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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by anastasia 30th September 2017, 10:33 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    "Pulling into train terminal 3C, stopping at Magnolia. Next stop, Rose Garden." a voice said on the intercom of the train, as Tia grabbed her messenger bag sitting next to her on Chai's chair while the purple exceed hopped onto the floor of the train and began to walk toward the exit. The train was fairly empty, as it was close to 9:00 am in the morning of a Saturday. However, stepping out of the train proved that many people were on their way to Magnolia, however not coming from the Phoenix Mountains and Oahu. "I would has't bethought that people would has't waited to showeth up until the anon hours of the day, but these crowds getting off the other trains appeareth to prove me otherwise." Chai said, as she scaled Tia's body and sat upon her head. Tia, on the other hand, was wearing a fairly skimpy outfit than she usually would wear, since she figured that they would be in large crowds of shoppers and she did not want to disturb anyone or their displays with her typically thick and large clothing. However, she did bring a lavender-colored umbrella to block the harmful sun from damaging her skin with its warm rays. She hated using sun-screen, so she decided to stay in the shadows more so than going out and feeling the actual warmth.

    But why was Tia headed to Magnolia Town, you may ask? The week she was there was a special day of the town, as they were holding a large festival where vendors and rare shops from all over the world would come to this one location and line an entire part of town with their booths and stores. This concept intrigued Tia, as over the time she had been an active mage of the Golden Phoenix guild she had made thousands of jewel in doing favors for others, and she had no idea what to spend it on. She did need to restock on various items, such as rare tea bags and new clothing, so what better place for her to get them then a rare festival. However, she would not have known of this festival if it were not for her friend that was very familiar of this city, Ezra Aurence. It had been about a month since she last saw him, and was very excited to see him once again.

    "Tia, I am fill'd with pangs of hunger... Can we cease and receiveth something filling?" Chai asked Tia, as she gripped her stomach and lacked to jiggle her normally-chubby stomach. "There is a Moonbucks right here, we can get some coffees here and then eat at the actual festival." Tia told the purple exceed, as she swung open the coffee-shop door and walked to the register. "Um... two green-tea frappes, one medium and one small please?" she asked the barista, which began to total her order while the worker in the back was beginning to mix their drinks. Tia payed, grabbed her two frappes, and walked out of the coffee-shop.

    "Well, this will make a good place to sit and wait for him." she told the exceed which was sipping her coffee, as they sat down on a bench next to the door. The festival was about 100 meters away, and people were walking in-front of her left and right to head to the special occasion. She began to scroll through her iLac, editing her blog feed's aesthetic.
    wc: 578 / 9000 | tags: @ezra | job link: bam.

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private 8qhOnIb


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by DOPPO 30th September 2017, 12:07 pm


    It happened every year. Magnolia Town would host a special event at it's center. A festival! Not to say that this town didn't hold festivals every other month, but this one was grand in comparison to the others. Vendors and food would gather here in Fiore from all over Earthland for everyone to enjoy! Men, women, and children, both young and old, rich and poor, could come together to taste or indulge in different cultures across the world. It truly is a rich experience.

    Ezra had attended each one since he was seventeen, his face well known among some of the businessmen and cooks there. Usually, he would go to these events by himself, but this time around, he had invited a friend. Tia Haiku of Golden Phoenix, no less! Just recently, around a month ago, the two had met on a rather simple but exciting job. It was then that they created a goal to meet each other again. And what better a time and place than now?

    Ezra had been up since the early morning, and was now wandering about the outskirts of the festival, searching for his smaller friend and her furry companion. He, of course, had little difficulty tracking her down. With a nose as keen as dog's and eyesight matching that of a beast, he found himself approaching a newly built Moonbucks. Ah, yes, coffee! Like most things, he enjoyed a hint of bitterness, and thus, drank his coffee black.

    Next to the Moonbucks sat the wonderfully dressed Tia and her small, cute companion, Chai. Ezra grinned while walking to her from the near distance, "Heeey!
    Tiaaaa! !"
    Ezra shouted, waving one long arm in the air frantically.

    Soon enough, Ezra was now in arm's length of his friend, leaning down with his usual, toothy smile. "Howdy! You made it, eh? Heh-heh. See ya got 'erself some caffeine?"

    WC: 313/9,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by anastasia 1st October 2017, 11:16 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    As Tia scrolled through her iLac and sipping her green-tea frappe, she recognized a familiar gust of cold that she had felt in the Phoenix Mountains in one of her previous jobs. She heard a familiar voice a about ten meters away, and she looked over in the distance but could not see through the vast crowd that was near them. "Perhaps its-" she began to think, as she looked in-front of her to see a familiar face. "Ezra!" she exclaimed, as she hopped up and into his arms. In doing so, she dropped her halfway-finished coffee, causing it to leak around their feet. "Oh... um, well I did have some caffeine..." she said, while blushing and itching her hair in embarrassment. "Doth thee wanteth the rest of mine? I didst not like 't, for 't tasted like a foot." Chai told her, as she handed Tia her nearly full cup of green frappe.

    "Oh, Ezra! I remembered how much you enjoyed my food the last time we saw each-other, so I decided to make some spaghetti so we would not have to wait in the long lines at the food court. That is so we could have more time to shop!" Tia exclaimed, as she reached into her bag and pulled out a large plastic container which contained a large quantity of spaghetti. She also pulled out two forks, and gave one to Ezra. "Sit down, we have tons of time until the festival is over." she told the black-haired boy, as she began to spin her fork in some of the warm spaghetti. This spaghetti was one of her favorite things to make, as she loved to make the sauce homemade with a variety of spicy peppers and the noodles with ingredients she had retrieved herself.

    "So, what have you done since we have seen each-other last? I defended a castle from twin-ninjas, and retrieved a book of my memories from the past." she told him, as she dipped into the spaghetti once again.
    wc: 915 / 9000 | tags: @ezra | muse: 8 / 10

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private 8qhOnIb


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by DOPPO 1st October 2017, 3:25 pm

    Ezra had been thrilled to see his much-shorter friend come so far out of town to see him. He didn't exactly plan for anything for them to do, he figured that the they would do anything the festival had offered. But, being the 'host', he probably should've planned ahead. At the thought, Ezra sulked quietly, but would quickly cheer up the moment he and Tia made physical contact.

    Ezra knew that Tia was more touchy than she looked, but it still was a surprise coming from a girl who set herself up to look like a shy, reserved bookworm. Ezra smiled warmly and would pull her into a friendly hug before pushing her away so they may look at each other face-to-face. "Guess you fellers got 'erselves some coffee, eh? It's pretty early, I don't blame y'all." Ezra cackled. "I should probably get myself some. . ."

    Ezra would rub the back of his head nervously, he would catch himself scratching the scalp of his head or playing around with his hair in general when he felt awkward, nervous, or embarrassed. But it was simply an observation, an observation that he didn't know if other people were aware of or not. He brushed it off his shoulder and would refocus on Tia, who brought up another topic of discussion quickly after they greeted one another.

    "Ah, Tia's famous home cooking! Lucky man I am. Lucky, lucky, lucky..." Ezra spoke excitedly, thrilled to fill his belly with Tia's magical meals. "Even so, you ain't leaving this town without trying some of the food. It's a once-a-year thing, you know. Gotta live a little, eh?" Ezra spoke warmly.

    Tia would pull out a large container filled with what would seem to be spaghetti, a dish he had not yet tried from Tia. That being said, he felt ten times more hungry than before, and would graciously accept the fork offered to him. "That, we do. We do, for sure."

    He and Tia would sit and indulge in her cooking, making his cooking look like something you'd find in a garbage. Really, Ezra didn't have any cooking skills and often ate out, or whatever Fairy Tail bars were serving. When worst came to worst, he would find himself in the kitchen, cooking. It always ended up terrible, sometimes inedible, but he made do with what few skills he had. Ezra would turn to her with bits of sauce on his cheek and around his lips, "Castles, huh? Ain't that something. Had you told me about it, I'd would've come to help ya out! Heh. But me? Eh,
    nothing too special. Helped some folks out, worked some jobs, paid the rent on my place... just normal stuff. Ain't nothing too extravagant happened."
    Ezra shrugged. His life hadn't been too interesting beyond jobs, he prided himself in being a normal countryman who helped folks out when they needed some help.

    WC: 799/9,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by anastasia 8th October 2017, 10:11 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    After they had finished eating the spaghetti, Tia closed the plastic container with the plastic forks inside and tossed it into the recycle bin. "I thank you for enjoying my food, it really means a lot to me, Ezra." she told him, as she strengthened the tightness of her ribbons among her hair. "I'd be down to get snacks at the festival, but after my stomach settles a bit." she told him, as her hands met his and interlocked. She then pulled him up and smiled, motioning her legs toward the festival that was right in-front of them. The festival was filled with beautiful lights, which shone red and orange colors around the yellow beams of light the sun shone. Ornate decorations lined all the shops, along with plants and many different kiosks. Each bag that the stores had were different, and all were matching the themes and designs used by the shops to promote their products in a beautiful way. Scents beamed off the shops, whether they were selling clothing, foods, tea, candles, or anything else of their specialty. All the scents smelled like heaven together, something she would not forget while being with someone she cared for.

    "Ezra, I may need to warn you of something that is very important..." she told him, as her grip tightened around his hand. His hands were a lot larger than hers, which was not strange in the slightest considering their difference in biology. "You are going to have to carry all of our bags!" Tia exclaimed, as her and Chai began to run through the crowd over to the tea shop straight ahead. She was also dragging Ezra along, which she hoped he did not mind. People of all types were inside this crowd, ranging from different hair styles, genders, expressions of their outfits. And of course, the occasional pervert scattered in the crowd. At least this is what Tia experienced, considering she felt a hand press against her rump. "Ezra, that man just touched my ass!" she exclaimed in anger, as she prepared to requip a book to hurt him with. "Tia, doth not worry about that sir." Chai told her companion, as Tia glared. "You'll get away this time, but not next time!" she screamed at the man, as he ran away in fright.

    After a bit of walking, they had finally made it to the tea store Tia and Chai were both looking forward to shopping at. As they walked into the store called 'Tea Tree,' both of the girls gushed in delight of the scents beaming off the racks of the tea bags and the pitchers of tea willing to be served. "Tia, oh mine god! Behold ov'r hither, this is insane!" Chai screamed, as the other shoppers looked toward where the exceed was. Tia ran over and gasped, squealing in delight over what Chai had pointed out. "They... They have Ancient Lotus Green... and Malawi White... Bolivian Organic Black! Holy shit, Ezra!" she screamed, as her eyes widened wider than they have ever before. "Thai High Mountain Oolong! They have Thai High Mountain Oolong!" she screamed, as she picked up a basket and scooped every pack of that type of tea into it.
    wc: 1453 / 9000 | tags: @ezra | muse: 8 / 10


    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private 8qhOnIb


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by DOPPO 13th October 2017, 2:35 pm

    By the time Tia had been packing up the food, Ezra had long finished his meal. Strange was it would appear, he was fully capable of savoring his meals in the fastest way possible. He wasn't exactly the cleanest eater, quite clumsy with his food, in fact.

    Ezra turned to Tia with bits and smudges of sauce around his lips and grinned from ear to ear, "No, no, thank you for giving me another opportunity to enjoy your food,
    Ezra spoke earnestly, wiggling his nose in excitement, as usual. "A great way to settle stomachs is to get 'movin, ya know! Come on, girl." Ezra chirped as he would softly smack her back. Soon after, Tia had quickly interlocked her hand with his, lifting him up onto his feet, beginning to guide him towards the festival.

    Ezra was quite aware of Tia's touchy behavior, and quickly became used to it. Unlike other men, he wasn't quite phased by a woman's touch. The majority of his people back home were big chested women, had one younger sister, and the women back at Fairy Tail were basically family. That being said, he was far from understanding a woman's heart.

    In other news, the festival was as bright and welcoming as ever. Soft, warm light pouring into the festival. Birds and famous heroes from stories cut from construction paper and put up by children. Down one street you'd discover the finest of liquor stores, and down another you'd find farmers markets, selling fruits and vegetables the people of Fiore have never seen before. It truly was magnificent. People from different parts of the world coming together in one festival. So many cultures, so many ideas, so much life. It was a smaller version of a world he's never experienced. Ever since he was a boy, he has always seen the same places, same food, same people for all of his life. The world beyond the East Forest was nothing more than a dream to him, it didn't exist. Nothing existed beyond his people, his village, his booze. Nothing more than what merchants would bring from that dream. Magazines of wizards who became heroes through acts of bravery, and ones who became villains through acts of treachery. It went from a dream, to a fascination, to an aspiration, then to a reality. A world bound to no rules or laws and restrictions. There was only as much to the world as you found.

    Although Ezra would always come to this festival by himself, he was pleased to bring a good friend with him this time, who seemed just as thrilled as he was when he first came to this festival. Lost in thought, the sudden tightening around his wrist snapped him back to the now in an abrupt and unsettling warning Tia was about to give. Ezra's lips slightly curled into his mouth and his brows scrunched up in worry, only to uncurl and morph into an expression of shock when she exclaimed that he would be this year "Special Bag Carrier".

    "Eh? How much are you gonna buy, lassie?!" Ezra protested vigorously, being dragged into the heart of the crowd by his wrist. Although being a werewolf-dragon slayer was cool in theory, his sharp nose seemed more like a burden in times like these. All the must, sweat, strange and unappealing scents that gather in these events are here to embrace his nostrils and send him into a fit of illness, sometimes prompting him to vomit. It never happened. . . yet.

    As Ezra braced himself for the barrage of foreign smells, the trio came to a sudden stop as Tia announced something rather disturbing.

    "Who did what now? Ayeee...." Ezra fumed quietly, but was not at all surprised by this incident. Sure, the festival attracted all kinds of people, but it even attracted those kind of people. For perverts, this annual festival is a goldmine for cute girls from all over Earthland. Smooth butts, firm butts, big butts, small butts, there was simply an array of butts to grope this time of year. It never actually happened to him, of course, but there have always been stories like these this time of year.

    Ezra stroked his beard in frustration, he was usually very hot headed but currently did not have a pervert to be hot headed towards. He fiddled with his facial hair in anger, in a cloud of thought.

    Aye. . . this sort of thing does happen a lot, I guess. Some men out there simply can't control their weird, perverted desires. . . Ezra thought to himself. On one hand, he thought of explaining the nature of this festival and the perverts it attracted to Tia, and on another hand, it was vividly disturbing to him that he had a vast understanding of why and when perverts come to strike and why. An encyclopedia of butts and when to strike had been stored in the back of his head and he was unaware of it till now. It was under that guilt and shame that Ezra decided not to inform Tia in simply listen to her vent.

    "Aye, aye, it happens, lassie. I'll keep a look out 'fer ya. 'Nothin escapes these lookers, ya know," He pointed to his sharp, golden eyes and grinned, hoping to have reassured Tia of her well being. He would no pervert harm his friend, and much less her day here. Though, Ezra took it as seriously as Chai did.

    Their excited booking reduced to a hasty walk after that. Tia, Chai, and Ezra had been making way to the Tea Tree of which they both swooned over. But the walking quickly returned to a booking and the swooning became squeals as they finally arrived. The trio walked into the store, Ezra instantly inspecting the products on the shelves just for something to do, while Chai squealed in her Old English, Tia quickly chiming in.

    "Are those rare or 'somethin? I ain't ever had tea besides what they sell at local shops..." Ezra snickered and would enter their general space to look at the same things they were, "y... you ain't 'buyin everything in this store, are ya now?" Ezra inquired, rather concerned. He's heard of people excite themselves over the smallest things, but never of tea.

    WC: 1,853/9,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by anastasia 15th October 2017, 9:54 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"
    "Thai High Mountain Oolong is such a rarity! It features dry, large and rolled leaves which taste super fresh and floral whenever you put them in your beverage. It is actually cultivated at 3,900 feet in the air with delicate precision and accuracy in cutting the leaves and making sure its at the right height! That is why it has the term 'mountain' in its name. The beverage is golden and features a full-bodied flavor which makes it distinguish from other Oolong teas out there. The aroma is natural, and is quite discreet! This tea is produced in 2 days unlike other Oolong tea varieties which need just one production day. It needs to be steeped at 82 Celsius degrees for 4 minutes. That is what makes it so rare!" Tia exclaimed, as she grabbed the last box of the tea and shoved it into the basket. These boxes were beautifully structured, as they depicted the lands upon which they were cultivated on the sides. These lands looked to be surrounded in mountains, and one side depicted a giant mountain which had stripes of bushes leading across of it in an orderly and aesthetically pleasing style. These bushes looked to have workers in beautifully structured kimonos snipping bright green and golden leaves, which looked to be the leaves in which would fuel the water to make it into the rare tea that Tia was buying today. The box also had writings over the pictures in a golden font, which shone just like the leaves that were inside of it.

