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    Gunpowder Plot!


    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 420
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 376
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lord of Night
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Lestat 14th May 2017, 12:17 pm

    Job Title: Gunpowder Plot

    Rank:  B

    Player Requirements:  B ranked mages or 2 C ranked mages

    Job Requirements:  7.5k total, must defeat strong enemy and must defeat boss

    Job Location:  Magnolia Town - Hospital

    Job Description:  A gunpowder plot has recently been discovered at the hospital in Magnolia! The magic council has called out for legal mages in an emergency to help discover the perpetrator and stop the evil gunpowder plot that could potentially blow up Magnolia hospital!


    Gunpowder Cronies x2 - these carry shotguns that can deal long ranged C ranked damage, but they can shoot 2 bullets at the same time, so be careful. These cronies go down in 2 B ranked damage.

    Plotters x5 - The plotters are the real deal, they might use muskets, but these muskets deal B ranked damage with every hit, and there is 5 of them... These take 4 B ranked hits to take down, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue if you have AoE's that can solve this quickly and effortlessly.

    Ferks - Ferks, the man who is behind the whole gunpowder plot in the first place... he throws bombs which deal A ranked AoE damage within a radius of 40m and he takes 6 B ranked damage until he is defeated.

    Gunpowder bomb - this is a huge bomb! It deals no damage, but it takes 6 posts before the bomb will detonate and blow up the hospital! It will take 20 B ranked spells to take down, once that is done, the bomb will just crack and crumble, rendering it useless.

    11k Jewels


    Gunpowder Plot! Lestat1_by_gramcrackers-dbde5t5
    D: 11 | C: 4 | B: 2 | A: 0


    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 420
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 376
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lord of Night
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Lestat 14th May 2017, 12:49 pm

    Kisame ❀ Black Rose ❀ Torrent GS

    The sounds of children running in and out of the small inn, nestled in the corner of Rose garden, seemed to make more noise than usual. Possibly because of how early in the morning it was, or because of the small hang over still making its escape from Kisame's head. He was invited to a bachelor party last night night. By invited i mean, crashed and stole the center of attention. In the end everyone had fun, by everyone i mean him and all the women who showed up. Kisame paid a small fine for breaking a few tables last night, and was on his way. He was beginning to get low on his jewel stash, and that was an unbearable sin he could not, would not endure. The young man, brushed his hands through his silver hair, as he made his way down to the Silver moon Inn. The headquarters for the Black Rose guild, and home of the finest mead in the city. Kisame thought it would be wise to skip the mead this time, and simply see if there are any jobs remaining on the notice board. He was slowly, but surely making a name for himself within Rose Garden, as fellow passerbys waved and smiled at him. Although, this wasn't too uncommon in most places. Kisame proudly showcased his guild tattoo on the side of his neck. Upon his arrival at the guild, it seemed a little empty than the usual amount of customers and guild mates walking about. However, Kisame simply enjoyed the calm, as he walked over to the board. There were only a simple few on there, nothing grabbing his attention though. Just then a messenger burst through the doors of the inn frantically, "Quick, news from the Magic Council!" The man shouted to everyone in the entrance hall of the inn. His introduction quickly grabbed the attention of Kisame, who turned eagerly to hear the rest of the man's news. "There is a new found plot to blow up a hospital, in near by Magnolia town! Seeking all mages who can assist in foiling the plans of the bombers!" The said quickly, and loudly. Not a moment after the man spoke did Kisame speak up,"I shall aid in the battle." The young silver haired mage said, his eyes sparkling with confidence and his incredible will. The man looked over towards Kisame, his eyes gleaming with hope towards the young mage. "Is there any one else, who would join this young man? We need everyone that will come. This is urgent!" The man spoke up again to the crowd now gathering around in the room, sweat dripping from his bro, he was truly giving this search his all.

