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    Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 2775

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    Private Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 7th February 2019, 5:02 pm

    Words written: #611
    Total written: #611
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Kitalpha Aurence
    _____Kaede Still felt bad over the entire situation she was the epicenter of. It had only her first day of work and she had caused the owner an issue and the result was a fight that destroyed a wall and a number of things within the small cafe that was already suffering. So Without fully letting the Owner know how Keade started getting things ready for making amends. Each day after work she would rush off to supply shops and get the things Alice said she could not afford to fix or replace, and also took time to try and post a help wanted job ad for the weekend the three would be fixing up the place.

    _____So now the day of the Repairs and the day both the extra help and the needed supplies for the last leg of things should be arriving so Keade tried to get up on time for once since she was allowed to sleep in at all. The struggle to do so was very much there and the result was Keade rushing out the door in something other then her butler outfit that everyone seemed to know her for wearing around the area. Boots skirting across the pathway as she fought with her jacket sleeves to hide all of her scars along her back and arrived out of breath but in time to see Alice and Xion both looking surprised as the supplies started getting dropped off.

    "Please tell me... I did not order those... we can't afford all that at once AND pay the store payments this month..." - A quick shrug from Xion seemed his reply as Keade tried to speak up nut was still out of breath. "I... I paid for... them... I ... I was the one... Who broke your store... Afterall... I also... tried to toss a job sheet up... to get some extra hands... to help with things..."

    _____Keade rose from her slouched over posture and felt like she screwed up beyond anything before. She saw Alice On the verge of tears and Xion with his jaw dropped. Nervously backing up a few steps Keade lowered her head. "Should I not have...?" Keade was going to say more but when she was rush hugged by Alice she just fell silent as the girl hugged her a little to tight causing Keade to squeak like a mouse as the woman started sobbing into her jacket. Xion walking over to tap the cafe owner's shoulder before pointing his thumb back to the shop.

    "I'll pay you back I swear... I swear..." - "You are fine Alice... It's my way of saying thanks... you reached a hand out to me when i had nowhere... You and Xion love this place... Helping you keep it is the best i can do right now as I'm still SO BAD at my job..." - "Ha... You got that part right... Anyways... lets try to use the hole to get some of this stuff inside... Even if no help arrives we got this, nothing compared to the daily rush hour!"

    _____Keade smiled as Alice backed away and smiled before punching the air overhead. The woman was such a ball of emotions and the center of the cafe. Keade wanted to protect that smile and the place she was growing to hold dear. So with a moment watching Alice try to get Xion hyped up for the extra work they could now do, Keade smiled and rushed over to help start moving some of the new tables in with Alice's help. A constant eye each time she exited the building to check if anyone might show up.
    Weekend Repairs


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    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,650

    Private Re: Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 12th February 2019, 11:24 am

    Era; a bustling city and headquarters to the famous Rune Knights. The city was grand, flourishing and nearly never did the public masses cease to be, neither day or night, they were ever-present within its territory. And frankly, the blonde warrioress hated it to the bone. She wasn't one for large crowds to begin with, and as per usual, found herself lost not only within the city but also the sea of people making their way through the broad streets. Kitalpha was being carried away from her point of recognition and found herself clinging onto a lantern post for dear life, hoping for the madding crowd to lessen… if only a bit. It did not. Annoyance grew stronger with the blonde the more people passed her by, and out of cheer displeasure she let go of the lantern pole and braced herself. Next thing she did was plow through the masses keeping her from properly reaching the stores and boots at the side of the massive road, and once there did not stop, disappearing into one of the smaller streets branching off from the main road. Kitalpha had no idea where she was going, but at least it was calmer there. And that was motivation enough to go.

    ”I know being around a lot of people isn't really your most favorite thing to do, but are alleys though?” Horama's voice chimed through her head. The blonde shrugged. ”They aren’t, but they beat the masses, so I don't care.” she retorted sharply. She could feel Horama smirk at her reply. ”Not my problem if you come across the ‘horrors’ of the big city, m'dear… after all, most blood is spilt within these narrow pathways. And you so blatantly walked into them, so don't mind me when I take advantage of that when we do.” The spiritual werewolf snickered, his voice fading away into the back of her mind as his seed was planted within the cracks of her worrying thoughts. Kitalpha cursed underneath her breath. It might be better if she'd head back… or at least found a larger street to walk on. Noises startled her, and she stopped right in her tracks, her crimson eyes suddenly alert. The silence returned for a few more moments, until the same noise echoed through the abandoned alley once more. Kitalpha squinted her eyes and tapped into her cursed family's power, enhancing her eyes, ears and sense of smell alike. Using the curse’s power showed physically; her pupils elongated to resemble those of a predator, and her canines and nails alike grew longer and sharper.

    Suddenly everything felt clearer to the warrioress of Silver Wolf. Her hearing pinpointed the echo to originate from a lot further than she’d initially thought, and had piqued her interest. She shouldn't get involved. And frankly, in the past she wouldn't have either, but now she was curious. She wanted to know. Needed to know. So she proceeded through the alley with utmost caution, keeping her curse activated to find the source of the peculiar sounds, yet did not want to be seen using it. If someone got the wrong idea and blood flowed while it was activated, she'd lose herself to her bloodlust so much faster. Something she'd like to avoid at any cost. But luck seemed to be on her side, as she did not come across anyone until she was getting close enough to hear the heavy noise without supernatural help. She undid her cursed form, returning to normal and followed suit. Kitalpha peeked her head around the corner to see what was what exactly, and was met with the sight of a wrecked wall of what seemed to be an inn. Before it, sprawled unto the ground, were wooden beams, bricks and whatever one would need to undo the massive damage before her. Kitalpha frowned and turned the corner entirely staring at the construction site before her. That hole wasn't something that could've been done by accident… yet the lack of Rune Knights present either meant that the event had taken place quite a bit of time ago, or that it in fact was an accident. The blonde was taking a gander at the building when a young woman exited the building, and pinned her eyes upon the smaller blonde. And before she'd taken another thought about getting involved her body had already moved on its own, towards the woman that'd just exited. ”That's quite the hole you got there… what happened?” she blurted out, her curiosity stronger than her politeness. Only when a few moments had passed did it occur to the woman that she might be dealing with someone who didn't like her straight-on questions. ”I mean, if you want to. It's not really any of my business.” Kitalpha added quickly.

    Wordcount: 799
    Total Wordcount: 799 of 1500


    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 2775

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    Private Re: Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 12th February 2019, 3:27 pm

    Words written: #521
    Total written: #1132
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Kitalpha Aurence
    _____Even though Kaede was keeping an eye out for people she was still easy to startle. Hearing the voice of the woman rose a rather comical scene as Kaede squeaked and ran back into the area to find Alice to hide behind. The two woman emerging a few moments later as Alice simply sighed and pulled Kaede out from behind her and they seemed to have a small argument before Alice took another thing inside as Kaede fumbled her gloved hands.

    "A guest and I had a dispute... and it got physical..."

    _____While not the exact story it was one quick way to summarize the events that happen as the voice was faint and nervous. Moving to try and start setting the first few bricks to keep her mind busy as she tried to speak up some but still seemed to have more of a whispered tone. "Are you here because of the job... posted? Or... just new and passing by?" Kaede really needed to get bolder, a small jab at herself for still having issues, and it only being harder when she was near other woman.

    _____If they looked over the pile of supplies Kaede was rebuilding the wall all wrong. She had not bothered to even the wall, or was even placing the new brickwork in the same pattern as she set them standing up and then a layer flat where as the rest of the wall was alternating flats. If the woman did not address it Xion would walk out and push them down before pointing to the other things she should have been using, then waving at the wall that was still jagged before grumbling and storming off as Kaede lowered her head and her jacket slouched enough to show her scars.

    ____Moving to try and fix her jacket's position first before she moved the bricks away and wondered how she could even the hole without making things worse. None of her magic was exactly 'evening dynamic' as most was just raw power or defense. She also doubted she could keep her hands steady enough to cut the brickwork properly. If the woman had heard her other comment and was here to help or offered after seeing the previous things Kaede would turn and lower her head to avoid eye contact as she spoke.

    "I don't suppose I could ask if you have a steady hand... or a way to evenly cut the older wall to fix it... Sorry... I..." - Her voice growing into a mumble and then into simply silent words hidden by her lowered head.

    _____If the woman did not have anything or an idea Kaede would try to keep a steady hand and started looking for the area where it was the most even to start using as a baseline. Doing her best to trim away at the right side of the hole to give her an even line to start with. Some of the bricks she accidentally broke out of the area, and others she failed to fully even out but she seemed to be trying her hardest to help the project.
    Weekend Repairs


    Current missions: 3/6
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    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
    Position : None
    Posts : 193
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,650

    Private Re: Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 18th March 2019, 5:15 pm

    The blonde girl yelped and scurried back inside, almost like a puppy would when first exploring the outside world and encountering a strange noise. Where the warrioress had first looked baffled, she couldn't help but chuckle. She however did not need to follow her inside for answers, as the young blonde exited the building again with another woman, who seemed to give her a short earful before heading back inside with something else. An amused grin crept upon Kitalpha's face at the sight of it all, and just waited her turn for the girl to speak. ”A physical dispute, eh… looks like you still kept it clean then.” The blonde ushered, looking back from the girl to the massive hole in the wall. She was comparing the visible damage to the one she would've caused had it been her in such a situation… and this, unknown to the younger girl before her, was peanuts. When she asked whether Kitalpha was here for the job that was posted, a large frown appeared and she looked back at the girl. ”I… Uh… the latter, actually. I just arrived in town and was busy escaping the crowded streets.” she admitted sheepishly, trying not to make eye contact. ”But I wouldn't mind taking up that job notice though, if nobody else has come to claim it yet.”

    She stared at the girl a fair bit longer, intaking the girl's physique and appearance. She looked frailer than her explanation would make her out to be… or at least, frailer than what Kitalpha’s imagination had made of the story behind said explanation. After all, no details meant she could fantasize away to her heart’s content. And might that just be the thing the blonde liked doing most. Her eyes tore away from the girl to go over all the things laying about in the vicinity, and frowned softly at the sight of the wall. The way of it’s reconstruction was, uh, creative, but not something that would properly support the wall if she wished to rebuilt it as such. It however didn’t seem like her place to point that out, even though she was rather relieved that a man came out of the building to point that out to the smaller girl. Be it slightly annoyed that he had to tell her so.

    At the man’s small tantrum the girl lowered her head in seeming guilt, which sparked a feeling of pity within Kitalpha. She truly felt sorry for the girl, despite not having known her for that long, but kept a straight face. When the scars showed underneath her slouched jacket however, Kitalpha’s eyes grew dark for a few moments, almost angry. Her heartbeat skyrocketed at the thought of what could’ve possibly made such vicious marks, and found herself doing something she’d never done before… worry. Worry about a total stranger. But the jacket was fixed before she could mention it, thus decided not to do so, relapsing in her old habit once again. It was none of her business. But her curiosity would be sure to bring it to her attention later that she was going to make it her business. Just not now.

    Now she only stood there, watching as the girl started working, be it clumsily. She definitely wasn’t a mason, or seemed to have much talent for the masoning business, that was a fact set in stone. So when the shy question came whether she had ways of making the brick wall even again, she couldn’t help but smile. Her hand found itself patting the younger blonde’s hair almost instinctively. ”It’s fine…. and I do think I know a way, but perhaps it might be better to take a few steps back. Just to not get in its range.” Kitalpha said, softly pushing her to move aside as her other hand stretched out to the side, a golden rippling circle appearing before it. A hilt extended from it, which the warrioress took a hold of and pulled out of the portal, revealing a sharp, silver sword. Instead of using it however, Kitalpha popped her head through the giant hole to address the people inside. ”My apologies, but I’ll be chopping up your wall some more! So stay clear people!” She disappeared back outside before the owners could protest, and tapped the sword lightly, watching as its blade lit up as if it was glowing white-hot. The blade lunged forward, snapping a bump off of one of the bricks and was retracted, to follow up with a similar lunge. ”Now if we do this,” the sword suddenly tilted and moved diagonally, chipping off several more bricks entirely, ”And something along the lines of this,” The blonde suddenly slammed the sword into the wall, causing a part of the wall to be sliced clean off by it. ”We should be able to see some improvements right abouuuut...now.” As soon as she’d spoke the final word of her sentence the part of the wall she’d cut off collapsed unto the floor with a loud bang, throwing up dust in its wake. Kitalpha nodded contently, seemingly pleased with what she’d accomplished. Whether the others were however, she did not know. The hole in the wall, albeit now showing actual straight horizontal and vertical base lines, had become quite a bit bigger than it had originally been. The sword in her hand dissipated in cloud of golden orbs and she turned around to face the blonde behind her.

    ”Oh, and I forgot to mention… the name’s Kitalpha, happy to make your acquaintance!” The blonde said with a bright smile, the source of her cheerfulness the fact she got to use one of her weapons again after such a long time.

    [954 || 1753 of 1500]


    Kaede Hoshi
    Kaede Hoshi

    Mythical VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Androphobic Annihalation
    Position : None
    Posts : 109
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 2775

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    Private Re: Heavy remodel and Repairs (Private)

    Post by Kaede Hoshi 27th March 2019, 11:55 am

    Words written: #370
    Total written: #1402
    #f433ff Keade's speech
    #a74ac7 Keade's thought
    @Kitalpha Aurence
    _____It took some effort not to instinctively attack the woman for touching her head, but thankfully her own embarrassment over the fact another girl was touching her hair was enough to keep her from making such a bad move. Hearing the words from the woman that followed after she poked her head in drew Kaede to panic and before she could speak up her worry the woman started making the hole larger.

    _____By the end of things as the last part of the wall was cut off Kaede looked a bit more annoyed or rather angry as she stepped closer clenching her fist. She could tell the woman's intention was pure by the line work, but Kaede did not pay for enough material to cover the whole hole now and nor did she feel like having a new open window since she did not buy a frame or glass either.

    "While that does help... I... Don't think we have the materials present to cover that... I could buy more later... but that would possibly have us have to stay closed another day to wait for the supplies unless I could rush to the supplier and try to store them in my requip space to rush back... But they did seem to be short supply as of recently..."

    _____Kaede tapped her chin, though her other hand was still clenched into a fist she seemed to be trying not to loose her anger by distracting herself with other thoughts. Moving to the pile to start taking the new fallen bricks away as Alice stepped forward and looked the girl over, what might have started a worry to rise was the fact her magic seemed to be barely kept in check and greater or equal to the girl who had just cut part of her shop more. Looking to make sure Kaede was ok, then the magic just vanished.

    "You two... DO know that causing damage is the opposite of what we are doing here... right?" "We needed to even the wall out... I'll pay for the extra supplies... Please don't be mad at her... my fault for not speaking my worries sooner over not having enough if she cut to much away..."
    Weekend Repairs


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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:29 pm