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    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Experience : 1,050

    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 19th March 2017, 6:52 am

    Roy had all but left this area before an emergency request came out from the magic counsel. Apparently the magnolia hospital was in danger of exploding. Generally Roy assumed the Fairy Tail guild would handle matters like these. However after going dark Roy doubted they'd be showing themselves some place where the magic counsel undoubtedly had eyes. Either way it didn't matter to Roy, he was here so he figured he might as well pick up another paycheck.

    Besides Mashyuu had been in town today, and Roy wanted to see what he could do with his own eyes. He didn't stay in the guildhall for too long normally, but whenever he dropped by the place he heard about their guild's most recent rising star. Mash. Soon enough Roy was sure that he would become an A class wizard. At least from what he heard. Of course it could be possible that his guild-mates were simply over reacting. No matter, after today Roy was sure he'd know the truth about whether or not these rumors were true.

    They were fast approaching the hospital as it was and so Roy pulled out his knife and kept it in his right hand. He called to mind a couple of spells that he might need going in to the building and prepared to cast them. "Ready for this Mash?"


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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by redheadedstepchild 20th March 2017, 6:37 pm

    Job Details:

    Mashyuu and Itsu, his normal job partner and one of his best friends, strolled lazily through town just after working with Fairy Tail to help make them a neutral guild again. The guild had gone back to gather their things and prepare for the move back but Mashyuu went to report their efforts to save some nobles from a group of demons. As Mashyuu was walking out of the Magic Council headquarters with Itsu, a shrill voice called out to him. "Sir! Mashyuu! We need your help! There is a bomb threat at the local Hospital. Please we already have a Sabertooth Wizard going to look into it but can you go too just to be sure. The more eyes on it, the better." "Bomb? Itsu, lets go!" He called out and the two vanished. Itsu in a burst of light, Mashyuu became sand and flew through the air. The two appeared next to Roy, both of them running at his side. "I've seen you around the guild on the rare occasion we are both there. Roy right?" Mashyuu asked while the man was going over spells, bringing them to his mind. The hospital was in range of sight now and the trio of Sabertooth Wizards were about to move in. "Yeah, I'm ready. Lets find this thing and get it out of there. Itsu, start getting anyone who isn't too injured to move out of the building and as far away as possible. If we can't stop this thing I want as few as possible to get hurt. Got it?" "It's already done." Itsu started to glow then whispered a command word. "Resurrect!" Her armor rolled over her body, leaving her in shoulder and arm guards, a short dress and the bottom half of a horse then she took off, leaving the others behind as she entered the hospital and got to work. "Ever deal with a bomb before?" Mashyuu asked as the two Wizards burst through the front door!

    WC: 338
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,050

    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 22nd March 2017, 11:03 am

    Monster Roll


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    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2017, 11:03 am

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) WeakMonster
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 22nd March 2017, 11:47 am

    Roy bit his lip for a moment as he thought back to all of his previous adventures. "Nope." Roy responded simply. But continued after a beat. "My current plan is to blow a hole in the ceiling and fly the bomb into the air if I'm able to. If not I guess I'll play it by ear." Roy cast his gaze around the hospital as they burst in to the building. The hospital was in a wreak, it's contents scattered about everywhere and even several pieces of furniture had been broken.

    Roy assumed that these things happened during the panicked evacuation that followed the bomb threat. As Roy's eyes swept themselves over the room he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Hiding behind one of the doorways was a man with a shotgun who jumped out and unloaded a shell in Roy's direction. Roy jumped above the spread of the gunfire and landed on his smoke cloud. He threw his knife to try and distract his opponent. To Roy's surprise the man had a second shot in the chamber of his gun and unloaded it in Roy's direction once more. His eyes widened as the shot exploded towards him but he managed to kick off the ceiling and fall through his own cloud back to the ground.

    Upon hitting the ground Roy noticed that his opponent needed to reload. He summoned his smoke hands around this opponent and sent them all to begin pummeling him. Strike after strike they fell upon him beating him nearly half to death. The bastard seemed to be standing after taking the full force of his attack. But one more good hit from Mash should put him down pretty easily.

    "I've softened him up for you Mash, one good hit should put him down."


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    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by redheadedstepchild 22nd March 2017, 6:43 pm

    He didn't know much about bombs but he had dealt with enough explosives in past jobs to know that letting one blow up mid air could be worse than letting it go off on the ground. He winced inwardly and glanced at Roy with a look of concern. "Ummm... Ya know I feel like maybe burying it is the best idea, or getting it way higher than the tallest building in the city." Mashyuu suggested while bursting into the hospital where Roy started to lay into someone with a shotgun. Mashyuu was far and away ready to deal with the man and help Roy but the man did a good number on the thug with a shotgun. Smoke slammed into the man in the form of fists and in that time Mashyuu lazily walked over towards a wall and leaned against it. It wasn't until Roy told Mashyuu to finish off the man that the Earth Slayer pushed up off the wall and walked over towards the man. Slowly his right hand opened and reached out to the brick wall at his side and a stone brick broke from the wall and sailed into his hand. "Fine but I'm not gonna waist magic on someone with a gun. It's beneath me." He responded. Mashyuu stopped, standing right in front of the thug. A dark glare covered his face while he lifted the brick high in the air then brought it down on the crown of the mans head, the impact knocking the thug out cold and drawing blood. The man hit the ground hard and dropped his gun, out cold, the man didn't move and Mashyuu kicked the gun away from the mans body. Mashyuu's nostrils flared up and his eyes darted to the left, a flight of steps where a man raced up the stairs while to a case moving down to the right had a large group of men watched Roy and Mashyuu deal with the shot gun man and then run into the parking garage. "Roy, the bomb will be downstairs to drop the entire building. I'm going after the bomber!" He shouted and took off in a blur of brown as he darted with his dual slayer speed up the steps, giving chase to the bomber. Who the hell bombed a freaking hospital? Even more important was who decided to bomb one but stick around and be there when it went off? Was there really a bomb or were these guys just playing a terrible prank? Mashyuu found himself wondering about all of that while he gave chase to the man ahead of him. Eventually the man glanced over his shoulder and snapped in Mashyuu's direction. "Chain Explosion!" He called out. Small explosions went off in a straight line going down the steps towards Mashyuu but it turned out the blasts were going towards the steps that the Earth God was standing on. Mashyuu winced and jumped, barreling through the explosions while he shouted. "Earth Gods Sand Leap!" The mans body shifted to sand and moved up the steps, only to reform into Mashyuu, right behind the explosion user. Mashyuu grabbed the man's shoulder and got a good look at him. His glowing blue eyes went wide and he released the man's shoulder. "You're the killer who tried to destroy the arena... I watched you die!" He muttered. The Explosion Wizard grinned and placed his hand on Mashyuu's chest. "Yes well... healing Wizards kept me alive. This is all a big set up. I'm gonna kill you, and my bomb will destroy this building." He growled and let a spell go off, blowing Mashyuu backwards and down the steps that had just been destroyed. Mashyuu tumbled down a flight of now destroyed steps and smashed into the ground on the floor level of the building with a heavy thud. Mashyuu laid still, barely looking up to see the smoke from the explosion clearing up. His scabbard, tied to his hip started to flare up, healing some of his wounds to keep him from being killed by the explosion that went off on his chest. The man slowly sat up and held his head. I watched him die. How is he back? I freaking checked his pulse and carried his dead body to the Rune Knights... Mashyuu thought to himself while he pushed himself up off the ground and shook his head to clear the cobwebs in his brain. "Okay, time to get back up there. Earth Gods Rock Wall!" Mashyuu called out and created a wall that seemingly exploded from the wall that was already in front of Mashyuu, his wall, a platform to stand on. Mashyuu stepped on the platform and lifted his hand, palm up to waist level. With the simple act the wall rolled up the building, acting as a make shift elevator for Mashyuu to give chase using. Above him a large hole was blown out of the roof, leaving the Wizard to guess that the explosive user had fled to the roof. The Earth God let his wall stop then sprang off it, jumping through the two man sized hole and landed on the roof of the hospital. A heavy wind blew past the man, taking with it what was left of his brown gi. Mashyuu glanced around the city below to first make sure that he wasn't led into some sort of trap or trick, while his ears and tremor sense gave way to his surroundings to keep him safe. Already he could smell the explosive power in the air and jumped backwards just in time to avoid a rather small but powerful explosion that was aimed where his head had been just a moment ago. The moment Mashyuu landed he turned to face the Explosion using Wizard and the God Slayer couldn't help but grin at this foes shock that Mashyuu had the fore thought to simply jump back to avoid such a simple attack. The Explosion mage jumped up high and opened his palms, releasing small blasts from his hands to keep him afloat while he started to circle the Earth Wizard and called out. "No more Fairy Tail to protect this town! No powerful Rune Knights and with you and that other guy dead, nobody to stand in my way. I'll rule with an iron fist!"

    Meanwhile Itsu stood on the middle floor of the building, facing down a small group of men who took sick children of all people hostage. Each of the men had what looked like a musket and three of the five had a gun leveled at the head of one of children who were still sick in bed. Itsu needed to be quick but couldn't do it alone. She glared at the men and put her hands up while whispering a command word. "Revive." With the command word spoken Itsu created an identical clone behind the gunmen. Both had to be precise in their spell casting if they were going to save the kids then take down the gunmen. Luckily With windows behind the kids beds the clone Itsu could see exactly where she was going. The clone knew that using any actual magic would reduce her time on the material plane but it was worth it. She called out to draw everyone's attention. "Phantom Speed!" Then vanished and appeared between a child and a musket, her palm swinging up to smash into the gun and send it pointing up. A shot went off and hit the floor above theirs while the real Itsu used the same spell and appeared at the false Itsu's back, her leg lashed out into the jaw of another gunman, sending him sailing over a child while both women scooped up a kid. The real Itsu threw her dagger with her free arm and let it dig into the shoulder of the last gunmen with a hostage, drawing blood as it stuck into the flesh and bone. She gripped the cord and pulled, throwing the man off balance and causing him to jolt left while he pulled the trigger, missing shooting the child to shoot his own foot. The two women met up with all three kids and the false Itsu teleported the three out the window with her, the to safety below before the clone vanished, using up her time by casting the spell. Up on the middle floor The real Itsu started her fight. She jumped up on a bed and pulled the cord attached to her dagger as hard as she could, pulling the blade out of one gunmen then flipped through the air as she jumped. Her left leg reached out and drove hard into the jaw of a man as he struggled to load his gun in time to fire but it was to late. Itsu drove her foot into the skull of the man, not cracking bone but doing enough to drive him to a knee before she teleported to avoid a shot that shattered a window at her side. Itsu swore under her breath at the men and appeared at the back of the one who had shot at her. She jabbed her dagger into the mans knee, then pulled it out and stabbed his thigh and calf just before vanishing again to appear under the last gunmen. Her mouth opened up as she inhaled a deep breath of air. "Ghost Touch!" She called out as a blast of magical power was released from her mouth, the explosive light slammed everyone in the room against something hard, aside from Itsu who was already flat on her back. The five men groaned and passed out, leaving Itsu alone to finish her part of the job, even though she had no idea Mashyuu was in a fight for his life.

    Back on the roof Mashyuu was jumping side to side while working his magic to try and seal a gap in the roof and avoid the small explosive chains that were going off all around him. His glowing blue eyes started to show signs of annoyed anger when he realized he would need to find a way to get up to the man who had learned to fly if he were going to take him out. The Wizard did a back flip just in time to avoid a rather heavy explosion that shook the building as it went off. Mashyuu landed and finished sealing the hole in the roof then glared back up at the man. "Okay buddy, down you go! Earth Gods Basilisk Wall!" He shouted and placed both hands on the stone roof, warping it to create a massive wall that had four stone heads that looked like dogs on one side of it. The eyes of the dogs lit up and turned the explosion Wizards legs to stone and started to drag him to the ground thanks to the great weight. Mashyuu used a burst of power and rushed the man as fast as he could then jumped. His feet kicked off the ledge of the roof and sprang him through the air and thanks to his enhanced speed and strength he went sailing far until his shoulder connected with the Explosive Wizards gut, knocking both men even further away from the hospital. Mashyuu latched on tight and the two started to brawl as they fell through the sky. "You're gonna kill us both you idiot!" The Explosive Wizard shouted. "Better us than any one innocent life you're putting in danger!" Mashyuu shouted back as he pulled a closed fist back and slammed it has hard as he could into the jaw of the Wizard who would kill for no good reason. The duo started to near the ground and both already had a plan to survive the impact. "Earth Gods Sand Jump!" "Explosive Ending!" At the same time both men changed their forms, Mashyuu becoming a cloud of sand and the Killer became a small explosion. Both reformed in the streets below that were now emptied thanks to Itsu. Both Wizards glared at one another as they realized a lethal rivalry was starting to brew between them and there was a good chance that one of the two wouldn't survive the battle at hand.

    "Last time you hit me so hard I couldn't feel my brain rattling around in my head. This time I'll show you, that stones blow up just like everything else!" He shouted and clapped his hands together, sending a massive explosive wave out from his palms. Mashyuu countered by bringing up a stone wall in front of him but it only absorbed a small amount of the damage, then blew the Earth Slayer off his feet and into a street sign. Mashyuu rolled back to his feet and started to think. Crap, he's stronger than me. That blast wouldn't have knocked me off my feet if he wasn't. I gotta be more careful. So far he's done more damage to me than I have to him. The thought worried him but Mashyuu didn't have the time to dwell on it to much, he had a fight to win. "Okay, lets see how he deals with some ranged stuff first and see if I can deal some real damage to him." Mashyuu lifted his left hand and from the cross wrapped around his wrist a glowing web like bow emerged in his palm. "Gods Shot: Hail of Arrows!" He cried out and unleashed a blast of magical power from his bow at the explosion user, forcing the man to defend himself by jumping and rolling aside to evade the steady stream of magical arrows that arched in his direction but it seemed the arrows were a trap. A single arrow dug into his knee the moment his roll ended, Mashyuu had expected the man to roll through the empty street. He didn't stand a chance if Mashyuu could take out his legs. The Earth God used the injury to take advantage as he pulled one massive arrow of magic back on his bow. "Sniper Elite!" He shouted. The moment he finished the command word he unleashed the arrow. The projectile zipped through the air, spun around and slammed into the shoulder of the explosion user then in fact, the arrow exploded, sending the man rocketing through the air only to drop him off against a dumpster of stone with wheels on the bottom. The dumpster rolled away from him as the Explosive Wizard fell to lay on his back and groan from the pain. He wasn't sure what the arrow was but he didn't need to when Mashyuu was jumping through the air with a glowing blade hoisted high above him. As Mashyuu came down the man below him lifted his palms and let an explosion go off, blowing the Earth Wizard backwards from the force of the blow. The God Slayer twisted through the air and caught himself mid flight to land on his feet. Mashyuu coughed, blood spewed out of his mouth just enough to make the man quiver with rage and worry. "You really hurt me. An impressive feat. now I have to return the favor." Mashyuu stood in his mountain stance and screamed for a moment. The result was a burst of golden light that flowed off his body and changed the color of his hair, making him appear like a god before the explosion using Wizard. Mashyuu's wounds started to seal up and heal, leaving the man who was getting up from his prone position looking on confused. "You learned some tricks while I was gone in prison." He grumbled. The man lifted his hands and closed his fists, making small explosions go off on his knuckles. With a sly smirk, the man rushed Mashyuu and pulled his left hand back and screamed while the Earth God aimed his blade backwards and let it pulse with power. The blade pushed Mashyuu forward on the ground and Mashyuu swang his blade forward and knocked his foes hand aside and launched a blast of energy from the blade, burning the killers hand from the heat of the blast. Mashyuu then lifted his left hand and called out. "Earth Gods Combo: Part One!" The ground under the man shot up and caught him in the knees, making the man fall to the ground. As he hit the floor Mashyuu went down with him and placed his palm on the street. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Two!" The ground split open and swallowed the man who started to set off explosions to try to free himself. Mashyuu stood up and pulled his left hand back while focusing his power. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Three!" He shouted as the ground spit the Explosive Wizard out of the ground. Mashyuu's swing of his left arm was followed by a large sickle of sand that cut through the man and started to drain the moisture from the man. Mashyuu darted past the man and flipped his sword to place the blade back in the scabbard as he looked over his shoulder at the man who was falling to his knees and passing out. Mashyuu's golden light faded for a second but flared back up with the Explosive Wizard stopped himself from falling to the ground. He twisted to face Mashyuu and cracked his neck, a large cut ran across his chest and the blood that was there quickly sealed up thanks to the side effect of Mashyuu's spell. He placed his hand to the burning wound and spat on the ground. He was close to defeat but not there yet. "We aren't through yet Mashyuu, but you are!" As if he was hammering home the fact, the man slammed his fists together and started to let small explosions go off all over his body.
    "Explosive ruin!" He shouted and was engulfed in a red exploding magic. He charged Mashyuu for one final flurry of strikes.

    Mashyuu felt his body tremble with anger and he wasn't about to let this man ruin his day or harm anyone who couldn't defend themselves. Mashyuu's palm opened and a small twister of sand sprang up in it. He pulled his right arm back and tossed the sand at man who was charging. "Secret Art: Earth Gods Sand Twister!" He shouted as he hurled the spell. The twister rapidly expanded and slammed into the explosive Wizard who was knocked up then backwards by the twister until it held him in place. Mashyuu took the chance to take aim with his palm. In front of him a large round stone materialized thanks to Mashyuu's God Slayer strength. It floated before him and Mashyuu imbued the stone with light. "Dragon Gods Meteor Swarm!" The light Mashyuu wrapped around the stone launched it forward to smash into the gut of the man who was giving off explosions, driving the air out of his lungs but he caught the stone and hurled it back at Mashyuu, imbuing it with is own explosive Magic. "I'm sick of this. You're done. Light Dragons Domain: Transition!" Mashyuu and the Explosion Wizard suddenly switched spots in the blink of an eye and the explosion and stone smashed into the dark Wizard, blew him to the ground and left him with his eyes rolled into the back of his head and out cold. Slowly Mashyuu walked up to the man and kicked his leg to make sure he was out just as the golden light fell from Mashyuu's body leaving him with slight and shallow cuts but aside from that and a bit of magical energy depletion he was fine. Itsu joined his side, teleporting to his side and clasped Mashyuu's shoulder. "Okay, area is cleared and then some. What about that bomb?" Itsu asked. Mashyuu looked over to the hospital and muttered. "We have to wait for Roy to find out now. The rest is up to him. And he had more foes to face than I did." Together the two headed over towards the hospital and started to enter the front door when the ground shook with a terrible rumble but no real explosion. A good sign. Mashyuu sighed with relief and the duo of Mashyuu and Itsu rushed down a flight of steps. In the basement or parking garage as some called it the two Wizards were amazed to find all the men that had tried to split up the team laid out and defeated while the bomb seemed to be taken care of. Mashyuu clapped and walked up to Roy. "Well done! You will be a hero yet with that kind of skill. Here. Let me take care of those wounds for you." Mashyuu clasped Roy's shoulder and let that familiar golden light wash over both their bodies to start and seal up some of Roy's wounds a bit and remove some pain in his body. With the wounds sealed shut Mashyuu flopped down on the floor and picked up a large stone and took a bite out of it like the stone was a piece of fruit. The man felt some of his power replenish in his body. He knew he would have to eat more to get back to his normal state but his Light Dragon Slayer abilities would consume magical power through the light in the sky itself. Itsu reached to Mashyuu's belt and pulled a small potion off his belt and handed it to Roy. "Take it. It can restore your magical power in order to help you stay on your feet. You had a lot to do, I'm sure you're tired." Itsu explained. With another crisis avoided it was time to move on, Mashyuu was going to help his love, Kenna get her memories back and from there become the greatest Wizard Sabertooth had ever known. "Well Roy, it was a pleasure working with you. I'll catch you at the guild." Mashyuu said and wandered off to leave, heading out to the road he traveled more than he would care to admit.

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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Experience : 1,050

    Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash) Empty Re: Gunpowder Plot (Roy and Mash)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 4th April 2017, 7:13 pm

    Roy nodded as Mash deigned to knock out the gun wielding criminal with his hands, deeming him unworthy of using his magic against him. This guy talked a pretty big game, Roy was eager to see if he could back it up. One of Roy's smoke hands picked up his blade and threw it to him, he missed on purpose otherwise with the heavy damage they had already done to this thug he imagined that he might have died. Roy caught the knife in mid air and placed it back into it's sheath. He casually walked towards Mash as he noticed his nostril's flaring up. As he did this Roy was reminded of his magic. It was Slayer's magic, god, and dragon. He was one of the few slayers that Roy had actually met, and definitely the only man he'd ever met to posses two kinds of that ancient and lost magic. Through his enhanced olfactory senses Mash seemed to deduce that the bomb would be downstairs. Fortunately for Roy the stairs were pretty close to him. Unfortunately for him there seemed to be a rather large number of criminals in his way. He heard Mash tell him to get the bomb and saw him race after his opponent. Damn, Roy thought to himself. He really wanted to see him fight. Smiling wryly Roy shrugged his shoulders as he approached the group of men waiting for him, they all had shotguns again, and there appeared to be maybe ten of them in total. This should be easy enough. "Smoke Screen..."

    Roy gave out a harsh whisper as he cast his spell filling the whole room with smoke. Effectively blinding his opponents. For added measure Roy cast his haze spell on himself as well, rendering him completely unseen in the thick smoke. Gun shots sounded all throughout the smoke cloud flying in every direction. Luckily for Roy he was able to see through his own magic or all of this random firing might be just as dangerous as if they could see him.Roy bolted to the left rolling and leaping and flipping through the air to avoid the spray of bullets, circling around until he made it behind his opponents. Roy noticed that most of the men were reloading, it seemed that they were all carrying the same kind of gun. Not that it mattered what kind of weapon they carried, their lack of actual skill made it so that there was almost no way to close the gap between themselves and Roy. For a moment the men were silent wondering perhaps whether they had put Roy down or not. Within a moment they knew that they hadn't. Roy pulled out his blade and swooping low he took out the man's Achilles's Heel, slicing through the tendon and grabbing his hand as he fell Roy put him in to a wrist lock, he tossed his blade in the air and came down hard on the man's elbow with his palm shattering the joint. He caught his blade as it came back down and dove to left again as a hail of gunfire rained down in the area where Roy had taken out one his opponents.

    He continued his series of acrobatics to avoid the gunfire. Left, right, forward backward, until he managed to get next to another one of the assailants.Roy struck down across the side of his knee and with a sickening cracking sound he shattered the mans knee, completely immobilizing him. He came down with a hard chop on to the man's temple before he hit the ground and moved on to his next target only a little ways from the unconscious broken man. This one he merely flipped over his shoulder by grabbing his arm and throwing his hip into him. When the man hit the ground Roy proceeded to put him into a wrist lock and coming down with his palm he snapped the man's arm. Pulling up once more he came down on the man's nose smashing his skull into the ground and breaking several bones. Holding on to that arm and grabbing a leg he spun around with his opponents body and and using that momentum he threw it into the next nearest opponent knocking him down as well. Unfortunately he had made quite a bit of noise and the last man he took out managed to get out a couple of screams.

    He sailed up towards the ceiling on his cloud and left the remaining men to fire at will towards the direction he used to be in, it was a classic tactic of his, fight on the ground for a while and while everyone was still blinded take to the air, it should more than confuse them and even cause them to endanger themselves. His smoke hands remained on the field and took to pummeling the living hell out of these man, as they weren't even using magic it was mere child's play for them to be finished off. After all the smoke could only be destroyed by magic, admittedly not that much magic, but still, mundane methods of damaging would do nothing against them. They struck one after another again and again until his enemy was beaten down, he let them take out another three opponents before he got back down to the ground and waited by the door. He was sure that these men would try to run away now that half of their number had been taken out. They couldn't see but he expected that they could at least count shots. Just a he had suspected they dropped their weapons and made for where they thought the door was. One of them shouting out as he ran.

    "Let's get the hell out of here! I'm just gonna blow the place when we leave!"

    Roy hoisted his knife and took a breath, if they really had the ability to set off a bomb big enough to blow this place then he would have to take them all out before they ever got that chance. He couldn't risk going easy on them, though he would refrain from trying to kill them. The first man to make it out of the smoke screen was greeted with a swift jab to the throat, Roy held the knife in a reverse grip and struck with the handle but nonetheless that attack alone could put a man down. To ensure his defeat he stepped back and swung his elbow into his jaw, using his momentum and the weight of his body to deliver a devastating blow knocking him out.

    The other four all exited from different areas and Roy was forced to kick it up a notch. One threw a punch which Roy easily dodged slapping it to the inside and reversing the grip on his knife he sliced the inside of his arm taking out the muscle. He stepped forward and plunged his blade into the man's stomach. Three more. The next one made a wild dash for the door, Roy was way faster than him however and cut him off. He kicked the man in the head as he ran towards the door stopping all of his momentum and and sending him flying backwards. Two more.

    The second to last opponent had actually brought his gun with him, and while Roy was fighting his other opponents he lined up a good shot, Roy didn't have time to react to it and took a blow to the shoulder, it might have killed a normal human but Roy took it pretty well, though it did break the skin and he bled from the wound profusely. He knew that the second shot was coming and had no time to tend to his wound as he dove to the left and rolled away from the next shot, he threw his knife at the man and struck him in the shoulder, it stopped him from reloading his weapon and Roy managed to get up close to him and using both of his hands he clapped down on the man's ears completely disorienting him and wrapping his fingers around his head he brought his skull down into his knee and knocked him out.
    very little
    Roy looked around for the last man and found that he could not find him, he knew he couldn't have gotten out of the door as it didn't open yet, and wondered where else he might have gone. His smoke had cleared by now so he could have made his way anywhere. Then Roy remembered one of them said he was going to blow the place and go, he assumed that meant he had a remote of some kind but if he had to do it manually that means he should be near the bomb itself. Roy cursed and went full speed towards the door where the bomb was summoning his cloud beneath his feet and riding it for maximum speed. He made it in no time and saw his enemy attempting to get the bomb working. He launched himself forward tackling the man to the ground and rolling after he hit the ground to get up faster, while the man was busy recovering from Roy's attack he landed one more solid blow to him by kicking the side of his head and knocking him out.

    He breathed a sigh of relief for a moment and looked over his injury, it wasn't that great but he was soaked in blood. It disgusted him, in fact it made him a little bit nauseous even. He didn't have long to relax however when he noticed that the bomb began a count down. He wasn't sure what he could do about this but, when in doubt breaking things usually worked right. After only studying the bomb for a moment he realized it would take most of his power to destroy it. Luckily for the hospital he had a few tricks up his sleeve that he hadn't shown anyone yet. In fact other than in private training matters he hadn't even used this technique at all. It was about time he brought it out.

    Roy breathed in, and breathed out. With a loud shout he held out his hands an summoned four of his smoke clones all around the bomb, then they all in turn summoned their own smoke hands, combined with Roy their were now a total of fifty of these powerful instruments of destructive magic, and he could sustain them indefinitely. With and even louder shout and a great expense of his mental and magical power he threw down his wave of hands on the bomb delivering incredible damage to it in just one wave, and again and again they struck down on it raining downward upon the construction like a sea of destruction constantly crashing against the large explosive. He never gave it a moments rest for even though his power was proving fatal to the bomb, the count down continued nonetheless and the bomb began to release steam and glow red with stored energy, this thing seemed magical, rather than mundane. Roy guessed it must have been created by their leader, who mash was currently still fighting. From the powers that he displayed it seemed that he specialized in explosive magic. Roy was sure that that kind of magic was powerful in it's own right but such a thing was all too basic for him. As far as destruction goes he was sure it could do the job. But there was just nothing much too it, very little subtlety, no ability to create, merely destroy. Besides that if your smart enough you can turn anything into a deadly weapon. In fact if your smarter than your opponent you don't even need the best weapon.

    Soon enough the device began to crumble, falling to pieces and being crushed under the weight of Roy's vicious unending barrage of attacks. Metal plates dented pieces flew off in every direction it's redish glow intensified and the steam escaped at all new speeds, it was a race against time, Roy' magic, versus this madman's. He gave one last holler as he summoned yet more spells to put this thing down. Roy conjured his chain when he thought that his magic would not be enough and began striking the bomb with it, each time delivering another spell as it struck against the bomb, his smoke ring spell, his smoke coffin, his flame spell, every last spell, every last drop of magic. As Roy fell to his knees so to did the final remains of the explosive crumple to the ground. With his extra spells it actually appeared as if Roy had time to spare.

    He breathed heavily panting for a few moments, he was exhausted. But he had done his job, it was time to go see if mash had done his. He stood up to quickly and almost lost his footing, he was a bit unsteady still and he put a hand to his head as he stumbled backwards. He breathed for a few more moments as he regained his composure, his sight was a bit blurred at first but it was getting back to normal again. He looked at his clones and army of smokey hands and dismissed them. That helped out quite a bit, even though they didn't drain that much magic just to sustain them he was so low on magic that even just getting rid of those small things that drained him helped quite a bit.

    He walked back up the stairs slowly until that became too much for him, and eventually he fell backwards onto his cloud. Slowly drifting up the stairs, this magic drained him nothing at all and didn't even require constant concentration. Which was good for at the moment he didn't believe that he could even muster up a small amount of mental energy. As he got back up the stairs he noticed just how badly he had beaten these men, yes it was to save a hospital and yes it had gotten a little desperate there for a moment but he rarely used his knife against human opponents, and rarely used such brutal martial arts against them. They were almost all broken, and many of them bleeding, each of them worst than the last. At this moment he heard Mash coming back, it as true he was a dragon slayer and a god slayer as well even. So his nose was strong, he would certainly smell all of this blood from a mile away, but unless he stayed here for a long time he might not know exactly how much there really is. Roy was just guessing at this point but he doubted that Mash had been around him long enough to learn the smell of his blood from another person's.

    When Mash returned he commented that he had done well, and that he in fact might be a hero yet. He merely responded "Thanks." Then as Mash grabbed him a soothing presence washed over him and revitalized him. He possessed a power over light it seemed, and his other magic must be over the earth. Earth and light, that might be quite a powerful combination. Especially since the light seemed quite adept at healing. While the earth magic was obviously quite useful for attacking and defending, as well as many other things he was sure. He uttered a sigh of relief to show his gratitude for the spell, and as Mash's companion reached down towards his belt she grabbed a poultice, and handed it to Roy. Something to replenish his magic it seemed, Mash didn't seem to mind so Roy took it in eagerly, muttering a quite thank you once more to show his gratitude once again.

    After all of that Mash seemed to be in quite the hurry and bid Roy farewell pretty quickly, oh well. It was probably for the better anyway. He only mentioned to him before he left. "Yeah, I'll see you around the guild Mash. I'll stay back here and help them clean up, make sure the authorities get everyone locked away just fine." With that Mash was off, and his companion too. It wasn't before they were well far away that Roy dropped the glamour over the hospital. He had used his magic to make the blood and the gore disappear at least the really really bad spots, everywhere expect for on himself. Mash might have wondered where the smell was coming from if he hadn't been so covered in blood. He seemed to just think that he was more injured than he actually was Roy assumed, and that was fine with him. Better he think that than the alternative, well really the truth.

    As the illusion dropped Roy turned back and got on to his knees, he needed to tend to the wounded. despite their crimes, he still felt sick for what he had done. This was a hospital, so he imagined that it wouldn't be hard to find the necessary materials to take care of these men. He pondered what Mash had said as he retrieved some bandages, and got ready to stop his enemies from bleeding out. Mash had told him that if he kept it up he could become a hero one day. Roy doubted it, he wasn't much of a hero, and honestly he didn't think he needed to be. He was too...bloodthirsty to really be heroic. But in all honesty, the forces of good needed men like him. Men who are just as familiar with the dark as their enemies, men who aren't afraid to walk down the same paths as evil. Of course he had separate intentions than them, and different reasons for doing what he does. But nonetheless he was not a hero. A hero walked in the light, maybe not the lime light but still, their path though just as difficult as his own was guided by the suns rays. His role wasn't to walk the bright path of the hero, but to take the low road of the shadow. No light ever fell without casting a shadow, and Roy was the shadow for the light.

    Forever keeping out of sight, and yet always being there, to ensure that things proceed the way that they should. That was his role. It's a path fraught with difficulty and challenge, but rewards as well. Just like any other path that good men travel. He couldn't help but imagine as he treated these wounded men that he wasn't quite fighting at his maximum potential...he really didn't want to take up the sword again. He had come closer than ever before to making a few mistakes that he couldn't take back back when he carried his swords. But nonetheless if he was really intent to walk the path of the shadow and to serve Sabertooth to his fullest potential he shouldn't cripple his fighting ability like he had been this entire time. It was about time that he started getting serious about his service to the guild, after all Mash was rising through the ranks pretty fast at this point, they might even see him as an ace soon. Roy didn't want to be an ace, to much spotlight for him. But he had to distinguish himself in his own way as Sabertooth's personal shadow. If the guild-master would take enough notice of him then he was sure that he would be able to become one of his trusted vessels. He could only do so much good on standard jobs, at least for Sabertooth. What he needed was to make his leader aware of the nature of his abilities so that he will see fit to use him however the guild needs. The darkest missions, the ones most people can't imagine doing, but also the most necessary ones, these will become his bread and butter. He will be shadow, a fly on the wall, the unseen eyes are ears, a cloak in the night and a knife in the back. He must become these things to make absolutely certain that his guild will be a safe as it can possibly be.

    He wasn't sure why he hid exactly what he had done from Mash today, maybe he wasn't ready to let everyone know just what he was, just what he had decided to become. That's why he preferred working alone, or with Zar. He too used darkness for the light. He had already seen him fight, fight without reservations and knew a bit more about him than most.

    The authorities arrived on the scene soon after Roy was done bandaging them, he used his magic to disappear into the shadows and slipped away, they seemed a bit shocked at just how bad these men were damaged but didn't seem overly concerned for them, it made sense he supposed they were trying to blow up a hospital. If word did get out around town at just how badly these guys got hurt then that wouldn't be so bad, it would probably deter other criminals from committing a similar crime. Good, let them be afraid to do this again, let this be a warning to the next group of thugs that tries to harm the weak and defenseless.

    He summoned his cloud again and raced back towards the guild, he needed some time off and he was eager for a drink, something strong. His flask was empty and he didn't want to show his face around town to much, besides, he was still filthy and soaked in blood. They would all know it was him, and as soon as a shadow is given a face then it no longer remains a shadow. If he was to truly walk this dark path than he should probably consider getting a mask, just something to hide his face. Let his enemies imagination go wild when they think about him, after all whatever it is that they imagine will surely be worse than the reality, that's how fear and the unknown work. Yes the shadow of Sabertooth, that is the name he will aspire to achieve.

    He was going to start fighting stronger and stronger opponents he was sure, he would have to in order to achieve the title he wanted, he needed to compete with the best of the best. Both Sabertooth's enemies and even his allies, after all if he couldn't keep up with his friends than there would be no reason for them to rely on him for anything, much less the important tasks that he sought to be trusted with. Certainly he would have to take up the sword again, and more than that his entire strategy focused on diversity, he would have to learn new magic. Different kinds of magic, Perhaps he could find a way to combine both the sword and sorcery....


    Word Count: 3,823


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