Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 7:42 am

    A job of just destroying enemies for a large sum of jewel? That sounds like a cake walk to Nothel. So, he woulda packed a backpack of supplies and would have started walking to the location. It was dubbed Silent Cementary, which is going to be so wrong once he start to destroy all the monsters.

    It would be a bright night, full moon shimmering in the sky, flooding everything in gray, beautiful light. This would cloak Nothel in the shadows, his outfit being nice and dark, allowing for easy passage during the night. He would be nearly to the location, just over this hill and into the crypt, in which monsters will spawn. Speaking of hill, he had just arrived it, and would start to scale it. A few minutes would pass and he would scale the hill, overlooking the huge crypt. The crypt was quite big, lots of tombstones, and a magical presence would be easy to spot. There is definitely dark magic being used here. He wonders how much fighting will go on. Everything seems to be in order, foggy area, cold night...a...person? What? No one else was supposed to be here. He was supposed to do this job alone. But someone else was here. Groaning to himself, he walks down the mountain to the figure, wondering who they are...It seems to be a woman, but he can't really tell.

    The figure would probably notice Nothel before they started descending the hill, so they have some time to prepare themselves. As Nothel approached he would call out, "Hey! Who goes there?" to the figure. The voice is deep, and the figure is tall, looking down open the person as he approaches, about 15 feet out. The only thing separating them is the thick fog in the area.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 7:55 am

    Even though she was only a D-ranked Mage Kayla felt as if she would be able to take down a bunch of enemies. The brunette took out a shit loud with Lexa on her first job ever so this job should also be pretty simple and straight forward. Bolts of bright blue electricity had flowed through Kayla's fingers, and if anyone had gave her problems it shouldn't be too hard taking them out anyways.. they would go out rather with a shock. Kayla had sighed glancing around before spotting the grave yard, it was very creepy indeed, looked like she would be paranoid for this entire mission.

    It was a cold night as well, and with the mission being in a graveyard wasn't calming kayla's nerves. It was disturbing that she was standing where there are bodies of dead people burried into the ground. Although the brunette tried to be as respectful as she could be. It was probably almost midnight and Kayla was able too see stars twinkle in the black blanket of the night sky. She loved how pretty stars look, she actually enjoyed the night time more then the day times. Kayla had tried too avoid the tombstones not wanting too trip over them and fall flat onto her face, she didn't want to get some sort of weird bruise from tripping over a grave, how embarrassing. Kayla had turned her head when she had heard someone yelling at her. Her eyes had narrowed an enemy already? or was it just some doofus that also signed up for the job she was doing. Either way Kayla wasn't very sure and this fog wasn't helping her see one bit on who it was. 'Damn it.' The brunette had muttered to herself, bolts of blue electricity flowing from her hands and somewhat clearing the fog to the point where Kayla was able too see a man. "The fuck you doing here?" She called out walking over towards him.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 8:33 am

    Upon the fog being cleared, he could see the small figure, a child is here? What is with all these damn children around. He normally has morals that disallow him to yell at children, but that statement of 'Who the fuck are you' is all he needed.

    "Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you! I'm here to do this job cementary job, and you won't stop me." He scowls at the child, approaching her, towering over her. He looks down upon her, seeing her messy brown hair, a lot like his actually. Shaking his head he tries to regain his manners, "I'm Nothel, lady, this isn't a place for people like you."  Grinning slightly at the insult he waits for her response, hopefully something along the lines of fighting words. He wasn't going to be forced into a co-op job again, by another woman as well.

    His cloak and leather armor would cover his entire body, only revealing his dark red eyes, that were staring right at her. On his side he would have a sword sheath, which would be his primary weapon. But, his weapons wouldn't be drawn, leaving him wide open for a sudden attack. But maybe that is what he wants, so he has an excuse to attack the girl. Well, maybe not so much girl, more or less teenager, maybe around his age. But definitely younger than him. Sighing slightly, he has not met a single person older than him. Which is kind of odd, maybe he waited too long to join a guild or so. But it doesn't matter, what matters now is insulting this girl. His hand goes to rest on his sword sheath, wondering if the girl will actually attack him. It would be fun though to have a fight happen here.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 8:46 am

    Kayla had placed her hand on her hip glancing over towards the stranger. Giving him a rather cold glare at his reply. "Fuck off dude, you don't know how to do shit." The mage had said blue elecricity flickering in the around around them. After the rude introduction Kayla wasn't exactly sure if she should spill her name to this man, but she was the one who kind of started it. "Kayla." She answered with a snap glancing away, she had hated people who doubted her abilities. "Why? Because Im younger then you?" She had said giving him a daring look. "Could you not even do a simple mission like this when you were young as me?" The brunette had said before walking away and turning back too look at him, hardly intimidated by his red-eyes. "The fuck kind of outfit you wearing?" Kayla had said towards him, although he could say the same thing towards her. She didn't dress up for some sort of social event she looked pretty weird herself in the clothes she was wearing. Just a regular green top and some leggings wearing a hat along with it. The brunette just scoffed at his face bringing up her right arm too show him her guild mark. "Don't mess with a black ros:e member, fucker." She had taunted him almost wanting too spit right into his eyes. Those ugly red eyes of his but she didn't, instead she backed away a few steps blue electricity flowing around her. "Either way.. Looks like we have to work together on this job.." Kayla had said rolling her eyes slightly annoyed, she wished that Lexa still had been around. "Dont fucking drag me down? Understand." Kayla had said looking directly at Nothel in the eyes.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 9:01 am

    Black Rose eh? Another member he was come across, how funny. This seemed to happen a lot. Oh well, this woman wasn't going to beat him. Recently he has increased his sword skill and weaponry, he wasn't going to loose to her. But he didn't want to specifically fight her, so he is going to put up a challenge.

    "Listen lady, first of all I don't care what guild you are in, definitely since I am in Black Rose as well. Also I don't want to fight you for fear that I will kill you. Therefore, I propose a challenge, whoever can kill the most undead wins, and has to concede to the victor saying, 'I lost to you, mighty warrior.' Deal? I bet you can go for those terms, or are you chicken?" He grins, waiting for her response again.

    "Also don't think I'll slow you down, I am a fierce and fast fighter, taking down multiple enemies down at once. It will be you who slows me down, lady."

    A small breeze passes by and lifts his cloak up. He would be wearing chain mail under his cloak. During this time he would also grip his sword handle, waiting for the fight to commence. The fog would start to clear, like the crypt knows the fight is going to commence soon. This was going to be interesting though, being able to easily destroy skeletons. But there is a problem, skeletons don't have blood, the only source of blood was what was in his veins. This was going to cause a problem if he never got hit. Well, he will probably cut himself to get some blood to work with. IF there is a horde he can also go into a frenzy and cut them all down. Though the last time he did so ended up with him nearly being struck down by multiple enemies. Shaking his head he prepares himself for the woman's response.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 9:16 am

    A challenge? Kayla was always up for a challenge. Kayla and Lexa had done small challenges on missions as well. Too see who could take out the most enemies, most of the times Lexa would win but man has Kayla grown she wasn't some pushover anymore. Even though she was still a D-rank Mage she had proven herself way to many times and sooner or later she would get her exam she was sure as hell of it. Glancing at Nothel Kayla had let out a small scoff, she didn't know that her guild had members like Nothel. He wasn't really her type too hang around but here they are together at a mission. Although Kayla didn't consider this one too be dangerous at all. Glancing back at Nothel she nodded, "Always am up for a challenge." Kayla had responded with a determined gleam in her brown eyes. "The fuck you talking about dude, Im not some fucking chicken, thats all you. " Kayla had rolled her eyes at his response. "Fuck off Nothel, Im fast as lightning." Kayla had said with a smirk an echo of lightning roaring above them. Kayla had felt confident tonight she felt as if there was a storm surging above them in the clouds, and she always did better when it was raining it gave her magic an extra boost. Blue Electricity had zapped around the two as she had prepared herself. Kayla wasn't exactly sure what Nothel's magic was so she was slightly curious too see what he had in his sleeves or his cloak rather.. With a sigh Kayla had felt herself realx a bit more trying too pretend that this was just a competion with her and Lexa. "Hope your not scared of a little lightning?" Kayla had said with a smirk blue lightning bolts flowing through her fingers. "Sorry If I zap you," Kayla had said with a sarcastic tone. As she pulled out a small knife, she carried it around just in case something went wrong. "Ready... Set.. Go!" With that Kayla blasted off tackling the first monster she spotted and tackling it down easily with a bolt of blue lightning. "Thats one fucker!"


    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by NPC 19th March 2016, 9:16 am

    The member 'Kayla Croft' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) WeakMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) WeakMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) StrongMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) WeakMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) StrongMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) StrongMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) WeakMonster Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 9:33 am

    Oh, so she wasn't a pushover. And electricity magic, shocking. Heh...he just made a pun in his mind...god he is pathetic. Smiling slightly he draws his sword, scoping out a group of 15 skeletal warriors starting to come at him. He grins and charges right into the middle of battle. Getting into the middle of the group he slices through two skeletals, and they would fall to the ground, their bones rattling as they revive themselves.

    He stands right in the middle of group, weighing his odds. Suddenly Skeletals would go to attack him. Blocking one or two attacks, his back would get cut open. His cloak would fall off and his back would start to bleed profusely. This seems to not to bother Nothel as the wound quickly heals. Odd, did Nothel have healing magic, or what? Suddenly the blood would move under a group of skeletons and shoot up as spikes, hitting 3-4 of them, collapsing them. The revived versions of them would spawn on spikes and die again, instantly causing 4 skeletons to die permanently. Nothel had blood magic which allowed him to manipulate the movement of it and use it as a weapon. Getting hit was all part of the plan as he could now use it to fight. Using the spikes to hurt enemies as he blocked their attacks. Easy combo.

    "That's four down! You better hurry up lady!" he calls out, laughing at the same time. Quickly spinning on his foot he would decapitate a revived, weakened skeleton. "Wait no make that five, haha~" He is actually having a lot of fun here, with easy to kill enemies. Nothel's magic aura makes him seem extremely powerful, like he is a rank above Kayla. He gets struck again across the arm, blood falling to the ground. But before this post is up, both wounds cover themselves up and stop bleeding.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 9:46 am

    Kayla had taken down another monster as she waited for Nothel to get one, and before she could blink he took down literally four of them in a flash. Scoffing Kayla was sort of impressed but at the same time she wasn't that impressed too. She had also noticed the amazing sword skills that Nothel had possessed. Kayla also took note that Nothel had healing magic, what kind of magic did this guy even have exactly? Not saying anything since she didn't have anything bad too say Kayla continued too take out monsters one by one. Before glancing towards Nothel too see what he was doing. Blue lightning had flickered around her fist and Kayla had tightened it charging directly at some weak monsters and punching 2 or 3 of them in the head with her lightning fists, easily taking them out. She did happen to get a little scratch from one of their teeth but it didn't bother her at all. "Little fuckers are fucking easy!" Kayla had hollered taking out another one of them as she charged forward blue lightning flickering almost everywhere. "Think that I also took our 4 of them right here Nothel that means Im still above you in the contest!" The brunette had then started beating some other weak monsters slowly taking them out rather then quickly she sort of wanted too give him a chance for Nothel to catch up but once he said he got 5 she rolled her eyes killing two of them easily. "Got two! why the fuck is this so easy?" They just started killing and yet they have taken down a couple already was this team work or were these enemies just too easy for kayla and just couldn't handle her the brunette didn't really know but whatever she was fine with either one. Whatever Magic he had it was working in their favor, these jewels were good as Kaylas once she was done with this mission and it was enough too pay for rent as well.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 10:20 am

    Nothel grins, this is quite fun actually. But he has no time to play games with Kayla. Quickly, he spins to block a skelly and then impales two through the head. It is quite easy to destory these weak skeletons. Which means only one thing. There will be more, way more powerful enemies to attack soon. Shaking the thought from his head, he quickly turns and slices another skeleton, bring his kill count up to eight. He can't keep this up, there are way to many for him to kill. Quickly jumping out of combat he prepares another attack while holding off many skeletons. Soon on the horizon another 30 weak skeletons would come and draw their weapons. It was way to many to kill one at a time, and they needed some huge area of effect attack to kill them all. Groaning Nothel starts to gather blood, preparing to take down all the enemies if need be. He wonders if Kayla will get scared. Heh, that'd be funny. Most definietly.

