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    The Next Step (Job)


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 1st April 2018, 3:57 pm

    Kidnap the Noble

    Job Title: Kidnap the Noble

    Rank: C

    Player Requirements: 1-3 C ranks minimum (2 D ranks can take this)

    Job Requirements: 30 posts of 300 words minimum (or 9000 words overall)
    Minimum of 7 rolls
    Must roll the boss

    Job Location: Shirotsume

    Job Description: Kidnap the noble (gender is up to taker) and take them to the drop zone to be held for ransom. They are they key to funding dark guilds and gaining an upper hand from the other guilds. Your job is to take them from their home in the middle of the night and take them to another mansion hidden amongst other homes to be delivered to the hostage takers. From there you shall be rewarded.


    Weak: Overnight Butler: Just a butler who works at night. Be aware, he hits for C rank damage and will clean your clock if your not careful. It takes 4 C rank to take him down.

    Normal: Overnight Maid: Unlike the butler, this maid used to be a martial arts student and can deal 1.5 C rank damage per hit, able to hit twice with each attack that hits. She is a sturdy foe and is defeated with 6 C rank attacks.

    Strong: Noble Guard: A guard whom had served fro years with this family. They are a skilled swordsman and use a sword and shield to fight. The shield can take up to 3 B rank spells or weapon strikes to destroy it, the sword deals B rank attacks and is durable enough to take 1 B rank spell or attack to destroy it, and the guard himself can take 4 B ranks before he's defeated.

    Boss: Personal Bodyguard: This guard is of the same gender as whom you make the noble. They are potent in every form of combat and very hard to beat. It takes 5 B ranks to beat this guard, and they will use anything around them as a weapon, only dealing D rank damage at best with those, but B rank with their bare hands.

    Reward: 8000 jewels Double C rank exp.

    Page 20, Post 496

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    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 262.5

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 1st April 2018, 3:59 pm

    Moving from the blizzard coated mountains of Hakobe to Shirotsume was not a pleasant or easy experience for Sayrn nor Katherine. The cold was a factor she was new to seeing on her new assistant, so when the symptoms began she tried to find the easiest way of transport. Eventually after some minor issues, they were fully capable of entering a warmer train and were now on their way towards the city. Looking over their target she had to admit this was going to be a seriously annoying one, a noble who had ties both to the council but also larger magic circles made this a more high key target. Looking towards Katherine it was obvious she had no clue what might be coming, if anything that helped calm Sayrn as in times like these when she had to teach she felt her most calm. Twirling a ball of poison in her hands she would lean towards Katherine and slam the door of their car to prevent others from listening in. With a quick grasp her poison would fade, "Tell me Katherine, I told you I would take you in, but have you ever taken a life before?" It was an honest question, Ahote was not the type to ask it and to be frank, the woman was too soft looking to be the type to take life in ways that a typical dark mage would so for her it was the info she was more curious on.

    Taking a moment to hear it Sayrn would sigh and look out the window, she knew that if it came down to it, she would probably end up killing as per usual, she just had to tone down her usual insanity while doing it. Ever since Grim Heresy she had began to take enjoyment out of killing and she had to be careful not to scare away her potential test subject, "When we arrive in Shirotsume, we will strike during the day, few expect day strikes and I can out do most simple knights." She was not boasting either, her magic power might be closer to a lower ranked beginner mage right now, but by pure skill alone, she had most outclassed. Looking at Katherine she would give a soft smile before leaning back into her seat and thinking up a plan of attack.
    Post 1/30, WC 392

    Last edited by Sayrn on 1st April 2018, 4:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by NPC 1st April 2018, 3:59 pm

    The member 'Sayrn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Next Step (Job) UtKyMUJ The Next Step (Job) UtKyMUJ The Next Step (Job) UtKyMUJ The Next Step (Job) UtKyMUJ The Next Step (Job) TV6mrb1 The Next Step (Job) UtKyMUJ The Next Step (Job) TV6mrb1

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 1st April 2018, 10:05 pm


    The only mode of transportation Katherine had ever taken was her legs. And now she sat in what modern people called a 'train.' It was a strange, but wonderful thing, built entirely of metal and plastic with windows all around. She'd been fidgeting with the curtains of their car's window when Saryn asked her a question. She'd been waiting for this to come up and now it had. The question was whether she had ever taken a life, something the girl wasn't proud to answer honestly, but honesty was her policy and she must stick to it if she ever wished to keep her will to live. Guilt wasn't a friend of hers and she'd rather not attract it like flies to horse shit. She let go of the fabric and turned to look the doctor in the eyes, her lips pressed tightly together in a moment of hesitance.

    "Yes," she said quietly, her expression more serious and rock-solid than a brick wall. "Though I have been told I do it well, I am not proud of it. I take no enjoyment from it whatsoever, but if I must, I will." She paused for a moment in thought. "To be quite frank with you, the act of killing people disgusts me. If only because part of me seems to enjoy it, the feeling of someone else's blood on my hands..." Katherine trailed off, looking down at her hands and remembering the warmth that had coated them several times in the past, the thick ooze of a person's most precious bodily fluid dripping from her fingertips. Blinking out of her gross memory, she looked back at her new companion.

    At the next thing the woman would say, something sank inside her. Something heavy and painful, a weight of the past, older than anything that had happened in the last decade. She spoke again, her voice coming out flat and low, a tinge of fear tainting her calm. "We're going to Shirotsume?" Her eyes had unintentionally blown wide and she felt a cold sweat coat her skin, or rather, the memory of it caused one. There was a stutter inside her chest and a flash behind her eyes that left an ache as it passed, even in her blind side. She hadn't ever wanted to go back; not so soon. If soon was nearly two or three years. She'd stopped counting, even though it was her habit to count the time that passed. And only one word cycled through her mind while she waited for Saryn to reply, her breath held painfully in her lungs; WHY.
    ( tags: Post 2/30 . words: 433 )
    made by jinx of adoxography

    Last edited by KatherineNeel on 2nd April 2018, 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    I'm canceling myself.

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 2nd April 2018, 1:54 pm

    From the reactions and replies it was obvious that Katherine was the same as her in the regards of killing, the main difference being the time between them to come to terms with these emotions. It was the question nature of Sayrn and her own past, the things she had committed in her quest to gain humanity that caused her ironic actions. Yet here stood or rather sat another individual going through the same issues that she herself was suffering, a chance perhaps to ease the insecurity of such emotions? Yet as they talked and her plans began to manifest the girl seemed to take much issue with the location they would be heading and looking over at Katherine her eyes would shift quickly a light green tinge before returning to her normal looks, "Yes, we are heading there because the noble we are meant to kidnap is in the mansion there." when they asked why, a voice filled with distraught and pain she would get up from her seat in the train car and look at Katherine, "Because we have to, I understand that as an immortal you might have some past that is difficult, however on this mission we need absolute focus, I will not ignore these feelings but if we are to succeed in our endeavor today we must be at our strongest." With a smile soft and honest she would offer a hand to Katherine and let her other softly pet the girls leg, "Can you hold back the emotion for me? Just until we get the job done, then we can help you alright? I know what pained and confused emotions are like and we can deal with it together alright?"

    As she finished the train would begin to slow and in the distance outside the windows the large structures and form of Shirotsume would begin to appear in the distance. With a sigh she would get up from her seat, a dark look on her face for a moment before an emotionless facade took over a ritual to get herself in the right mood to kill. Looking at Katherine she would speak in a dull and neutral tone, "Killing is not something you need to do, if you want leave them unconscious or partially alive..." As she spoke a twisted grin began to grow on her face her eyes turning the bright green again and this time seeming to almost glow, "I will be slaughtering anyone I come into contact with inside besides our target and you." It was almost like someone different spoke for a moment her tone, and the difference in her views on it was almost like a long time killer. Taking a moment she would calm and sigh, "The faster we get this job done the better." Her face twisted, a grimace from shame at herself, she enjoyed killing too, and it was to a degree she could not handle.
    Post 3/30, WC 490

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 2nd April 2018, 5:13 pm

    Comforting Fear Factor

    The thundering of her pulse rang inside her head and she swallowed to clear it until she could properly hear what the doctor was saying to her. "O-okay..." she stuttered, taking the hand that Saryn offered and squeezing it as the woman pat her knee reassuringly. She blinked hard and took a deep breath to push down what memories tried to surface as they grew closer to the city where her beginning and end met to destroy her. But only if she let it. Even though they'd just met not too long ago, Katherine couldn't deny that she'd had a quick connection to Saryn. She wanted her to be proud of her the way a mother would be, the way her mother hadn't been. The girl sighed and rubbed her eyes roughly, pushing away the thought of her mother. Nothing good would come from thinking about that woman. "Alright, yes, I can... I can hold it back. I can try." She didn't let go of her hand until the woman stood and pulled it away herself. When she looked up at Saryn again, she started. In a split second her aura had changed and the coldness her features held was enough to send a chill up her spine. She nodded through her stun in response to what the woman told her and the twitch of a frown pulled at the corner of her lips when she smiled. It was a smile she didn't particularly care to see again, especially not on the face of someone she kind of liked, but there was nothing Saryn had done yet to lose her favor so she stayed quiet. This was going to be an interesting day.
    ( tags: Post 4/30 . words: 284 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 4th April 2018, 7:56 pm

    Just as they had finished their talk the train began to slow, the station just outside Shirotsume was coming up and she herself in this form had no bounty. With a flick of her hand her clothing swapped, it went from what could assume to be normal clothing to more high born and aristocratic clothing. Her hair tied into a bun and was held by a spider like formation of poison while her clothes jet black in color took the form of a fancy dress with spider web holding up the front. Unlike her normal action the mark of Basilisk Fang was quite obvious on her chest, the mark showing from under the netting. Turning to look at Katherine a smile would form as she would do a small pose almost for dramatic effect and speak in a more pompous tone, "How do I look dear?" She gave a small grin, she knew she looked good in her eyes but as it was, she planned to slaughter people so it was good to have that levity.

    As they got off the train the attention was on her, though this was part in parcel of her plan as Katherine was not going to be a dark mage in tradition. Sayrn was ready to play the part of villain while Katherine got to play her killing games, she was ready to take the worst of the slander and bounty if only cause she knew she could easily avoid it. Looking at Katherine she would take the girls hand, leading them both to the mansion of Shirotsume, Rune Knights and traditional guards all around the perimeter. Sighing heavily at the sight Sayrn would look at Katherine, "Look, I will be honest with you, my methods are brutal and honestly I will need to work fast, I can't let them get to you easily." Ducking Katherine behind her she would quickly move against the hedge wall as a guard patrolled past and she would speak much softer from here. Peeking the corner again she would look at Katherine, "I am going to garner as much attention as possible from these people, I trust you can get the noble and kidnap him... If you get into trouble that you cannot handle... Yell out the word Sorry..." For Kath it might not have meant much but back in her past, it was what her father taught her to look for when he made speeches, it was his way of telling her he would need help, that he was sorry for needing it, and here it was again this time used on a girl she a strange bond with.
    Post 5/30, WC 442

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 5th April 2018, 10:33 am

    Player Two

    "You look great," the girl said, wearing an awkward smile. Saryn's guild mark was undisguisible on her chest and Katherine stared at it. It looked a lot nicer than hers... And so did they. Her lips morphed into a small frown and she looked down at her own chest, which was far less pronounced and even flat compared the other woman's. Absently, her hand when to it and patted, like she was looking for something. But of course, there was nothing to find in the first place. With a sigh, she dropped her hand and followed the doctor off of the train and onto the streets of Shirotsume. The weight of her memories was suffocating and she had to take a deep breath, blinking away her emotions to focus on their task. She could deal with her pain later.

    Katherine felt Saryn grab her hand and on instinct her fingers tightened the grip. She hadn't gotten this amount of physical contact in a long, long time and even though there wasn't anything really affectionate about it, she felt warmth blossom in her chest.

    "I am no stranger to brutality..." she mumbled in response to the woman's warning, but nodded. From then on it seemed that she would be going it alone. Anxiety prickled in the back of her skull at the thought and she swallowed hard. "Alright. I'll do my best." She looked down at their hands and reluctantly pulled them apart, immediately feeling the absence. It wasn't pleasant in the slightest, but she dealt with it all the same. Her fist clenched at her side, she waited patiently for her cue.
    ( tags: Post 6/30 . words: 272 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 5th April 2018, 11:05 am

    That moment struck her, like a golden time of pure bliss, that one moment as Katherine understood, a guard approaching and she could hear his steps. Like a moving shadow she was in front of the guard and before his face could twist in confusion and his words formed in his throat a devastation crack was heard. The crunch of metal, the snap of bone and a the squishing noise of flesh and muscles being pulled apart. To anyone looking they would have seen a woman tear from around a corner grab a guards head and twists it all the way around as he bled out and died from the breaking of his spine, he had no chance to let out a scream before he collapsed to the ground. A sadistic and terrifying laugh began to ring from the woman as her eyes now very yellow and focused on the gathering guards and knights, her movement inhuman, but fast. Poison dripped from her fingers and like a bolt she shot forwards, the arm now coated she rammed it into the armor of a knight who seemed to think himself safe before the metal warped and melted from the acidic poison. He screamed loudly and painfully as her hand tore out his intestines blood dripping and her poison making work already.

    Looking back to where Katherine would have been almost with a drop of concern she would weave around the strikes of the guards, twisting heads and tearing out throats with acidic poison. She held some concern for Katherine of course, but at this point in time her face was twisted in glee from her actions and her laugh rang through the streets, guards were either dying or in some cases running in terror while the knights tried to subdue her, attention was on Sayrn and not Katherine and now was perfect to take action if she wanted to, or help her either way Sayrn was gonna slaughter these knights.
    Post 7/30, WC 329
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 90/100
    CD: Poison Dragons Acid Strike, 2 Posts.

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 6th April 2018, 5:05 pm

    Chew and Swallow

    Katherine watched the woman work, her mass destruction raining down on those unsuspecting soldiers like-- She blinked away the subject of her comparison, crouching down to sit back on her heels and stay out of sight. Her expression had darkened during her observation, her chin tucked and her head bowed low, watching the scene play out from under her thick eyelashes with her lips stamped into a straight line across her mouth. The feeling it drew from deep inside her was old and forgotten, and equally as unpleasant. It was almost tangible and she had to crush it with her tongue and swallow it, the sharp fractures piercing her concentration. The girl took a couple of steps back and pressed her back against the wall behind her, taking a breath before she stood and left Saryn to her 'fun.'

    In a crouched walk, she snuck around the outside of the manor, looking for an opening of any kind that would let her in unnoticed. She was quiet and kept herself as hidden as possible until she came to a window that had been cracked open. It was too high up for her to crawl through from ground level, but she could climb. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, and finding that it was, she stood. She stepped up on the bricks that stuck out far enough until she reached the window sill. Carefully, she swung her legs over the sill and slipped inside the room soundlessly. Upon steadying herself and wiping her hands on her pants, she looked up. The room was empty and she sighed in relief, but wouldn't let herself relax long enough to stay and potentially get caught by the manor's staff. She left the window open behind so as to leave as little evidence that she'd entered as possible. Tip-toeing across the floor, she walked up to the room's door and opened it slowly, only enough that she could slip through the crack and avoid making a single sound. With how silent she was, one might be able to hear a pin drop. In the manor's corridor, Katherine wondered what she should do now that she was inside. It would be good to look for the noble, but they were likely protected and there was no way she would be able to fight alone; she needed Saryn. There was an objective; find a way to sneak her in. Luckily, Katherine remembered where they had been outside and would easily be able to back-track within the house.

    With this thought in her mind, the mage ventured through and found her way to the closest possible entrance Saryn would be able to get to. Not a door, a window, but that wouldn't pose any issues from what Katherine could gather. Once again, she checked her surrounding and found them clear. She brought her knee up onto the window sill and undid the latch before she pushed it gently open, feeling the outside air of Shirotsume brush against her skin. She would see the woman and call out to her, or make an attempt to grab her attention, waving her over to join her inside.
    ( tags: Post 8/30 . words: 530 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 9th April 2018, 7:59 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 9/30
    The guards were falling one by one, each head twisted and bodies torn asunder by her brutality. Yet in the back of her mind a scream rang, not one that was twisted and filled with glee but one filled with despair. While others only saw the smile on her face as the guards died and her distraction worked in her mind the despair grew from her actions. In truth she felt split, she hated the killing and the murder, but a part of her loved it, it reveled in the sadistic treatment of others and enjoyed every moment of hope torn from others. Yet as she stood among the bodies a sound was heard and her head turned to a opening window, Katherine was there and with a twitch of her head to pop her neck she would hop the bush wall and quickly scale up to the window joining her friend in the mansion.

