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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)


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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Sayrn 4th December 2016, 10:14 am

    Soft winds whispered through the trees of the marshes within the forest known only by the name of the Spooky Forest a place none dared tread alone. Her feet were sucked into the mud of the marshes her path clear as she went forwards and her eyes tracked the area around her. The goal was simple return to the guild known as Savage Skull and yet in her wake she could see the lands of destruction scorch marks all around as a soft scowl grew on her face. “Ardere” her voice spoke cold and annoyed as she had seen these particular marks before knowing them to be of that man's God Slayer magic he wielded. Turning her back to the destruction she would travel away before a feeling came over her and a smile grew on her face. Trekking through the foul marshes Sayrn would make quick headway towards the edges of the forest a small town known only as Darkwell people that were considered insane for living so close to the forest.

    As she moved through the forest her premonition came true as she reached the town the wind picking up as she arrived and dust would carry off the roof tops of the town's houses. An eerie feeling crept across her as she walked forwards her eyes looking from side to side as she soon began to laugh, “I knew that they would move should an attack but this feeling…” speaking with a twist to her words she would move forwards towards the graveyard. Entering her destination she would look from side to side multiple crypts and graves being scattered about some hit hard by time while others seemed fresh. Making her way to the one she got the worst feeling from she would open the crypt doors a scent of corpses reaching her nose causing a smile from her as she looked down a long staircase.

    Reaching the bottom she could quickly notice that she had found her destination causing her to whistle out a loud shrill noise sure to catch people's attention as she walked through the halls. In another attempt to garner attention she would flare her magic power a distinct unholy aura surrounding her as she would begin to speak out loud for anyone attracted to her entering to hear, “Hello, I am Sayrn Firrion, here to join the ranks of Savage Skull.” Turning her head to the side she would chuckle, “Oh and I am an ex wife to a certain person that attacked you…”

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Raiza 4th December 2016, 1:26 pm

    The eerie chill of silence had been broken. No reply was immediate to the woman's words but it had caught at least one individual's attention. The attention of a dark magus who had already been well aware of the woman who had been getting closer and closer to the guild. It was interesting really, the guild had moved yet those who were true to their intentions were still yet able to find it. Though the one thing that caught him off guard was the last words he heard from the newcomer. Words that left quite the impact, but he knew exactly who she meant. The only one to successfully launch an attack on the guild, and actually escape. Though it was quite interesting actually to hear who this woman was.

    Though it was not the reason Raiza decided to be the one to step out from his location. The shadows slowly forming around his body to envelop him before he reappeared just feet from the newcomer. "Ardere, guild master of Infinity Hydra. I assume that is whom you speak of now" he spoke with neither an attitude nor a care for the mentioned figure. Though in truth, Raiza respected the man for being able to get out alive, a feat that not many could say was achievable. In fact, Raiza had that slight bloodlust urge to fight the man in a one on one. It made him actually want to laugh but remained to be an emotionless expression while the rest of his body had been revealed from the blanket of shadow like energy that had finally revealed him for who he was.

    "Though discussing that man isn't why you're here. So, I am inclined to ask. Why do you wish to join our ranks? I won't trouble myself with asking if you know who we are, because that is obvious. I will ask however what motivated you to come our way"


    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) YdfXSKP

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Sayrn 4th December 2016, 4:45 pm

    Motivations were quite the curious question for her to receive eyes heavy on her as her own crimson eyes locked with theirs not wishing to remove them lest she be seen as the weaker one. With a simple raising and waving of her hand in a circular motion she would chuckle speaking in an almost uncaring tone, “Simple, I have a massive gap in my memory you see, I remember leaving Ardere’s guild to go find myself a cure for my body and suddenly I am left in a random wasteland no memory of why I was there to begin with and a patchwork job of memories that I have no clue why they are even there.” Waving a hand she would quickly form what one could only call a stool made of poison from the ground, and yet to a perceptive eye they would have seen her call the poison from her heels and even someone with a good nose would be able to smell the stench of blood that the stool reeked of.

    As she sat down she would sigh and continue to stare at the man who had asked her these curious questions a smile growing on her face, “Now despite this weird and wonderful memory gap I do know of certain atrocities that I have commited on my own and realize that just going back and begging for forgiveness is not an option. So I decided to come to Savage Skull a guild that I have had dealings with in the past even while working under Infinity Hydra, in exchange for access to the foul marshes and protection while gathering there I was providing the previous Guild Master Harrigan Crawford with unique and deadly poisons and venoms that I came across.” tapping her shoes onto the stone floors she would stand up the blood stool washing to the ground and sinking through the cracks in the stone before she spoke again, “So then, does this answer your question?”

    With a chuckle she would then step closer to the man in front of her and a grin would grow on her face her voice becoming much colder and mute in tone, "And why don't you tell me then, what is your name? And why did my ex husband so brashly decide to attack Savage Skull during my apparent memory gap?"

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Raiza 4th December 2016, 5:25 pm

    Memory loss, again? It seemed to be not that uncommon now, even Raiza had that occur to him as well. He knew things had happened in the gaps. Names, places, images, everything he tried to remember but could not. It made him curious of what was behind those locked memories. Were they taken? Destroyed? or just sealed away. Though the answer did not mean as much as the sympathy Raiza had for this woman before him. "I cannot exactly restore lost memories, but I do have a hunch. I myself have had my own memory holes to deal with. Ones that lead me to research what I have forgotten. Perhaps we can look into what do you remember at a later date, and see if the cause is the same. I do have a feeling it is tied to a guild I was once in. A guild...these memory holes have replaced what I knew about it. Even the name is unknown to me nowadays." He could try by researching what this woman was doing right before the memory holes began. A ritual perhaps to be remembered? It was something Raiza last remembered. Even the ruins he last visited, and an ancient arcane text still needing to be deciphered.

    "Having heard your case though, and seeing as I am one of the top ranking within this guild, I can say I have no trouble with you joining the guild. You once helped Lord Harrigan, a man we all remember from ages ago. It is a pleasure to have you within our ranks". Though Raiza hesitated at first, giving out his name having figured the woman already knew it. He was one of the eleven sinners after all, the sinner of Wrath as the magic council liked to label him. "My name is Raiza, and as for why your ex-husband attacked the guild so long ago is a mystery to me. Bad blood perhaps, maybe to gauge our strength, who knows what the reason was, but one thing was for sure. He was able to escape his own attack to survive. It was quite the show actually and provided some light entertainment. Not that it kept us busy for that long either. If I had to wager, his attack was just a test." As he finished his statement, Raiza's hood would fall from his head, revealing the wildly kept blonde hair of his before he brought his left hand up to brush the hair out of his face, revealing his crimson red eyes shifting back into the normal crystalline blue color. A smile on his face "So, now that I've told you my name, how about yours?" By now, Raiza had already seen the change of tone. The subject of Ardere was...not that pleasant with this woman. Though with all that said, Raiza did have at least one way to chill and calm the mood. His Incubus miasma. An invisible force that crept through the room at quite a diluted rate. Nothing too serious, but at best it made the place feel more cozy and welcoming. If anything it made it feel warmer, and homier to a degree that most members already found it to be already.

    "If you wish to talk more, we can go relocate to a more... relaxing spot within the guild. We are in just the entrance corridor after all. We can head to the guild hall, its cozy enough there. Fire to keep you warm, since you just came from outside, along with other things. I can't promise you'll run into any guild mates just yet, many may be out on jobs or deeper within doing their own thing. Aside from our common workers(npcs) that is." Giving the woman an opportunity to relocate was all he had planned at the moment, more so though because he knew the seating there was great, and the guild hall was quite the show of great interior design work.


