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    Tiny new friend

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Tiny new friend Empty Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 26th October 2017, 1:34 pm

    Word Count:
    1,277 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    It's been few days since Leila discovered the floating continent for the first time. Ever since that day, she was unseen anywhere in Earthland for she would be spending all of her time at the arrival site. As a true adventurer, she was more excited than anyone else present around to explore these new wilds that no other man or woman stepped into. But even with her excitement, she still had her head firmly planted on her neck. And inside of that head, a working brain! Only fool would dare to venture out into an unknown land unprepared. And so began the more boring part of an exploration where she would do nothing but sit around the entire day and wait for supplies to arrive, only so that she could inspect them, make sure they were fine and finally pack them properly. Using her magic to grow wings and taking a look at this floating piece of land from above, she was able to tell that there was a great variety of terrain available as well. In other words, they had to be prepared for absolutely everything, including dry land, beaches, snow-covered mountains and erupting volcanos. Truly a untamed piece of land this was! And such fact brought the girl all the more excitement as the preparations came to a close. However, another problem appeared just a night before the planned start of the very first expedition. A rather large amount of prints were found in the dirt near to the camp and a number of people claimed that they saw wolf-like creatures eyeing them with hunger in their eyes. But unlike regular wolves, these ones had strangely colored fur. If they were to be believed, it would be unwise to leave now and render the camp vulnerable to possibly incoming attack. But to sit around idly, waiting for something that could very well not even happen wasn't exactly the best plan either.

    As such, Leila decided to take things into her own hands. Her entire crew would remain in the camp and defend it against anything that would come at them while she would go ahead and follow the prints, see if they would lead her to the pack. As someone once said, a good offense was the best defense. If she could eliminate any and all threat by herself, then they would have much less to worry about in the future. That said, it would be a plan most stupid if she was to venture out there alone. Even with her newfound powers, it just wasn't something she could risk. Thankfully, she had a handful of allies that she knew she could count on. On that very day, a carrion pigeon would be sent with a message tied to its leg. And it's destination? Lamia Scale guild hall. Unfortunately, the Eden's caretaker didn't actually know where the Saint of Passion, Kaori lived. So this was the only way of reaching her she had right now. But hopefully, the letter would still reach. It was actually quite nostalgic, sending a message in this style. Leila remembered doing it a whole bunch in the past when her iLac was broken. And now that she was thinking about it, Kaori did have her own, didn't she? She noticed that when they were in Bosco dealing with a certain barrier. Once the two of them would meet up, they had to exchange contacts so that the communication between them would grow much more comfortable. But the pigeon was a very well trained one too, which meant that it was very unlikely to get lost or fall prey to any predators that the skies could have. It was even capable of finding the correct person after studying their photo. And Saints were rather public figures, meaning it was not that hard to find a picture of Kaori that Leila could show to the bird. Once it found her, the creature would fly to her and start circling her until the letter would be obtained.

    To the great Saint of Passion Kaori,

    It's been a while since the incident in Bosco and I'm afraid I have to ask for your power rather than to have a simple and nice chat in order to get to know one another. I have managed to discover a new land recently, one that has yet to be explored. But this land also hides many dangers and I am afraid my power alone is not enough to survive here. As such, I would like to ask you to accompany me on a small expedition. If you choose to agree, I have placed a small talisman along with this message. It is a one-use transportation talisman linked to where I am. All you have to do is take it and go to the Wakusei Portals. Maybe you have noticed it before, but these constructs have small slots on their side. By using these talismans, you can temporarily change the destination of these portals. Just place it into the slot and walk through it, you will be redirected to my camp and the talisman will break into pieces so that no one else can follow through. Reading this explanation of mine myself, I realize just how sketchy and risky all this sounds, so I will understand if you decide to decline. I will wait for another week and if you do not arrive within one week, I will take that as your answer and head out by myself. I hope life has been treating you well and I'm looking forward to seeing you again, be it on this adventure or in the distant future.

    May the light illuminate your path always,
    Leila Vergious of Golden Phoenix

    If Kaori decided to accept the invitation and use the talisman as was described in the letter, the portal she chose to use would transform the transportation veil's color to a rainbow mix that seemed to show an image of many islands floating in the skies in the distance. Walking through it would be just like walking through the portal any other time. But instead of a different world, she would find herself suddenly standing on an ornate stone platform, a large crystal beneath her feet. The stone platform was slightly elevated above a grassy plateau. Behind her, it would not stretch very far, as it quickly came to a rapid stop. The land would just not be there and instead, a gigantic drop revealed itself. She was on a piece of land that was tens, if not hundreds of miles above the Earth's surface. And yet, from what little could be seen down there, it was no place that anyone would recognize, possibly hinting that they were indeed in a completely different world here. But if she was to walk forward instead of backward from the stone platform, she would find a wall of rocks with a fairly thin passage between them, one that could fit only single average person in width. Once through, a much bigger open field would be opened up in front of her filled with tents, barrels, and boxes. People walking and running around with tools and pieces of paper. They were all humans who were part of Leila's crew. Two structures here were also much more visible than the rest of the leather tents. One was a half-built wooden house and the other a small purple tower with a symbol of a slime on it. And in the middle of this chaos stood Leila, gesturing at a group of people to let them know that they should be helping out elsewhere. Things were clearly busy here.

    Non-template version:



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 27th October 2017, 8:27 pm

    Godess's Boon Lineage: +100% Jewel
    Golden Lacrima: +25% Jewel

    The day had been long for the young dragon as he walked through the city of Hargeon disguised as a commoner. He wanted to inspect the town, make sure things hadn't gone tits up since his departure... more importantly, he wanted to check in on specific members of the guild of Lamia Scale. Samira was the first one he checked in on, using his stealth to vanish from sight and appear near her window. He slid his gaze in and noticed a black cat sitting on her desk talking to her, much to his luck the cat was also looking at Samira so it didn't see him. It smelled like one of her spirits, so he assumed it was one of those spirits that doubled as pets that he'd heard of. She seemed distracted, looking at the book of the gods but it was obvious that she wasn't reading. He knew how she smelled when she was confused and distracted, as well as... other... times... and this was definitely the confusion. 'It seems she's not as good at deciphering riddles as I thought.' Ysrad said in Ikuchi's head. 'What did you do?' Ikuchi asked while hiding behind the wall, not making a single audible sound. 'I revealed to her the answer to an issue she's having, though... not exactly how her meager intelligence could-' 'Do not insult her, old man.' Ikuchi interrupted, the status of being a "good ally" having more significance for the young dragon than normal humans. 'My apologies, I hadn't realized she was close to you.` 'She's not.' Ikuchi's reply was cold as death, and highly annoyed sounding as well. 'Your rider seems to be suffering from a literally shattered heart... she'll need to reclaim the pieces, one of which you carry.' the old dragon said to Ikuchi, causing his eyes to widen at the thought of Kaori having any room in her heart for him. He grit his teeth at the thought of facing her again, and while his instincts told him she'd see nothing that needs forgiving, his pride told him otherwise. Ikuchi had spotted an odd shaped shadow flying across the ground and looked up at the cause... a type of bird that wasn't native to the port that was flying in circles around the castle. Ikuchi didn't know why his instincts pulled his attention to it, but he wasn't going to risk anything by ignoring them.

    Ikuchi vanished and reappeared at the top of the castle and watched the bird flying around, and after an hour of it, the bird landed on the top of a pole to take a rest. The young dragon had figured it must've come from quite the distance away if it was resting after only an hour, but that was to his fortune. He vanished and reappeared behind the bird without making a sound. He then grabbed the bird gently, making sure to keep its wings pressed firmly against its side while restricting as much movement as possible. He felt it squirm in his hand, kicking its feet, and trying to peck at him but having very little success. Ikuchi noted the letter attached to it and removed the item, causing the bird to panic even more at the thought of having its message stolen. He skimmed over the letter while picking out specific details to understand it. An ally of Kaori's had requested assistance in a different place that was through the wakusei portals and provided a key to go there. Kaori wasn't in Hargeon at all, so Ikuchi had taken the mantle and decided he'd go in her stead. Ikuchi had tied the letter back to the bird's leg but kept the key for the portal and released the fowl. It fried reclaiming the item, but had quickly been caught again. He vanished and reappeared in the guild where he put the bird in a cage, instructing one of the members to release it after a full day had passed and began making his way to the Wakusei Portals.

    Once there, Ikuchi inserted the item in the slot on the portal and watched it change to a rainbow colored version. Stepping through it was definitely an odd feeling as always, but he paid it as little mind as physically possible. Arriving, Ikuchi had to squeeze through some pillars that were just far enough spaced that he could get through with maybe some room for a magazine or two- something good for funneling enemies through. Once he was past that obstacle, he saw a camp had been made with people moving things around. There was a tower and a wooden structure amidst the various tents, and one person stood out among the multiple humans present... She had white hair with a set of wolf-like ears on her head, and a rather fluffy tail to match. Going by how she was coordinating everyone, she must've been the leader and her scent had matched the one from the letter. As Ikuchi approached, she would see he wore a pair of black dress shoes polished to a perfect shine. In the middle of the bottom lace was a solid gold flower, a hibiscus. He wore a set of black dress pants to match, and a well cared for shirt of the same color was tucked into them. From his neck dangled another golden hibiscus, as though it were symbolic to the man. His broad shoulders gave way to normal sized arms, the muscular structure hidden behind black silk sleeves; courtesy of his formal shirt. The man wore a dark grey tie that had a crimson outline on the top, and holding the two tie ends together and preventing wind from flicking them about was a golden clasp. On his face was a gray mask with some markings on it. The mask covered his forehead, eyes, and nose like a type of masquerade mask that lacked the tacky shiney crap. Upon standing in front of Leila, Ikuchi would say "Miss Vergious, my name is Ikuchi. Lady Kaori is currently preoccupied so I'll be assisting you." with a strong and respectful tone.

    Ikuchi - His Mask

    Words: 1,021   |   Kaori   |   Stuff

    Last edited by ○Kaori on 29th October 2017, 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th October 2017, 10:24 am

    Word Count:
    2,397 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    Dressed in her usual white kimono with red accenting, the girl had a smile plastered on her face as she ordered the man around, her hands pointing to different locations and tents in the camp. People would be running around holding sacks with food, boards or leather used to make tents that were all around them. Ever since Leila actually discovered this location for the very first time, she was trying to expand this camp to the point where it would serve as a very solid outpost. A well-guarded position that they could always fall back to. That was for now as they would explore the floating islands that formed this giant continent in the skies. But once the land would become completely known to them, she had much bigger plans. To actually offer to create a village or even a small city up here. Not only would such exotic place get a lot of attention from people that could pay the right price, but there was also a more... intricate reason. The caretaker was unable to actually say why it was this way, but she wanted to start something. A place that would eventually grow on its own, a civilization that would make this entire place it's home one day. But not because of the power that it could bring her. Perhaps it was something left over from Aurora when the two girls were still one. After all, the goddess had created the world called Gardens of Eden. So perhaps the desire to create and form something new was just in her blood. A natural part of her as one would have it. It just had to be decided if this was a good or bad want of hers. Right now, it was hard to imagine that creating a new settlement for people to live in would serve anything bad or evil, but one never knew. It seemed that the negative could creep into just about anything these days.