    Total HP : 100% / 100%
    Total MP : 100% / 100%

    Location:Magnolia Town ~ Hospital
    Word Count: 456 / 3,750

    Template by(c) Izayuki


    Gunpowder Plot! Lestat1_by_gramcrackers-dbde5t5
    D: 11 | C: 4 | B: 2 | A: 0


    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Itazura 14th May 2017, 1:17 pm

    Gunpowder Plot! GGfYIph
    Itazura Black Rose B-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The kamaitachi's day had been fairly normal, waking up to a quiet and calm morning, the weather outside was sunny yet cool as he felt through the room's open window. Though it would probably get warmer as time went on, which didn't really matter to the weasel. He transformed into his human form as he hopped off from the bed, five foot five inches of a lanky dirty blond teenage looking boy. Little orange ears from his original form poked out of his tousled head of hair, along with a tail peeking out from underneath his inverted black and white t-shirt hoodie. The Ace blinked the sleep out of his hazel eyes as he yawned and walked out the door. He'd just awoken from sleeping in some random room, maybe a guild mate, or an nonresident room. Not that he didn't have his own room within Black Rose's main headquarters, Silver Moon Inn, because he did. He just didn't always feel like sleeping in it. Helped him actually he was feeling like traveling around, like he always used to, and still does just not as much since joining the legal guild. Sometimes he slept outside, somewhere downstairs around the restaurant, but rarely in his actual room given to him after joining the guild since he didn't have his own abode. The yokai headed down the steps to the first floor to get some food for his grumbling stomach, and probably some alcohol too because why not.
    He'd been peacefully sitting at the bar, squatting on a bar seat eating his meat and drinking some rather heavy alcohol. His usual dining. When the dragon slayer returned, besides his natural senses automatically addressing that there was a familiar yokai and god slayer here now, he didn't bother moving. Still sort of sleepy and trying to get his unending stomach full, despite it being impossible to do. Though usually the mischievous mustelid would be running around and messing with people. Then not long after some person urgently came in, requesting help for some reason, Itazura or Aruzati as most people know him as, wasn't really listening. He wasn't really the sensitive person, only came if something seemed interesting. Which happened when the hybrid yokai said he would help, finishing his large amount of food he turned his head to look. Now maybe he would go, the man seemed interesting, and he hasn't quite met him yet. So why not. When the stressed man asked if any other would help on the matter, the weasel chugged down the rest of his drink and slammed it back down on the counter, catching some attention. "Sure, why not" he said, hopping down from his seat and stuffing his nimble hands into his pants pockets. A mischievous and devilish smile on his expression, with a matching gleam in his hazel gaze. He walked up beside the other yokai and looked up at the tall young man.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    489 3,750

    Last edited by Itazura on 14th May 2017, 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Gunpowder Plot! DsdPc3p



    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 420
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 376
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lord of Night
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Lestat 14th May 2017, 1:58 pm

    Kisame ❀ Black Rose ❀ Torrent GS

    At first, it seemed as if everything was going to rest solely on the shoulders of Kisame. Which to be honest did not both him any, he knew his determination would over come the supposed hospital terrorists. He wasn't your normal gallivanting hero type, and he really didnt care too much for the patients safety. As horrible as that is to say about Kisame, the truth of the matter is, he needs Jewels, lots of jewels in fact. He needs Jewels, and no one hands them out quite as nicely as the magic council. A young man appearing the same age as Kisame slammed his drink down, causing a few, including Kisame to look over. Kisame took a really big whiff as the man began to make his way over, leaving the bar behind. "Ahhh.... So your the one i smelled lingering earlier, hmm?" Kisame said in a playful tone. He was excited to have another join for the job, however another yokai? This was an exciting change of pace thought the young red eyed mage. Kisame look down, as he had several inches upon the other yokai, and greeted him."Im Kisame, i've only joined Black Rose a little time ago." Kisame said, wishing to stick out his hand. However he was rudely interrupted by the man requesting their services. "PLEASE! We can do the introductions later. The magic council is in dire need of anyone now!" He said, as he attempted to rush both men out of the inn quickly."Alright, alright calm down. i'm going." Kisame said with a sly smile on his face, as he walked outside of the inn. His light weight black kimono flapping in the wind. It was old and raggedy, yet still got the job done. He was saving for something of a much higher quality to wear. They were to make their way to Magnolia, which was sure to take a few hours. No wonder the man was in such a dire need to get them up and going. Kisame was not worried however, he knew they were going to quickly dispatch the enemies. He turned to see if the man, and other yokai followed him outside of the Silver Moon inn. The man comes popping out quickly behind. He began to inform out loud of their plan. Apparently there was a speeding ship ready to take them to Magnolia Town, and have them arrive in just under an hour. Kisame began to get even more excited. He loved ships of all kinds, air or water. Kisame was unsure if his companion was apart of the guild or not yet. He was curious about the yokai, what kind of magic did he wield? who, or what was he? Kisame had to resist the natural urge to continue sniffing the air around him. Instead he focused on the goal ahead, and the mission needing to be accomplished. Kisame followed the frantic older gentleman as he lead him to the air ship, that will quickly take them to where they need to be.   

    WC: 508

    Total HP : 100% / 100%
    Total MP : 100% / 100%

    Location:Oak Inn
    Word Count:  964 / 3,750


    Gunpowder Plot! Lestat1_by_gramcrackers-dbde5t5
    D: 11 | C: 4 | B: 2 | A: 0


    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Itazura 14th May 2017, 6:48 pm

    Gunpowder Plot! GGfYIph
    Itazura Black Rose B-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The weasel snickered slightly, saying in response to the part kitsune's maybe rhetorical question "Perhaps I am" partly mumbled. He let out a yawn, slightly covering his temporarily opened mouth with his hand before placing it back into his pocket. He looked at the older man, well older to Itazura's appearance, considering he was well over one hundred, he doubted the man was actually older then himself. And since he could smell his scent and could tell what he was, he could indeed confirm that it wasn't possible that he was, he was just a normal human. Cause humans have trouble living over a hundred, such weak creatures, almost pitiful if he wasn't busy just being so plain amused by them and not caring for their well being. His companion on this urgent mission that the kamaitachi wasn't taking to seriously, appeared to only be the age he appeared, a year older then his own human form appeared to be. The itachi's ears twitched, listening to all the sounds around him along with the introduction of the tall young man. Kisame he introduced himself as, and it would explain why his scent and aura was familiar to the young looking yokai, he'd just recently joined the guild Itazura has been in for about eight or so months. And look at him now, joined for a simple reason of befriending and old friend that had forgotten about him due to amnesia. Now he is an ace, not quite sure why Izayuki decided to make him one, and things don't seem to different for the weasel besides maybe some more work.
    Just about to introduce himself, his mouth open getting ready to speak, he barely just spoke the first letter before the man frantically interrupted them. He pursed his lips, he didn't see the point in his interrupting them, yeah I guess people at some hospital or whatever were in danger but he didn't really care. He was trying to talk here, rude. Humans were quite panicked little things, I guess they were more worried because they actually cared about each other of their own species and actually had to worry about dying of who knows what. Rather depressing, the mustelid thought to himself, shaking his head slightly, though not really noticeable. The albino looking young man tried to calm the worried man with words, though Aruzati doubted it would work. Once the two of them started to leave, he followed after, putting his usual devilishly sly grin back onto his fair colored complexion. As he walked with his hands in his pocket, slightly hunched over the ground to show of some nice bad posture, he got rid of his tail and just made his ears normal human ones. Didn't want people stopping them and asking about his weird appearance, and the man freaking out and saying they need to leave. Though it was entertaining for the itachi, he didn't want the man to have a heart attack from panicking so much. Cause apparently that's a thing that can happen to humans, especially the elder ones. Shame that they die so easily.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,009 3,750


    Gunpowder Plot! DsdPc3p



    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 420
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 376
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lord of Night
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Lestat 15th May 2017, 6:53 pm

    Kisame ❀ Black Rose ❀ Torrent GS

    Kisame watched as his new companion walked up behind them. He chuckled at the way he walked, slouched over. Kisame could sense the older man beginning to grow with excitement, as he picked up his pace just a bit. His attitude turned from fearful, to hopeful, after the two Black Rose mages joined his cause. The older gentleman picked up his pace even more. Kisame had a feeling they were almost there. The air ship must have been close, he began to think.And as sure as the thought entered his head, he could see the air ship. It wasn't even close to as big as he was hoping it would be. However Magnolia town wasn't that far away, and this small ship will do the job. In fact, it would honestly be quicker. It wasn't but a few minutes of walking, before the came right upon the air ship finally. Kisame folded his arms impatiently, as he awaited for the old man, to ready the air ship. Apparently this man was also going to be their pilot as well. Kisame didn't care, he was excited. He always wanted to ride an airship, and this was going to be a magnificent, memorable experience for him. He quickly jumped in the shot gun seat, riding right next to the older gentleman. He looked over at his guild mate, the weasel yokai, and awaited for him to join in. After everyone was settled in, kisame began smiling from ear to ear. "Oh... By the way..." Kisame began, as the man put the plane in drive, and moved exactly two quarters of an inch. Immediately Kisame threw up onto the pilot, and passed out, sunken over his seat belt. "AHHH" The older gentleman panicked, and almost missed his moment to bring it into air. The young mage forgot to mention to the other two inside the airship, that he has severe motion sickness. Usually to the point of him passing out from it. The pilot remained calm thankfully, and did not crash the plane, even with a quart of vomit sitting on his face and lap. Kisame remained passed out for the entire ride on to Magnolia Town. Thankfully the pilot planned to take them in as close proximity of the hospital as possible. The older gentleman began to lower the air ship, no more than a block from the hospital. Once he landed, the man leaped out of the air ship and began stripping himself nude. Kisame began to slowly regain consciousness. Within moments of being awake,he leaped up and de-strapped himself from the air ship. Kisame had bits and pieces of throw up sticking to his face, and hair. He looked a complete and utter fool. However this was neither here, nor there to him. "Yuck... what did we eat on the air ship? My mouth taste like shit." Kisame said as he began to spit some of the taste out. Giving up, the young mage awaited his companion to see if he was ready to begin the job.  

    WC: 508

    Total HP : 100% / 100%
    Total MP : 100% / 100%

    Location:Magnolia Town ~ Hospital
    Word Count:  1,472 / 3,750


    Gunpowder Plot! Lestat1_by_gramcrackers-dbde5t5
    D: 11 | C: 4 | B: 2 | A: 0


    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Itazura 17th May 2017, 9:10 am

    Gunpowder Plot! GGfYIph
    Itazura Black Rose B-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The very panicked older gentleman's panic was slowly fading into hope, I guessed they were close to whatever they were going to take to Magnolia. A ship? He's ridden plenty of those to get to different places to do missions or to just travel around in a more civil manner. But he doesn't remember any large water source leading from Rose Garden to Magnolia, so perhaps it was an airship. Flying machines, quite strange, the large metal contraptions never look like the're supposed to be able to fly through the air, then again what does Itazura know of science. Not much that's for sure. But it isn't a thing that the kamaitachi has ever ridden, much more expensive then a boat or train ride, at least much harder to get away with not paying anything. Though he has been meaning to try such a thing, he hasn't yet, so I suppose this would be his first. He wasn't to excited or anything, probably wouldn't be to different from anything else. But from the young yokai's movements and slight facial expressions the weasel determined that he was quite excited to ride the flying metal contraption. Good for him, but a thought sat in the back of his mind. The weasel has worked with slayers before, and usually right after they come on a vehicle and it moves, they become dreadfully sick due to the motion or some such. So why would he be so excited to get sick, unless he totally forgot that he had such a thing, or he didn't have it.
    Guess he'd just have to wait and see, and here they were.Finally arriving at the airship, better to explain it as an air boat, but even then it doesn't even look like a boat so he didn't know why people called it that. Kisame called shotgun, whatever that meant because last time he knew that was some sort of weapon. But he took the front seat so maybe it had something to do with that. They climbed into the front seats, the older man started messing with the controls, still slightly stressed that something was going to go wrong, even if it was minor it still effected his way of working properly. But then the plane lurched forward as the weasel sat down, and was about to take of and still did so, with a slight problem though. The part nekomata started to speak before emptying his stomach all over the driver before passing out. And instead of being worried at all the prankster yokai just laughed hysterically, which probably didn't help the driver. But then again Itazura isn't to helpful, he just does things that he enjoys and often doesn't help people out unless there was something interesting in it for him or for him to enjoy. And helping clean up the man of Kisame's puke while he was driving didn't seem fun. So instead he stayed squatted on one of the back seats looking at the window. The view was nice, but he didn't really care, he used to live on a mountain so high up views were nothing new or anything interesting to the itachi.
    Finally they landed, well it wasn't actually that long, but it felt long to the board kamaitachi. He immediately hopped from his seat despite the airship was still landing and it wasn't exactly safe to not wear your seat belts and especially not stand. But he didn't care, nothing bothered him so he was fine. Once the door was open he was out, the sights were completely different, so if you didn't count the ride they just had it could sort of feel like you just teleported. Just a little. A thing the weasel knew well being a time and space mage on top of his usual yokai magic. He heard the hybrid yokai start to speak and he turned and looked inside at him, his unsightly appearance made him chuckle in amusement. "Well you more did the opposite of eating" Aruzati said, imitating the scene of Kisame throwing up all over their pilot. Then he stopped and laughed, looking up at him as he climbed from the air boat. He looked at the taller young man, who didn't look unwell, despite just throwing up, very unlike another slayer he worked with who was basically crippled by such a thing. Though I suppose she didn't throw up at all, was trying very much to prevent that. So I guess he wouldn't have to help out the hybrid yokai with his magic. "Well I'm ready" he stated, sticking his hands into his pockets and looking around.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,784 3,750


    Gunpowder Plot! DsdPc3p



    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 420
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 376
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lord of Night
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by Lestat 21st May 2017, 11:25 am

    Kisame ❀ Black Rose ❀ Torrent GS

    Kisame listened to his guild mate, and job companion, and realized he threw up on the pilot. Completely embarrassed, and yet still finding it hysterical, Kisame waved and laughed sorry to the man. The man was of course not paying them any attention, he long left looking for a way to hose himself down. Regardless, that was of no matter to Kisame, his eyes were dead locked on the prize. He was ready to make it to the hospital and flush out these fiends. He was excited to not only go with another member of the guild, But an ace and fellow Yokai at that. It was refreshing to not have the smell of human up his nose all the time, it could make a mage delirious. Kisame gave a nod in agreement with his head, and decided to make his way for the Hospital. There was no telling how much time was left in a case like this. Although truthfully time was of the essence, to save as many lives as possible. The real reason he was in a rush, was to attempt to fight as many enemies as possible. Before the magic council decided to bring in the real big guns, and shut the whole thing down. Kisame knew him and his guild mate only had a limited time before that would happen, and wanted to accomplish the mission before that. The hospital was only a block away from them, and so he made his way passed the nonchalant citizens, without a care in the world.Completely unaware of the events currently transpiring in their city, the magic council was doing a great job keeping it on the hush. This was rather astounding to Kisame, given how frantic the man came bursting into their guild earlier today. The young silver haired mage was closing in to the hospital,as he changed the position of his body to slip pass others. Casually running his fingers through his silky hair, The young yokai was in front of the hospital. "Well, here we are mate. Ready for this?" Kisame asked rhetorically, knowing full well his partner was ready for what lied ahead. Kisame took a few slow steps backwards,before running full speed at the entrance of the Hospital. The young nineteen year old yokai came bursting though the glass door and rolling through, into the secretary's desk. "What the Hell!?"` Came an angry and confused voice from inside the hospital.

    WC: 409

    Total HP : 100% / 100%
    Total MP : 100% / 100%

    Location:Magnolia Town ~ Hospital
    Word Count:  1,881 / 3,750


    Gunpowder Plot! Lestat1_by_gramcrackers-dbde5t5
    D: 11 | C: 4 | B: 2 | A: 0


    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Gunpowder Plot! Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot!

    Post by NPC 21st May 2017, 11:25 am

    The member 'Kisame' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Gunpowder Plot! StrongMonster Gunpowder Plot! NormalMonster

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm