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    Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 4th July 2018, 10:45 am

    She pauses to think upon that question. What sort of animals is she even interested in when trying to get her abilities? She thinks to her time spent within the forests as she taps her cheek while pondering within thought. 'Well it is meant to give me a good range of abilities, so i should try to find creatures with unique little things about them.' She wonders to herself as she looks up towards the man in front of her and gives a small little chuckle. Well i honestly don't know which creatures. All i know is that i would want them to have unique things about them. Like how a chameleon can blend into its environment, or how reptiles can heals quickly, oH! and like how porcupines have those little things sticking out of them that can hurt there predators. She says with a bright smile rather happy that she could think of at least a few creatures right off the bat for her to try and find, and then try to incorporate into herself to use there best parts to try and become the greatest hunter. She then looks towards the man with a curious look at the mention of some kind of food she has not heard of yet. Sure i wouldn't sharing whatever that is..but ummm what is a sundae? She asks with a small hint of a blush appearing onto her face at the lack of knowledge that she possesses about what most people would most likely know around her age within normal society.

    Amora nods her head when questioned about her partner and answers with no hesitation really. Well my partner's name is Verus, and he is just that my partner and basically my mentor really. He is the one that is helping me learn about this whole society thing you people have. He is the one the one i have been traveling with for awhile and taking jobs with when we find them. Though if i could i wish i could partner up with different people every now and then. Just to get a different outlook on the world you know? She says towards the man in front of her with a smile and then pauses once more realizing the difference between them and then shakes her head no. Well..actually you probably wouldn't know maybe since you've been raised in this society and thus probably know a lot. I'm still kinda having to learn everything from the bottom up. She says while rubbing the back of her head with a small chuckle at that part hoping that she isn't assuming anything incorrectly about the man in front of her. When hearing the guild she just nods her head not really caring that much about the idea of researching anything. More of a doer and a action type of person more then anything else.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 4th July 2018, 12:37 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv28Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv28

    "All pretty interesting features, I'm sure they'll benefit you well. " There were some impressive ideas, all very practical for the benefits of magic. He longed for such a dream, a dream of magic that didn't include the soul of the monster. He couldn't help but smile when she didn't know what a sundae was, it just showed how much of an out-of-towner she really was.

    "Haha, why don't I just show you." Turning in his seat he called over a nearby waiter, and order the Sundae supreme to be brought over to them. Before turning back to her and responding to her comments about her partner. It seemed there wasn't a romantic relationship there, that made things easier. "Yeah, it's good to have build connections and explore your horizons, especially if you want to integrate into society better. I get it, some people tell me I have a lot to learn about society." He said, raising his hands, he did quote gestures with his hands at the word society. He was constantly being told what to do or how to behave. It was a boring ordeal. Maybe, just maybe if people could be happy with him for him things wouldn't be so hard for him and his families relations. 

    I'm happy with you.

    No one asked you.

    Well you should be glad to hear it, your soul is one of many complex flavours. I appreciate being so strongly connected to it, sometimes I desire just a nibble. Can I have that Artemis? A little nibble.

    You'll get nothing more than your owed, I let you live in me and I get your power. That's our contract, no revision, now do me a favour and pipe the fuck down.  

    All the while during the argument going on in his head, he smiled at Amora, as though nothing was wrong. He was used to pretending he was okay, it was second nature to him now. 

    WC: 326
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 4th July 2018, 1:03 pm

    She nods her head at the man's words with a smile feeling slightly relieved at hearing that her initial ideas could be seen as at least rather decent for herself as she looks at Artemis. Well i can only really hope that they are good ideas and not just things that won't last for awhile once i can learn about more creatures. She says with a small chuckle and then looks towards the waiter as Artemis orders what a sundae is. As i try to see if it will be brought over right away, but doesn't see anything immediate and then quickly turns back towards the one that is keeping her company for the time being. She looks at the man and just shrugs her shoulders at the idea of integrating better with society. I don't really care that much for integrating to society and following its rules like these people. I have my way of living life and fighting, and i don't need anybody telling me how to change that. It is more so i would just enjoy meeting new people to try and make more friends, and while also kind of finding a way to keep in touch with them since that seems a bit difficult since people can be so far away from each other. She says with a small pout on her face at the very simple fact of life. That keeping in touch might be the greatest challenge since finding somebody is rather difficult if no one has a solid idea of where to even begin looking. If you don't know where someone is sending a message would be a very tough challenge. 'I wonder if there is any kind of magic that can allow communication over long distances.' She wonders idly to herself while listening to the man in front of her.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 4th July 2018, 2:23 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4

    "Well magic is vast and unrelenting, I'm sure you'll have plenty of options in which you can adapt to suit you," He replied to her statement. It wasn't long before a waiter brought over their ice cream Sundae supreme. It was a five tier ice cream sundae, an assortments of flavours, covered in whipped cream, sauce and sprinkles. Shelved an a crystal glass stand, and a little wafer sticking out on each side. It was a beast of a dessert, but if he was going to introduce her to the luxury of an ice cream sundae, he was going to do it right. Go big or go home.

    "I definitely agree with you about rules, most of them are pretty pointless in my eyes. A means of turning tides to the benefits of certain individuals whilst restricting the rest of us. It's so hard to have real fun these days without authority breathing down your neck." He replied, with a roll of his eyes. It seemed far to easy to get in trouble over trivial and petty things. He personally believe they should be focusing less on misdemeanours and more on people that actually need handling. Like evil guilds, and criminals. Art had been floating around enough dodgy bars and hangouts to notice how freely they operated these days. It was a real reflection on the limited efforts of the magic council and the rune knights.

    After listening to her wanting to make friends and communicate, he frowned in slight confusion, before asking a question he felt might have been foolish, but wanted to ask anyway. "Amora, forgive me for asking but do you by any chance not have a lacrima phone?"

    WC: 283
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 4th July 2018, 4:18 pm

    Amora nods her head in understanding of hearing how magic is vast and having many avenues for gazing at it and what to do with options that might seem limited. It is just a matter of getting creative with what they have in there possession which might turn something useless into something amazing and useful. She looks over towards the waiter as he puts the sundae down onto the table as she looks at the monster in front of her with a look of slight amazement at what she can see. 'This is quite a bit of food for one thing.' She thinks to herself while looking at it and then towards the person in front of her to get an idea of how to eat this thing. When she watches the method of eating the sundae she mimics the movements and way of doing so. When she gets her first taste her face lights up with a smile at how it tastes. Seeming rather happy with the result of what she had tasted. Mmmmm this is good! She says very cheerfully with a big smile upon her face while saying so as she quickly goes to have another taste of the sundae.

    She looks towards Artemis having picked up on his thoughts of what counts as fun as she looks curiously at him. Well for yourself Artemis what do you count as something fun to do? Since parties really shouldn't be something authorities would stop if i understand what they are. She says in a slightly confused tone of voice while looking towards the man in question. Trying to figure out how a party would cause the guards to come forward and stop it for whatever reason they could think for doing so with any sense of logic with them. At the mention of a lacrima phone she just looks very confused and just blinks and then slowly shakes her head no trying to understand the second word. What is a phone? Is that the way you people talk to each other over long distances? She asks curiously having never heard of this before at all. Finding herself unable to resist knowing what it is now and trying to get her hands on one to be able to keep in touch with others. A look within her eyes having that childlike curiosity and excitement within them of hearing of such a thing.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 5th July 2018, 2:44 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv4

    Artemis reached for a little spoon that had been presented to the,. he reached up and starts with a bit of chocolate, drizzled with chocolate sauce. He takes a heaped amount on to his spoon and brings it to hmm mouth. Letting out a little 'mmm' sound as he did so. It was just as luscious as he had imagine, sweet to the touch. The perfect palette cleanser for his lunch. "A sweet dessert to share with a sweet girl." He said to her, his flirtatious grin returning once more. After seeing her reaction, he couldn't help but feel a little pleasure from it. "You like it? I'm glad, It's a real treat, but it'd be hard to eat on my own."

    He thought about her question, fair enough the parties could get a bit reckless. But from the sounds of it Amora was too innocent to have experienced that sort of thing. He liked that, it showed purity. He wondered if she was innocent in other ways before answering. "Just the act of letting loose, doing things that make you laugh, eating new foods, dancing to jams. The authorities will get involved over the silliest things, these days a simple noise complain will shut down a party. It's not right." He said shaking his head, I mean, have people not heard of ear plugs... He thought. Then when she answered his final question, he let out a chuckle. She was so good. "Yes, It is, and I suggest you get one." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a communication device. He looked at it, this was his one full of girls numbers, he spare. Fuck it, let's be a real nice guy for once. He amended the phone to wipe it completed, and reset the call information. Before handing it over, "Here you can have this one, it's one of my spares. I've already linked it to my over lacrima phone so you can call me anytime. If you need help or want to hang out." He said with a wink, before proceeding to show her how it worked.

    WC: 355
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 5th July 2018, 3:07 am

    Amora smiles as she uses the spoon to eat the wonderful sundae with a very happy smile on her face with every bite that she takes. Trying to find different parts of it that could have different flavors to try and get every little aspect of this thing to taste for herself. The nature raised girl finding herself enjoying this wonderfully cold treat that is provided with every ounce of her being. Her eyes glancing on over towards the menu of the cafe to commit everything to memory so that she may one day try to figure out the ways to make this on her own. That or be able to go to other shops and order the same thing to try and be able to taste all these vast new foods that have never been presented to her before. She giggles softly at what she views as just a friendly joke with a smile as she looks over to the man in front of her. A very wonderfully sweet treat indeed. With a very kind and sweet guy. She says back not really knowing the possible meaning behind her words. Just knowing enough that saying it is just complimenting how generous he has been to her in regards to the food he has provided for her this afternoon and sharing some information about the world. Making sure to remember names such as Dagger, and Silver Wolf to her mind encase she would run into people from the family or the guild. She then glances at the treat and nods her head. Yeah i could imagine it would be a bit difficult to eat by yourself. It seems like soo much. Makes me wonder why they make so much food for just one dish though? She says curiously out loud without really seeming to direct it at anyone in particular as she just shrugs her shoulders once more and goes back to enjoying the sweet treat. A look of happiness across her face with each bite that she takes of the dessert.

    She tilts her head ever so slightly at hearing him mention how strict the authorities could be about something as simple as just having fun. These people sound like they are taking things way too seriously. If it is just a party it shouldn't really be all that bad maybe if i am in town when there is one going on you could take me to it. I'm rather curious if parties in cities are different then in small villages, or welll nature. She says with a small chuckle knowing the already big difference with such things. The amount of people that would be present for any kind of celebration for the two. That with nature it is only yourself and even then remembering anything like a celebration would be forgotten like she has. Then with the city there is a lot more people so most likely a lot more gifts or such happening. Herself not knowing any of the more adult things that could happen at parties and thus just being curious to see what a big city celebration is like. When hearing of a phone and being handed one she starts getting flustered and shaking her hands back and forth rather rapidly. Before she could protest however she hears the man starting to explain how it works as she just listens. Figuring that she will take this charity for now, but make sure to repay this man in the future somehow for everything he has done for her this day. Once she learns everything she nods her head and picks up the lacrima phone delicately and puts it within her pocket for safe keeping. Thank you so much Artemis, and as you said i can call you. Please call me if you ever need help with something. I practically owe it to you for everything you've done for me in this small meal we've had. She says sounding very grateful and really happy at this moment in time.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 5th July 2018, 12:30 pm

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118

    His red eyes twinkled a little at her compliment, it wasn't much but it was the first sign of getting a little something back. From what he'd deduced so far, Amora was your run of the mill tall glass of sexy with an innocent core. She didn't understand the ways of societies, or the fact he had obviously been hitting on her all afternoon. She was too inexperienced in this area, she had spent her life hunting and foraging for herself. Unlike most young girls who spent their time chasing after Mr right. These types of girls were easier to go after, but not as interesting. A girl like Amora was rare, it was almost like a prized cake under a glass protector. You wanted desperately to have a taste, but you needed to remove the glass cover first. Having your cake and eating it wasn't as easy with girls like Amora. But the chase itself was almost delicious enough that it didn't matter if he didn't get it. The unknown was sexier to him.

    "It's main selling point is that it's a great dish to share between couples, it has a romantic edge to it." He explained to her, wondering if she had a sense of romance. It would surely be a familiar concept to such a girl, but still, he was intrigued to see what it took to make a girl like Amora hot and bothered. To see those eyes nervous with excitement, those cheeks flushed in attraction, it would be a sight to behold. She tried to protest the phone and first, but she seemed to accept it in the end. Speaking to him with great gratitude, he simply shrugged. "It's the least I can do, I came here alone, intending to eat by myself. Thanks to you I've had a lovely lunch accompanied by a beautiful woman. It's been a great lift to my day, one I really needed." He told her, before tucking his spoon into the sundae to enjoy the dessert further.

    WC: 340
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 5th July 2018, 2:53 pm

    At the mention of the purpose of the sundae in question she just blinks trying to understand what she had just been told. Having this very confused look on her face as she looks down towards the dessert in thought. Her mind not really knowing or understanding the key word within that sentence that would help her understand what she had just been told. Romantic? She says in a confused tone of voice as her mind then shifts to the next word that caused her some pause before she responded to what was said. 'Couples? Like two people just together? Like friends?' She wonders to herself saving those thoughts for later to not seen like a totally ignorant person to whatever new social thing she is about to learn about from the man known as Artemis.

    She holds her spoon with her right hand as she slowly gets back to eating the dessert. Taking it slower then last time to try and savor the food that is in front of her a bit more. When she gets told how she has been a help she just smiles towards the man and gives a nod of her head. Really it was nothing you've been equally a help. Since i would've been eating by myself and i made myself a new friend at the very least. She says rather happily towards the man with red hair as she looks him in the eyes as she says these words before going back towards the dessert. Well she should try to finish this before it could possibly go to waste. She says with a small chuckle as she goes back to eating the sweet treat.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th July 2018, 2:47 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv118

    When she repeated the word Romantic to him, he lowered the spoon back on the table. This would be a interesting one to explain. Especially to a girl who hadn't been surrounded by such a concept, it was a complicated thing, but it was natural after all. So he went with that route. "Romantic as in the concept of love, love between two wolves that have decided to mate together for life. To want to potential mate with another, what would make you want such a thing would be romantic feelings. Romance is supposed to give you physical and emotional sensations beyond your control. Excitement at another's presence, the urge to be closer to them. I guess the best example is if you feel the urge to kiss someone, that would be considered romantic."

    He explains, boy would he like to kiss her. But he wouldn't, he would never force himself on a girl, only if she gave him a signal that the moment was right, or if she flat out asked. She used that word friend, Art smiled politely. He didn't consider a lot of people friends, and he didn't know if he intended on having her as a friend. She was a goal, a dream, and woman he wanted to pursue. He didn't generally have friendships with women he fancied, the closest was friends with benefit type situation. He found it easier to be friends with lads, he was much more natural and laid back. He was nice to Amora because he wanted her, she was a sweet girl and that's how you treated a sweet girl. Maybe if she knew his true nature, she might not be so keen. he chuckled with her, picking up his spoon once more. They had made good headway into the Sundae, but he was starting to get full. "Yes, we should."

    WC: 312
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 6th July 2018, 2:56 am

    She tilts her head slightly at the description of such a thing like romance being told to her. Finding the concept rather strange and the signs seeming to be rather vague for one to know when such a thing would be appropriate. Understanding for herself the concept of mating and such since animals did it to reproduce with one another to continue their species. She looks down in some thought at the next part the emotional and physical want part finding that to be the most strange. Finding that to be the most difficult part for having the emotional part, or the strong physical want to be touching another human being. 'I guess this is just one of those things that people like to say is. You'll understand when you're in such a situation.' She thinks to herself with a small shrug before going back to enjoying the sundae finding herself rather full, but having herself to continue eating more to not be rude to the man who had payed for such food for her to enjoy along with him.

    She then pauses as her mind connects two pieces together as she glances up towards the man with a curious look within her own amber colored gaze. Waait a moment. If this is a food for couples to have which are people who are romantically together, and you said romance is something about a physical want. Is that implying you have that for myself? She asks curiously while pointing to herself. A innocent look of curiosity being what greets the man known as Artemis if he would look into Amora's eyes. Amora finding herself rather curious what the reply would be, and if there is any real good reason if that would be a good reason for such a physical and emotional attraction towards herself if they had just met once another.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th July 2018, 4:07 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121

    It seemed they teamwork in besting the Sundae was not going unfounded, it seemed they were making great headway as the sundae that once stood at full glory was now little more then a few remaining slightly melted scoops. The occasional sprinkle or dribble of sauce remaining. He was well and truly sated after such an enjoyable meal. Overall he was pleased with how the whole lunch had gone, Amora was pleasant and easy to talk to. He would look forward to further interactions with her, even if she were to decline him as a physical partner. Looking and interacting with her was entertaining enough. Also it wasn't like he didn't have a second phone full of numbers of girls he could easily call for some naughtier fun. Although he sincerely hoped that maybe in the future, he could move things further with Amora. Although she may need to get a little more used to society first.

    He laughed at her response, so she may finally be picking up on what he was laying down. "It doesn't necessary have to be shared between couples, families and groups of friends often do it too, but if I were to be frank, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find you physically attractive." He admitted to her in a smooth and flirtatious tone, his eyes glinting with intrigue to see how she would respond to this new information. Either she would be pleasantly surprised, maybe blush a little. Or she would politely decline his advances. Or She might surprise him and do something else. He eagerly awaited her response, resting the cool spoon on his tongue.

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 6th July 2018, 4:17 am

    She looks towards the man as he responds to her question and slightly at hearing the response finding it much different then the idea of what she had heard romance was about. That this is much more mating then any actual romance involved with such things. That there is only the physical attraction and none of the emotional aspect as what had been described. With this she just shakes her head no towards the man while looking him in the eyes. From what you just said sounds like you're focusing more on appearances rather then something like the emotional aspect as you had talked about. If looks are all you are looking for you'll probably end up with people who won't care that much about you as a person since they would see only the same thing. Somebody that they could see as attractive to them. She says towards the red haired male as she takes another scoop of the ice cream and them bites down onto her delicious cold treat.

    Even if that is the case though Artemis that won't stop me from wanting to try and just be friends with you. You seem like a nice guy, and someone that would be fun to hang around with. As i said i did want to eventually be at one of those parties that you spoke about that cause so many problems for the guards. She says with a bit of a grin on her face from imagining the possibly fun and excitement of such a party. Also enjoying the possible reaction she could get from the man from her saying this to him. Having picked up on the game that he has been secretly presenting her through this conversation. Compliment and joke with the other to try and get some kind of reaction out of them. Having picked up on the very subtle differences in speech when he was speaking to her on topics of romantic aspect. Or at least she hopes it is some kind of game, or she might be falling for some kind of social cue that she is failing to pick up on once more.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th July 2018, 5:44 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv121

    Art was mildly surprised when she spoke about physical attraction being the only reciprocation to his lust for girls. It was quite insightful on her part. He understood full well that this was a rejection and quite a nice one at that. He had been rejected in much more aggressive ways, mostly slaps around the face, occasionally involving a weapon of sorts. One time he had been glassed by the girl, she was a bit of a drama queen though. Amora was not. Despite what she said, it didn't stir him, her understood what his behaviour meant for him completely. "That's fine with me, I prefer it that way. I find it easier when emotions aren't involve. I'm not quite ready for true love." He didn't know he could ever been ready for love. Because sitting inside him, waiting to eat his love and destroy that was Morte. Morte had taken from him before, and Art had no reassurance he wouldn't do it again.

    Art found her desire to be endearing, she wanted to get to know him, to spend time with his as a friend. It was cute. "I'm glad knowing that I desire you hasn't scared you away, even if I get to admire you as your friend that would be fine with me." He didn't mean it, he actually intended to keep flirting with her and pursue her. He felt like his chase wasn't over, even if he didn't get there, it was easier than actually developing emotions towards the girl. If he kept it sexual he could handle it, but friendships, attachments, those were risky. He couldn't believe in their structure, because they could be tarnished in the blink of an eye. He smirked once more, "The next party I get an invite to, I'll call you. Show you how I have fun in person." 

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 6th July 2018, 6:16 am

    She looks towards the man with some confusion on why he would even decide to go about trying to get with over girls without any real meaning for trying to find someone he would want to mate with for life. Finding herself only more baffled by trying to understand humans as a species in their entirety. Starting to find it rather fun in a certain way to just find more and more about human culture and how much different and similar it is to the beasts of the wild. That even if humans are rather intellectual beings seemingly with how they have formed there world, but yet still being like the beasts of nature she has had plenty of time just observing during her youth. Well i don't know the purpose for why you wouldn't want that for yourself since it seems at least some part of your society must run on that idea if it is a term you have used. "True love". She says with quotations marks by using her fingers when saying the word. Not knowing its meaning but having a rather loose idea based on the context it had been used in. Though if it is how she understands the term love is a rather flimsy term that people would have to toss around without a care if such a phrase must be created.

    Upon hearing how her friendship was basically being rejected she just nods her head in understanding. Not really going to question it since it is only natural not everyone would wish to be friendly with one another, and just stick to being friendly acquaintances at best. That or some human social thing is happening that she doesn't fully grasp yet is occurring. Well that won't stop me from trying to get you to admit to accept me as a friend since i would like that. She says with a smile upon her face and a determined look within her amber colored eyes. Moving quickly beyond that topic she smiles happily at the mention of being invited to the next party as she nods her head and looks at the time and sighs softly to herself. hmm..i wonder if i should get going. I do need to make it to Lavantir rather soon so i can get to actually studying Takeover. She says out loud to herself not even attempting to say it in a whisper. being loud enough to where Artemis can hear her say those words.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th July 2018, 8:27 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30

    He gazed at her face as she spoke, it made sense she wouldn't understand his means. They were social constructs associated with 'jerks' or 'playboys'. But there was more to it than that; security, protection. He would rather go his entire life without love than have the fear of losing someone to Morte.

    You're still not over that it seems, I should have been more subtle about my affairs.

    It's better that I know.

    Art thought bitterly, what Morte had done was beyond cruel, beyond evil, proving himself to being the darkest of beings. He refocused his eyes on Amora before responding to her, "It's complicated." It was a vague response, but one he used often. How could he tell her? Someone he barely knew, the darkness he had seen, the unbearable savagery. She spoke more about wanting to be his friend, her eyes firm and determined, he mirrored her smile.

    "Your enthusiasm is encouraging, rest assured I do not decline your friendship." He explained, I just don't know if I can reciprocate. Art nodded as her mention that it would be a good time to end their time together. Artemis nodded, placing it spoon in the now empty container of the ice cream sundae. He reached into her jacket, pulling out some more coins, and leaving them on the table to cover drinks, the sundae and tip. He raised his hand and gestured to the door. "May I escort you out?"

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv17Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv17Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv17

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 6th July 2018, 9:23 am

    She just nods her head for now since she should be on her way towards the town in question that she must get traveling towards. Not really knowing what the red haired man means by complicated, but figuring she will find out one day since she now has a rather easy way to stay in touch with the man. She gets up out of her chair and pushes it back in having seen some people do this during there meal when they had up and left the fine little cafe. A small smile on her face as the man accepts her friendship as she can only hope that stay s true and the two will be like friends for one another. To be there to support and fight alongside one another when the other is in need of some help with something. I wouldn't mind a little bit of an escort. She says with a gentle smile willing to play along with this for now to humor the red haired individual as she look towards him. Within her mind already mentally figuring out which train and how long it will take to arrive at the town she is meant to heading towards for her learning. Hoping she will be able to learn it fast enough within a rather short time period.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 7th July 2018, 1:58 am

    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Arv30

    Smiling at the amber eyed brunette, his uses the soles his feet to push his chair back and proceeds to stand. Leading her towards the door of the café, "This way Milady." He says in jest as they make their way out. The servers wave term on their way,

    "Thank you, please come again,"

    Art offers them a nod, he definitely would come again. Lunch here had been good and the cafes aesthetic was pleasing to the eye. He had made a little mental note of it's as a potential date  pot in Talonia. Once outside he turns to her, his eyes look over her softly. Debating how he should end their time together. Finally he reaches out and takes her hand gently. Leaning down, he lifts it to his mouth and offers the back of her hand a gentle kiss. Before pulling away, dropping her hand and smiling at her. "It really has been a pleasure, thank you for accompanying me today. Meeting someone as interesting as you has had a great brightening quality on my day." Taking once last moment to admire her beauty. He turns and giving her a wave, he turns calling over his shoulder , "Hope I see you soon, Amora." He said with a wink, before turning forward and continuing to make his way on through town. He knew exactly where he felt like going to next, after such a pleasant lunchtime, he was in the mood for something a little more tainted. He knew a local gambling spot and decided to head there. Ready for a night of vicarious debauchery.

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    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th March 2019, 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Care for a bite ...[Amora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Care for a bite ...[Amora]

    Post by Amora Shade 7th July 2018, 2:20 am

    She follows the redheaded man out of the shop giving a pleasant wave towards the kind person that had served them there food for the afternoon while they had there meal. Knowing she would have to try and come here again for a possible meeting spot with friends to just enjoy some rather nice food and have a good discussion every now and then about whatever could come to mind. She glances back towards the red haired male finding him interesting in how he seems to interact with her do to whatever idea of romance fills his mind. Wondering ever so slightly if human's seek out such physical connections with others for some mental or emotional reason beyond love if Artemis decides to not care about the emotional aspect of a bond with females.

    Once the two are outside she feels her hand taken and kissed gently as she hides her confusion on the matter just taking it for face value as some kind of departure type of deal people do. Making sure to keep such things in her mind so she can search for some answers within the future to these things to understand others far more then what she does currently. She nods her head towards the man known as Artemis and smiles slightly. Well meeting you has been rather informative time i could say for myself that i did enjoy. Learned of a important person, guild, and met an ally for the future. Even more so a invite to whatever party thing you could be going to in the future to try and learn what they are like. Sounds like today couldn't have gone better really. She says rather happily to herself with a nod of her head as she waves towards the man as he walks away. She begins to head her way back towards the train to get to Lavantir Town to learn Takeover. Hearing the call back she turns her head and calls back. Hope to see you in the future also Artemis. Don't make yourself a stranger if you ever need company for just hanging out or a job. You can call me now! She calls over towards the red haired man while making her way towards the train as a serious look overtakes her. Knowing that while she could enjoy a party and to just let loose to relax after recent events. That her primary goal that she won't stop till she has completed everything is to master this art within the short time she has set for herself.



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