    Turning around, the furry-eared woman would notice a new arrival that squeezed between the rocks and started approaching. She was indeed expecting someone, but that someone was not a male. Alerted, she would quickly enter a little bit more aggressive stance, one of her arms starting to turn gray as her skin transformed into a wood-like material. If someone managed to infiltrate their camp, she had to take them out quickly and then interrogate them to ensure that there was not a larger attack incoming. Far too many people who could not fight were present. However, something like that was not necessary in the end, for which the girl was rather glad. When she heard the man's words, she would let out a sigh of relief, her hand swiftly returning to normal and her posture much more relaxed now. So the saint was too busy with her own affairs after all, huh? That was a grand shame, as Leila was looking forward to seeing Kaori again and maybe getting to know her a little bit more. When she saw her in Bosco, she appeared a great deal different from their very first meeting. So obviously she had a lot to catch up on. She also wanted to ask the ninja about this whole 'dark Kaori' deal, as it intrigued her. And she honestly did not mind cuddles from cute girls, so there was that. Instead, she got a rather fancy looking boy who did not falter in the terms of appearance. She would size him up with her eyes, examining him from toe to head just to be sure. There was still a chance that he was actually an enemy who intercepted her letter and decided to come here to attack when no one was suspecting a thing. Though that was slightly bordering on paranoia at this point. Crossing her arms over her chest, she would smile at the boy.

    "Pleasure to meet you. Name's Leila Vergious, though you seem to already know that. Are you by any chance one of Kaori's spirits? Or maybe just someone who works with her?"

    She asked the saint if she could arrive to help Leila with a little expedition that would probably end up in a fight or two. Which also meant that she should at least know what position this guy held and what his abilities were. All creatures in this place were much stronger than those in Earthland due to the saturation of ethernano in their bodies. Stretching a little bit, the white-haired maiden would turn her back toward Ikuchi and start walking toward the edge of the camp, hoping that he would follow as she continued to talk.

    "I was expecting company of a cute girl, but I suppose you will do. But I do suggest that you go around the camp and find a spare change of clothes. I appreciate the dapper look, but where we are going, it'll be very humid. Large amounts of mud and water in the way too. Formal attire is the last thing you want. That is if you do plan to tag along as was the subject of my letter."

    He did say that he would be assisting her, but there was a chance that he did not know what they would be getting into and that he would change his mind soon enough. At the edge of the camp, there were two clear ways to go. One to the left and one to the right. A number of armored humans were sitting on stumps around the right one, chatting and eating their lunch happily. As Leila would get closer, they'd wave and glare at the new boy with suspicion in their eyes. It was clear that everyone here knew one another to some degree and a new face caused a little bit of distraught. Leila, however, quickly started walking toward the left path and stopped few meters in, pointing in the direction they would go. It was a tiny road right next to a cliffside. If they were to slip, a fall that no one could ever survive would await them. The way seemingly lead to a little bit more safe area that was covered in thick vegetation, some form of ruins occasionally sticking from the sea of trees.

    "This path will lead us to the west end of this specific island. It's a dead end with not much there, but a number of creatures made it their home. We have to show dominance so that they grow hesitant and don't attack this camp. And by dominance I mean dominance. I don't fancy killing the local fauna, so a mere display of power to scare them off will be enough. Any questions?"

    Non-template version:



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 28th October 2017, 11:46 am

    Ikuchi had felt his heart sink when she asked what his relationship with Kaori was. He remembered back in the Lamia Scale guild hall how he raised his sword to her, and while it was to prevent her from doing something she'd inevitably kill herself out of shame for, it wasn't his job to do that. "I..." he began saying, his voice had changed to sadness and guilt. "I am neither. I am her former servant, one who has fallen from grace and is trying to redeem himself. I used to be her most trusted ally, but... things happened. I lost my honor that day and am unable to face Lady Kaori until I reclaim it." his words sounded true and very sincere, though they gave Leila very little reason to trust him. Kaori wasn't a spiteful person and it was generally difficult to get on her shit list, so without having specified anything or gone into detail on the situation he left himself open for suspicion- though, that was a non-priority for the dragon. After a bit more walking Leila had said "I was expecting company of a cute girl, but I suppose you will do. But I do suggest that you go around the camp and find a spare change of clothes. I appreciate the dapper look, but where we are going, it'll be very humid. Large amounts of mud and water in the way too. Formal attire is the last thing you want. That is if you do plan to tag along as was the subject of my letter." Ikuchi let out a small chuckle, such things were of little consequence to him. "I appreciate your willingness to compromise and accept me, and a change of clothing isn't necessary. Lady Kaori and I have been through the desert and bloody fields with me dressed like this. Consider it a handicap to make the fight more fair for our enemies." His tone was less sad than before, and more confident as he remembered the good old days.

    The two had passed a group of individuals who gave Ikuchi a fairly dirty look that he didn't bother acknowledging with any reaction. As far as he was concerned, they were nothing more than humans with little to no power- he could end them with one hit if attacked. Ikuchi was used to dirty looks from lowly humans anyway. He grew up back when humans were less trusting of anything, and while walking around settlements he always had to make sure to enter and exit without stopping most the time. While in the wilds he took on his true form, which made humans attack him on sight but made survival much easier otherwise. His attention had returned to Leila when she began speaking, saying "This path will lead us to the west end of this specific island. It's a dead end with not much there, but a number of creatures made it their home. We have to show dominance so that they grow hesitant and don't attack this camp. And by dominance I mean dominance. I don't fancy killing the local fauna, so a mere display of power to scare them off will be enough. Any questions?" Ikuchi hadn't truly acknowledged the statement by answering directly, but he did respond. "Your magic allows you to change your form, is that correct?" he would ask having noticed her arm changing when he was approaching. If she told him he was right, or explained her magic, Ikuchi would say "Then we are not so different." hinting that the form she saw wasn't his real one. If she denied her magic being take over, then Ikuchi would say "I see."

    "I can understand your lack of trust for me, but I feel it necessary to say that I can literally smell it radiating from you." Ikuchi said bluntly, addressing the one thing that would make this temporary team problematic. "If you're going to be suspicious of me then I have no reason to believe you won't stab me in the back out of paranoia, in which case I may as well leave and avoid that fate." Ikuchi held his right hand out and a ring with eight celestial keys had appeared. "Charlotte, Jedinaiah, Scarlet, Mammoth, Aquarius, and the three new spirits whose names I'm yet to learn; these are their keys as I'm sure you've seen them before. They respond to me the same way they respond to Kaori since I'm part of their contracts, let that sink in when trying to gauge my reliability." The whole time, Ikuchi's tone didn't sound angry or offended. He was using a very straight tone with her that was more matter of fact than anything. The set of keys vanished, except standing behind him was one spirit in particular that he didn't anticipate calling herself out. His eyebrow raised at her smell, but his mask concealed that reaction. She had green feet inside black dress shoes, and the skin on her legs were green which transitioned into pale skin. She wore a light purple, flowing dress with a black belt under where her breasts which were still covered by the dress. She had pale skin on her arms that transitioned to green hands. Her face was very cute and had gentle features, light pink lips, and azure eyes with the same colored hair. A pair of antlers stuck straight out of her head like sign posts, and she had ears resembling an elve's ears. Behind those, but a bit further up on her head, was a pair of pink fluffy bits that only served to make her seem cuter, and not in a lesbian sort of way.

    Tiny new friend V4n6gBk

    It was Query, the spirit who formed the black hole back in Bosco. She walked up to Ikuchi with an inquisitive look on her face and rested her hand on his chest while closing her eyes. Ikuchi stood there and looked at her through his mask, not moving at all out of curiosity for what she was doing. "You truly are part of my contract." she said before removing her hand. "I am Query, my gate is Enigma. My summoner is connected to you, but you are causing her pain by staying away. I request you return to her, she does not feel anger towards you, but rather gratitude for what you did back then. I feel gratitude as well, without your actions I would not have found her." As always, Query's tone was soft spoken and very polite. She didn't have the classic high pitched tone that other kind and caring girls seemed to have, but rather, a mature one that carried an air of being aloof and aware- a contradiction in and of itself. Ikuchi looked at the spirit and then looked away. "I will take your silence as a means of consideration. Bear in mind, you will need to face her to make her complete again... you and Ashley together." Query said before vanishing into azure particles. Spirits were connected with their summoners on very deep levels, most knowing everything about their wizards and others knowing nothing but having absolute faith in them. The face that she knew about Ashley was proof that Ikuchi truly was contracted with her. "Let's get going Miss Vergious, we'll ensure the creatures know the boundaries of their territory." he said coldly, not wanting to think about what just happened any further. He would wait for Leila to begin walking since she knew the way and follow behind her.

    Words: 2,278   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th October 2017, 12:36 pm

    Word Count:
    3,142 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    The girl listened to everything he had to say with a straight face, not letting out a single peep during his entire speech and even show of the keys. She merely observed, her emerald green eyes affixed on the boy. They would not budge, only blink. Though that gaze was torn away from him when the spirit appeared. Her actions would be observed by the Eden's caretaker. And once it was all over, she would burst out laughing, even having to embrace her stomach with one hand as she bent forward. It was probably something that might have appeared a little rude to Ikuchi, so when the girl managed to regain her composure a bit and start wiping off the tears from her eyes, she would show him a big and warm smile. Kaori was certainly hanging out with some interesting beings. She herself was rather interesting to Leila as well, so maybe that was to be expected. Though she didn't imagine that she would hear what she heard or that she would witness what she did. Letting out a small sight, she would crack her neck a little bit and scratch the back of her head before beginning to talk herself.

    "Really... I asked for a company of a cute girl and when one arrives, she goes after the boy right away. I must have angered the gods of luck. But please, allow me to apologize. I suppose I have come across as little untrusting before. I'd like to say that something like that should be expected when meeting someone for the first time when you ask for someone else completely... but that would be just a lame excuse. Especially after seeing that, I trust you. I used to be a Rising Star too once. My path is one of kindness I'd like to think. When I can, I try to help others. Stabbing even my enemy in the back would just be against my nature. Oh, and if it brings you any peace of mind... helping me here will probably save this entire camp and all those people you saw. I'm sure that at least some of your honor can be restored."

    Saying that she would stretch once more and turn toward the very narrow road. But before going anywhere, a purple aura would suddenly surround her body. Not only her clothes but her body as a whole would change in a way. The base of her body would actually remain, but it gained new features. Ones that might have been more similar to the boys than the ones she had before. The new form she had taken one was a dragon. Long blue tail covered in sleek scales, horns atop her head and odd colored eyes that would stare into the distance.