    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) YdfXSKP

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Sayrn 4th December 2016, 6:20 pm

    A pleasure he called it, a pleasure to have her in their ranks, a soft chuckle could not help but escape her lips as she looked at the man knowing not what they said about someone like her. Hearing his name next she would raise an eyebrow at the statement and shaking her head at the idea that perhaps this was one of the eleven sinners. With some answers to questions she had held in she would sigh rubbing her temples with a look of distaste on her face, “Testing the waters… Sounds like the dumbass, Oh lets just go attack the dark guild alone! That’s a smart idea! I swear it has been one year and already I want to slam my head into a wall because of his actions.” With that said she would watch the man in front of her remove his hood golden blonde hair falling from within as he swept it away and a notice of his eyes going from a crimson red to a more natural blue in color.

    With a soft question the man would attempt to ask her name causing her to wave her hands in disinterest as she spoke in another mute voice, “Oh, my name is a simple one, Sayrn Firrion. Not that interesting to be honest.” As she spoke a certain feeling began to wash as she stood where she did a feeling she could not put her finger on entirely as her eyes slowly began to glare at Raiza, “I would take it that you are attempting something… I can feel it happening yet not a single scent or a sound alerts me to it.” Shaking her head she would let out a deep sigh trying to ward off the feeling that they were trying to impose on her as she would take them up on the offer to go deeper still within the guilds halls, “Fine, I am curious to meet the other mages within here, perhaps they could prove interesting for samples sake.” She knew very well that there was nothing much she could do to fight this feeling that she could only describe in her own head as a hormonal reaction to some form of magic.

    Soon they would enter the guild hall of Savage Skull her eyes drifting over the workers and the mages that were busy with their tasks a slight clicking of her tongue at the appearance of the place. “Tsk tsk tsk, I see no place I could work my job here normally, I might have to make some renovations…” turning her head to look at the crowds of people and the workers she would speak loudly her voice strong and imposing as she stomped her foot down the loud click of her heels catching the attention of some, “I am Sayrn Firrion Ex-Wife of Ardere Kasai and also hopefully your new guild member, Lets hope to make the best of this arrangement.” As it stood she could tell that announcing her relation to the Kasai man would be a horrid idea and yet she knew the honesty of the situation would prove more useful later as if she had hidden the information it would only look worse.

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Raiza 4th December 2016, 7:51 pm

    A soft chuckle escaped his lips as the miasma kept up a steady pace. "It was meant to relax the atmosphere. Its quite... fun at times actually, but I'll disable it. It is just part of what I am. I'll use it to calm the mood, or to set the mood.". Raiza's words were indicating that Sayrn was right in assuming he was doing something, and the moment he said he'd disable it, he actually kept to his word and disabled it. Though the effects in the air would go quickly, Raiza's intent would not. It was indeed a fun power he had, and he quite enjoyed the calmness that came with it. There could be other spells that were useful, sure but right now he did not feel like trying to tamper with any of his own magic. Not right now at least.

    Though at the very least, Raiza's ring of undying was still in place granting a vigor to those around him he considdered allies, and now that Sayrn was an ally of his, it effected them regardless if they wanted it or not. In battle this translated to life energy(HP). In terms of just walking about, it made them feel more full of life giving the impression it was better. No other effects other than that however.

    Finally, they did arrive at the Guild hall. There were a few roaming around, which was good. Even as Sayrn spoke, some looked with a mixture of expressions. Those that didn't agree, if any at all, noticed who escorted Sayrn in, then instantly swallowed any spit or liquid in their mouth before turning away, almost white from remembering the old Raiza, before he had became so mellow and easy to work with. Though once everything was settled and done with, Raiza finally took on a couch near the magical fire. Magical, because it never produced smoke, but instead was quite enjoyable to be around. "You're within the main chamber, the guild hall if you want to call it that. There are many places beyond this, I am sure we can develop a place for work your job. Though I must ask, what would that be?"


