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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 2nd September 2017, 7:05 pm

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    Yet another day in Oahu, Tia and Chai were sitting inside the guild hall drinking their daily glasses of tea and enjoying their books. Chai was laying on-top of the table reading a Shakespearean play, while Tia was sitting criss-cross on the chair continuing the Odyssey. As Tia and Chai both finished their herbal teas, they decided to get up and refill. The machine was near the job board, which they decided to check out as Chai refilled their cups. She grabbed the highest job on the B rank section, and walked back to her table. "Hither is the tea, Tia. What job didst thee pick the present day?" Chai asked, climbing back onto the top of the table to resume reading. "It is called 'Trail of the Death,' and is involved with rescuing a few kidnapped merchants from a merchant guild. It says they were kidnapped by 'living human corpses,' toward the Silent Cemetery." Tia claimed, taking a large gulp of herbal tea. A small orb of the tea trickled onto her new outfit, which was a sleek suit-dress with a tie. Chai was wearing a matching bow-tie, and a flowing purple dress. "Thee needeth to receiveth assistance for this job, Tia. Thee wilt beest defeated if 't be true thee wend alone." Chai ordered, slamming her book shut and slipping it into her book-sack behind her. "I guess so." she responded, slipping her book into her purple messenger bag.

    As she looked around the guild to approach someone that looked to assist her, it appeared that everyone had been struck in conversation, eating, sleeping, or doing other hobbies that kept them busy. "If 't be true thee doth not approach someone to holp, I wilt cause a ruckus!" Chai exclaimed, standing on a table. "Oh no you don't!" Tia exclaimed, lunging to pick up Chai. She held her in between her arms, while her hands covered Chai's mouth trying to yell. "Alloweth me out, alloweth me out!" Chai started to yell, which could be barely heard out of Tia's covering hands. As she was fighting Chai from yelling and causing a scene, her eyes locked onto one of the more experienced mages of the guild, Leila. "Be quiet Chai, I am about to ask her." she said, letting Chai go. Chai calmed down, and climbed Tia's back to sit on her shoulders. As she approached Leila, she bowed in respect. "Hello, I am Tia Haiku, a newer member of the guild. I am wondering if you could assist me on this job? It seems rather scary, so I need someone to assist me so I do not get hurt." she said, looking into Leila's eyes. "I am Chai, 'tis nice to meeteth thee."
    wc: 456 / 3750 | tags: @leila | job link: bam.

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 4th September 2017, 3:33 am

    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private JJHtJuZ

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    It has been a while since Leila last visited the underwater city of Oahu. Despite technically being one of the oldest members of this guild, she spent a surprisingly small amount of time in these halls, mostly because she craved adventure more than anything. Before all, she was a traveler who wanted to see all that this entire world had to offer. Heh, if she remembered correctly, that was actually the reason she joined the guild in the first place. Golden Phoenix, a place for those who have treasure hunting close to their heart. She was guildless and exploring the Phoenix island, interested in finding just what secrets it held. Of course, she was swiftly assaulted by the guardian birds that were all over the island. It was Elyx who stopped them, the former guild master. But not only did he do that, he invited the silver-haired traveler inside. She did not like the idea of being bound by a guild and its rules and ideals, hence why she never joined one even after she settled down in Fiore semi-permanently. But the moment he showed her the guild treasure, she instantly changed her opinion and joined. Thinking about it back like this was rather amusing and silly, considering how simple-minded she was back then. And yet, she grew to adore this guild more than anything it seemed. After all, she even returned and rejoined after her physical body died in this world and she was revived. Though because of her long absence due to that rather unfortunate event, she had lost most of her power and even the title of an Ace of Golden Phoenix. It saddened her at times, but perhaps it was for the best. At least right now when she was still in her adventuring mood.

    "That said, I'm running low on funds... better find a contract to do."