    "Ah, and I wouldn't call me magic something that can change my form despite how it looks. My magic is Gardens of Eden, a completely different world much like this one. I am that world's caretaker and in exchange, it gives me power. These forms are my body being saturated with a certain aspect of that world. My magic is control of nature and these aspects."

    If he was more observant, he would maybe realize that her body was mostly the same, at least the base of it. Still a mostly white hair, type of body, height and so on. It was more like getting additions to her body rather than fully transforming it, despite her magic now being classed as take-over.

    "Alright, let us go."

    The narrow path was not too bad to traverse as long as they remained careful. And once beyond it, a large jungle would open in front of them. Many different sounds would play all around, critters and birds running and flying about while singing their songs. A small river also seemed to be running in the distance.

    "I don't know your style of battle, so if you decide to kill... I won't try to stop you. But remember what I said before. I refuse to have blood on my hands. Don't think I'm saying this as a warning... it's my weakness. Any enemy can take advantage of these decisions I make. It's more of a plea that if something like that happens and you decide to help me, I will be thankful. Truly."

    And sure enough, only a few steps in would be rewarded with a rustling of the bushes and growls from several directions.

    Non-template version:
    Enemy Roll:



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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 30th October 2017, 1:11 am

    Starving Wolf: 20
    Violet Dire Wolf: 13
    Green Drake: 2
    Guardian: 8
    Unknown: 3

    3 Guardians Split Into:
    2 Green Drakes
    2 Violet Dire Wolves
    12 Starving Wolves

    ~~Final Value~~
    Starving Wolf: 32
    Violet Dire Wolf: 15
    Green Drake: 4
    Guardian: 5

    Walking down the narrow and fairly linear path, Leila had said something that Ikuchi had taken with a grain of salt. "I don't know your style of battle, so if you decide to kill... I won't try to stop you. But remember what I said before. I refuse to have blood on my hands. Don't think I'm saying this as a warning... it's my weakness. Any enemy can take advantage of these decisions I make. It's more of a plea that if something like that happens and you decide to help me, I will be thankful. Truly." No one could refuse one hundred percent to not kill, no being- human, animal, microorganism, goddess, or otherwise was able to completely avoid murder. However, each individual had different buttons needed to press and lengths required to traverse before they would kill. For people like Ikuchi and Kaori, that line was so thin it was almost completely non-existent. Ikuchi had waited a few seconds after she had finished talking before saying "Lady Kaori does not allow her allies to be harmed if she can help it. They could be the most powerful of gods or the weakest of children, she protects them just the same if they're on her side. I am no different." Ikuchi had heard the rustling and smelled the creatures hiding within, but had done nothing as Leila didn't want to kill the local wildlife if she could help it. "Miss Vergious, if I may be so bold as to say this..." he paused while fixing his gaze on Leila "...Your policy of not killing will not prevent you from doing it. I am not saying you would turn hypocritical, but there will come a time where you- because of your past choices- will have no choice but to choose between losing a dear friend, or forfeiting your policy on not killing. You chose to align yourself with the Magic Council- former Rising Star; you'll find no shortage of enemies. You choose to assist humans, you'll find no shortage of enemies, both human and not human. You choose to attempt friendship with Lady Kaori... you'll bathe in blood from that alone. However, don't give up on your policy just by knowing that. I find it to be cute... I like cute... and tiny... and combinations of the two. And now I'm rambling." His whole lecture was delivered in a fairly serious, but not condescending voice while they walked. All of it was true, she had made all the right choices in life to make all the enemies the universe could offer and then wanted to be friends with the leader of the most vicious clan in all of Midi, but didn't want to kill...

    Ikuchi had let out a sigh and stopped walking, turning to face the brush with a scowl on his face. Due to the mask he was wearing, Leila would only see the mouth half of his expression. "You've been stalking us for a while... I have been listening to you breathing, and smelling the lunch on your breath for the past ten minutes." A man stood up in the brush who Ikuchi had remembered seeing at Leila's camp, one of the guys who were laughing while eating lunch with his buddies. "Damn outsider, you don't belong here!" he shouted in anger before moving to stand between Ikuchi and his boss, Leila. Ikuchi let out a small laugh and turned while crossing his arms over his chest. "Please my fellow servant, pray tell... How do you belong here? As I recall, you came in on human transportation so do tell me how you have a birth right to walk this land." he said with a smirk on his face, honestly waiting for the response. "We found this place-" "Ah, yes... human conquest, the ultimate birth right. Seriously now, tell me what's stopping me from ending your conquest right now? Miss Vergious isn't the answer, she's much too slow moving for that." The man stood and grit his teeth. He wasn't about to call him a liar since Kaori was somewhat famous for being brutal, ridiculously fast, and powerful. Ikuchi had no intention of killing the man, but he was more than willing to put him in his place. "I'll show you!" the man shouted and charged Ikuchi with a balled up fist. Ikuchi let out a sigh since what was about to happen was something he considered a chore, and not a battle worthy of his true power. Ikuchi vanished from where he stood some fifteen feet away and at the exact same moment he had appeared standing next to the man with his hand on the man's stomach. As he said before, Leila was most likely not fast enough to stop Kaori. What he didn't mention was that he was trained by Kaori, and had battled Kaori on equal footing longer than anyone before had ever done. The man had felt time slow down as he looked to his right and saw Ikuchi, then he felt the palm move forward and lift him from the ground from the force. A battle axe formed in Ikuchi's hand as he raised it straight up. The battle axe was pure white with a six and a half foot long pole, also white. At the end of it was a golden hibiscus like the one that dangled from his neck, attached by a white tassel to the weapon. The broad side that was without a blade was exposed to the man, then quick brought down on his back to send him to the ground. The man turned around to face Ikuchi and felt the top end of the axe pressed against his neck. The axe had the two blades on both sides of the pole, and the top was without any sharpening which was good for pushing people back, not decapitating them. He pressed the flat part into his neck till the back of the man's head was against the ground. "Know this, I have every right that you, Miss Vergious, or her other servants have to walk this land. Go back to work plebeian, attack me again and I'll remove your limbs." Ikuchi removed the weapon and turned to continue down the path.

    The man had returned to the camp with nothing more than a back ache and damaged pride, a reward compared to what Ikuchi would've done if that man wasn't part of Leila's group. "I apologize for that. I wasn't raised by humans so my connection with them is minimal at best. Something you may find funny, the first time I met Kaori she split my skull open. She was the second human I ever befriended, everyone else was kept as far away as possible." It wasn't long after that they had come to an elevated stretch of land overlooking a shrine where a great deal of wolves had gathered. Ikuchi got down on a knee and looked at them all as they laid around and heard their stomachs grumbling. A large wolf came over with a deer's leg and dropped it in front the pack, letting his kin eat while he starved further. "Miss Vergious, I do not feel comfortable attacking these creatures. If we can find a large animal or two for them, I can do something much more civil. There's a herd of creatures a mile or two away, we can take out a few of them."

    Words: 3,528   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 12th November 2017, 7:03 am

    Word Count:
    4,792 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    The Eden’s caretaker merely smiled back at the dragon boy. Every single being in this world took onto things differently, that much was obvious to just about anyone. Each person out there had a different path and a different goal. And of course, different means of achieving those goals. It would be foolish to think that everyone in this world would just agree to a single way of thinking or acting, for that a sentient mind was far too complex. Leila knew that full well and she did not really expect him to completely understand and accept her way of doing things. As she already told him, she did not expect him to change and do the same as hers. If he started going on and slaughtering wildlife, as long as he would have a good reason to do so, she would not dare to stop him because he was doing something ‘wrong’. Because what was wrong and what was right would differ greatly depending on people and even your current location.

    You are right that it does not prevent me. If I were to assume that you’re a great enough threat to the point where someone could die, I surely could make the decision to kill you on the spot and prevent a disaster. But who’s to say that I would truly make such a decision? I am not saying you are wrong in your words. However, if I at any point find myself in a situation that you are describing right now… then I will find a third choice. I will not lose a dear friend, nor will I break my own way of doing things. Think it foolish, but I have seen it again and again… that in this world, anything and everything is possible. With enough determination and dedication, you can achieve even the impossible. Such is the very nature of magic. I find Kaori’s idea of protecting all of her allies regardless of their power noble. At the same time, I do not agree with her actions of slaughtering her enemies if she does not see any other option right away. And yet, I do indeed wish the two of us to become good friends, partners and perhaps even more. I suppose things like this cannot be rightly described in words alone.

    To put it simply, the girl was ready to twist the fate itself if it meant obtaining the happy ending. She was no longer that young child who would give up the moment her situation became too scary to handle. Even in the face of the universe itself, she would not give up and just continue to move on ahead. Such was her way. At some point, she had seemingly lost everything. And with time, she reclaimed it all, defied death and sacrifice on the way. She knew it was possible. She knew that there was no reason to give up on her way of thinking even if the situation seemed to make it impossible for her to adhere to her word at first.

    To put it simply… one mad once told me - if you don’t like the statistics, then change the numbers. So if I’m ever faced with a situation that I do not desire, I will simply change it into something I can work with.

    Whether the boy believed that Leila had enough power to actually do something like that or not didn’t matter in the least. The main thing was that she believed it herself. But the due rather suddenly came to a halt in their walk as Ikuchi stopped. The Caretaker already knew why, as she obviously sensed her own team member around as well. Though she herself did not do anything, nor was planning to. She knew these men very well, as they were no mere mercenaries. They were all people she had either saved in the past or came to know through various contracts. Some regular humans, other mages. And few that were under certain circumstances even more powerful than Leila herself. Which then begged the question why she even wanted Kaori here in the first place. Well, it was rather simple. None of the powerful ones were currently present in the camp. A good number of them were members of the exploration team while the rest was presently in Earthland gathering more supplies to bring over. When it came down to expeditions in a completely different world, there was never a limit to how much one could be prepared after all. As such, she knew that whoever was following them only desired to make sure that their leader would be okay exploring this area. They still didn’t have a good grasp on the power of local monsters after all. And it was rather natural to be protective of someone you hold in high regards.

    It’s fine Ikuchi. Don’t-

    Unfortunately, her words went unheard. He called the man out and intentionally got into a fight with him. Which was something that the girl did not enjoy in the least. That said, she allowed the two of them to tussle it out. Though she watched it all with an increasingly darkening look in her eyes and the moment the human left for the camp, she would straighten her body and look directly at Ikuchi.

    You apologize? The fact that your relationship with humans is poor is no excuse. I’ll let that slide, but do something like that one more time and I will have to remove you from this place. And do believe me, even if had Kaori by your side, you would not be able to stop me. It’s only natural that you believe her to be the strongest, but even the two of you combined would not be able to win against me. Because this world of full of ‘monsters’.

    Compared to before, her voice was anything but friendly. It might have been true that her basic speed would not match his or Kaori’s. But that did not mean she was unable to bring them both down to her level. In the past, there were many reports about Leila Vergious after she finished her contracts and defeated her enemies. Reports that described her as a ‘breathing fortress’. For she possessed the abilities that allowed her to withstand even the strongest of attacks and instantly heal from them. Not to mention her origin. As a void spirit and resident of Eden, she was an immortal being. No matter how many times she will die, she would always come back. After all, she even came back after she completely sacrificed and destroyed her own soul. A cursed existence that could never find peace. It was a rather poor choice of an opponent, as you could never really get rid of her. In any case, they moved further along the path before it finally stretched into a jungle of sorts and a small cliff leading down onto a plateau inhabited by wolves. It was clear that these creatures were not doing well here. What normally would be fairly high in the food chain was nothing more than a prey here, huh? Ikuchi suggested a little plan, but to it, Leila only shook her head.

    No need.

    No need. With those two simple words, she would hop forward and fall down onto the grassy land, the sound of her landing quickly getting the attention of the wolf pack. She would make several steps forward despite their warning in form of growls before suddenly putting her hands together in front of her chest as if in a notion to pray. In that single moment, a large amount of vines would sprout from the ground in front of her. Plans that were unlike anything Ikuchi had ever seen. Somewhat similar to tomato plants, but the fruit looking more akin to a pomegranate. They would turn ripe in an instant and fall onto the ground. The wolves were rather reluctant at first, but slowly came over and started sniffing the fruits before taking a bite. It was probably then that it was revealed that these were nothing like actual fruits, as inside was a material rather similar to meat.

    You don’t have to be afraid. It’s a perfectly fine substitute for meat, so take as much as you want.

    She would speak to the wolves as if they could perfectly understand her. And sure enough, they would start gulping the meat fruits down as if it was a race. And once they were gone, she would just grow more and more for them. It might have been obvious from the nature theme of her magic, but Leila was rather close to the nature as a whole, animals included. Even the more savage of beasts grew at least somewhat pacified in her presence and would listen to her. Especially if she was like this, trying to feed them. They would still be rather wary of the boy came over, but would not attack him.

    How intriguing… we encountered a number of new species so I assumed that there would be none which are also native to Earthland. Suppose I’ll have to investigate further later on. Seems like this trip is already starting to be worth it.

    Moving around them, the girl would observe the wolves from all kinds of angles before stopping and placing her hand on the ground. A number of paw prints were clearly visible here. Or rather, they were all over the place with how many animals were present here.

    By the looks of it, there’s more than just these guys. Some of these are not even from… huh, these are… well, I suppose we can go further in. We’re not that far from the edge of the island, so it’s possible that there are some smaller cave systems with creatures hiding inside. Better be watching your surroundings for predators.

    Non-template version:



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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 13th November 2017, 11:06 pm

    Starving Wolf: 20
    Violet Dire Wolf: 13
    Green Drake: 2
    Guardian: 8
    Unknown: 3

    3 Guardians Split Into:
    2 Green Drakes
    2 Violet Dire Wolves
    12 Starving Wolves

    ~~Final Value~~
    Starving Wolf: 32
    Violet Dire Wolf: 15
    Green Drake: 4
    Guardian: 5

    "You would not be able to stop me." was the point at which Ikuchi began laughing, and without concern for the woman's alleged power. He took in a deep breath and gave a toothy grin before inhaling "You scold me but fail to realize several things- Miss Vergious. First, you have yet to see even a quarter of Lady Leraci's power, nor do you know what she truly is... she doesn't know what she truly is. Second, you assume you can defeat me at all. You may look similar to a dragon now, but you are not a dragon. Third, you scold me when you fail to acknowledge that if you were a better leader, your men would have no qualms with a stranger in their midst. Were you a better leader, you'd not divert better assets to less demanding places. Were you a better leader, you wouldn't challenge someone you've known for less than an hour. Your ignorance of your opponents will be the end of you... Your arrogance will be the end of everyone you hold dear. To set you on the right path, defeating me means killing me and everyone in the Leraci Clan. You lack the numbers, knowledge, humility, and resolve for that much. But by all means, failure of a leader, make my day and start a war with a clan whose entire existence has made it an art form..." Ikuchi's words were grim for the last sentence, and his next words were more nonchalant and relaxed, as though he weren't talking to someone who just tried to make him scared "Of course, I won't attack anyone unless engaged. I don't like randomly attacking the undeserving." Whether Leila had said anything in response was irrelevent as he would have already begun walking away. Turning your back to an enemy is the ultimate insult for warriors, it meant they were no longer a concern, no longer considered your equal- no longer a threat. If she did attack Ikuchi, she'd quickly find a barrier around him that would take the impact. If she didn't attack, then she wouldn't need to worry about the man's blessing.

    Much later, after discussing the fact that the wolves were starving and Ikuchi would be able to resolve things peacefully if they could obtain meat, going so far as to mention a nearby heard of animals they could pick a couple from, Leila had said there was no need for it and moved on to resolve the issue herself. Her method was growing a set of fruit that had the properties of meat, and made Ikuchi grimace while forcing his gag reflex to stay hidden. To him, the act was the equivalent of giving them dog food. Furthermore, the act was also the equivalent of giving a hungry man a fish instead of getting him a job. They were fed for now, but undoubtedly would be hungry again later. She made no negotiations with the wolves to bring about an alliance between the two specias, which only meant that her crew was still a viable source of nutrition for them. Still, Ikuchi hadn't shared his opinion since there was no cause for it. She hadn't asked for it, and it wasn't his mission to tell her she was setting herself up for failure. The wolves would be expected to have an issue with Ikuchi, but instinctively one had walked up to him and pressed the top of its nose to his hand while smelling the man. There was no issue between Ikuchi and wolves, he was closer to them than other humans and any animal could sense his position in nature. Ikuchi had taken to rubbing the snout of the wolf before moving his hand to begin rubbing the back of her head. Once the alpha had eaten his fill, he approached Ikuchi and pressed his nose into the man's head and began smelling, confirming that the man wasn't some form of apparition or the result of starvation induced hallucinations. A lick on his temple had confirmed for Ikuchi that he was welcome among the pack, and he turned his gaze to meet with their leader.

    Leila had said "How intriguing… we encountered a number of new species so I assumed that there would be none which are also native to Earthland. Suppose I’ll have to investigate further later on. Seems like this trip is already starting to be worth it." to which Ikuchi thought, but didn't say 'What? A whimsical journey with myself didn't do that?' as it would be much too soon, and he didn't think Leila had removed enough of the pole in her ass to comprehend sarcasm. However, something interesting happened that would allow him to give a more appropriate comment. A monkey that looked like a blue and white Capuchin had ran across the path, up Ikuchi's back, and onto his shoulder to begin playing with his hair- most likely hoping to find something that wasn't there. Ikuchi had reached over, grabbing the monkey by the arm and pulling it in front him where it dangled. "If keeping you was something Lady Leraci wouldn't hammer me for, I would... though she did not express any rejection to permitting temporary alliances..." To which the monkey let out a happy set of calls as though it understood what he said. It began moving down Ikuchi's arm like a tree branch and resumed its position on his shoulder. Leila was inspecting some paw prints and had commented "By the looks of it, there’s more than just these guys. Some of these are not even from… huh, these are… well, I suppose we can go further in. We’re not that far from the edge of the island, so it’s possible that there are some smaller cave systems with creatures hiding inside. Better be watching your surroundings for predators." Ikuchi had no fear of other predators to begin with... He was the son of two dragon gods, other predators were just vermin for him to prove dominance over- but naturally he wouldn't tell that to Leila, he had no reason to. Further more, the Dragon Gods weren't broadcasted to others, and Ikuchi smelled like a human in his current form so she had no reason to suspect his bloodline to be along those levels. "After you, fearless dragon lady." he said with a small smirk, letting Leila be the leader she oh-so-much desired him to believe she was.

    Words: 4,604   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 14th November 2017, 4:11 am

    Word Count:
    6,569 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    The look on the girl’s face was rather difficult to describe in this situation. The moment Ikuchi turned his back to her, her mouth would look more like a cat’s and her eyes squinted as she focused on the man. Good thing she was quite good at keeping stuff inside of her, as it was obvious that he needed to cool down a little bit before they would continue this any further. Though she had something to say, she chose not to for now for that very reason. Instead, she just rubbed the back of her head and started slowly following behind. Kaori had certainly some interesting allies… and at this point, Leila wasn’t all that surprised that he was trying to avoid the Saint. Having someone like him around was always a tad difficult. Beings that thought highly of themselves by default, yet had their soft spots just like anyone else. Or something like those lines anyway. He was clearly not a bad person, judging by the fact that he did not kill the human before alone, but his pride and trust in Kaori was far too swelled. It was good to believe in yourself and your master or comrade, but being overconfident and always placing yourself above everyone else was very dangerous indeed. A behavior of a fool that did not know the true dangers of the world. He would learn them one day surely. Despite all, Leila believed in this Ikuchi and that he could become a great being to both humans and non-humans if he tried.

    But you’ve certainly gotten yourself some interesting allies, huh… Kaori.

    She was also able to catch a glimpse of his expression when she fed the wolves. She was the type to actively check her surroundings when in an unknown land after all. It was not hard to figure out why he wore such an expression with some common sense, and with his words afterward, the whole situation just got rather painful. This was why she called for Kaori and not someone random. Leila had absolutely no idea what they would find on this expedition, and as such, she wanted to have someone strong that she could trust by her side. And while she could probably trust the dragon boy enough to not randomly stab her in the back, there was no way their teamwork would really work in this state. He was thinking far too low of her right now to even consider joining forces in a proper manner. Scratching the back of her head again, the Caretaker would start thinking how to resolve this problem before it was far too late. They were about to walk into something much more dangerous than a piece of land inhabited by a pack of regular wolves that any mage of any rank could wipe out without breaking a sweat. Cooperation was often vital in places and situations like this. And so, with a sigh, the girl would stop while she was ahead and turned to face Ikuchi with a gentle look on her face.

    Don’t worry. While what I created might look like fruit, it is actually meat. All animals originate from Mother Gaia and my magic makes me part of her. As such, I can create even something like this. Its nutritional value is greater than regular raw meat and its taste is exactly the same as if they were to bite down on any other pray. These creatures are starved, but not dull. This will allow them to regain their strength so they can go on and hunt properly again to sustain themselves. As for my worries I mentioned earlier, this much is fine. For creatures this docile, I am still part of Gaia. And they can now sense it. They will no longer come anywhere close to the camp unless I specifically tell them to do so. That one of the aspects of my magic.

    She finished her little speech and remained standing in one spot. Few seconds passed and the girl suddenly bends forward as laughter overwhelmed her, making her spit it out as she tried to hold it in the best she could. It didn’t last long, but she would once again look at the dragon with slight hints of tears in her eyes as her fingers tried to wipe them.

    Ah, I’m sorry for that outburst, please accept my apology. I honestly did not expect that you would get this butthurt from what I said. But I suppose I did try to tease you little too much. Listen - you bark loud but I could return all of those words right back at you. I have fought by Kaori’s side in Bosco where we faced a grand foe. There, I saw a great deal of power, far more than the quarter you claim. You also do not know what I am, for it is not a human, nor a regular spirit. I have also never claimed that I could defeat you because I am a dragon or anything like that. You also admitted that your connection to humans is rather minimal. You yourself appear to be a solitary creature that finds comfort in a smaller amount of people rather than a larger one. I do not know if you were ever put into the position of a leader, but it seems like you have very little actual experience with it. Your words would have more value if you were a known leader, you know? I don’t care that you don’t see me as a good leader. Those in my camp do, and to them, I am important. And as such, they are important to me. You can never appeal to everyone in this world. But protecting those you care about is often enough, I’m sure we can agree on that. Your own arrogance and ignorance of me, as you do not know the full extent of my powers or allies in this place, could very well be your own end too. You assume I lack in certain assent, but you have no way of really knowing that. The point is, we could easily be tossing arguments at each other all day long. You say I am undeserving, then feel free to continue with that mindset. I won’t be able to convince you otherwise unless we come across a very powerful foe. But try to realize something, please.

    You were the one who took my message to Kaori and decided to come here in her stead. I wanted her for a reason. We had already fought together against powerful enemies. We know how we work and we can help each other in battle. I know not much of you and you know not much of me. Even if we tried, our teamwork would be rather rough around the edges. Something that is not being helped by your mindset. You might very well be powerful enough to take on every enemy we will encounter here. But what if you’re not? Are you really okay with this expedition failing because you decided to look down at me rather than accepting me as an equal? If that is truly the case, then just say so. I will give you another traveler’s charm and you are free to leave here. I will continue this expedition alone. But if you’re willing to put your pride aside for at least a little while, then calm down. You cannot always assume that you know everything best. And the truth is that I have been in this place for a while. I analyzed it and know how to approach situations here. Your decisions and view of the world are your own and I don’t plan to try and forcefully change them. You will have to do that yourself. So there, the decision is yours to make. Just try to choose between the two. Going off on your own could very well mean you get lost here for good unless you have the ability to traverse worlds. I am the only one who can make a traveler’s charm and without one, you can’t actually leave this dimension. And I don’t want you to answer these words either, just think about them and come to your own conclusion.

    With that, she would turn around again, showing him her back this time. But not because she wanted to insult him or anything like that. Because she trusted that he was reasonable enough to not lash out with physical force as he claimed before. Her words might have come across as harsh or perhaps as mockery at certain parts, but she had to get her point across somehow. Else they would probably come to regret it later. If he decided to leave, then she would just give him the charm and leave him be. If not, then he would probably follow her as she started marching off in the direction of the prints. She would walk for few minutes in the jungle-like area with pale pillars and broken down walls littering the area. And as she did, she quickly noted the decrease in wildlife around them until there was none at all. Finally getting out of the humid area, there would be another large clearing in front of them that was more packed dirt than grass, surrounded by tall cliffs that people without magical abilities would have trouble scaling. And out of nowhere, a ball of fire would suddenly find it’s way toward Leila. With her reflexes, she was more than capable of swinging her right hand in its direction and creating a wave of crystals and consumed the flaming attack, completely nullifying it. It seemed that its origin was a small green drake that quickly flew more toward the center of the clearing and joined three other drakes of the same color there.

    Oh goody… no other option but to fight or run here…

    These drakes were different from anything that could be seen on Earthland. Even in face of a true dragon, they would not coward. These were one of the first Floating Continent creatures she had encountered here. Confident and actually powerful, despite being drakes, these guys were actually as strong as actual dragons in certain cases. Probably right now, but still dangerous foes if underestimated. They would attack everything indiscriminately until put down, as if they had no actual sense of fear or respect in them. In other words, no amount of showing off one’s powers or good deeds would convince them to stop their assault once it began. And it certainly seemed like these four wanted to hunt down anything around.

    Non-template version:



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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 14th November 2017, 7:16 pm

    Starving Wolf: 20
    Violet Dire Wolf: 13
    Green Drake: 2
    Guardian: 8
    Unknown: 3

    3 Guardians Split Into:
    2 Green Drakes
    2 Violet Dire Wolves
    12 Starving Wolves

    ~~Final Value~~
    Starving Wolf: 32
    Violet Dire Wolf: 15
    Green Drake: 4
    Guardian: 5

    Up till then, Ikuchi had been quite wary of Leila since she had proven to be far too arrogant for his tastes. However, the straw broke the camel's back when she said "I have fought by Kaori’s side in Bosco where we faced a grand foe. There, I saw a great deal of power, far more than the quarter you claim." Which was when Ikuchi let out a chuckle, turned around to show her his back and said "Look kid, I don't feel like dying alongside some arrogant wretch." and vanished. Every last word after that sentence, even her turning her back to him had gone to waste as he wasn't there to experience it. He wasn't around to hear her speech, not the part about him not knowing what she was, nor the part about her pegging him as a solitary creature, not even the bit where she told him she'd give him a pass to leave the place. He was already gone on account of Leila's arrogance and ignorance, thinking that she knew Kaori's capabilities after seeing only a couple spirits and a few caster class spells. It was absurd, foolish, and childish to think that way and only showed Ikuchi that she was desperate to be the dominant figure on the mission when she was trying to apply that visage to a dragon- a being who was the symbol of dominance in most cultures, and the symbol of power in many others. It was her own fault for alienating Ikuchi, having shown blatant disappointment over Kaori's not being there. It was as though she expected Kaori, a guild ace of a monster hunter guild who was almost constantly on missions, to be at the guild's castle, or drop everything to come and assist someone she hardly even knew. Then she had placed blame on Ikuchi for defending himself, even threatening his safety instead of calling into question her own crew. Of course, that's how bigoted bias works and Ikuchi wouldn't hold it against her for too long. He didn't hold grudges against ungrateful people, he pitied them for all of a few seconds while turning his back on them, leaving them to their fates.

    By the time Ikuchi reappeared elsewhere on the island, he'd already changed form from his human one to that of an animal. Leila would be completely unable to use any manner of power to figure him from the other wild life. As she'd said herself, admitting to Ikuchi, she didn't know about the animals here and expected all of them to be different from the ones on earthland. She wouldn't be able to decipher one strange animal from the inevitably hundreds of other strange animals that roamed the land. Leila would be completely alone for the mission, but what Ikuchi had figured would be that her arrogance and lack of self discipline would result in her blaming him instead of looking inward. While he didn't know that she was the reincarnation of a goddess, he could smell the god complex on her like funk on a fresh pile of horse feces. When she had come across the drakes, she was alone, without any partner at all. While this was going on, Ikuchi was reflecting on his master's previous fights.

    Ikuchi's mind floated back to before he ran away, before Kaori found him and took him back in, before Kaori became a Wizard Saint, before everything that happened before she met Leila, all the way back to the events that happened at the Soulsmoke Phoenix's Shrine... The phoenix made the first move, inhaling before bellowing forth a cloud of black fire. Even from a distance, the intensity of the flames could be felt. The bird wanted the power to say that it didn't go down without giving Kaori hell, and its passion extended into its every attack. Kaori had no fear in her heart in the face of the intense flames. As her hair whipped around from the force of the fire pushing the air in front it towarda the masked ninja, Kaori released one of the shotguns and used her telekinesis to keep it held in the air. She stretched her hand out towards the blazing inferno as though she were commanding it to stop. A few feet in front of her, the fire slammed into an invisible wall of energy and began fanning out. It seemed as though the flames had consumed the wall as it wrapped around the barrier like ocean waves running over a sea shell on the beach; but, much to the phoenix's surprise and Kaori's lack there of, the ninja was completely unscathed by the attack.

    Embers shot past Kaori's mask in the wake of the clashing forces and Kaori grabbed the shotgun she let go of earlier and fired a slug at the bird, hitting the obvious target. The second one in the opposing hand was fired while she used telekinesis to pump the first, another hit. Kaori continued doing this, alternating the attacks to keep a constant spray on the phoenix, but the bird wasn't gonna go down from a few solid holy metal rods to the chest. It spread its wings and flapped once, sending forth a multitude of black, smokey crescents towards Kaori. They were at varying levels, and Kaori knew she couldn't dodge them all; but she knew she could stop some. 'No. I have the power to stop all darkness.' she thought as time seemed to slow down despite Ikuchi respectfully sitting next to Samira. "Shirofune!" Kaori shouted while spinning on the toes of her sandal, allowing her shotguns to erupt into white particles as a different set of particles took their place.

    As she spun, a one quarter inch blade formed in each of her hands that was one inch wide, double edged, and four feet long. The blade had no guard, and at the end of its hilt was the kind of forked end you'd see on an arrow. The first crescent wasn't only cut in half, it was purified by Kaori's sword. The black turned into golden light that erupted into particles as it tore itself apart. Kaori was attacking with a heart of love, a heart strengthened by the presence of her friends and reinforced by their love for her. The second sword came across, cutting the next two crescents in half and purifying it as well. In rapid motion, Kaori had alternated her attacks while seeming to be in a violent dance, cutting the darkened soul based energy and turning into a warm light. The bird spun, sweeping its tail across the area and smashing it into Kaori to send her flying back. Were they not on flat ground, Kaori would have to worry about falling off a cliff or something worse; but, as fortune would have it, such was not the case. She landed on her hand, keeping the white sword held in it and used the momentum to swith to her feet while sliding back a bit.

    The bird let out a screech while raising its wings, creating a large unit of twenty shadows to attack Kaori. "Send all the shadows you want, my light will reach you!" Kaori shouted, using her Multi-Clone spell to create nine more version of herself. These ones were special in that they could all use Kaori's spells, and shared her passive effects. Each Kaori had attacked one shadow, and vanished to reappear in double the numbers. As one of the Kaori clones stabbed the shadow with her Shirofune, she said "Shii-nee" and the shadow began glowing and then, it erupted into an explosion that consumed the surrounding area.

    The phoenix was smoking more than before, it feeling the sting of Kaori's passion as its righteous light began whittling away at its feathers. The birds eyes glowed a bright violet as it began using an ability that Kaori thought was unique to her, but had now learned there were others with it... A pulse of magic energy erupted outward and consumed the area, changing it from the green and white mists of Kyoka, to a burning hot hellscape. Buildings were on fire, and men and women were in the streets fighting each other with katanas. Kaori's heart stopped, she knew this memory... A man began running towards her, his eyes completely white as he raised his sword. Another version of Kaori showed up and cut him across the stomach, ending his life. She had no mask, and her eyes were filled with tears. A woman appeared out of nowhere and attacked her, the younger- much younger Kaori blocking and shouting "Stop, please! I don't wanna fight you!" with a desperate tone. Each person that attacked Kaori had something in common... One symbol dangling from their necks in beautiful solid gold... a hibiscus, the symbol of her clan. It revealed the source of Kaori's distrust for people, the fact that the day she lost most of her clan, the day she became the clan leader, the day she began hunting Saia down... was because she was forced to kill them herself at the age of ten.

    A white light erupted through the vision originating from Kaori. A powerful energy pulsed from her being as the pillar of light began to get brighter. Ikuchi had used his tail to block his own eyes to shield them from the intensity. Kaori's mask had untied from the force exerted on the bands as it flew from within her body. Kaori's kimono was flickering just as wildly as her snow white hair. White strands began forming in the air, surrounding Kaori and connecting to the brilliant pillar of light she had created. "You cannot phase me with my own past... I am a monster, I do not feel. I do not show remorse, and I do not regret killing my own people. We will meet again under the warmth of our sun, as the embers clear fields of death in preparation for seeds of life to be sown." Kaori said in a bold tone while raising her right hand. A white sword appeared in her hand, the same one that she had used against the leader when Samira first met Kaori. This time however, the area was filled with something much more powerful than Kaori's hope, her love, or her joy...

    White particles began lifting off of Kaori's being, Ikuchi's, and Samira's. The same particles began lifting off the ground, off the phoenix, off of the pillar and from the gem it held. The hope surrounding them was from more than just Kaori, but rather the hope of many people... the hope of humanity. Kaori's kimono was replaced by a flowing white dress, and a pair of angelic wings even larger than Gabriella's and twice as bright. Kaori prepared to attack, and the phoenix began to see the light as it shone too brightly to be ignored. Kaori began flying forward, however she suddenly stopped... Standing before her was Samira with tears in her eyes, arms spread wide as though she were protecting the bird. Kaori's sword began shaking, and she couldn't figure what to do. She quickly realized how great a 'friend' Samira was when she smiled grimly from ear to ear, a black sword appearing in her hand that was thrust through Kaori's heart. The white light radiating from her quickly turned to darkness and Kaori's hazel eyes quickly turned dull and grey as she collapsed on the floor.

    "Sammy..." she said in a weak tone, sitting on her knees with a sword of darkness in her heart "...Why?" she finished asking, tears running from her eyes and down her cheeks. The sword Kaori once wielded had turned black and began fading away, and the world became quiet. "You thought I was your friend?" she said in a bitchy tone. "No... you're my bodyguard- that's all you'll ever amount to! You're a half assed, sorry excuse of a wizard and an even worse clan leader. You can't even keep your servant under control the fucking pervert!" she began laying into Kaori, causing her eyes to water more. A dark barrier had formed around Kaori and the phoenix that even Ikuchi's strength couldn't break through. It was now an obligatory one on one match... "Do you even think that scaley mutt of yours loves you? He'd just as easily abandon you as soon as you stopped giving him food. That crew of yours? They'd all leave you. They don't like you, they're afraid of you, you stupid cunt!" "Stop..." Kaori said in a weak tone, blood beginning to drip from her mouth. "No! I wont stop! I'm tired of submitting to your will! I wanted to see ONE of these things, and you turn into a damn child instantly! Then you don't even ask what I want you selfish bitch, and force me to come along! Do you know how hard it is holding my lunch in on the back of that shit!? No, you don't! You don't even care-" "Please... I- I'm sorry..." "-about my well being! You just wanna see your fucking birds, and make yourself happy!" "No... that's not true." "Then you'll go back to your ship and flaunt all your WONDERFUL wealth about, with your expensive ass vanity set, expensive ass bed, fancy fucking chest while I'M left wondering what kind of TWILIGHT ZONE BULL SHIT you dragged me to!" "I... I didn't want..." "You snuggle the living shit out of me, and you know what- YOUR HAIR SMELLS LIKE SHIT! I don't want that near me, I don't want it in the same room as me! Cut it all off you ugly brat!"

    Ikuchi's throat began glowing bright red and he opened his eyelids, revealing hellfire for eyes that resemble a dragon's. He shot forth a blast of black flames that only left a red mark on the barrier. Then, he began frantically tackling the barrier with no signs of stopping. He knew the Samira laying into his master was false, but he also could sense his master was breaking. She trusted Samira, and right now, that trust was tearing her apart. He noticed the tip of Kaori's fingers beginning to turn black, and his assault on the barrier became more desperate as the darkness was consuming her and Samira showed no signs of stopping her verbal barrage.

    "Even your spirits hate you!" she shouted, arrogantly leaning over Kaori and adding more weight. "And just like your shitty half-breed, and shitty pirate spirits, I'd abandon you just as soon as you stopped being useful." and that was the final straw to break the camel's back. "SHUTUP!" Kaori shouted, all of the darkest emotions of her heart filling the air and completely paralyzing Ikuchi from their weight. However, those emotions cleared quickly... Kaori hesitantly looked around her and saw a field of wheat, sunlight washing over her as her grayed out eyes continued crying. Over a hundred thousand armored men and woman were standing around Kaori, Ikuchi, and Samira. An extremely old man walked out of them, materializing from dust particles and standing in front Kaori. "Grand... father...?" she asked in a weak tone, not believing the sight in front her. The old man kneeled down and touched the sword in her heart, turning it into light that dissipated. He then pulled her in, the phoenix all the meanwhile doing nothing as it hadn't known what was happening. "My dear, you worry too much." he said calmly, stating the last words he said to her when she killed him. "I did not appoint a weak child to take my place... I appointed the strongest of any clan leader who ever lived." his words turned Kaori's eyes to the light, causing them to return to their hazel appearance as the clan leaders of times gone by all got on their knees and prostrated themselves before Kaori.

    Kaori's eyes turned fierce and she became angrier than ever, she grit her teeth and grabbed the still dissipating katana. The blade exploded with white energy and Kaori's grandfather vanished, allowing her to blast forward while she rammed it into the phoenix, with it the love of her grandfather, and trust of ever leader bowing to her. The bird's black, smokey feathers turned white and the world returned to normal. Kaori fell from the phoenix's chest, landing on the ground while blood pooled around her from her wounds. The phoenix understood Kaori, and had seen what she meant by saying she (the phoenix) had a flawed heart. A voice rang through the air, peaceful and soft. "Your light has reached me human... for this I thank you." it said, bowing its head and sending a single tear down its beak onto Kaori's heart where she was stabbed. Ikuchi's mind returned to reality and he mentally laughed at the thought of Leila knowing anything of Kaori's power.

    Words: 7,426   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 15th November 2017, 3:41 am

    Word Count:
    8,342 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    With no one by her side, Leila had a problem. A big problem. The creatures she was not put up against were no joke, even against a skilled mage. But if she were to retreat now, they would probably follow her back to the camp. Yes, Midou, one of her strongest allies was there waiting and protecting the place while she was gone. And with his help, she could probably take on these drakes just fine. However, there was a very good reason why she sent out a letter asking for Kaori’s help rather than just taking him along. His magic was extremely destructive. The exact opposite of environment-friendly. If he were to engage in a fierce battle, this entire place would go to hell. Quite literally. And while the camp was something that could be easily rebuilt after being destroyed, nature wasn’t something that could so easily restore. Gritting her teeth, she just had no choice. Starting to slowly march forward, she would look directly at her opponent with a determined look. And the green drakes stared back, flames in their eyes as their thirst for blood could be sensed even at this distance. With growls of hate and dominance, they would start spreading and slowly surrounding the female. And she would stop, allow them to just get around her and block off any path to run away. There was no running away from this anyway. With clenched fists, she prepared herself for the clash that was inbound. And yet, she didn’t feel the chances of winning rising at all.

    One of the drakes would suddenly leap forward, trying to straight up bite the Caretaker’s head off. Thankfully, she was able to dodge to the side with her reflexes just fine and get next to the drake, her crystals-cloaked fist slamming into its body and sending it flying to the side. From behind, the second one would already be aiming its claws at her back. Bending her knees and leaning forward, she would kick back and hit the creature right in its maw, forcing it to back away slightly. Heat from the left. It was an easy indication of something incoming. From the girl’s back, wings would suddenly sprout as she jumped up and just narrowly avoided a moving wall of flames that slightly singed her feet. Waving her hands down, she would create another wave of beautiful purple crystals that would hit the ground and spread across the field, creating many rather sharp spikes in an attempt to impale the drakes. Though they too were quite agile and easily able to flap their wings and take to the skies as well to avoid the attack. In the meantime, Leila landed and started looking around her surroundings. So far, neither of the parties managed to inflict any major damage onto the other. But in that was a problem too. Despite being a mage, the maiden’s stamina could never rival that one a beast such as this. She would surely run out of breath before them. And then the stalemate would be broken.

    Taking a deep breath, she reached into her robes and pulled out a key. But she stopped before she started the summoning. Suddenly, her hand started shaking and soon, her entire body would. Unable to move for that brief moment, one of the four drakes would take its chances and fly in. It was a success as the girl fell on her knees, a giant bloody claw mark now adorning her back. The claws dug deep into her flesh and created a wound that would kill a regular human instantly. And as she was on the ground, she was still shaking, the key that flew out of her hand lying some distance away from her and glistening in the light of the Sun.

    This is why I wanted you to have my back… Kaori…!

    Words directed to no one but herself only reinforced her fear. How exactly did she get access to this place? The floating continent… only those with the traveler’s charm were able to enter. And she mentioned prior that she was the only one who could make them. Or rather, she would have mentioned that if Ikuchi did not take off. It was because she held the master charm of this place. A special item that allowed her access to this land and would not break after being used. As a catalyst, it had great power and could create inferior copies of itself, one of which she sent along with the letter.

    The way she obtained the master charm was all but conventional. Some time back, a titan appeared in the Phoenix mountains. A creature taller than the mountains themselves and marching toward a nearby settlement. Asked to help by the Magic Council, Leila answered the call and arrived along with her spirits in order to stop this monster and ensure everyone’s safety. During her fight, she realized that this titan was not a living creature, but rather a magical construct fueled by a powerful core. Exploiting this weakness, she got to its power source and tore it out, making the machine crumble into pieces. Only after the battle, she realized what the core that she was holding really was. A master traveler charm that she had never seen before. And as her curious self of a treasure hunter, she, of course, tried it out. This land was where she got. And after realizing that it was not mapped, its existence not known by anyone but herself… she took her chances. With the shift inside of her Guild which transferred from actual treasure hunting to mere entertainment, she felt somewhat betrayed and empty on the inside. Treasure hunting and exploration were why she had joined in the first place after all. The mark was still on her leg, she was still a member of that guild as of right now. But she long since abandoned her duty and started spending her time here.

    It was selfish, yes. But the girl always did everything to help others. So much so that she was named a Rising Star by the Magic Council. The idea of being a hero of the people… it would please her greatly. Not because she was looked up to or recognized. But because she could actually sense progress for once. She had some sort of proof that she was changing the world for better, even if only just a tiny bit. Her desire to help the people of the world she adored so much, finally fulfilled. But now, she was abandoning it all in a way. Being selfish and locking herself in this unknown land so that she could explore her own desires for once. But was that really wrong of her to do? To allow herself some sort of joy in life, rather than ensuring joy of others? Perhaps. Ikuchi might have been the proof of the fact that she was doing something wrong right now. Something that she should not be doing at all. But none of that was the point. They were all but secondary thoughts. What exactly was plaguing the Caretaker’s mind right now was something completely different. In her battle against the titan… she had to make a sacrifice of sorts. The titan had a magical barrier of lightning that would damage anyone who got too close. In order to get to the core, that barrier had to be distracted away from her for enough time that she could tear the core out of the titan’s body.

