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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)


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    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 25th October 2016, 8:50 pm


    ’This place could use a bit of sprucing up,’ the woman noted when they cleared the platform. Despite the train’s receding smoky scent something a bit crisp and “burnt” continued to hang in the air. The reason remained simple enough as black smudges and crisped portions of buildings and road had yet to be replaced or properly scrubbed from previous encounters from some fire mage gone “mad” or so the job detailed. His handiwork painted portions and even some of the milling people could be spotted sporting bandages here and there, everyone a little too wary for Rohma’s liking.

    The raven haired woman was used to being on alert during her travels, aware from a young age that the world wasn’t the friendly place some people would lead one to believe. No, as researchers of history and archeologists of dig sites Rohma’s parents taught her at a young age about the dangers of bandits, smugglers, and other sorts. To have this town acting the same way an inadequately protected team acted…felt rather disheartening to her. She very much preferred the more upbeat feeling of these hubs despite a minor lookout for the occasional thug or thief.

    Hands unintentionally brushed one of the holsters of her pistols, unconsciously reaffirming their comforting presence for when things went wrong. They’d inevitably have to in order for the group to deal with the miscreants. ”Well…things sound all right for now…” the wanderer rubbed the back of her head beneath her thick ponytail, eyes averting down a street, ”doesn’t seem like this guy has any set “show time” so to speak, ‘least not one the job mentioned. We could split up, see if we find anything and in the meanwhile maybe question people about this weird fellow. Find out what he looks like if nothing else.” Likely caused by panic, but the paper Copy chose off the job board mentioned very little beyond “fire magic” for the guy, not even a photo included in this instance. Then again the very hand writing came off as panicked, as though the writer hastily and choppily put it together to get it out there as fast as possible. Details often fell by the wayside in such states.

    Not exactly a natural born leader, Rohma decided to lean towards Rowan and Copy's preference. She might be used to going alone on things, but team work held its merits with Wolfe and she didn't exactly want to leave the new guy without some support - whether or not he'd admit as much aloud.



    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 25th October 2016, 9:33 pm

    In contrast to Rohma’s careful observation of the town and its circumstances, Rowan hardly noticed the bleak and cautious atmosphere. Instead, the plasma mage was deep in thought… about the issue of revealing his true name to Copy. Rowan hadn’t gotten around to reintroducing himself to the new recruit, and now he was starting to worry. A deep lie often led to deep trouble, and he felt that it was about time to set things straight. Of course, normal people didn’t simply turn to their acquaintance before saying something along the lines of, “Oh hey, I lied, my name is actually —“ before turning away and expecting nothing to happen. With this in mind, Rowan followed closely behind Rohma as they departed from the train platform. It took a moment for him to realize that the gun toting Hydra was suggesting some plan of action. His ears had only toned in for the latter half of her suggestion, but it was enough for Rowan to get the gist of it. “Split up? Never a good idea my friend. I do think we should get some info, but I’ll defer to whatever you say newbie.” As he added his piece to the conversation, Rowan turned to give his attention to Copy. Even if the group didn’t manage to get a basic profile on the guy, Rowan felt confident in his abilities to keep them alive until they could gather some critical info on the criminal’s magic. The name issue could wait until later, but Rowan did feel that they should know each other’s abilities at the least. Quickly adding to his previous suggestion, Rowan tossed a casual question before Copy could respond. “And what sorta magic do you guys use?”

    ((288/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
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    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: 2nd Gen. Metal Dragon Slayer
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 26th October 2016, 7:24 am

    While the three sat idly on the train, throughout the travels the two new faces to Copy would inevitably come to the same conclusion. He wasn't necessarily one to talk 'a lot' - This did not discount necessarily sounds though. With a profuse gluttony he had gone through many crunchy snack bars, a few travel cartons of jelly beans and otherwise had filled their cabin's trash-bin alone. All while he retained a simple, bare expression as if this was normal- Unusually, he himself was rather lean despite what seems like fairly normal eating habits.
    While he devoured his own weight in snacks (a bit exaggeratedly) his eyes focused for sometime throughout the window of the train, seeking details that lingered in the distance- This became ever more present when they drew near to the village of Oak Town. The scars of former battles were the first time during the full trip that his expression shifted ever so, to a concerned and upset frown. Each of his brows furrowed until the train had stopped at the moment, the announcement of their arrival stirred his focus back on track- pun intended. This was given as his shoulder jerked and eyes set on the other two while they departed to the platform. Only giving the perspective of the ruined parts even more effect on Copy.

    Dressing his stature to that of his usual confidence, masking the aura that of which held Copy dubious of his own strengths- And a bit on the others that have yet to discuss what each of them actually manifested- That is until Rohma and Rowan took foot to speak. "In-between" was really his first comment as if drawing attention to himself, a tactic some frequent speakers wield. Drawing his steeled attention to either of his companions "While in normal circumstances- I would fully agree with you, I'm a bit concerned with the distinct lack of information beyond 'fire-power' and feel we may not be fully equipped to just break and go for information around town." He paused, taking a breath, lifting both hands up and resting them atop his hips; his coat furrowing from the new force to the fabric, pinching it and causing the wind to blow against it more erratically when it had. "While, I am certain you're both very powerful. It does not discount our enemies may be just as powerful, or greater- Taking the risk of three suspicious looking mages may draw them to ambush us one at a time... Not ideal of course, even if we were to hear a loud explosion. Any number of inconveniences could arise and stall the others from assisting." He had cleared his throat this time, tapping his chin. About this time Rowans' inquiry of skills dropped. His form while remaining structured, had twisted ever-so lightly to face Rowan. While putting up a guise to his own understanding of weakness, he wasn't as trained as any other guild-member, in-fact. He trained almost entirely alone; causing some significant strains in his progression- But it wasn't a necessary comment if the three kept together, right? He thought to himself a paused moment afore responding. "A variation of aura-magic. I need to get up close and personal to combine close-quarter combat and my own spells."

    Finalizing his comment he turned to Rohma who had remained silent to grace the other two to discuss. "My conclusion is we keep together, Oak Town isn't large enough that these fire mages can roam forever without us noticing. And odds are it'll increase the safety of our own in the process. If in agreeance or not though- We should probably start somewhere. Yes?"

    It was at this moment he flashed a faked, but at the very least attempted grin. Until it shifted to his usual flat-expression. It was clear he was inconvenienced with having to make the social adjustment to start their walking, but with some poor body language he had made the suggestion to start walking further into town. If either of them followed, or cared to observe- it was to a part of town not as damaged as the others, ruffians liked making noise- And making examples. Perhaps a stroke of luck Copy chose that direction, or he knew how those kinds acted. It wasn't fully certain.

    [3] [713/250]



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 28th October 2016, 2:06 am

    While life didn’t always follow fictitious routes – such as groups splitting up in horror novels leading to bad situations – things often found inspiration in life. Splitting up in the way Copy described it would be rather problematic, especially with their lack of simply knowing each other’s capabilities as something Rowan reminded her. ’Group stuff really is strange.’ A voice in the back of her mind chuckled darkly at her, the woman shoving it further into the gutters. She really didn’t want to think about him right now.

    ’Field Trip style it is.’ The reasons had been well thought out though despite her mental jests, eyes scanning about to see if anyone may’ve paid them extra attention. So far the people appeared just as wary, but that didn’t mean much as she lazily peered the other way around with an alteration. Cryptic and arcane words jittered before her eyes, many moving with the bodies that housed them as others merely jittered in place, locked within barrels and crates, or buildings and furniture hidden behind the walls. One set in particular seemed rather quick to leave, disappearing into a thicker crowd of the same symbols housed by other bodies. It gave her a moment’s pause before attention returned to the two before her.

    One thing remained certain throughout the discussion and especially towards the end: their new member lacked in social skills. It was kind of entertaining to watch really as the fellow offered Rowan something of a cringe-worthy grin, Rohma pursing her lips a little as not to allow so much as a chuckle out. Really it wasn’t directly laughing at him per se, but she’d also seen far worse to the man’s credit. At least he wasn’t dropping beautifully awful pickup lines or performing abysmal “magic tricks” for kids. She still gave props to the fellow who’d managed to actually stab himself and yet not alarm the children.

    Since he appeared keen to get moving Rohma decided to let him lead. Give him practice if nothing else as her boots made light pats against the stone floor. For now she’d keep silent on the moving target, though kept one of her eyes transitioned to read the archaic symbols of the world’s laws and compositions, curious to see if it might crop back up. ”Probably not much of a surprise,” she answered casually, hands finding their way into her shorts’ pockets, ”I use gun magic. S’the easiest way to classify it since it’s got a lot of tricks to it.” For many years the girl used the pistols as conduits, finding it far simpler to explain her magic that way. It also sounded far less confusing and startling that way for people to rationalize. She’d gone so far as to remove the “scripture” part of the description as it lead to more questions than she liked on the matter. Eyes inevitably drifted to the third fellow who’d sparked the question in the first place, her eyebrow raising as if to ask “and you?”




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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by NPC 28th October 2016, 2:06 am

    The member 'Rohma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) WeakMonster Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) NormalMonster Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) NormalMonster
    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 31st October 2016, 4:58 pm

    Rowan nodded thoughtfully as both Copy and Rohma gave short and simple explanations of their magics. It seemed that their little trio was quite balanced with a close range fighter, a long range fighter, and himself. Of course, the other two didn’t know what sort of magic he used, and spurred on by Rohma’s raised eyebrow, Rowan promptly filled them in. “I use Plasma Magic, I can protect you guys from other magic, or boost what yours, just let me know what ya need!” To add some flair to his explanation, Rowan brandished his hands not unlike a performing magician.  Just as Rowan shook his hands flashily, a small fireball whizzed dangerously close by Rowan’s head and into a nearby building. Fortunately, the projectile hadn’t hit anyone and as another plus, the building was made of stone. There was only a slight pause before Rowan turned in the direction that the fireball had come and searched for the attackers. In the short moment that it took for the plasma mage to spot the fire-user, the nearby civilians sprung into a panic, dropping whatever they had in hand before seeking the nearest shelter.

    Rowan grunted as he prepared an offensive spell to sling at the enemy, but he quickly stopped the magic when he noticed five other mages positioned near the initial attacker. The trio was outnumbered six to three, and wasting magic power on a weak offensive spell would definitely not work out well. It seemed that Rowan wouldn’t be able to get his teammates support preference, but he needed to act quickly. Making a split decision, Rowan doled out two support spells, one right after the other. First Rowan concentrated on Rohma and her magical presence. He felt the familiar magical orifices that allowed magic to flow out of the body, and with some minimal effort, opened up the gun-slinger’s magical ability. The sensation that Rohma would feel would most resemble congestion being suddenly relieved as her magic flowed freely for a brief moment. Moving onto Copy, Rowan remembered that the newbie needed to be up-close and personal, and with some more effort he crafted his signature plasma barrier around the close-ranged fighter. The shield rippled with blue energy as the sphere materialized around Copy before going completely transparent, almost as if it weren’t there. With the spells cast, Rowan felt the need to give a quick explanation of what he just did. “Copy, you’ve got a plasma barrier, it blocks magic, but nothing else, Rohma, your next spell is boosted, make it count.” It had seemed that all goofiness had left the plasma mage, and now he was all business.