    Closing the window she would look around and sigh collapsing to her knees, "I hate when that happens... That rush is good, it feels good, but I hate it..." Her eyes were normal again and she held a face coated in sadness from her enjoyment of the slaughter but for now she knew what needed to happen, "Look, we gotta find and kidnap the noble, odds are their stronger forces are in here so stay by me, and if I tell you to run I need you to leave me and do so." It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, each moment up to now ringing like a bell in her mind as she got up. Looking around the area it was clear the mansion doubled as a fortress to protect the noble causing a deep sigh to ring from her, "It seems that a noble like this is nothing to scoff at... They are if I remember correctly one of the nobles in charge of major trade routes for the kingdom... A good chip to have." Lifting her head she would suddenly snap to attention as the sound of heels clicking on marble floors could be heard and she would put a hand across Katherines chest, "Remember what I said..."

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 90/100
    Current Durations:
    Current Cooldowns: Poison Dragon's Acid Strike: 1 Post.
    Spell 2:
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    The Next Step (Job) I34skwWf_o
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 9th April 2018, 11:02 am

    Together Again

    With Saryn having joined her inside the manor, Katherine should have felt comfort, but the first emotion that struck her was worry. The woman fell to her knees, her aura downtrodden and cold with sadness. The girl's eyebrows furrowed in concern and she knelt down in front of her friend, ducking so her line of sight would be level with hers. There was only one thing she could think to do; pulling up her dearest memory of her father, it filled her with a loving warmth and she touched her hand to Saryn's cheek, fingers lit with flames colored soft pink that soaked into the woman's skin. All of this would only take a short moment, but her way of helping was to share her emotions. She hoped it would work. Katherine took her hand away and sat back, watching and listening as Saryn spoke. She would nod politely and do as she was told when the time came. Honestly, she would much rather stay and fight by her side but... In her current state, the risk was just a little too high. Living within the freezing halls of Basilisk Fang had weakened her, and with no constant method to regain her strength she wouldn't be able to help much. She was in a healing period of sorts.

    "...chip?" Katherine mumbled in question,but snapped to attention just as Saryn did at the sound of another approaching. The woman beside her guarded her with her hand across her chest, and with a focused gaze told her to remember what she'd said. Katherine nodded. "Of course."
    ( tags: 10/30 . words: 264 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 9th April 2018, 11:33 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 11/30
    The clicking finally reached her sight line and it was here that she realized what she had to deal with, maids. Perhaps it was a delay of Katherines magic taking effect on her but her mind flashed back to Lamia Scale, to the time spent in the library kept by Zuo and how Enola the dust mage who was the maid of the guild would yell at her for any late returns. In that split moment a twinge of sadness hit her as well before reality was needed to be payed attention to, the twin maids turned their attention to both of them and Sayrn herself moved first, pushing Katherine past them and quickly moving in such a way to block the maids path. Turning her head to Katherine she would give a small but caring smile, "I trust you got my back." She could feel the emotions again, the twisted wish to kill them rose, but she forced it down and rather than leaping forwards like a blood drunk murderer, she instead calmly walked forwards.

    For Sayrn this felt slow, this moment of calm before the fight begins, heartbeats ringing in her ears, the maids were scared, Katherine had no heartbeat and her own was beating faster than anyone. A flare of magic began to rise in her as what one could almost call a mist of pure blue around everything though the thickest of it was around Sayrn. The maids seemed to look confused at first until one of them began to yelp grabbing her leg, and Sayrn was on top of her before the other could react a leg lifted and black poison gathering around her foot before she dropped it on the back of the maids neck. She dropped to the ground out cold as the other quickly moved back to gain distance and Sayrn looked back at Katherine, "Be careful, I have activated part of my magic, the mist will not hurt you but it will affect your muscles and inflict pain." She had no doubt that Katherine could handle it but still she kept an eye on the other maid who this time was ready for her tricks.


    HP: 200/200
    MP: 80/100
    Current Durations: Poison Dragon's Toxic Aura: 2 Posts.
    Current Cooldowns: Poison Dragon's Back Kick: 2 Posts.
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
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    The Next Step (Job) I34skwWf_o
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    The Next Step (Job) V7lUCnJz_o

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 183
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 10th April 2018, 9:20 am


    As soon as those that approached were within their vicinity, Katherine was pushed forward and past them. She stumbled but caught herself against the wall of the corridor, turning to look back at Saryn and the two maids that stood between them. The girl's eyebrows were furrowed and she did little but nod when the woman put her trust in her to have her back. She watched in silent awe as blue mist began to form around Saryn and she stepped away from it out of instinct. With grit teeth and pressed lips, Katherine watched again as the woman did her thing. It was strangely fascinating, but disturbing all the same. With one maid down and the other now wary, Saryn made sure to warn Katherine about this mist. Her retreat from it was smart then.

    As the last standing maid backed away, the girl stepped up behind her and shoved her forward into her friend's range. Though she felt slightly bad about it, the action would help further their progress. She could do little but assist and right then that seemed to be enough. The maid stumbled right into Saryn's proximity, right where she needed to be and Katherine stood back to watch what would unfold before her. As a last thought, she spoke up for once; "Do tell me if there is anything I can do to help. I can't help feeling useless while you do all of the work."
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    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 11th April 2018, 8:23 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 13/30
    This is where any notes or fancy quotes/song lyrics can go! If you don't need it, simply delete the text within this space. It will scroll if needed.
    The maid was shoved forwards towards her, putting the poor woman right in range as she lunged a hand forwards and it tore through the core of their chest. Coughing up blood the maid let out a cry of pain before the poison took effect and she passed out, "Thank you Katherine." Laying down the body she would sigh and look over to Kath giving her a small smirk, "Feeling useless? Nothing of the sort. You got me in the building, got a maid within my range and even now are proving quite good at allowing me to suppress my bloodlust." Walking over she would pat the red haired girl with her cleanest hand, "Now lets go and catch us a noble!" she would begin to run, making sure of course that her partner in crime here could keep up with her and before long they arrived at what she could only assume to be a library, inside there was around five heavily armed butlers. Looking at the from her spot she could tell that they are not the best but with the mist following Sayrn they already knew something was up, "Katherine I need you to do something for me, take care of those butlers, they have weapons of course but I want to see what you can do against them... I will remain behind." Looking around she could hear using her enhanced sense above them was their target, and he seemed to have a guard who let off an aura unlike everyone else here.

    Looking at Katherine she would take a deep breath and put a hand on her side, "I believe in you, you don't have to kill them if you don't want to, knock them out, destroy their arms and legs do what you need to do, you can leave the killing to me if you want." She would give a soft smile, "We don't have to make a murderer out of you if you are not okay with that." As the sound of the noble on the move reached her ears she would look at Katherine and give the order, "GO!"

    HP: 200/200
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 11th April 2018, 11:40 pm

    A Call for Action

    At the thanks that were given, the girl smiled. However, the compliments after made her give off a blush-like glow in her cheeks, rosy pink just as if her blood still flowed through her veins and could in fact rush to her cheeks. She touched the spot where Saryn pat her and 'blushed' further, ducking her chin to her chest awkwardly. "N-no problem," she mumbled and then brushed off her moment and ran after Saryn, avoiding the mist that still followed as she did.

    They entered a library, one of the biggest she'd ever seen personally, and in it they found armed men. She'd seen the likes of them in some of the towns she'd visited and could come to the conclusion, without assistance, that they were what modern people called 'butlers.' It was a funny thing to title someone, she thought. But this instance was a little to serious to think of something amusing and laugh about it. And then... Katherine looked at Saryn with wide eyes. "Y-you want me to... But... I'm not as strong as I used to be what if-" she stopped herself before she could ramble and furrowed her brows, depressing her nervousness to deal with it later. Down it went with the prickling in the back of her mind that reminded her where they were every. Damn. Second. The girl took a deep breath to collect herself. "Alright then," she conceded.

    Katherine relaxed a little when Saryn said she wouldn't need to kill them. This was good; she wasn't confident she would be able to like she had nearly a year ago. Oh, now that was a good trigger actually... The memories of such events would help her out in this situation significantly. She could already feel the old emotions bubbling upward with the recollections...

    Suddenly, as if a light had been switched on, her fingers glowed and her hands became surrounding with bright crimson wisps of flame. Weaker than before, but still useful. It was perfect timing too, because as she was revving herself up, Saryn shout out, "GO!"

    She leaped forward eagerly, ready as she could be to knock the butlers down. Their iron defense would be no match against her furious flames; they burned hot enough to melt through mountain rock a foot deep in less than two seconds. Now... if she could just get one of them to egg her on...  Katherine would get her wish when she slammed her hand into a pressure point of one's neck, successfully knocking him down with ease. In order to avenge his coworker, another would throw at her a tin platter, the wide metal dish smacking her in the back of the head before it clattered to the floor. The blow didn't hurt much, but it was enough to allow her to fully unleash for the time being. She would whip around to face the culprit, slamming her fist into an oncoming butler's nose as she passed him and went to that which had mistreated her. There was a sickening crack at the impact point of her knuckles against his skull and he flopped down in agony. He wouldn't be getting back up. The man barely flinched as she got close to him, but he would never get the chance to because... while she hadn't wanted to kill anyone, she would just this once, if only by accident. Recklessly, she gripped her flaming hand around his throat, burning through his collar and tie all the way down to his flesh. She could feel and hear and smell the sizzle as he cooked under her palm. He went limp after a moment or two and she dropped him, kicking him aside so she wouldn't have to look at what she'd done any longer than she already had. That left two; one was readying to attack her and the other was already well ahead and behind. Katherine slammed her elbow into his abdomen, drawing a barely audible grunt from him, and turned around to finish the job. She grabbed him too by the neck, but briefly enough that he wouldn't burn to death, and smashed his face into a desk. The final butler was on her now and she took him down almost too easily; a low blow with her knee and then a hard hit with the same pan she'd had thrown at her to knock him unconscious.

    With an tired sigh, she tossed the thing aside, hearing it clang against a shelf. Task complete.
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 12th April 2018, 5:46 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 15/30
    Observation was a key part of her moment in this, watching those that the girl killed, those she did not, and most importantly the triggers that came with the event. Flames feeding on emotion was a curious thing to be sure but all Sayrn found herself doing was putting two fingers to her temples and sighing when the realization dawned on her, "Another fire magic user, first Ardere and now Katherine." She seemed to attract these people to her, what is poison that easy to attract the flame? Getting up from her spot she would walk inside and look at all the carnage inside placing a hand on the shoulder of Katherine and pulling her close into a hug, "You did well little firefly, now we have but one target left to capture..." She hesitated near the end she knew that someone was guarding that noble, and they were not something to laugh at, they seemed a league or two above those here.

    It was that moment of thought on it where she looked at Katherine and smiled, taking the lead she would walk through the area with a bit of leisure not minding that the place was now dreadfully empty with the guard populace and the staff now either unconscious or dead. Yet as they got up the stairs and arrived at the last landing her eyes narrowed as at the end of the hall was trouble beyond what she had anticipated. Looking at Katherine she knew this would be hard to work with, the guard was someone she would need to unleash every last bit of her magic on and Katherine would get caught in it all. Sighing deeply she would take a moment before releasing the mist and putting a hand on Katherines head, "This one is a bit beyond your scope, leave her to me... The noble is behind the door they guard, when the fight starts grab the noble and take them to the rendezvous point..." Quickly handing Katherine a small slip of paper with a location listed she would sigh, she had not had to actually pull all her stops in a long while and now there was just such a thing happening here.

    A black aura began to surround her, the blood tainting her slayer magic as poison once a soft blue or green turned a stark and resounding black in color. Pain rang through her body as the stark blood loss to fuel the unholy nature of her magic now siphoned from her. Stepping forwards once the woman lunged forwards towards Sayrn a sword in hand as she swung with a strength she had not anticipated a gash now across her chest she would look at Kath with worried eyes before yelling, "RUN."

    HP: 100/200
    MP: 80/100
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 12th April 2018, 2:30 pm

    An Illiterate Fault

    The girl felt her insides cool, her magic ebbing slowly into a placid calm as Saryn hugged her. Her momentary rage slipped away and left her tired, but not so much that she would need to sleep. Katherine followed behind her silently through the now dead silent library and up the stairs. When they got to the landing though, Saryn looked back at her and the girl raised her eyebrows in question. Again the glowy blush would rise in her cheeks as the woman put her hand on her head and fed her what she needed to know before handing her a slip. "W-wait, Saryn I can't read this! What does it-" She tried to blurt in a panic, but she would have no time to finish. She was already out of sorts to give the girl an answer, so she would have to figure something out on her own. "Fuck!" Katherine spat out the curse and looked frantically at the slip in her hand, trying hard to decipher something and drawing a painful blank. The black scrawl just meshed together into a confusing blob and she whimpered hopelessly, running her other hand roughly through her hair. However, it wasn't the time to fret so terribly, she knew this. She looked up and-

    Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. Saryn yelled for her to run and she did, though at first hesitating for a moment too long. Katherine swallowed hard and rushed, grabbing the unsuspecting noble roughly by the arm and dragging them out with her like she'd been told. She ran from the scene, the noble pulling and crying out at her as they got further away. She whipped around with teary eyes, the stress of the situation weighing on her as much as did on them. "SHUT UP!" She ground out. "Keep up if you want to get out of here alive, damn it!" The noble stopped whining and stared at her wearily. "I... am just as afraid as you are so please-" she urged. "Please just cooperate." They blinked and she took that as an agreement, whether it was one or not. Turning back around and moving at fast pace, she flung her arm back to shove the slip in their face. "Read this, I don't know what it says. And don't even think about lying to me." They read it for her in a shaky voice, quickly. "Thank you. Now let's go."

    And to the designated rendevouz they went, Katherine's non-existant heartbeat pounding in her head and giving her a migraine of worry as she thought about how she'd left Saryn behind.
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 16th April 2018, 9:47 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 17/30
    It took every bit of her power in that moment, as Katherine ran away, grabbing the target as the pain seared into her chest the blood dripping she looked at the guard and smiled, a wicked and terrible smile. His sword melted, the blade turned to nothing from the corrosive blood she carried and her eyes glowed a deep green as she looked at him, "I hope you don't plan to chase them, I am your problem right now." Looking back at her the guard noted her condition and his swords before speaking, "My job is to guard my master, you are of no consequence in that state." as he tried to walk away away to begin the chase a wicked laugh began to come from her and almost like his survival instincts kicked in her jumped back away from her turning to look at her with a start. Arms were limp and her head was tilted with a wicked smile looking at him, "You are correct, it is your job to guard him, and it is my job to remove your life from this planet, I will dissect you slowly and painfully, drip venom into your eyes do many things to sate this feeling." As she moved forwards the man grabbed put up his hands a look of resolute fear on his face, like an animal backed into a corner.

    Taking a lunge at her the guard made a few skillful strikes aiming for her chest, perhaps hoping to make the wound worse, she avoided two but took the third. Moving herself into the punch she would use this moment grabbing his hand she would force him to try and retreat, right into her momentum. Throwing a venom coated kick into his side she would see him get winded right before he quickly followed up with an elbow into her knee a loud crack as it broke. Hitting the ground in agony she would grab her leg eyes fixed on her enemy as he walked closer to her and went to grab her by the head, she struck with her poison strike but he side stepped and broke her arm instead. A scream of absolute rage and agony rang from her nothing could be done in this situation, he was stronger than her even at her prime. Though she could not accept this fact, not now not at all she was going to reach her goals, she had to survive she had to.

    Survival, a limit she had never been pushed to strive for in a long time, she began to bite her fingers as the guard watched her trying to tell if she was still a threat when it clicked to her. All she needed was power, power for powers sake, to survive to end this threat to herself and as her head tilted she began to feel it. Getting up she would pull out her only serum, stabbing her leg, as the bones healed the gash in her chest closed and the arm fixed itself the guard would watch before lunging at her. Grabbing his fist from the air as she glared at him she would begin to laugh again and her eyes would glow a deep yellow instead, "I'm going to kill you now, I will not torture you, no, I am going to make this swift." her grip began to crush his knuckles and fist before she twisted it around the sounds of his bone fracturing and his screams echoing. He backed off looking around for escape when she was moving faster, beside him she would use her strength to sweep out his legs and quickly grab his throat before she forced him down.

    Both hands gripped his throat, she crushed it slowly at first before beginning to go full force, as she held him down he slammed his fists into her side flailing his legs trying to get her off. Before long as her bruised body got off his throat was crushed and he had died from the lack of oxygen, panting heavily she would twitch as her eyes changed back to their usual green, that one moment of luck carried her through this all. Before long she was limping her way out of the place, heading to the rendezvous point to meet up with Katherine as she inspected the bruising all over her sides and arms.

    HP: 20/200
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 17th April 2018, 8:46 pm

    Hello Darkness

    The delivery point was another mansion in the city, though this was errily quiet and desolate compared to the others. Any and all furniture inside it was covered with white sheets and all that lit the room Katherine sat in with the noble were a few candles, flickering shadows across the bare walls. She sat cross-legged at the foot of a covered sofa, her arms crossed over her chest and a frown on her mouth. Anxiety plagued her as she worried and worried and worried. Her nails were chewed down, a mistake on her part because she knew they wouldn't grow back. Maybe Saryn would be able to help her with that- Saryn... The girl buried her face in her hands and stabbed her elbows into her thighs. Worry, worry, worry... She hoped she was okay. She hoped she would come soon. And not just for comfort; the noble was getting on her nerves. Katherine had always thought men were supposed to be strong and willful, but this guy... She really wanted to knock him off of a cliff. The man wouldn't stop crying and begging her to let him go.

    "Please, please miss. Let me go, I'll give you anything you want just-"

    She shoved a flaming hand out in front of his face and he shut up. As she took her hand back, she said a prayer.

    Dear God, please bring her to me soon so I don't ruin the job for us both by killing this man....
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 19th April 2018, 7:02 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 19/20
    Leaving the mansion was easily done, a melted down wall, a torn gate from the back and she was out. Limping slowly towards the point that had been set by those who hired her and Katherine she would sigh, it seemed her injuries were worse than she thought, bruises turning to welts and as she walked it felt like some ribs might be cracked. Running a hand over her legs she could feel the bruises at least but for the most part her ribs seemed the full extent, good. Looking around she was good at keeping others off herself they found no scent to follow no guide to find her and before long she was at the secondary mansion. Limping her way inside she would see the noble and Katherine there a smile form on her face before she heard a crack and she began to violently cough, blood seeping from her mouth to the floor, one of her ribs having snapped. Coughing onto the floor she would feel the rib having hit something inside her, annoying wiping away the blood she would look at Katherine and give a small smile, "I am fine... No need to worry, a rib is broken that's all." She had no more serum, no here anyways and she had no lacrima to connect, she was going to have to stomach this.

    Before long the others arrived, they had masks on their faces and the jewels in tow a smile on Sayrn's face she would turn over the noble before collapsing on a couch. Breathing heavily she finally let herself feel the pain that she was experiencing as she let out a groan feeling the bruising both external and internal, anytime she moved the rib fragment only did her harm and she just looked at Katherine and smiled, "Alright... Mission done... Now we can deal with you..." It was hard to talk, it hurt but that was fine she made a promise to Kath and she intended to keep it.

    HP: 20/200
    MP: 60/100
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 20th April 2018, 9:44 am


    As soon as she saw Saryn, Katherine bristled and jumped up to her feet, looking the woman over restlessly. There was so much wrong with what she saw that she couldn't react properly and was left with just a panicked stare and trembling hands that itched to help, only they didn't know how without bringing harm to the person they were attached to. She began to cough violently, blood seeping past her lips, and the girl was still speechless. Her chest felt tight and mimcked the memory of a rapidly beating heart inside it. She inhaled sharply. "You're not fine," Katherine said, her voice being darkened by her worry. "Saryn, you-" Only she was interrupted by those that would meet them to take away the noble. Some small part of her was glad for this; the man was annoying. The rest however, was consumed with a plethora of negative emotions and only one positive. That positive being that she was glad Saryn was still alive.

    As she watched the people go, her magic spiked and a sick, pale yellow aura wrapped itself around her for just a moment. When it disappeared, she turned to her friend, a deep frown set onto her mouth and her eyebrows furrowed. "No, Saryn. We will deal with me later, right now you are my concern. My diaster of a past can wait until I know you're not in pain."
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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 19th May 2018, 11:02 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post# 21/30
    It was this moment of pause that the concern Katherine held for her sunk into her mind as a small but substantial smile grew on her face and she rolled over on the couch gripping her sides as she tried to ignore her pain. It was clear that Katherine had begun to in some small form care for her, perhaps it was her clinical view on things that made it hard to notice emotion from others but at the very least of things it made it easy to notice the issues. Extending a hand towards Katherine she would take a deep breath slow and careful of the ribs poking her lungs, "I trust you know some forms of first aid? Or perhaps healing magic, my ribs from the feel of things are broken heavily and most of my bones have compound fractures." This was the best she could diagnose in herself, it was nothing life threatening enough she could not handle, but she had a feeling that if she did not indulge Katherine on this no form of emotional talk could go on about her past. So it was that after a bit of time dealing with her body, she felt good as new getting up and giving the small woman a hug as she pet her hair and talked in a more casual tone, "Thank you, now let us get back on the subject of my promise to you, the story of your past, of the meaning this city has for you Katherine." She would pull herself back a bit a soft smile still held on her face, perhaps it meant more to her than initially thought that this woman was someone for her to help and protect, even if it meant throwing herself in the worst situations. A momentary thought ran through her head, was she treating this woman older than her like her own child, perhaps she was but it held no concern to her, she would keep a promise and protect her like she said she would.

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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by KatherineNeel 19th May 2018, 3:09 pm

    Returning the Favor

    "Yes, with my past it's somewhat of a necessity that I know first aid. Perhaps outdated by modern standards, however..." Katherine spoke monotonously, trying to keep herself cool in case she would need to touch Saryn. "Healing you with my magic should be no trouble at all. I would advise though that you not worry about my own wellbeing during this process. My curse will do its work and repair me quickly enough." Finishing her speil, Katherine would kneel next to Saryn and take her hand in both of her own, pressing their palms together and focusing her magic to move between them. The contact point grew warm and glowed faintly for a moment, the light disipating soon after. As the gentle surge settled, the affects of her ability would begin to sink in and she cringed, bending at the waist and letting go of Saryn to hold herself. For no more than a few minutes, the woman's wounds became hers and they throbbed painfully as the curse sewed her back together. The girl sighed when it was over and leaned forward to rest her forehead against the cushions of the couch, next to Saryn's side. The success of the procedure was clear and by then she should have been feeling brand-new.

    The girl hummed as she was hugged and pet, exhaustion taking hold of her and making her numb. This would only last for a bit she hoped. There was still conversation to be had. When Saryn spoke, simultaneously letting her loose, Katherine raised her head to meet her gaze. This would be interesting.

    She took a breath, however unneeded it might have been. "This city, before it became what it is now, was my home. A village of sorts," She began, preparing herself for the inevitable pain that would come with this story's telling. "My family consisted of just three; myself, my mother and my father. We were very poor, almost chronically so. Nothing could fix it. No matter how hard we all worked, I from the age of six and my parents for much longer before then, we couldn't escape our poverty. Because I had to remain home and help provide, I didn't get a proper education until I was 13 years old. When I did it was thanks to my master, the man who taught me my magic.

    I wasn't gifted from birth like most. I learned magic to protect myself from my abusers..."
    Katherine paused to touch her left eye, the one that was faded and dead, lacking all ability to see. "Before I was taken in by my master, the nobler children in our village wanted me gone; dead. They thought I was a waste and that I tarnished the good image of our little society." She scoffed. "They made two attempts to take my life, but only one was almost successful. I'd made some good pay working one day and was on my way home during a storm with dinner; bread. Quite a rarity considering... I wanted to take a short cut to try and avoid them, but they had every path and alley covered. I'd prefer not to go into detail but..." She lifted her shirt to show her scars that wrapped her sides and extended from her neck to her lower back. She touched them with shaky hands, almost as if she were afraid to. "I would have bled out that night if it weren't for him. They left me in the alley once their amusement had run out and he found me, half-way dead and soaked in my own blood.

    After that... He took me under his wing and taught me Phoenix Flame so I could fight back. I'd mastered the art in just five years, even opened my own guild. Everything was going smoothly for once until... Until a dark guild came and wiped us out, to put it shortly. That guild's master is the one that cursed me. A last minute decision on his part as I'd just dealt him a life-ending wound. This curse he had concocted covered the entire village and took me with it. I'm not sure if there was anyone else...

    I slept for more than a thousand years and when I finally woke up? I was laying in a dead field littered with the crumbling remains of houses. A ghost of my past just a few minutes walk from where we are now."
    ( tags: 22/30 . words: 739 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Next Step (Job) Empty Re: The Next Step (Job)

    Post by Sayrn 20th May 2018, 9:11 am

    The Next Step (Job) CrNO3Ua
    Post 23/30
    As Katherines story reached it's closing Sayrn nodded her head slowly and softly a memory of the past long since dead to be sure, but one that still held power in a time frozen mind. Lifting a finger to her lips she would chew the nail and sigh, "I am not knowledgeable enough in curses to give you my opinions on what afflicts you, nor do I have a typical reason to cure a curse, but I will help you for sure on that front... As for educations and such..." She was trembling, not from fear or sadness from the story, but an empathetic rage that welled inside her from the story, black poison seeping from her feet as the floor beneath her sizzled and melted, "I understand such wishes from others for you to perish, their malicious hunts thinking you beneath them." Her own history could at least provide a frame of reference for this madness that had effected her. Taking a moment to collect her emotions she would sigh and sit down on the couch, "So you were once a master of a guild, but a curse ripped that power from you and locked you in a timeless unending state..." Thinking on the implications she knew only one person who could help them in this question, but she would not return to the executioners axe not while they are gone.

    Getting up from her seat on the couch she would walk over to the woman and place a hand on her shoulder pulling them in close kissing their forehead, "Your past is a beautiful thing, despite the pain and agony you felt the truly beautiful things must be the flames you seek, and the pain can be the fuel, never let the fuel go unlit in your life, strive for better at all times no matter the cost, freedom is a reward of more than power Katherine a lesson I learned the hard way." She knew what came with a seek for power alone with no goal, it ate at you like a madness until all that remains is a shell of your former self, she had managed to pull herself away from that but now she had a different goal, "Take me to the ruins, I wish to see them myself."

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    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


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