Fairy Tail RP

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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th January 2016, 11:03 pm

    Job Sheet:


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th January 2016, 11:15 pm

    The sun would beam over a landscape that was known as the Ancient Ruins in Southern Fiore. Although at the moment, the sun was beating down on and shining off of a pristine beautiful village. As if it had been untouched by nature for hundreds of years.

    Perfect fountains flowing, even the windows were clean on the houses. The taller market buildings also were in tip top shape; down to the wood and bricks.

    A camera shot of Alyia, Heero, and Rose walking from behind was shown; as it switched to a sideways point of view.

    "I....thought this place was supposed to be destroyed, I could've sworn we'd been to this spot before." Rose swished her tail, arms crossed over her dress as she popped out her white wings in a flash, landing on Alyia's shoulder softly; swishing her tail again. "It looks........pretty nice!" Rose said as the group finally came to a halt just in front of the village on a hill overlooking town.

    "................." Heero's expression would be somewhat comical as he looked around, left to right. Arms crossed in front of him, showing his build. Which was identical to Natsu's. He would sniff the air, as he didn't smell...anything. "Something's wrong....everyone's still cooking dinner acting like everything is O.K." he would notice steam and smoke coming from several chimneys. "Alyia----" a shot of him looking to the right at her was shown. Her new outfit was...frankly quite sexy, a body suit that was golden tan in color; made with booty shorts and a hood that hugged her figure perfectly, whether her hood was up or down currently, he'd stare for just a moment. Before looking down.

    'I'm sure this place means so much to her......she said her home was destroyed, watching loved ones and neighbors burn and be killed...it's hard. To see it standing again, all those memories of the good times.....what kind of sick game is this?'

    Heero would think to himself, as he got fired up a bit.

    "I....think we should follow your lead, this is your town right? Or...was? Still is?" Rose said from Alyia's shoulder, her voice comforting and soft as she nodded to Alyia to show she could feel what she was feeling. As an Exceed, and a psychic one like Carla, Rose could feel emotions on a higher level. Heero would agree with a nod, the wind blowing through his scarf and hair once before they'd set off, in step with Alyia wherever she decided to go.

    Last edited by Heero-chama on 5th February 2016, 1:50 pm; edited 2 times in total


    × Bio
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 27th January 2016, 9:46 am

      the angel
    460 Words
    @Angel of Luck

    Alyia had left earlier this morning to go to the guild. There was something that she wanted to cover today. A chip on her shoulder that she wanted to begin to fill in. Dressed in attire to match the day, a push-up bra and a sweatshirt that had ears on the hood. It was warm outside. her black short short clung to her hips as she entered the guild hall. The candles that lined the wall lit it up. It was far too early for anyone to be awake yet But yet there was a single person there and a small rose coloured cat. Heero, her guild master. It was strange calling another person that as she was one herself for sometime. Her head shaking she ridded herself of such thoughts and made her way over to him. They had exchanged a couple words before Alyia told him what she was planning to do. Without missing a beat he told her that he was going to come with her, Alyia knew that she was in no place to protest and simply nodded. She had been in the guild for a week now and accepting the assist from people was new to her but if her guild master was going to join her she was not going to refuse him.

    So here they stood. Her home. Or where it should have been burned down. Alyia's eyes widened and the girl looked around it was exactly as she remembered it. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Who did this? Why did they do this? Did they know that this was sacred ground? Anger now coursing through her veins the angel only nodded at the exceed's words. She did know this place like the back of her hand. Taking a step forwards the angel passed into the small town. She remembered the faces of each person. her neighbor, the man who loved down the street and the man who delivered milk every morning. Memories of her childhood filled her head. Happy memories of her family playing in the field that she knew was right on the other side of the town. Biting down on her bottom lip the girl strode off into the town. There was a place that she wanted to go to. Home. The small cottage just on the outskirts of the town. Alyia brushed past people sliding between them now in a rush to be where she used to belong. Where she would be now if she hadn't... No that was something that she would be unable to fix and she had accepted that. but there was one thing that bugged the angel. All of the people in the town looked as if they hadn't aged a single day.

    Made by Siren of GS and THQ




    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 27th January 2016, 10:31 am

    As they made their way through town, Heero got a sweatdrop over his head as people kept on waving at him. Rose sitting on his shoulder had her arms crossed as the cat swished her tail, looking left to right.

    "These folks....are creeping me the hell out right now. No one is saying hi, they're just waving." Heero looked around, as he could've SWORN one of the guys faces transformed into something right out of hell with fanged teeth and horns. Heero leaned back for a moment, shocked but the guys face was normal again in a moments notice, as if nothing had happened. He simply blinked at Heero, and waved again as they kept moving. "What the.....hell."

    "What is it?" Rose would ask as she looked around, not noticing anything as they passed the fountain in the center of town. Heero would just look with a comical. 'Hmmmmmmm' as they continued to walk, the legendary wizard keeping his arms crossed in front of him as well after rubbing his hair briefly while thinking by habit. Alyia seemed to speed up her pace upon seeing something up ahead, moving through people and even bumping some out of the way. Following his fellow Fairy Tail wizard without missing a step; Heero was just behind her.

    Eventually they would come to the edge of town, and upon a little outskirt, sat a quaint; but actually nice little place as Alyia stopped upon seeing it. Heero almost instantly knew what was going on as Alyia seemed to freeze.

    Rose would psychically feel her connection to the place, and look somewhat sad. For awhile, they just stood there. Until the front door started to rattle, someone was about to come outside of the house as two wizards of Fairy Tail stood side by side about thirty feet from the door itself, close enough to hear it opening even from a sidewalk or path.


    × Bio
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 1st February 2016, 8:23 am

    Alyia could only stand there at the hut on the outskirts of town. There stood her home. Where she had grown up. Memories of her childhood raced through her head, happiness and sadness, memories of being told that she was not the one. Remembering being told that she was different because her hair was not blue. Tear began to prick her eyes as the girl moved forwards, step by step her hair fluttering around her ankles a reminder of what she had done in her past, a trophy that she would keep but never be proud of.

    Alyia slowly approached her home, it was unusually quiet. She could remember it being loud and rowdy, or maybe that was just her. But even her slow walk came to a stop as she reached the side of the building. It was exactly as she remembered it, her hand placed itself up on it. The old wood scratching the palm of her hand, she had learned at an early age not to tough the house as the wood would scratch you, didn't matter how softly you touched it. A soft smile graced my face, it was amazing everything was exactly the same. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air the angel rounded the corner of the house expecting to see a small blonde playing in the field and a blue haired girl reading a book, swinging on the front porch. She wanted to see the two blue haired twins sitting on the porch playing with the toys that their father had made them. She wanted to see her mother looking out the kitchen window and her father chopping wood on the other side of her house. But as she rounded the corner she didn't see the blonde girl out in the field. She did the older blue haired girl and the twins though.

    Eyes fading slightly the angel only shook her head. Her younger self was bound to be around here somewhere. Where? She didn't yet know Biting her bottom lip the angel moved around to stand in front of the house. She knew that her mother would recognize her. She was her child after all.

    Yet as Alyia stood in front of the house she wasn't able to spot her mother, not her father. Where could they be? Her mother would usually be cleaning and her father preparing things for the family. Yet neither one was here.

    Taking in another breath the angel pushed forwards. They were bound to be inside. She walked up to the house and to the porch. Looking at the children on the porch and nodding at them before softly pushing the door open. But this was not normal. Alyia could remember her older sister yelling at anyone who dared to enter the house that was not invited in. Yet she hadn't. There was something wrong that Alyia didn't know.

    WC: 483



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 1st February 2016, 3:05 pm

    Heero walked up to the house next to Alyia; and inspected it with a raised eyebrow. He would think to himself, that these walls contained a ton of memories for Alyia. Probably some she'd never let go of. He imagined that he was dead on, as Alyia reached out and placed a hand on the side of the building.

