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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 18th September 2016, 10:24 am

    The Battle Bunny
    Today was just like any other day for the little bunny mage. Roaming her temple of land, enjoying the peace and quiet of the lack there of in anyone ever coming around to try and interact with her? Ah, it was like heaven on earth for that sole reason really. Nothing ever made her happier than to-- Actually that's a lie. The thing that makes her the happiest a nice fresh, crisp, juicy carrot, but for the sake of the argument... A little bit of quiet and enjoyable time alone with nature and the furry little creatures around was just what she needed to relax and have some fun in the mean time. Necessarily, this wasn't her favorite day in particular, but then again it could much much worse. As much as she new her papa would enjoy his creation on earth to enjoy herself and be happy, he wanted her to try and coexist more with people, prodding her even to do so. She had to sneak into the nearest town in the middle of the night, knowing she could avoid having to deal with people and take up a random job she had pulled off of the board. Waiting until she had actually fled the town, the lavender haired bunny girl was able to focus on reading and understanding what it was that she had to do for the job she had taken up. Her thoughts were taken back by the thought that she had to go to some area where... Well apparently some hole in the sky would take her to heaven or some place damn near it. Something about the very purpose of that mission seemed fake in it of itself, but more or less she was compelled to see it through to please her papa. At least this time he had threatened to try and push her fears on her should she not comply to doing something with another person.

    Now with the new day at hand, the bunny mage had begun to walk her way over towards the area that her request would take her to. Unlike most girls her age... Or just in general, she had taken a rather lax course of how she wanted to meet this other person. Normally, she'd try to look like she was trying to impress the person she had to work with as if wanting to look far above the need cosmetically to belong around these parts. However in Gisen's case, she simply did it because she wanted to. The benefits to Requip magic and mainly ever living in the forest meant she always had clothing for every weather variation, and a clean set. Of course, she'd always wash them from time to time when she could and they'd go right back to her pocket dimension, clean as a whistle for the next time she had to use it. This time around though, her choice of clothing was just a fun choice of outfit deemed to be the best of choices in her case. A red colored bunny girl outfit, complete with solid black leggings and matching red heels. Just against her bunny ears sat a red hairband, most of which was tucked into her thicker, soft hair so that she could make it seem as though it were all just part of the outfit. Of course, from a distance it would appear as such a thing would be true... Until you touched her ears or tail. Then it would become a whole other issue entirely, not that they would get the chance for quite some time to get even near Gisen, let alone to touch her in any way shape or form.

    Finally, she had reached an area she was told to stop in. Something about the place as a whole seemed to bug her papa. Nothing evil really, just very unfamiliar and alien to what he would normally feel in his home, or Gisen's temple to put it another way. A rustling in the bushes nearby made her jump a little. Was it a person or thing trying to sneak up on her!? Should she prepare to defend herself? Whatever it had been, a bird swooping down at gotten her curious enough to explore it. She carefully approached the bush, reaching over the top of the bush to peek over it, leaving her rear end to poke out of the other side with her legs holding her up. "D'awww~ It's just a little birds nest here. It's weird to like.. see them here. Kinda still cute though~" She spoke to both herself and her papa, though he'd never respond in a normal way. Everything else was a sign- a special form of communication picked up over the years and since her birth into the world as well.
    804 words. tags. notes.

    Job description:



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 654
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Self Taught
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hollowed Summons
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 18th September 2016, 12:55 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    Through the canopy of tree's the line shone down onto Vlad; it seemed he had taken his rest atop a tree. This was one of the better spots to sleep, after all. The natural light was indicative of it being time to awaken, and even the positioning he found himself in was not very bad! Moving his hand up, blocking the light from his eyes, he would let out a loud yawn; it seemed it was time to get moving. Leaning to the right, Vlad would simply fall out of the tree, rolling as he hit the ground. An interesting way to start the day.

    Dusting himself off, he would quickly stand and look around; it seemed he was near some no name town. That was good enough. Letting out a slight yawn, Vlad would begin to walk down the beaten path. He had chose a tree that was very close to the path that he had used, simply because of the ease of travel on the way back; why reinvent the wheel? He had already discovered a path, there was no reason to create a brand new one. It was so much work for something so redundant. 

    As he continued down the path he heard the chirp of birds, the cracking of branches and the squealing of pigs; where was he again? Well, it mattered not! He was near his destination, and he could not wait! He simply wanted to obtain a new job and further his goal; while not all jobs allowed for his goals to be furthered, it did allow for him to grow as a mage; it was this growth that allowed for him to get closer and closer to the goal; in the end, it was all the same. Whether it had a direct affect on his progress, or an indirect affect mattered not; all that mattered to him was the fact that it would push him closer and closer.

    The town quickly approached and with it his consciousness began to sharpen; he couldn't be so diluted when he made this decision, it never ended well. The town was rather active for being so early in the morning; having had the sun just rise he had expected the streets to be nearly deserted, with the occasional traveler. "Huh, it seems they are able to rise from their beds earlier then I had expected. Well done." He chuckled, quickly making for the job board. 

    Approaching the job board he was unable to see very much variety; it seemed the only problems this town had were ones that could be handled by any novice. How dull; it was as Vlad was preparing to turn and leave this board that he had noticed a flyer hidden beneath a few of the more recent ones. "Now, this is more my speed." He chuckled, looking over the paper he had just grabbed; it spoke of some tear in the sky; why did people always break shit!?

    "The fuck could have caused this?" He chuckled, turning and leaving the town; it seemed he had a lot of land to travel in order to get to the location in which this parcel spoke. It was off in distant lands that he had never once been to, though he did not mind having to learn the terrain as he went; it proved an additional challenge that was a bit amusing to consider; who knew what dangers they would face, all while being in a land he had no idea of! It was exhilarating! His blood began to pickup speed; he was already rearing to go, and could not hold back! 

    It was as he picked up his pace that he would take on last look at the flier; it spoke of some partner that would be required for this job? Perhaps he would meet them there! If not, fuck it! He was a strong man, very independent! He did not need a partner!  

    It had been no more than an hour before this feeling hit him; it was something so familiar, yet so different; it would bring up thoughts of death, though not in the way he had known them to be. He was accustomed to the death and afterlives of the damned; this was something different... something untainted. "Tch. Of course it is pure, why wouldn't it be?!?" He seemed to be aggravated by the mere fact that death had to be tainted by such a pure thought. It was annoying. "If this is as I think it is, then this will be annoying...." He sighed, having already realized that this was going to be a bitch. A holy area lay ahead, and his magic did not agree with this; it was not that it was weak to this area, simply that he could feel his body becoming more sensitive to the mere aura; yes, he was going to be having to deal with these problems for a while. These problems would be along the lines of having to adapt to this sensation; he was going to be tainting this entire area, after all!
    It was now that he realized how much more powerful he felt; he felt as though he could taint the entirety of this area, without much problem; his magic was a great one after all! It was as these thoughts crossed his mind that he would hear some noise; it was a human, or humanoid. Who knew, for sure, without visual confirmation? It was as he approached the source of this sound that he could see it. It was a set of bunny ears, attached to a rather nicely built female. "Well, who are you? My partner?" He chuckled, walking past the being, not really seeing a reason to wait for them. "Oh, nice ass. Please do try and keep up! I wish to finish in time for supper! Don't drag your feet, or hold me back. Simple courtesy things!" He was restraining himself; it seemed that it was a bit more interesting when you had something so pure along with someone so corrupt; he did want to corrupt her. "Well, the name is Vlad! What is yours?" He would allow her to speak. "Very nice, lets get started!" He chuckled, jumping into the spacial tear.

    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +30% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +25% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 18th September 2016, 6:33 pm

    The Battle Bunny
    The little bunny mage enjoyed the view of the birds, nor did they really care that she was watching them. Gisen seemed to them as though she were just another little forest critter, or a friend really. Either one of those seemed to be a fitting thing to depict her as since she was a little kid. There was always this keen sense of connection between herself and nature, but as a pure creation of Gaia himself, she couldn't really have expected to be treated like anything else. Especially seeing as how birds were always frantic little animals with the need to flee from anything human or humanoid looking. Even should they be hidden in a bush as they were, they would probably have scurried off with their wings trying to imitate the speed of a hummingbirds as they fled their home. It was such a shame to need to watch that from far away growing up, however she was always rejoiced with the view of them returning at the point that their home was safe. Who was to say that she needed to be among the human race to survive. Those selfish, petty pricks only looked out for themselves and needed a scapegoat to try to get rid of a child whom had no parents, no real origin, but believed to be a living curse sent to their town to starve them and let them die like some evil demonic being. Despite even trying to talk them out of it, they attempted to kill her through any means that would solve their dilemma worth a damn, but they tried anyway through desperation and panic. They cared not for negotiating, even to let her leave alive-- no. They wanted to make sure that she could never try to "harm" them any longer, ever again, and to keep her from doing what she did to anyone else.

    She scoffed at her past. It was all behind her of what they did and she forgave them for trying to kill her. However, they scarred her mentally with such force, that she is unsure that she'd ever be able to really recover it ever again. The ability to interact with people was a fun thing she always had enjoyed as a child, since all the kids had found her bunny ears and tail to be cool and adorable. Even some parents had thought she was rather cute looking as well, but as time grew on she was made into some outcast until the incident of scarring had happened. She absolutely hated what happened, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't bring herself to try and face humans again. Her fear of them attempting it again or simply attacking her at random felt like way too much for her to be able to handle trying to deal with and cope with. Even at singular encounters, it's as if the sound of a person triggers her fear into making her body react without even looking. If there was one thing she hated about herself, that would be the very one thing she could point out without the need to say anything else.

    As the bunny girl hung out with her feathered friends, she enjoyed how the birds all interacted with one another, listening as if she understood what they were all saying to one another. It was so much fun to watch the animals in their daily lives without her even really taking any notice to what she was doing. To put it simply, it would be the same as though you were invisible, but standing at a families table and watching them eat dinner together and talk. The similarities were there without a doubt, but usually such a thing would need to be done from a greater distance. Gisen however, was a lucky soul whom could do so without the need to stay so far away. She got to have an up close and personal connection with the gentler side of even the most notoriously dangerous creatures in the forests. Mountain lions, bears, tigers, lions, panthers, and so on. You name it and Gisen could claim she's slept beside them and helped them care for their young. She would probably be no less than adamant about how big of an advocate for nature and the necessity it provides the world than any other person. However, her problem lied with the sudden booming of a males voice. The body of the bunny mage would physically shake and let out a squeaking yelp of sudden shock from the person. Her body had dove itself over the top of the bush, letting her body swing around and landing on her back and head. Her face flushed pink as she heard him comment about her having a nice ass, squabbling around to get back off of her back and into an upright position. Poking her head over the bush, she'd see him walking further away, but still talking as if she were right behind him.... Rather rude if she had to say so herself.

    Through her own anger of how she felt she was treated, she rushed around the bush and started to race towards him without running. The closer she got, the harder she felt her chest thumping from her heart racing. It was some time since she had gotten this close to another human that she wasn't sure how he would actually be. "Gi-Gisen! N-Now you list-" She was cut off from the start of her rant by him speaking up again, too nervous to shut his words out but not enough to cease following him. Before she could even utter a sound, he lept into the spacial tear without even preparing. Acting on such barbaric instincts could have just killed him! Looking around, she waited for what she wanted him to wait for; confirmation of the safety to go inside it. Her papa was specific in letting her know she'd be cut off from his connection and guidance while in there, but she was sure she'd be okay for a while. With one last nod, she jumped through the portal, where she'd fall through to the other side, getting up and rubbing her head before noticing leaves and grass in her hair from her earlier tumble. "Ya know... Like, that was rude... Now there's like all this stuff in my hair..." She huffed and blocking out the other stuff around her, began to repeatedly comb her hair with her fingers until everything was out and fixing it back to it's normal look.
    1905 words. @Vlad. notes.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 654
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Self Taught
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hollowed Summons
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 20th September 2016, 6:46 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    Vlad was a person who enjoyed getting straight to the point, though there were a few things that he found more enjoyable to simply elongate; spending more time on a few specific actions could allow him to enter a world of ecstasy that not many were able to experience, let alone comprehend. It was with these actions that he would slowly develop the character he had today. What were these things that he found joy in? There were two that were the most prominent; the first would be killing. Torturing the person before finally put them out of their misery was something that Vlad was able to enjoy to such a degree that most could not understand; while it was not sexual in nature, some would probably call him a sadist. He did enjoy the pain they felt, he did enjoy torturing them until the screamed his name and cried out for mercy. It was something they were never granted. This second thing was something that was even furthered by his recent transformation into an incubus; sex. Foreplay was something that was very fun for Vlad; the simple fact that he was able to control when to begin the actual act was something that brought about pleasure, perhaps more than it should... Well, it was simply these things that brought him this far!

    It was this impromptu act that would define Vlad as a person; these decisions are what made Vlad who he was; this differentiated himself from many others. While some may call this a rushed decision, he saw no problem with it! He had checked the area for any sort of souls that may be lingering, waiting to strike. The rift, however, was not something that could be peered into! They were going in blind no matter how much time they spent sitting around, examining it! Why waste time on useless examination when you may be taking action and furthering your goals! The more actions you take the more likely you were to encounter something that would bring about some sort of excitement, even the possibility of furthering your goal! What else could an adventurer live for!? Why did she not understand this?

    While it was worrying for Vlad, seeing as he would have to accompany this female throughout this job, it was not entirely his problem; she would have to go through life like this, not him; what could cause a person to become like this? Well, it may simply be that he was the odd one; not worrying much about the things he could not control, at least at the moment. It seemed he would not have much time to think on this, however, as it seemed that something was off.

    Looking around the area it seemed that they had been transported to an entirely different dimension; it felt too pure to be Earthland. He had never encountered a place that made him feel as sick as this place was making him feel; it was something that he had never experienced; a place so pure should not exist. It was something that simply did not agree with the way society existed. It was something that made Vlad examine his surroundings.

    Looking around the most noticeable thing was the fact that what they stood on was no longer grass, it was something akin to a cloud; the same fluffy feeling that a pillow held; it was something that was actually very interesting. As they stood there, his feet sunk into the cloud-like substance; sure, it was not a cloud, and he wouldn't fall through, that did not mean that it was any less awkward for him!

    Each building held a design similar to that of the ancient pantheon; having ornate pillars, skillfully carved roofs, and even overly designed doorways, it was something that someone simply did not experience on an average day! What else? There was something that was odd, but subtle. Why couldn't he place his finger on it? What was it? "OH!" He exclaimed, finally noticing what was bothering his subconscious. It seemed there was a being with wings, far off into the distance. It was something that would not be visible to the average human, though Vlad was no average human; hell, he wasn't human! This was a tale neither here, nor there, although it should be established.

    It was as he was examining the area around them that he would begin to hear some being speak; it spoke in a rather crisp way; there was no possible way for miscommunication and it was a rather nice accent, why couldn't more people speak in such a way?

    "Halt, who goes there!?" The female exclaimed, flying through the sky as an artillery round would; crashing to the cloud, she would unsheathe her spear. "Humans?" She questioned, spear still hoisted in their direction; it seemed she was looking the two over rather carefully, not taking any chances with the two; perhaps she had some sort of bad experience in the past with humans? Was this why she was so cautious of the two? Perhaps it was due to the thought that they may be invaders; they had just appeared out of nowhere... Well, this was awkward.

    It seemed Vlad was unfazed by these events; he simply began to look the female over. She was clad in what appeared to be an ancient form of armor, how outdated. Why would a being that seemed to hold such intellect decide to arm themselves with such primitive weapons? A ploy? No, if they were suspected of invading they would simply slay the pair... What was it? Could they be holding back? "Um, may I ask who YOU are? We were simply out, walking as a man and women would, through the forest; it was not until my companion tripped into some sort of spacial tear that we appeared here. Now, being the man I am, I could not simply leave her be! I had to travel in after her! Now, would you answer some questions?" He chuckled, taking a step forward. It was as he stepped forward that she would step back.

    "Oh, please do relax your guard! Do not fret my dear!" He chuckled, letting out a smirk; it was as he blinked that his eyes would turn a bright red. "Please, do talk to me. I am in desperate need of information~." He spoke, the aura around himself changing significantly. He was now utilizing his powers over the opposite sex; yes, being an incubus was amazing. "So, why don't you tell me your name, where we are and what is going on? Thanks~." He winked at the female, the smirk still plastered on his face.

    It was as he spoke his words; the words that bore into her mind, lowering her guard. It caused her to question why she was acting in such a manner toward these people; why was it? Sheathing her spear, she pushed aside her hair, looking the pair over once more. "The name give to me is Beatrice; this is... Well... there are many names for it! Lets simply call it Heaven! I'm not entirely sure how you got here, but it is alarming! What must I do?" He sighed, scratching the back of her head; she had never had this sort of experience and was rather lost on the procedure. Looking around, a bit frantically, she was in need of some help.

    It was as she began to look around, perhaps for a familiar face, that Vlad would step forward; placing his hand on the females cheek, he would hold it in place; "You should really relax! Do you sense any hostility? We are as lost as you are. Perhaps we could help each other." As he spoke the air would thicken around the two, his own corruption beginning to influence the area; it seemed he had a plan that was going perfectly!

    "Oi! Who are you two!?"

    Yet another Angel swept in, landing ten meters from the trio; it was as she approached that his aura would retreat, it seemed she was save. "Tch...." Vlad sighed, taking a step back. "We are lost, would you care to be a tour guide?" He chuckled, walking forward. "HALT!" She exclaimed, reaching back and twirling her spear forward; the tip pushed against Vlads trachea. "Woah! There is no hostility here! For fucks sake, please lower the spear!" He chuckled, pushing the tip aside; it was as he did so that she would forcefully puncture his skin, a drop of blood running down his neck. "I get it!" He chuckled, backing away.

    "Well, what shall we do?" Beatrice looked toward the unnamed Angel; she was lost. "Shall we test their might? Test their words? Let us see what they are made of?" She answered, her voice unsure of what she had just said herself.

    "Why of course! What else would we do!? Beatrice, you know what we must do!"

    "I do?" She questioned, a bit embarrassed.

    "Yes, throw them in the pits!" She exclaimed, gesturing for her to hurry; it seemed that she was already behind schedule. "Yes!" She exclaimed, dashing forward; grabbing the two by the collar she would leap into the air; twenty meters above the floor, the trio now flew. The view was vast, something that could never be experience by those who found themselves unable to visit Heaven; even to those who were in Heaven, it was not a sight many saw! "I do apologize, but it seems you two must prove yourselves. We can't be too careful, now can we?" She chuckled, diving down.

    Plunging down, not sure of what was occurring, Vlad thought the lass crazy! She was simply plummeting toward the ground! It was as they approached that he could make out the outline of an arena; it seemed that this place was modeled off of the roman amphitheater, though he was unsure; it held no signs of age. Swooping ten meters over the ground she would drop the pair onto the ground. Hovering there she would let out a few final words.

    "Please, do try to survive! Prepare thy self!" She exclaimed, pointing toward toward the opposite end of the arena; it seemed their opponent was approaching.

    "Wave one! BEGIN!" Beatrice screamed, flying off to the stands. It seems she worried for the pair, how cute.
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +30% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +25% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by NPC 20th September 2016, 6:46 pm

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 24th September 2016, 6:56 pm

    The Battle Bunny
    As the two had ended up in on the other side of the crack in space, the ground beneath the two had felt entirely foreign to the bunny girl. Nothing about it felt in any way similar to what she was ever used to it being like. The very appearance, to how it felt along her finger tips as she ran them along the rough dirt beneath them. She'd never felt anything like this before in her life. Hell, even asphalt had some feel and familiarity to the earth, but whatever this ground had been made of, was as everything else was in this place; out of this world. A look of serious determination and confusion was plastered on the bunny girls face as she played a little more in the dirt. Maybe if she could pick off the very top layer of dirt she could possibly uncover the real earth beneath them, however it seemed as though it was as hard as a rock itself. Not even a pebble resided around the two on this flat surface. It was as if this ground beneath the two had been made purely of some fake substitute that did little to nothing for the look of it. It had only made this seem more likely to have had the look of a real arena in gladiatorial times from the tone of the dirt and how packed down and flat it was.

    She hardly seemed to pay attention as Vlad had begun to converse with the strange woman with wings. To most of the others, she would seem like she was simply drawing circles in the dirt with her finger. Even then, the pair of ears atop her head would pick up their entire conversation as they spoke. It seemed to be that Vlad was much more up front and talkative than the shy bunny girl was, so there was at least one comforting upside to some things. While there was that, she was more observant to their surroundings and should their conversation be nothing more than some form of a diversion, than they would be rather unhappy to find out that they couldn't do what they set out to do. It was sort of a blessing that came from the curse of a fear she had to live with, and one that really she had no real big means of overcoming any time soon. If she was lucky enough, the paranoia-esque feeling she had wouldn't go away if and when she could get past this fear of humans. Then again, the idea of just living the way she had already wasn't much of a problem for her to begin with anyway. She loved that way of life and having lived in it, wouldn't change it any other way if she had the chance. Well... Maybe if she had the chance to just see it, she would at least consider the option, but there was no real telling on what it could be like or if she could even see herself having to do something like that ever again.

    While her mind started to drift off from the normal reality and delved further into thinking more about the very ground beneath them, she let out a loud squeaking sound. The firm and unyielding grip placed on her neck led to being carried off into the air. Having not been touched in any way by any human or a persons similar in appearance to that of a human in many years, the very action paralyzed her with fear in this instance. The ONLY reason that had been, was due to the ever distancing reach of the ground below her. Though she hadn't feared heights, being up so high after a certain point held up by a singular persons grip would leave anyone panicking in some way shape or form. It took all she had not to squirm and fuss around as they were carried off to some place that she hadn't payed too much attention to so that they could either be executed or imprisoned.... Gaia help her that it be the former of the two so that she could at the very least fight her way to freedom or die trying. If there had been anything in the world she would want in having to face death, she'd rather it be done while fighting. Something that would in essence, show how she wasn't afraid enough to just be put down like a rabid animal.

    Quickly the pair had descended into a large Colosseum of sorts. Out of pure instinct, she hugged closer to the angel that had been barreling down towards in hopes that when she would stop that the two of them would end up ok at the least. Once the feeling of overwhelming winds had come to a quick halt, she opened her eyes just in time to watch her be dropped onto her rear end. She looked around and up to Vlad. The loud, echoing sounds of another angel's voice calling out the words "Wave one" made her look around nervously, making her way to her feet as a large angel approached them, but only one. "They like... Don't mean for us to fight in some gauntlet... Do they?" She asked Vlad, looking over to him and then to the opponent that faced them. With a sigh, she Requipped her signature ability; a wooden kendo sword whose ability would allow her to replace its appearance with that of any other weapon in her arsenal. For her first choice, she decided on her Elendskraft, a normal sized black and purple sword with a large shield with the same color patterns, only much larger in appearance and the center with a large skull design in it. "I guess we have no choice." She stood at the ready, not willing herself to go in on the angel, but she stood near Vlad for his lead and move based on that.
    2905 words. tags. @Vlad.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 25th September 2016, 11:39 am

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    It seemed that his partner was rather lost in the situation; she was unable to process the instant change, what was occurring in such a quick manner; this is what he believed, though not for long. It was as they took flight that he would notice the squirming of the his partner; what was she doing? Did she intend to kill herself? It's not as though dropping from this height was safe, even in this place. Was it?

    Vlad simply looked downward, though he decided it not to be worthy of any sort of experimentation. If he had acted on this he may end up regretting it, who knew where he would land, and what would happen to him? Even more to the point, what happened if he was unable to move?! If he had died, though that was doubtful! "Well, definitely not worth testing..." he chuckled, though it seemed no one else would care. He was speaking to himself at this point...

    It was with this that they had been dropped into the arena; this place was rather impressive, considering the weaponry they were using. This had him consider the fact that they may have actually been secretive; perhaps they have not shown them their true power as of yet, this place was one that seemed to scream magic, though he had yet to see any. Strange. 

    Dusting himself off, it seemed that the female beside him was rather put off, she did not know what was happening. "Were you not paying attention?" He chuckled, watching the being come into view. "Ah, so you were! Yes, lets try not to die! Shall we?" He chuckled, flicking his wrist; it was with this that a scythe would appear in his hand; this weapon was not something that could simply be wielded by any man who thought to pick it up; no, there were few that even held the capability of holding this. It was summoned forth simply by Vlad's own will; it was this weapon that he could use to destroy the opponent. 

    "Let us begin~!" He chuckled, taking a step forward. It was time to begin this little trial of theirs; who would have thought they would use such a barbaric system? Well, it did fit their weaponry; perhaps this merely made it easier on them. It was only someone who held the talent that Vlad had, the sort of personality that he possessed, that allowed for this!

    With a slight smirk on his face, Vlad would begin to sprint; it seemed he could see the line! What had to be done! What he was faced with... What a bitch! 

    It was with these motions that he would bring about the demise of the first being; sure, he wouldn't kill her, but it would be these actions that would simply force her to leave, or face the fate of those whom he met elsewhere. Now that was death. Launching into the air he would simply slice down at the female; it took a simple four strikes, and she was done. "Well, care to join?" He chuckled, though it was in that instant two more would appear, clearly targeting the female.
    I'm going to roll each wave! We wont have to worry about it. 
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +30% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +25% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:
    Reapers Scythe:



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by NPC 25th September 2016, 11:39 am

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) WeakMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Boss

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 25th September 2016, 11:42 am



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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by NPC 25th September 2016, 11:42 am

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) StrongMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Boss Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) WeakMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) StrongMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster Angel's and Demons (Vlad) NormalMonster

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 1st October 2016, 3:33 pm



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 3rd October 2016, 4:36 pm

    The Battle Bunny
    Part of her had become rather frightful at the sight of the person whom had stepped up before the pair of gladiatorial combatants.. or so she would compare them to. The very presence of the angelic being had made her shake lightly out of her internal fear, however the winged beings very wings, combined with the rather quick and unexplainable feeling of assurance standing beside Vlad, it wasn't enough to have to make her want to hide behind something or even Vlad himself, but more so to just stand her ground. Honestly, it felt like a little bit of some practice towards her goal, but slow and steady wins the race. And in the case of Gisen having to get over the thought of fearing the very sight or appearance of a person, the tortoise is faster than her in getting over it than she may ever be able to.

    The bunny girl had jumped a little as she had seen something out of the corner of her eye in the direction of Vlad. Looking over toward him, he had created some scythe made of some light or some equal looking material. He hadn't hesitated in fighting this angel, but instead took the fight directly to her and within a few swift strikes, she was defeated and left before Vlad would probably try to kill her. Truth be told, she didn't really know if he was holding back on simply splattering her blood and guts all over this faux ground beneath them, or if he was genuinely granting her mercy because killing people handn't been his style. Whatever the deal had been, she wasn't too interested in having to push into the topic, or even bother to ask him why he had did what he did. However, the fact that she had been taken down so easily made her a little more at ease in when they would have to press further into this "test" that they had to do.

    The celestial being that had dropped them into this area had turned her attention toward the bunny girl. She gave a small smile and chuckled as she stepped up to a small balcony, arms tucked behind her back. "Your turn, rabbit. Wave 2, begin!" She would echo her voice in her announcement of the combat beginning. A large gate would open and 4 angels would exit from behind it. The scent of... Something rather gross hit her nose rather quickly. Her shield had dropped low and her hand holding the sword would reach up and try to block the smell from coming through. "Oh my god, that smell is like... really bad. Did like all of them roll in manure before coming here?" She physically shook her head to try and remove the smell from her nose and then raised up her weapons in a ready position. Her body seemed to shiver from the smell that continued to ooze from several of the angels across from them.

    The seemingly more in command pair of angels had given a suggestive shove towards the smaller of the two. It seemed more of a nonverbal commnand than anything, and given her time was spent with things that had never spoken the english language, it was easy to piece together that she could be more than correct in her thought of it all. The closer the two had gotten, the worse that the smell of the shovels they carried had gotten. It got to a point that she had begun to back up from them with each matching step they tried to make toward her. Pausing in their step, the two looked at one another and smirked, expanding their wings and taking off towards her quickly. She let out a yelp as she saw them speed towards her, ducking down to avoid being touched by the shovel weapons and picking her head up. "Aw hell no! I am NOT dealing with your crap!" She yelled out, not really paying attention to what she had said.

    She watched the pair of winged beings circle back around towards her. They moved at a rather quick pace and before she could react with a counter attack of any form, she instinctively took cover behind her shield, letting their shovels collide right into it. Gisen tried her hardest not to crack under the strength of their combined attack, putting her strength into it for a brief moment before sliding off to the side, letting the momentum of them trying to overpower her be used against them. As they began to lose focus, she would swing around and slice upward at the closest angel. Making a decent sized gash, she would bring it back down for a second slice, and then follow up with a hard shield smash into them, knocking them both over. With one last large smash, she would hear something crack, watching the angel float over and crash on the ground before laying unconscious.. Or dead... That was to be seen.

    Turning toward the next one, she would go after her and thrust the sword forward. Reacting quickly, the angel jumped backward and to the side, which was interrupted by a large shield cracking her in the body and knocking her back and letting the sword swing back around again, cutting her open quite a bit and then used the moment to take another two swift strikes before she fell down. Turning away, the bend of her arm holding her sword covered her nose, walking over to Vlad and standing beside him for a moment. "I can't like.. smell anything anymore but that stuff.. Oh my lord I can't even." She let out a noise, an obvious one of disgust and the feeling as if she was ready to vomit.

    3873 words. @Vlad. notes.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 6th October 2016, 4:39 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    Vlad already seemed a bit bored by the stunt that they had tried; perhaps they thought taking him on in a swift attack would cause him to falter? For him to not fight to his fullest? What did they expect? A novice whose sword was not worthy of combat? If so, then they were sorely mistaken; they would pay for the mistake. Letting out a sigh he would throw his foot up, forcing it against the angels chin. With that the beat would fall, completely defeated. "What now..." He sighed as he turned, it seemed his work was not done.... why was he paired with those who were not at their best? Well, it was fine. He had some shit to work out, and this was a great stress relief. 

    It seemed that the female was a person who could handle themselves, if they put some effort into it; he, however, was unable to sense any passion in her movement; she was afraid of being near these beast? Was she scared of them or the simple fact that they existed? Why was she, a mage, unable to accept this? It was not his problem, nor was it his place to ask the girl such questions; whether or not she could get past such trivial problems was something she would have to decide, it was not his place to force a change onto a stranger. Why should he? Why would he have been expected to do such a thing? Would anyone take the time to correct his faults? Would they have cared if he had fallen on this battlefield? No. He doubted a single person would care much for his defeat.

    This was what he believe; this is what he knew in his heart of hearts. Death called to those who were unable to defend themselves, but it seemed that Vlad was in no need for these souls; he did not wish to kill the female. He had no real reason to. Why kill a person who must not die? They can speak of him; it can help his agenda; yes, this was the plan. Who would dare go against it? As it was, he doubted many mages would be able to stand against his power; even if they could... would they dare? Who would risk their life in order to attempt to defeat a person? If they were no confident, then it was an idiotic decision. This is what he believed.

    These beliefs, however, meant nothing at the moment; this was a fight for survival. If you could not survive then it mattered not what you fought for, what you believed; unless you died a martyr, you were simply another corpse; damned by fate, and by those who relied on you. What a pathetic way to go. Perhaps these were merely the thoughts of a man so accustomed to death? What was his real reason behind all this? What was he attempting to do? Was change his truest of desires? It was what he had said thus far, but was it true? Did this cause truly resonate with him? Did he feel himself being pulled toward it? 

    It was as he though on this that he realized where he was; he was not in a place where he could simply sit around and contemplate his life thus far, on what he planned to do. It was as these thoughts were concluded that she would stumble beside him; it seemed she was unable to handle the smell? "Well, please do relax dear... I have this." A smirk appeared on his face; raising his hand he simply patted the female on the head, perhaps she would be able to learn a thing or two from this little endeavor of theirs. "Please do try to heal yourself..." He chuckled, kicking forward at speeds that were too quick for the eye to recognize; it was with this that he flew past the two who seemed to be leading the weaker beings; such pests should be dead. Well, he was a generous man; even if he wanted to release the stress he had already spared one... he had to spare the others as well... he had set a standard. It was as he blew past them that he would simply begin to slash; a furry of slashes that, unless they were beings that could move at the speed of lightning, simply dropped the two beings. 

    "Well, what now? Shall you flee in terror?" He chuckled, though he would not allow the creature to answer, for as he spoke he had already flew forward; slashing at the angel, she would drop; it seemed they were unable to withstand his corruption. It seemed he would need a massage after this job... his back was going to be a bit sore... "Well, are you okay dear? Need some help?" He would approach her, though as he did another wave would begin.... how savage...
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Death's Blessing: +30% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Death’s Discount: -3% MP per spell
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: 1 homed attack
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 12th October 2016, 5:02 pm

    The Battle Bunny

    Things were just starting to feel as though they wouldn't get better in any way to be fairly honest. That putrid smell that had albeit knocked her out cold from it was starting to go away little by little, during which time she had just become unable to process a thought almost fully. It was strange when she thought about how affected by the smell she had been considering where she had lived most of her life anyway. Normally, every animal just used the bathroom where they felt like it and hadn't cared, so why when that didn't bother her, did this stuff come to cause such a debilitating response? Not that she even cared to ask at this point anyway. She was likely to get laughed at and with her luck, more of those nasty smelling angels would end up in this gauntlet fight from hell that they had been forced into... The name's ironic though, ain't it?

    The bunny girl shook her head almost like that of a dog or cat shaking out their fur and let out a loud noise of discontent with the smell. However, as it began to leave the area, she started to feel much better and much to her partners benefits, not as useless anymore. Rubbing the bridge of her nose for a moment as the smell finally stopped lingering in her nostrils, she looked over to him, now back on her high heels and smiled. She had even had faint blush from him asking her if she was ok. No person had ever asked her that in so long, Gisen had forgotten what it felt like to be treated kindly and less like a strange freak. "H-Huh? Y-Yes, I'm ok now, Vlad." She replied, letting out a small huff and brushing her hair back into place with her hands. "Just really sensitive to most smells is all. A-And.. T-Thanks for asking. It's nice to know there's someone caring out there." Her cheeks started to flush a darker red, nervously twirling a piece of hair.

    She jumped a little as he approached her, more so out of instinct than anything else. As he followed up in asking if she needed any help, Gisen blinked and waved her hands in front of her side-to-side, just trying to dismiss his notion of her being hurt at all. "No no! I'm perfectly fine, I swear. I'm ready to fight again, I promise!" Her attempts of keeping him at bay would only be able to go so far. If anything, she had feared if he touched her she would be shocked into a state of paralyzing fear and trying to jump back into the fighting mood would take much longer. She was already burdening him by making him fight most of her battle for her. To make him do it again would depress her too much to want to do anything.

    A deep inhale would silence the bunny suited girl, mentally preparing herself for the battle as three more angels would appear before them, ready to begin the next wave. With an exhalation, her weapons would glow and shift form into a large lance and a much smaller shield. Smirking, she would approach Vlad and stand beside him, holding the shield up and aiming the lance towards the angels. "I got this one for sure! Take a break, buddy." Before he could say another word, the bunny suit wrapped around her body would change in color, turning a grass colored green. She'd take off, dashing at an ungodly high rate of speed, almost in the blink of an eye. With a large crash, she would have pinned an angel to the wall of the arena, the lange pushed against her abdomen.

    Her hand shook as she had hesitated to push it through, trying to hold back trying to completely kill the angel. The more she fought, the harder it seemed to be to control herself, which was dangerous, but the reason behind it was much more complex. Her eyes would begin to darken and just after, the lance would erupt with a blast, knocking her into the wall and creating a small crater in the wall. She would move the lance and swing it back around, cracking the lance upside the angel's head, giving her a small gash on her forehead. The other two would come in to assist their friend, alerting the bunny girl to swing around and catch one with the side of the lance again, sending her flying to the side, rebounding in rhe air by using her wings. The second one would be met by another exploding round to the face, knocking her down and momentarily putting her in a daze. The other two would attempt to go at the bunny again, dashing around them until they ended up together and causing Gisen to come to a halt.

    The lance faced the angels and a beam like charge began to grow in size at the tip. Without a warning more, she fired a large blast 3 feet out from in front of her, catching all of the angels in it and sending them scattered in three directions. The time it took each of them to recover easily gave away how injured each of them were and made it all the more easy for her to get to each of them quickly. The one she started with had taken a swift shield to the skull and her heel to the face before she stopped attacking. With her unconscious, she'd move to the next one and crack the lance aside her head. With her speed as quick as it was, they had no time to react by the time she could move from one to the next one. A lance strike to her side would stop her from trying to attack, following up with the shield into her head and knocking her back down, the bunny would be caught off guard as a sword struck against her backside, making her stumble forward. Her body and weapon would move in one motion, cracking the sword with a loud metalic noise and shattering the sword.

    With her weapon broken, she went right for her downed allies to make a change to fight back against her opponent, before a lance would strike her in the back and a second one keeping her down. A loud cry would gather her attention as the other conscious angel would lash out an attack. Lifting her shield, she'd parry the attack from hitting and using the lance and thrusting herself forward with the next crushing blow to the chest. Knocking the wind out of the angels body had left her freely open to an attack, one to which she took full advantage of and chained a flurry of both lance strikes and shield bashes until the angel had crashed into the ground and didn't get up. Lastly, her attention was on the final angel. She shook her head lightly as she attempted to bring herself back together fully. That very angel was rather cautious and still slightly dazed, but it didn't take much for Gisen to overpower someone with this lance in a weapon based combat. She dashed through quickly and struck the woman in the shoulder, opening a wide wound and creating a painful cry from the holy warrior. Pushing off of her foot, she swung her other directly into her side of the body faced closest to the bunnies body and knocked her down. While she hadn't been looking, Gisen threw her shield like a boomerang, cracking the woman in the skull and sending it flying into the air and down to a free hand hanging in the air to catch it.

    The aura clinging around her in this fight would seem much more open and dark than Vlad could have noticed before. As she turned towards him, the darkened pupils would clearly show the girls corrupting. Within seconds, it would fade away and she'd appear as normal once more, looking around like a lost child on how she happened to get all the way over here from by Vlad's side. Looking around still, she heard the large doors behind her open, making her jog herself back over normally and stop next to him. "So, how do you wanna do this? Next wave to you and we tag team the last two? Oooorrrr..." She ran off the word to key in any ideas he may have. Anything was fine, she just had to know ahead of time.

    5313 words. @Vlad. notes.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 16th October 2016, 9:37 am

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    There were a few things that had piqued his interest from the start tho he never had the opportunity to inquire into them; the first, and most interesting -at least for Vlad-, was the females ties to nature; if the bunny ears were not evident enough of some form of bond, then resonance of her soul, even its color, would give it away! She let off levels that were often seen in animals, though it was slightly higher; it was an odd mixture between the human's resonance, and the natures; what could the link between this female and nature be? Well, it was not something that he truly had to worry himself with; well, not yet. He was unsure of whether they would end up becoming acquaintances, so why take the time to loiter on such thoughts at this time?

    The second most noticeable thing about this female, at least in Vlad's eyes, was the way the female reacted and even fought! Perhaps it was simply the fact that she had withdrawn herself from the combat in the first place that had caused him to find this aspect interesting; the very timid nature, but the will to fight. The will was minuscule, but it was evident. When comparing these things to what hew as now witnessing now was odd. It was as though she was being a flirt, while in the middle of combat! The way in which he approached her, the blush in and of itself was indicative of flirtatious behavior; not only this, but the playing of her hair as she simply stood there was something that he had not expected; who would expect that the female who had been so timid would behave in this manner? He did not dislike it, in fact he found it very cute. Perhaps she was going to need some help. It was only after another second that he had realized something; she was merely very shy. It was almost the same thing to him, but not others. A shy person was a cute person, usually.

    This thought left his mind, however, as the female began to move; prompting him to allow her to handle this wave he let her have her way; what could come of it? She died? Doubtful. Even if it was coming close to that, he would not allow it; why allow the death of this strange creature when he has yet to study it, or get to know it! Who knew, maybe she would hold some sort of importance, or use, to him in the future! Time could only tell at this point; it was with this that she began her little dance; yes, it was much like a dance as she weaved between the creatures. With each move she would begin a new assault; her spear, which he did not know of, was something that she seemed very comfortable with; she knew how to handle it and did so with flashy movements; each movement let out a slash that would damage any being that was within her range; this was something that wasn't going to end well for these pesky creatures.

    It was as she continued her movements that something began to change; the aura around her, even her soul, began to change as she continued her onslaught. Fighting for what they had to, survival, it seemed she was going rabid. Perhaps she had some sort of alter ego he was unaware of, even if this was the case... its not his problem. Not yet, at least. It may effect him in the future, but not now. He could simply let her tire herself out and handle the rest on his own if need be, though that was a bit idiotic; she would merely be dead weight. Well, he did not truly enjoy lugging around dead weight, though he would if he had to. By simply carrying around dead weight it acts as a training session; having to simply put in all this continued effort, whilst expecting nothing in return, was a relatively decent way to train; it was as though he was put in charge of some rookie, of some person who was unable to command their magic with a certain degree of aptitude; while this may be a bit of a rough comparison, it seemed to fit. This, however, was neither here nor there. At this point in time he had to worry about what was occurring with his partner.

    It was the change in her aura, in her soul, that put him on guard; he had not sensed any sort of split in her at the beginning; there was nothing that indicated that this was possible for the female. He was a bit taken aback by this, though it was more so due to the fact that he did not anticipate this, it was due to the fact that she was able to do so in a rather quick chain of events; this is what surprised him. Well, it was with this that he allowed her to continue her assault. Moving through the crowd she continued to toss them about as though they were simply rag dolls, it seemed she was somewhat useful in this situation!

    "Well, look at that." He chuckled as she went about her little assault. It was with this that he began to get fired up, he was ready to go. He watched as she went around, finishing off each opponent; it seemed she had a little jiggle to her as she did such, and it was fun to watch; what man didn't enjoy such things? It was with this that she would quietly move back to his side, though it seemed she had reverted back to her old self; perhaps this was something odd for her, seeing as she had no recollection of what had happened. "What in the world..." He trailed off, wishing to question her on this manner, alas, he had no time. As he spoke the next troop would waddle forth; it was a rather large group, but that was fine. It is not as though he expected to have much of a problem.

    Six men entered, all wielding swords, however, only three seemed to be experienced. These were the men in the front, they was the one that seemed to have any experience in an actual battle; this was the trio he would deal with first, or rather last. It was with his focus one of these men that a plethora of chains would burst from the ground, wrapping around this angels body and extremities; it was with this that he would now become trapped in place; not only this, but he would feel his life draining from him. Vlad could feel this essence enter his body and was quite excited. He was ready.

    Having been stopped, the five others were taken aback for a moment; having stopped in place it was the perfect time to finish them all. It was with this that a sphere, which held a rather dark presence, would overtake this once pure arena. Defilement, unholiness, all of these things were slowing creeping its way into the arena; This was the effect of having unleashed his true magic, of having used two merely spells. It was with this that he would now begin to run forward; the beings, now all in pain from this unholy source, could not understand this. What was the actual cause of it all? This is what they were wondering; they had not expected a person to dare use such magic in this place, but Vladimir was simply trying to do what he must to finish this little squabble.

    In the stands you could hear the surprise as Beatrice let out a yelp; perhaps this was going to end as planned. Letting out a smirk it seemed they were being taken in by his magic, then again who wasn't? It was a very interesting aura, and it seemed to lure Beatrice in. He was going to have a fan girl after this, or so it seemed. "Well, all's well that ends well..." He chuckled.

    With this he ran forward, scythe still in hand, and began to mow through the beings; it seemed his magic was moving at an accelerated rate, the spells having already led on their full purpose; it caught Vlad off guard, but he would manage. Now, all the creatures having been free'd it seemed that the strongest were nearly defeated, and the one that simply walked behind them was on his knee. Launching forward he simply let out a furry of slices, not aiming much, seeing as they were all within the monstrous reach of the blade. With this the troop of men fell, all admitting defeat before the victorious Vlad.

    With this he let out a simple laugh. "Is this all we must do to prove our worth? I do hope that this little trial of yours ends soon, I have some things that must be completed!" He spoke in a taunting manner. Who the hell was orchestrating all this anyway? What was the point of it all? Who cared for this little test, it could have been done in other forms. Other tests. Different means that would lead to the same end result; they would simply pass.

    "Bring on the next wave!" He exclaimed, walking back towards his partner. "Let's make this a quick one dear." He chuckled, giving the female a quick pat on the ass, pushing her a bit forward. It was with the end of all this that he felt some of his magic entering his body, it seemed hew as rather good at this. "Come now!" He chuckled, forcing the next wave to debut itself!

    HP:300| MP:82|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Death's Blessing: +30% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Death’s Discount: -3% MP per spell
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: 1 homed attack
    Hermes Blessing: +25% speed
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 6th November 2016, 12:21 pm

    The Battle Bunny

    Finally the pair had begun to reach around to the last of their bout with these holy beings. With no real time to spare as far as the necessity in order to cope with the idea that one if not more of these waves of angels would have to come, it wouldn't be so bad... Unless more of the laboring type of them had appeared with feces covered shovels. Nothing seemed to be more enduring and torturous this entire time than that had been for her, which really didn't say much, but then again sensitivities were always a pain in the ass to deal with in her case. With that said, they had a moment to spare, even through Vlad's nearly undying want to fight more and more as they took to tending to the defeated allies sprawled out along the ground. This bought everyone a little chance for them to catch up to the actions and take a moment to recover for the moments to come.

    Now that her turn was over, the little bunny girl would sit herself down away from it all and watch the angels work for the time being. While she did so, she hadn't noticed Vlad watching her with a curious eye. From the few fights she watched him fight in, he was a very brutal man who never wasted time in combat. It was a very efficient strategy, that's for sure, but not one that she herself could come to do. Of course one wants to end a fight quick and without any struggle or need to use their own strength, but at the same time that same struggle is what makes people corrupt with power and makes them seek it out. It was a troubling fact that she wished didn't exist, however in the long run she could see why people could do it and why they felt the need to do it... Sometimes.

    With it seeming like Vlad was ready to fight now, the angels finished up their clean up and left it to the next wave to ready themselves for him. 6 of them left the gate and readied to fight him. A little worry seemed to approach as the number of them combined with the fact it was only one person fighting them could easily be changed if she sought to help, but a part of her thought it would be better if she sat out the whole ordeal of this round. It wasn't that she thought she couldn't keep fighting, in fact she knew she could, but she didn't want to try and undermine Vlad and his fighting capabilities. Truthfully, she felt as though she was being carried through this ordeal due to the ease in which he could take them out compared to her. Though when she did think about it, she didn't necessarily think she had any upperhand against these angelic beings as compared to him.

    As he went in to fight, Gisen remained on the sideline, one hand gently clutched to her forehead. She was trying to recollect the fight she had just been through, but with each time she tried, her mind began to ache and the actions she made slowly grew more and more fuzzy. It was harder for her to try and remember what had happened only moments ago, but everything before then was simple and clear as day. It was like she blacked out in the middle of the fight and then something in her triggered to click back to reality or something. It was a mind boggling thing to simply begin to forget something like that so quickly, but retain memory clear as day from every point in time around then. The whole ordea was puzzling and worrisome at the same time to try and figure out, however she wasn't entirely sure whether or not she would be able to deal with the whole issue or not.

    Putting that aside, the bunny girl sighed and remained seated on the ground, watching as Vlad went to work on this 5th wave of people. Watching him fight was a rather pleasant spectacle to be honest, though she wasn't very keen on fighting herself. Not keen in the aspect that they were inexperienced, but instead it being used in the context of fighting in it of itself. Understandably, the pair wasn't given much of a choice in order to get out of here alive, however she didn't have to still have to like the concept of it. It all was a rather barbaric form of gladitorial combat that gave humanity such a terrible name. One would think even in death that something like that would be labeled much less necessary of an act... Now though it would seem evident that it wasn't really true at all.

    Finally, after all that fighting and nonsense, it seemed Vlad's turn was done with. Even with as much fighting as the strange man had done, he was still hyper and wanting more. It reminded her of a really hyper lion cub. Just one that wanted to keep playing and playing even after everyone else around them was exausted and unwilling to want to play anymore. With a sigh, she'd stand up to her feet with the ready to fight once again, but hopefully for the last time she would hope. "Peek-a-boo, little bunny~" A feminine voice spoke from behind before cold steel would swing and cut up her right shoulder blade to her shoulder bone and a pulse of light would shoot her several meters away, skidding along the ground. Gisen began to struggle to get up, but her body refused to move. Her nerves began to pick up the feeling of blood slowly starting to trickle down from the wound over her shoulder. "H-Hey, I can't move!" She cried out, trying still to move a body that refused to cooperate what so ever with her. "Let the final battle begin!" Two swords pointed away from the new challenger... Not that Gisen had any chances of seeing right now.
    6328 words. @Vlad. notes.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 7th November 2016, 7:38 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    It had been a day that was not quite as he had expected; sure, he had one hundred percent expectations of finding a job to complete, and yes, he foresaw some for of combat in the job; most jobs required a sort of dirty work; a certain type of personality to complete. Well, perhaps it was only the jobs that Vlad would chose; perhaps others had simpler jobs; he did remember the past. Easy jobs, where all he had to do was escort so and so, or taste some food; stopping mail from reaching a certain person. All of these things were such a simple task that he could not even think of having to do them again; it was below him at this point, though why pay others to do it? "Well, I suppose it makes sense." He chuckled. Well, what was the next challenge? Was it going to be another sort of wave? Perhaps they'd throw in a few more combatants? Well, either way, it was going to be over soon. Vlad was growing tired of these little games. 

    "Beatrice, how much longer until the boss comes?" He sighed, now addressing the angel who had brought them here. Turning his fill attention to the angel, it seemed that she was a bit flustered. Mumbling to herself, not able to complete a sentence, she simply blushed. "Oi, are you okay?" He sighed, not sure as to why she was unable to do finish her bloody sentence. "Do you need help? Speak up!" He exclaimed, though it was merely so she could hear. "Well, I do suppose it will be revealed either way, eh?" He chuckled, taking a moment to simply enjoy the place they found them self. It was actually very beautiful; it gave off the air of a utopian place. "Hm, I could get used to this..." He chuckled, looking around the place. It was as his mind became distracted that he would be lost in thought; or perhaps it was this foreign sky that caused him to lose himself. Perhaps it was something that had to be done? 

    This sight brought back a feeling of serenity; a feeling that things were rather simple, there was not very much to worry about. It was as though he was being brought back; back to a place he had forgotten long ago. What was this sensation? It was something that could be equated to being called home. It had held him there, simply lost in the own intricacies of his own mind for several moments. When he was able to regain focus it felt as though he had been gone for an eternity; as though he had just relived countless years; countless decades; no, who knew how long? The exact amount of time was impossible to say. Shaking his head for a brief moment, he had regained his composure. "Well, what now!?" He exclaimed, ready for whatever challenge he was to be presented. 

    Summary of the whole ordeal as he stood there:
    Finally, after all that fighting and nonsense, it seemed Vlad's turn was done with. Even with as much fighting as the strange man had done, he was still hyper and wanting more. It reminded her of a really hyper lion cub. Just one that wanted to keep playing and playing even after everyone else around them was exausted and unwilling to want to play anymore. With a sigh, she'd stand up to her feet with the ready to fight once again, but hopefully for the last time she would hope. "Peek-a-boo, little bunny~" A feminine voice spoke from behind before cold steel would swing and cut up her right shoulder blade to her shoulder bone and a pulse of light would shoot her several meters away, skidding along the ground. Gisen began to struggle to get up, but her body refused to move. Her nerves began to pick up the feeling of blood slowly starting to trickle down from the wound over her shoulder. "H-Hey, I can't move!" She cried out, trying still to move a body that refused to cooperate what so ever with her. "Let the final battle begin!" Two swords pointed away from the new challenger... Not that Gisen had any chances of seeing right now.

    Not even ten seconds had passed, and yet he felt as though he had been gone for too long; some amount of time that would not allow him to catch up so easily. Well, as it turned out, he was fine. Turning around, Vlad was able to catch a quick glimpse of what was occurring. Rather, what was about to occur. "Shit..." He sighed, watching the Angel sweep in, its weapons already unsheathed. "Fucking Good Game..." He sighed, running his hand through his hair; it was with this that he would begin to skate forward; he knew where this was going. 

    Anticipating his partner to go flying across the ring, he simply intercepted the path. Catching the female, as a gentlemen such as him should (Gentlemen? Uh.... sure?). "Well, just dont die on me...." He chuckled, placing the bunny girl on the ground. "Well, I'm sure I can handle this!" He chuckled, cracking his neck. "Well, I guess I can..." He sighed, launching forward; perhaps it was because he was moving at the speed of lightning, but the angel was caught off guard. With this the two would blast across the arena, slamming into the walls. She quickly realized that she had lost her weapons moments ago, still in the spot in which she had landed. It was with this that he would begin his assault; literally just sitting there, slicing at the female. Perhaps it was the fact that she had fallen for such a tactic, or perhaps it was the fact that he was groping her as he sliced, that she was dumbfounded. His hands were very active, ensuring a very accurate reading of her breast size, and the destruction of her soul.

    "Submit to me, Angel!" He exclaimed, chuckling as he did so. This lasted for a few minutes, before she finally tossed him off; she fired off every spell she had, rage had engulfed her. Each spell had simply been negated, however, as he had used his one spell to save him. SALVATION. "HAHA GOOD TRY!" He chuckled, lunging forward. It was with this that he would continue his assault.. 
     (Have Fun~)
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Death's Blessing: +30% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +15% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Death’s Discount: -3% MP per spell
    Resistance of the Soul: +35% dmg resistance
    ’Til I Die: 1 homed attack
    Hermes Blessing: +25% speed
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2
    The caster is able to concentrate the loose souls around himself, and form a layer around them self. This allows souls to consume all magical energy, of B rank and lower, before it makes contact with the user.
    Dissipates spells.
    Only dissipates B-rank spells and below.
    Although the souls absorb energy, it does not go back to Vlad.



    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 22nd November 2016, 11:22 am

    The Battle Bunny
    So much for having to be useful anymore at this point. Even as she had been shot across the arena, she felt her body losing all functionality from her head to her toes, finding it impossible to try and expect nothing less than a hard crash landing a bit of skidding to a halt on the Colosseum floor. Whether making this landing would feel less painful trying to mentally brace for the impact or not would only come to find out when she would make the initial landing into the cold, dead surface. Why dead? Well, being that the disconnection from the earthen soil since she arrived, it was clear whatever artificial creation they used to mimic this was very well done, but to Gisen it was like seeing the difference between silver and gray. Something not so easy to determine at a glance or even at a closer look varying on where it was even used in or on.

    As she had begun to prep for the crash landing, she felt an unexpected soft, but more firm padded surface she had collided with. With her eyes closed tight she didn't know what to expect when she opened them. Was it that she was caught by other angels and taken away from Vlad to make them both fight alone for their lives? Once she had actually opened them up, she saw familiar arms holding her still. At first, her cheeks formed pink blotches on them as the warm feeling of being embraced washed over her until the voice cracked that feeling right in half. She became startled, but unable to do anything aside from moving her eyes, blink, and talk for the time being. She scoffed at the comment he gave, rolling her eyes even though from how he held her for the moment he couldn't really see it. "I don't intend to... But not moving is not really something I can control."

    Watching carefully, she had been gently settled onto the ground before Vlad had gone to jump right into the action, leaving the bunny girl to sit and watch her partner try to tackle this foe alone. Truthfully, she felt -and was- powerless to stop him from doing so, or even to try and assist him in the fight. However long this paralysis had come to last she wasn't going to stop trying to move even during the stages of it wearing off. In he mean time, Vlad had gotten to try and fight this person through very.... unique ways. He was very high risk in being so close to her as they squared off, but as she watched him, he seemed be easily enraging the angel and gaining more joy out of it as the fight went on. It was intriguing to say the least, watching another human being fighting while she simply watched, but so say that she approved of the methods? No, not one bit. The results? Well... That's something she had no choice but to approve of, despite that.

    Suddenly, her finger twitched and the feeling of that shot up her arm and made her look down, thinking something started crawling up her arm. Looking down, she noticed her hand could ball into a fist, which started to tell her that this paralysis was wearing off rather quickly. It was always a good thing to see to be honest, thankful even. Even her feet began to start to move, so hopefully within time she would be able to fight as well. That's when the thought had hit her about what she COULD do while still sitting still. With a deep breath in, she would have her cheeks puff out with the gathering element into her mouth, even lighting them up, should Vlad see her readying something to do. The next thing to come would be a large roar of lightning from the bunny girls mouth, launching right at the pair. However, with Vlad's speed she had the confidence to know he would dodge it in time, even enough to stall her enough to make sure it hit. With any hope that was. Anything she'd be able to do until she was able to fully move again. But she'd just have to wait and see.
    7039 words. @Vlad. Lightning Dragons Roar used- B rank spell.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 22nd November 2016, 8:02 pm

    A smirk covered his face as he began his second wave of motions; he had nothing to hold him back, and he expected to finish this quite quickly. This is what happens when you allow another person equal importance to the mission. Trusting others competence... Such a mistake. He thought to himself as he lunged forward; it was with this that he would grab the angel by the throat. His grip tightening, he would simply smirk; "Well, what do we have here?" He chuckled; it was with this that he would notice something out of the corner of his eye. It seemed his partner wanted to join in on this little scuffle. Leaping back, throwing the angel to the ground, he would simply watch as she absorbed the full shocked of the magic. "Hm, not completely useless..." He chuckled, planting one foot into the ground as he landed. It was with this that he kicked forward. It was with this speed that he would ram his knee into her face.

    the contact sent a shudder through his body, though it was nothing more than that. A shudder. He was caught off guard; he had hit her an inch lower than he had expected. "Damn..." He chuckled; it was with this that she would fly off into the wall of the stadium. Kicking forward, once more, he would extend his arm. "This is it babe~! Prepare thy self for my righteous justice!" He chuckled, his hand grabbing her face and slamming it against the wall. "Yes, this is it!" He exclaimed, his free hand now thrusting forward. It was with this that he would pierce her chest. "Death is not something you may embrace." He laughed, her blood flowing down his arm. It was with this that he would quickly remove his arm. It was now that the body would collapse down on itself; it seemed they had bested the damned woman. "Well, say ye now? Are we still unable to be trusted? Shall I put the fear into you? Or do you want something else in ya?" He chuckled, turning on his heels. Walking away from the defeated angel he simply sighed. "We are done here, are we not? Now, I do expect this whole mess to be resolved. I swear if it is not, I will actually kill one of these beasts. Now, please do remove us from this place lest you incur my wrath." He mocked the angels. It seemed that they had thought very little of their capabilities; of his capabilities. "Well, where are you? Get your asses out here!" He exclaimed, simply looking around.

    It was with this that Beatrice would hop into the arena, perhaps she had finally decided to intervene? "And that is it folks!" The shout caster spoke, the mic cutting out abruptly. It was with this that the walls would simply lower; what was occurring? They had no real idea. Looking back he would take a quick step; moving dozens of meters in under a second he simply leaned forward, looking down at the hybrid. "Well, are you getting up?" He asked, grabbing her by the arm carrying her off; yes, it was the sought after bridal carry. It was rather easy, plus it got her around. "I mean, you did something..." He trailed off, still not very interested in giving her much credit. She barely did anything at all, to be honest. "Well, at least you survived... I suppose." He stated, setting her down.

    It was as he did so that Beatrice would begin to approach the man, though she did so quite hesitantly. "What was your name, brave one?" She spoke, though did so in a frail manner. Perhaps it was the simple fact that he had allowed his truest of natures to seep into the female; that he had allowed her to feel Babylon's aura. Perhaps she was keen to side with this new feeling of joy? 

    "Vladimir, call me Vlad." He chuckled, walking past the angel, though it was with this that he would simply wrap his arm around her waist. "So, do tell me, what was your name again?" He laughed. "It seems my day has been too long and I have forgotten." It was with this that he would look over his shoulder and wink at the bunny. "Well, how about it? Are we able to leave? We have proven our worth, or was it our purity?" He chuckled, turning the two around. 

    "Well, Uh.... I suppose...?" She spoke, though her voice wavered. 

    It was with this that he would simply pinch her ass; unleashing a bit more of her aura Vlad was able to gain control of this angel. "Well, how about showing us out?" He chuckled, slapping her ass. 

    It was with this that Vlad would walk over to the bunny, lifting her up once more. "Lets go." He sighed, thinking back on his entrance. 
     "It was as he picked up his pace that he would take on last look at the flier; it spoke of some partner that would be required for this job? Perhaps he would meet them there! If not, fuck it! He was a strong man, very independent! He did not need a partner!  

    It had been no more than an hour before this feeling hit him; it was something so familiar, yet so different; it would bring up thoughts of death, though not in the way he had known them to be. He was accustomed to the death and afterlives of the damned; this was something different... something untainted. "Tch. Of course it is pure, why wouldn't it be?!?" He seemed to be aggravated by the mere fact that death had to be tainted by such a pure thought. It was annoying. "If this is as I think it is, then this will be annoying...." He sighed, having already realized that this was going to be a bitch. A holy area lay ahead, and his magic did not agree with this; it was not that it was weak to this area, simply that he could feel his body becoming more sensitive to the mere aura; yes, he was going to be having to deal with these problems for a while. These problems would be along the lines of having to adapt to this sensation; he was going to be tainting this entire area, after all!
    It was now that he realized how much more powerful he felt; he felt as though he could taint the entirety of this area, without much problem; his magic was a great one after all! It was as these thoughts crossed his mind that he would hear some noise; it was a human, or humanoid. Who knew, for sure, without visual confirmation? It was as he approached the source of this sound that he could see it. It was a set of bunny ears, attached to a rather nicely built female. "Well, who are you? My partner?" He chuckled, walking past the being, not really seeing a reason to wait for them. "Oh, nice ass. Please do try and keep up! I wish to finish in time for supper! Don't drag your feet, or hold me back. Simple courtesy things!" He was restraining himself; it seemed that it was a bit more interesting when you had something so pure along with someone so corrupt; he did want to corrupt her. "Well, the name is Vlad! What is yours?" He would allow her to speak. "Very nice, lets get started!" He chuckled, jumping into the spacial tear."

    Yes, this is how they had began the day. Rather, it was his beginning. All that mattered was that the mission was over.

    WC complete.


    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Vlad 22nd November 2016, 8:03 pm

    When submitting this to the End Job can you please note that I have all the B-rank spell slots. I would like the equivalent Jewels instead!


    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Angel's and Demons (Vlad) Empty Re: Angel's and Demons (Vlad)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 28th November 2016, 2:18 pm

    Little by little her body began to become a little more responsive to movement, to feeling, to pain, aches, sensitivities, and the like. Even then, from what she could hardly do, she tried to figure out how she had exactly been stricken with this paralysis in one blow. Obviously, the angel they had to fight had done it, but to say the least it was pretty unsure how she did it, now how the angel hadn't done so to Vlad instead of her. He had potential to beat them so much easier than she had, in fact had she of done so she may have just been able to overtake Gisen and take her down a peg before taking advantage of how much time was left in the paralysis itself. Granted, even though she seemed and possibly even was the weaker link of the two, it was a little more clear to that Vlad could be dealt with easier without someone else trying to take her on at the same time.

    With her attack, it seemed to go through without a hitch, which made it much much easier in the long run to be able to help set up a much bigger opportunity to attacks. Thanks to Vlad, of course, she was able to do so without hitting her ally at the same time, making it much more of a satisfying feeling. Watching the scenery unfold, she was slightly surprised she was able to do so much damage to the environment, but look like she hadn't done so much to the angel herself. Perhaps she was much more fortified toward that kind of thing than she was towards physical combat. That assumption only occurred as she watched Vlad follow up her spells contact with a rather viscous looking knee cap placed to the womans face. Of course, finding a date would probably be much harder to do now that her face had been rearranged a little bit by that blow, but by god was that painful looking.

    She still sat on the ground, surprised by such a painful display of physical assaults laid in on her by Vlad. He gave her no time at all to try and attack, and every bit of a chance he had he said something whether it was to give her a chance or to mock her... Or at least what she presumed to be mocking her it seemed. With a sigh, she seemed to be a little less than a rather... amused by how much fun he seemed to be having while she sat there like a sack of carrots. Yes, the usual term is potatoes, but this is a bunny obsessed rabbit... What else did you expect to hear? Slowly but surely, as he continued his onslaught of combat, she didn't really know what else she could do from this distance, her mind started to feel like it was going through a withdraw of her carrot fix it seemed. She started feeling a little jittery and going back through her mind trying to help fix this issue:

    Flashback wrote:Nothing seemed to phase the bunny girl as her mind was scrambled with thoughts of mountains lined with carrots piled high as the eye can see within a building. her imagination stirred over the thoughts in her mind and it seemed to stunt her common sense and reality in itself. her body moved on it's own, walking through crowds of people and small shops and stands as she headed around the place. with the scent of carrots on her nose, she seemed to be more like a bloodhound than a rabbit, but maybe there just some more hungry bunnies than others. the sheer thought that she was just plainly walking through the streets with few people checking out her rabbit features, the ass wiggling around in her pace, and with the way she had moved about in general was much different than most would have expected anyway. not accustomed to the normal way people ran anymore, her running, or jogging really had been less than normal and more... awkward really. it had seemed more like a hopping motion in tandem with a jogging pace. to some it would be considered cute, and others would just find it weird. but to this girl, it was normal and convenient when playing with her furry friends. The rushing bunny girl continued her way through the town, hurried in search for the location of the place she was told to go to and protect it. "to the mountain of carrots! mt. carrot! the great carrot hill!"

    The imagined thought of the large endless pile of carrots stacked up in a locked room solely for her own access made her rather giddy. However, her mentally blissful state popped when she felt something odd. Blinking a couple times, she had looked around to find herself being carried by Vlad like a new bride being carried by her spouse. A light blush popped onto her face before she started to squirm a little out of a fear from being touched. He set her down though onto her feet as he then turned to speak to the angel, she worked on trying to stand herself up and maintain her balance. Never before had she ever had to feel this way with it, so it only became much harder to try and work out all the left over kinks.

    Vlad finally came back, helping Gisen to stay on her feet as the two followed the angel to the exit. She didn't know what to say, but even to say thanks was unable to erupt. Her fear silenced her vocally, rather than physically. She had been stopped at the portal showing the forest from which they had come from. The angel simply stepped aside and the pair would walk through it without any struggle, appearing though... Nowhere near where the portal showed, or with one another. Looking around, she couldn't find a single sign that Vlad was around... Maybe this was on purpose? All she could tell was, being back on real soil made her body recover much quicker than usual, back to normal even.

    7039 + 1032 = 8071 words



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