Fairy Tail RP

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    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
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    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

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    Public Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 5th February 2019, 8:39 am

    Words written: #540
    Total written: #540
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    _____Magnolia, the place of ever coming and going people for events all year round. It was the selling point for the runaway slave still trying to find a place she could ease her worry of getting found and taken back. The phantom pain against her right hand rising the action for Keade to rub the glove that hid her marking with an idol left hand dawning a similar white glove. The broken woman could only hope she had truly found sanctuary from her past.

    _____While the condition of her cloths had been far from perfect, the girl chose to dress in the best she could get her hands on thanks to someone she met in her travels. Her blonde hair, though spotted with some dirt and dust was braided and partly held up with a red string. The attempt to make her normally long hair that could rest against her lower back not pass her neck proving to hold for the time being. Her bangs evenly parted, showing the smooth palish skin of her forehead and framing loosely around her glittering nebula green eyes.

    _____Her white long sleeve button-up shirt was wrinkled and worn down, but kept as best as she could manage, the edges of the sleeve barely visible and slight dark red stains seemed visable when she stretched her arm enough to reveal it. Atop she wore a dark brown one-size larger vest, but hid most with her black swallow-tail suit outside the bottom to give her attire a color break before seeing the black dress pants. Black dress shoes, a small white rose on the right suit fold, and a black tie with a red gem finished her butler attire. None of it looked brand new, but at the same did not appear unloved, but rather like it was taken care of as best as possible with very limited ability to do such.

    _____The early morning sun rose over the building slightly, the slightly chilled airs catching the small frame of Keade and rustling her outfit to the west as she walked past and intersection of streets. The smell of flowers, fresh bread, and a few other things catching her nose as she walked but her focus was mostly on that of finding residential areas in the town. She doubted much would let her drop in to look at places without any form of notice prior but she had to try! Eyes scanning quickly around her out of paranoia and causing misfortune to find the girl.

    _____Frame crashing into another as Keade fumbled backwards, her body falling down as she hit her butt against the paved path. Despite how most might react however Keade moved rapidly to her feet, offering her left hand to the other who she ran into and bowed her head quickly as she spoke. "My sincerity for my actions, I have a bad habit to not look where I walk and have caused you trouble, that I am truly sorry." Her voice was both timid, yet honest. It was clear she was female by voice even if her attire and looks could pull one over most, but above all she seemed worried her actions would cause and issue as her hand trembled slightly.
    A deceive approuch
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 6th February 2019, 8:50 am

    It was finally break time, and Aoi only sighed as she pulled her hair back behind her in ponytail. It had been a grind of a morning – new choreography to learn for their next performance – and the dance instructor had been particularly harsh on the idols. As a result, even a fairly experienced idol as she was would be exhausted from the effort. With aching muscles and a deflated spirit, the teenaged idol would walk over to the entrance of their agency’s training building, leaning against the wall and pulling out her iLac as she awaited her brother.

    Aoba Itou was the other half of Azure, the idol duo that topped the Fiore charts on a consistent basis. Trudging down the stairs from his own changing room, the blue-haired male waved a hand below his sister’s nose as he walked by, and the two slipped out the glass sliding doors. They were staying at the Magnolia branch this time, meaning there were plenty of cafes and food stalls where they could grab a bite for breakfast, and the two strolled amiably down the street, not ever exchanging a verbal word between the two. Instead, they conversed casually through their telepathic bond, commenting on the happenings of the day.

    “Old Kailey seemed to be in a bad mood today, huh?”

    “Well, he’s always in a bad mood, what did you expect?”

    And so on. Turning the corner towards their favorite café, Aoi would just be in the midst of complaining about the fresh new blister she’d developed on her toe when a figure crashed into her, falling to the ground even as the idol lost her balance, only being helped upright by her brother. “W-whoa…” Checking quickly to make sure her face mask was still on (to avoid a mob of fans gathering around), Aoi flapped her hand hurriedly at the woman, dismissing her apologies. While the pedestrian certainly held rather masculine characteristics, her voice was distinctly female – timid – as though afraid her actions may hold consequences.

    “It’s really quite alright, I should have paid more attention as well.”

    Words: Social
    Are you ready for the monster, monster?
    @Keade Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 6th February 2019, 4:15 pm

    Words written: #320
    Total written: #860
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Keade was partly unsure what all the hand waving had been for prior to the girl speaking. From that Keade could only assume it was a non verbal way of saying the same thing and chose to simply bow her head again and avoid direct eye contact. The woman was wearing a mask and in Keade's history that was simply to avoid people knowing who they are. Her past also making that idea more dangerous thinking the person was on the off chance part of a dark guild so she had all but one choice.

    "Once more I'd like to verbally say sorry... I'll take my leave then... Good day..."

    _____Keade had no training when it came to acting tough or throwing up a facade. So her voice showed she was clearly afraid of the woman and the male if he also wore a mask. Her frame moving to the outer side of the pathway to try and give them space before she would try and walk past them to both continue on her way and place distance from herself and them. Sure there was part of her that felt wrong for instantly judging them, but she was not given a good reason to not do such.

    _____Once clear from them Keade would try to pick up her pace to widen the gap, she was fearful and knew if she was right and that person on the even more off chance was part of the dark guild she was enslaved by the last thing she wanted was to be dragged back there. She wanted to live her own life, wanted to make her own choice who she helped and did not. While that was seen as selfish in her eyes, she refused to give that up without a fight and in this case it was making sure they could not recognize her.

    "Please don't be from that dark guild... please..."
    A deceive approuch


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

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    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 8th February 2019, 7:59 am

    To Aoi’s surprise, the woman would proceed to physically shrink into herself, giving off the air of a hunted animal all of a sudden. That wasn’t right…they weren’t even in their hunting forms though, right? While Aoi and Aoba were certainly hunters of mages, they had surely honed their disguise skills to a T, right? No one should be able to feel any hint of malicious aura from them…except this lady seemed to be feeling something? Apologizing hurriedly, the woman’s voie trembled as she tried to walk past them, fear exuding from her form in such thick waves that the twins themselves almost felt frightful.

    “Truly, ma’am, it’s quite alright, it was a mere bump is all. I’m not hurt at all, no need to go to such an extent…” Unsure of how to continue, the idol pulled down her face mask, trying to appear as more friendly to the woman. By her side, Aoba’s eyes flicked back and forth among the crowds before he moved as casually as he could to her side in order to prevent the passing people from recognizing the celebrity. However, the woman would continue on, picking up her pace as she tried to put them behind.

    Now Aoba was a bit worried as well, and in order to try and soothe the panicked woman, he would pull down his mask as well, calling after her. “We’re really sorry if we scared you…is there any way we could make it up? We’re going out for breakfast right now – if you’d like coffee or something, we’d be willing to pay.” Now that both idols’ faces were revealed, some of the early commuters would slow in their tracks, gathering around to take a second look at the familiar faces. After all, Azure had really blown up in fame over the past few years. It was no wonder that the Siblings of Fiore attracted recognition when their faces were revealed. But hey, at least offering a favor would allow them to improve their reputation, right?

    Words: Social
    Are you ready for the monster, monster?
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 8th February 2019, 9:22 am

    Words written: #390
    Total written: #1250
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Kaede stopped                    hey kept talking to her, well rather when both the two seemed to have spoke did she turn back around. Her eyes still flickered with some degree of fear for a moment or two as she adjusted to them without mask. Seeing as people started to gather just made her more nervous over the situation as she fidgeted her gloved hands together and looked to the ground as she mumbled.

    "It... It's fine... I'm... just... erm... very shy... I guess you could say..."

    _____Kaede would keep her gaze down as her voice just supported the stated fact. Moving to bow her head again though a bit to far down then she should revealing the scar around the back of her neck. Catching the error after a moment she straitened up and tugged her outfit to hide it better before trying to hustle away again. The two clearly had a reason for the mask and now Kaede caused them yet another issue, on top of that they likely saw her scars and most always questioned them and it was never fun to deal with that or them prying and finding the countless others hidden below the suit.

    _____If the two followed her again and the crowd thinned some Kaede would turn to face them again and sigh lightly, more clear if they questioned the scar around her neck at the time as she would move the outfit to reveal the scar left behind from the metal collar that once kept her locked to a wall. Looking to the ground as she reset her outfit to hide it again before she would speak. Of course she would do the same even if not asked and turn red when she noticed they did not question and she simply assumed it would come up.

    "Please... Don't pry more about it... But when I see mask I just get flash backs... And that was why I tried to get away... You are surely fine... I just... Have issues that caused the misunderstanding and truly am sorry for that... If anyone should be offering to make amends... Should be me..." Kaede would not meet either of their gaze as she tried her best to hide by slouching and trying to hide her presence even when she was still in view. 'Shy' was a understatement.
    A deceive approuch


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

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    Second Skill: N/A
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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 10th February 2019, 10:34 pm

    Eventually, the woman did end up turning around to face them. Although the twins’ mask removal seemed to have assisted somewhat in easing her anxiety, the appearance of the small crowd seemed to only increase her nerves, causing the woman to look to the ground before mumbling something about being shy. It certainly wasn’t any sort of normal shy level that Aoi had ever encountered, and she let Aoba know exactly how she felt about that through a telepathic tap. He responded telepathically in kind, instructing her to be nice for the crowd.

    Of course, they were plenty experienced with playing it up to their advantage. She moved cautiously towards the antisocial woman as she bowed her head, eyes flickering briefly to the scar around her neck before moving on. The idols had been oft instructed to avoid difficult topics in conversation if they could, and that was definitely a whole entire difficult conversation. Besides, it wasn’t her place to judge, right? Eventually, as they moved out of the crowd (Aoba did a little bit of winking, smiling, and waving to get them to back off), the woman turned around to face them again. Having noticed her discomfort with the presence of too many people, Aoba purposefully moved to the side, leaning against a wall to listen on the conversation as Aoi faced the stranger instead.

    To her surprise and slight awkwardness, the woman pulled down her collar to reveal the scar even more clearly to her, explaining that masks gave her bad memories. One of these traumatic past people, huh? Inwardly, Aoi could hear Aoba chuckling slightly at that, though on the outside her expression softened to a kinder one. Shy was certainly an understatement with this one, that was for sure. Her words were so soft that the idol had to lean in to make out the ends of her sentences, trailing in and out of audibility.

    “Well, ma’am, that is certainly alright. Hmm, well, I feel rather bad just leaving you here after that incident, and I’m sure my brother feels the same.” Her eyes slanted over to the taller youth against the wall before coming back into focus. “My name’s Aoi, and he is Aoba. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Deciding a friendly introduction would be the best course of action, Aoi extended a hand to shake before lowering it if the woman didn’t take it. “Like we said before, we’re plenty willing to treat you to a coffee or something like that, yeah? Just think of it as a sort of apology from us for shocking you that way.”

    Words: Social
    Are you ready for the monster, monster?
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 11th February 2019, 6:39 pm

    Words written: #300
    Total written: #1550
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Kaede would look to the ground again as the two seemed to still want to treat her nicely. Moving to lift her gaze just slightly she would mumble under her breath. "It's ok... I can pay for myself..." Looking up a bit more to try and meet the eyes of the woman as her face turned slightly red. She had not noticed just how cute she was before and now she felt flustered she was so easy to make blush.

    "Kaede... Hoshi..."

    _____She would seem to flinch when the hand reached out to her and as such would not shake it. Moving to nervously kick the ground as she coughed some and tried to straiten her posture and hide the shyness and terror she was still fighting. If one did not look at her eyes that still showed it, or the blush across her face she almost looked like a serious butler. One hand was resting at her waist, the other behind her back as she exhaled and smiled faintly and rather poorly still trying to get back into the habit of it.

    "It would be my pleasure to accompany you madam if you would allow such as me to do so.~"

    _____Her voice showing a false layer, her mindset trying to think this simply as another day at work and her first lesson was to be respectful. To make the guest feel special, and to appear like you care even if you truly down. A small inner smile creaking across her face at recalling how Alice explained the rules of catering and tossed in a number of funny bits to keep Kaede laughing or smiling. Shaking her head to get out of memory lane as she appeared in a daze during that time. Her blush growing deeper as result.
    A deceive approuch


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 14th February 2019, 7:18 pm

    Finally, they would get a positive response from her, the woman mumbling about how she could pay for herself. Slowly lifting her head to gaze at the blue-haired idol, her face would blossom in color, red sliding across her cheeks in an expression that Aoi had seen all too many times before. Having thousands of adoring fans meant she received quite a few of these embarrassed glances, and she dealt with it in an experienced manner. Flashing an encouraging smile, the girl nodded at Kaede’s awkward response. “Kaede, hmm? Lovely name.”

    Casually retracting her hand from the avoided handshake, Aoi watched as Kaede recomposed herself, straightening her mask and putting on, for lack of better words, a sort of “brave face”. Her speaking would rise to a strong, steady level, and she responded to the twins’ offer clearly and with a level of confidence. For a moment, she seemed like some sort of a professional escort, arms arrayed in a position not unlike that of a butler’s. How charming.

    Aoi smiled back, pasting a delighted expression on her face before clapping her hands together and turning to Aoba. “Come on now, Aoba, let’s make our way to breakfast already.” The quieter one of the twins nodded, pushing off from the wall. “So cute of you, Aoi,” he teased through their telepathic connection, flashing a slight smirk at his sister before deftly avoiding an equally subtle jab in the side.

    Strolling down the street, the two would put their masks back up, before approaching the café they typically at breakfast at. Aoba pushed open the door, the jingling of bells signaling their arrival. The girl at the counter recognized them instantly – the idols often ate here, and welcomed them in with a cheerful grin before noticing the blonde woman that accompanied them. “Oh my, who is this here?” She asked as they came up to order, jotting down the meals on a notepad. “And what would you like?” The waitress paused, awaiting Kaede’s order.

    It was a pretty quaint café, vases of flowers set up on each table, all of which were covered in a simple tablecloth that matched the pastel color themes of the room. Each table had a translucent bubble of magic surrounding it – the main reason why Aoi and Aoba ate here so often. The magical barriers around tables kept other customers from recognizing their faces, shielding them from potential creeper fans and allowing them to eat in peace.

    Words: Social
    Are you ready for the monster, monster?
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
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    Age : 27
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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 15th February 2019, 1:58 am

    Words written: #290
    Total written: #1840
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Kaede would follow slightly behind the two, still unsure exactly why they wore mask outside they seemed to draw attention, but also unsure she should trust them even if they seemed to have no ill intent. But she kept her worry to herself as she tried her best to simply keep herself from trembling or running the other way while they seemed to be distracted.

    _____When they arrived at the cafe and entered Kaede's first focus was the use of magic around the tables, her body tensing up. She rarely had seen magic do good for people, and to have it so close or rather surround you while you ate caused her nervous nature to return. Trying not to quickly cross into it, and stay as close to the edge as her seat would allow she seemed overall more worried for the bubble then the two now. her voice a mumbled tone once again.

    "Just some water for me... please..."

    _____Kaede did not know the menu, nor would she trust food to be able to cross magic if it was anything like what she was used to. Her left hand clawing at her right glove each time she looked to the magic bubble but then back to the two. If only she knew what that one drink Alice gave her during during their date that helped her relax some. She would however make not to remember to listen to the warning to not over-drink it to avoid the headache it gave in the morning.

    "Many apologizes... Ms. Aoi, and Mr. Aobe... Like many things... I do have a slight bad history with magic so forgive my unease being in a closed space with it if possible..." Her tone, again normal.
    A deceive approuch


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 19th February 2019, 11:50 pm

    Yet somehow, upon entering the café, Kaede’s nervous demeanor returned, her posture tensing as they entered the room. It seemed this was a woman scared of everything, living in some sort of dangerously paranoid world. What a shame. Narrowing her eyes briefly, Aoi considered the prospect of selecting this shaking girl as their next victim: it certainly wasn’t an idea she was averse to. Akano had detected the faintest trace of Kaede’s magical power and confirmed with the twins that she was indeed a mage, albeit a weaker one. There should be enough energy within her to power the hunters for another month or so. But they hadn’t done their research on this woman – it would be too risky. From the mental jab she received from her brother, Aoi knew he thought so as well.

    Ah well, then they’d just have to suffer through this particular charade, and get back to practice. Nourishment could always be found at a later time. The girl merely asked for water, giving the celebrities no chance to pay for her order. Ah well, best not to push her. Kaede looked like she would collapse any moment already. No sense in making sure that happened when they were treating her to a meal.

    And yet another obstacle would arise upon making way to their seats. Kaede would stop before the privacy bubble, worry creasing her face for a moment before she stamped it out again, returning to that calmer expression she had possessed before. So the woman who was scared of everything was afraid of magic as well, huh. While it was quite a nuisance to the idols, Aoba would close the bubble with a kind smile, gesturing them towards a public table in the back instead, uncovered by any magical inventions. “No worries, ma’am, we can just take this one over here.”

    Aoi and Aoba would set down at the table, acutely aware of the occasional glances they received from others. It didn’t seem that Kaede knew who they were – or perhaps she was merely a decent actor, but it would explain how she somehow kept making decisions that placed them in the public eye. Well, their managers would never let them have the end of it, but at least this was fuel for good press. “So Kaede, what brings you to Magnolia? You don’t seem to be very familiar with the area.” Thinking back to the panic she’d been in when they met, and her worried, confused eyes as she had glanced about them while trying to get away, the girl acted like a lost animal in an unfamiliar habitat. Perhaps she had an interesting story to tell.

    Words: Social
    Are you ready for the monster, monster?
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 2775

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 22nd February 2019, 9:11 pm

    Words written: #320
    Total written: #2160
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Kaede felt bad the group had to make changes to the planed spot because of her past haunting, Sinking in the other seat with her drink as the question was asked and she felt a red flag wave in the distance of her mind. Sure it was common curious but for the girl who knew little about the odd pairing she had her reason to wonder if the truth was needed here or not.

    "It might sound silly, but i was with a friend... and got lost ha-ha... She said to explore for a while and she would come find me later so... Needless to say I've been jumpy since..."

    _____Kaede's hand clicked the side of her glass as she took a small sip and kept her focus on the cup. Her voice did not seem to change at all as she spoke, but it was more the increase in avoidance of eye contact that might hint the subject was a bit odd to cross when she only knew the names of the other people at the moment and nothing really more outside very poor observation skills of the former slave girl. Moving to try and find a menu when her stomach grumbled lightly and she blushed.


    _____Moving to set down her cup and overlook the menu if she could find one while rubbing her wrist. At times exposing her wrist scars and the edge of her black burn of a marking that she would quickly hide and cover it more. She did not feel brave enough to ask questions about the two, or why the others in the area seemed to focus on them. Part of her worried she ended up sitting across from the town's misfits or unlike folks. The idea she was misjudging them making her sink more into her seat as she took another small sip of her water and resumed looking at the menu.
    A deceive approuch


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 2nd March 2019, 5:50 am

    The girl responded cautiously, speaking about how she got lost with a friend. How could someone so cautious and jumpy as Kaede get lost so easily? Aoba leaned back in his seat, thinking over how to go about fixing this situation up. Once they got this woman back to her friend, they would be able to get back to practice. On the other hand, Aoi was now digging into the omelette she had ordered, knife slicing into the food as she carefully munched on the nutrients. Human food was not appealing to the alien creatures, but in order to maintain their human hosts as well as their image, they accepted the bland flavor.

    “Do you know their name? We could help you try and locate them,” Aoi commented after swallowing the bite. Neither of the twins really noticed the eccentricities in the woman’s movement, more concentrated on finishing their food now than concerned about Kaede. Their interactions had ruled her out as a potential threat, and they had let their guard down a bit, so to say. Even so, Aoba still noticed as Kaede’s stomach let out a growl, and he raised an eyebrow.

    “You sure you don’t want anything to eat?”

    Picking up the cup of yogurt that had come with his meal, the idol slid it over to the woman. If she was too shy to order, he might as well share his own. The texture of the sour foodthing was particularly unattractive to their taste buds, and he was plenty happy to share it with someone else. His blue eyes flickered over to gaze upon the scars that patterned Kaede’s wrists, and he inwardly sighed. Definitely one of those people with a dark backstory, huh. No wonder she was so hesitant to, well, basically do anything at all.

    “Well, it seems like you’re new around here, so feel free to ask us any questions you want!” Aoi smiled invitingly, taking a sip of her tea. “Also, don’t mind the oddballs that keep staring at us. I’ll assume you don’t know who we are – we happen to be idol singers here in Fiore, and so people recognize our faces pretty easily.”

    Words: Social
    Apologies for the overdue post. I took a temporary hiatus for a couple days ^^;
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 18th March 2019, 10:57 pm

    Words written: #425
    Total written: #2585
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Aoi and Aoba
    _____Kaede would move the menu to block her face to hid the deeper blush over the offered food. Sure she wanted to eat but that was their food and she did not want to feel more complied to pay them back for the kindness they had already shown her. Shifting her head to signal a no as she moved to keep eyeing the menu and still unsure what to order or what to trust could possibly be made without magic.

    "Thank you for the offer... but I am fine... As for her name... it is Alice... She is from Era so I was more hoping she would guide me around here but that sort of went south... As for you calling people 'oddballs' that is slightly rude... Idols get looked up to, so them staring should not warrant such title..."

    _____Kaede moved the menu down some so sh could be heard better before moving it back to block her mouth as she kept looking it over some more. Left hand reaching into the air as it vanished and returned with a pair of reading glasses the woman had to use to see the finer print on the menu. Her tone held some extent of annoyance but that was about it as she noticed something cheap and very easy to make that would hopefully have no magic used to make it. Waiting for the waiter to return before she would try to whisper considering her embarrassment for ordering later then the others at the same table she had arrived with.

    "An...Anyways... I don't wish to keep you two busy with someone like me if you truly are idols so no need to help if you have other matters to get done... I've had some luck with finding things and my friend generally has a theme she follows so if I look for that I'm bound to find her if I truly needed to..."

    _____Hand moving the menu down again as she managed a weak smile and laugh recalling just how easy it would be to find the woman if needed. Shifting in her seat some Kaede would wait for her food that turned out to just be a simple sandwich with tuna inside it and some hot sauce set next to it. It was an odd choice no doubt, but Kaede could not eat things that did not have heat or a sweet taste to them. taking a small moment to dip the sandwich in the sauce before nibbling the corner like a small animal would.
    A deceive approuch


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    Public Re: Running

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 18th April 2019, 5:56 am

    Aoba sighed inwardly as Kaede proceeded to refuse his offer of food, instead turning her eyes to the menu. Well, at least she seemed to want to order something now. That was good, right? “Alice…I apologize, I don’t think we know of any Alice that matches your description,” the idol apologized, before stiffening at her accusation of rudeness. Well, she was this type of person, huh? He merely smiled, leaving this mess to Aoi to fix instead. She’d dug herself her own hole, after all.

    “O-Oh! My apologies, I do slip up sometimes, don’t I?” The other blue-haired sibling chuckled awkwardly into her palm, appearing embarrassed and slightly ashamed of her wording. In reality, she didn’t give a heck, as was to be expected. But image was image, and it was her job to maintain it. “I should be ashamed of myself, truly. Thanks for calling me out on that one.” Ending her response with a cheery wink, Aoi dug back into her breakfast, scowling under the shadow of her bangs. A brief silence proceeded to fall over the table as the twins ate and Kaede studied the menu after retrieving a pair of glasses. After a while, that silence was surprisingly broken by the shy woman herself, who whispered an apology toward the twins.

    “Eh, it’s no problem!” Aoi responded enthusiastically to Kaede’s embarrassed words after finishing her bite, a radiant smile on her face. “We always eat breakfast here anyways, you’re not taking up any of our time. If it makes you feel better, we’ll be sure to let you know when we have to go.” In reality, the idol did very much want to get out of here as soon as possible, but she had to be polite. Such was the inconvenience of modern society, wasn’t it? Besides, she’d kill herself before revealing her true nature to anyone outside of her own brother. “If you can find Alice yourself though, let’s just eat breakfast together and be on our way, perhaps?”

    It seemed Kaede was starting to relax as she smiled and laughed slightly. However, Aoi doubted it was due to their charm. The mention of Alice seemed to have helped the stranger to relax – they probably had some form of positive relationship, that was for sure. Another side of her personality would be shown as well, when the girl dipped her tuna sandwich into hot sauce. Resisting the urge to say something insulting, Aoba raised a blue eyebrow in reaction. “Does that taste good?” He questioned, partially in actual curiosity. The food combo didn’t suit Kaede’s personality at all, from what he’d seen.

    Words: Social
    I'm so sorry for how late this is, there is absolutely no excuse.
    @Kaede Hoshi



    Running H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

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