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    Toxic Meeting


    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Toxic Meeting Empty Toxic Meeting

    Post by Waterz 16th May 2018, 5:58 am

    Toxic Meeting
    D-rank || Silver Wolf|| N/A|| N/A
    Spring had sprung and even the wolves could feel it. The sun was out, there were more, like breeding season had ended and the new pups were out to play in their first grass. While some were busy in their research, or out on missions. Training was a suitable way to pass the time. Out back, in front fo a set of archery targets, the normally calm and reserved Chef and huntress was looking a bit angry and in pain. Her left arm completely taped up after returning home just yesterday. In her hand was a wooden bow and aquiver of arrows sat near a table that had been set up. Those that knew about her combat abilities knew she had a decent aim with arrows. However out of the hundred arrows, exactly zero were in any of the three targets.

    On the table was a first aid kit, a box of fudge, and a pitcher of lemonade. Simple for her standards. A Basket of bread also hung off the edge of the table. A few chunks missing from one load. A towel draped around her neck was used to pat dry the sweat from her intensive training. Her outfit wasn't as fashionable as usual. Her top was a plain blue speghetti strap shirt that kept her stomach exposed. Black shorts clung to her hips with matching sneakers and ankle socks protecting her feet. Looking over her work, she attempted some deep breathing exercises to calm down. She wasn't going to get any better, unless she can focus.
    @Letti Palmer @Eero
    Scorpio Poison Marks: 99
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
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    Toxic Meeting Empty Re: Toxic Meeting

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 16th May 2018, 6:13 am

    Quill was hanging from a try by his legs doing some upside down crunches while Ami watch him in her wolf form for some reason. He has been doing this for about 4 hours now only taking a break when needed, it had seem Spring was in the area and with it new arrivals which means new members. Most of them were bulky guys that wanted to get a chance at some of the woman but were rejected because they only came here to do that one thing, meanwhile Quill had spotted Mizi doing some training herself. He got off the branch and walked to Mizi and side,"Hey Mizi, are you training as well?" This is one of the rare few times you will see Quill without a shirt on and talking to someone without being nervous about it.


    Toxic Meeting 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle
    Letti Palmer
    Letti Palmer

    Lineage : Warriors Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Toxic Meeting Empty Re: Toxic Meeting

    Post by Letti Palmer 16th May 2018, 6:14 am

    Despite the pain she had felt during that ritual, Letti was okay to say the least although not 100% as it were. But at least she was safe in that Silver Wolf Guild Quarters now, she was in the guild before she found her way to the demon realm to gain the sword of poison, it was called Murasame. So then she remembered the events of what caused her more pain than she will ever feel in her entire life

    She welcomed the sights of the Demon realm standing in the demon castle. It wasn't long before she had sought the King, but because she was an assassin would she be accepted or killed on the spot. And it was because of that she was hesitant to go and see the ruler. But the reward outweighed the risk didn't it? The black haired Assassin had met an emissary of the King who had talked with her. They agreed to set up an appointment for the jet black haired Saiyan.

    She walked toward the entrance of the Throne Room. As soon as she stepped into the room she gasped in amazement, her eyes shone just like the moon. The whole room was beautiful even though demonic in design. She was actually flabbergasted by how good demons were in taking care of their own architecture.

    "My Lord." She spoke and took steps further into the room if they would let her even though she had been personally invited her. However she did not know what they planned. Although she was here for a sword she couldn't help the fact that it was a demon sword and weapons like that were usually cursed. She however had the full confidence she could control it.

    Letti smirked as she predicted his speech and then clicked her finger as a blinding light appeared in the room and as the light faded, a thousand Letti's appeared next to the original and they all smiled toward the Demon King. But it wasn't really a thousand Letti's, it was a ploy to distract them and they opened their mouths all together. "Is this the situation, you wanted? Me vs You? Good shall we begin?".

    A group of them stepped forward in front of Letti and smiled straight at the Demon King once again. A few more people turned their backs against the people who stepped in front of the real Letti, and they were all emanating the same level of power.

    It was the perfect ploy and it was one of the smartest tactics that she had thought of in a long time so she laughed a little as the real Letti quickly gave a fake her sword to further confuse the demons.

    Ipomea who was her friend would be proud of this tactic she was sure of it but even then it was a movement of extreme prediction that would last for years. But suddenly for one second they faltered as if fading away for a second but they appeared again.

    Alas she was thrashed about like a ragdoll until she found the strength to withstand all the demon kings attacks and eventually killed him in front of all his guards and emissaries. But that was then and this was now. She stood with a thousand yard stare as she had pulled her cloak hood up in the guild building although she was sitting down.


    Toxic Meeting NoQTqnO

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 427
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,593

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    Toxic Meeting Empty Re: Toxic Meeting

    Post by Elyon 17th May 2018, 9:48 am

    Eero was slowly feeling more and more at home at the guild. Even though he did spend most of his time in his room or holed up in the library. His spirit felt calm, but his body itself was slowly getting itching for an excercise. It made sense, as it had been a while since he had last excercised. Going up and down stairs didn't count for that, no matter how much the boy wanted it to. He put away his journal with a sigh and stood up from his desk. He opened his mostly empty wardrobe, looking for something that he could wear and would be comfortable for rigorous physical activity. After a few minutes of helpless staring at his clothes he chose black shorts and tight black t-shirt. He didn't even bother putting on any form of socks or shoes and headed out.

    He was looking for the training area for a little bit, still unfamiliar with some parts of the guild hall. In the end, he decided to head outside. The sun was out, casting playful shadows on trees surrounding the guild grounds. Luckily for him, Eero found a place that he could only assume was used for archery, as he saw a glimpse of practice targets. He walked closer and noticed that the area was already occupied by his fellow guildmates. Eero was still rather nervous being around so many new people at once, but he did best to swallow the negative feeling and would walk over to the archery practice area. "I see that there's plenty of people training. Would you mind if I joined you?" Eero would speak up when he walked over. He most likely could've worded that better so as not to sound that awkward.


    Toxic Meeting 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Toxic Meeting Empty Re: Toxic Meeting

    Post by Waterz 17th May 2018, 11:37 am

    D-rank || Silver Wolf|| N/A || N/A
    Seeing as the two of them were the only ones in the area at the moment. Mizumi lifted her head after the two boys approached. First was the blonde Quill. She didn't expect him to be training out here to be honest. He was a holder mage, but he seemed like the type to let others do the heavy lifting. Just a personal opinion of hers. The second one was a new guild member, Eero. She hadn't seen much about him yet, but he seemed to want to join in.

    However her accuracy made her ashamed of her own performance. Setting the bow on the table, she forced up a smile through the pain as she looked to the two. "Of course you can join. New untouched targets down the way, feel free to touch them. I will be right back, just need some ice for the lemonade." She smiled to the two as she walked off towards her kitchen door. Because she left her bag out there, she was definitly coming back.

    Once she walked inside, she waved to the cloaked figure and walked right into the freezer. She didn't immediatly grab the ice she said she was going for. She Untied the top of the sports wrap and let her arm free. The marked up arm releasing heat like steam in the freezer. The heat lines matching that of her breath coming out. Once her arm was cooled down enough, she rewrapped her arm quickly and tied it up. Only one of her marks visible at this point, down by her wrist. With a small bucket of ice, she stepped back out. Her eyes meeting the hooded figures for a moment.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Toxic Meeting Empty Re: Toxic Meeting

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 17th May 2018, 4:41 pm

    Quill turn his head to see Eero who has said something a bit strange but that is nothing to some of the stuff he heard in his travels,"Eero, hi. Ya I know, a lot of people are training today, hey do you want to spare. I haven't spared in a long time so if we do I am sorry in advance for beat down you might get when we do." Quill the chuckled and heard Mizi say she was going to go get some lemonade,"So Eero, want to spare with me or are you going to do your own training on your own?" He looks at Eero ready to spare with him at anytime.


    Toxic Meeting 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:36 pm