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    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by Ghost 21st April 2019, 8:44 am


    Ghost stood tall as he was standing upon a clock tower in his home town. Magnolia Town was a beautiful place to be. Someone who lived here must really like to Par-Ty because that's all people tend to do here. His latest job was one he could do right here and right now. Reading the job notes it appears as some unwelcome guests have joined the Faye. Ghost spread out his long fairy wings as he slowly jumped down off the four-story clock tower. It was sunny out and a very nice day. But it was a tad too hot. But that was ok for him because he could not stand the rain.

    Believe it or not, Ghost has already located the group of pirates. They were nowhere else but a locate bar causing trouble. Ghost was not surprised at this way all. Looking at his clock watch he could see it was hitting twelve pm on the dot. A big smile came about as he knew snack time was soon to take place. "Alrighty now it appears the strongest C rank wizard that is I. Will handle this problem. But I'm talking to myself but poking at this note it appears I will have a partner as well. But not from my guild but Silver Wolf. That is odd this wizard seems to be late or is it that I am early. No that could not be I am never late not early. Let's just say I am always on TIME."

    Ghost would begin to laugh to himself after cracking a time pun joke an inside one at that. Ghost looked around but still did not see the other mage which was okay. Looking on he would summon a blue orb of time. Making it go away as soon as it came about. "Glitter Bar is the bar I am at the job note also said we should bring in their leader alive. But which is the leader? I guess I will have to go find out myself." Ghost would yawn as he readies himself than walked right inside the Bar. The pirates were making a loud scenery much to Ghost dismissal. He began to talk but the pirates were too loud for anyone to here him. Ghost would roll his eyes as he saw the place was a mess and beer was everywhere.

    He looked on as he walked up to a large built man clearly towering the five-foot-eight inches fairy tail wizard. The drunken pirate would then turn around. He looked down at Ghost as Ghost looked up at him and with a smile on Ghost's face he would try to say. 'Now as I was saying where is your-" The big pirate would than gran Ghost cutting him off midway with a wicked smile on his face.

    This did not surprise Ghost at all. If his wizard partner was to come inside the Glitter Bar. She would see Ghost being hung upside down swing back and forth.


    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 22nd April 2019, 6:29 pm

    Well, she had become a member of the Silver Wolf guild, as much as she didn't want to become a guild mage again so soon, or at all, but, Lorelei needed a source of income if she wanted to live anywhere on her own. And guilds were the best way to make money. Plus it was free room and board with them in the meantime, she just had to avoid being roped off in to dangerous work for her. Instead, she had taken it upon herself to sign up for an extermination and apprehension of a collective of thieves, sea thieves. The sea. SHe didn't want to think about it. Fiore was the first country she got to from where she had come from. for Lorelei, the sea was the last place she wanted to be close to.

    Just the thought of it had to be kept down to avoid hyper ventilating, she needed to make sure she didn't have a freak out on the way over toward the coast. The job wasn't on the water, or on the coast thankfully, the raven haired girl was thankful for that, not that it showed on her face. SHe wasn't really showing any emotion at all, she just had this listless look of indifference on her face as she stepped off the train.

    In a traveling coat of a nice muted color that reached down to her thighs, she had her short shorts on, her coat being longer than the legs on her pants. That sleeveless spaghetti string top, both the pants and shirt dark blue with the top having the word NAVY printed on it over her diminutive chest. An anchor shaped hairpin tied up in her hair.

    The dark leggings she had on that came up to her thighs were the biggest pieces of cloth on her body, she sure liked dressing minimally. SHe had been informed that she was taking on this job with someone else, but she wasn't sure who. It was a fairy tail mage, that much she did know, but, because she didn't know anyone really, she wouldn't recognize this person. "This is troublesome." She mumbled to herself as she made her way through the town, looking to try and meet up with this person.

    As her luck would have it, she would stumble in to someone alright. A few someones. A commotion from inside a place called the Glitter Bar, it sounded like a place for okama to gather. Opening up the door, she found someone tied to the ceilings, dangling like a pinata while other people were surrounding them, with malice in their intent. "This is troublesome." She said while her head tilted in boredom. Why was it she always got involved in crap like this?

    Readying herself for whatever it was that was going to happen, Lorelei shrugged off her coat, leaving it in a pile on the floor, the guild symbol of the Silver Wolf planted firmly on her left shoulder in maroon color. Her fighting stance struck up as she was getting ready to cut this person down. "Sword." She said simply, and with her fingers generating a pen, and her hands moving faster than the eye could keep up with, the word SWORD was written in the air. It flew through the air, slicing through whatever was keeping Ghost tied to the ceiling in one fell sweep.

    WC: 584
    TWC: 1117

    Mana and spells
    SWORD cast:

    -30 from cast, 4/5 turns
    170/200 mp


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by Ghost 22nd April 2019, 8:21 pm

    As Ghost was hanging upside down and swinging back and forth. He truly was in a pickle in a crazy way. Looking on down at the pirates as they were yelling at him on what they were going to do to him. Ghost could not help but laugh at his would-be attackers. Out of all the things he did and all the foes he faced. From demons to giant plants it would be pirates to catch him like this. His long red hair was hanging down. He would look around the bar to see of the notice the captain. Ghost soon would spot a long pirate sitting down in a corner eating and drinking.

    He would give view to a young girl as well. Looking on at her she was casting some sort of spell. Words would form into magic sword. Now Ghost sees this and she sees Ghost this was odd for him indeed. Because she was aiming the sword right at him. Planning to throw it at him Ghost eyes would widen as his thoughts process to this train of thinking. "She must be their captain odd. But if she is the captain then who is that guy over there?" Just as he said that the magic sword would cut him loose from the rope that was holding him up. Ghost looked shocked as he didn't even seem to even think he was going to die.

    But the moment the sword hit the rope cutting it he would go crashing down unto the floor. The noise was indeed loud and it did not hurt as much as one would think. However, he had to play it off. "Ouch my wings oh my back and my neck my neck and my back. Oh, the pain it hurts me so much." By now all eyes were on the girl as she made her epic debut. Ghost thinking to himself as he looks closer at her. He would notice a silver wolf symbol. "She must be my help or am I her help? Either way, she came just in there I say it TIME" Ghost would start to laugh out loud as he was laying on the floor.

    Laughing so loud some pirates would turn to look at him. Slowly but surely he would sit up then got up off the floor. Hoping over by the Silver Wolf wizard. He would start to hop around her stopping right to the left of her. Looking on at the pirates he would smile."You guys are in for it now because she is here and do y'all know who she is. SHE IS SILVER WOLF GUILD MASTER!!!" Ghost would yell this with pride. As he got the robe off of himself. His large wings would open up. Smiling as he looks on at them. Soon he would turn to look at the wizard next to him. Smiling from ear to ear "Nice to meet you I am Ghost Of Fairy Tail and a Fairy King. To think that Silver Wolf guild master would come to help. That is so awesome indeed it is." Ghost would say with a smile on his face as he turns to look back at the pirates.


    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 30th April 2019, 6:45 pm

    When she had cut him down, she was happy, well, it didn't show on her face, that he wasn't grievously wounded. Instead, she just looked on with that disinterested look. While Ghost came over, she just looked at him, bringing a hand back so that the SWORD spell would continue to orbit around her and him at this point, "Oh good, you're okay." Was what she said to him before he introduced her.

    As soon as he said that she was the guild master of silver wolf, she simply leaned away from him a bit, lifting one hand to extend her inex finger in a 'manner of fact' style, "No I'm not. I just joined them recently." This wasn't the time to be being so blunt about it. The pirates at first were scared that a guild master would be here, but then, they turned on them, eager to deal out some damage with their weapons and respective magics. While the captain would sit in the back, letting his weakest grunts try to get some glory out of beating on a couple of guild mages. This would be a good ego boost for them.

    That's how it would go, were it not for the fact that Lorelei wasn't exactly as weak as she claimed. SHe was simply out of practice, and having had a lot of her power drained from her in the past, was more than able to get it back, but, she just couldn't be bothered. If only anyone knew about her past, then again, that was hard to say when she didn't open up to anyone, not even the real Silver Wolf Guild Master.

    On to the task at hand. Lorelei would break away from Ghost, leaping up on to a nearby table, and back flipping off of it, though the momentum carried her forward. Why was she charging straight in to the crowd? Her eyes of course. The strange dragonic symbol in her pupils had formed, getting a brief vision of the future. Part of her spirit judging by it. SHe knew what they were going to do. They wanted to make a large smoke screen with their magic, and get the jump on Lorelei and Ghost.

    Instead, they would be casting that smoke screen just as she came around, and performed that flip, with a flourish of her right arm, the SWORD spell went around, cleaving through one of the pirates in a large motion, the light of the swing apparent on his body as the magic faded away, leaving a lasting pain on his body. The others would be assailed by a summoned word, "Fire." SHe said plainly, pointing her fingers off where she had seen the men, every letter of the word FIRE that was summoned going ablaze. Immediately after, each letter flew out, pummeling in to the chest or back of the various pirates. SHe was dealing them some good damage already, but, she would need some backup.

    WC: 514
    TWC: 2187

    Mana and Spells:


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by Ghost 1st May 2019, 8:39 am

    As he looked on he would watch as the girl went all ninja and stuff. Flipping off the table doing a backflip Ghost would smile as he started to clap and cheer for her. Her sword was most impressive as it was floating around her. Slashing back and forth. Ghost looked on as he notices something. He caught but a quick glimpse of something she did. This confused Ghost as he didn't think anyone besides him could do such a thing. Seeing the pirates summon some type of smoke. It would start to surround Ghost. However, using his wings. He would kick start some wind. Easily said than done.

    Still looking on trying to keep his eyes on the Silver Wolf master. He would give a soft smile of his own. "Does she have future sight. No, what was it that that wizard just used?" Ghost still thinking to himself did not see the pirate creeping up behind him. Staying out his sword the pirate would. Stab Ghost right in his side right ribcage. Just as the Silver Wolf Master summoned fire using words again. This turn of event took Ghost by surprise. As he would cough up some blood. Looking over towards the pirate Ghost would smile. "Y..you go..t me that TIME." Ghost would slowly stand up as blood came rushing down his side.

    He would then punch the pirate away from him. Soon enough Ghost would throw up the peace sign as the guy went flying away. Soon a bigger pirate would rush Ghost as he tackles him down. Towering over the five-foot fairy this would send Ghost into the bar table or whatever you call it. Ghost would slowly stand up again as blood was flowing down his face. Ghost would give another smile as he looked up to see his right wing was a little bent. "Wow you guys are mean. I mean why do you got to be so MEAN?" Ghost looked on as the big guy started to rush at him again.

    It this time he would slip on a bottle with the speed he was running. He would start to crashing into Ghost who by then had moved out the way. Ghost would kneel down as he was holding his right side. "Looks like I need to use my magic huh. I just need to get hit three more times and than the meanie will go bye bye." Ghost would then look at the Silver Wolf master. If she was to look at him he would be waving at her.


    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 4th May 2019, 12:47 am

    While Lorelei was fighting, she would be hopping around from table to table. Going in to hand springs and leg sweeps. Making sure to push anyone back that got too close. It wasn't until magic was being thrown at her without regard for their allies did the enemies they were facing start making some leeway. Of course, while they were going to close in with a series of attacks for her, Lorelei would know this was coming. Those dragon eyes of hers were keeping her safe from being fatally overtaken with one wave of attacks. She did, however, need to defend herself.

    "SHIELD." SHe would command the word to form in the ear. A piece of wood, written in the air like the word was spelled, they all detached from each other and formed up around her. Looking to defend her from multiple fronts. Fireballs, lightning bolts and the like were striking her defense, though something slipped in from the back, a sharp blast of wind that tore through her clothing, and shoved her off of the table and through the air. Instead of showing pain, she just looked at the men disinterested. She just held up her right hand, summoning the word FIRE again,w hich would fly out and strike two more of them. the SWORD spell used to slam in to the wall behind her, so that she could land on it like a platform briefly and hop off.

    Landing on the floor, she would make her way back to Ghost, needing to form up with him while she ducked and dived, vaulting over tables.

    When she got to the kid, she would speak to him bluntly, "You speak like a child and emphasize words too much. You're giving too much away. You're going to get hurt. Please don't do that." Well, she was blunt to a fault. Mostly because of the lack of emotion on her face and lack of it in her voice.

    SHe was striking up a fighting stance, hoping to make sure that she and Ghost weren't going to be flanked. She had to manage her resources well enough that they weren't going to be without her magic. At least, until they could thin out the ranks some more. "Maybe we should take this fight outside?" She would inquire.

    WC: 401
    TWC: 3030


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by Ghost 4th May 2019, 5:33 pm

    Ghost would be looking at the pirate group surrounding him and his new mage friend here. Ghost would begin to laugh at them being surrounded. As he looked on the group was not as strong as he thought they were to be. He was just caught off guard at the end of it all. But looking on he could see the Silver Wolf Guild Master was getting bullied over there as well. Thinking to himself she must not be the type to try and hurt people. Or was it that these guys were stronger than they let on. If that's the case it was time to get serious.

    Ghost would smile as the Silver Wolf mage came over towards him. He looked on as about ten more pirates corner them. Ghost would smile as the girl started to talk to him. Saying how he talked was this and was that. Ghost would tilt his head and node yes. Even if he did not understand what she meant by. Not to talk too much. He looked back at the pirates just as she said it would be best to take this outside. Ghost would start to laugh shaking his head as he just kept on laughing. Soon he would bend over in pain as he coughs up blood. An injury from fighting a made dark wizards weeks earlier. Not to mention his new injuries.

    Ghost look to the young mage and reply to her. "You say I might get hurt. But I'm afraid that already happened. But maybe just maybe I will heal with time." He said as he looked at her with a sly smile. Soon small clocks would start to form around him. Soon his wounds would slowly start to grow smaller and smaller. Until finally they were barely there. Ghost would smile as he stood back up as if nothing happened. He would start to dusk himself off as he looked to the Silver Wolf Guild Master. "Listen I'm gonna steal their weapons kay and I need you to blast them with fire kay." He would start to laugh again as he walked right in front of her.

    Not even getting an answer from her he would point at the pirates. "Ok you big ole mean guys. I will steal your weapons and draw on your face and then this Guild Master here. She will blast you all with FIREEEE!!!". He would say as he winked at them. His eyes would glow all blue as clocks came about. As the pirates looked at them they would start to rush at them. Only to freeze right in their places. Ghost would smile as he started to wave his hands. Looking at the clock on the wall time stopped. Ghost would smile as he started to take the pirates swords from them. Next, he would write on their faces with his marker. Drawing funny faces on them.

    Looking on at them he would turn one pirate towards his comrades. Then did the same with a few more. Soon he looked up to see that they were facing each other. The Moment TIME was to restart they were sure to hit each other at point blank range. Ghost would smile as he returns by his new friend. Dropping the pirate weapons right in front of her. The Moment TIME unfreezes she would see what had happened hopefully she would attack in TIME



    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 8th May 2019, 8:55 pm

    While Ghost was suggesting the impossible, she put faith in him, she had to, considering they were out numbered and that they were at a disadvantage power wise it seemed, with this captain clearly strong enough to take on at least one of them without breaking a sweat. She was just sizing them up, but, getting through the grunts, she burned through a lot of her power. Of course, when he told her the plan, she nodded in agreement, readying herself without formulating the words yet. Of course, when he announced the plan to the pirates, she just guffawed. The girl's flabbergasted expression a clear indicator she wasn't devoid of emotion, but, jeez did this kid have the screws loose to do that.

    Shaking her head, she brought her arms up back to that fighting position, readying herself for a moment when it happened. In the blink of an eye, ghost was next to her, and then he was gone, and in a new spot. Did she pass out there? How in the hell did the pirates get moved around and why were they stumbling over each other? She, well, she couldn't comprehend what just happened. She had the ability to briefly see in to the future, but, she never saw when time was stopped, a power her companion seemed to have.

    When time was stopped, even Lorelei was affected by the magic, time magic doesn't stop time for time magic users, but what about those that aren't gifted with the ability to turn the sands of time? Still, things were quick to pick up for her after a quick blink and shake of the head. She just summoned that word FIRE again and swung her hand down, blasting the remaining grunts while the word SWORD swept across and cleaves through another of the grunts. Effectively defeating the gathering of weaklings, she huffed and puffed, readying herself for whatever came next.

    WC: 327
    TWC: 3940

    Mana and spells:


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates Empty Re: Once upon a Time Chapter: Invasion Of The Four Finger Pirates

    Post by Ghost 11th May 2019, 11:14 am

    As she blasted the group away Ghost would be jumping for joy. As his and her ultra-secret plan came to light. He would look on at her as he could tell she was ready for the world. However, they were not out hot water yet. As that fire spell caused the roof to set on fire no really the roof was on fire. However, if Ghost played his cause right the fire would go away once the bar burned down. As he was thinking that the pirate captain had stood up and boy this guy was really big. He was so big that if his Silver Wolf friend was to stand on his wings. The guy still would be massive.

    Ghost would smile as he pulled out his stave of time. The golden weapon could cause really big damage or that what his guild vault said when he borrowed it. He started to swing it around as he looked to her. "Let me be real with you I am not going to use much more of my time magic. However, if we could team up I will hit him with my stave. You see every other spell I have could truly off this guy. You know check him out the game." As he said that Ghost would put his left hand around his neck making a choking pose.

    He would look on as the smoke started to come about and on top of that the pirate captain was not too happy about his crew getting owned. "We need this guy alive so we can't kick him I mean kill him." Ghost would laugh as he said that. Stumbling over his words. Ghost would start to lose as he made his way out of the bar. "I forgot to tell her to get him to chase us out the bar as we can fight him outside in front of the world." Ghost said that as stars filled his eyes. He would return to her just to say that. Hoping she would understand his hand signs. Hand signs which were telling her to get him outside.

    As Ghost returned back outside he would have his magic stave ready to take down the big bad.



      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm