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    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)


    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Raiza 21st March 2016, 2:24 pm

    job info:
    We're doing this job by word count via rule G. Doing Jobs Based on Word Count Alone
    math n junk:

    So a sigh escaped Raiza's mouth as he looked at the board in front of him. Various jobs sent to the guild, while he was used to taking on jobs that were delivered to him. However he was not at that luxury as of right now. He needed to take on a few more jobs, and there was at least one or two ways to go about it. Bother another high class mage, at least equal to himself to go on an A-class job, or potentially just go on another B-class by himself... again.. alone... again...

    Then it popped in his mind. There were plenty of other members still yet to hit B-class mage that he could take on a B-class job, help them out just a tiny bit no doubt. It gave him something to do, and more so, it gave others some nicely earned pay. Though by no means was a B-class job some walk in the park, and last one he did was an assassination mission. Depending on his partner of choice it could be a harder situation to cope with, so why not go with the less obvious and do some smudge work rather than blood work. The pen was mightier than the sword after all, and this was one case where it held especially true.

    "Bar-tend. are there any current members looking to go on a B-class job right now? I'm looking at this job right here, its labled house of lies. It is a B-class job and while I could do it alone, I've figured it would benefit me and who ever joins, an opportunity to work together. "

    Though the bartender only shook her head and uttered the word 'no' as she kept cleaning. It was nothing short of the usual dead place. Not many came and stayed, they always just grabbed the mission and headed out. "Right... Crocus again. This'll be a blast from the past. Last time I was here I killed a politician, I think it was the job that earned my infamous record to be labled by the magic council as a coming storm. It'll be quite the show to return, yet sounds like no killing on this job. truly a shame, but oh well"Turning around to face the barroom of the guild hall, he'd sigh.

    "Hey, any of you wanna do a B-class together? Better than staying cooped up here, no?"

    words this post: 404
    total words over required:  404/4400


    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) YdfXSKP

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Guest 22nd March 2016, 3:43 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 404   |  NOTES: ...
    Our world and theirs do not mix... Why are you trying so hard to congregate into their world when you are perfect in mine?

    "What makes you believe I am trying at all, Master?" Marcel rumbled beneath his breath, to a master who was disguised. The ashen-skinned man rested upon a table's seating, staring at the only mage who was currently at the job board. "I do not fall for the trickery of mankind; I am the one who leads them to you when it is their time of calling from this world to the next..." Two beady, fiery dots watched Raiza rummage over the board, then flutter across the ground to the bartender at the bar. They followed his every movement, as if they were a predator stalking its prey, watching and waiting for the moment to strike. "These people can be pulled into a false sense of security, do not think me so shallow as to want their affection, Master." A smile laced the grayish-white lips of the male, baring white, straight teeth for a moment before they disappeared behind the dead lips again.

    I am not saying that you are shallow to grovel at their feet for attention, Marcel, but do not get attached to things that do not live forever...

    "I do not get attached to feeble things such as humans," Marcel answered in a grouchy tone of voice, the look on his face darkening. He stood to his feet and dusted off his cloak, eyes never leaving the other mage as Raiza turned around to ask if anyone wanted to do a job. The man plucked at the tall collar of his cloak, as if it was suffocating him, then walked solemnly over to the other member. "I may not be entirely of use, but if you wish, I shall go upon a mission with you as you desire, sire..." Marcel watched him quietly, waiting to see what choice the man would make; if he would accept him on his offer or not. Raiza appeared desperate enough that he deduced he would, but there was still a chance of denial from his weakness.

    "Enlighten me though... what exactly is the job that you want to go on?" the mage inquired, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Perhaps it would be an interesting job for him, one that would at least help him get closer to the next rank.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Raiza 22nd March 2016, 4:26 pm

    Being slowly approached is one thing, being approached after mumbling off in the distance when the room was quiet to begin with is another thing. Raiza had already felt the small unease vibe in the air in the first place, and this was no different. The words were spoken so carefree as well. What guild member would so openly say how weak they were by saying they were not entirely of any use? This immediately made Raiza want to toss what he considered trash to the side. Though no, that was wrong. trash was not in front of him, it was a guild mate, one that Raiza could take on this job regardless if they were experienced in combat. After all that only came with time, and Raiza had done many jobs to hone that time.

    His gaze still locked with the one that had approached him. His crimson eyes paired with the pure black sclera only gave Raiza a more demented appearance, an it was well deserved being part of the pillar of screams after all.

    "If you think you are of no use, then go join the servants. You are here in the guild as a mage rather than a servant because you have a use other than fetching my drink. You will be fine"

    Though his words could be considered hostile in nature, he wanted to install a courage into the man that Raiza felt would aid him. After all, when one doubts their own skills is when they will fall in battle, and in these tougher times a loss to the dark side is a heavy loss no matter strong or weak. Though to not be stuck on one topic, Raiza would grunt a bit, turning his gaze to the board only briefly feeling a rather dark feeling on his body almost similar to his own death heritage. Quite the interesting feeling, yet choosing to ignore it, and just pluck the job from the board instead.

    "Well this job is a smudge job. The details are that we will be aiding a politician that is working with many criminal organizations. His opponent is very high class, and way too supportive of the legal guilds, and the magic counsel. Our target is Stephen Goodwill. We are not to kill him but instead smudge his good name, causing the votes to go to our client instead. If we kill or cause harm then too many fingers will be pointed in our Client's name. So stealth, reconnaissance, all that good work from the shadows type of thing. Nothing too hard"

    Cutting himself off for more than just a breath of air as he kept reading the job " but then again, it is Croctus. I did an assassination job of another politician in that town before so we... er... I will need to at least keep my head lower than yours while we do this mission. It wont be too hard though, I know my way around the city, and I will continue to know my way for how ever many years the powers of the reaper will keep me around"

    Going so far as to hand the fellow dark mage the job paper so they may read it too, Raiza looked to the bartend. "Sign us up, and send word to the client that we will be there. I'm taking this one here with me. " The cold stare that Raiza gave the servant was just part of the intimidation as they began filling out the paper work. Bartending and doing the job paperwork all at once, at least the servants could get great benefits depending who they were under through any form of command.

    Turning back to the mage, Raiza awaited their response.

    words this post: 627
    total words over required: 1031/4400


    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) YdfXSKP

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Guest 23rd March 2016, 1:19 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 887   |  NOTES: ...
    Was this how the members of Savage Skull saw each other? If one presented themselves as weak, they were destined to be a servant? What if there was a servant strong than they were making themselves out to be? For servants were the ones who did their masters' bidding... This only proved to Marcel that servants were far stronger than their masters, who are too lazy to do their own things. If the masters made themselves out to be strong, then why did they not do things they requested of their servants for their own? That was the true way to show power, that one is not afraid to do what is needed if another disobeys their ruling. Marcel forced himself to stand taller, but he was already much taller than the man he was standing in front of. No need was there to assert his dominance in a situation like this... no need for Raiza to see the king in him come out of hiding.

    Death may be his master, but Death was not the one who did all of the killing, it was he who did all of that. Therefore, despite presenting himself as one who only follows another's dictations, he was a man worth more in strength. He did what was needed without care; no emotions to hold him back from killing what needed to be killed. To be seen by this man as just a servant angered Marcel, but in a way, the truth had been spoken about him. In spite of the deadliness of his magic, it was the rank that he was that destined him in the place he was meant to be. A C ranked mage was no better than a mage who was a rank lower, weak, but not as weak as the other. His magic was beautifully strong and deadly, but at the rank he was now, strength was not there within it.

    Instead of being the lowly man who would retort to the words of Raiza, the mage turned his attention to the job. This was far more important than rambling out an argument that would soon become invalid to the other party. This job was what would help him get stronger, make him out to be that mage who is far deadlier than thought of. Now... if only this job was one that he could assert his dominance in, then that would be absolutely fantastic. However, as Raiza listed off what was to be done, Death did not make its mark upon the paper like he had hoped. The request was none other than to slander the name of the client's rival; killing would go too far in the matter. No, they could not taint that client's name, so killing was not allowed for this matter, in which Marcel would have to watch himself.

    With him, killing came easy, all he had to do was make sure that the person became trapped within his ever-active aura. One step inside and the damage would be done, but since killing would be a no go, he would have to watch this aura. It would be too easy to kill off the man the moment he came close to him, but once again, they could not slander the name of the client. They could not make it suspicious in anyway if the rival was to die, for where would the votes go to then? Marcel's eyes blinked and stared down at the paper, as if the were going to set it on fire with the two small dots. The paper was of no use to him though, for all information would be kept locked up tight in his head till the mission was over. Clearing his throat the man glanced back up from the paper given to him, to Raiza and the matter now at hand.

    "This is fine," he rumbled in his low tone of voice, handing the paper back to Raiza if that's what he wanted. "However, I'm inquiring whether you have a way of getting to Crocus much faster than that of the trains and vehicles?" If not, he at least had the ability to take someone with him when in his ashen form, a much faster way of travel. But he did not know how this man would respond to such a way of traveling or if he would be comfortable at all. With deadened eyes the same eerie hue as Raiza's he would throw the offer on the table for him to take. "I can travel us by ash as the fastest way of getting there, but I don't know how comfortable that would make you." By all means though, he was allowed to deny the means of travel if he had a much better way of getting there.

    The one issue with this was the only other person he happened to do much ash traveling with had been Seru. Not to mention that Seru had been the first person he had taken with him while in the form of his ash. It would be a miracle of this worked perfectly, and by no means would he be held accountable for any injuries. For now though, the mage would await an answer from his temporary partner, eyes staring into those same fiery depths.

    Total: 1291 words
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Raiza 23rd March 2016, 3:17 pm

    It seemed his words had both negative and positive effect on the one that towered above him in height. Like seriously, was this guy almost seven feet? Raiza almost wanted to crack a head in the clouds joke but refrained from it. Raiza did notice the man straighten up some, allowing a show that he was indeed above the petty squabble, yet at the same time, Raiza noticed a lack of response. Was this guy some sort of sharp tongue wit that refrained from such petty things as a tiny argument that could have been started. While Raiza did feel Marcel's magic was lower than his own, he did not use that as a judge of skill. Raiza knew better himself when he fought against an S-class mage when he himself was C-rank, he forced the S-class mage to use stronger spells, ultimately Raiza lost that fight, but... had won the self-bet he had made. Then there was Jacklyn. The mage that was D-class that was so well adept at takeover that no normal D-rank could have fought them, a C-rank maybe at a bare minimum may have, yet this still made Raiza quite interested in the man that stood before him now. What sort of skill did a mage like this have?

    Even activating his heads up display ability, and reading the man's health gauge. It seemed a bit lower than his own, no doubt a C-class mage stood before him, and it was definitely apparent when he was sensing that level of magic from him. Best not to temp the man with a harder mission due to 'low' skill, because cockiness would definatly just show how bad at social interaction Raiza really was. Though the true question of skill was in if this man could stay stealthy, and take out the target without killing. Sure, Raiza was known for mass murder himself as well. Especially in places like crocus where he had killed politicians before.

    Faster than trains or vehicles though? Raiza never really thought about it before. Truth was... he always rode on horse or took a magic cab from the black market. It really wasn't Raiza's fortay to do any fancy way of travel, but now the thought did come back to his idea of building an air craft to take him across fiore AND all of the other planets. Oh now that would be a spectacular and amazing thing to do, however, no. For now, Raiza reserved the fact that he had no method of transportation, and suggesting they went by horse would actually be too funny no doubt. Regardless, Raiza was reluctant to agree. Travel by ash sounded like something of Marcel's magic. So an ash mage? No, his magic felt oddly like his own secondary powers, and his lineage. It had to be different. Though to question it now would be rude, and with the way Raiza felt he already was venomous with words, he rather stick to not actually resorting to that tone of reply again.

    "I'll get over any ill-comforts I have. I'll go along your method of travel, because to be frank, I do not think horseback for the next day would be the kind of travel you wish to do." A slight chuckle at the last bit thrown in still left Raiza to start walking for the door. "By the sounds of it though, 'by ash' you are to turn us into ash or something? I'm suspecting negative backlash for such a procedure. Did you ask because you know of my reaper healing ability to regenerate?" Honestly actually curious as to why and how such a potentially dangerous method of travel could be suggested to one that their magic was unknown. Yet Raiza assumed this guy knew of his reaper powers, at least to the point that Raiza had openly admitted about them regardless if it was truth or not. "Regardless, we'll have to find a way into the capital city without letting my face be seen on the way in. Attention will be dragged to my position... and not the good kind. That place I did an assassination job that left a politician dead. I've also become one of Fiore's coming storms since then. So While we do this job, I'll be able to disguise myself once in, but the disguise will only last so long before I have to start digging through other personal means." It was true, he had his character generator spell, but the skill he had with it? potentially it could pose somewhat of a use, however right now, it was rather weak, only able to be sustained for short bursts, yet it did conceal his magic with an alternate version, as well as appearance. To boot, he also was wearing the savage cloth he made. To allies, he felt as strong as a b-rank, to any enemies rigtht now, his magical levels mimic'd that of a D-rank if not lower mage due to the powerful effect the cloth had on his body to conceal, and hide his true presence. In fact, it'd take someone of B-rank to even sense him, and had he not allowed Marcel to do such, he'd feel completely magic-less in this area.

    words this post: 873
    total words over required: 1904/4400


    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) YdfXSKP

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Guest 25th March 2016, 8:59 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1074   |  NOTES: ...
    Horseback. . . It had been a few years since Marcel had ridden a horse. . . or maybe it had been a few decades since he had ridden one? Whatever the case was, he knew that horseback was entirely out of the question for him, and not because of his inexperience with riding now, but his magic. He didn't want to accidentally decay the ride that he had, and ever since he had gained possession of his magic, he had always traveled by ash. In fact, he was more familiar with traveling that way than he had been of any other way, though he wouldn't reuse to travel differently. Raiza, on the other hand, knew no other quick way of getting to crocus and immediately accepted the way that he offered. This took Marcel by surprise, as surely the man would have decided for them to take a much safer route than his happened to be. Marcel chuckled at the words of his guildmate, fascinated by the response he had been given; he would have made a great jester for him.

    Reaper abilities? Now, this happened to be news to the young mage, for he had not been aware that he was in the presence of Death's son. However, to bow to his knees toward the man would be unacceptable in this case, as it was clear to him Raiza's view on his servitude. "Death's blood resides within you? I was not aware I was blessed with the presence of my master's son," the mage retorted. The ill smile spread over his lips and he shrugged in reply to the man, "by ash is what they say, but I wouldn't know, myself." His eyes followed Raiza the moment that he began walking away, and that glaringly creepy smile still resided on his face. One hand lifted from beneath his cloak, balled into a fist, and as he opened it, ash of bones was settled in the palm of his hand. Raising that open palm to his face, the mage blew the ash toward Raiza, in which his partner in crime would be enveloped by it.

    Particles of the ash started to float around Marcel, until bits and pieces of his body began to crumble into the ash, itself, moments later. As he became these specks of ash, the mage darted past Raiza and out the door of their guild, into the open air outside. The passing wind would snag and pull at the ash, dragging it along with it, to the path of Crocus and their destination. Before long, both mages would be on the outskirts of Crocus, floating above the buildings that created the city's vastness. In his ashen form, Marcel darted downward, into an alley of the city, that was dark and foreboding, exemplary of a mugging scene. Once he was on the ground, the ash swirled tightly into a small- scale tornado, then quickly dispersed to reveal the crimson-cloaked scholar. Now that they were in the confines of the city, he would turn back to look where Raiza had joined him, face expressionless as he looked.

    Crocus, the Flower Blooming Capital, was not the city as it was previously described, but a kingdom far too full with the essence of happiness. Marcel was disgusted with the feeling it gave off; in fact, he wanted to throw up with all the pretty flowers that resided here. What kind of person would love to be surrounded by this amount of flowers? He was surprised flowers weren't just falling from the sky. However, this was not the focal point of their mission; he should be worried more about where their target happened to be. "Have anything specific in mind for the rival? Or will our client have things for us to do?" inquired the mage of decay. The more that he learned he could do, the more that he would find entertainment in the idea of ruining a person's life. After all, while he decayed things for a living, he couldn't leave a job unsatisfied by thought that he wouldn't have a bit of fun.

    While he waited for a response from the other mage, Marcel turned his beady eyes back upon the beauty of Crocus. . . It was a place full of happiness and love, two emotions that Marcel was nearly prevented from ever being able to feel. This was due to his magic. . . the idea that his immortal life would only be fueled by the act of taking lives around him. Most of those lives taken were those of innocent creatures and humans of mild or no sins at all, others were of those he cared for. That was why he tried to keep his distance from people, especially those that he cared for, as he didn't want them to get hurt. The idea that those around him died, because of his choice to love them, was something that he couldn't handle. He would much rather be that emotionless person, who killed only to kill because that was a part of life as everyone knew it.

    Quietly, Marcel took a step out from the dark alley and into the open, where the sun dazzled down upon the walking corpse. He breathed in a refreshing breath of air, even though his dead lungs didn't require for him to breathe at all. All of this was an act to feel that much closer to Life and that much less closer to Death, for as he saw it, Death was his only path. Unfortunately, as he took that step out there onto the streets, the stone where his aura touched peeled away into particles of death energy. Likewise, the flowers that coated the street lamps wilted, as if they were bowing to what no one could surpass: Death. Unnoticeably, the male cringed at the sight of the dying beauties, for no intention was there in killing the flowers that bloomed. Marcel's blackened, fiery eyes shifted around, getting a better look of their surroundings, deciding his opinion upon the place.

    "Beautiful, but all things must die," the man stated in a solemn, eerily emotionless, tone before looking back to Raiza. This horrid comment, so plain and blatant, was directed toward the act of death which had occurred in the flowers. Can he shut this off? No. Was this the extent to which he could kill? Heaven let it be so, but no.

    Total: 2365 words
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Raiza 26th March 2016, 9:28 am

    Blessed with the presence of his master's son? Raiza grasped the words that Marcel spoke with an interested mind. Son of death? Raiza had no real clue how close in relation he was. He knew he was a descendant, but how far? "Child... grandchild... or even further, I have no clue to how far I am down the line. I've only death once. However, for you to say you are his student, I will say this in response. I am not him. I have powers and his blood, however I do hope you see you and I as equals, not as me being above you." Truthfully, Raiza preferred to never be considered above another for any trivial reason such as lineage or blood.

    Though with that out of the way, Raiza would nod in agreement to the traveling by ash. "Regardless, I'll take my risk. If it starts to hurt me, I'll just activate the form to begin a large healing process". After all it was true, he could heal a lot faster than most, and if he took up his reaper form, he would become an essence of death, allowing a large healing factor to come into play. Luckily however this would not be needed right now, it was far too apparent that the ash technique indeed did not hurt him. Perhaps it would had he been hostile, however this was not the case.

    Allowing the ash like substance to whisk him into the air, it seemed controlled by his own willpower as he began to follow Marcel out the door and seemingly blow away towards the capital, away with the wind even. What could take hours normally was done within perhaps a quarter of that time. As even the wind is not instant, their travels were not either. The technique was very effective, and to Raiza, an asset even. Such a technique would allow a foreground strike unit to take place if the time ever arrived for savage skull to strike the heart of the legal guilds. However that is niether here nor there right now. The view of the capital city was in view, and Raiza could only do nothing but smile. His previous deeds in this city helped make a dark name for himself, and now he gets to work in the depths of the shadows. Perhaps this job was taken to show to himself that he could do more than just idle kill others, but also destroy lives, work on a manipulation scale by tipping the sides of political wars.

    Eventually the ride would be over, and Raiza would land not but 20 feet from Marcel, whom seemed a lot more experienced in traveling method, which... was an obvious given. Raiza on the other hand had bluntly crashed into a wall with a rather normally painful thud that only made him sigh before dusting himself off. While it was indeed effective, Raiza had no chance to learn from the technique before he had to land. "Fun" he would retort, still brushing himself off before meeting up with Marcel. "The client gave us a few tips on his rival, however how we do this is up to us. Those tips would be... " pausing for only a brief moment before pulling out the job paper just to read them off. "Firstly, the target known as Stephen Goodwill promotes good family value and bonding. So if by some way we can get him in bed with one of this city's local prostitutes, then that could easily break his chances. Yet, I don't see this as a viable option unless you had an idea." folding the paper back just to begin reading the next few tips, Raiza would sigh. He could transform yes, but there would be no chance in hell of him doing that.... just no.

    "Then there is the obvious kill...er... I mean political option. His kids. Our client writes that nothing reflects more on the father then the faults of his children. So we could use them to our advantage. Perhaps even make it look like a 'bad parenting' gone wrong. Nothing says we cannot harm the kids." Now that... would be quite the amusement. Raiza could transform using his character generator spell, and beat up on the kids in public, and 'accidently' kill one. Causing a widespread media break. After all... can't run for any political challenge if you're locked up.

    "The next one would be my personal interest since we can access it so well. The target is supposed to be against drugs and illegal goods. So... if we can somehow make it seem like he is involved in such, then hey we'll break him. We have the black market in this city just like most cities. We can easily purchase or make a deal with said market to get supplies we would be using anyways. Make it seem like the target is getting them, and shatter him. Only to take it away when we leave. Then again... this idea sounds more like we're putting out more than we'd get. So your input would be appreciated". No longer really wishing to sit and ramble on further, simply because that would get tiresome, Raiza would hand Marcel the job paper.

    "The last two options are simple as well. A charity gone bad, or a wife that wants to slut it up. I'm already taken, and by the looks of the plants you just stepped near...you cannot get near anyone, is that right?" Thinking about Thorn, Raiza could only imagine the hate she'd have for Marcel killing plants like that, and oddly enough Raiza actually disliked it a little now too. Perhaps because of their relation. Yet he chose to ignore that, as he knew by the looks of it, Marcel couldn't control such a thing. "What sort of option we go with is entirely up to a team effort, yet we best get this done within the this day or the next. The elections are coming up, and last thing we need is him to trump our client in victory. So lets keep it anonymously and get done with this political war soon. After all, longer we are here, the greater chance we need to make a break for it and flee. The rune knights aren't exactly hibernating after all."

    To think, as they did stand there, no one dared to approach if they saw the pair simply talking. The emotionless face that Marcel carried, and the snide grin that Raiza seemed to wear all the time. As if he was a cat that ate the canary. Always up to something, and right now he was even formulating plans at rates unimaginable by using his 'in the zone' spell. Allowing calculations to high degrees, thousands of them per second. The minor things were included too, and while he was able to do this, he lacked a huge X-factor in it all. Raiza was intelligent yes, but wise in social interaction, and media... no. This meant he had only calculated simple plans for how to slander the target. He was wise, and intelligent, but charisma was by far one of his worst attributes.

    words this post: 1199
    total words over required: 3103/4400


    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) YdfXSKP

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Guest 29th March 2016, 3:25 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1146   |  NOTES: ...
    Death was a higher authority than he was, himself; how could he, Marcel, see himself as an equal to a descendant of his master? That was nigh impossible for the mage if he thought about it hard enough, though he claimed to rule over his own kingdom. He claimed himself to be someone who no one could surpass in superiority, yet found himself bowing to death. However, everything bowed to death. Nothing escaped the coldly cruel grasp of what would be his master's hand. Marcel was the only one granted with this immortality and it was because of Death's intentions that he was this way. If not for the intentions of his master, he would have lost his life all those centuries ago to the illness that had overtaken him. What spared him in his life? He could hardly remember now, but it was Death who had graciously given him another chance.

    "We'll see how I treat you as an equal. . ." the mage began, but let his voice trail off near the end, as if he didn't want to finish his sentence. Instead, the mage returned to looking over the city streets and the pretty flowers, avoiding looking at the ones he killed. It was unfortunate, so to say, but that was how Death worked and he was the wielder of such deadly magic as His. "It is either that I see myself superior to those that are not worthy of Death or I see myself inferior to those associated with him." There was no in between for him, but it wasn't as if Raiza would care to know such details about him, now would he? The more he spoke anyway, the more Marcel had a feeling he was only lowering the expectations of the mage behind him. "Whatever it may be, do not think so highly of yourself in my presence, for it is I who determines another's importance to myself."

    Listening to Raiza ramble off ideas on how to taint the image of Stephen Goodwill, he only mockingly smiled under the collar of his cloak. The man's last name was as much of a pun as it was to the man's good deeds he was spreading around the kingdom. "Oh no, any idea is viable, as long as you know how to execute it in a way to make the results that much more devastating. But instead of tainting his good image, why don't we taint the picture perfect family that he has going on? Surely, those who find the model of his family genuine in every way, would lose interest the moment they learn something bad is going on in there? Do you think it'd be frowned upon if a man hit his woman with reasons unknown? I think it would essentially. . ." As it would be quite entertaining for the mage to see Goodwill beaten down by the people for abusing his own wife.

    Oh, but killing the child also sounded quite fun as well, but not as entertaining as it would be to destroy a relationship. "Killing the children would be easy if you let me near them; one step into my aura and I'll have them screaming like babies," the man chuckled. He whirled around on his toes to face Raiza again, this time his face in full voice of the mage, with a smile upon his lips. "But killing them that way isn't the only trick up my sleeve, my friend; I have many other ways of killing people." Even though his magic was dead set on decaying those who he encountered, over the centuries of killing, he knew many torturous ways. It would only be a matter of time before he could set them into play and really enjoy the slaughtering of another. However, he wasn't sure how found Raiza was of him right now or what exactly it was that he wanted out of this.

    Hearing what he said next countered what the mage had thought of him and Marcel nodded approvingly toward the man. "If you want, you can handle that on your own and I can handle getting the prostitute and hurting the children, unless you absolutely need my presence for that. I figure if you're adapt in being able to get the drugs from the drug cartel and actually getting it to the man, all should be fine. When everything's over, then we can just take the drugs back to the guild with us and give them to whoever wants them. Or... we could just leave them in his possession, since technically, his life would be destroyed and he needs something to fall back on." The mage shrugged, however, not particularly caring what was done with the drugs in the end of the mission. For one, he wasn't much of someone who did drugs or drank alcohol and that was only because the effects didn't have much on him.

    Unfortunately, Raiza was right, he couldn't get the woman into bed with him without potentially killing her. Not to mention that if he even tried to touch her body, it would instantly decay wherever his hands touched on her. The last thing they probably needed was for Stephen Goodwill's wife to be found dead in her bed, just her bones. Marcel grimaced at the thought and turned back to face the streets of Crocus, finding this to be a lot more difficult. "I mean. . . I can get her into bed with me; I had no issue with my aura the last time, and I'd just have to be careful where I touch her with my hands. She'll be fine, nothing but minor injuries that we could possibly pass off as Stephen Goodwill having beaten her. . ." His eyes flickered to the corners, watching his partner silently as they deliberated upon what they were going to do.

    "What of the media though? The media is a huge factor in how news travels, as well as how fast it gets around," the mage stated. He didn't know how well Raiza was in socializing with people, but he had a feeling he would be doing most of that. It wasn't often that he ran across people who were as efficient in the art of socializing as he happened to be. However, he wasn't much of a talker, it was more his body language that people took in and seemingly trusted. After all, he was a leader, a king; his people looked to him in times of need and he would be there for them. "If you can't handle that, then I can take that upon my plate to be spreading around rumors about the guy." Marcel shrugged and started walked down the sidewalk, hoping that Raiza would follow along with him or they'd go on their ways to do their thing.

    Total: 3511 words
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Raiza 30th March 2016, 11:54 am

    Pondering over Marcel's words of reply to each of his own statements, questions, and observations made this a lot more interesting of how they could do this. In fact there were a lot of options actually. The fact that they did need witnesses also gave Raiza a few ideas to what should and should not be implemented, or where it should be. Firstly, the mother witnessing a bad parenting gone wrong, and being beaten when she questions it made a lot of sense rather than then outright killing her. "I'll leave how you wish to deal with the mother, children and father relation up to you, but I'd suggest letting her live as a witness to what we'll say Stephen has done. I'll take care of the drug cartel, and media since I can actively talk to the media without even killing them by standing near them."

    While he wasn't the greatest at socialization, he at least wouldn't kill just by being near, which was a crucial part in all this. The moment a death occurs the pair would have a metaphorical time clock over their heads, indicating only so much time would exist before something fell out or in place that'd cause them to need to run. However on the other half of that note, the moment a death would occur would mean media, and panic would be spreading. Panic of friends, loved ones, supporters, and haters alike. While the media would swarm the topic. With the jobs divided up. Raiza knew he had to deal with the drug cartel, and the media respectively, while Marcel would take care of the Wife and kids. Simple tasks for both of them, and a sure fire way to remove Stephen goodwill from the political campaign picture.

    Which ever way that was chosen, it was still a quick execution of tasks. Raiza would begin to walk off, no longer needing to be near Marcel to either talk or nor plot out anything further, he just had no interest in requiring of such nor did their plans require such. Besides, Raiza needed no... wanted to be alone for a brief moment. The words Marcel had said to Raiza had secretly dug into him in such a way that made him more than a little uneasy. No, not about the job, but rather the words of equality. Raiza was a person that always deemed himself equal to his guildmates, and such, yet he knew his own power surpassed the man. He knew he was related to death while the man was just a student of death's. How could his own modesty of wishing to just be considered equal be taken as such else. The rather now agitated Raiza gritted his teeth, mumbling to himself as he began walking down the alleyway, avoiding too much eye sight. When he had to cross a street, he did such carefully to not draw any attention. Last thing he needed or wanted was someone to stop and actually recognize him.

    Eventually Raiza did make it to the underground area of the capital city. Unlike the surface which was full of flora, and joy. Down here... the sewer system, the dark dealings, the runaways. It was musty and dark. Barely lit by improvised lighting, a few homeless tucked in with winter blankets and scraps of what seemed to be like provisions. The sight only disgusted Raiza as he hated the city above him more for a deed in which the good guys couldn't even help those like that. Yet Raiza was no different, the ones down here could die now, and no remorse would be felt.

    He did know the pathway very well, not even needing to stop to ask directions, each turn he made was exact until he had found a turn that should not have existed. The turn was made long after the drug cartel had settled here. The black market was more than ample to create such a hole, and use magic to reinforce the entrence. Who knows how many secret passageways past that would be in place. All Raiza knew for sure was the entrence that he had taken a step into.

    Opening the make-shift door, the aroma was that of death, lust, and betrayal. The air filled Raiza's lungs to a point of intoxication, hating this place was only his own opinion, yet he knew it did have it's own purposes. Taking a step further only caused stares from those that had been hovering around it for far too long. Pickpockets stared with greed, among the others who looked at him Raiza's half crooked smile only turned into a frown of annoyance. A hushed whisper from one, and a chuckle from another only made Raiza sigh more.

    He would finally make it up to the fenced in area, peering at the sole man behind it. "Raiza... its been awhile, you know you've got a bounty on your head, I can't ensure your safety down here." While it was true, as a few had began to creep closer, Raiza's gun-sword would manifest in his hand, a shimmering metallic glow as the weapon of choice was tilted slightly not just as intimidation, but it let Raiza see behind him in an unusual way. "I seek no safety, I'd welcome to idiot that tried to kill me when over twenty runeknights surrounding me when I was just C-class could not kill me. I welcome the idiot that dares to touch me. I'll reap their soul so fast, they'll wish they had died of a normal cause... no what I am after are a few special remedies, and you know the kind I'm talkin. I want the potent stuff, you know I want the", Raiza would begin whispering off a couple lingo's that would indicate he knew the black market well, and was not too keen on wanting possible druggies behind him to know.

    Which after paying up quite a bit of Jewel, would receive a nice portion of it. Three different packages of varying sizes, and a set of needles on top of one. All wrapped in a cloth bag that Raiza would hold by his side while dispersing the gun sword. A rather aweful chuckle came from him as he reached inside, and grabbed a single needle filled with a green-yellow liquid. A poison he had also bought, yet he looked at the money grubbing thieves, and druggies that were in the room. "This'll either fetch a good price to the right person, or make you wet yourselfs with enjoyment. Have fun...", dropping the needle on the ground, he could hear the chaos behind him as he took a bigger stride, the number of those looking to steal from him, and the druggies that were eyeing the thing like candy, they would fight over it, and no doubt... someone would die. It was a small outbreak of chaos, but Raiza did that to ensure no one... and he meant no one, would follow him from that room. Even the winner would end up dead somehow. Be it they took it, or they sold it and the one that took it would die, meaning they'd of lost a buyer.

    Though to not doddle on such petties, Raiza eventually did make it to the surface area, and use a phone to call in the media as a 'concerned citizen' so to speak. Why not knock out both the media and the drug cartel all in 1 swoop!. It was a pretty flawless plan, or close to it at least. Calling the media and informing them he saw 'stephen beating his children and wife after being caught donating to a 'shady' charity, and was last seen doing drugs at a certain location, and is currently 'in sight'. It worked pretty well, and Raiza intended for such to work well.

    It would mean that in no time flat the media began to swarm the area, Raiza had used his character generator skill to shift into the man he was looking to frame. Drugs looked casually spilt on the ground for evidence for reporters to find, while Raiza shielded his eyes from the camera flashes, it looked all too good from his perspective, even to the point of running off and away from the reporters by entering the alleyway. Each turn he made, made the media lose track of him until he shifted back, and was no longer even part of the media's game any more. They got what they came from, a picture of stephen goodwill doing or attempting to do drugs, and some were left behind, such as emptied needles with a little bit of a strange liquid in them. One of them being a poison that 'decays' flesh. it was all part of Raiza's plan, and once this was all done, he still had a large portion of the purchased drugs left, which he ensured to slip by Stephen's home, drop a little 'something' off there. A small quarter ounce package of something that looked as if he had fled this direction. The media would be here soon, and no doubt Marcel would be finishing up by now.

    Once this was done, Raiza went back to the exact alleyway that the two had arrived in, waiting for Marcel to show up.

    words: 1553
    total words over required: 4656/4400 (my side = completed)


    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) YdfXSKP

    Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel) Empty Re: Liar Liar(Job Raiza+Marcel)

    Post by Guest 30th March 2016, 3:01 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 971   |  NOTES: ...
    The duo split their ways and Marcel headed toward the home of Stephen Goodwill and his family, that crazed smile on his face. His form dispersed into the ashes again, which negated the effect of his aura, allowing him to swirl through the crowds of people. He passed by lamplight after lamplight of flowers, and people who stopped to gaze at the magnificence of their beauty. Each person diverse in their stature and looks, but never the one for who he was looking for among the array of people. Weaving through the crowds, the ashes danced along the wind current, passing house after house, until they reached the designated one. It was there that they stopped, at a rather tall, large, and mansion-like home in the kingdom of the flowers. Marcel shifted back into his natural form and grabbed hold of the gate that blocked his entry with a single hand.

    From beneath his appendage, the metal, of which the gate was made out of, corroded until nothing of it was left behind. His aura ate away at the rest of the gate, till there was a large enough hole that Marcel could step through. Now, he was upon the grounds of the Goodwill home, and bravely sauntered his way up to the steps of the building. With each step that he took, the flora around him met its death, wilting and bowing before him, until all were dead. Taking a step up onto the porch, the wood beneath his feet rotted and left holes wherever he stepped, blackened like death. He reached outward with his metallic arm and pushed open the door as that, too, began to rot at his touch. Inside of the woman, all was but beautiful; however, his aura wrapped around that which was near him and killed it off.

    Young children could be heard giggling upstairs, and the man, curious by nature, followed the sounds to closed doors. His hand grasped hold of the doorknob, turning it and opening it, revealing a little girl resting on the floor, playing with a dollhouse. She stopped playing, however, hands frozen in place with dolls held tightly, never looking back to see the boogeyman behind her.

    "Little girl, are you afraid?" he inquired, though the question was rhetoric as he stepped through the doorway, into her room. The child dropped her toys and stood up, turning to face him, but a look of terror was upon her face as she did. "Oh, little child, be not afraid. . ." Marcel spoke in a mocking tone toward the girl as he closed the door and approached her. Her eyes darted down to the blackness that crawled out from in front of him, causing her to back up toward her window.

    "P-please don't hurt me, sir!" the child whined in a soft voice, backing up until her back was pinned against the wall.

    Marcel chuckled as he stopped in front of her, only to have one of his hands lash out from his cloak and grab her by the throat. "Such a pretty, little girl; I would have loved to have seen how you had grown up, but. . . that's not to come true." He slammed her down on the rail of the window, head poking out as she grasped wildly at his hand to release her throat. She tried letting out a scream, but the skin and the muscles that covered her throat had already begun to decay. The window she rested on cracked under the pressure it could no longer bear, weakened by the man's aura. With the girl now in a weakened state as well, the man lifted her legs up and out from under her, ultimately shoving her out the window.

    From his place before the windowsill, the man watched as the little girl fell the two stories it would take to reach the ground below. A sickening crack could be heard in the air as her head smacked into the stone path and blood began to well around her. Unamused by the outcome, the mage turned away from the window and exited the room, moving down the hallway to the next. With one child dead, he wondered how he should deal with the other or if he should leave that one alone. Oh, but he didn't have to make his mind up, for the next person he ran into was none other than the wife of Goodwill, himself. Their eyes connected and the woman let out a scream of terror before whirling on her heels and attempting to get away. Marcel grabbed her by the hair however, and dragged her into one of the empty guest rooms that their house held.

    "Oh, don't be scared now," the mage stated in a comforting tone, locking the door behind him as he closed it. "I'm not going to hurt you, I have no intentions of hurting you, but there is something that I want from you." That grin appeared on his face again and unbuttoned and moved the cloak that he wore, letting it drop to the floor. Marcel stepped closer to her and grabbed her by the wrist, the flesh where he touched burning and decaying. He leaned in a little closer to her and whispered a few words into her ear, moving down to seductively lick her neck. Whether she reluctantly obeyed to him or not, the man forced her into bed with him, only to leave her injured body once he was finished. Snatching up his cloak and clipping it back on, the man left the woman on her own, hoping that his aura hadn't done much damage to her.

    But alas, his work here was done, and he would leave the ruined family in shambles for the time their husband and father returned.

    Total: 4482 words
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

      Current date/time is 8th December 2024, 9:06 pm