    "I just need to restock on my teas, especially since some of the teas in this store are very rare and not typically seen in my local areas." she told Ezra, as they approached the register. Standing there was a beautiful woman with long, white hair, and radiating purple eyes. She looked to have tattoos stretching across most of her chest along with her breasts and shoulders. These areas were mostly shown proudly, despite a few small tapestries and such designed cloths which stretched to cover some of the more sexual-ized areas of the body. Sitting upon her table with the register was many different mugs and such for tea, along with cloths which appeared to be made specially by her. "My goodness, you bought all of the oolong." the woman told Tia, as she was in a slight trance due to her expression of clothing. "Oh um... yes." she told her in a quiet voice, as she began to take out her wallet. "50,000 Jewel please." the woman told her, as Tia gasped. "50,000?! That is a lot!" Tia exclaimed, as Chai hopped upon the table and crossed her arms.

    "Thee needeth to lowereth the price to 10,000." Chai told the woman, as she bounced back and looked at her like she was insane. "I do not barter." the woman told the exceed, as her small claws popped out toward the saleswoman. "10,000~!!" Chai screamed, as the woman quickly pounded in numbers on the register as the number 10,000 popped up on the register's screen. "Oh um, sorry ma'am! It is 10,000 Jewel, and I threw in some other boxes of tea just so I would not scare you! Please do not hurt me!" the woman yelled, as she scooped all the tea boxes into a giant bag and gave it to Tia. "Thank you~!" Tia exclaimed, as she grabbed the bag and placed it into Ezra's hand as if he were a bell-boy. She had no doubt that he would never have any issues carrying her bags, considering she struck him as a very sweet and strong individual. After all, his chest was extremely toned and muscular, therefore he looked like he could carry a truck in one hand if he ever felt the need to. Tia was always a fan of people that could take care of her bodies. Hell, any being that was slightly human was fair game to Tia. Some may call her a bit of someone who gets around, but she firmly believes that the body is a gift to be shared with others in a beautiful way.

    "Well, since I got to pick that shop, its your turn!" she told Ezra, as she picked up Chai and began to play with her soft paws.
    wc: 2174 / 9000 | tags: @ezra | muse: 4 / 10


    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private 8qhOnIb


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by DOPPO 18th October 2017, 4:11 am

    Ezra listened attentively to Tia as she explained the product’s value. From the sound of it, it certainly was rare. He honestly had never met someone with such an extensive knowledge on something so overlooked, such as beverages. If anything, it was humbling. Wherever he seemed to go, anywhere he happened to look, magic was present. It had been so romanticized, leaving Ezra feeling rather disappointed. He enjoyed magic, he felt as if it were a gift. However, he was adamant in retaining an identity beyond magic. It was a personal motivation he didn’t tell many people about.

    On another note, Tia’s shopping bags had been filled to the brim before he knew it. Filled to the brim with tea products, of course. Ezra’s brows furrowed in concern, as he surely knew any considerate consumer wouldn’t buy all of one product. But at the same time, you had to get what you could in a time where certain things come only once a year. Ezra’s morals and consumer instinct left him conflicted as they approached the register.  

    ”You’re going to drink so much tea that you explode, lassie. . .” Ezra protested quietly. Although Tia’s shopping spree left Ezra conflicted, his idea of a bloated, short woman was too silly for him to remain so glum. ”Though I reckon I can see ‘ya as a small, fat lady.” He cackled.

