Fairy Tail RP

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    The Return (Semi-Open)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    The Return (Semi-Open) Empty The Return (Semi-Open)

    Post by Cirven 17th October 2016, 7:31 pm

    Rules for Joining:

    A restaurant named The Fine Dine Mine. It was built over an old mining area that shut down and the original owner was a miner who worked there. The inside was decorated to look similar to a mine with rocky ceilings and walls along with hard hats hanging on the walls. It was one of those places that stood out to you.

    A man dressed in a black jacket, white shirt and black pants walked in and sat down at a table. His purple hair was tied back into a ponytail with his bangs hanging over his face. His stomach suddenly let out a loud rumble and he gripped at it painfully and stared down at his stomach as a waitress made her way to him. It was required for waiters/waitresses to wear mining outfits as they worked.

    "Uhh... Hello sir. What can I get you.." She asked him. He looked up at the waitress and raised his eyebrow. "That outfit..." He looked at the waitress perplexed for a bit longer which made things awkward. Just before the waitress was about to break the silence his stomach growled again loudly causing him to remember why he was there. "Can you get me some metal? Like maybe silverware or something?" The waitress now switched places with him and looked at him confused but with some fear added to it which was also caused from seeing his red eye.

    "Oh sorry! That must have been weird." He then used his finger to pull his cheek and show his teeth which looked like the fangs of a monster and not that of a humans. The waitress grew more shocked as she saw the teeth. "Maybe that didn't work the way I would have thought..." He spoke to himself out loud. "Just bring me some metal things that you guys can afford to get rid of. I will pay for it all if needed. Count it as my meal." The waitress didn't speak and just gave a nod and went to the back of the restaurant to explain the situation.

    The man's stomach growled more while the waitress was gone but that had become the least of the worries in the restaurant. A group of three men came into the restaurant wearing masks and dark clothes. Each wore a different type of animal mask being a cat, dog and lizard. They made their way to the center of the restaurant and then one of them lifted his hand up into the air and shot a blast of electricity into the air causing a loud thunder-like noise in order to gain everyone's attention which succeeded as the people in the restaurant all went quiet out of fear.

    "Hello citizens of this fine establishment. We are here to be your paid entertainment." The dog masked man spoke out but stopped as soon as a certain growling stomach sounded off again and confused him. He raised his eyebrow but tried to continue. "We want all of.." The growling sounded off again and this time was louder than he was. "We are here.." He tried to speak again but the growling cut him off. This continued over and over with the crowd of people not being able to hear what he was trying to say at all. He then walked over to where the sound was coming from and used his magic to summon out a metal hammer and swung it across the face of the purple haired man which sent him into a open table and breaking it all.

    "WE ARE HERE FOR ALL OF YOUR JEWELS AND EXPENSIVE THINGS! GIVE THEM TO US!" The dog masked man then yelled out and was regained his breath as a black metallic pole shot out from the debris he had just caused. The pole slammed into his jaw and sent him flying into a wall where his head went through it. He struggled to pull himself out of the wall and finally succeeded just to have one of the hard hats fall onto his head causing him to rub his head frantically.

    "Boss?! What the hell was that?" The lizard masked man spoke out and looked towards the debris to see the purple haired man standing there. "You shouldn't bother people while they are trying to enjoy their meals." The lizard masked man didn't waste any time and charged at his new enemy with his fists growing to triple their size and then he swung it aiming at the head of his adversary. The fist was ducked under and suddenly multiple metallic fists hit his stomach with the last one slamming across his jaw and slamming him into the ground.

    The cat masked man used his magic and summoned out electric bolts to attack the unknown assailant but found his attacks were dodged over and over until he was suddenly hit in the head by a chunk of metal shot from the purple haired man's hand. The metal knocked out the cat masked man.

    "Who the hell are you!?" The dog masked man asked after regaining his composure and seeing his partners were dealt with. "You know what?! Never mind that! I don't care! You just won't be in my way much longer!" He then summoned out a colossal blade and ran at his target who stood patiently. When close enough, he swung his sword at his head and smiled as he felt it make contact but grew confused when he heard a smashing sound and realized his sword had just been stopped by the fangs in his opponent's mouth and then bitten through causing the sword to disappear and return to his pocket dimension broken.

    "Who..." He tried to speak but was quickly hit in the stomach by a metallic fist taking the air out of his body. "I am just a wander named Cirven Mizune to answer your question." The mask fell from the man's face showing his eyes were widened in shock. "Cir... Mizu.." He spoke out in between coughing as he moved back from Cirven. "You mean... The ex-Eclipse Soul Ace!?" Cirven only smiled and curled his hand into a fist again and struck the man under his chin with an uppercut. Cirven's stomach then growled again loudly. "Maan, that just made me more hungry!" Cirven dropped back onto his butt and clutched his stomach leaving all the people who had just watched the entire fiasco in awe and confusion.

    Twenty minutes later Cirven had left the restaurant holding four metal pans in his hands and eating them as if they were some type of meat on a stick. "Woo! They gave me free stuff to eat after all that fighting! Kind of hoping I'm not put into the paper or anything about this..." He shrugged and continued to walk around Magnolia eating his metal.


    The Return (Semi-Open) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    The Return (Semi-Open) Empty Re: The Return (Semi-Open)

    Post by Cecile 20th October 2016, 1:08 pm

    The Fine Dine Mine, was rough on the eyes to say the least. It's interior and exterior weren't the finest when compared to those high establishment restaurants. But nonetheless, the diner did manage to put a good grub on the table. Enough so to attract enough locals and passing visitors.
    Surprisingly enough, one of these visitors was none other then Harrigan Crawford, who in his red velvet suit looked like a business man. Which was just the appearance he'd rather have at this moment. Now considering all things, a mere business man sitting in a diner wasn't the strangest of sights. If only, that man wasn't Harrigan. Who in reality was a member from the notorious dark guild Savage Skull, a man who always hid behind the other members in the shadows. Playing their strings as a puppeteer.

    Now you wonder off course, why would such an enigmatic power hungry man, sit here in a mundane diner. In Magnolia for god sakes. Well, the reason for that is off course, is that one of his underlings had caught wind of a robbery that was about to go down here. Normally Harrigan wouldn't bother, but this time it were mages instead of your run of the mill thugs. And since Savage Skull was hiring, the least Harrigan could do was scope them out.

    Be that as it may, no one would have expected the interference of a stranger in these parts of Fiore. Not when Fairy Tail was around to protect this town. So you could say Harrigan was genuinely surprised the moment a familiar face had popped up from his booth. Well the face wasn't that familiar as he had never met the man. But surely the name would ring a bell. Cirven Mizune, ace of the now deceased guild Eclipse Soul. A man who was more capable then the three stooges attempting to rob a diner for god sake.

    'Well, isn't this a nice surprise' murmured Harrigan to himself, knowing that he had found his next assignment.

    Quickly he stood up from his table, the moment Cirven walked out of the diner. Not without leaving some jewels at least for the service. And walked out of the same doors as the former Eclipse Soul Ace.
    With a quick look around, Harrigan could easily spot the man down the street, his black jacket and black pants made him easily enough recognizable between the commoners. Who dressed.. well more mundane.

    'Hey you' shouted Harrigan, 'wait up!'

    He waved at the man when he turned around the moment he would notice someone shouting for him. And quickly walked up to him.

    'That was quite a display in there' continued Harrigan 'and I must say I am impressed. Any change I can buy you a drink to offer you my thanks for... well saving our lives I guess?'

    Obviously his intentions were very different then just buying a drink. And the man would have probably seen through it by now. But considering all things, and that he didn't know Harrigan, the chances were highly likely that he would humor the Crawford in his velvet red suit.

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    The Return (Semi-Open) Empty Re: The Return (Semi-Open)

    Post by Cirven 21st October 2016, 7:42 pm

    Cirven was munching on one of the pans in his hands when Harrigan had called out to him. He turned around and continued to munch away on the metal as he listened to the man. He had a weird feeling about the man who had stopped him. Things were not right. Usually when most people were suddenly saved by one of the estimated ten percent of Earthland they had a tendency to avoid them a bit but definitely did not chase after them. Even though he felt weird about it, it wasn't like it was a bad gesture or anything from Harrigan to do.

    "I'm not much of a drinker really but if anything I could go for some regular drinks to wash this down, if that makes sense at all. I mean my food here isn't your typical brunch but still something to drink with it would be good." Cirven spoke back but still remained cautious as he continued munching away. He finished one of the pans and then continued speaking. "Some type of fruit juice would work best with this honestly. Blends well with the rusty taste I think." He then gave off a fang-filled grin to Harrigan.

    "By the way, I am Cirven. Nice to meet you." Cirven was so hungry that he just continued eating the next pan as he spoke and waited for Harrigan's response.


    The Return (Semi-Open) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm