meet you at the top of the mountain~!" Now that they'd left the forest behind she had plenty of space to spread her wings and take to the air, her vibrant feathers trailing a warm light as she quickly ascended higher and higher. Once she'd achieved a decent altitude she'd circle around the mountain, sharp eyes scanning the land below as she sought out those individuals that Pachua had managed to spot.

    Itori watched Nenet leave. She'd hoped to keep the phoenix grounded to avoid giving away their position, but if their competition was already this close speed was more important than subterfuge. Her direction was drawn away when Gaia summoned a third dragon, this one with an apparent affinity for the earth. The tenko gave a light bow towards Dorolth in greeting. "Your assistance would be more than welcome, your majesty."

    Gazing back towards the sea she saw that the longboat was quickly approaching the beach. In fact, even as she looked she could see small figures from raiders who were jumping into the water and wading the rest of the way to dry land, weapons in hand as they were drawn towards the same mountain as the Sabertooth mages were on, most likely attracted by Nenet's flying figure. "You would be correct in that assumption. I would rather that we retrieve the blade before we confront them, to avoid being caught unawares." As long as either of them held the sword these other groups wouldn't be able to get it unless they managed to defeat both Itori and Gaia, which was unlikely. If the sword was still in its place in the shrine a stealthy individual might be able to get away with it in the midst of combat, and while Itori didn't know the exact nature of those aboard the galley those raiders weren't going to rely on diplomacy to get what they want.

    Fortunately, there was actually a path leading up the mountain now that the forest had given way to a rocky climb. It wasn't the smoothest of paths, barely more than a winding slope which had some flat stones laid down to help make the climb easier, but it was better than trying to scale the cliffs and rocks that formed the mountain's sides. "If necessary I could remain here and delay our competition while you proceed to the shrine. I believe my abilities would be more suitable if we wish to avoid a direct confrontation." If she didn't have to keep pace with Gaia and the others she could spend her time weaving some illusions and barriers to keep anyone other than themselves from getting close to the shrine.

    WC: 699
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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) HdAc9DB

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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Gaia 17th February 2022, 9:56 pm

    WC: 460
    TWC: 15820
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    Pachua #99ccff
    Apalala #6633ff
    Dorolth #669966

    The Divine Mage

    The tarot mage nods to Itori’s response to her comment about hoping the path being easy, but she ultimately figured that it wouldn’t be too easy with the potential for the weapon they were searching for being one that wasn’t meant to be found. As everyone was aware that there were others on the island besides them, Gaia watched as Nenet went to the skies, giving the phoenix a small wave as she went up. Noya seemed to chirp as she observed the phoenix in the sky as well. The interest in the phoenix and their ability to fly was evident on the little white furred creature's face.

    After Queen Dorolth was summoned, her attention was directed towards Itori briefly, and she gave what seemed like a satisfied smile upon her face. “I am grateful that you both will accept my assistance.” She says with a bow back to Itori. As they looked towards Nenet again, Queen Dorolth looked to the trees and plants that were around the clearing.

    As Itori suggested her staying in the clearing and slowing down the rivals, Gaia’s eyes went wide. She turned to look towards where the boats were, seeing where that galley was now before she looked back towards Itori. She didn’t really want to leave her companion like this. “Are you… sure? I could also leave a dragon or two behind to assist you.” She says as she looked to her shoulder where King Apalala was standing still. “I’m not too sure honestly if we should… but it could be helpful too.” She puffs her cheeks before she glances to the ground. This was probably not the time to ponder this for a little. Gaia takes a deep breath and looks to Itori. “Do you think that would be a better course of action? Split up momentarily?” She gripped her staff as she looked to the mountain and the path that was there, already mentally preparing herself to go on her own to try to get the sword that Stroke left.

    “Queen Dorolth and I could stay with Lady Itori while Knight Pachua went with you.” The currently tiny king dragon of cups suggested. Gaia looked back towards Itori, but regardless what option was chosen, King Apalala jumped down off of her shoulder before he was full sized again. The king bows his head, then bowed towards Queen Dorolth near immediately now that he was full sized again. Noya let out another chirp to let everyone know that she was there, and scurried to Gaia’s other shoulder as she was getting a little excited over the fact they would have to race a bit to get to the target they were attempting to get. She was ready to fight alongside her master.



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    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) Empty Re: Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel)

    Post by Itori 4th March 2022, 3:09 pm

    Nenet's flight was swift and certain, and it didn't take long for her to spot the individuals who had managed to already make so much headway towards the shrine. They weren't following an established path, rather scaling the side of the mountain with apparent ease. They didn't appear to be raiders either: they had the look of professionals from a more sophisticated culture, and who were relying on the assistance of magic to move so quickly despite the rough terrain. From this distance, Nenet couldn't be certain of what exact magic they were using. It could be earth magic, it could be an enchantment, they could be messing with gravity for all she knew. All she knew was that Gaia and Itori would have to hurry if they wanted to reach the shrine first.

    The shrine itself was also within her sights, and it was a relatively simple design. Time had yet to cause it to decay, but as it turned out a sword didn't require a very elaborate resting place, even if Stroke must have put a lot of work into it. An amazing swordmaster wasn't necessarily a good mason or carpenter, after all.

    She would have flown down to study the shrine from up close, but at that point, there was a soft crack in the distance and a projectile pierced straight through one of Nenet's wings. The phoenix let out a surprised yelp as the impact of the strike made her tumble through the air before she corrected her flight, the wound already beginning to close itself and the lost feathers slowly regrowing. Harming a phoenix required more effort than simply piercing their skin, but it definitely caught her attention nonetheless. Glaring down she saw that one of the people climbing the mountain was aiming at her. Raising both of her own hands she summoned a large fireball and launched it towards the people scaling the rugged slopes of the mountain. Upon contact the flames scattered, latching onto whatever they could but for the most part failing to find anything flammable. The people themselves also didn't seem too bothered, although they had come to a halt.

    If these sneaky fast folk were looking for a fight Nenet was going to give it to them. She'd been spotted anyway, so she might as well make it worth it. Without any hesitation she began to throw more fireballs down below, embers and sparks streaking through the air as the bombardment scattered against whatever barriers her targets were using to protect themselves, light and shadow dancing on the stones that surrounded them. She wasn't managing to hurt any of them, but it was hindering their advance and making it difficult for them to fire back. If nothing else, she'd buy more time for Gaia and Itori to retrieve the sword.

    Itori nodded as Gaia asked for confirmation. "If I utilize my magic correctly I could delay them for hours, if not days. These raiders might be capable fighters and even have some experience dealing with magic, but illusion magic is one of the most suitable methods for delaying and hindering any force which has not taken precautions against it." The raiders would have to make their way through the forest before they reached the clear path to the summit of the mountain, after all, and within the forest she could help them get lost until they could no longer remember what year it was.

    "I do not believe the assistance of your draconic companions is required, but I will not turn either of you down if you make such an offer. As long as Miss Sabin can retrieve the sword our objective will be complete, and I would be dedicating myself to avoiding direct conflict so far as possible." Depending on just how capable the raiders were they might be able to break free, but Itori was hardly expecting them to be masters at dealing with illusion magic. "But I would suggest that you hurry, Miss Sabin. It appears that Nenet has engaged the individuals that Sir Pachua mentioned before, which implies that time is of the essence at this point." It could be that Nenet had simply lost her cool and decided to pick a fight, but Itori chose to believe that if Nenet was getting in the way of their competition it was because said competition had a serious chance of reaching the shrine first otherwise.

    Turning back to face the way theycame Itori sat down and closed her eyes, her ears pointing forward as she took in all the sounds of the world. The rustling of the trees, the very faint whistling as the wind brushed the pebbles and stones that adorned the mountainside. And, further into the distance, the noisy sound of armoured and armed seafaring roughmen making their way through the forest towards where they believed the fabled blade was kept.

    Illusions were at their strongest when they supplemented reality rather than completely replacing it. Casting out her magic Itori wove it between the trees, through the air, and into the earth, forming an area in which reality became mutable. The raiders were making good headway, but as Itori began to work her magic they'd find that the same path which before had reliably led them onwards suddenly had them circling around, ending up in the same location where they'd started. Even if they stubbornly moved uphill they'd only find themselves somewhere else.

    Some of them began to mark the trees to try and keep track of their path, only to encounter those same markings. The wind seemed to blow from different directions at times, the trees all looked the same, a moment of obscurity would result in two raiders being split up and not finding each other for minutes on end. What had been an orderly advance at first quickly turned into a huge argument as all the raiders were trying to figure out why they kept ending up close to the beach, and why the barren slopes of the mountain never got closer.

    Itori softly hummed as she channelled her magic, the vibrations of her tune travelling through the air, far enough to reach the ears of the raiders even if it was soft enough that they didn't notice it. Truth be told, forests made such trickery far too easy: forests were difficult things to navigate in the first place so if Itori was given the opportunity to create illusory markings or shift things around a bit, not to mention using her enchanting voice to make the raiders more susceptible to confusion, there was little they could do against it.

    WC: 1,107
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    TWC: 16,927/20,000



    Search for the Divine Blade (job w/ Ruvel) HdAc9DB

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