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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]


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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 2:35 am

    After the recent events, Leila was simply exhausted. Both emotionally and physically. To regain some of her strength, she decided to spend some time in local park instead of sleeping like a proper human being. She arrived in the evening, but before she settled down under one of the bigger trees, the sun was already sleeping behind the horizont. With no one around, Leila removed her cape and revealed the silver hair, slightly shining in the darkness. And from her bag, a little furry creature hoped out. Her precious pet Ori, who was finally free to run around a bit. Watching him for a while, Leila eventually gave in to the sound of crickets and running water in the distance. Her back leaning against the strong tree, she sighed. It seemed that there was not a soul around. And it was understandable, it was pretty much middle of the night. Pulling out a small lantern and turning it on, she now had enough visibility to open her book. A story of a villainous princess and her twin brother. A little stretch before she would start reading managed to get a small yawn out of her as well. But being in a nature was mostly better for her than sleeping anyway, so it was all fine. Quickly finding the bookmark that was somewhere in the middle of the book, she finally started getting herself back into the story.

    As she was reading, a small though entered her mind. She was supposed to make new friends at point... but how would she make them? Would she search for them? Or maybe she would obtain one by a simple, random encounter? Well, that was probably up to the gods to decide. For now, she just continued reading in the warmth of her big coat, not paying much attention to occasional passersby.

    Last edited by VindStot on 6th July 2016, 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Closing the thread)



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 29th June 2016, 1:55 pm

    A yell could be heard inside a small diner. The sign in front of it would give the information saying it closed around thirty minutes ago, yet a short blonde girl still sat inside the diner gorging herself. "Sorry.." She said between mouth fulls to the angry owner. "I just didn't get to eat yet today, because well I was to lazy to leave home, and get food." The store manager looked out raged. "You've been eating from my all you can eat buffet for nearly two hours, lady you're going to eat away my profits!" Kaylin shrugged and continued eating. After ignoring his rants for around a minute more Kaylin was alarmed to see a frying pan fly towards her. Kaylin took this as the final sign she should get out of there. She laid the money she owed down, plus a little more to make up for the extra, and ran.

      She dashed out on to the street, and heard the door slam behind her. "Phew.... He sure was angry." Kaylin looked towards the sky, and realized the sun had set, and the moon was now rising. "Crap!" Kaylin felt a shiver up her spine. She hated the darkness, and it was apparent when she clung onto a wall looking around with wide eyes. She noticed a light in the park. She quickly scurried to it sighing in relief once she was out of the complete darkness. She realized about 10 feet away there was someone reading a book, and Kaylin was obviously intruding.  "Sorry if I startled you! Uhh.... I was heading home, and saw a light so I came to investigate....." Kaylin said it extremely awkwardly. She then put on her classic friendly smile that was presented on her face most of the time. She wasn't normally like this, she often just grew frantic to find any light sources at night.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 2:10 pm

    Judging by the sounds of her surroundings, it seemed that some places were still pretty lively. In the empty streets and park, the sound carried quite far. Not paying it much attention, Leila continued reading her book in peace. At least until she heard steps in the darkness. Even Ori grew vary and quickly scurried towards his owner, jumping onto her head and playing the role of a furry hat that was staring at the girl that just emerged from the shadows. It was a quite a surprise. One would expect some shady individual at this hour, maybe a thief or wanted murderer. But definitely not a girl with eyes deep as the ocean and beautiful long hair like that. With all that was happening, Leila stopped holding the book and let it fall onto the grassy ground.

    "N..no, it's fine. You didn't..." Leila answered back, just as awkwardly. She wasn't all that good with people and this was generally not how people meet either. Looking at the girl more closely, Leila realized that she was really pretty. Almost like some sort of a model with a priced body. "Is there something I could do for you?" She asked in the end, her voice filled with nervousness. It was still possible that there was a murderer standing in front of her, especially since she was reading story with an unlikely villain. Even Ori, the furry creature that was residing on Leila's head, tilted his head in mild confusion.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 29th June 2016, 2:26 pm

    Kaylin could tell this girl was extremely wary. Kaylin noticed the girl must've been a bit younger than herself. When the light hit her face Kaylin could tale she was rather pale, and her hair wasn't completely white, but more of a silver. She looked rather gorgeous. "No. I was just on my way home, and like I said I saw a light and came to investigate." Kaylin's voice flowed easily with a friendly note to it. This time Kaylin had relaxed, and there was no awkwardness to it. ~Okay so the investigation thing was a lie, but what am I supposed to say? I'm afraid of the dark? No, I'll sound like a child!~ Kaylin though these things to herself.
      Kaylin paused for a moment when she saw a little furry type that sitting on top of the girl head. She smiled towards it when she could tell it was uneasy itself. "That's an adorable little pet you have there." She stared at it for a moment, and realized she hadn't even introduced herself. "Sorry, how rude of myself! I haven't even said my name yet. I'm Kaylin, and it's nice to meet you." She said trying to appear friendly and not alarm the girl. ~I must appear to be a murderer or something. Randomly stepping out of the darkness, and sticking around? Ugh I don't know what's wrong with myself.~ Kaylin sighed at herself. She wasn't sure why she always put herself in these awkward positions. It had become like a daily routine at this point, and it was becoming quite the bad habit.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 2:36 pm

    It appeared that the girl was inspecting Leila back, which was pretty understandable. They were two strangers that just met, of course they would analyze one another. With a little explanation from her, Leila stopped being so tense as well and held the lantern that was resting on the grass next to her high in the air. "Just me, reading a book." She smiled as she said those words. And hopefully, the short answer was enough to complete her little investigation of an unknown light in the park. Though it still seemed like she was thinking about something. Or at least she wore an expression that indicated something like that.

    When she spoke to Ori, the little devil tilted his head to the other side before jumping off from Leila's head and instead into her arms. And from there, he quickly jumped into the grass right in front of the girl. He was rather inteligent creature, despite his looks. And his instincts rarely lied. The fact that he approached her with ease just like that, it meant that she really posed to danger to them. He even mimicked a bow, something he saw other humans doing, to greet her when she introduced herself. "Kaylin... that's a lovely name. Sounds like it would belong into a fairy tale." She smiled again, this time even warmer that before. Knowing that this girl was not her enemy, Leila felt strangely at peace talking to her. "Name's Leila. Leila Vergious." She introduced herself as well. "And that little furball in front of you is Ori. I think he wants a little pat on the head." With that, Ori actually pointed at his head and wiggled a little.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 29th June 2016, 2:55 pm

    Kaylin smiled brightly. The girl finally seemed at ease. She looked towards the book when the girl mentioned it. Kaylin wasn't all that passionate about reading, but she would read from time to time. She realized the girl must've been out here to relax. Kaylin wasn't all great with compliments, so when the girl complimented her name Kaylin would awkwardly smile. "Thanks! Leila is quite a beautiful name as well." Once the little thing jumped right in front of Kaylin, it took her no time at all to reach down, and gently pet it. It was rather soft, and looked very sweet. She then would look back towards Leila."Why would you read a book during this time of the day, or rather this time of the night." Kaylin chuckled a bit, but grew uneasy once she had reminded herself that it was night. She seemed to notice every little sound. When a bird would fly over head Kaylin would look towards the sound nervousily, and so on with any other natural sound.

    Kaylin glanced back towards Ori. "Would you mind if I picked him up?" She wasn't sure if Leila would feel comfortable with this, and that's why Kaylin asked. She then proceeded to sit down leaning her back against a tree.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 3:11 pm

    Since she was having a conversation right now, there was no longer any need for the book. Picking it up from the ground in front of her, Leila brushed it off and laid it down next to the lantern, illuminating the name "Evillious chronicles". With that little compliment about her name, Leila placed one of her hands against her chest, where her heart was beating silently. "Thank you... the name that was given to me by my father, I'm really glad somebody likes it." She didn't really meant to say all that, but the joy of someone complimenting her precious name for the very first time was too great for her to keep in. It almost seemed as if a small tear formed in one of her eyes before she wiped it. Now was not the time to be thinking about events of the past. Suddenly, the girl asked a question that anyone probably would. Why was she reading at time like this? Leila wasn't all too sure herself. "I guess... that I was just in the mood for a book, not really caring about what time it is." She chuckled herself. She probably came across as a really odd girl to Kaylin.

    She also noticed that Kaylin was a bit jumpy, something a tad bit unusual. Though to be fair, the park was a bit creepy at this late hour and someone who was not in such a tune with nature as Leila would probably be a bit scared. And when she asked if she could pick up Ori, Leila simply laughed softly. "You should ask that him, not me." As she finished her sentence, Ori nodded and made a sound resembling cat's meow. Until now he was cuddling with her hand and now he was ready to be picked up and cuddled with. As Kayling seated herself against the tree as well, seemingly having no interest in leaving into the darkness again, Leila picked up the lantern and placed it next to her, essentially handing over the only source of light she had.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 29th June 2016, 3:36 pm

    Kaylin noticed Leila seemed very touched she had complimented her name. She smiled happily since she had made Leila happy. She would next notice the name of the book. It was a tad odd. ~Evillious Chronicals. What an odd name for a book. ~ She chuckled a bit when she mentioned how she just wanted to read the book. "I know how you feel. Some times I just want to go outside just because I think it would be fun not caring what time it is." When Kaylin spoke she instead was refuring to the early hours of the day instead of late at night.

    "Ask him? Can he understand most words?" Kaylin thought it was a bit of a silly question to ask, but she thought it was odd the girl told her to ask him. Ori did seem more than willing to be held. She picked up Ori, and would hold him in one arm while she used the other hand to stroke him. At this point she noticed the girl had placed her only light source near Kaylin. She wondered why she had done it. "You really don't need to be placing the light near me. I should honestly be going soon. I'm not really a night owl, and I like to wake up early." She mentioned this, but didn't stand or anything she seemed to just be enjoying the moment. She had met a extremely nice girl, and her adorable pet. "I take you're a big reader?" Kaylin assumed this since the girl had been reading a book so late at night.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 3:51 pm

    Looking at the book again, Leila started thinking. Perhaps the name was a bit strange, but she never really though of it that way. "It's a collection of stories about people that were possessed by deadly sins." The way she said it, it probably sounded like a pretty morbid book. But every story did have a happy ending. At least for human standart. "I guess the book might be a little bit hard for people that don't read often and don't visit other nations." She eventually continued, sliding her hand over the book's hard cover. Kaylin really did seem like a very friendly girl, maybe one that would enjoy running in the wet, morning grass without any boots.

    When she asked Leila if Ori understood their language, she had to laugh again. And so did Ori, or at least he made sounds that sounded like laughing. "I think he might be smarter than me, actually." She said, closing her eyes and sighing. Indeed, Leila was not the smartest. And these woodland spirits possessed great ability to learn from their surroundings. It didn't take long and Ori understood everything that Leila said perfectly. "It's a shame that his vocal cords and general anatomy don't allow for speech. I'm sure he would be capable of it." With a chuckle, she imagined how would Ori sound, speaking human language. But Kaylin interrupted that though, questioning her act of lacing the lantern near her. "O..oh, I'm sorry. I looked like you were a bit scared so I... I'm really sorry, I didn't want to make fun of you..." She quickly retreated with her attitude, worrying that the act and her words were overly rude to the girl. Not really reacting to the other half of what she said, Leila was positive that Kaylin would probably leave soon because of all this. But she still asked about the book, or rather, about Leila's love towards books. "I..I read whenever I can. Because... I love the s..stories..." She forced the words out of herself, still worrying.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 29th June 2016, 4:08 pm

    Kaylin laughed a bit. The story seemed a bit morbid, but Kaylin didn't judge sometimes the spookiest sounding stories were the most enjoyable. The girl was right. Kaylin had never visited another nation. Fiore was her home, and she'd never known anything different.

    She thought it was funny when Leila mentioned that Ori might be smarter than herself. "He really must be a smart little guy then." When Kaylin had mentioned the lantern she really didn't take it offensive, but this girl seemed nervous she would have. Kaylin smiled trying to reassure her. "Hey no worries. I actually don't really like the dark that much. It was a nice thing to do. You didn't offend at all. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you did." Next she looked down at small Ori. It was hard for her to image this guy being as smart as Leila said. She pet him softly, and placed him on the ground. She had noticed Leila seemed uncomfortable now, so she released her pet to go comfort it's master. "I honestly am not that infatuated with reading like you are, but I have read good stories every now and then." Kaylin tried to keep things cool, and keep Leila from getting worked up even more than she already was.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 29th June 2016, 4:21 pm

    As she held him, Ori coiled his tail around her hand and cuddled with the hand that was stroking him. He was clearly enjoying him and when she spoke about him being smart, he nodded happily, agreeing with that statement completely. In the meantime, Leila was trying to get Kaylin into the corner of her vision to check her expression. But when she spoke, it was no longer necessary. Saying that it was all fine, Leila had absolutely no reason to not believe her. "O..okay. Still, I'm sorry." She apologized again and scratched her head nervously. When she placed Ori on the ground, it seemed that he sighed, as the petting was over. But he understood the situation and quickly moved to Leila, jumping into her arms. With a bit of surprise, Leila soon smiled and started petting him on his belly too. With a big yawn, he closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure. "Stories are good. They allow you to live through the excitement... but without actually putting yourself into any danger." Ah... by the way..." Focusing for a moment, Leila turned her gaze towards Kaylin fully now. "I don't want to be rude, but... I'm sensing magic. So, if you don't mind me asking, are you by any chance a mage?" It definitely felt like she would be one. But there was always a chance that Leila was wrong.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 30th June 2016, 11:48 am

    Kaylin stood back up, and stretched out her arms slightly. She hated being stationary for a long period of time. She was able to understand that Ori was smart. He even took the hint when Kaylin had tried to get him to comfort his owner. Kaylin looked at Leila with confusion when she apologized again. "There's really no need to apologize!" She smiled, her face full of happiness. She liked Leila's explanation of why she enjoyed books. ~All the excitement without danger, that actually sounds pretty nice. I should really read more often.~ Kaylins thought was quickly cut off with Leila's next question. Normally only other mages could sense magic. Was this girl a mage as well? She looked towards Leila with curiousity. "Actually yes I am a mage. Are you a mage as well? Normally only mages can sense magical presences." Kaylin knew this was with an exception of herself. Kaylin was a mage, but she had never been good at sensing magic. Infact she had never really sensed magic before that wasn't her own. It was like she was blind to these types of things.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 30th June 2016, 12:04 pm

    Looking how the girl stood up, Leila thought for sure that Kaylin was about to leave. But instead, she just continued the conversation. The conversation felt a bit odd with her moving from place to place, but that was probably only because Leila was worried that she would leave. Nodding when she was reminded that she doesn't need to apologize, she turned to face Kaylin with a smile. "I apologize for apologizing." She answered her teasingly, chucking a bit. And the fact the she found her reason for reading books nice was pretty flattering too. "It is a shame that I don't have as much time for books as I used to have..." She commented a bit too, reminding herself of all the contracts she fulfilled already. And more, harder contracts were only waiting for her.

    And then Kaylin simply confirmed that she was a mage. Clearly, it was no big deal to her, which was good. Nodding to her statement, Leila stood up as well and bow elegantly. "Travelling mage Leila to your services. Or at least, that's what I call myself." She scratched the back of her head, looking over Kaylin' body once more. She noticed it before, but now she was sure that on her left hand, she had a guild tattoo. "Is that... Fairy Tail?" She asked, pointing at her guild mark. She had seen the guild's mark before, but never up this close, which made her a bit unsure if it actually was correct.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 30th June 2016, 6:21 pm

    Though it was true Kaylin couldn't sense magical presences, she could however read peoples facial expressions, and figure out their emotions this way easily. She had noticed Leila looked at her every time she moved. Kaylin wasn't sure why, but she did seem a little dissatisfied whenever she moved from place to place. ~I hope she doesn't think I'm just going to run off. This is a nice conversation. It'd be a shame to leave it earlier.~ Kaylin leaned back hoping to lean against the tree that was behind her, but instead fell on to the ground with a loud thud sound. Kaylin blushed with an embarrassed expression, as she stood back up. She brushed the dirt off her self, and successfully leaned against the tree. "Heh, I can be a little clumsy." She remarked.

    Kaylin chuckled a bit when Leila bowed and reintroduced herself. "That's amazing." She commented on the introduction Leila had made for herself. She then noticed Leila looked her back over, and took particular interest in the guild symbol Kaylin had placed on her hand. "Yes, I'm a fairy tail wizard." She looked Leila over time, and time again, but saw no guild symbol any where on the mage's body. "If I may ask, where is your guild symbol?" Kaylin asked confused. She wasn't aware there could be such thing as a guildless mage, because she simply never met, or heard of one before.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 1st July 2016, 2:10 am

    When Kaylin tried to lean against air and nothing more, Leila tried to jump in and catch her. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough and her friend landed on her butt. But thankfully, the ground around here was filled with soft dirt and grass, allowing for a not too painful landing. "A..are you okay?" Leila asked, worried a little. But since she stood back up without any trouble, Leila took it as a yes. To her words about being clumsy, she simply shook her head. "Something like that could happen to anyone!" She tried to reassure her that it wasn't anything bad.

    And it seemed that she liked her little introduction too, even though it was a tad bit late. And she even confirmed that she was indeed from the Fairy Tail guild. That prompted Leila to look in the direction of it's guild hall. And when asked about Leila's guild mark, she smiled. "Oh my, well! Let's say that it could be somewhere... very private~" Leila tried to tease her a bit, even sliding her hands over her clothing, possibly making her wonder where it could be. But after few seconds, she spilled the truth. "Actually, I'm not part of a guild. I'm just a travelling mage and nothing more." It had it's perks, but also it's disadvantages.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 1st July 2016, 11:02 am

    Kaylin laughed awkwardly when Leila said that could happen to anyone. "Heh, yah it could, but I seem to do it more often then most." She laughed a bit. She would then sit back onto the ground. Kaylin was always uneasy during the night, and because of this it's hard for her to grow comfortable in one spot. She sat with her knees against her chest. She locked her arms around her knees as she listened to Leila. "It could be any where what do you....." She cut herself off mid sentence, and forced out an awkward laugh. "OH........ Heh" She became extremely embarrassed because her previous statement, and her face grew hot red, why had she asked that question? It was obvious what she meant by it being some where very private. It quickly cooled off once Leila revealed she was actually guildless, and didn't have any guild marks in awkward places.

    Kaylin stared at her for a moment trying to figure out how she could be a guildless mage. "Uhhh..... A guildless mage? How is that possible? I thought mages had to be in guild?" Kaylin stared at Leila in awe. She had never thought mages could go without guilds. She though it was something forced. She always assumed she was supposed to be in a guild.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 1st July 2016, 11:14 am

    Still watching how Kaylin moved from one spot to another, Leila didn't take her eyes off her. Especially when she sat down again. The pose she assumed made her rather adorable and a bit exposed in certain places. Skirts were never the best choice of clothing. Not that Leila would be peeking... just a little maybe. But she was mostly forcing her eyes to look at Kaylin's face! That grew surprisingly red when she got the joke. It actually had bigger impact than she expected. Laughing a bit with her, Leila scratched her head a bit, wondering if that joke was even appropriate in their situation. She really was still awkward with people. And in order to improve that, she started slowly nudging her own body closer to her new friend until they were almost touching their shoulders.

    What Leila didn't expect was the fact that she would be so confused about a guildless mage. As far as Leila knew, it was fairly common, at least here in Fiore. "I'm not sure if I get what you mean. Why wouldn't it be possible? Anyone can discover magic within their bodies, even if they're not part of a guild. Though they still can join one later. But I... I don't really want to be part of a guild. It seems... so restricting." That was her honest opinion. Being guildless was like having a working pair of wings. She was free to leave and go anywhere at any time. Although it was very possible that she just didn't know how guilds really worked, maybe they didn't restrict mages at all. "Yes, thats how I think it is. If I was in a guild, I wouldn't be able to call myself 'travelling mage' anymore." She smiled at Kaylin, trying to answer as best as she could.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 1st July 2016, 11:32 am

    Leila seemed so confused by the question Kaylin had asked. She just smiled with a slightly confused look, and spoke. "I've just never met a guildless mage before. I really didn't meet much anyone till I was around 18! There's still a lot of things that this world suprises me with." She really hadn't gotten around much. She still didn't know most things about the world she lived in.

    She yawned, and felt her eyes grow tired. She released her knees, and changed her position to sitting idian style. She arched her back backwards stretching it out. She stopped moving for a moment again to listen to Leila's next words. "Well actually guilds let you go any where. It's just if you're in a legal guild, you can't do illegal things. Actually there's a lot of people in my guild that leave for large periods of time just to travel or do a job of some type."

    Kaylin reminded herself of Leila's earlier joke. "Oh by the way, I just get awkward with jokes like those often!" She laughed a bit refuring to the earlier joke about where Leila had placed her 'guild mark'. "I'm a pretty awkward person once you get to know me." Kaylin laughed making fun of herself.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 1st July 2016, 11:40 am

    Listening to her words about guilds, Leila actually started thinking how it would be if she was part of a guild. She would probably have to interact with a much larger amount of people, which wasn't to her liking all that much. "If you've not met anyone till you were 18... how old are now? Oh, if you don't mind me asking. I'm 19 by the way." It was only fair that she would give her her own age if she asked.

    When she changed her position, Leila grew a bit disappointed as she lost the rather good view. But as she didn't want to be considered a weird creep and pervert, it was probably for the best. Wanting to know absolutely everything was sometimes a pretty bad thing. "I think I still prefer being guildless. That way, no one can tell me what to do~" Indeed, the perk of not having any superior that would want to use Leila as a maid to clean up guild hall was some sort of advantage. Or at least so she thought. "Ah, don't worry about the joke. It probably had no place in our conversation, sorry..." She apologized again. She simply couldn't help it. "I don't really think you're that awkward. But... I guess I don't know you all that well yet." She smiled, a bit unsure if her choice of words was the correct one.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 1st July 2016, 10:08 pm

    Kaylin smiled at Leila, she was actually two years younger than herself. Kaylin felt she might spread misinformation just to make herself appear younger. Kaylin grew a devilish smile across her face for not even a second until it disappeared. "I'm 19 as well."

    Kaylin looked at her with confusion. "Well I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions about guilds." She smiled and tried to understand Leila's point of view, but she couldn't no matter what she thought. She would just fake a smile, and continue with the conversation. Kaylin burst out laughing. "Me? Not awkward? That's my middle name." She laughed loudly knowing she was making fun of herself. But Kaylin had never really cared about doing this. She could be ridiculed by most people, and she wouldn't care. Even if the most people included herself. She gave herself a way to gain social skill, and that way was motivation. She stood up smiling. "Sorry, I'd love to stay, but I'm about to pass out. We should really get together for lunch some time soon though." Kaylin gathered herself as she waited for Leila to say her farewells.


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 2nd July 2016, 2:00 am

    "Really? You seemed a bit older?" Was Leila's response to that little lie, but she didn't actually realize that it was not a truth. Why would she, people looked young for pretty long time, especially mages.

    It also appeared that she didn't quite understand her point of view, but it didn't bother her too much. "Yup, everyone is free to think whatever they want." And that was a fact. Thankfully, Fiore was a free country. And if it wasn't, Leila wouldn't be here at all. And the remark about Kaylin Awkward Something made her chuckle too, even if she didn't really want to laugh at her. "Some people sure have interesting names~ She replied, making herself look as if she believed it. But that was probably the end of their lovely little conversation. Standing up with her, Leila quickly started looking through her back until she pulled out a little device. "Here! This! Do you by any chance have this? The iLac." If she had one too, communication would be much less painful between them.



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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Kaylin 3rd July 2016, 9:10 pm

    Kaylin smirked when Leila believed the white lie. It wasn't like one little lie would hurt anyone, and after all the lie was only about Kaylins age. She frowned though when Leila held out the Ilac. "Sorry no, but we could meet up say next Friday at this same spot. We could come around 3 pm. Do hyou have anything planned that day? Because I'd honestly love to get to know you." Kaylin smiled brightly towards her. She next looked at little Ori. From what she could tell Ori looked sound asleep in Leila's arms. Kaylin walked a few feet before stopping, and wating for her answer about meeting up.

    She looked around remembering it was night, and sighed. The second her, and Leila could work out a date to meet up again, Kaylin would sprint. She hated the darkness, and wasn't prepared to get stuck in it for to long. Besides her house wasn't to terrible far away which was amazing considering the cercumstances.

    (Sorry it took me so long to answer! I was busy irl, and had to reply to a few other threads too.)


    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social] Empty Re: Resting under the moonlight [Closed / Social]

    Post by Noheme 4th July 2016, 7:53 am

    For a moment there, Leila thought that the iLac device would actually finally be useful. Bot not everyone had them, unfortunately. "That's fine. And, well... a true traveler never plans ahead, only goes where the road takes him and lives the present day. So no, absolutely no plans for the next Friday." She answered her in probably the most intricate way possible. But she probably understood that Leila had no problem with her suggestion. And once everything was arranged and they said their goodbyes, she ran into the darkness, quickly disappearing from Leila's sight.

    Sighing, she leaned against the tree with the furball still in her embrace. "Guess I just made a friend?" She asked herself, not expecting any answers. With a barely visible blush, she looked around before she sat back down, putting the lantern into position and picking her book back up. Normal people were sleeping or at least tired, but she still had plenty of time to read. Sun wasn't coming up at least for few incoming hours, after all. With a bright smile, she resumed where she had paused when Kaylin arrived.


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