    He'd never seen her like this before. She was fun loving, witty, tough, beautiful. Lady like with her violence even. The pinnacle of what a woman of Fairy Tail should be; and yet. He felt her emotions somewhat, they felt...confused. As if something was wrong with this situation.

    Looking around the house, Heero didn't see anything wrong except for a few birds having a bird fight mid-air. Probably over food or seeds. Raising an eyebrow, he would round the house with her and go up the steps to the door. As she put a hand on it. He would talk.

    "Are...you sure you're ready for this?" he would say to her as Rose looked worried riding on Heero's shoulder. With a twist, and push, she would move inside. As Heero stepped inside behind her. She looked even more disturbed since no one had yelled, or greeted her. Heero himself found this whole thing to be strange. First, the village that was supposed to be nothing more than rubble and wood; was still standing. Now? Alyia had found her home, yet no one greeted her. At all.

    "Looks like...someone was just here." Heero said as he looked around, inspecting the place for himself. Rose would look around as well, spotting a few pictures of Alyia with a few others on the wall.

    As Heero's senses were always on overdrive he heard a noise coming from upstairs. Someone was up there....he would look to Alyia, with his arms crossed. Nodding to the ceiling as if to say this without making a noise. Incase the person or being upstairs was not friendly. Even though this was Alyia's family home.


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by NPC 1st February 2016, 3:05 pm

    The member 'Heero-chama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] NormalMonster

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 2nd February 2016, 5:16 pm

    Her home looked as it had when she was a child. Father's chair in the corner, mother's oven most hanging on the hook on the wall outside of the kitchen. It was like nothing had changed. The teen walked over to the chair and sat down in it, her feet barely touching the ground before she rocked back and forth. The blonde could remember her father picking her up and placing her on his lap reading her favorite story as he rocked them back and forth. A soft smile graced her lips and she closed her eyes as she leaned back into the rocking chair. She was home for once in forever. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Heero and be had joined her on her trip down memory lane. Her guild master. She could be a child. Replay the childhood that she had skipped in order to survive. His words of uncertainty echoed in her ears. There was something wrong with her home. No. Alyia quickly shook her head. This was not her home. This had been her home. It had also burned down. Julia at the door didn't tell at her as they entered and Paige and Percy hadn't cried once since their arrival. This was not her home. This was but a plastic model of what it had been. Eyes flickering from Heero to the upstairs where he had motioned Alyia slowly stood up and walked towards him and the stairs. Listening the Angel heard a few sounds that didn't sound human. Her hand reached out and ghosted along the hand rail. The bed rooms were all upstairs. What could have been making that noise? The Angel closed her eyes before taking a deep breath and making her way up the stairs.

    The sound grew louder as she went and she followed it to her parent's room. Placing a soft hand on it the Angel pushed it open. She had expected to see her mother or father, but she hadn't. Instead there chained to the wall was a creature. It looked dead. It it should have been dead. Alyia's eyes widened and her hands flew to cover her mouth. It wasn't human or not anymore. Alyia took in a deep breath and moved closer. She looked at the creature. It had wings like gets but that didn't look like they belonged. The blonde looked over the being and began to back away again. It was the man who had lived down the street. He had come over every other day with his son to play with her. Tears pricked her eyes and the Angel moved back towards him. "I am so sorry." Her hand reached out and instead of reaching to help him Alyia quickly moved behind him, climbing on his back and placing her hands on either side of his head. Her eyes looked up at Heero. "I'm sorry Heero. I am going to put him out of his misery. If you don't want to watch you can meet me downstairs." Alyia waited for the man to make a decision before her hands flashed and the dead was dead once again.

    Alyia didn't stay there long. Someone had turned her home into a plastic model and her friends had been turned into experiments. Her feet hit the floor boards and the Angel angrily walked out of the house. The three blue haired children on the porch.

    WC: 573
    For future notice we have to roll two dice at the same time. I'll roll another to make it two.



    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by NPC 2nd February 2016, 5:16 pm

    The member 'Goddess Alyia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] WeakMonster

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd February 2016, 11:23 pm

    Heero was slightly disturbed as Rose looked around the house, moving objects here and there. Curious as a cat may be. Alyia had heard the noise upstairs, as they both went to investigate. He looked at pictures along the wall as he looked; slightly serious, but still slightly alerted.

    "Hmmmm, this place sure is quiet.....except." a weird, moaning noise as Alyia opened the door. Heero didn't even know how to describe the creature---although he'd seen a few of it's kind before this one was more like a...work in progress. As strange as it sounds, it was as if someone was being infected with angelic DNA, or perhaps, Demonic. Sometimes the lines were blurred between Heaven and Hell.

    "I.....see." Heero uncrossed his arms, taking one last look at the man who was...in a pitiful state. He didn't deserve this, and he could tell that Alyia was hesitating as she held her hand up. Rubbing the back of his head, he stepped outside and backdown stairs, just as Rose let out a loud yell.

    Rushing downstairs, just as Alyia unleashed a blast do destroy her old neighbor--Rose pointed outside.

    "Zombies! Or something like em!" Heero looked outside, as easily he could see a crowd of people, although...whoever had caused this seemed to have performed this little experiment by the dozens. What kind of origins did Alyia truly have? Who could have such a power to give humans this type of lineage? Heero had a lot of questions, but they didn't seem to bright or in a rush. They more of stumbled around outside, talking or, grunting amongst each other. These weren't the best experiments of whoevers lot, he watched for awhile as he called upstairs.

    "Uh.....ALYIA, THE NEIGHBORS ARE HERE!!!" Heero would walk up to the door, and wait for her to come downstairs. Rose would ReQuip a silver and white bow into her hands in a bright pull and burst of Magic, as she would ready her wings and hover into the air a bit.

    When Alyia took the lead, Heero would step outside onto the porch, as the horde of angelics looked towards them. Heero was unnerved as when Alyia flew into Action, Rose would flank her. Spinning around her on all sides and launching arrows that blasted through what looked like Darkness Magic. Although they didn't really seem to have tactics, they just lashed out random spells in their direction.

    "I could do this all day!" Rose said as arrows magically appeared as she plucked their darkness Magic out of existence with searing arrows of Edolas light, confusing the half angelics as they decided just to charge. Not wanting to strike them down, Rose noticed Heero hesitating as a few of them looked like Moms, and Doctors, and Teachers. "Snap out of it Heero it won't take em long to run up on the porch!" Heero did the only thing he could think of, as he moved to help the three kids on the porch with darker blue hair than his, they looked up at him. Just as angelicly haunted as the rest of the neighbors outside.

    "Oh man....whoever did this must have some kind of grudge against this Town." Heero commented as they continued to run at them from all sides.

    Abilities & Spells Used:


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 5th February 2016, 12:04 pm

    The Angel hadn't even heard Heero calling for her down stairs before she had marched her way down, her hair swaying around her ankles and right out the front door. The blonde was not in the mood for people and when the first being moved in a lunch to attack the Angel her fist swung out in a right hook and connected with the face of the dead being. She could feel resentment building in her chest. These were people that she knew and people that she had lived with, yet here they were. Launching themselves at her in an attack. Years one again pricked the edges of her eyes as she swung a second fist in an upper cut sending the person flying, Only to be shot with an arrow. The red exceed that she knew was associated with her guild master was now assisting her in her rampage. Alyia reached for her neck and pulled the pendant off. Its blue core glowing and morphing into a double sided scythe.

    Alyia bared her teeth and began to wield her scythe like that of a pro. Her experience with it through the years now kicking in. It reminded her of her grandmother. Something she received when she was brought back from the dead. It was her soul crystal. It held everything that she was. A cry escaped from her lips and she slammed the tip of it into the stomach of an approaching experiment. She could look at them in the eyes, not after what she had done to them. She had killed them. And now here she was 14 years later killing them all over again. She sliced the scythe towards the side, cutting a person in half. She knew that Fairy Tail wouldn't accept killing other humans, but these people.... They were no longer human. Still, Alyia hated herself as she hit another experiment eight the blunt edge of her weapon, knocking them out. Three were now collapsed to the ground. The beings on the ground didn't bleed though. It was just dust. They began to crumble into themselves.

    Alyia didn't stop until they were all gone. Her anger was still there But years dripped down her cheeks. She was a murderer. She had killed her people all over again. Death taking them once again. The blonde looked up at the sky and cried out again before falling to her knees in the patch of dust. Her scythe had dropped from her hand and they just hung by her sides before they lifted up to her face and covered it as it hung down. Her small body shaking as sobs escapes from her lips. She hadn't cried like this since the day she had initially killed her family.

    WC: 461



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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 5th February 2016, 2:22 pm

    Heero would eventually snap out of it, as Alyia walked right off the porch and decked one of the zombie like Angels with a haymaker. Causing Heero to get a shocked expression on his face, as the zombie went tumbling back with A-Ranked force from her blow alone. She really wasn't holding back.....

    When another haymaker was shown on camera, this time towards the other direction; Heero would fully snap out of it. Running off of the porch, Heero would actual do a running haymaker street style; but Alyia took care of most of them. She seemed to rip off a necklace, and crush it in her hands. Heero felt a spike of Magic as a scythe materialized in Alyia's hands. She was crying out as she swung through the zombified people.

    An image Heero would never forget, her crying as she cleaved them in two.

    He was almost stunned into being unable to move, she didn't need his help now.......he watched. Watched as a person he had feelings for totally got their demons out of their soul, as someone did what they needed to be done.

    Alyia....." her name was all her could muster as she finally cleaved the last angelic zombie in half in slow-mo, falling to her knees. Her hair long enough to spread on the ground as she sobbed into her hands. For about ten seconds, the sound of her weeping was all that was heard. Until Heero approached, a shot of him with his hand extended to her with the sun behind him was shown. "Whoever did this......they're so empty inside that they felt they needed to recreate this nightmare." he said as he kept his hand extended. "But you, you're the real winner. The one who made it outta this nightmarish place. No matter what you've done in the past....they don't deserve this. And neither do you. We're going to end this nightmare, unplug this game, and wipe whatever satisfaction that person got right off of their face...."

    In the shadows, a figure who was hooded and cloaked. A woman, seemed to get very pissed off that Heero was so encouraging and optimistic to Alyia; as if they wanted her to feel like less than shit.

    "You....you blue haired son of a bitch, so charming....so bright, so full of Magic and Wonder. You're going to get in the way....hope Alyia doesn't take it personal when I steal her boyfriend as well as her life and sanity." with a wave of her hand, the mysterious figure seemed to cause several more of the Angelic Zombies to become 'aware' and come charging around the corners, and around the houses towards Alyia and Heero.

    Helping Alyia to her feet, Heero's senses would go off as he turned directly towards the shadows where Caroline was hiding, however, she was gone swiftly for now. As he didn't sense anything else. He could've moved in a Lightning bolt and tried to grab onto them, but it would be better to lure them out than abruptly yank em out.

    "I think whoever's doing this is watching us. Next time I sense em......" Heero said to himself as he looked around at the zombified angels closing in from all directions, standing back to back with Alyia he would smile at her.  

    When the zombies got close, Heero would start to glow with a golden light,  Jellal style as he stood back to back with Alyia. His scarf and hair moving in the wind, as magic power would radiate off of him like a bomb, pushing the zombies ragged clothes and hair back, even Caroline's cloak in the shadows would blow around, her hood coming off in the wind that seemed to encompass the whole town for about four seconds; just from Heero powering up.


    A constant golden outline around him, that hummed slightly with energy would persist as the zombies got nearby.

    Flicking his hand up like Rafiki from Lion King, one of the angelic zombies got a squishy face and went tumbling back into a crowd of about ten more. As three closed around them, Heero would leap into a sideways barrel kick, sending trails of glitter dust around him as his whirling kick connected into three angelic zombies; sending them blasting away. As he fought back to back with Alyia melee, style, bursts of light went off from his contact with Heavenly Body Magic as the camera would spin all around them like an action movie as hordes of Angelic Zombies kept leaping towards them.

    Spinning and picking Alyia up by the waist, Heero would turn her around into a sideways walking kick as she used Heero, Neo style as her pole walking around and face stepping into zombies if it went according to plan. Afterward, he would spin with Alyia in a dance move and lock hands.

    Stepping forward with H-Ranked speed, and pulling her with him to increase her might. They would rocket forward to finish the team strike with a mighty clothesline Lariat that sent a huge crowd of about forty of them flying, some of them breaking apart from sheer impact. Limbs flying everywhere.

    As more zombies approached, Heero would lock his hands together in front of Alyia as if he was going to give her a boost. When and if she stepped onto his hands, he would toss her upward into a flipping maneuver setting her up for a kick as he stepped forward with a spring, moving easily twenty feet towards the oncoming horde for a haymaker that send a huge line of angelic zombies skipping backward.

    "Heh! Yo Kuzo!!!" Heero said slamming his hands together into a fist in front of himself twice causing like to ping twice between his hands as he still had his golden glow of an outline. Angelic zombies closing in from all sides.

    "Alyia.......that man could easily level this entire place with the flick of his wrist.....yet he fights side by side with you....just why does everyone love you?" a hint of resentment was shown by Caroline as she watched the crowd of Angelic zombies get practically annihilated by Heero and Alyia like a scene of out of kung fu movie.

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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 5th February 2016, 3:05 pm

    As she heard her name the Angel looked up. Her guild master was there, no not just a guild master, a friend, someone dear to her. Her hand reached up and was gently placed into his before it was used to pull her up. She silently listened to Heero. She was a winner? How. She not only killed her family once, but twice. A nightmare?! Alyia snapped and pulled her hand away from Heero's and she glared up at him with red eyes. "My home was not a nightmare! They were all caring people and I destroyed it. I KILLED THEM ALL HEERO! I never escaped. I ran away from my hate and the crime I had done. Its my fault that everything is like this!" The anger that bubbled in the stomach of the small girl was now spilling out and Heero was receiving the brunt of it.

    She didn't know if Heero heard her but he quickly moved on to the next topic. There was something or someone watching them. Alyia didn't care too much. They would come out on their own. Suddenly more experiments came running from behind the corners of the house. Alyia's eyes flashed wider and she moved to stand back to back with Heero. A new found breeze fluttering by, lifting her hair along with it as it passed. An approaching Angel received a well practiced fist to the face before a lock to the chest sending them back. Her hair was following her every move as one fist swung and then the next to finish with a well delivered kick. A tingling in her hand had the Angel take in a deep breath. Her hand grasped down and gripped the scythe. Spinning it in front of her before slicing two of the experiments on half. More were gathering and as she felt two hands in her hips the Angel jumped up and swung her body to the side, making a solid foot print on the chest of the surrounding angels. Her eyes were dry and had a sharp glint to them. Finishing the move up with a small dance move the Angel tossed the scythe into the air before spinning around and catching it before taking off towards another mass of experiments, clothshanging them. More turned to dust and the Angel turned to see that there were more coming. She had been the cause of their death. Looking back at Heero he had locked his fingers and the blonde quickly placed her foot in them before he launched her up into the air. She moved her body into a spin and sliced downwards with her weapon delivering a large attack of magic down the middle of the angels, their bodies turning to dust. Alyia landed head facing the ground before she looked up and grinned. Her body took off into a dance. Her fighting style. A slash her and then drift the blade above her head before dropping it behind her back and catching it with her other hand and slicing through them again. Eyes catching a glimps of the woman who had tricked had the Angel burn with anger. This was all her fault.

    Caroline. Had been exciled from the village because she was different and now she was back to take revenge. Alyia was only six when she had met Caroline. She could remember her face still to this day. Caroline was mad at her. Not because people loved her, but because Alyia was the one that had escaped. The one that wasn't dead.

    WC: 594



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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 5th February 2016, 3:14 pm

    The camera would drop down back into the Town as Heero and Alyia continued their back to back melee action against the angelic hordes that seemed only to get more and more thick in numbers as each moment went by.

    "Oi, Alyia I'm going to try too get rid of em all at once in a second, you'll know when!"

    As a group of them leaped at him, Heero would leap back at them and perform a backflipping Axe kick on one of them, bouncing off of the angelic zombie like Sonic, he would spring into a backflip and land leaning back between two more experiments who seemed to be more aware, their fists hit one another in the face; but then both turned into another punch towards Heero simultaneously, who caught both of their fists in one hand each.

    Smirking at the two of them, Heero would let out a yell and with a "Soyaaaaaaaa!" pull the arm they punched with off of each of them, with a shriek, they stumbled back away from Heero who stood their, holding their arms in each hand that dripped angelic blood and magic. The now two one armed experiments would charge Heero, as he would twist his foot and go into a nun-chuck sonata of strikes, wieling their arms as Escrima Sticks slapping them around with their own limbs before tossing the arms into the air and leaping once between them; with a split kick that froze in time, their faces stunned after the arm wielding combo; as they went flying apart in different directions.

    Landing at a kneel with a smirk, Heero's gold outline would pulse loudly once with a hum as he rocketed off into the stars themselves in a trail of light and stardust.

    Up above, like pinball. Heero could be seen pinging between various stars, as certain ones actually seemed to glow in the sky. When a patterns was made; Heero would appear back down on the ground, landing at a kneel and reaching the ground from the stars in mere moments.

    "Now Alyia!" Heero would say as he and Alyia would probably leap apart from the area where the angelic horde was closing in on them.

    Grand Chariot

    A shot from far away was shown at the instant Alyia and Heero leapt apart; as the stars above would shine intensely once with magic and then deliver blasts of actual solar starlight down onto the area as if several sattelites were firing golden lasers down into the area. They would then all converge, as the huge beams of light slid into one another and caused a massive explosion that actually lifted some of the town off of it's foundation causing houses and benches to go flying.

    When the light and smoke cleared, the angelic horde near them was completely laid out and wasted in all directions; some were actually melting and sizzling with starlight.

    Heero had his arms crossed, his golden outline still persisting as he looked about, keeping his arms crossed as he looked about the area for any sign of the horde that seemed to have died down for now.

    Abilities & Spells Used:

    Last edited by Heero-chama on 5th February 2016, 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by NPC 5th February 2016, 3:14 pm

    The member 'Heero-chama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] NormalMonster Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] WeakMonster Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] WeakMonster

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 6th February 2016, 12:49 pm

    Blue eyes widened as she blocked another attack from one of the experiments. More had been arriving, some with wings and other without, all looking dead. A sudden thought struck the angel and she froze for a moment. She had been the cause of the death for all of these people. Feeling a presence move to attack her in her moment the angel barely had time to react before a hand sliced towards her face. Dodging just barely the angel received a fine line of blood along her cheek bone. This was not a time for her to drifting off into her mind, she would have to save that for later. Gritting her teeth the angel slammed a fit into the nose of the experiment who had attacked her sending them back.

