Fairy Tail RP

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    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th March 2018, 9:03 am

    A glorious day in the capital of Fiore, Crocus. Flowers lined the decks of apartment buildings, and even the shops on the ground level. In springtime, this place truly earned it's name as the "Flower Capital", as for our young mage himself? The sixteen year old was actually out having a huge plate of sushi and vegetables, his two favorite things; dipping a roll in soy sauce as he looked over at his guildmate. "I'm telling you, girls are weird man." he'd been ranting about his teenage hormones and just about everything else to Sogi; who was only 8 or so.

    But, Haru being only sixteen had latched onto him as a younger brother figure. He hoped the same was true in reverse. As a huge plate of nachos with queso sauce in a huge bowl in the middle; Har would pay the restaurant with a large amount of jewels as a tip as well as for everything else.

    He smiled as he looked around, the streets around them literally bustling with people of all different sizes and shape. In the distance, loomed Domus Flameu. A gigantic stadium where the Grand Magic Games were held every year. "Look at that Sogi....." he nodded to it. "One day......when we can participate. Let's win the Grand Magic Games for Fairy Tail!!! You and I!" he would extend a fist to Sogi to bump it. As he would lean back in his chair, he would point behind him with a thumb. "That's where the king lives....." in the distance, literally towering over the city which was a feat in and of it's self. Sat the Royal Palace, home of Mato. The King of Fiore and his daughter, Hisui. Who was SO hot. "Sogi have you ever seen the princess of Fiore.....she's so pretty." he said more to himself than anyone else as he looked over his shoulder at the palace. Suddenly however, their pleasant outing was interrupted.

    A Royal Knight, one of the rose knights went running by as people seemed to take notice, not only Haru and probably Sogi. He'd stop and talk furiously to another knight who looked surprised. As a huge GONG! would go off in the air, the Capital warning bell. People would gather up their kids swiftly and their belongings as well in a panic. Noticing the two of them sitting at a table; one of the guards seemed to recognize them briefly as he did a double take as Haru stood up and looked around the street confused.

    "Hey! Isn't that Sogi the Kid? Haru? The fire mage?" he asked as he ran up to them. "You guys...YOU guys are from that famous guild, Fairy Tail!!! Monsters just.....literally killed guards at the main gate, and are coming down main street like bats out of hell!!! If you guys can help I'll go tell the king himself that Fairy Tail happened to be in town and are helping us out!!!" as he said this; Haru would look to Sogi. Not wanting him to be in any danger, but deciding he could handle it as his new ni san he would only nod to Sogi with an intense look in his eyes.

    "No worries. We'll take care of it. Which way is main street, we're from Magnolia." as he said this, the guy would point and Haru would nod at Sogi. "Well...Rose isn't here, so it's just me and you." he said mentioning his red furred Exceed. No sooner did he say this did the royal guard nod and take off running as Haru would take off in the other direction, rounding the corner he literally heard the clanging before he did.

    Goblins were literally RAMPAGING through Crocus' streets. Tearing shops apart, grabbing women by the hair and in other perverted places. It was terrible. There were at least a hundred of them on this street.

    "HEY!" Haru would yell as all of them stopped what they were doing comically as if they'd frozen. Haru would then do something hilarious...he would literally stick his toungue out and give the loudest raspberry he could as he knew goblins hated to be taunted. They all literally screeched and charged him after looking offended. "Let's go, Sogi-ni!" Haru said as on of his fists would engulf in flames, and let off a roar like a dragon with magical sound as the flames burned hotter and hotter.


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    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Rose


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty Re: [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Sogeki 25th March 2018, 10:29 pm

    The day was beautiful in Crocus. It had been a while since Sogi last visited the Capital of Fiore. Sogi and Haru spending the day in the beautiful city. They were at the time in no need for jobs nor extra money, so exploring other towns was a luxury they could afford. Haru was having some sushi and vegetables. Sogi, however, was more of a dessert person and had instead just asked for three cake slices. Each of them was a different flavor. The first one was chocolate. It was completely dark and had a delicious black toping to cover the bread. The second one was a tres leches cake, which was much smoother and less sweet than the chocolate one. The last one was Sogi's favorite, carrot cake. Sogi loved that flavor, not only because of its delicious taste but also because it made him feel healthier. The idea of having carrots in his cake made him believe he was actually having a nutritious meal.

    Sogi ate the three slices at the same time, switching from dish to dish and varying in between his cake and his glass of milk. Girls were not exactly Sogi's specialty, which made him pay careful attention to Haru's rant. He was quite interested in the subject since he knew he would someday use that information. However, with three slices in front of him and little to no knowledge about woman, he limited himself to eating, hearing and nodding. Not a second passed without Sogi having a mouthful of cake, but he would still pay careful attention to Haru's explanation. "I see, they ARE weird." Said Sogi as he briefly stopped munching on his meal.

    The subject would suddenly change as Haru pointed at the structure behind them. The restaurant they were at was actually in a very nice location. It had a beautiful view, directly looking at the gigantic stadium where the annual magic games were held. Sogi got hyped rather easily by Haru's comment. He quickly responded to Haru's fist as he swallowed the last piece of cake. Haru continued to explain the Royal Palace. Sogi was intrigued by the gigantic structure, Haru, however, seemed to find his interest in the princess. "No, I haven't." Said Sogi as he started to lean back and slide a bit lower on his chair. His belly was a bit bigger than normal. He had eaten quite a lot in only a few minutes.

    Just as Sogi would start to feel sleepy, violent sounds interrupted their meal. Guards would run through the streets and eventually noticed both Haru and Sogi. Sogi was quite flattered when his guild was referred to as the famous guild. After the guard's explanation, Sogi looked at Haru, exchanging glances and then agreeing to help. It was not a difficult decision for Sogi, but he could not avoid feeling they thought the exact same way. Sogi had a solid bond with Haru, almost like brothers. Haru was after all the closest thing to an older brother Sogi had ever had.

    They both left the local and ran towards the main street. As soon as they got there, Sogi saw a group of savage goblins tearing the city apart. People ran all over the place in an attempt to get away from the small creatures. Before Sogi could do anything, Haru got every single goblin to turn at him as he taunted the group of savages. "Let's do this." Said Sogi replying to Haru's and pulling his small flute out of his pocket. Sogi was ready to fight, and while he had not released his full power, he always avoided doing so. His magic was powerful and allowed him to become stronger in a blink of an eye, but the downsides, while not in any way lethal, were very unpleasant for the young Sogi.

    The first goblin ran towards Sogi, and while the creature, which was around the same Size than Sogi, was actually quite fast, Sogi was easily able to evade his attack with a quick teleport behind him. He then used his small flute to strike the goblin behind his head, not yet rendering unconscious, but still dealing some damage. The monster turned back towards Sogi and jumped directly at him, however, a second quick blow was enough to defeat the first monster and have him drop to the ground. Sogi turned again towards the group of Goblins realizing the fight was far from over. Numerous minions were not only charging at the time mage and fire slayer, but more goblins were jumping in the scene as they ran through doors and windows from the different shops in the street. "Haru, I'll do my best, but I'm not sure I can take lots of them down."

    WC: 795
    Spells: Step (Signature Spell)



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty Re: [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Haru-senpai 26th March 2018, 8:11 am

    As the two of them braced themselves for battle; Haru realized these things were around Sogi's height. Pretty quick too. As he thought about this, watching the little guys sharpen their weapons and cackle before charging, he would watch as one ran towards Sogi. With a literal teleportation spell he appeared instantly behind the guy, no longer standing next to Haru. With a loud whack causing it to stumble, and then another whack when it turned around; the thing was down.

    The other goblins stopped cackling and screeched now, some hanging from windows and the like as they would get more focused on the mages. "I'll take care of that." Haru said as one of his fists would ignite into flames. "Be ready to get out of the way....." Haru said as he held a fist covered in flames howling like a dragon up. With a single step; his feet would explode with flames and launch him forward like a missile through the air. Leaving a bit of fire behind in a swirl.