    Muttering to herself, she was just about ready to get up and walk to the job board herself. Of course, that little plan was quickly put to a halt by a seemingly young girl with an exceed that had approached Leila, taking her by a surprise. First of all, she did not quite remember the guild having a member like that, much less an exceed. It showed just how much she wasn't around these days to welcome the new aspiring mages, it actually made her feel somewhat bad. So as she regained her composure from being suddenly approached, she scratched her head at the bowing girl and smiled warmly, taking a look at the flier she was holding in her hands. More undead... it seemed that necromancers were popping out left and right these days.

    "Greetings, the name is Leila Vergious. I'm not one to refuse an adventure, though... this one seems to be pretty dangerous. I'm not doubting your abilities, but do make sure you're ready. And, um... likewise...?"

    The last bit was directed toward the exceed who's speech was quite unusual for people of this realm, one that the girl often had trouble properly understanding due to all the complicated words. But the main point was that she pointed out and tried to warn the other girl of dangers that they will most likely be encountering during their mission together. Walking corpses, they were never fun to battle. Dangerous and devoid of any morals, perhaps the worst kind of enemy. Though she herself was more than confident enough in her abilities to take on a threat like this and eradicate it. Plenty of experience with the undead and necromancers, along with a bestiary knowledge were backing her up as well.

    "If you're ready, I can transport us directly to the place."

    She finally said after giving Tia some time, pulling out a wooden key out of her pocket and letting some magic course through it. Soon enough, a brilliant light would fill the hall as a young looking girl popped out of seemingly a thin air. A celestial spirit! Little different to the normal ones as well.

    "Whaaat~? Are Fleta's powers required again? You really can't do anything without me, can you~?"

    "Yeah, sorry. Could you transport me and these two to the Cemetery in the cursed land? We have some business there?"

    "Ueh, that place? Uh... fine, prepare yourself!"

    And like that, more light would quickly embrace the girls as they were suddenly transported from the guild hall to their destination in an instant.


    Word Count: 739 / 3750
    Tags: @Tia Haiku
    OOC: -



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 4th September 2017, 8:51 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    After Leila, Tia, and Chai had formally met, Leila seemed to waste no time preparing the means of transportation. The girl pulled a wooden key out of her pocket and poured magical energy through it, causing a great light to shine through the guild hall. "A celestial spirit?" Tia wondered, as a young girl with a doll seemed to appear from the light radiating. She introduced herself as Fleta, and apparently could teleport targets to another place in time. Leila ordered her to teleport them to the Silent Cemetery, which is where the job would take place. The celestial spirit developed the group of three in a beautiful light, which made Tia's body feel fuzzy. "I feeleth like a marshmallow!" Chai exclaimed, hugging onto Tia's left leg. After a few brief seconds, they were in a place that was very gloomy, extremely different than the guild hall.

    "Whither art we?" Chai asked the girls, flying above Tia's head. "We are in the Silent Cemetery, please be quiet..." Tia commanded her in a whisper, as she looked around at their surroundings. The cemetery was extremely quiet, to the point where you could not even hear the wind blowing around them. In fact, there wasn't any wind blowing in the first place- there was nothing but empty gravestones as far as the eye could see, as well as weeping willow trees in random locations. "How fitting." Tia said, grabbing Chai and putting her in her arms. It was overcast here, as dark clouds passed over the silent cemetery. "I can feeleth dark energy hither." Chai stated, adjusting Tia's tie so it would be straight. Chai was always one that felt that proper etiquette was needed at all times, as she was a very proper individual. "Well, shall we get looking for the enemy?" Tia asked Leila, flipping hair straightened hair to her back region to get it out of her face.  

    Tia and the rest of the party began to walk down the cemetery, as Chai noticed something very grotesque. "These graves... those gents has't been dug!" she exclaimed, pointing to a row of graves. These graves were severely tampered with, as each of the caskets lay next to the dug-up underground section of the grave. These five caskets were also opened and empty, as if they were removed or stolen by someone. There was a shovel laying near the fifth casket, as if it was used to dig these graves up. "It seems these five dead people were taken by the necromancer." Tia commented, kneeling down to feel the handle of the shovel. It was slightly warm, giving the hint that this event occurred fairly recently. "These graves were tampered with earlier today, if I am not mistaken by the body heat left on this shovel." Tia told the others, facing them. "Tia, behold behind thee!" Chai shouted, pointing toward the back of Tia. Tia turned around, and gasped at the site of what was approaching.

    A group of zombies was approaching behind Tia, which appeared to be the five corpses that were dug from this site. They looked like rotting human beings, as bones peered through open wounds around their bodies. Four of the five zombies were walking slowly in the back-lines, while one zombie was sprinting toward Tia. "ReQuip, Aspects of the Crusades!" she yelled, as a gray book with red ribbons tied around the cover appeared in her hands. A surge of determination went through the battlefield, making Tia and her allies more confident and adrenaline-rushed. Tia revealed her long, purple acrylic nails that were tucked away in her pockets, and swiped them across the cover of the book. A long, shining sword appeared over Tia, which flew toward the sprinting zombie. It twisted while it flew, slicing through the zombie's face. This caused the head-zombie to fly backwards, dissipating into green smoke and blood. Tia felt relieved as she had taken out the most aggressive zombie, but there were still four zombies left that were still looking to put up a fight.
    wc: 1131 / 3750 | tags: @leila | muse: 9 / 10

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 23rd September 2017, 1:00 pm

    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private JJHtJuZ

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    The young celestial spirit's ability once again came in quite useful. That was Fleta for you, as she appeared to be always pretty much completely useless in combat, but even invaluable outside of it. A curious case for a celestial spirit, as most that were actually used by mages were battle oriented. That said, Fleta was not an ordinary spirit by any means, just like the rest of her Celestium. And that was meant in more than just one way as well, the pretty dressed princess firmly crossing her hands as she looked at the exceed somewhat annoyed after it's remark.

    "What are you babbling about?! Fleta's abilities are top-tier and most comfortable of all! There is no way you are feeling anything at all from her Royal Envoy!"

    Clearly she did not take well to a dissatisfied partner. But at least she wasn't starting a full blown fight among allies just yet. Leila herself chose to just awkwardly smile at her summon's attitude and ignore her words, walking around the place they have landed and eyeing the graves. Yup, the place was pretty much exactly the same as it was when she was here last. Still plenty spooky and dark, filled with the occasional firefly of an eery blue color flying by and providing a little bit of a moody light. Though it seemed that there was less skeletons than last. At least for now anyway.

    "This place is rather big, it'll be for the best if we look for a magical source rather than physical evidence and leads. You can sense magic just fine, right?"

    She would ask Tia, assuming she was just like any other mage. But while she suggested that they should take this course of action, they sooner found the physical evidence that she wasn't even hoping for. Dug up graves, honestly a pretty common sign in a place like this. While it was a cemetery, it was also in what people referred to as the "Cursed Lands". No common folk dared to venture out here and tend to the graves, leaving it as a feeding ground for grave robbers and even worse groups, provided they would not be eaten by the dark forces that were drawn to the quiet nature of this place first. It also seemed that Tia was quite good at performing detective work, as she managed to find out more details from the scene laid in front of them while the silver-haired maiden examined the tombs themselves in greater detail. Didn't seem like graves of anyone special, which meant their enemy was probably not an advanced necromancer, thank goodness. Though further investigation had to be postponed, as the dead quickly appeared and started charging toward them.

    "What an interesting magic, Tia! If we're fighting undead, then holy energy will be most effective after all. Alright, time to bring her out again!"

    While it might have been a bit of an overkill for few zombies, Leila always felt safer the more spirits she had out. And this one was very special, her other half. Rising her hand to the skies, she would start chanting loud and clear.

    "Flowers in the Garden bloom, I seek your aid. You who grew my world out of a single seed, descent and be by my side once again, you who is me, me who is you.
    Goddess of the Gardens of Eden - Aurora!"

    A giant magical circle would form in the skies, easily overshadowing the entire cursed cemetery and it's surroundings, causing clouds themselves to start swirling around in a forceful motion and the light generated from it making it seem as if it was a day again for few seconds. From the center of this giant magical circle, a light started descending gracefully. One that would finally touch the ground and burst into pieces, revealing the fact that it was hiding yet another female. This one of pale skin with very complex garments, several pairs of different wings adorning her back, staff firmly in hand, brown tail below the wings and a blue halo above her head that also boasted a pair of animal ears. That was Aurora, the goddess who created Gardens of Eden, home to Leila herself and many other spirits. Now that their team grew by yet another powerful spirit, the true fight could finally begin.

    "The enemy is right in front of us! Let us deal with them swiftly."

    "I can no longer tell if you're just weak, or if you adore my presence so. Aways summoning me, even if it is against such weak foes. And even when you have another ally by your side, as I see. Ah... yes, let us deal with them as fast as possibly."

    While somewhat grumpy, the summoned goddess would raise her hand with the staff as two giant serpent-like creatures unearther right behind her. They were both completely made out of wood and much bigger than the enemy, allowing them to sweep in and easily swallow two of the incoming enemies. Fleta too wanted to shine in the eyes of her allies and freshly summoned Aurora, as two pumpkins suddenly appeared by her side, their faces carved and shining with a mysterious light. They would start rolling toward the undead and explode into stacks of colorful smoke, but it seemed that the opponents did not care one bit for the nearly harmless ability of the poor princess.

    Word Count: 1,644 / 3,750
    Tags: @Tia
    OOC: -

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 23rd September 2017, 5:33 pm

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    After Tia had backed away from the zombie she had just taken out, she had noticed Leila had began to summon another one of her spirits, but at this verbiage it had depicted that this one had seemed to be a goddess. Overhead, the clouds began to swirl around the sky to make light appear from the cracks inside the clouds. "Eeeeeep~! Thy goddess, please hath doth not harm thou!" Chai screamed in terror, as she hid behind Tia's back. The goddess was beautiful to Tia, with her multiple sets of wings and animal ears which made her look like a mixture of a divine human and animal. The goddess began to speak to Leila, and while cocky at that, Tia did not say a word to upset her even more than she already seemed as she was. The goddess took the zombies out at ease, which impressed Tia and Chai, which was peering over Tia's shoulder in fright. "I nev'r jump hath met eye to eye with goddesses, those gents gallow me!" Chai whispered into her ear, as Tia slightly grinned at the sight of Fleta's attempt to hurt the zombies and Chai's fright of the beings which are a lot more powerful than she was.

    "It is a pleasure to meet a goddess of a different realm, for you seem extremely divine and powerful. I am Tia Haiku, a guild-mate and ally of Leila's. Your style of battle is truly lovely and magnificent, and I wish to witness your arts more in the future." Tia said to the goddess, while bowing at the sight of a powerful woman. "I will take care of the remaining two enemies, one moment." Tia responded, as she began to walk closer to the two undead that were slowly approaching. "ReQuip, Eternity of Burns." she said under her breath, as a book coated in pink flames appeared in her hands. Nonchalantly, Tia walked up to the zombies and casually swiped her nails from the bottom of the cover to the top. A cone of flames shot from the pages, which ignited the two remaining zombies in the pink flames. They began to groan, and burst into smoke.

    As she walked back to the party from defeating the remaining zombies, she slipped her two books into her bag for future use in-case she would need them before their duration in this dimension expired. "I hope that demonstration of my magic pleased you, Goddess Aurora of Eden." Tia said to the Goddess, as she bowed in honor. Chai, however, was hiding behind a headstone in fear of being smited or strangled by the Goddess who seemed to surpass her in all ways. "Leila, I would love to learn more about this Eden that you speak of... It sounds absolutely lovely." she told her ally, as they began to progress deeper into the gloomy cemetery. As they party walked through, Tia removed the fiery book from her bag and use it as a torch to see better in the dark areas. It also kept her warm, since it emitted a gentle heat from its harmless flames.

    "It is truly sad that a person would use such a large area of those resting to store those who are kidnapped, for it shows how they view the dead." Tia said, as Chai began to hold her hand and fly next to her. As Tia was peering through the headstones, it had seemed as though there were two skeletal warriors sitting upon a grave. "It looks like we have found more enemies..." Tia sighed, as she peered at them through a crack of another headstone. One had an axe, and another was wielding a broadsword. "Lets hope these are the last of the enemies we have to face." Tia remarked, as she began to reach for her book that would form a sword above her.
    wc: 1779 / 3750 | tags: @leila | muse: 9 / 10

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 25th September 2017, 3:46 pm

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    While Aurora was Leila's strongest ally who she had relied on quite often, this was the first time the due received a reaction like this one. Even as soon as during the summoning itself. She wasn't really sure if the fear of being smitten by Aurora should have been amusing to her or worrisome, not that there was all that much time to think about it with what was going on. But as the silver-haired maiden herself was preparing to beat down the last of the zombies, Tia stepped in, ready to impress the goddess of Eden. Something that completely stopped the Eden's caretaker in her steps as she only remained in one place and watched the last two undead get scorched into nothingness. Aurora, on the other hand, watched happily as her two serpents slowly returned back into the earth. Her eyes were darting between Tia herself and Chai. This was perhaps the first time she received such treatment from humans that never seen her before. Suffice to say, she was very pleased by it all.

    "What well-behaved humans. Perhaps you could take few notes, Leila? I, the goddess of Eden Aurora, accept your effort and praise. I am pleased indeed. And yours too, little one~"

    Her body would suddenly dissolve into light and reappear again floating right behind Tia, one of the goddess' hands stroking the exceeds head gently. And while this worship of her other half was going on, Leila just narrow her eyes for a bit while sighing and then turned away. Some of the zombies did not disappear upon being defeated, which mean a chance for her. While the rest of the party was chatting, she would examine the bodies and start attuning herself to the magic that was coming from them. Unlike most mages that were often very forward in their actions with little to no preparation, Leila knew that knowledge was half the battle. It didn't take long and before anyone would even notice, the girl was back with the group.

    "Gardens of Eden, that is our world. Aurora created it millenias ago and I'm the world's caretaker. But while hearing about it all would surely excite you, wouldn't seeing it be even better?"

    "Indeed, our world's beauty is far greater than anything you from Earthland could ever see in this world. Those who are invited in might wish to never return~"

    Unfortunately, now was no time to be going to a different world for a sightseeing tour. They had necromancers to catch first. And it seemed that Tia took the lead. It was quite surprising, Leila would have guessed that she was the timid type from her appearance, but she took the charge rather quickly. Though soon they had to stop again, for skeletons blocked their path. Now this was more like the last time the girl was here on a job! But this time, she planned to do some work herself, too.

    "Try not to destroy them properly. If at all possible, their remains should be buried again once we're done with this ordeal. And if they remain intact, I might be able to gather enough info to lead us to whoever reanimated them. On guard!"

    Shouting that, Leila would abandon Fleta and Aurora behind as she charged at the due, the one with broadsword doing the same and meeting the girl half-way. Transforming her right hand by spreading the gray mark that adorned her body on many places, she suddenly had a wooden drill instead of a palm, directing it in front of her as a spear. This made the skeleton slow down and try to use the weapon as a shield, which made it quite clear they possessed at least some form of intelligence. Though it was for naught. The wooden drill might have been stopped, but it quickly opened and transformed into many coiling branches that kept the sword in place and infiltrated the skeleton's entire body, literally pulling him into pieces as if he was 3D puzzle.

    Word Count: 2,314 / 3,750
    Tags: @Tia
    OOC: -

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 29th September 2017, 1:38 pm

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    Tia was very appalled at the sight that reached across her mind of their world called The Gardens of Eden, as she pictured an extremely beautiful world of peace and tranquility stretching for millions of miles on end. Tia had always wanted to go to other dimensions that she had read about in the fantasy novels as a child, and never expected to meet someone that had been a large contributing factor of that realm's success. She pictured a beautiful array of mystical flowers stretching across vast fields of grass upon hilltops, lined with beautiful trees that featured a similar array of colors that matched the scheme of the flowers that were nearby them. Her day-dream of that world was almost completely opposite as where they were now, as The Silent Cemetery was filled with gloomy headstones and wilting flowers from people that mourned their family members at this location a long time ago. Also, there seemed to be a lurking dark presence around this entire cemetery.

    "I will try my hardest to not destroy them, but it will be difficult to control." Tia told the girl, which appeared to be charging towards the other Skeletal Warrior on the other side of Tia. As she looked, she witnessed the warrior with the axe charging towards her by swinging its weapon around its front side. Tia noticed the long-sword that she had used earlier appear over her head once again, sparkling in a gray and red radiance and shimmer. "This may harm the body, I am so sorry Leila..." Tia said softly, as she swiped her purple-acrylic nails across the cover of the book which she was holding. The sword rapidly shot across the area which split the distance between Tia and the Skeleton, resulting in the shimmering blade piercing the Skeleton's bones on its head. Its entire body filled with a red and grey mixture of shimmer, which caused the bones of the skeleton to erupt into a neatly-stacked pile.

    "I'm sorry I had to disturb your rest.." Tia said to the skeleton, as Chai began to lift the stack of bones from the ground and into the grave which they appeared to be taken from. Chai resembled the bones into a realistic shape, and finally placed the pierced skeleton's head onto the very top of the broken body. "This is such a cruel way to use magic... Why would someone want to practice this dark magic?" Tia asked Chai, as the small exceed began to cover the skeleton in the dirt that was in a pile near the dug-grave.
    wc: 2210 / 3750 | tags: @leila | muse: 9 / 10

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 30th September 2017, 3:27 pm

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    It appeared that they were both capable of defeating one of the skeletons just fine. And while their methods differed, they were both effective in their own unique way. That was the true beauty of magic, the possibility of everyone wielding their own power that could get them anywhere they desired. With the piles of bones no longer under influence of dark magic, Leila would kneel down to them and slide her long tender fingers across the pale white. There were some traces still, she would be able to track down the mage. Though it was to take a little bit longer for her to fully absorb and analyze the signal. Perk of a summoner, or so she would call it. Necromancy was a type of summoning, in a sense. So Leila, someone with celestial spirit magic, understood how it worked to a degree. The basics were always the same and thus she knew how to see the invisible threads that would lead to the puppeteer. But before that would be done, she decided to indulge herself in a small conversation with Tia who spoke herself as the other pile of bones was buried.

    "You are correct that this is truly a vile display of magical powers. But I believe you have asked the wrong question. Rather than asking why would anyone want to practice this dark magic, it should be like this: why would anyone waste talent like this at destruction and devastation? Magic is alive. It is born from our feelings and emotions when we first awaken it. In the entire world, there is no magic that would be inherent 'evil'. Darkness can provide a shelter and comfort for a fragile soul while light can burn alive countless innocent lives. These dark arts... I believe them to be amazing. However, the mage chose a wrong path. They could use their powers to aid the world and everyone around them in so many ways! But they chose this..."

    Finally standing up from the desecrated bones, the Eden's caretaker sighed and looked at her companion with a bitter smile.

    "Sorry, I went on a little rant there, didn't I? You needn't pay any mind to this crazy one's ramblings."

    And with that, she would start looking around as Aurora approached her. With only a few simple hand gestures, it seemed that the two were perfectly capable of communicating and getting a good idea of what had to be done. Taking few steps forward in a new direction, they both had a confident expression.

    "Time to lure them out. This wa-"

    Unfortunately, she was interrupted nearly instantly by a giant monster that burst through a tree nearby, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. A titan in eyes of many for sure, it was something so horrific that all the girls were frozen in place for at least a moment. An abomination... it seemed like it would not allow them to go any further until it's defeated.

    "Tia, be careful! This one is much more powerful than those before! If you need, fall behind me and I'll protect you with my magic!"

    Word Count: 2,833 / 3,750
    Tags: @Tia

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 1st October 2017, 9:01 am

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    "I couldn't agree more... thank you for showing me another side of the story." Tia told her new friend, as she picked up her purple exceed which was standing next to her with a book in hand. "It is fine, I am used to rambling coming from this one as well." Tia told her, as Chai glared and scoffed. "How dare thee sayeth that? I doth not ramble, I intellectually has't conversations with others in a manor which enlightens those folk and provides multiple sides of the story eke! I can nev'r rail, tis simply mine voice! I am a very cunning individual, one that hath done plenty of research to showeth that I knoweth what I am speaking about! That is wherefore I speaketh a gross amount at once, because I feeleth the needeth to delve into every last detail so mine friends wilt not receiveth hurt or mislead!" Chai rambled about rambling, as Tia laughed.

    Tia and Chai did know each-other for multiple years now, and had been with each-other constantly every day since she found her egg. The place where they met was one of the most beautiful places Tia had ever seen, considering it was one of the only beauties she had seen at the time. She met her the day after she left the library that she grew up in, or her egg to say the least. It was situated on a perfectly circular stump of wood inside a grotto of lilac bushes and wisteria trees, and her egg was surprisingly small as to what she had read about for exceed eggs. Tia thought that all the exceed eggs were hatched and taken in by then, but she was proven wrong by this one. She decided to care for it, and eventually brought it back to the place to be reminiscent. It hatched there, and she met a small exceed which would become her greatest companion in her life.

    As she was turned around to speak to Leila, it had appeared to Tia as if Leila's eyes wandered to behind the purple haired girl. "Fall behind, but what-?" she began to say, as she turned and gasped at the giant monster standing right behind her. Her eyes widened even more when she noticed that it was covered in bones and limbs of what appeared to be humans, which was an absolutely horrific sight. She noticed Chai was standing closer to him, which only meant that he was going to attack her first. "Chai, no!" Tia screamed, as she sprinted to Chai and threw her away as hard as she possibly could. To Tia's dismay, the monster swung its right limb and caused Tia to fly in the air for a long distance, wallowing in pain. She could feel her skin start to produce blood flow to the surface, as her arm that was hit began to produce an instant bruise. She could feel her hair flutter through the soft wind as she was proceeding to land onto the hard ground. She could feel her back crackle as she landed hard on-top of a grave. However, Tia had willpower, and proceeded to get up and brush away her wounds.

    "Now... Now I'm mad.." Tia said, as she quivered a bit of a ways away from the beast. Her being flung did cause a rather large gap in-between them, which was useful for what she was planning to do next. "Leila, I'm about to do something that may frighten you... please don't be afraid.." she told her guild-member, as she backed away from the party. "ReQuip, Void: Volume I." she said, as a solid purple book appeared in her hands. The book began to float in-front of her, and the blank pages of the book flipped through the page. Soon enough, a giant orb of dark magic was floating above Tia. Like usual when she used this requip, her right eye began to roll to the back of her head to reveal a purple chasm of what appeared to be a dark cosmos. "Et protulit dolorem filia mea! Et erit in patiatur unus ex locis pessimus et inanis, praesentem semper redditum mei oppressi sub frigora, regiis pedes!" a dark and serious voice boomed through the graveyard, which came from no other than Tia's mouth. Tia had no idea where or who this voice came from, and she couldn't even understand the language it was spoken in. While using this spell her mind would go completely blank, as it was channeling the darkness of the void not only through the book, but also through her mind. Tia's body began to twitch, and her left eye remained closed.

    Translation: You brought pain to my daughter! You will suffer in one of the worst places of the void, constantly being crushed under my cold, royal feet!
    wc: 2989 / 3750 | tags: @leila | muse: 9 / 10

    Last edited by Tia Haiku on 11th October 2017, 9:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st October 2017, 9:58 am

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    Leila could only smile at the interaction between Tia and her companion. A fragile smile and a fleeting memory, all the moments that she herself had spent with Ori, a companion from the Gardens of Eden that was with her perhaps the longest. Albeit she was no longer taking him on jobs with her due to his powerless nature and the fact that the dangers she had to face kept on growing. It was a warm and fuzzy feeling of remembrance. But as pleasant it was, it could not remain around forever, as it's fragile form was quickly shattered by the brute that arrived at the scene. Before Leila herself could even do a thing, her partner was directly hit and flung to the side, something that would surely be nearly lethal for any regular human. Seeing it happen like that froze the Eden's caretaker in place for a moment as something started swelling up in her body. A feeling she was very familiar with, yet was not welcoming of. Tia got back up and spoke words toward the girl, but she could barely hear her through the rage inside of her mind right now. And as she started chanting, the monster started charging at the poor girl once more, surely faster than the spell could be cast. And with another powerful swing, it meant to pummel that tiny human form into nothing more than a pile of gore.

    "Don't be afraid? I see... you're still so innocent. I am sorry. Maybe I should have tried to stop you from coming here. Or maybe I should have tried to hold back a little bit more. But now that we're here, I will protect you. With my very self."

    Her voice was much closer than before. In that one instant, Leila was able to close the gap between them and block the monster's attack. Its right hand was motionless and completely caught up in various roots and vines that were now coming out of the silver-haired girl's left side. Her left hand and most of the body... it was no longer there it seemed. Torn apart by her magic, a good portion of her no longer resembled human and was made out of tree-like structures, all covered in her own blood as they tore apart her skin while coming out. That was what she apologized for. Showing the girl something so unsightly, the distorted side of magic that could bring beauty. Though right now, she didn't even know if Tia could hear her. In any case, the vines slowly spread and took hold of the monster's other limbs, firmly keeping it in place and allowing the librarian to finish off her spell.

    Word Count: 3,284 / 3,750
    Tags: @Tia



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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private Empty Re: Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private

    Post by anastasia 8th October 2017, 1:12 pm

    Tia Haiku
    "reading is dreaming with open eyes"

    If Tia were able to thank Leila for her efforts in blocking the rounds of the monster's attacks, she would, but she was incapable of doing so at this moment. Tia knew this type of spell was as powerful as it was harmful, not only to the enemy but to herself. The only difference in the harm was that to her it was mental, but to the enemy it was entirely physical with a few mental aspects. After all, this wasn't the first time she had ever used this spell anyway. These types of spells had a strange effect on her body, almost as if she were to be temporarily consumed more and more each time she had used them. She typically would have cut the spell off by now and tossed the orb toward the monster, but she felt as though she had to go all the way to her breaking point in order to defeat a monster of this size. At this point both of Tia's eyes, chasm and non-chasm had glossed over, and her point of view switched into the orb itself, which was causing her eyes to be able to see into it in a hazy manor.

    What she could see would play a large part in her life later on, but she thought that it was just her mind playing games then. Her point of view was first person, and she was floating over a purple chasm of voices screaming and weeping in agony. Occasional flames would burst up from this chasm, but they were too low to affect where she was then. In the distance was a giant floating mass, which appeared to consist of black castles. and towers stretching in hues of red and purple. Lamps of fire could be seen in the distance, as well as silhouettes of beings in black. Tia's perspective quickly snapped, as her legs began to quiver so much as if they were going to snap in agony. "Ex illis quae mox invenies quod sat est." the voice said through Tia's mouth, as the ball shot directly towards the monster, consuming it in purple and causing it to disappear.

    After the ball was launched, Tia's body launched in the opposing direction in a quick manor, gliding through the air. She landed upon a gravestone once again, and her effected eye rolled back to the front of the socket while she moaned in pain.

    Translation: "You will find out soon enough what this means."
    wc: 3395 / 3750 | tags: @leila | muse: 9 / 10


    Trail of the Death | Tia & Leila | Private 8qhOnIb

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