    And that was achieved by one of her spirits charging in and sacrificing herself to the lightning. It was the very first time one of her spirits was injured to such extent because of her actions. And right now when she wanted to summon someone to aid her in this battle, that scene flashed in front of her eyes. Her entire body was shaking because of this, unable to move or do anything at all. Perhaps this was her punishment for it all? As the drake slowly approached its helpless prey, she would finally look up, tears going down her face. She was looking right at the beast, trying to gaze into its eyes.

    Hey… let’s stop fighting. I never wanted to fight. I was always weak so I tried to resolve conflict peacefully. I can summon any power without destroying everything that I hold dear. Let’s just be at peace… please…

    The beast stopped as if it was actually listening to her. But the others didn’t. The moment she finished speaking, a tail of the second drake pierced her chest through, leaving a gaping hole where one’s heart would normally be. With blood coming from her mouth, going down her chin, the girl could only look down at her injury and smile.

    I guess that’s a no…

    Any beast of Earthland would seek her comfort in this situation. But these were not beasts of Earthland. They were drakes of the Floating Continent, something that was completely different from anything she had ever seen. And she had lost to them. Her take-over form would slowly start disappearing along with the life from her eyes. In a moment, she was left the white-haired girl she was at the very start of this exploration quest. Her own blood dying the pure white kimono in crimson, as well as the ground beneath her. Even if she was to die here, that was fine. Her soul was completely indestructible. She would always come back. And Midou was more than capable of protecting everyone back at the camp by himself, even if it would be at the cost of burning everything down. She had a complete faith in her team… that was what it meant to be a good leader, right? She had done good, right? No… she had failed everyone as always. There was no point in even trying. Just like in Bosco, she was unable to help anyone. She was nothing like Kaori. No power, weak will, and no resolve. She had lost her goal. She had lost her friends. She had lost everything she once held dear. Her hand would reach forward and pat the drake that was in front of her, the creature standing still as if it was unsure of what to do about this.

    What a… beautiful creature you are… I always admired dragons. Ever since I saw my very first one in Hargeon… when it was being rebuilt… a giant black dragon, it’s scales shining like onyx. I fell in love with them then… and was never able to match them…

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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 16th November 2017, 2:56 am

    Starving Wolf: 20
    Violet Dire Wolf: 13
    Green Drake: 2
    Guardian: 8
    Unknown: 3

    3 Guardians Split Into:
    2 Green Drakes
    2 Violet Dire Wolves
    12 Starving Wolves

    ~~Final Value~~
    Starving Wolf: 32
    Violet Dire Wolf: 15
    Green Drake: 4
    Guardian: 5

    Ikuchi had let out a sigh and got up from his position, making his way through the brush and moving towards Leila's camp. Even in his dragon form, Ikuchi's movements didn't make a single sound, a blessing from his parents that they gave him before he started his journey over two centuries ago. Peering through a small gap between leaves his hellfire eyes narrowed to slits, focusing on the men and women moving about, one seeming to be standing vigil, and none of them seeming to notice him. His scales were a very dark shade of grey with crimson tips, so he blended in almost flawlessly with the shade around him and since he didn't produce any sounds from moving, not even brushing against the leaves, and he hadn't stepped on any twigs (yet) there was nothing to draw attention to him. Humans, whether they wanted to believe it or not, were pack animals- no different from wolves once you took away the claws, fur, tails, ears, and fangs. He let out a soft growl that had attracted the look of someone, but the individual didn't attack as Ikuchi lurked away, moving from the camp and heading back towards the wolves Leila assisted. He stood at the beginning of their home and sat on his hind legs, curling his tail around him and watched the pack interact with each other. After a few minutes he let out a growl, unable to see the difference between them and humans. He pressed on, moving towards where Leila had made the assumption the rest of the pack would be and not expecting a group of half breeds to be there.

    Upon reaching the cave, the smell of fur had mixed with something else... Ikuchi had began walking through the tunnels, past stalagmites and stalactites, past rodents who were minding their own business and lesser predators who all stayed clear from the dragon's path, and following the scent of Leila's dragon form. He walked at a leisurely pace, not particularly slow, but he had no sense of urgency about him. The smell of the wolves was fresh enough in the place for him to think they were still alive, but the smell of several large reptiles was somewhat odd to have it mixed in. Dragonhounds were an extremely rare breed of land dragon; in fact, the only four in existence were him, his brother, his great grand father, and one that he was yet to meet but had heard of several times. Though, this smell didn't have any of the traits of a land dragon in its scent let alone a dragonhound like him. The sound of battle had been heard several moments after it had already begun and Ikuchi began picking up his pace. Had it been wolves the battle wouldn't have taken place, Leila lacked the resolve to attack first- she wanted peace but was afraid to wage war; or, at least that was Ikuchi's opinion. He heard flapping, like a bat except a lot bigger, bigger than Ikuchi even. His pace picked up, turning to a full on sprint and not much longer the smell of blood had crossed his nostrils.

    Tiny new friend 52XKRz7

    The sound of a rock being crushed echoed through the tunnels and into the massive cavern the four drakes and Leila were in, and then something black shot out the darkness at record speed. The drake in front Leila that she was touching felt the pain of massive, black teeth sinking into the back of its neck just before it was lifted off its feet. Ikuchi's momentum kept him going, and his strength let him throw the drake across the expanse and send it flying across the ground and smashing through several rock formations on its way. The veins on the underside of his leathery neck began lighting up, glowing bright red before he let out a blast of flames that were black in color and made of molten onyx that burned though the body of the drake on the other side and left it limp. The other three took to the air in an attempt to get some distance, which Ikuchi allowed. Under his claw was a small, shiny object... a celestial key... He moved his paw in a way that the six in long onyx claws sparked against the floor and send the key sliding towards Leila. He turned his head, the third eyelid coming across horizontally and revealing pure red eyes with vertical slits, the red parts seeming to burn like the flames of hell itself as he let out a growl. This version of Ikuchi had a massive head with large, demon-like horns pointing behind it. The head had many exposed teeth, and was decorated with black, gem-like scales that had crimson trimming on the ends. These scales continued down the back of Ikuchi, all the way to the tip of his tail. His sides, and belly were covered in a thick, dark grey, leathery material that may as well be on a rhino. His four massive claws were the same material as his scales, and were razor sharp. In terms of size, Ikuchi stood at six feet tall while standing on its four massive legs, fifteen feet from nose to tail, and three feet from shoulder to shoulder. His eye changed color from hellish red, to a pure white as Ikuchi used one of Kaori's healing spells to stop Leila's bleeding as well as reduce the pain enough for her to tolerate. It wasn't much, but it was all the two of them had time for- the rest would be up to whatever medical team she had, or any healing spells she knew.

    The three remaining drakes had landed on the other side and an extra one had dropped from the ceiling to join its buddies. Ikuchi took a few steps back, his eyes returning to their original color and his snarling growing louder. The scales on the last quarter of his tail raised up as he prepared to fight his opponents, hoping that he didn't honestly have to take on all four of them and Leila would get up and take on two. Leila didn't have many reasons to suspect Ikuchi on a logical level, and she had no knowledge of his ability to switch form. However, none of the animals on this planet seemed to care for her like the ones on earthland. Dragonhounds were known to a very minor extent on earthland, and were more dragon than hound... as in, they were completely dragon and only had some hound-like appearances. None of her crew had any need for a spell to change their form to one, it's not like the physical advantages of being a dragon that was smaller than other dragons was that significant... and turning into a more common dragon would be so much more badass. Ikuchi's onyx claws and fangs began giving off a strange type of energy... an almost divine aura came about him as he prepared, waiting only to see if Leila had the strength to get up or if she would accept defeat.

    Words: 8,614   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by Leila Vergious 16th November 2017, 5:21 am

    Word Count:
    10,106 / 10,000


    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix A-Rank

    The girl was completely frozen. Even as the dragon swept in and took on the drake that was right in front of her, she did not react at all to it. Her hand merely remained in the air reaching forward, as if she was still trying to touch the creature despite it no longer being in front of her. Her eyes were dulled, changed from that bright emerald green to a dark swamp-like color which indicated not a sign of life in it. In few seconds, her hand would drop to her side as her head dropped low too. Even as Ikuchi started healing her with his borrow magic, she did not react at all. It helped slightly, but the hole in her chest was already healing on its own, being filled with many vines that would slowly start changing into meat and organs that were destroyed in the previous attack. The unfortunate fact was that the girl’s damage extended much more to her mind than her body. A wound like this, even though it looked lethal, was nothing to her. She could regenerate entire lost limbs and organs in a blink of an eye. But her mind was sometimes very fragile, especially in certain situations and when exposed to certain problems. Tears would suddenly start going down her cheeks, separating from her skin and dropping to the ground when one of the drakes charged at her again. It seemed that the larger group divided itself where two were eying the Eden’s Caretaker while the other two were growling at the onyx dragon.

    But once again, the girl did not react at all. Something else entirely stopped the charging beast. Glowing eyes in the darkness of the cave. Tens of them. In a similar way to before, there were wolves in this place. However, these were much different to the starved ones from before. Their fur of violet purple color and their behavior clearly vicious. It seemed that this place was where they resided. They were also clearly territorial, as they suddenly charged from the shadows and started surrounding the two drakes that tried to get to Leila. For now, they seemed to ignore the rather harmless spirit who was just kneeling there, crying silently. Surprisingly, the large number of the wolves seemed to scare the drakes at least a little bit. Two against roughly fifteen, the strength in numbers was a saying that often holds true. A number of the brave ones already charged the two scaled creatures, biting down on their limbs and wings, drawing blood in several cases as well. The scuffle quickly turned rather chaotic with a large number of beings in this one smaller space. And of course, the drakes were not exactly interested in being overpowered by creatures like these either. They would trash, bite and crush the wolves before using their natural magical abilities to send out walls of flames, scorching many of the wolves in an instant. And yet, the ones that remained would not give up and still continue to fight.

    They were nothing like regular wolves from Earthland or even the ones they had encountered before. Driven by something much more primal and raw, their emotions of anger and wrath could almost be sensed in the air. And finally, one of the wolves would manage to bite through the drake’s neck, killing the mighty beast. The second one would surely meet the same fate soon, so it decided to focus all of its strength on trying to shake the wolves off. With its great wings flapping, it would take into the skies and chaotically start flying around. There were several bites through the skin and membrane of its wing, however. And soon, the green drake would crash into the cavern’s ceiling. It tried to regain proper control but only ended up slamming into the walls more and more. To the point where the entire place started shaking and cracks would start forming in the ceiling. Stone would start falling and soon transform into larger boulders, some of them even crushing the wolves on the ground. A fierce struggle that was perhaps never meant to happen, it seemed to have more victims that one would wish it to have. Provided Ikuchi disposed of his foes, both parties were defeated and wiped out by the other one. And in the middle of it all, Leila would look into the ceiling that was falling apart right above her.

    No one in this world would mourn me if I were to disappear… not one…

    As she said this, something would suddenly crash through the stone, making the entire cave to be buried beneath stones. And more specifically, that something took a boulder into its claws and directed it straight at the Caretaker, crushing her with it easily. Dust would fill the air for a while, making it unable for anyone to properly see or smell anything. But as it faded, the only thing that would be really visible was a stone buried in the ground, it’s bottom covered with blood that even splattered on a golden key right next to it. And on top of it, another drake. But not quite like the green ones they have faced before. Its entire body was of a single color - orange. A strange magical glow was coming off of it. Its head lacked any eyes, ears, and nostrils, but somehow it felt as if this thing could sense everything around them easily. Ikuchi’s body surely protected him from the cave in, so he could observe it all. Four more of this strange beings would fly into the cave, every single one of them possessing an extremely large amount of magical energy. About as much, as a mage classified as rank H would have in their body. Their mere presence would make lesser mages fall to the ground, perhaps even suffocate them in the ethernano that filled the air. Surely even Ikuchi realized that engaging these would result in his death.

    But for some reason, they weren’t paying him much mind. Instead, they were going around and start clearing the rubble to reveal the corpses of drakes and wolves. It almost seemed as if they were mourning these dead creatures. Whatever these creatures were, they were both hunters and guardians at the same time. The way the swept in before, it was almost as if they had a very clear goal. Eliminated the intruder here and make sure they would no longer disturb the natural order. One of these strange drakes would suddenly turn toward Ikuchi and start approaching him. But it was not hostile. Only after few mere seconds, it would turn away again as if he did not interest it in the least. It was because of his form right now. Whatever means of sensing their surroundings were these creatures using, it probably didn’t allow them to actually realize that the hound-dragon was not of this world and was technically an intruder as well. Unless the dragon boy decided to engage them for whatever reason and signed his death sentence by doing it, all of the magic drakes would take to the skies again, leaving the ruined cave through the hole that leads to the surface created by the collapse earlier. A giant magical circle would form in those very skies and as the drakes flew into it, they would disappear completely, as if it teleported them away or to a different part of the Floating Continent.

    Looking back, there would be not much more to do now. Leila was dead, crushed by the stone that one of the drakes forced onto her body. She didn’t resist it, as she had given up completely. The bloodied key next to her mangled corpse would slowly start fading away, along with that body of hers. Decay. Whenever she died, her physical body would wither as an old flower, turn into the soil that would support growth. Right now, her soul was present in the Gardens of Eden, dormant and sleeping while gathering new power that would allow her to create Eden’s tree in this very spot days later. A tree from which her new body would be carved and born anew. A painful process she had gone through a number of times at this point. Even though she was completely immortal like this, today was actually the first time she just embraced death because of that very knowledge. She did not care if she would live or die. Her with… her goal. Born in the Void, she was nothing more than a forgotten spirit. And with a guidance of a demon, she was able to create the Gardens of Eden. Her own world accepted her, of course it did. But that was when she was Aurora. Once her soul split and she started existing as Leila Vergious, all she knew for the longest time was Earthland. The dimension ruled mostly by humans but also housing a great number of non-humans.

    However, despite that fact, she was just far too different. Despite looking like a human, she was not one. And all she wanted was to be one. She didn’t want to be different from those she loved. She desired to be close to them. But her origin didn’t allow her to get that close. Despite her heroic acts, she would not be really recognized. And in the end, even the one she loved would refuse her. Yes… she sacrificed her all for that person and it only ended up in Leila’s own demise. And now, she was unable to even look at that person who broke her heart. She wanted love, but she was denied it. And today? Ikuchi called her an incompetent leader. He refused her. And by extension, Kaori refused her all the same. She felt like she had nothing left in this world right now. And so she embraced death, accepted it. There was more than just the fading key on the floor. A small talisman, identical to the one Ikuchi used to teleport here in the first place. A single-use traveler’s talisman. If he recalled it, the landing that appeared below him when he first arrived had a slot of similar shape. If he was to return there and place the talisman in the slot, he would be returned to Earthland. He was free to leave. After all, the girl’s body was gone, so was the key. And there was nothing else to do. The creatures were dead and the expedition had failed. It was all over.

    Non-template version:



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    Tiny new friend Empty Re: Tiny new friend

    Post by ○Kaori 26th November 2017, 6:47 am

    Looking forward, Ikuchi didn't hear anything moving behind him. While normally this would be a good thing, in this moment, it was very bad. The lack of movement means that Leila had wasted his time, meaning he would have wasted his rider's time as well. He had gone through the effort of coming back to help her, and she lacked the will to be of any use. It was an insult to his generosity, one that the dragon would never stand for. Ikuchi turned away as many wolves showed up, walking away from Leila long before she vanished with a black hole opening and him walking in. He was using the aid of his and Kaori's powerful allies, the mythical Snoop Genie to leave this world that would become Leila's grave. He didn't look sad when he left, his tail wasn't low or between his legs, and his movements weren't sluggish which would show there was nothing holding him back and making him want to stay. His head was held high and his tail slowly swayed from side to side as he walked away as proud of a dragon as ever, as though he never even met Leila. Ikuchi didn't care for the woman, she'd shown him everything she hates in humans... The highest level of arrogance, a god complex, and upon being shown that they have no dominion over something... a complete loss of volition. He didn't even give her the dignity of a passing glance as he left.

    Upon arriving on the other side of the portal, he was in his penthouse suit in Hosenka with a small girl already jumping and latching on to the top of his head. A flame engulfed Ikuchi as the portal closed and revealed his human form, after which returning the child's hug. The young girl had asked if Samira was doing alright, to which Ikuchi informed her that she was doing fine. He let her know that he wasn't sure how Kaori was doing, but he could feel that she was no longer in pain, but still very much alive. This made her smile and a woman resembling an angel had walked in, stating that she was glad that Samira and Kaori were both doing alright. Ikuchi had then announced that there was something he had to do, which confused the woman and little girl but since he hadn't given them reason to distrust him they didn't ask any questions. Ikuchi had gone to his room and sat at his desk, picking up one of the lavish gold and ivory pens that the hotel provided while also pulling a clean sheet of paper. He stared at the page, not knowing what to write nor what he should write... 'sorry for abandoning you' was a pretty bad opening, but not exactly inappropriate. Several hours later he found himself drifting off and falling asleep not long after that.

    When he opened his eyes, Ikuchi and Samira were exiting the Wakusei portals in preparation for going back to Hargeon, more specifically, when Ikuchi was stepping outside of the building the portals were in; something shot from behind, slamming into the servant who was carrying a stack of books that made him throw his ten rare books high into the air while simultaneously being taken through the air. The landing was about as graceful as their take off, and resulted in Gabriella holding onto Ikuchi tightly, wrapping her wings around the man so as to protect them both from getting injured. A hundred feet out, when they finally stopped rolling Gabriella had seemed to have come out on top in the most literal sense, and she pushed herself up to get her breasts away from Ikuchi's face. "Ouch." Ikuchi said, letting his body relax and head tap the dirt road below him. "Where is Miss Kaori!?" Gabriella demanded, her eyes filled with panic. "At the castle being treated by Lady Ceostra." Ikuchi stated calmly, feeling that his luck would have it be another story. "Miss Gisen has been out of the castle for days... in the Cursed Lands." Gabriella said, hesitantly.

    A magic circle appeared nearby that was fairly large, and as it rose from the ground a very familiar ship had materialized. A small girl wearing a pirate's outfit had run out of a port on the bottom, stopping in front of Ikuchi with tears in her eyes. Ikuchi's neutral expression turned into a frown as he didn't need to be told what was going on. A Celestial Spirit was away from her wizard, crying... "What are we dealing with?" he asked, not needing to be told Kaori was in danger. "I- I don't know... but we can't contact Miss Kaori! There's some dark energy sealing us all, and- and Aquarius-" "I care not for him- How fast can you get us to Hargeon?" he cut Charlotte off as she tried explaining that Aquarius was in a very hostile mood. "Get in, I can teleport the ship there." Charlotte said, turning to run back to run through the now opened cargo bay door. Gabriella had gotten off Ikuchi and flown back to retrieve his books. She would have to fly back to Hargeon as once the mage and the dragon were on board, the ship was gone.

    As the ship appeared in front the guild hall, Ikuchi shot out of it and vanished to reappear across the bridge and vanish again. He had begun making his way to the medical area of the castle when he heard the sound of something being slammed. While Samira made her way through the guild hall, she saw a large fist made completely of steel coming toward her, impacting her stomach and slamming her into the wall. The rest of his being began materializing as the cyan particles formed a very angry Captain Iron Fist. "You did this..." he said grimly, his glowing eyes reflecting the surface of the sea and was showing no capacity for mercy. A much larger fist hit Aquarius, sending him flying back through the hallway. A nine foot tall monster of a man who's body took up almost all of the hallway materialized to challenge him. "Nursing room six, fourth floor." he said in a deep voice. "The others are holding her back." he added, implying someone was fighting Kaori's spirits... When Samira arrived to the specified location, the cracked wall had exploded as Scarlet and Jediniah flew through surrounded by darkness. Ikuchi and Samira looked through the hole and saw something that no one could have expected...

    The room was in complete disarray... The cabinets that housed first aid supplies were reduced to nothing more than nails on the wall, the cabinets were on the floor and dripping with the contents of destroyed glass. The beds that once lined the room were reduced to splinters, scattered along the corners of the room along with the shredded remains of the bed casings and feathers of the insides of those beds. Cracks lined the walls where the marks of battle had been seen, and in the rubble was Scarlet and Jediniah. The two had large cuts in their bodies, and their eyes were whited out. The bone swords Jediniah held were broken, and Scarlet's shotguns bent irregularly. The two spirits vanished back to the spirit world to recover, and in the middle of the room was the shit of nightmares... Kaori's mask had been cracked so that one of her eyes could be seen beyond the metal under-layer of the mask. This crack expanded until the mask had fallen off... Her hazel eyes were set among a sea of darkness that was creeping inward, preparing to consume the last of her mind. Black tears had been flowing from Kaori's eyes as the betrayal she'd witnessed consumed her and sent her heart into chaos. Her eyes would narrow on Samira, not knowing that she was the original. As her shirofune began materializing in her right hand, Kaori would straighten herself up with more tears coming from her pain filled eyes... But something was terribly, and very blatantly wrong with the sword. It was no longer white, nor was it radiating light. The sword was purely black, and radiated a black smoke to reflect the darkness in her heart. Ikuchi's eyes shot open and he looked around, confirming he wasn't actually in the middle of that horrible dream. Much to his relief, he was in the penthouse suit in the hotel in Hosenka and not having to fight Kaori a second time.

    Words: 10,041   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Tiny new friend FN4I7td

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:20 pm