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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 17th May 2018, 7:43 pm

    Last edited by Gaia on 23rd May 2018, 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 17th May 2018, 8:40 pm

    Gaia was shuffling through her cards as she was walking around the guild hall a bit. She's had quite an adventure the past few weeks since she's joined Sabertooth, and it seemed to only get better in her eyes. Her attire was quite a signature look for herself, or so she believed, with her grey turtleneck sweater with a snowy ferret laying between the collar of it and her neck, a green miniskirt, pantyhose, and her cloak over nearly all while she had her tarot deck in her hands. Quite often had she given out readings to others. Maybe she should do a side job selling fortunes? If only she got her magic to work would she.

    The mage was aimlessly walking still when her little, fluffy white ferret's head perks up from where she laid upon her masters shoulders, and looks over behind her master. She makes a series of loud chirps, that get's Gaia's attention, and she looks over to where Noya was yelling at her. "What?" She asks the ferret as the guy, who had just pinned a job on the board, ran away from it. The paper was barely even hanging on it as she blinks. Slowly, Gaia made her way to the board and simply plucks the paper off with minimal effort. "Hum... Wizards causing havoc in Oak Town... Sounds like something we should take care of... quickly at that too..." She glances down to the ferret, before looking around the place.

    Gaia needed assistance. Her magic was still not coming back since she left her home. And it slightly worried her. She felt it there though. The girl just needed to figure out exactly how to tap into it and bring the magic out. She then spotted another member of the guild wearing a headband with the guild symbol on it. She clears her throat and walks up to him, smoothing out her skirt. He seemed a bit taller than her, but she was glad he wasn't too much taller than her. "H-Hi. Erm. I..." Noya lifts her head and licks her masters cheek. That got her to stop and breath for a second. "Would you care to go on a job with me? I'm trying to get to know more members of Sabertooth." She smiles nervously as she holds the paper out to the guy and raises an eyebrow. This usually wasn't something that she could do easily, speaking to someone first without much cause.

    Noya seems to perk her head to the guy, wanting to sniff him as she stared at him with her wide black eyes. Her face seemed to give off that of wonder as she seemed to be curious if he would help her master out in this little pickle she was in and take care of the problem quickly. By now, Gaia and Noya traveled a fair amount of Fiore and knew slightly where they were going, and Oak Town wasn't too terribly far, in the ferrets mind at least.

    Words: 502



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Imai-chi 22nd May 2018, 12:32 pm

    Imai was feeling lazy today. Today was his day. Today was soda day. He would sit here and drink his soda until something popped up in his mind - maybe he forgot something very important like a meeting or a promise that he made - but as time passed, nothing really came to mind. It was annoying, he wanted to get up from his butt and do things! Why hadn’t he gone out to get some fresh air today? Maybe what he needed was a duty, a job… yes, a mission! A job! A request from someone! And he knew exactly where to check!

    Although, he didn’t have to check anyway, because as the star mage was about to lift his butt from the chair and call his soda off, a rather insecure voice reached his ears from behind. “!” His head almost turned 180 degrees to look at her, his eyes looking young and almost baby-like from all the soda, “Oh, hey there..!” His voice, on the other hand, was unhesitant and cheerful, directly attempting to catch the insecurity within her and eradicate it, opening up various aspects of her colors. Either that, or he would just make her even more shy, who knew?

    Sei would stick his head out and look at the other creature in synchronization. They were equals, each a companion to their fellow wizards. Sei showed interest in the creature and wanted to know more about it by floating around it - he, she, whatever gender Sei had, couldn’t stop looking at the fluffy… uh, otter with those big, curious eyes that cancelled out its big, black and just as curious eyes.

    “Oh, you’re new around here?” he wanted to clarify for himself before grinning, “Say no more! I mean, at least say where we’re landing, or where we’re going, actually! I’m quite used to landing, though, so if you want to crash some random place like a meteor, I’m game..!”

    WC: 326



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 23rd May 2018, 3:21 pm

    At the cheery voice, the tarot mage was a tad shocked about it, but she gave a soft smile and scratched the back of her head. She was caught off guard by the voice, but it also sounded friendly enough that she calmed down. Gaia gasps at the other wizards companion, and Noya let up a hiss to it. "Noy... stop..." She says as she grabbed her Snowy Ferret companion off of her shoulders and holds her to her chest. Noya was being moody about things different than the norm, but Gaia was clearly interested in what the creature was that was floating around. Her burnt sienna eyes wide in awe. "What... is it?" She found herself asking as she watched the creature.

    Gaia quickly shakes her head and looks at the other and stuck her hand out to him. "I'm Gaia Sabin! Kinda... new... and this little butthead of an animal, is Noya, my snowy ferret." The little fluff ball of let up a strange grumble/growl from its throat as she makes her way to her masters shoulders to rest between her neck and collar of her turtleneck sweater like she normally does, though this time she wouldn't be going to sleep, just observing her surroundings with her large black eyes. "I'll get you an egg after this job... You moody brat..." She mutters at the creature, who seemed satisfied with the response. Her eyes glance between the mage and his companion. "May I know your twos names? I feel I shouldn't be rude and not ask." She blushes to him as she gingerly scratches Noya's head to stop her from her soft growling. In truth, the ferret wasn't mean, she was just protective of her owner, sometimes a bit too protective.

    Gaia lets her eyes glance down at the paper in her hand before she quickly scans it over for the information they needed for the job. "We're... er... going to Oak Town... What do you mean 'crash some random place like a meteor'? Are you able to fly or something?" She seemed to pale some at the thought of flying about a bit. Really she didn't like the sound of suddenly having to fly. But if she needed to, she'd deal with it quickly. She holds up her hands as she shakes her head nervously. "I'd prefer to stay on the ground... personally... if you don't mind...?" She clears her throat as she looks to the other. She adjusts the rim of her glasses a bit and pushes a bit of her bangs behind her ear and looks at the other creature again, smiling sweetly to it. It seemed rather adorable and she couldn't keep her eyes off of it. She then lets her gaze go back to the other mage, and she raises an eyebrow. "Ready to go set some other mages back in line? We should get there rather quickly though..." She let her eyes trail around the area for a bit, trying to decide the fastest way to get to Oak Town, even with the other mage.

    Words: 513
    Total: 1,015



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Imai-chi 31st May 2018, 10:52 am

    No. Sei wouldn’t tolerate hisses like that - behind those innocent eyes was a mastermind that tolerated few things; first of all its trainer Imai, then other things. Moving its head further towards Noya, Sei showed few signs of sadness by the hissing, in which Imai gently stroked its head with a finger. “Now, now…” he comforted them both, “You shouldn’t make meanies out of each other.” To be fair, he had never seen the creature like Noya before… she must have been new around here. What kind of creature was it? Was it a furry monster pup from a troll? Did it live up in the mountains? Would it grow up to become a fierce beast and a guardian deity of Gaia? Or was it just some cute, little creature who accompanied her… nah, that sounded too boring. What if it was an alien like Sei? What if it came falling from the sky somewhere in the fields, and Gaia found it first? What if it held some ancient secret that it wouldn’t tell anyone? Small, little creature, you must tell us! Imai’s head was bursting with suggestive ideas, most of which were rather absurd for a first encounter with the creature and its company.

    “O-Oh… hey hey, Gaia and Noya,” he greeted, “I’m Imai! And this cute, little fella here… is Sei. He’s an alien.” Sei would nod in response to that statement as a way of confirming the issue. Noya seemed to play cloth as it sought refuge behind Gaia’s neck, functioning as a sort of fluffy collar for the Sabertooth wizard. “Whaaaat? It eats eggs? What types of eggs? Bird eggs? Or all types of eggs… wait, does it eat eggs from women’s restricted zones too?! No, that’s bad! Too bad!!!” he began exclaiming in pure confusion. It was a thought that infuriated him as much as it paralyzed his sense of calm. Shaking the weird thoughts away, he would try and look up at Gaia’s face again, doing his very best to keep the line of sight directly at her violet eyes. What was she going to ask, again? It was something important given by his stomach feeling, his hunch… oh yeah, she did ask him out on a mission to- wait, where were they going to, again?

    Ah, lucky; she stated the place to be Oak Town, a small, lively village somewhere south-west… or was it south-east… either way, he was ready to go. He had drunk all his soda, finished his papers, his bandages were put to place and his wounds healed. Although, Gaia did seem to have an issue with the crashing thing; aww, now Imai had to go the normal way. Not cool! “Hmmppff… alright, alright, I’ll walk along with you,” he admitted to the card wizard, “But only if you start calling me Master.” Yes, the title Master was most needed to be placed on him in order to continue- “Just kidding.” Ah, nevermind. As if he could ever trick someone to call him Master, that would be absurd.

    “Okay… uh, can we at least take the rope down from Yggdrasil?” he suggested. He needed some air… some air…

    WC: 529 + 326 = 855



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 31st May 2018, 2:10 pm

    Gaia nervously smiles to the other mage when he mentioned the two companions 'shouldn't make meanies out of each other', and glances down to Noya in her hands. "She's just being moody today. Once she's used to the guild, she'll be more friendly. We were traveling a bit before we decided to join." She chuckles quietly. When Imai introduced himself and Sei, Gaia grins rather wide and looks between the two, but she was a bit shocked that Sei was an alien. "What? Really? Like from outer space, 'alien'?" She grins a little. She wanted to ask more about his creature, but Imai questioned about Noya, in which his last question caused Gaia to blush a deep color. "N-no! Noya eats cooked bird eggs, mainly chicken! She eat raw meats mainly, and the eggs are treats." She quickly explains to him.

    When he complied to her request of not crashing, the mage smiles a little, and nods slowly. Till he says to call him 'Master.' She raises an eyebrow to him, taking a step back. She clearly wasn't sure about that at all. As Imai made it clear that he was joking, she pouts to him as she crosses her arms over her chest a bit. "Um... I'll... pass on using the rope myself. But you can go down it yourself." She actually wasn't aware of a rope from the tree down. Did she miss seeing it? "I'll just use the portal ability thing and meet your down there?" She could have sworn that was the only way to get in, and out of, Yggdrasil, was the ability to rip space apart to create a portal between the two. She smiles meekly before she reached her hand out and quickly tore a portal for herself. "I'll meet you in Ace of Spades before we make our way over to Oak Town." She says before she slips through. Noya had perked her head up and blinked to the two before they disappeared.

    As soon as they all met up once more, Gaia offered to buy a carriage to take them to the town. Upon arrival, there were a few people running away from the market area. "Run! He's come back!" Someone had screamed as they bumped into Gaia, but she quickly caught her step. She gasps a little and looks to Imai. She quickly darts forward at someone else running away from the market, and bites her bottom lip a bit. "U-um! Who is it you're running from?" She asks the person. They just quickly shake their head, and run right around the little mage. She puffs her cheeks up and looks towards the other mage with her before she makes her way towards the market where they would spy a group of four together. The one at the head of the small group wore a long blue coat with red runic markings on it, blue chin length hair, and looked a tad crazy as he grinned in a way that caused Gaia to feel uneasy about him. He started to throw some fire balls at a stall in the market area. Fortunately people around the stall had managed to run away in time.

    The tarot mage grit her teeth as she looks around for a moment. She needed to figure out how to distract them with Imai. She then gasps and looks back at him. "Imai! Do you have my back? I need you to make sure he doesn't hit me while I run in front of him. And obviously make sure he doesn't hurt anyone here either..." She says and quickly lets Noya off of her shoulders. "Do your thing, sweetie." She says as she lets the little ferret run off without her.

    Noya was running off on the sides, making herself seem invisible and dodging others as she made her way to the group of four. Gaia quickly put her hands together and whispered a 'good luck' to the creature. She quickly runs from where she stood, her cloak flapping behind her. She couldn't be afraid here. Just a little bit of fire. Her cloak could protect her if she needed it, but she only hoped it wouldn't come to that so soon.

    Words: 705
    Total: 1720



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Imai-chi 6th June 2018, 8:30 am

    Heh. Sei was all-in-all from space, and that classified him/her or it as an alien. Iami had never speculated exactly where Sei came from, though, but he was more than excited to have a being from outer space as his ally and companion. With Sei’s help, he had been pushed through the worst circumstances, survived the highest falls and deepest impacts, solved unsolved atrocities and mysteries and so much more. They shared a special bond together as partners just like it must have been for Gaia and Noya. That fluffy creature was interesting too, and he was happy to know about its cute face now…

    Aww… he would have to take the rope himself, then. Truth be told, that option was also complicated, but he would have to explain that later. As of now, it was fine to take his own way out of Yggdrasil - whether if Gaia had help finding the other portal or did so by herself to get here in the first place, they would likely meet each other again. Therefore, he threw a thumbs-up when she departed, promising to meet her again in Ace of Spades before they would make their way to Oak Town. As she slipped out again, Imai would dash towards a nearby opening then jump out of the hall, appearing at the side of Yggdrasil itself. “Alright, girl; I’ll need your height a little…” he spoke, rapidly climbing up the world tree itself with the fantastic view ahead of him. The wood that he climbed up on was rather sturdy and smooth like metal - it was hard to think that the World Tree was made of iron, though, so it must have been because of its age and how long it had been growing out. Once when the wizard reached the very top of the tree, he took a deep breath and looked over the world around him - a vast and wonderful view from Sabertooth’s headquarters. Sei would enjoy the view too with its huge, sparkling eyes.

    Then, from his pocket, a rope was equipped. He would need to throw the end of the rope out in the air after having performed something else first; with a hand, he pointed at the empty space and summoned a small, black hole. “Portals and public transport - screw that, I got my own vehicles..!” he proclaimed as the end of the rope entered the black hole from its trajectory, leading it to a milestone on a road in Ace of Spades, presumably where Gaia was waiting for him. Grabbing onto the rope, Imai glided himself across the air on the rope with his two hands, entering the black hole and arriving at Ace of Spades unharmed…

    Talking about unharmed was one thing; the two Sabertooth Wizards would make their way to Oak Town in a hurry as they were offered to take a carriage… apparently, Imai wouldn’t be able to avoid public transport anyways, but the ride was safe and generous. Now, as they entered Oak Town, they barely set foot on the ground before Sei reacted to the voices of people running away from upcoming danger at the marketplace. “S-Say what?” the star mage mumbled shockingly, watching as people didn’t care running into others as long as they got to safety. Imai would sprint towards the marketplace with Gaia, and upon being at a good distance, they finally saw the source of trouble; a group of four with one wearing weird blue clothes - contradictive to Imai’s awesome, blue clothes - and a killer intent shown in their faces.

    Blue light emitted from Imai’s hands as he assured Gaia: “No one will get hurt but him…” And once Noya made her way across the buzz and approached the group, the two wizards proceeded by running towards them too. A good old ‘what was that’ will give her a little time, Imai thought as the cloaked madman was about to turn his head. If he noticed them, then they were alerted and would up their guards - hell no! Before the cloaked guy could spot them, Imai swung his arm up and caused a bluish blitz to envelop their fields of vision for a brief moment, even knocking away two of them in the meantime.

    He then quickly clapped Gaia’s back and left a light seal on her for further support. She would likely feel the change immediately…

    WC: 737 + 855 = 1392



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 8th June 2018, 9:11 am

    Gaia gives Imai a grin when he tells her that only the ones responsible would get hurt, and she nods. Gaia chuckles as Imai seemed to be able to follow next to her, and nods. She had quickly ran around to the opposite side of them, where Noya wasn't, and smirks to them. She was a bit surprised though, as Imai casted a blitz like spell on the group, and knocked a couple back. She hisses as she knew Noya wouldn't be able to get to them in time for her Ice Bite to work on them. As Imai placed his hand on her back. Gaia gasps and looks to him. Then she realized what he had done. "Well... that's useful." She grins softly to herself before she noticed Noya near the feet of the insane fire wizard, and one of his henchmen. She had managed to bite both of their ankles, causing them to slow down, and deal some damage to them. She quickly goes for her pet and holds her for a moment before Noya jumps out of her hands again to go on and try to find someone else. Clearly, to the little creature, there was someone more important than the fire wizard.

    The fire wizard seemed to get out of his haze a bit from Imai's spell, and shakes his head some. When he finished shaking his head, he noticed Noya running away. He started to raise his hand, but he was slower than he had been. With him being slower, Gaia took advantage of the speed she had gained from her partners spell, and runs at him to grab his arm and shove it up to the air instead of at her pet. A grin was on her face as she looks to him. "That bite hurt, huh? Found your weakness then." She giggles as she quickly twisted herself to bend the guys arm behind his back at that awkward angle most people hated. He was trying to look at her and was laughing in a strange manner. That sent a shiver down her spine. She glances up from where she was behind his back, and grins. There was a fountain in the middle of the market. And it was running. She grins as she quickly moves in a graceful manner that caused the guy to have to walk backwards with her. It wasn't too terribly far of a walk, but she was able to get the leader in the water by using his own weight to trip him into the water. He had smacked his head on the concrete of the fountain, and was unconscious. Gaia was able to pull his head out of the water and let him not drown from being in the water.

    She quickly turns around and looks to the other three. One of them was slowed down due to Noya's bite, and the other two were a bit unconscious. They seemed rather weak though. She picks it up and looks to Imai. "Noya went off after smelling something that seems big, you think you can knock these guys out for now?" She questions him as she was already working on going after Noya, but she didn't want to take off without Imai's acknowledgement he heard her. Knowing her little creature, Noya found someone of importance to this job. She always seemed to have an extra sense for danger. One she couldn't comprehend half the time, but Noya was an animal. She wasn't too surprised.

    As Gaia rounded a corner of a building, she freezes at the sight of a man looking like he was pleased with the panic that everyone was in. Noya was near a trashcan, growling lowly at him as her fur was sticking up. She quickly hid behind an abandoned stall, to peek at the guy. He was looking right at Gaia with a grin that sent shivers down her spine. "Hello, dear. You must be here to stop me, right?" He calls out to her in a sickeningly silky smooth voice. Gaia quickly races from behind the stall to grab Noya, using the extra speed to get to her and get back away from him. Noya was hissing. She wanted to get at him. She looks over at the guy as he had raised his hand towards her. She pauses for a moment, till Noya noticed the shadows starting to move. The ferret let up a growl, and Gaia was smacked by one of the shadows while she was trying to jump away. She hoped Imai would come here quick. She was regretting going after Noya on her own now. But she also feared that if she didn't, Noya might of been harmed by this psycho.

    Words: 791
    Total: 2511




    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Imai-chi 10th June 2018, 4:39 am

    Sei kept its grab on Imai’s back as the cosmic wizard wondered at the effect of his spell set on Gaia. The change in acceleration granted by the boosting seal was visible for the human eye, a change coursing from when the seal began to brighten up until she managed to go get Noya. The little animal had managed to bite the ankles of some fire wizards that were accompanying the madman - speaking of which, the blue-cloaked fire wizard didn’t seem to have changed expression since their arrival. Was he that sure of himself? Or was he simply idiotic? Either way, even he couldn’t escape Noya’s bite as something happened to their speeds; they slowed down on their actions, their fires almost dying out given the lack of agility. Although, the creature didn’t seem to follow up on its successful attack, but rather, it had appeared to catch the presence of someone else. It even left Gaia’s grasp, signaling a greater threat nearby.

    Two fire wizards tried to attack her as she was going straight for the crook-smiled abomination. Luckily, his classy foot made it right to one’s face before he could approach her, using the head as a catapult to launch another kick at the second wizard. There were six of them around, each trying to get to Gaia, but some of them were still struggling with the blitz that happened earlier. They could barely fathom her position, in which Gaia got to the blue-cloaked man and brought him to his knees. A good tool against fire was water in the end - although he knew very well that mere fountain water couldn’t knock him out, it was the stone of the fountain that… yeah, that knocked him out as Gaia gracefully displayed. “That was one…” he mumbled, glancing the six others around him.

    As his thoughts were confirmed by Gaia’s own assumptions about Noya’s whereabouts, he simply gave her a thumbs-up. He would bring these guys sweet dreams of that irritating sound that you often get in your head that reminds of radio signals - you know, the sharp, unforgiving frequency. Yeah… and by that, he meant that he would either tie them up against each other in very awkward ways for fun or he would beat them on their heads and show them who was boss. Then again, it was six versus one; it called unfairness and injustice, but Imai… oh dear Imai, he enjoyed these situations. He could sense their magical presences very clearly… they weren’t much for him. Then again, could they increase their powers all martial arts alien like? Only time would tell as he dashed forward, evading a firebolt that was aimed right at his left cheek. He could feel the violent heat form a red mark on his face, but nothing more than that was caused. Instantly, he responded by flicking his wrist, releasing a small volley of blue orbs that would rush towards the other wizards - small, sharp orbs that managed to dart into their bodies and push them a few feet back in pain. Upon regaining their foothold, Imai was suddenly gone from the field - he had used the interval to ascend in a huge leap, almost emitting enough light to resemble another sun in the middle of the day. They began concentrating magic power through their hands, some forming huge fireballs and others just coating their bodies with fire, but they soon realized that a mysterious, black fog prevented them from completing their spells. It was as cold as the vacuum of space itself, and they were further pulled back and slowed down. Almost blue lips and bleached bodies due to the temperature, Imai brought down a fist of ‘you screwed up’, cracking the ground beneath him and violently pushing the other wizards back. A mixture of black and blue auras could be seen from afar as Imai continued his assault, swinging his body forward to land two feet at a random fire wizard’s face, knocking him out for good. Upon seeing the destructive powers of the young man, the others decided to retreat to their boss - unfortunately for them, their speed was just pathetic given all the drawbacks that they suffered. It didn’t take long until Imai had brought all of them to a pole, having tied them up and painted six words, each word on each’s forehead screaming ‘We’re random losers, pee on us’. That would teach them a lesson.

    Another shadow user?! Imai couldn’t get these guys sometimes, his magic would do wonders against such opponents. In a brief moment, a black hole appeared before Gaia, appearing to suck in the very shadows that the main guy had manifested. Out of that same black hole, he would walk towards them. A bluish tint covering his very contour, his hand was raised high up in the air as blue dots appeared on the sky. The dots were that of a random constellation that covered the sky in that instance… and to Imai’s surprise, a 7 foot tall warrior made of pure light descended, raising his sword and shining in extremely thick armor. “… O-Oh, yeah, the Perseus constellation- wait, it’s not night yet, I shouldn’t be able to-“ the star wizard began discussing with himself in the middle of the heat, whilst Perseus dashed towards the shadow mage and swung his sword towards his right shoulder and down his stomach.

    WC: 907 + 1392 = 2299



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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 10th June 2018, 3:36 pm

    As the Gaia had taken care of the insane fire wizard, three more wizards joined the fray. She had cursed lightly under her breath about seeing them, and shook her head in irritation. With six opponents for Imai to deal with on his own, she felt bad for leaving Imai to go fetch her pet because of it. That worry was for naught, as he apparently was able to take on those guys like it was nothing to her. Now if only she could open her own magic again... that'd be awesome. Quickly shaking her head, Gaia lets up a growl to herself as she needed to focus on this guy. She jumps out of the way of another shadow trying to attack her.

    The blackhole that had formed in front of her, had made Gaia falter a bit in her bouncing back from the mans magic. At first she had thought it was his magic, but then she realized it was sucking up the shadows that was created at first to attack her. That's when she realized it was Imai's magic. She holds Noya closer to her for a moment, watching as Imai called forward a tall man from the sky. She stared at it in awe for a moment, but then started to hear the mage babble on about the stars. With a groan, she smacks her forehead. "Hey! Why not more focus on what's going on right now?!" As the constellation man went to slice at the mage casting shadows, he seemed to grin and bring forth his hand. Instantly, a group of civilians came running from hiding, and started charging at them. Gaia grits her teeth and quickly throws Noya down. "Slow them down!" She says while Noya runs after them, growling at the oncoming threat. The ferret doesn't hesitate, and manages to bite all four of the people on their ankles.

    Gaia quickly runs after them, avoiding the constellation as well as the other mage, especially when he tried to throw more shadows at her. Gaia had quickly grabbed one of the people that were under the mans control, and yanks them away to try to distract them from his mind control. She glances over and sees that there's a faint outline of a dark shield around the man. "Imai! He has a shield!" She cries out over to her partner as she was continuing to run around the four controlled people. She had let go of the person and was trying to make them dizzy, or just follow her in general. Keeping them from going after Imai.

    Words: 433
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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Imai-chi 21st June 2018, 5:21 am

    Oh yeah, hearing Gaia’s troubled voice calling him out of his little bubble, Imai would shake his head and return to the buzz. People had begun to surround them all of a sudden as if they were working for the shadow wizard… but they were all civilians whom Imai had passed by moments earlier. What were they doing? Were they under his control, now? He didn’t have time to subdue them one by one when a bloodthirsty monster was among them, but hearing Gaia command Noya to slow them down, he got an idea.

    These fools were like flies, they were too fast and annoying to lash around with, so they would have to slow down. Because of the shield that he was warned by, Imai couldn’t initiate direct contact with him, unless if he broke down the shield here and now. Given its transparent structure, it would take a lot to get through, and with the mobility of the shadow mage, it would prove rather painful to pierce through. Stretching out his arms, Imai’s body began releasing a black mist that quickly enveloped the shadow mage before he could dash to the side. As he tried to do so, anyways, he found out that his speed was cut down by the sudden, ice-cold world of a nebula.

    His shield was more apparent with the fog’s effects. Small dots of light appeared from the nebula resembling stars, and Imai flew right into the mist, charging into the sphere of the shadow mage. Outbursts of blue light erupted from the black mist frequently, signalling Imai’s attempt to punch a hole through the shield.

    It was, eventually, successful. The mist was pushed away by the last punch that shattered the shadows like glass, reaching the shadow wizard and sending him down to the kerb floor. His face revealed exhaustion and a slight fear of the seemingly unscathed wizard. Sweat pearls trickled down from his bruised skin while Imai showed no signs of tiredness. Furiously, the enemy lashed a ball of shadows from his right palm towards Imai’s chin. It was simply parried by holding an arm to block the enemy’s, preventing the ball from making contact. In an instant, he would kick the shadow mage up again, surprised to see that he was able to fly using his shadow magic.

    Worried, Imai would turn his face back to glance at how Gaia was dealing with the civilians. It hadn’t gotten to him that they were controlled by the shadow mage’s other type of magic, Mind Control. In that instance, the enemy took the brief space to blast Imai back with a shadow tentacle, forcing him to the ground with the shadow mage having the high ground on the shadow platform that was keeping him up. “C-Crap…” Imai cursed under his breath, using the light emitting from his body to pulverize the tentacle. He would then stand up, finally beginning to feel… well, some kind of mana deduction. His clothes had gotten ripped up in front of his torso, and his pants looked pretty bad too. Worse was the supply of soda that he had in his pocket…

    WC: 525 + 2299 = 2824



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    Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai) Empty Re: Buncha Psychos! (job w/ Imai)

    Post by Gaia 21st June 2018, 2:17 pm

    Gaia occasionally glanced over her shoulder to see Imai releasing the mist to see the shield. She grins a little to that, and turns around to run backwards for a moment before she goes to charge at the group of people. That caught them off guard. She occasionally noticed what was going on off to the side with the flashing lights. To her surprise though, the wizard had been punched towards where she was, making her skid to a stop for a moment. She glances back to notice that the magic he had on the civilians was stopped for a moment. His concentration was knocked off.

    She quickly shoos the people off as she was looking around the area for something she could fight with. Just because her magic was locked, didn't means he couldn't use any. She had quickly ran off into an alleyway again and had a couple bricks in her hand. The building they were near was under construction. A few missing bricks would be okay to take since she was trying to protect the town, right? She then whips her arm back and chucks a brick at the shadow mage with a growl. He had been focused on Imai, that he didn't realize that Gaia was still there, and despite being magic-less, she could still be just as deadly. The first brick at missed him, but she had quickly thrown the second one, which did indeed hit the mind mage and knocked him off of the shadows. A grin was on Gaia's face as she quickly kicked at a plank of wood to knock it over into her hand.

    As soon as she had the two by four in her hand, she ran to where the enemy mage had fallen. Gaia was quick to wack him upside the head as he tried to get back up again, and grins a bit to herself as he was as unconscious as the insane fire mage from earlier. She looks over to Imai, and grins a little. "Well... that was an adventure!" She cries out to him. Noya came running back and quickly scurries up onto Gaia's shoulders. Gaia smiles softly and nuzzles her sweet ferret a bit. She then jabs her thumb at the mage. "You want to give him to the magic council to let them lock him up? Or me?" She had questioned as she was making sure the guy stayed unconscious while standing next to him with the plank of wood. After a moment, she looks back to Imai with a grin again. "Thanks for coming on this with me! I really appreciate it!" She says as she nods to him.

    Words: 446
    Total: 3390


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