    The streak of flames on his fist literally trailed behind him as Haru chose one unlucky goblin and gave him a haymaker covered in flames; which caused a napalm like explosion of flames to literally explode, the explosion was larger than a whale; and towered high into the skies above. The houses and shops nearby got their brick scorched badly as fire washed over the entire street; most of the goblins comically fell to the ground from roofs and windows, on fire; as most on the ground were done for.

    About ten of them stood up; their weapons were literally glowing hot as they dropped them with a "HOT HOT HOT HOT!" and then began to growl at Haru. Who's fist was smoking as he looked serious, looking around with fear he eventually spotted Sogi. So he was alright. Of course his little brother had been resourceful enough to dodge an attack like that. His fist continued to smoke for a few more seconds as he nodded to Sogi.

    "Let's take the rest out with good old fashion butt kicking, Fairy Tail mages can't lose in a fight right." he said without looking at Sogi and then looked toward the group of goblins up ahead. They dropped their weapons and screeched before charging them Haru would run out to meet them, with a duck he dodged a claw strike and literally tossed one in the air above him. With a damn flaming spin kick, Haru connected to his face and sent him rolling on the ground towards Sogi behind him. Another two charged as Haru would weave a punch and deliver two crisp flaming punches as fire whooshed in the air.

    The others began to literally run away now as Haru yelled back to Sogi.

    "Knock that one out Sogi! The others are gonna try and get away!" Haru yelled as the one he'd delivered a Liu Kang kick too and knocked toward Sogi was groggily getting up in front of the young mage. Haru encouraged him to use some kind of spell to take him out quickly.

    Spells Used: Fire Dragon's Iron Fist (C), Fire Dragon's Rocket (Signature)


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    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Rose


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty Re: [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Sogeki 26th March 2018, 12:14 pm

    Haru replied at Sogi with confidence as he quickly started to raise the temperature around him. His hands were quickly covered in flames, which meant he was probably going to use a spell. And while Sogi was not exactly sure what Haru was about to do, he realized it was better to just jump out of the way. The fire dragon slayer impulsed himself with fire, leaving a fire trace behind him and burning most buildings around him. Sogi was quick enough to teleport behind Haru just before he reached Sogi. With the quick retreat, Sogi was easily able to avoid any damage and then see the incredible abilities Haru possessed. A single strike coming from Haru was able to shake the entire street, making the goblins trip and fall from the roofs of nearby buildings.

    "Wow" Sogi was very impressed with how strong was Haru himself. After the first attacks, a goblin was thrown with a powerful kick and landed just next to Sogi. The young mage decided just to ignore it and keep watching Haru show his impressive combat abilities. However, after the easy first victory against the goblin group, those who still stood started to retreat. Haru quickly reacted and warned Sogi about the goblin who was now standing by him. The green little creature took his weapon and swung it directly at Sogi. Sogi was not aware enough to evade the attack, however, just a few inches from the blade, Sogi instinctively started to transform. His body shined for a few fractions of a second and then disappeared. The goblin was confused as to how his attack had not only not landed but had also lost its target. But before the goblin was capable of even slowing his swing, a kick on the right side of the goblin's face. But as he was pushed away by such strike, a second kick landed below his chin, throwing him a few feet into the air and knocking him unconscious.

    Sogi had not only teleported. He had transformed into an older version of himself. His magic was capable of aging his body and had now turned Sogi into a 15-year-old. But the transformation was not the only change that happened in that blink of an eye. There were now 2 Sogi's of the same age. Both stood a few inches taller than their younger version. One of them was holding a long spear, but other than that, they looked identical. "I'll give you a hand Haru." Said both Sogis in their new stronger and faster version. Both Sogis sprinted towards the group of running goblins. They were both very fast and were easily able to catch up with the creatures. The Sogi holding a spear was slightly faster than the other Sogi and was the one who stood in front of the goblins to try and close their way out of the street. The second Sogi, however, used his momentum to kick a couple of them from behind and then catching up to the speared Sogi.

    WC: 507
    Spells: Time-Clone (C Rank), Step (Signature)



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty Re: [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Haru-senpai 27th March 2018, 5:17 am

    As Haru watched he was literally stunned by the spell Sogi used, some crazy time magic. He'd split in two and then hit the little goblin with a two piece kicking combo that sent him soaring. As Sogi now was miraculously Haru's age with a twin as they both talked to Haru at the same time. "Whoa." was all he could say as his mind was boggled by Sogi's magic. "Time Magic......not bad at all." in his mind he thought I can't be outdone by my younger brother.....not SO EARLY ON! comically as he would run after the twin Sogi's one carrying a spear.

    As one of them caught up to the running goblins he would leap up and deliver another kick combo to it sending it tumbling forward into others as Haru would smile as he ran up.

    "Why don't you guys get honest work instead of looting and pillaging!" he yelled at the goblins. "And if you like to cause trouble a little graffiti never hurt anyone....." he seemed to rub his own face in thought but snapped out of it as one of them shot him right in the mouth with a stone slingshot as Haru clutched his face in pain comically. "YOU LITTLE SHIIIIIIT!!! OW!" the goblin laughed until a fireball hit it in the face and knocked him out, as his face smoked.

    Haru was pissed now as the goblin boss actually appeared.

    "Why you messin' wit us Fairy Tail....we'll split da food." he bargained with Sogi and Haru as Haru would only laugh. "Wat, we plan on takin enough for da whole Spring season, wat u think?" he said as he pointed his sword at them and all the goblins would charge.

    Fire Dragon's Roar as Haru stood in front of the two Sogi's he would exhale a tidal wave of flames at the goblins who literally dropped their hot weapons, their bodies smoking, and fell over comically as the goblin bossed. Scorched and clothes almost burnt off would just blink at his fallen troops. Nearby, the crowds of people would begin cheering.

    "FAIRY TAIL. FAIRY TAIL!" in a chant as the goblin boss got irritated. "NO, STOP DAT!" he would say as eventually he would run off, cursing Sogi and Haru as people cheered louder at this. The group of Rune Knights from before, now larger would eventually find them. Looked as if they were able to stop the rest of them. "Hey, great job here!" he yelled over the cheers. "Damn...we didn't put on a show like this though...." he looked around. "The king decided to give em 30 days in the hole and then release em back to the wild with lesson learned." under his breath Haru could've sworn he said it wasn't harsh enough, but with a shrug he'd nod.

    "Tell the King, Fairy Tail wants deserts and the finish sushi the palace can afford!" Haru said crossing his arms arrogantly. The Rune Knights would comically protest as eventually they gave in. "Hey Sogi, want to go up to the palace?" he asked him, arms still crossed as the goblins began to get round up and cuffed. He wondered what the princess was really like. Dammit, he was going to do it. He finally would be able to shoot his shot at her, yes! He sparkled to himself as the Rune Knight spoke with someone over the Lacrima he'd pulled out a moment ago.

    "The king says you both get 100j gift cards for your service." as Haru would literally shatter into glass in his spirit as this was said. Anger boiling inside of him. His eyes would literally catch fire as he began to actually fight the Rune Knights who ended up comically whacking him with their Rune Staffs and then arresting him as well.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Haru yelled as he was cuffed and dragged away. "SOGI HELP MEEEEEEEEE!" he would yell out as he was dragged away with the Goblins and comically thrown into a cell with them once he'd reached the palace. Eventually after two hours or so he was let out, but he'd made friends with all the goblins from before and apologized for using his magic on them. He promised when they got out, he and Sogi would visit them in the goblin village and battle against their finest warriors. Eventually he would find Sogi again on the palace grounds somewhere and walk up to him embarrassed. "....YOU didn't see nothin." he said as he walked up. "But those goblins ain't half bad.....they want us to come by their village sometime...they say they got good bacon and good warriors for us to battle against...sounds good enough for me."

    Haru then sparkled, and said he'd decided to buy Sogi any desert he wanted in the entire capitol city. Setting off with him, they'd hit the town and see if they could spot any beautiful busty girls. When and if they did, Haru would sick Sogi on them with his favorite little brother adorable protocol and then swoop in for their phone numbers.



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    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Rose


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 242
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,243.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Poltergeist
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru) Empty Re: [Event] Monster Kings (Sogeki and Haru)

    Post by Sogeki 28th March 2018, 9:31 am

    Haru ran towards the group of goblins who were now surrounded by the Fairy Tail mages. Haru stood just by both Sogis and started to mess around with the bunch of goblins. However, after a hit in the face, Haru got pretty mad and savagely attacked the little goblin. Both Sogis giggled a little at Haru's overreaction. Their giggles settled when the goblin leader walked towards both them and Haru, trying to offer some sort of deal. "Why do you think he's talking like that?" Whispered the Sogi with no spear at his clone. "Don't know, he might have bitten himself." Replied the original armed Sogi. But before they would even reject such offer, Haru stepped into action and easily defeated was what left of the horde with a spell. People cheered all over the street, shouting Fairy Tail again and again. Sogi was quite proud of his guild, such cheering made him feel he was part of something important. He really was, wasn't he?

    Finally, the fight was over. It was not exactly very challenging for either Haru nor Sogi, however, it had still pushed Sogi to transform into his stronger version. "Anyway, Sogi number two, you should leave now. I'll be turning myself into my normal version too so..." Said the spear-carrying Sogi as he offered a fist at his clone, just like he had learned from Haru a while earlier. Just after they bumped fists, both Sogis started to shine, however, only one of them was still standing after the light around them disappeared. Sogi, who was now 7-years-old again and was only holding a flute, walked towards Haru and the Rune Knight who were discussing their reward. "Can we?" Asked the young boy surprised as he got excited about the idea. Visiting the gigantic palace only a few people could ever see in their lives. Maybe even meeting the king or his family. All of that sounded pretty fun to Sogi.

    His excitement, however, was quickly destroyed as the Rune Knight spoke the king's decision. Only 100 jewel gift cards? Not even a thank you very much? Plus would not even notice if they were given some more money. This was, of course, a bit sad for Sogi, however, once he looked at Haru, he could tell he was even more offended. In fact, only after the Rune Knight spoke, Haru jumped violently at him and attacked. Sogi smiled a bit embarrassed. "Haru, don't you think you're overreacting a little?" Asked Sogi just before Haru was arrested again. Sogi giggled a little as Haru shouted asking for help. Sogi knew there was not much he could do, so he instead walked towards a nearby Rune Knight in an attempt to pull off his charming card. "Excuse me." Said the small Sogi as he gently pulled from the man's uniform to get his attention. "How long will my older brother be in jail?" Said Sogi trying to cry a little. His effort to letting tears out was not enough and just made his eyes look a bit glassy. The Rune Knight turned down as Sogi spoke and pat his head. "It won't be too much, he saved us from those goblins so he cannot be arrested for too long." Said the Rune Knight and looked around in concern. "Kid, who's responsible for you? Are your parents around or were you just with your brother?" He asked. "I was just with my brother. My parents aren't quite alive." Said Sogi getting the Rune Knight very embarrassed for his question. "You know what, you'll have to be with a Rune Knight while your brother is released. Do you care for Ice Cream?" Asked the man, getting a quick and happy nod from Sogi.

    Sogi was then taken with another Rune Knight for ice cream. He, of course, abused his acquired simply power and was bought two big different flavor ice creams. He could barely hold both cones with at least 4 scoops each. However, it was only a while before he was taken to the palace to pick up Haru. "Nop, I did not." Said Sogi happily as he still had two scoops of ice cream left. Sogi listened to his older brother for what was left of such day. He was still impressed with how much Haru knew and even went along with his tricks to pick up girls. It was a nice and fun day despite having to fight those goblins. However, Sogi would not remember half of it the next day. That was the only downside to his powers.

    WC: 763



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God

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