    After Ezra relieved himself of these silly thoughts, he was able to pay attention to the person in front of them. She had long, white locks and what looked to be smooth, white skin. Her eyes radiated a sharp purple and had a rather fit body figure. Very attractive, indeed. She and Tia had conversed as she made the purchase, the woman shocked at the amount of tea Tia had bought. Ezra smiled and shrugged, Well, anyone would be shocked at that amount. How much tea can one girl drink? thought Ezra.

    During this process, the raven haired man discovered something new about his furry friend, Chai. That she was an aggressive haggler who came off as extremely intimidating if she did not get what she wanted. And like so, she got what she wanted and the trio left the store humble and satisfied. Well, at least Tia and Chai did. Ezra was more in awe than anything, and the bag in which Tia had made him hold held such a strong scent that Ezra felt ill. His nose burned and his throat felt dry, but quickly became use to it.

    ”Well, there’s a store I always go to every year. . .” Ezra tilted his head in thought and would step in front of Tia and guide her to the location.

    On the seemingly outskirts of the festival was a series of “adult” shops ranging from adult films, literature, photography, and products. Of course, Ezra wasn’t interested in this and was actually looking for a store smudged in between an adult film and an adult toy store. What was in the store?

    Ezra kicked the door open and took one deep breath, ”’Ere we are. My buddy runs this place and sells liquor and beer that I like. I reckon you ain’t much of a booze person, are ya?” He smiled earnestly. The strong, bitter scents of all kinds of alcohol gathered here in one building. Some smelled of citrus, while others looked and smelled like battery acid. It was a business of accumulated palates and tastes from any and all consumers who happened to buy a product here at Ciel’s Liquor.

    It didn’t come to mind that Tia might be under the impression that he frequently bought adult things, or that he was some kind of pervert. In fact, he was so casual and oblivious to the impression he was making, that he didn’t even mention the nature of the stores nearby. It was just him, Tia, and Chai, three friends buying suspicious alcohol in an avenue of stores that probably sold illegal products. Fun.

    ”Ciel? Ey! Are you in here? Ciel?” Ezra hugged the bags close to his chest and yelled over the register for what seemed to be the store owner. There was no answer. He clicked his tongue and sighed in his gruff sigh, cupping his large hand over the left side of his mouth and shouted, “Keeeeelllly!!~

    Almost immediately after, the sound of glass bottles shattering and metal tubs falling to the hardwood floorboards pierced the silence, and down the once silent and empty hallway came running a blonde, short haired woman wearing all kinds of tacky rings and necklaces and sharp glasses. She gave off the appeal of a sarcastic, sexy librarian from movies.

    The woman threw herself on the counter, with her belly against the stone but most of her torso held over it, with pocket knife held to Ezra’s throat. ”Who are you and how do you know that name?!” she demanded. Her eyes were filled with confusion and anger, her lips puckered up in the equivalent of a man puffing up his chest, and opening her eyes as far as they could. She looked almost silly.

    Ezra smiled nervously while looking her in the eye, “Come’n now. How many country boys do ya know that know that name, eh?” He testified, snickering confidently. It was these things that make Ezra so noticeable, the ability to laugh in a situation where it just so happens a seemingly crazy woman held a knife to your throat.

    ”You aren’t. . .?” The woman hissed.

    “Ezra Aurence, indeed. Howdy, Kelly. Ain’t you as fine as you were when I last see ‘ye. Heh-eh.” Ezra jested, stepping back with his same toothy grin. From that point on, the two had exchanged handshakes and talked.

    “Well look at you! I didn’t recognize you, Ezra! What happened to that red hair and where did those tattoos come from? You now and you from last year are like black and white! And what’s with all the tea?” Kelly gushed, slapping his shoulder.

    Ezra shook his head and shrugged with a disappointed, weak smile. “Could call it a family tradition, ya know. ‘Somethin like that, I reckon. Oh, and this? he turned to Tia and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her and radiating friendliness, “my lady friend and her lady friend, Tia and Chai. They love tea. Lots’f tea. Tea, tea, tea. I bet she owns Tea-shirts. She really likes tea.” Ezra grinned, bursting out into a hearty laughter.

    “Haha! So it seems! Your girlfriend?” Kelly would twist her finger in her hair as she asked. Ezra’s once happy and hearty energy morphed into something more uncomfortable and agitated.

    “I’m as single as you are deceitful.” Ezra grinned with mischievous eyes. They both knew she was born a brunette.

    WC: 2,989/9,000



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    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private Empty Re: Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private

    Post by anastasia 26th October 2017, 11:40 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    Chai was definitely one to make the odds tip in her favor, especially by force. Typically it was easy for the exceed to be able to convince store owners to lower their prices for her and Tia, especially whenever she would release her claws and show them what their face could have marks from in seconds. She had never been able to use her claws on anyone else because she did not feel she needed to, considering they would typically lower the price to her liking or even give them the items for free! Chai loved free things, especially when she had to pry them from someone's cold hands. A master of all hagglers, store owners would tremble when hearing of the purple-grey exceed which would enter their shops and demand lower prices. However, she did know when and when not to haggle, especially with small businesses and with inexperienced workers. However, considering the tea shop that they bought the tea from was fairly established and very wealthy, she knew that she would be able to feel no remorse for scaring the employee manning the register.

    "You have a shop in mind? Well why don't you lead us to it~!" Tia exclaimed, as she pushed up her glasses and began walking to the shop. This shop was toward the outside of the festival-grounds, which intrigued Tia. She had not known why it would be toward the outside, but she certainly figured that it was not extremely appropriate for people of a young age. Walking past rather revealing pictures of men and women on the windows of the shops that were here, she figured that perhaps they were going to a type of novelty store. She did not mind these types of stores, and she had been to a few in her life to pick up some rather fun items, but she did not find it ideal that her friend would bring her to one of these so early, especially in the daytime. "Do you see that woman in the picture, how is she doing that?!" Tia exclaimed, as she continued to walk around the grounds with Ezra. The two looked like an unlikely pair, considering she was in such innocent clothing while he looked like a full on badass biker of sorts. This was certainly attractive, but Tia did not want to come off any more whoreish than she did after she kissed him the first time they met.

    As they arrived at the store, Ezra told Tia that they happened to sell various alcoholic drinks. "They... they sell alcohol? Well, I have only drank a couple times..." she began to tell him, as Chai hopped upon Tia's arms and crossed her hands. "I love alcohol, tis simply divine. I would drinketh t every day if 't be true I wast able to, but sadly tis fairly expensive. I prefer wine, the lady prefers the girly doth drink. Methinks the lady is a wimp for not being able to doth five shots on end, alloweth alone one. The lady just casually sips at that lady nearly 100 percent juice and sitteth in a corner, how dare the lady?! Invite me to parties, I knoweth how to has't some excit'ment with alcohol." Chai told Ezra, as she hopped back down from Tia's hands and walked into the store with him. Tia followed behind, shocked that she would reveal that embarrassing information with him.

    This shop seemed to be a bit of an interesting one, as the people working here came under Tia's radar as being a bit of a shady party. The woman holding the knife to Ezra was Kelly, which frightened Tia a bit due to her aggressive nature. She looked to be a bit of a tacky woman in the way that she dressed, clearly fitting in with the range of where they were located in the shopping area currently. They began to talk about how his appearance had changed, which surprised Tia even more than she already was. He apparently had red hair before, and it sounded as if he underwent a large change before they had met.

    "Oh, um... I'm not his girlfriend..." Tia began to say, as she blushed at the woman named 'Kelly's' remark, as she grabbed the bag of tea from him as he began to make jokes. "I do love tea... I like it a lot." she told her, as she blushed while looking at her bust. Tia began to indulge in her sins, and her eyes quickly darted away from the employee's rack as she reached to grab Chai. However, it had seemed as though Chai had left their grasp, as she was now standing around one of the sampler alcohol racks that lined one of the walls. She began to scale the wall before yanking out a bottle of straight vodka, and popped open the top. She began to drink the vodka directly out of the bottle, and in seconds the entire contents inside were gone, inside the exceed's stomach. "HELL YEAH! THEE GOING TO HAVETH SOMETH FUN TONIGHTETH!" she screamed, as she began to fly around the shop's ceiling in a rapid pace.

    "Oh... Oh my..."

    wc: 3041 / 9000 | tags: @Ezra | muse: 3 / 10


    Festival Shopping // Ezra Aurence & Tia Haiku // Private 8qhOnIb

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm