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    Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo]


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo] Empty Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 14th January 2017, 2:16 pm

    Job Description:


    Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo] Empty Re: Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 14th January 2017, 4:25 pm

    The sun is hidden behind the clouds as the cold winds blow throughout Oak Town. The townspeople, however, don't seem to mind one bit as they are able to enjoy themselves despite it. Children are playing on the streets while most are enjoy a stroll, properly bundled up for the weather. Hikari, walking into the town today, was one of the few not properly dressed for this weather and is now deeply regretting her wardrobe choice today.

    She was rubbing her arms to try to warm herself up, but most of the time, when she finally felt warm again, a gust of cold wind sent a shiver through her spine and put her right back at square one. I understand that it is getting cold, but my lord, this is positively unbearable! Hikari complained to one in particular, as she stomped her way down to an inn that in her opinion, took way too long to get to.

    The minute Hikari stepped into the inn, she grinned as the warm air seemed to heat her right down to her soul. She sat at one of the tables near the front of the inn as she thought to herself, So, first things first, I need to locate the restaurant that required assistance as per the request. I could ask some locals for the directions to the restaurant. Hikari pulled out the request paper and scanned it to find the name of the restaurant. Lachelein? Sounds... exotic. Hikari moved to speak to the innkeeper about the whereabouts of Lachelein in the city. Um, excuse me ma'am, but would you happen to know where Lachelein is located? The old innkeeper smiles as Hikari asks her, Are you trying to get into there tonight? 'Cause tonight it is extra crowded due to an event that is being held in this city. If you'd like a room, I have to apologize sweetie; every single one of my rooms in booked. Hikari recoiled a little at the thought of this event being so huge, it filled up an inn on the outskirts of town. Hikari smiled at the innkeeper and stated, Um, no, I accepted a job for chefs at Lachelein as they were requesting for more. The innkeeper looked surprised but proceeded to give the directions to the inn.

    After receiving the directions, Hikari made her way to the near centre of town. The more she traveled there, the busier the streets got. Some people were trying to get to the restaurant as well. Hikari, trying to be polite, slowly but surely made her way through the crowd only to be greeted with a line. When she tried to get to the door, she was scolded from people in the line. Oooh, if I weren't on a mission right now, hitting you would be so fair game Hikari thought as she made her way to the door. The restaurant was very bright, covered in lights and vibrant shades of purple, pink and dark blue, but it wasn't eye-irritatingly bright. Quite the opposite as it just attracted you to the building. Hikari was let inside and was instantly greeted by a number of people scurrying to get the place ready.

    Waiters were getting ready and setting up tables, the chefs were pre-cooking the events dinner menu for the evening, and in the centre of the restaurant, a short young woman with bright pink hair that fades into purple and dark blue at the ends near her shoulders, is trying to get ready for the rush of people. Hikari walks over to the young woman as she hears her saying to herself. There will be approximately 500 guests and each one will be coming in at approximately one hour. This gives us at least time to make the servings for the meal and get started on the desserts. We can speed up the process but I don't know when the mage will get here... The woman puts both hands in her hair in frustration and then she looks up at Hikari. Hikari waves, shows her the photo and says, Hello, miss. I was the mage who accepte- Hikari wasn't able to finish her sentence before the woman began pulling her into the kitchen. The woman as she is pulling Hikari says, I'm sorry if I am dragging you into this situation but we really need to hurry so I need to get you into uniform and in the kitchen. My name is Lucid so drop the miss, if you please. As Hikari continually gets pulled into the kitchen, she tells Lucid, My name is Hikari and I am just curious, but are you the manager here? Lucid stops when they are in the employee change room and says
    Yes, I am the manager, I'm the one who established this restaurant and the one who will lose this restaurant if this event doesn't go to plan. Thank you for coming and here is your uniform. You can leave your clothes in here.

    When Hikari got changed, Lucid had disappeared once again, leaving her with all the other chefs in the kitchen, who were in a flurry of ingredients. Get the prime rib seasoned and in the oven ASAP Someone please check on the cream sauce for the pasta. That better not be burning I smell! Guys, I think there is too much salt in this dressing we made for the salad... Hikari looked around at all the chaos and sighed. Then, she yelled, Okay! Everyone needs to stop and look around for one minute! Being this disorganized, you are never going to get anything done. Follow my lead, and we will get through this with ease. The demeanor given off from Hikari, motivated the chefs and made them feel at ease when she explained her plan. Okay, you two will slice the prime ribs as they come out of the ovens, while you two are going to transfer the cut pieces onto plates for the salad people. Go start now. The four chefs nodded before quickly getting to work. You two, please prepare the salads, by adding croutons and the dressing and give them to those two, to place on the plates before handing them off to the pasta people. The next four chefs waited patiently for the prime rib plates to come and then got started when they arrived. Last but not least, you two will mix the pasta with the cream sauce and hand it off to those two for plating and getting them in place for the waiters and waitresses to take out. Hikari smiled as their little system slowly got faster and more efficient. Hikari looked at the remaining chefs and spoke, The rest of you are with me, it's time for dessert. Hikari smirked as the rest of the chefs followed her lead.

    Hikari smiled as all the bowls were pulled out. Quickly, she grabbed a bowl and a whisk, and got to work. She cracked multiple eggs into the bowl, to which she added a lot of milk, sugar and a pinch of salt, to bring out the flavour. Then, she stirred it vigorously to make sure all the sugar was incorporated into the custard. She then added some vanilla extract and moved towards the individual ramikens, and when she got there, she poured the mixture into the the ramikens, placed them in a water bath and put it in the oven. The other chefs weren't quite as fast as Hikari but still completed their custards in good time. They continued this pattern and when Hikari placed the final batch of custards in the oven, she sat down and sighed. I haven't baked in so many years. It really feels nice to do it again. When the chefs finished serving the meals, the custards were done. This time, everyone was working on getting them in the fridge to cool right away. Hikari was nervous the ramikens would break but they turned out just fine. When it was time to bring out dessert, Hikari and the rest of the chefs continued to work. When it was finally finished, Lucid came into the kitchen smiling, Thank you so much to everyone who helped. Especially Hikari! The other chefs really are glad you came when you did! We almost didn't make it. Hikari blushes a little bit while scratching her cheek and smiles. No problem! It was a delight to help you do this and thanks for having me. Hikari takes off her hat and smiles towards Lucid, who returns the smile. Lucid then says, I really appreciate what you have done for Lachelein, but I want to see how high your cooking ability is, considering how my guests were in love with the custard that came out. That and I haven't eaten anything all day. Hikari looks at Lucid's weakly smiling face and notices how pale it is. Hikari sighs as she looks down and then looks back at Lucid saying, Just for you! You'll get my special dish. Dessert also included. Lucid claps her hands in delight as Hikari prepares everything to make her dish.

    Hikari starts by adding crushed garlic and grated onion into the bowl. In addition to that, she adds grated ginger, toasted sesame oil, brown sugar, soy sauce, chili flakes and grated pear. She mixes the marinade and adds beef short ribs to the mixture that she tenderized beforehand. Since it is tenderized, it will accept the flavours from the marinade better and while it won't be like the one I usually make, which takes about a day to marinade, it still will be close in flavour and texture. She mixes the short rib and the marinade then lets it sit out for a while to soak in the flavours from the marinade. She decides to work on the drink for Lucid while it sits. She makes a simple black tea but then adds milk and mixes it. She then takes some tapioca pearls that were prepared before hand, adds some maple syrup so they don't dry out and puts them in a tall glass. Then, she adds the milk tea, and places it in the fridge so it can stay cool. Finally, Hikari prepares the dessert for Lucid. She takes some yeast and activates it with warm milk. She mixes sugar, coconut oil, and vanilla extract. She then mixes in flour and baking powder to form a dough. She kneads the dough for a couple minutes and places it in a somewhere warm to let it rise. Hikari then decides to start cooking the short ribs. She places them on a frying pan and lets them cook a couple minutes on each side and takes them out, deciding to de-glaze the pan with soy sauce and onions, letting her create a simple sauce for the short ribs. She adds this to a plate as the dough should be done rising. She rolls the dough into a log and shapes it into a donut. She then places it into a fryer and takes it out when finished. She then dips half the donut in chocolate and brings out all of her dishes to Lucid.

    Lucid is entranced by the smell of the food and looks eager when it finally arrives. Wow! Are you sure you are a mage and aren't a world class chef? Hikari smiles and states, It's really nothing! I just have a background in cooking. Lucid bites into the short ribs and gets lost in the flavour, as it has the perfect amount of spices and a great texture, while still having a good amount of bite to it as well. After she finishes the short ribs, she tries the bubble tea. It's really simple which is really nice after the short ribs, as it compliments the dish with its simplicity. She finishes off with the donut, it was made differently than most donuts nowadays and it shows how different they are, it has a somewhat crisp outside with a soft warm inside, the taste only hinting at sweetness while the chocolate adds the sweetness it is missing. You really should consider working here. You could make this place a hit! Hikari smiles and replies I appreciate the offer but I have people I need to return to. The people that gave me a home here. Hikari smiles softly as she thinks about her guild.

    Lucid and the other chefs see Hikari off as she leaves. The town is still as festive as ever due to the event and Hikari smiles as she passes by a rowdy bar and thinks about the days its been since she has seen her guild. As Hikari is heading back to the inn, she looks up towards the sky, now clear and revealing the full moon. It's nice to relax and help those who are able to receive your help. As she thinks about her past, she smiles and shakes her head. Now isn't the time for that... it's time to look forward and look up from here on out. Hikari smiling puts her fist in the sky as she celebrates what she has done for others today.

    WC: 2199/2000


    Steam Bun Shuffle [Solo] QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 3:26 am