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 75%

    Spells Used:

    ((446/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
    D:12 C:3

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    First Skill: Aura - Broken Dreams
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen. Metal Dragon Slayer
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 11th November 2016, 3:17 pm

    "Hmph." Was the only sound he made in acknowledgement to the shield. His eyes wandered around it a moment to grasp its distance around his body.
    With a quick and decisive movement this agility became his saving-grace. With the targets in sight, the tip of his foot clipped to the stone and launched across the stone-work with an audible 'thud' per foot-fall.

    While the distance closed, and a few smaller balls of flames scattering around his form inconsequentially. A black-blue constellation ridden aura began to flow around his body, the young man's eyes steeled and drew focus on the two that appeared to be the weakest links. Upon reaching approximately twelve-feet from their position not only was his form easily target-able but protected- But as were theirs.

    "Broken Dreams" he thought to himself as the aura around him flared excitedly reaching a few feet around him in all directions. His own body contorted under what had a somewhat heat-wave illusion. Spreading either leg shoulder width apart and his arms bent by the elbow straight along his torso. Centering his palms together to his stomach and a burdened expression plastered across his face as a high-pitched screech echoed the streets, while he extended both hands outwards; palms outstretched and strained visibly and extension of the very same aura fired out in two points, each pointedly like spears.
    "Arms of the Broken!" he shouted the two aura points solidified as they rocketed about five feet from the ground, the stonework still uprooted as each spear like appendage carried its own inward force. Each tip was aimed to impale with little regard of safety through the torso's of the two (D-Ranks?). While this brutal and disregard of life force lunged out, his body had appeared to have to stay in position during the whole time.

    Used Abilities:

    (Word Count - 305/250)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 17th November 2016, 1:10 am

    For one glorious second Rohma felt the presence of her proper magic, a gap widened large enough she could almost seize it for herself again. Perchance even break that awful connection…and then it all came crashing down again. The hole reduced back to the size of a straw as though she were trying to drink a lake through it. In the back of her mind a voice laughed with mirth at the apple dangled before her only to be rudely snatched away again mixed with the relief one felt upon escaping danger. So few people could offer that odd mixture of emotions for the fellow…

    ”Not today dear, though for thinking of the temptation I’m afraid I’ll have to punish you…just a bit I promise. Do keep up the effort though, I’d hate to see the fire die too quickly.”

    ’Damn him,’ she mentally cursed. The man knew exactly the cause and yet acted blind to the truth if only to further her ire, something Rohma struggled to keep internally as she glared at the trouble causers. She retained some of the boost even if not to her original magic, feeling the threads of reality slip away from her grasp a little more. ’At least he won’t let me blow the lie completely.’

    Channeling one of the spells into her pistols she felt the effects of what she surmised to be a hammer fill them. Two men fell from Copy’s quick maneuver, Rohma not paying attention to the extensive harm he might’ve inflicted as she fired shot after shot. Two concussive blows to two of the more formidable men sent them flying, lying where they landed with the air thoroughly knocked from them, maybe even a broken rib or few. A third one received a shot to the head that sent his cranium slamming into a nearby building and slumping to the ground, lights out for the next while. Fire grazed her shoulder as one of the foes still standing lobbed the orb at her, flames kissing the woman’s shoulder as she ducked away and winced at the sweltering feeling growing there. ’Damn I hate that element.’




    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 21st November 2016, 9:15 pm

    Rowan watched attentively as Copy shot off quickly charging directly towards 2 of their foes. The plasma mage was pleased to see that his ally understood how valuable the magical shield was, and how the sword wielder spent no extra effort on attempting to dodge the fiery projectiles. Once Copy had closed the distance and dispatched two of the weaker mages, Rowan cheered and jumped excitedly at the successful counter attack, wasting some precious time. At the same time, Rohma fired off some attacks of her own before narrowly evading a return spell.

    Rowan cursed himself inwardly for celebrating prematurely and risking one of his teammates getting hit by a spell. Refocusing on the task at hand, Rowan tallied up the enemies losses. The Hydras had taken out the three weaker fire mages, but two of the stronger foes remained standing despite being injured. The final mage was completely untouched, and it seemed he had been the only one to return fire quickly enough. The fire user realized he had just narrowly missed his initial attack and grinned slyly as he charged up another fireball. Rowan returned the smile and made a rather rude gesture towards the fire mage, spurring on the attack. As expected the fire mage quickly let loose a fireball in Rowan’s direction. The plasma mage had been prepared to use one of his signature spells, Plasma Sponge, to counter the attack, but he realized with some shock that this fireball was bigger than any Plasma Sponge he could conjure up. With some regret, Rowan evaded the attack, positioning himself closer to Rohma. Without another Plasma Barrier, Rowan and Rohma were completely open to attacks, and he quickly explained their predicament to the gunslinger. “Come on Rohma, I’ll lend you some magic power, so don’t hold back, we have to keep hitting them with attacks so that they don’t have enough time to shoot back at us! Just until I can get another Plasma Barrier up!” As he spoke, Rowan reached out to Rohma with a magical link, ready to take on the burdens of spell casting.

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 75%


    Unique Ability Used:

    ((350/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
    D:12 C:3

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 823
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    First Skill: Aura - Broken Dreams
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen. Metal Dragon Slayer
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 22nd November 2016, 7:05 pm

    After unleashing a spray of collateral intensive aura spells. His aura flared viciously in turn as it recuperated its initial state, the spectacle of darkness and light specks floating around like a separate area returned to its peace; but such peace only lasts for so long. As the first clash of forces was being concluded; while Copy utilized the shield to its' purpose, his role and position were critical to how he retained a combative demeanor and to be useful no less. So his body, twisted, weaved and evaded fireballs, the occasional swing of a weapon or body-part.
    Once things got close and personal it was at this point that he drew out an elongated katana that was otherwise simplistic in design. In order to primarily deflect anything he was too preoccupied to divide his attention to, or to approve him the relief of a breath to re-position for further conflict.

    Unfortunately his methods in combat were exhaustive, and even in such a short bout with the three and the evasive scraps with the other fire mages already had sweat drizzling down either side of his face. The bangs stuck to his forehead and cheeks alike. Thankfully, such inconveniences were driven into his conviction of combat and distracted him none. The steeled fury in his eyes remained true and silver, drawing on this. His aura once more erupted in a blaze of transparent darkness; his left arm extended in a snap-speed pointing to the head of this pack. Twisting and molding the aura into a homing rocket of aura that shaped into a chain that in a blur of motion twisted around his torso. Along the length of this near-ethereal chain shot out dozens of smaller aura chains to the Earth to drive the man into submission.

    While this occurred, Copy’s movements never halted. Feet danced against the stone-work in a flurry of exasperation and disorientation to remain on top of things. In a rush of clarity, his foot falls were an advantage. That not only helped stifle off some heated balls of flame- But brought himself nearer to one of the freely moving targets, swinging his two-handed katana with a single hand. While the attack itself missed, the goal succeeded in distracting and staggering the other opponents to buy his allies time to do their thing!

    Used Abilities:

    (Word Count - 387/250)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

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    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 30th November 2016, 2:35 am

    Things turned into a fast-paced dance quickly, something Rohma found herself comfortable with from times past. Later she could grin at Rowan’s antics, the fellow a worthy distraction that offered her a moment to quickly reorient herself as she forced the burn to the back of her mind. The evasive plasma mage posed an interesting proposition though she surmised this could be finished with little more than some finagling and a low-ranked spell. ”All right, but no tripping if I don’t take much!” A roguish grin lit up her face as she quickly shoved her original pistols back into their holsters only for another pair to quickly manifest into her palms. Little musketeer cat charms hung from them.

    The first shot she aimed towards the man currently falling to his knees from the otherworldly chains. She wouldn’t be taking him out per say, but he’d make for a more docile target now if they didn’t just leave him disoriented and chained up for a spot of questioning when all was said and done. The man’s vision would become addled from the extra explosive shot as it went off inside him, leaving no physical marks and yet shaken all the same.

    Guns swiveled towards the other two, one shot firing and slamming into the man trying to fend off Copy’s swordplay. Another few shots and the pair found themselves out of breath and barely able to support themselves as their bodies ached and yet not so much as a bruise would be found later despite blossoming pain all over. She’d leave the last fellow for Copy to deal with, unsure if his magic would stay in that form or if they’d have to knock the fellow out and tie the lot up. ”We’re gonna have to be on guard though…don’t think we were exactly quiet.” With blasts of light from fire, her gunshots, and the general commotion of combat other cronies might’ve been alerted if not their main foe. ’Though where are they lurking..’ Though through it all she rather liked the quartet of borrowed pistols. When she’d started one feline sported green highlights whilst the other bore yellow, but by the end they held blue and red. They might not have carried too many shots between them, but the switch and reload wasn’t awful by a longshot.

    Eyes searched around again, squinting as she tried to fight through her magical blockades and read beyond reality again. Things remained too hazy, especially with people still scrambling to get away from the fight.




    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    First Skill: Plasma Magic
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 10th December 2016, 6:21 pm

    Rowan let out a mini cheer as Rohma switched things up, starting with her weapons. He watched with some wonder as she quickly let loose a flurry of magical bullets. Of course, the plasma mage could do little more than just watch at the moment with his primary support spells exhausted, but it was clear that the Hydras were quickly gaining the upper hand. As Rohma’s bullets hit their marks, Rowan’s attention shifted to Copy’s quick-footed swordplay. The newbie was doing rather marvelously for their first outting and Rowan admired the swordman’s high stamina. After a moment, it looked that there was only one foe remaining and Rowan let out a slight sigh of relief. The trio had mostly fended off the attack, and while Rohma was still on her toes, the plasma mage was already ready to take a breather. Fast paced combat definitely wasn’t something Rowan excelled at.

    Flexing his fingers, Rowan decided he’d rush over to help Copy with the final fire mage with something that would teach the rascal a lesson. He pushed out with his legs and sprinted forward, conviction in his eyes. His next spell required him to be up close, and after a few meters, Rowan’s magic link with Rohma dispelled. The distance quickly closed down from 15 meters to 10, to 7, and with some flair Rowan punished the evildoer. “Reap the consequences of your misuse of magic!” Clenching his fingers into a fist quickly, Rowan smote down the fire mage with one of his favorite spells. “Feedback!” The effects were almost instantaneous, the foe’s usage of magic left his magic “container” empty, and the void was quickly converted into physical damage. A flash of blue light exploded from the fire mage before he fell over unconscious from the pain. Rowan skidded to a stop as he completed the spell, posing heroically with his arms crossed. Right up until some backlash damage bounced back from the sheer power of the spell. Rowan released a slight grunt as he felt the sudden burst of pain explode from his gut, doubling over to catch his breath.

    HP: 180/200
    MP: 60%

    Spell Used:

    ((353/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 7th January 2017, 9:59 pm

    Everything was much of a blur for him amidst the combat that ensued. The long-range of his allies co-existed well with his rather aggressive-natured aura spells. The thought of this drew an exhausted smirk across his face, paired with the sleek sweat and dirt that caressed his skin and clothes from the fast movement and explosive spells of their foes.

    From where he stood the chains that bound the final foe had inevitably worn off when the combat slowly ceased from the fast and ruthless combination from Rowan and Rohma, it was well executed he thought. But regardless his mind and body were exposed to a lot of combat in such a short period of time. While this was his style of combat, otherwise his aura would eat away at him at an increasingly devastating speed, it was still somewhat clear he wore himself down some in just a short span of time.

    Turning to face Rohma and Rowan, his eyes lidded half-way as if to conserve energy while the hostilities were subsided for the moment, he knew that this could not have been the sole aggressors of the mission. Calling out while he closed the distance between them with short strides. "Where too next then? I imagine we will want to keep close with one another, these lot seem to travel in rather large packs." upon growing closer to the others, he had sheathed his sword in the time and the aura that expanded a decent size around him at returned to his flesh as if nothing had changed. Excusing the bruises.

    [263/250 Words]

    (Side-Bar: I am really sorry for how long it took me to respond... Over December I ended up Moving my house of 5, getting hospitalized, getting the cold, small break of breathing, getting the flu and now I'm just recovering >_<.

    Moving on, I am not sure how to proceed. I was told by Rohma to roll two monster dice so I am!)



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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by NPC 7th January 2017, 9:59 pm

    The member 'Copy' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) NormalMonster Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) WeakMonster

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 7th January 2017, 11:15 pm

    As much as Rohma would’ve liked to split up and cover more ground she admitted Copy held a point. Between the way Rowan held his gut – what happened there? – and how Copy looked it might be a moment before he regained his strength splitting up would likely end badly. Perhaps his magic left him winded or required a lot of effort? ’Guess we’ll have to try and keep things brief…though these guys luckily don’t seem too strong.’ Though…she couldn’t help wondering why these guys decided to cause such trouble. There hadn’t been reports of them blackmailing or extorting people, so personal gain seemed out. ’They didn’t exactly call out or drop a single threat: straight to attack.’ Mentally going through the events the initial attack came as a surprise and the men hadn’t exactly exhibited any banter or…anything. At all. ’What’re the chances they’ve figured out speechifying’s a bad way to go? Not that it did them much good in the end…’

    It might’ve been rude to ignore the question from their new guild mate, but Rohma’s concentration settled on her magic as she peered down at one of the unconscious men. Trying to fight through some of the restrictions her less-than-stellar half placed a few moments ago proved more annoying than she’d like. Something that was normally as mindless as flipping a light switch became obnoxious like a new jar of pickles pretending it’d super glued its lid in place. Whereas normally her eyes might remain normal they gained a glow around the edges of her irises as she peered at the knocked out fellows. Finally the words of a language unreadable to most became visible and allowed the woman to mull over what she saw.

    ”For now we move and try to figure out who’s causing these groups to attack people willy-nilly,” she finally spoke after a few minutes, eyes retaining their glow as she scoped the area. They narrowed, spying another group two streets over, ”Though there’s another group a street over we can either take down sneak-style, or tail and hope they don’t start attacking citizens.” Considering the ruckus scared a fair bit of folk away the group would have to seek out targets…but at the same time letting them have that chance would likely be a bit much. The main problem would be drawing out whoever started all this hoopla. ”If we can keep one conscious though I might be able to work something out ‘cause whatever spell’s been worked on these guys is already wearing thin. They’ll likely wake up confused why they’re battered and on the street. I can work with an active magic signature.”



    Rowan Protegan
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 11th January 2017, 2:03 pm

    The pain from Rowan’s last spell only lasted momentarily, and within a few moments, the plasma mage began to catch his breath. As his concentration returned, Rowan caught the back end of Copy’s suggestion to stick together and he turned to Rohma to see what her input would be. At first she simply remained quiet as she examined the damage, and during this brief silence, the town’s people slowly began to trickle back, ignoring the unconscious mages at their feet. While Rohma continued her short examination, Rowan reflected on the quick battle that had just occured, arching one of his eyebrows in confusion. “Isn’t weird how none of these guys said a word?” He spoke the observation aloud, but it was mostly directed to himself. Finally, it seemed that Rohma had finished doing whatever it was she was doing and Rowan carefully listened to their choices.

    After hearing the options, Rowan wasted no time on settling on one. “I say we take ‘em out, sneakily! We’ll position ourselves carefully and knock ‘em all down at once… except for one… right?” As he inputted his two cents, Rowan looked over to the group’s resident swordsman to assess their status. The plasma mage was mildly surprised to find that Copy was a bit roughed up and tired, but for the most part, unharmed. He decided that Copy was good to go for another bout before he moved on to Rohma. Like Copy, she only seemed mildly fatigued from their quick skirmish with the fire mages and Rowan gave her a mental checkmark as well.

    ((262/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 11th January 2017, 9:34 pm

    While the trio conversed and exchanged thoughts. Copy simultaneously had reached into his coat pocket and drew out a handkerchief, idly wiping off excess dirt from his flesh, clothing and otherwise everything about him. While maintaining eye-contact between the two, it was a bit odd of a sight; beyond such abnormality it seemed almost as if it were second-nature to him.
    His focus did indeed stay with them, even just by watching his eyes they wielded a sense of alacrity that a warrior focused on the words of a battlefield tactician.

    "I am with Rowan on the choice of stealth and a swift approach. We've already exhausted some of our stamina and without sight of the end. It would be wise to conserve what we have- Even if we feel fit to fight forever more." his tone was clean, it seemed what exhaustive appearances and changes to his bodily function have either been cleaned off, or were merely a temporary embodiment.
    During this he would have re-adjusted the blade and begun to peer along the rooftops nearby. With Rohma detecting a larger force nearby it was given that they needed to plot their choice route.
    With that, he'd point upwards to a roof-edge. The buildings were otherwise knit close enough to one another that they could hop across and get the jump on their foes if they were unsuspecting. "Why not take the birds-eye. It's something they shouldn't expect. And if we're lucky we could perhaps weed out more, or discover their greater locations.. Thoughts?" he inquired, his tone still retaining its simple tonal stoicism.

    [WC=267 | 15]



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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 16th January 2017, 3:39 am

    ”All righty: up top it is. Luckily the group appears rather weak so I don’t think we’ll have to worry too much and only about three strong…so as long as you two get a good blow in they’ll go down easy and I’ll handle the last fellow. We’ll flush out whoever’s causing all this ruckus and send his ass to jail.” While she might ponder the “whys” behind all of this that mystery took a back seat. Once they had the man in their sights and properly secured maybe they could get some answers, though that would be more a job for the police.

    Going up high suited her, Rohma preferring to take the ranged option when possible. Used to being out on the road alone the more cautious choice often proved the better. While the men down below didn’t prove too much a threat it was more their mysterious conductor of these events she worried about as controlling multiple targets wasn’t a feat for the new practitioner. This man held some skill under his belt and likely wouldn’t enjoy being flushed out the way she planned. Rohma allowed the two to choose their targets first, wanting to wait until her target experienced the full impact of surprise from the duet and his fallen comrades as it’d leave his mind the most prone to the rebound he was about to receive.

    Rohma warned them to steer clear of the third guy after they took down their chosen targets, wanting to ensure they didn’t get caught up in the mental link blow the poor fellow would soon experience. She waited until they struck and managed to get far enough away from him and then she squeezed the trigger. From up here it was a little hard, but the woman was sure she could just about see the whites of his eyes as everything felt like it moved in slow motion and she watched the bullet fly towards him. Ethereal in creation it didn’t shatter his skull – though later it might feel like it before downing some aspirin – but the man reeled back as his face blanked on emotion. A white spark flew from the falling man’s head as if following a line of gun powder until it struck the back of a cloaked man’s head.

    Clad in a dark green cloak the tall, lanky fellow doubled over as hands flew up to hold his head. Feet slid apart, widening his stance as the man turned and glared, eyes swiveling around to note as many targets as he could. Lips parted to reveal an almost immaculate smile if not for a small bit of spinach caught between his teeth, and a hand slid down to stroke his meager goatee, ”I see…so you’re the ones messing with my fun, hmm? Guess we’ll just have to fix that, now won’t we?”


    (Since we only needed to beat one group of foes gonna summon the boss man, feel free to control him!)


    Rowan Protegan
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 17th January 2017, 7:41 pm

    Rowan nodded in approval as the group unanimously agreed to take the stealth approach before heading in the second group’s direction. It seemed that Rohma and Copy were both going to take the high ground, and so Rowan decided he would attack from the ground. The Hydras quickly moved into position, and without further hesitation, Rowan fired off a plasma bolt at what seemed to be the weakest enemy. He had heeded Rohma’s warning and quickly bolted from the enemies as soon as his target was incapacitated. The plasma mage got away not a moment too soon, almost as soon as Rowan’s target had hit the ground, the third enemy flinched from some sort of mental attack that Rohma had fired off.

    Rowan let out a premature cheer as the attack connected, expecting for the enemy to fall just after one blow. A cold feeling trickled down his neck, however, as Rowan watched as the fellow simply spun around, almost immediately spotting all 3 of his attackers with an unsettling grin. The way he had simply reacted to their attack was all too unnatural, and instinctively Rowan took a step back. After stroking his goatee for a few moments, the head enemy raised his hands dramatically towards Rowan, and let out a soft chuckle. That simple act sent the plasma mage’s gut churning violently. Nearby civilians had been watching quietly for a few moments, and a slowly, a few cheers of encouragement began to ring out. The green robed man’s face twisted into a grimace before returning to a grin. “I think I’ll have to take your mind off me for a bit…” With those sinister words, dark magic quickly swirled out of his hands before being shot off towards some of the cheering people.

    ((295/250 Words. Rolling damage die to see if bossman mind controls some civvies))


    Rowan Protegan
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by NPC 17th January 2017, 7:41 pm

    The member 'Rowan Protegan' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Attack

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 21st January 2017, 1:08 pm

    It was clear the group didn't need anymore reason to deploy themselves in preparation for combat. When Rohma and Copy managed to get atop the rooftops; his eyes fell on Rowan that veered through a different path and squinted. Accepting the tactical advantage of flanking from a number of sides. Certainly the defensive one of the three was ideal to take the most clear route.
    "Stay safe." he worded to himself, afore his attention redirected to follow in tow with Rohma.

    The distance didn't take long to close with what Rohma said in the back of his mind he felt it may be best if he didn't make the first move. As she took position on a ledge with enough of a vantage point for sniping. He had enclosed the distance further- Keeping an eye on the reactions of the combatants. That is until Rowan made his move and it situated those for targeting.

    With a triumphant leap, Copy had mid-air drawn his katana. A gleam from the sunlight shone brightly down below- giving an element of dread to the target he set his eyes on. In the matter of seconds the man fell atop him swinging the sword with a fell-force; while it was clear Copy's convictions were for the good. He spared no resistance in proving that with a deadly edge, a contrast he wasn't fully fond of; but held true to what his heart felt. The spray of blood stapled his position in the field of combat, having been close to the fray as he often found himself. The flare of his aura began to flow like fire and water around his body in the transparent blue-black form. He was prepared!

    [284 Words | 18]



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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 25th January 2017, 12:28 am

    Given the man’s looks Rohma theorized he might be more of a “fanboy” type than truly evil. Someone who worshipped and admired the dark mages, but had yet to receive an invitation to one of the guilds. Then again he could’ve simply wanted to make a name for himself and this stood as stepping stone of some sorts. Faeral’s ponderings and judgements passed through her mind as the entity she could call a “brother” mused on why the man performed something so petty as terrorizing villagers. Then again he wasn’t exactly looking down on it either. The mere notion both irked and sickened Rohma.

    However she’d been forced to share his magic and called upon one of his spells, imbuing both pistols with the power of Dark Chime. She wanted every shot to count, taking aim at the same time as the man raised a hand towards Rowan and fired multiple shots. Even as a shield formed from shadows erected the bullets phased through and slammed into their foe. They wouldn’t leave physical marks, instead attacking the man’s mind and soul enough to cause the goatee’d nuisance to stagger backwards. He’d been dealt a hefty blow in those few shots, but wasn’t down and out quite yet.

    ”Damn it this isn’t a show…” the woman cursed between gritted teeth. Whatever he’d been intending to cast made it off before she could falter his stance, the mind – and apparently darkness wielding – mage successfully striking a portion of the crowd. While he blessedly wasn’t a fire mage and hadn’t tried to burn anyone to a crisp some of their eyes blanked before they started towards the ground pair…curiously one chanting “brains” for some reason. Some of the more skittish crowd started fleeing, uneager to become victims whilst others found themselves rooted by the desire to know what happened next or from a paralyzing sense of fear. Another spell it was, Rohma shifting the effects of Dark Chime to her right hand pistol as she imbued the other with Pied Piper instead. ”KICK HIS ASS!” Rohma yelled even as she fired upon those currently under control, ”I’ll cover you!” She couldn’t overpower the spell, much to the gunslinger’s ire, but damned if she couldn’t cancel it out. Each shot left the person blinking, standing confused – one fellow going so far as to ask, “Brains?” – and then a sense of fear begun gripping them. ”Get the hell away damn it!” she yelled, breaking the few she’d freed from their frozen stature. They seemed capable enough to follow the waving of her gun, pretend zombie fellow tripping a little as he fled the scene.

    While she could get in an odd shot here and there the woman hoped Copy and Rowan could end things fast. The less civilians caught up in this mess the better.




    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rowan Protegan 27th January 2017, 8:57 pm

    Initially, Rowan was relieved that the puppeteer hadn’t hit him with a nasty bit of dark magic, but the relief was short lived. It didn’t take long for him to realize that the man hadn’t been aiming for him in the first place, and the plasma mage’s mind scrambled for a solution to his predicament. Thankfully, Rowan didn’t have to think too hard; a moment later, Rohma had gathered the attention of the mind “zombies” and Rowan gave her a brief thumbs up before returning his attention to the puppeteer.

    With his civilian group redirected, the man let out an indignant snort before raising his hands toward Rowan once more. Once more that creepy grin resurfaced, forcing Rowan to grimace. A bead of sweat began its trek down the plasma mage’s face, but was quickly flung off course as he leapt a meter or so to the side. The puppeteer had flung his hands out threateningly, and Rowan had dodged out of habit. Damn it… We can’t afford letting him control another group of civilians… The moment that thought crossed his mind, Rowan knew what he had to do. Reaching deep into the forgotten magic that flowed through his blood, Rowan reached deep into his ancestral magic, the magic from which his plasma magic had derived. Accessing the power of his lineage, Rowan called upon the strength of one of the first ancient sealers. Rowan smiled at the irony of the situation just as he released the pent up energy of the spell; the descendant of one of the first dark mages silencing a dark mage. A quick burst of wispy energy shot out from Rowan’s hands before snaking its way almost instantaneously towards the puppeteer. It took a moment for the man to realize what had happened, but the results of Rowan’s attack were obvious; The man wouldn’t be using his mind control spell for a bit. “Copy! We gotta end this now!” Rowan closed the gap as he called on his guildmate’s aid, firing a plasma bolt directly into the puppeteer’s chest. He took the full force of the spell due to the initial shock of his spell being muted.

    ((362/250 Words))


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Copy 28th January 2017, 5:09 pm

    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) B61a9e153f1fcda4adf2dd137abf42bdd8760fb1_hq

    His ears perked at the sharp tones of Rowan shouting. Whipping the blade to the his side; flicking the blood off with an unruly spray of the across the stone road-work. "On it." With his own tone breaking into the blazing heat of combat, the hissing force of Plasma erupting across the field not far from Copy; Rohma's own firing across in a flurry of sonic force to keep the mindless masses at bay.

    The world seemed still for a quiet, meditative moment as she sheathed his blade. Eyes closed for only a moment as he focused his wits. The battle to come would be by far against the hardest opponent he's faced it was clear. And so, he began. Gripping the handle of the katana he pressed the tip of his left foot into the road and fired off with speed to be desired. The steel in his eyes sharpened to an edge of ferocity.

    The shattering of his aura caused parts of the road to weight in under the force of his own muscular forces paired with the altering and unusual aura that flowed like water and fire around him. The distance was closed, and the Dark Wizard knew what was to come- Unfortunately for Copy, they were on the same playing field.
    So he drew the katana, a flash of light erupted as the sun reflected off. The conflict begun close-quarter. Copy had wasted no time to send out a flurry of intricate steps and footed strikes with his body and blade, matched with remarkably talented deflections from the wizard, only scathing the skin and flesh from lucky strikes. Otherwise, it had been met with a 'clang' from magic to blade.

    It was only a few moments of combat until the tides had changed, not that much was in his favor to begin with. As the blasts of dark magic turned from defense to offensive. Firing off bolts, waves and dark hands from shadows of alleys, himself and otherwise. It was Copy's turn to deflect vicariously; and so he did. Without some fault; his body and clothes shown tears and impacts. While they would have been drastic and much more significant the keen eye of his fellow members would have noticed the Aura acted almost as a separate entity; deflecting and buffering the blows that Copy was ill-capable of managing himself. A weird cooperative, but it seemed to work!

    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) WB2c_NGGV2kTUCy15L86Wv_Ezjsxx0LX97tPvaFCjz8OZ5GzgFaylyqBBVPKA0l7QOsJL2Y=s680-fcrop64=1,00000000ff8fff3a

    And so the defense drove Copy skywards, it wasn't a position necessarily favorable to him. But to the Dark Wizard; Copy had given him ground. The wizard lifted himself on a platform of wispy screams of darkness, hands, forms and bodies of evil rose him twenty feet up. Unleashing a continued horde of blasts towards the swordsman to his dismay.

    A cool air began to fill the area. The stress of his position were becoming known across the field- even to his enemies. His descent was met with horrid blows becoming more and more prevalent. It was at this time the aura around Copy grew darker and the sky from above shifted into a felled purple constellation hue. It looked much like his own aura; a presence filled the area. It was malevolent and drew on death.

    Cutting into the strangeness; from Copy's position a call erupted from him. Commanding and pleading attention. "I call for you! SHIRANAI!"


    From the sky came an unidentified creature; it flowed with the same descriptor of Copy's aura. But it was much... Much bigger. Upon it careening towards the earth it had taken the Dark Wizard with it to the ground. A massive flow of pluming dust and smoke erupted. And the first thing that flowed to break the grace of the aftermath was the Dark Wizard getting fired through towards a building. -- Collateral seemed amongst the least of whatever this thing's priority is. Moments passed and a force of wind was felt; until a blueish hand casted the dust aside.

    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) 6b1de04c1d15e469b3d647eaca62c81b

    And there it stood- A shinigami; katana of legendary proportions in hand. Copy, himself was a ways away. Bleeding still, but standing.
    To his dread. So was the Wizard.


    [689 Words | 21]



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    Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb) Empty Re: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Jerb)

    Post by Rohma 30th January 2017, 1:05 am

    ’Finally…’ The gunner breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the controlled citizens rushed off suffering a mix of confusion and panic. A few remained, rooted by some concoction of courage, curiosity, and fear although Rohma noted a few of them trying to at least hide more behind objects and corners now. While it likely wouldn’t properly protect them from such magic she figured they might have better odds at dodging this time around…not that she planned to let it go that far again.

    Her attention returned to the rest of her party and their current threat in time to watch Copy deflect blow after blow whether via sword or that odd field around him. Further and further he went until the sky seemed to bond with him and turn dark for some reason. Eyes narrowed as the cautious part of her hoped this wasn’t him losing control or something, eyes vying to read words some magic scholars could only dream of glimpsing and they widened: what the hell was he calling?

    The strange entity forced the dark wizard back to the ground away from her new guild mate, wincing as a building fell after some vicious blows from the giant ethereal being. Dust in the air, she took her opportunity and fired in the direction of the dark mage, the woman vanishing from atop the building a second after the sound rang out.

    Robe falling to the ground, the man huffed and tried to catch his breath as he glared down the Shinigami. One eye remained closed from debris, the other swiveling to share the glare with Rowan for daring to keep him from creating more mayhem and then to Copy for going toe-to-toe with him. Mouth opened, ready to spit out phrases of grandeur and promises of pain only to be silenced as something slammed into the back of his head. With a thump he fell, already worn from the team’s combined efforts and being thrown through a building by the Shinigami, Rohma’s pistol still in the air from where she’d stricken him with the butt. Even as he groaned the woman took aim, shooting the man in the head with both guns. Each remained armed with earlier spells, Rohma wincing from using them so quickly together though she’d recover from the drain soon enough. Dark Chime’s power combined with everything including the blow to the back of the head would ensure a hearty headache for him to bemoan later even as Pied Piper – in his weakened state – would leave the man more complacent for a while.

    ”Good work you two,” she spoke up, glaring momentarily at the man before deciding ultimately not to give him an extra kick (for good measure of course) and offered her partners a half smile, ”Gotta say I’m impressed. And not shabby for your first job for Infinity Hyra, Copy.” Working with others might not have been Rohma’s general cup of tea, but the woman could hardly dislike how the day turned out in the end.



      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:50 pm