    "Hey, lady, think you can take those out?" He calls mockingly gesturing to the last 45-ish weak skeletons left, laughing. He doesn't think she can actually destroy them all in one attack. Grinning he impales another skeleton as it comes for him. "I'm at 9 now, hurry it up lady." In all honesty, he is just keeping up the mean act now. He honestly loves this fight whole-heartedly. Backing up a bit, he wonders if he could make a huge area of effect attack, but realizes he doesn't have enough blood. He is really out of luck trying to use his magic here with no blood to use. Groaning he takes another stab to the arm, the pain starting to get to him. Shaking his head he waits for another opening to attack.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 10:30 am

    She wasn't even sweating and she took down at least 5 of these things. Thats how strong she was or how weak these monsters actually were... Although Kayla knew that the mission wasn't going to be as simple as these skellys. Thinking that she had easily smashed a skellys head against a tombstone, killing it. That was another one down, the brunette knew that there were going to be mobs that were much more difficult if there weren't the reward wouldn't be as valuable or high. With a sigh the brunette had handled at least another Skelly before glancing over towards Nothel unsure if she had heard him say anything or not. When she glanced at him he had seemed focused in killing so Kayla had shrugged it off figuring that it was just her mind playing some tricks on her or something. Going back to killing some skellys the brunette had killed at least 20 or so by now.. and Nothel was still ahead of her. She was killing to slowly she had too pick things up a bit. 

    When Nothel called her name and pointed at the skelly's there was about 45 left she let out a laugh. She was confident as fuck she could take those out with at least one hit. Kayla Croft had glanced up at the sky noticing black clouds, in her mind she thought perfect since the black clouds were actually storm clouds. "Watch this i'll take them all out don't you fucking doubt me." Kayla had said reaching her left arm towards the sky a large boom echoing the sky before a couple of lightning bolts raced out of the sky hitting every single on of those skellys and knocking them down to the ground. "Little fucker shouldn't have doubted me huh?" Kayla had said with some sweat dripping down her face, she quickly wiped it off her forehead however hoping that he didn't see that. The magical spell took a bit out of the brunette since it was one of best spells she has.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 11:21 am

    Right before Nothel kills another skeleton, the lightning races across the battlefield, burning the last forty-five skeletons into dust. Nothel's mouth drops agape, he wasn't expecting her to pull it off. The battleground would be quiet now, and she would hear Nothel mutter, "Wow...that's...amazing." He was honestly impressed. Sheathing his sword for a second he concentrates, getting his wounds to heal and flesh over. He turns towards Kayla and nods, "Good job, I admit it, that's what, fifty-five for you, fifteen for me, seems like you are doin' pretty good. But, can you handle the next enemies?" He does praise her slighter for her work. Nothel admits he is better at fighting a few enemies, not hordes of them. Before he can say anything else there is what seems to be marching. Before they see their enemies, there is banging of metal on metal, and over the hill comes forty skeletal knights with full armor, short swords, and shields. They are much more heavily armed than the previous enemies. Groaning Nothel readies himself, standing beside Kayla. "Bet I'll kill more of these than you." He grins, and would charge the front of the group, readying immediately clashing swords with them. Sadly, there were so many Nothel could only defend against them. He wouldn't be able to attack them easily, leaving easy picking for Kayla. Though he does get good impales off on one or two of them, swiftly killing them. These skeletons will wait until they are all dead to revive themselves, so two sets of forty enemies here. Metal clashes, some yells of pain are heard from Nothel as he takes a hit to the stomach. It doesn't bother him as much as just the pain is unbearable. But it allows him to quickly kill one skeleton and back up, continuing to hold the enemies back. "Damnit! Kayla!" He says her real name for the first time, "I actually need some help here..."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Aleta Herman
    Aleta Herman

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Aleta Herman 19th March 2016, 11:51 am

    Kayla felt a slight blush come onto her cheeks, Nothel didn't seem much of the type that you would be able too impress easily and the brunette hardly gets any compliments from guys. Trying too hide her blush she cleared her throat. "Thank you, you're magic is also very impressive." Kayla said with a friendly smile. "Eh shut up you'll probably catch up." Kayla had said slightly proud too be winning the contest. Kayla had glanced up when he said that there were more coming. Giving a glance she muttered too herself. 'Fucking hell...' These skellys were in complete armor it was going to take awhile to bust through that. It wouldn't be very smart to just charge in---- "Fucking wait!" Before she could stop him Nothel charged forward too eagerly and took down at least 5 of them in a few short minutes. Kayla had quickly followed him, bolts of blue lightning flowing from her fingers and hitting a nearby skelly at least 2 times before it died. "Fuck its taking longer for them to die." Kayla had said outloud observing their new abilities. Kayla had been busy fighting at least two skellys before she had heard his screams.

    Very quickly she had turned too look at him surrounded and being stabbed by skellys, then he called out for help. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkk!" She had shouted zapping skellys in her path and knocking over some of the skelly's that were around Nothel. However one had pushed her over and got stabbed her in the lag. Her face had tensed up in pain "Fucking helllll!!!" The skelly got a full blast of lightning too its face taking down 3 other skellys as well. This was bad she needed to bandage it or heal it but she had no healing magic. "DAMN"

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 12:22 pm

    Nothel would see lightning shoot past him, killing skeletons right before they get a hit on him. Turning to thank Kayla right as he blocks, he would see her getting stabbed. Shit, he can't let her die, he needs her to help him. Quickly, the blood from Kayla wound would form a circle in front of her, and shoot spikes up, killing the skeletons that were near her, keeping her defended for a second. Nothel would do the same to skeletons near him, quickly disposing of them. The fight would go on for another 3 minutes while Nothel starts cleaning them up. The wound on Kayla's leg would be a big gash, and pretty painful, making her not able to move fast in the slightest. Thankfully, Nothel finishes the last 15 or so skeletons, tanking a few more hits. He would walk over in the aftermath to Kayla, "Hey, you okay? I think the red stuff is supposed to stay inside your body. Hmph, I can try and heal you, if that's okay? It might hurt a bit..." Nothel's body would be ripped up, but she could visibly see the wounds closing themselves and healing. Kneeling down beside Kayla, he would put his hand on Kayla's leg. Suddenly, Kayla would feel like she looses control of her body, like it's being controlled. Nothel would know what is going on, he would be controlling her blood, coagulating it on the wound and easing the pain on the nerves. He didn't really heal the wound, but it feels much less painful now. "Better?" He stands back up, looking over the fallen Kayla, "Thanks for the help, just don't get stabbed next time." He grins mockingly, "You are still winning sadly." He holds his hand up, "Come on, get up, more enemies soon I think, you can hear'em."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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    Battle Theme:


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Cake 19th March 2016, 1:44 pm

    She felt like the wound was getting worse by second and there were more skellys coming her way. Fuck she was screwed. The brunette had zapped at some skelly's but not able to kill them she felt as if her magical energy was being sapped from her or something like that.. When Nothel had approached she felt very embarrassed wanting to snap at him to tell him not too help her she knew that she needed the help more then anything right now. When a circle of blood had formed around her Kayla was so surprised she was shocked almost letting out a scream but she didn't she felt only a slight sting and a numbness feeling to her leg. She blinked as Skellys were killed right in front of her she wanted to help but she knew that she wouldn't be able too do much in this state. The brunette had clenched her teeth and hung her head backwards in pain. "Fuuuuuuuck." Kayla had slowly nodded slightly confused on what exactly Nothel was talking about at first but when he started too preform his magic she was surprised.

    She had no control in her body at all she felt as if she was a puppet doing what its master said to do. She almost wanted to resist it but she knew that it was just Nothel helping her out by healing her wounds. By the time he was done Kayla had felt much better and she was still able to move pretty quickly. "Yes thanks." The brunette let out a slight scoff, "Well you never know might be able to still win this." Kayla had said blasting a skelly with some lightning.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Age : 23
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 3:37 pm

    Nothel barely flinches when she destroys a skeleton behind him. Grinning slightly he pulls Kayla up to stand on her leg, "It'll be weak, don't overexert yourself. I think there is one more wave coming. Let me tank the damage, I can handle it...speaking of which." Out of nowhere thirty skeletons would appear. They are large and have cursed, black bones. They are as tall as Nothel and look extremely strong. Scowling Nothel readies his sword. "Kayla, provide covering fire for me? Or can you not hold up?" He grins, mocking her slightly. Her anger is funny to him, daresay cute. Rolling his eyes he doesn't wait for her to respond and he charges forward at the hoard. Though, this time he picks up another sword from the ground. His defense is nearly impregnable as he holds the skeletons back. Suddenly, new, weak skeletons would appear as some of the black skeletons use magic to form new ones. He holds them off as he waits for Kayla to do the killing.

    Right before Nothel rushes into the skeletons, thinking he has a chance to beat Kayla he calls out, "Hey! New bet! Whoever loses has to serve the other for a week and do whatever they say! Deal? Deal!" He laughs maniacally as he rushes into the horde, slicing down skeletons as he pushes them down, slicing, dicing, and using blood to kill some. He would have already taken down ten, but Kayla could pull another AoE and win this easily. To be honest, Nothel didn't even think about Kayla pulling off another area of effect attack, and if she did, he was doomed. He would have to serve her for an entire week, and that would honestly suck...Oh well. He wasn't going to loose to this girl, not ever.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Cake 19th March 2016, 3:52 pm

    She didn't really need his help too get up, it wasn't the first time someone had stabbed her in the leg. "Im fine it hardly hurts anymore." The brunette had said being a little wobbly, the brunette wasn't to fazed when she had seen more skellys come out she was able to hear them. Good thing this was the last wave she felt like she didn't have much magical energy left in her. And their size did not help that much either, once Nothel had said to cover for him she had groaned. "Little fucker can't do anything by himself huh?" She shouted with a tease Lightning flickering from her hands and bolting onto the skellys hitting them at least four times before they fell down. Yeah it was obvious her magical energy was draining rather quick ever since that last spell and her injury.

    Killing a couple more skellys after a bit of a struggle she shouted towards Nothel "Have fun being my slave!" She had said positive that she would be able to win, having a little puppet following her around for an entire week sounded promising that motivated Kayla even more to win. Running a bit towards Nothel she tackled down some skellys before hitting them with a lightning zap and kicking it in the face. She was so tired of fighting these things already couldn't she just have a break and go home already. Glancing over towards Nothel she had yelled a question towards him zapping a skelly through the head with a bolt of lightning. "How many more of these things do we have to deal with?" The brunette had shouted her lightning echoing in the sky. She asked him the question as she kicked down a skelly and killing it with a knife instead of lightning trying to save up magical energy for the boss.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 4:13 pm

    Sliding back from a hard blow he would look at the remaining skeletons. Twenty. He counted Twenty. Oh god, she was actually going to beat him here. He couldn't kill them fast enough. He had lost to the lady. And he would have to admit defeat after this. Groaning, he launches further into the group, slicing another few skeletons down. Then, out of nowhere, he finds the fury in himself to finish these skeletons off. Launching through the crowd Kayla would see their head pop off and fall to the ground. He sliced the last of the skeletons. In his fury, he got cut up a few times, but he finished the last of the skeletons. Bleeding a bit he goes to sheath his sword. Right before he does so, there is the sound of metal breaking, and his sword snap in two. "Oh...fucking wonderful." He would drop the hilt to the ground, looking towards Kayla, "Well you may have won...I think. Could be more skeletons left...or maybe a boss." He grins lightly. "Let's see what happens, no?" He takes all the blood from the battlefield and centers it, giving him a decent amount to work with. "Lets hope the boss has blood in it...then I'll show you my most powerful ability." He grins, hoping he can pull this off.

    Suddenly, they would both hear powerful, loud steps. Then, a large, eight foot monstrous fleshed over person would approach them. It wasn't a skeleton, this thing has flesh bone...and blood on her. But, the magic coming off of her screamed of necromancy. This was the boss. The humongous entity stands in front of them, and then draws a nine foot battleaxe, brandishing it and looking horribly hard to kill. Lucky for Nothel, he could one shot it right here. But he will let Kayla have some fun. "Hey Kayla, its your turn to block some attacks."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Cake 19th March 2016, 6:11 pm

    Kayla had finished a skelly by the time Nothel had counted. a small smile coming onto her face, having him as a slave sounded very satisfying too Kayla. "Guess you're going to be mine for a week then." Kayla had said with a smirk. The brunette blinked when their heads had chopped right off easily, he was about to get serious and in a blink Nothel did kill most of the Skellies. "Sorry still in the leader but nice try fucker." Kayla had said with a small wink before realizing that they still had to deal with the boss. Figuring that she would just let him take it on because she really wanted to see what his true capibilies were. "Alright fine, i wont touch the boss unless you're to fucking weak or a fucking chicken to even kill the thing." Kayla had said giving him a small shrug thinking that she had spotted the boss over there. The skelly looked like a rather tough one to beat it was rather big and didn't look to friendly either. Giving Nothel a glance showing that the brunette doubted he would be able to take it down but before she could say anything there was a skelly that was still lingering around not a weak one but a normal one. Either way Kayla had killed the monster easily before looking at Nothel "You sure you can take that big guy on?" Kayla had said raising an eyebrow towards him. "Not sure if you have it in you to be able to kill it." Kayla said slightly awkwardly. Not trying to be rude or anything it was just the fact since he didn't really kill as much other monsters as she did Kayla didn't think he would be able to take this one on. "But whatever im not stopping you from killing it i'll just watch."

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 10:22 pm

    "You doubt me? Ha....there is blood still in those veins..." Stamping his foot on the ground, Nothel claps his hands together. His power aura seems to get stronger as he activates his boiling blood unique ability. His eyes go bloodshot, and any of his blood pooled on the ground starts to boil like it was under a flame. Suddenly he raises his hand towards the giant, undead female beast, uttering the words, "Die." Suddenly, all the blood veins in the creatures body explode causing the beast to look like it was skinned alive. The screams of unholy agony fill the air as the beast begins to die and rot away from the attack. The blood would literally volcano out of the body, leaving only flesh bone and a pool of blood. Grinning at this own work Nothel slides his hands into his pockets. He just one shot the megaboss of the mission. The last of the skeletals run away after seeing their leader fall in one well made attack. He turns towards Kayla, and sighing lightly, he gets down on one knee.

    "I concede to you, mighty warrior, I got fifty and the boss, you got eighty five. Good job, you bested me." He looks down at her feet while kneel'd. Like a warrior to a king or queen. He smiles lightly, "Good fight though, we should do this again." While he did hate loosing, loosing to someone like Kayla wasn't horrible. Also getting to know her a bit better wouldn't be horrible at all. Standing back up he would bow slightly. "First its time to get out of here, but then I shall follow your orders for a week. What would you like me to call you during this time period of one week?" Nothel seems to be taking this 100% seriously, and playing the full part.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Cake 19th March 2016, 11:14 pm

    Kayla glanced over towards Nothel raising an eyebrow is he saying he was held back just because the other monsters didn't have blood? Kayla pressed her cheek against her arm become a little tired only the screams of a living person had suddenly make her feel more awake. Kayla honestly felt a little disgusted by Nothels gift but didn't say anything about it. Yawning blue sparks of lightning had flickered through her fingers. She glanced down at Nothel as he went onto one knee what the actual fuck was wrong with him. Other then the fact of being an idiot she tried to hold her laughter back. "Simple Nothel, you call me queen because I am your queen." They didn't have much to do now since they pretty much defeated everyone here Kayla just wanted to go home to her house and snuggle up in her blankets.

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 11:28 pm

    Heh, so she is a joker. Standing fully up Nothel looks around the playing field. "I'll be at the guild hall if you need me, I need to rest..." Maybe he can get out of slave duty, maybe she will just forget about it all. He banks on this theory as he turns to leave the place. What a fucking day. That was honestly intense. A nice day of relaxing would really do him good after this. He would start to walk forward until he steps on something. It's his broken sword. He shakes his head, bending down and grabbing it. "Useless....will have to get another."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Cake 20th March 2016, 12:53 pm

    Kayla nodded since he was going to be her slave for a while she might as well know where he was going to be. "Meet me at magnolia tomorrow I have something i need to do, and you're going to come with me got it?" Kayla had said giving him a glare. Now she could just get out of here and she can return home probably will take it easy on jobs for awhile. "See you tomorrow."

    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino) Empty Re: Farming...(Job/Cake/Mossino)

    Post by Mossino 20th March 2016, 12:54 pm

    Nothel still faces away from Kayla, but he grins, "I lost fair and square, I'll see you there." Hands in his pockets he walks off, over the hill and away from the crypt, returning to the nearest town in the middle of the night.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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    Battle Theme:


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