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    Unison Raid Update

    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

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    Unison Raid Update Empty Unison Raid Update

    Post by Irina Naginata 21st September 2016, 10:34 am

    Unison Raids, things that require two or more people to combine magic to make more powerful magic, coolio now how do I get one... a really really long thread of tedious work for a spell that is barely worth getting especially until you hit max rank.


    Looking at the rules for Unison Raids the whole system encourages that you wait until you hit S or H rank to even try to get it, and on top of that it requires you do a TRAINING THREAD that is considerably long cause it requires a minimum for 40 posts total with 300 words per post. This is like a job that doesn't even give you exp. The requirements for getting a UR and the results you get out of it discourage it completely and you can only have one UR per group therefor if you have a UR with someone then you can't have another UR with that person.

    People should be encouraged to be cool on this site and UR's are certainly a way to do that but rules discourage their entire existence. I think this system should be reworked because of the above points so that we see more of them.

    If you look in canon UR's come out of the woodwork in spur of the moment events only Rogue and Sting ever trained to do a Unison Raid all the rest just happened whenever. The point, Why do we have to do a training thread to us a UR, if your magics are compatible you should be able to do one, training should be used to improve the power and efficiency of a UR rather than give you permission to use one. Also that training thread shouldn't be so damn tedious, the requirements should be toned down especially at the lower levels.

    The idea, UR's should be used whenever you have two mages who can make one work in spur of the moment situations, though it may not be too strong and probably costs more MP to actually do this. Training threads should only be required if you want to make a specific UR with someone that is better than a spur of the moment UR both cost wise and power wise but this in no way should restrict you from doing a UR with the same person using the spur of the moment rules using different spells. Training just means that a specific combination from two people makes a perfected UR while they can still do Imperfect UR's with other combinations. And the training thread requirements shouldn't be as harsh as they are now.

    TL;DR, UR's should be either perfect or imperfect depending on if you trained for them or not, imperfect UR's should also be used in spur of the moment cases, UR training threads shouldn't be so damn tedious.

    Also why do I always sound angry when I make suggestions? I will never know.


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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Unison Raid Update Empty Re: Unison Raid Update

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st September 2016, 12:40 pm

    1: You are capable of making a Unison Raid without the need of training. The rules state there are 2 kinds of Unison Raids: Trained Unison Raids and Untrained Unison Raids.
    Also there are two types of Unison Raids. Untrained Unison Raids and Trained Unison Raids. Untrained Unison Raids are once per thread and has not been a thing that the users can use adequately. Trained Unison Raids are able to be used three times per thread and are used skillfully. To get a Trained Unison Raid the user’s must complete an RP thread explaining how they learned to use the Unison Raid well together with at least 20 posts each member and at least 300 words per post

    2: I do agree that, in order to get a trained unison raid, it is asking for WAY too much for a single spell. Secondary Training is only a minimum of 9000 words for 5 spells while a unison raid is a minimum of 12,000 words for a SINGLE SPELL. Which I find daunting and not worth using. Perhaps, for Trained Unison Raids, the word count should be lowered depending on the rank of the spell. However, if comparing this to spells like Refined Requip, Immaculate summons, it isn't unreasonable to have a word count for a Trained Unison Raid. But my opinions on having a long-winded RP for a single spell is for a discussion some other time.

    3: The fact that one can only have 1 UR with another person, is also kinda silly in my opinion. You can have an unlimited number of spell fusions, but you are restricted in the amount of UR with another player? That doesn't quite make a lot of sense to me. If two characters what to put in the effort and creativity to make a UR with one another.... let them. If they were to limit UR to people, it should be limited to 1 per rank up to S Rank much in the same vain as Secondary magic.

    4: About you referencing cannon and their use of UR spell creation right off the bat, the site actually has that in the form of:
    Mixed Spells are spells that are combined, but not fused. This means that the spell has combined effects and aspects of all spells involved, but it is only as strong as the strongest spell. They still cost the regular amount of mp, but require all mages invovled to be casting simultaneously.
    Basic opposite elements can be used in a Unison but it will have to follow logic. ( Fire + Water = Steam, Water + Earth = Mud, etc. ) Light and Darkness can be fused and will create the Chaos element. Chaos is the weakness of, and extra effective against; both Light and Darkness and any other element that has traces of Light and Darkness in it

    But I do agree with you that people should be encouraged to make URs and not feel TOO restricted when making them. The amount of URs available to a single group should be limited to D-S Rank spells, which may encourage more people to make Unison Raids.

    I would actually be more welcoming of URs if they had normal MP cost per person, but can only be used once per thread. I'd be more willing to use a UR if that was the case... But that's just my opinion.


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    Unison Raid Update Empty Re: Unison Raid Update

    Post by Shard 22nd September 2016, 1:38 am

    I can totally agree with this and i'm the fusion guy so...yeah.
    Even I, and I have something in my lineage that makes it so I can unison raid with me pet, don't want to do such a long tedious thread.
    I also feel that we should be able to do more than one.

    Perhaps, and this is an idea, as jewels have become virtually worthless after you reach a certain point...we introduce a 'slot' system for unison raids? Everyone starts with one slot and can either buy slots or train to get extra ones?

    I also think we should do similar for secondary spell slots, but thats another story

    Though I do agree we should drop the post requirements for unison raid somewhat. Or...and this is a radical idea...its your character growing stronger and learning new things so how about we make this obscenely long training thread worthwhile and add some exp into it as well?


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