Fairy Tail RP

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    Delivery Boy from the Movies (Job)


    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 22
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

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    Delivery Boy from the Movies (Job) Empty Delivery Boy from the Movies (Job)

    Post by Uryu 8th August 2016, 3:13 pm

    Uryu made his way into the town, having come up from Rose Garden. There was travel to be done as a mage, everyone knew that. Still, he had not expected to travel so far and so frequently. He would have to find another way to travel than by foot if he was going to use this way to achieve his dream. Still, there were things to be gained. His legs were stronger than many who would take their time or travel by other means. Coursing with muscle and stamina, the young man head towards where he was suppose to meet the client.

    Upon arriving, he found a man who couldn't be older than thirty- Most likely younger. "Hello." Uryu was short, but polite. The man greeted him, clarified who Uryu was, then began speaking. Apparently, there was a celebrity performing that night. Someone that this man claimed to know very well from their childhood. Another crazy person... Fantastic." His thoughts were not flattering, but then again he wasn't paid to be kind. "Please, just get this letter to her!" Grabbing the sealed envelope, Uryu glanced at it and nodded. Money was money, and he needed the money. After all, there was only so much that could come from this one way or another. The security that Magnolia instituted was normally of the non-magical variety, or simply unskilled. He'd simply have to slip in, deliver the letter and slip out. There wasn't much of a chance of the mission going south- Only one thing to do. Deliver the letter.

    WC: 258

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 22
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

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    Delivery Boy from the Movies (Job) Empty Re: Delivery Boy from the Movies (Job)

    Post by Uryu 8th August 2016, 3:20 pm

    Making his way towards the back of the building, Uryu looked around. He wasn't going to go in the front door- Too many fans. There was no problem about witnesses, obviously. This wasn't some upscale assassination attempt, nor was it some attempted kidnapping. It was a delivery. Still, according to the man who had given him this letter, the letters were often seen by managers or someone else first, and often times never even made it to the star. He claimed he had never sent other letters, but he was confident in this as fact. Hey, who was Uryu to judge? He was trying to make money, not figure out mysteries.

    Making his way towards the security exit, there was but a single guy. Pretty tall, slightly taller than Uryu, and a decent build too. Uryu noted the mans longer-than-average arms and grinned. "No trespassing. Sorry Kid, you'll have to go around." Uryu cocked his head to the side, a confused expression. "The door is locked?" The man seemed confused at the question, glancing behind him for a moment before grinning. "Ye, it is. And I'm the lock. What do you have to say about that?"

    The grin that was still on his face turned into a smile. "Okay." Stepping forward, Uryu began sending a punch towards the mans abdomen. "TOO SLOW!" The security guards fist was already in Uryu's chest- But why were Uryu's feet off the ground? Grabbing the fist and falling, he'd lock his legs around the mans neck. Falling with the unexpected weight, the security guard attempted to scream before catching a fist in his temple. Out cold, Uryu rolled off and opened the door. Walking in and closing the door, Uryu began navigating the corridors. There were other guards, but Uryu simply made himself invisible to them using his magic. Before long, he found himself in front of the door with the Celebrities name on it. Stepping in and seeing her fully dressed (dammit), he grinned. "Please don't shout. I'm simply a delivery boy." Placing a letter in her hands, he nodded and then made himself invisible to her too.

    Making people think that he was a good and silent mage was also good for business, after all.

    WC: 373
    Posts: 2
    Job: Finished

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am