    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) YdfXSKP

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Nadarr 5th December 2016, 9:48 am

    Tex was sitting in the guild hall like normal sipping her tea ,today was green tea however she was normally fine with any kind normally.  As she sat there she did what she normally did...she was gambling in the guild hall against people who thought they could bet her...she was currently undefeated though she made it a policy not to lose.  As she was playing acting interested so the poor sap would give more jewels to the pot  milking it for what he has she looked up at a glance seeing Raiza come in but not alone there was a girl with , possibly a new recruit.  As she looked back she simply stated "Time to end this game" she said laying her hand down.  She watches the life leave his eyes as she cleaned him out. He then got up and stormed out though all she dis was smile pleasingly. she then stood up straightening her dress and grabbing her cup of tea walking over to the fireplace to meet her.  

    As she walked over getting to the Fireplace she took a sip of her tea before stopping looking at them both "Hello /my name Is Tex I assume you new here no?"  She says then looking at Raiza "and hello to you as well."  she said being sure to include him.  She then set her tea down on a small table  and sat down in an armchair as gave her pleasant smile again as she sat there.  She then summoned a coin and twirled it between her fingers.  "I must say it is rare to see new guild members around here lately..."  she said looking at her examining her a bit was she Savage Skull material she didn't know.  She assumed yes since RAiza was with her but she was vastly curious regardless as she waited for one of them to respond as she twirled the coin and took a sip of her warm tea every now and again.

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Bass 5th December 2016, 4:00 pm

    "Yes us new types are quite the rarity." said a voice that had a slight melodic quality to it. A man walked over. His walking gait wasn't quite normal. Occasionally he'd do a small step or a large step or a succession of quick steps and he'd even move back on himself or sway slightly. Despite the fact that the floor was of a uniform material and should sound the same each step seemed to be a musical note in itself. In his hand was a cane and twirling around it a bowler cap which with a flick landed atop his head as he came to a stop. "Felix Tchaikovsky at your service. Though calling myself a new member is perhaps a bit of an over statement as I haven't formally joined the guild as of yet." As he came to a halt a tray suddenly flew onto his hand on which were four drinks. He couldn't quite guess what these people's tastes were, especially the other newcomer, as he'd only really had time for brief conversations. Still, based on their personalities, clothing style, speech pattern etc or at least what he'd observed so far he'd hazarded a guess.

    It was perhaps worth noting at this point that he was in fact standing on the ceiling, which was fairly impressive considering the hat remained atop his head and the drinks remained firmly balanced atop the tray which was, fortunately, the right way up. A fact which only seemed to dawn on him a few moments after. With an elegant motion he flipped round and seemed to float down in a graceful fashion without spilling a single drop of the drinks. "I hope the drinks are to your liking. It only makes sense that a newer member should serve the more senior ones." he paused again realising another mistake. "Though as I said still not technically a member, but good first impression's and all that." Despite his apparently jovial, forgetful personality there was no denying that he had been walking along the ceiling as if it was nothing and seemed fairly acrobatic. It seemed to caused him no real effort at all and the magic power emanating from him wasn't that of your average new member.

    The new member was, as he had said, Felix Tchaikovsky and that name might not mean a lot to a lot of the members of the guild. However, for those in the know about areas outside of Fiore it might be possible that they would of heard of the company for which he had gained his middle name. Hyperion. It was a company specializing in advanced cutting edge tech to make soldiers a lot more than what they were and it was the company he ran. If they knew this then they might wonder why someone as well known would come to such an infamous guild seeking to join it. Then again they might not know that and just think him an average mage with a high level of power. The future held many paths and few could see it. Felix could, to some extent, but that was a power he was not trying to exert too much at the moment. All the possible paths and trying to discern it tended to give him a headache.


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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) 8Xdz1Cq

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Sayrn 7th December 2016, 10:06 am

    Watching the reactions of those that would look her way she could easily deduce that the person that had greeted her upon entrance was someone of high standing, how fortunate. Eyes shifted away as they met Raiza’s and she would listen to them explain the fact that they could easily produce her a lab environment though they had no clue what she herself did. With a sigh she would reach down to her side and pull out a small vial filled to the brim with black liquid, “This is an experimental poison I developed, it is supposed to shut down the parts of the brain that would cause rational thought and force people to use instinct.” Throwing it to the ground she would sigh, “Current tests have shown that all it does is shut down the brain entirely so that batch was worthless.” In the distance as she spoke she could see someone playing a poker game the eyes of one looking like they were sad while the other seemed to have confidence. In her mind she could tell that the confidant one would lose if only due to the fact that they became confident as she would continue her speech to Raiza, “Now for the direct answer I myself am both a doctor and a toxicologist I study and once created cures for some of the worst poisons and venoms known to Earthland, and now I plan to make the worst.”

    Here eyes would quickly drift back to the table as she noticed the despair on the man's face a soft smile growing on her own as she chuckled knowing her hypothesis to be correct. After a few moments she would watch the lady who had beaten the man in cards walk over a cup of tea in their hands and confidence shining brightly from their face. Speaking of the rarity of new members Sayrn was about to speak when another voice rang through the halls almost melodic in nature causing her eyes to drift up towards the source. Watching them walk she could almost sense a rhythm in their steps as if they were listening to a music that no one else could hear as questions to the reason began to form in her mind. Listening to them speak she would watch the twirl a bowler hat upon their head and soon enough a tray fly right up to them with multiple drinks and all while upside down on the roof a factor which they themselves almost seemed to pleasantly not even realize.

    As the man who had introduced himself as Felix Tchaikovsky she would wrack her brain before a thought popped into her head and a smile grew on her face. Sayrn herself knew of this man not because of his face but his company a place known only as Hyperion a place Sayrn herself had worked with for a time in her developments for cures to certain bio-chemical weapons other nations had been utilizing so that the company could sell it for a profit. For her the fact that their owner had been a dark mage made sense in hindsight but now here they stood in front of her offering a drink. With a smile she would take the drink and nod her head in thanks, “Indeed thank you Felix, but to think you would come to the doors of Savage Skull… What would Hyperion do without you?” She knew that speaking of the company might be a bad idea yet she was curious to see the lengths they were willing to go, “Ah Raiza this man I know not from past meetings but more so because I have worked for their company before.” With a soft chuckle she would set the drink down on the tray once more having almost drank every last bit before turning her attention to the lady that had joined in with them, “As for you it is a pleasure to meet you, I can assume you are a mage with either one of two things, a magic based around luck and probability or at the very least VERY good poker skills.”

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Raiza 7th December 2016, 5:31 pm

    It wasn't long before more and more began to make their appearance in the conversation. Tex came first, which was a student to Raiza in some ways and they were soon going to be preparing for a job. On the other hand, there was Felix. A man whose name was passed around when he first ventured into the guild hall, but none of the other horsemen had taken up the chance to do the guild marks or the various other things. While it wasn't a tedious job, Raiza still yet let out a sigh. "Twix, go fetch 'it' please". His words were directed at no one person, but as he spoke a black ooze trailed from his feet until it took a strange malleable form. The figure it made was a long beast like creature long limbs and slick holding no detail as if it was just a living creature of ooze. This creature only stayed around for but a few seconds before it slithered up the wall into a crack, and was gone.

    "Right, so. I'd like to welcome you both to Savage Skull. Sayrn and Felix do you know where you would like your guild mark? If its in a spot you would rather not show in public, then we can do this later". Though it mattered not to him, as he cared less about if they wanted it done in public or not. The guild wasn't new to strange oddities, especially when it used to house such abnormal insanity such as the old piller of screams at one time. It actually was a lot more tame depending who you asked now-a-days, but yet still, the occasional gore or lewd act in the guild building was not out of the question after all.

    "First off, I'd like to say, Sayrn, I'm glad we have such a fine expert in the medical and toxicology fields as you. It'll be nice for a change for some of our members to receive medical attention when they require it rather than rely on shady black market doctors. I can see such a position being quite handy, and a handful to you. I'm sure we may have a few steady hands(npcs) in the building that if you require assistants, perhaps a new wing of the structure could happen." Not particularly caring for the failed experiment, though it was a neat idea of toxicology to be introduced. Perhaps Savage skull will return to the older days when poluting water and the earth itself could come in handy. Though he could also see why restraint may also be needed. "Of course, your toxicology is also much useful, quite handy too. I look forward to visiting you when you work to see how it goes. If you require something, and It is not a hassel, I may help you with it."

    Turning his head towards Felix, a grin on his face appeared. "Felix, I've not heard of your company that Sayrn spoke of, but I assure you, it will not come under harm from Savage Skull. A company being ran by a member of this guild is that member's property, and not the guilds. So I look forward to seeing you prosper with your company. Perhaps the guild can profit by purchasing from it. Quite the interesting thought actually. What country is it located in? I was actually thinking of getting something running myself. Tell me, have you heard of the military candy? The three that amplifies the body's strength, toughness, and their speed? Was looking to mass produce that, and supply it to the guild. Your expertise could come in handy, so I may enlist you to help me with numbers. Of course, you'll be paid for your time."

    As Raiza finished up, Twix(his pet) had arrived by slithering across the ground as black liquid and attaching itself to Raiza's foot, and then being soaked up into him as if it was never gone. On Raiza's hand appeared a small device, a guild tattoo stamp. Except this 'stamp' was more magical, and left a tattoo that was put onto the skin and took quite the effort to remove. It was the more humane way of doing this, rather than what Raiza had asked for all those years ago.

    With all that said and Done, Raiza could have passed on the drink due to not being a living thing, but still accepted and placed the glass next to himself on the table. "Thank you Felix. Just know I do not expect such a thing. We are all a guild, a team united to ensure the future of the guild. I do not require anyone to bow or worship me."


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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Nadarr 10th December 2016, 12:32 pm

    As Tex Listen she politely nodded at the new girl "Yes both those are correct" she would say as she said what she thought her magic was then there was the man known as Felix...what a character was the best to describe him his movements and all however she needed say anything since Riaza was already on top of it, She saw him bring drinks over as well however since she had her tea she made to perfection there was very little need for it so she politely declined the gentleman's offer. Tex Sat there sipping her Tea looking at both Felix and Sayrn as they talked just remaining Quite as they both spoke looking at a black Slime like thing leave and return with the guild stamp and Just listened. These two individuals interested Tex to say the least however her eye's lit up as she remembered something she had to do. So with that she finished her Tea and stood up "It was a pleasure to meet you both, unfortunately I must go I'll see you around though." she said leaning down to get her cup grabbing it. with that she started to walk out of the room calmly, the guild was growing and at a rapid pace which was good to see all the expations happening. nothing filled her with more hope then to see the guild grow, hope funny she wanted that though that was the missing ingredient she needed. However she quietly left So she could go to h her casino she frequented lately she had "Buisness" to take care of though anyone who knew Tex knew what she was leaving to do.

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Bass 11th December 2016, 7:21 am

    There was a brief pause as his company was mentioned. So he had been recognised, but as she mentioned working for the company instantly a file within his mind opened. He had every employee that had ever been hired by the company memorized. Pictures, family, departments, contributions, pay grade, access levels etc.

    "Ah yes Sayrn Firrion, you worked under, or should I say with, Andrew Sia the former head of our toxicology department. It was a shame you left as our labs got a few upgrades shortly after that would of greatly expediated your research. Unfortunately, Mr Sia wasn't quite competent enough to use them and well...his body was never found. Sad really as what he developed...was very interesting." This was perhaps a hint to the darkner nature of the company. Sia hadn't dissapeared due to incompetence, but due to other reasons. There were a lot of rumours about Hyperion. Many of them were true, but no proof had been found and that was perhaps the greatest reason for the rumours. No-one could find any real dirt on them.

    "It would be difficult for my company to come under harm from Savage Skull, at least with the state it is now. That is one of the reasons I came here because I felt the services of my company might be useful in bringing about the second, or is it fourth, coming of the guild. Its always useful for companies that grow to particular size to have some unknown connections. An ace up the sleeve as it were." Felix said simply though perhaps there was a cryptic note to his otherwise melodious tones. As if there was something he wasn't quite telling as of yet.  "And that is why I have come to join the guild. It is a way of offering up my services, and that of my company, in exchange for the aid of the guild in more...illicit activites. Of course, the guild would be reimbursed with more than my membership. We do develop such a lot of weaponry and equipment at our main base in Bosco, and our other bases. Or if entertainment is needed I have heard great reports about our virtual reality department's latest venture. Blade Song Online."

    He lifted the back of his jacket and shirt and pointed at the base of his spine. "Here and as close to flesh colour as possible...it reduces the necessary risk of having a guild mark." he said with a tilt of his head. "I hope that is fine with you...also as a note the drinks weren't servitude. They were more to make a good first impression."


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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Sayrn 12th December 2016, 4:40 pm

    Her eyes would watch Raiza as they spoke their words and she would shake her head, “No assistants needed, I will get one on my own time when I feel bored or if I require one, it is better I go without anyways we would not want corpses to be piling up anyways while I do my work.” As she finished her speech she would watch Tex leave the place saying she had things to do, she herself would wave goodbye before looking at Raiza and raising a brow, “I have nothing to hide, normally I would put the mark on my back but considering the clutter there already.” Waving a hand over her left breast the clothing that was there would almost open up as if it had never been there with her pressing a finger the top of her breast, “Right here, make it crimson.” With a sigh she would look over to felix and wave her hands without care, “I left because I felt like it, nothing more, I had nothing to gain at the time so I continued my work with ease.” Listening to the circumstances she would chuckle, “Really? Disappeared? What a shame they were quirky too always loved to run their mouths.” She had little care for them and was more amused than anything but for now she would sigh and wait for the stamp before anything.

    Once she had gotten her mark she would grin and nod her head, “With that I am going to go get my plans worked out for my lab, Felix I might contact you later I will be in need of equipment for the lab since most of my old stuff is still in my previous lab contained inside Infinity Hydra…” With that said she would simply wave her hand before walking off towards a room she could claim to get plans and a layout set up.

    ~Exit Thread~

    The Red Player

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    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) Empty Re: Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro)

    Post by Raiza 13th December 2016, 12:25 am

    A nod of the head as he headed foward, gently pressing the stamp onto Felix's back where he wanted, making sure it was perfect before he charged energy into it, leaving the near skin colored tattoo in it's place. The mark wouldn't be seen too easily by those any sort of distance because of the color, but up and close it was easily there, just a few shades off. Though finalizing the mark when he pushed mana into it to force it to glow for a second while it seeped into the skin. "Alright Felix, you're done". He spoke, heading over to Sayrn whom he would then comply with the exact color and location that she had wanted it. "Old marks can easily be removed if you need me to. Though I'll assume they're still there for a reason", not particularing caring one way or the other as he finalized the mark after having put mana into it to trigger the setting process, and making the mark finalized.

    "You're both done, and Sayrn, perhaps I'll drop by then to see your work if you don't mind. I don't have much time for it any more, but I used to do a lot of research related things in the past. "

    After finally speaking his mind, Raiza let the shadows themselves engulf him, before it seemed as if he simply burst into darkness, having completely moved from that room.

    [exit thread]


    Toxic Memory (Sayrns Intro) YdfXSKP

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