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    Musings of a Retired Mage [Solo Job]

    Eros Erebus
    Eros Erebus

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Consumer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Musings of a Retired Mage [Solo Job]

    Post by Eros Erebus Sun 3 Feb - 23:48

    The Oak Town library. One of the great bastions of knowledge in the world. Nestled comfortably around several homes and buildings, this library is headed by a once great mage, known for his wisdom on several forms of magic. And it is this man that has sent a request for someone to partake in the knowledge he has gained as well as his stories. And the person that has responded to this request was Erebus. Opening it's doors, he took in the sight of the library's design, everything from it's several levels of sections, sorted by genre and contained by ornate and polished wooden banisters.

    A moment later, an older women would approach him, telling him she would be of service if he needed anything. He spoke up and explained why he was here, receiving a brief nod from her. "Ah, I see. He's been expecting you." she said, motioning to a door on the far wall in front of him. "Just go through those doors and have a seat, he should be in there now." she would finish before returning to her duties.

    Heading into the room, he came across a bald middle aged man with a hooked nose relaxing in a comfortable armchair. In his hands rested a book illuminated by the soft light of a crackling fireplace that radiated a healthy glow along the room. After taking his seat, the older man looked up and briefly slipped a book-marker to save his page. "So you're the one who took my request, eh?" he said in a subtle tone before setting the book aside and fixing his glasses.

    Erebus answered with a slight nod while adjusting himself to get comfortable. "They just keep getting younger and younger." said the man as he stared down at the floor, shaking his head with a sad smile. "I suppose that it's too late to convince you to change you're mind about this particular path in life. Believe me, I've tried before. But the recklessness of others is something I've started to realize is far out of my control. But what I can do is help arm you against it and, with any luck, save your life."

    "Oh forgive me, I've been quite rude. My name is Thorsbane, Oscar Thorsbane. The owner of this great bastion of knowledge and a former mage of the guild Sabre Tooth. I assume you already know who they are. Bunch of rascals, that lot." he continued, chuckling to himself "I suppose that they're an excellent example of what I'm trying to tell you; Recklessness and foolishness tend to go hand in hand. And when they do, the potential for disaster begins to stir. The magi of Sabre Tooth are good people though, don't mistake me. They even managed to make a recluse like myself feel welcome and at home. But that doesn't mean they're exempt from honesty."
    Eros Erebus
    Eros Erebus

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Consumer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Musings of a Retired Mage [Solo Job]

    Post by Eros Erebus Thu 7 Feb - 10:13

    "Umm sir I'd hate to interrupt...but I kind of came here for another reason.". The stern expression on the librarian was clear, letting his silence and the boys' hesitance make his reply for him. However, Erebus continued after a moment of uncomfortable silence. "I was hoping I could get some answers to this. I mean I know what my kind of magic can do, but I was hoping you'd be able to tell me more." he said holding out his hand. In a few seconds flat, magic began to creep from his skin, rising off of it and disappearing like smoke from a well tended fire. Oscar's eyes widened for a moment before bringing his hand closer. "Well don't we have a few surprises under our sleeves, you're travelling down a more dangerous path than I thought."

    "Wait, what do you mean? It's that bad!?"

    "Quiet boy, this is still a library. Do not forget your manners." The man lectured as he slowly moved a finger to the magic rising from Erebus' hand. Then, without hesitation, it lashes out to it, scraping and dragging before Oscar darted his hand back. "Consumption Magic...I thought it lost it's pool of practitioners a long time ago. Boy...if you take any advice from me today let it be this: Tread carefully. This magic has had a habit of practically eating it's users alive as well as others. Be sure that you are in control and not it."

    "You make it sound like it's alive."

    "There have been rumors of that, yes. But you should be cautious regardless. I...more than anyone I know am aware of what the cost this kind of magic has. The calamity it can bring to the people you love and the fact that it can be overcome if you're strong enough. Thankfully I know a group of people that could help you. From what interactions I had with them, they seemed decent enough and they have a large sum of knowledge on magic. It almost makes me wish I'd joined them instead at times."

    "Well...who are they?"

    "Silver Wolf, a guild protected by a mass of mountains and snow. If you have any chance of keeping this magic under control then it will be with them. I'll give you a map so that you can be on your way, it's best to start as soon as possible."

    "O-okay, if you say so!"

    "Shh! Library!"

    After a few minutes of searching for an up to date map, Oscar handed it to Erebus before sending him off. "Oh and before I forget, one last warning boy: The Council isn't exactly fond of 'that'. So I would suggest you'd keep it away from their gaze as best you can. They don't treat it like that without good reason. I wish you the best of luck that you'll be able to make it through this. Good luck...and safe travels.". And with that last bit of wisdom, Erebus set off towards the guild known as Silver Wolf, determined to find out even more of what this strange magic could do and what kind of dangers remained in store for him.

      Current date/time is Sat 27 Jul - 0:58