    The angel wasn't paying much attention to her counterpart as her scythe danced around her body, slashing and slicing into the bodies of the experiments, turning them to dust. From the Earth and back to it. Blonde silver hair swung around her body as it moved with every step that she made. It was her trophy of her past. Slicing through another experiment she looked into its eyes. She could see herself. A lost child trying to find her home. She saw her when she was younger and how she had nothing, running through the woods trying to escape the pain. Time froze around Alyia as she stared into the eyes of the experiment before it crumbled into nothing. Alyia stood frozen. She was running away from the pain, she always had been. But not today. Today was the day she was going to accept her pain, starting with setting things right.

    A voice near her yelled at her and she looked at the blue haired mage who was yelling at her. His body was glowing. Her eyes widened and the angel flashed a strong amount of power around her, clearing space before flashing her wings open and taking off into the air in a blur of motion. She was above all of the chaos when the spell struck. Seven rays of like with the power of her own struck down in the area, experiments that had been blown from one were hit by the other until there was nothing but dust left. Blue orbs looked down, glossed over with tears. These experiments were her family, the people that were like her. As the blinding light flickered down the angel landed on the ground and looked around, sparkles of starlight flickered over the dust of what had been the bodies of the experiments.

    Slowly the angel landed back on the ground and looked around. She swallowed deeply and then looked at Heero, he was still glowing but he looked as though he was proud. How could he? Pride was not something that should be achieved when killing. Morality and memorability was the first thing that Alyia thought as she looked at the dust. Memories of the people that she had lived with and morality, knowing that she was alive and being grateful just that fact.

    Shaking her head blonde hair turned away and began to walk back into the city. She passed by her house and paused for a moment before looking back at the kids on the porch. "Hey, Julia. Do you remember me? Her voice asked trembling. Alyia was still holding in tears. The blue haired girl looked up from her book and scanned the angel before shaking her head. "I've never seen you in my life, and how do you know my name?" A single tear fell down the cheek of the young woman. "That's for me to know and hold onto for forever." Turning away from the house where she grew up Alyia covered her eyes and took in a shaky breath before wiping her eyes and walking back into the town. If Julia didn't remember her, would there be anyone else in this city that could? Alyia highly doubted it. She passed slowly through the streets that she grew up in. She might had been taking this backwards, going home then exploring the town, but that was how the angel was. She was backwards.

    A shadow lurked from the corner. Caroline, with her dark purple hair glared at the angel. Alyia was still alive and she wasn't cast out. She was like her. She had the genes of the angel and yet there it lay within her, genes of the devil. Caroline smirked from the shadows. She had looked into the history and the genes of the girl's family and was surprised to find it. That the girl that had killed her men, who had given her the scar that decorated her neck, was exactly like herself. An evil grin spread across the pink lips of the woman before she disappeared once again.

    WC: 812
    HP: 398/400



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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 8th February 2016, 4:51 pm

    Heero blinked in surprise as he stood there with his arms crossed; and Alyia shot him a look. He thought she'd be happy to move beyond this time, he could already tell that none of this was real...it was a recreation probably made by that wizard he'd spotted earlier before the horde attacked.

    Such a cruel visualization of Alyia's hometown. Heero looked to the side and at the ground, slightly sad that he was insensitive to her about this. Although it wasn't a real place, and perhaps they were only standing on the ruins of her old town; it was very, very real to Alyia and he would take greater care along the way now....or do his best too. He wasn't about to allow her to torture herself with something that was just an illusion. He cared to much for her to do that.

    He would follow however, mostly in silence. He would actually, do his best to take the village in. They would approach a house, as Alyia seemed more determined than ever to get down to business. Smirking, he liked this side of her as he followed. Rose however, still looked alert and disturbed.

    When they walked up closer to the front porch, he realized Alyia must've known this girl when she lived here in this town. Listening carefully, he looked at Alyia and saw a hint of pain pass over her eyes when the girl said she didn't know her. Without answering her, Alyia would bury her hands in her face for just a moment, before continuing off further into town.

    "Hey.....earlier, I'm sorry about what I did." Heero said as he walked, Rose looking surprised on his shoulder as they followed her deeper towards the middle of town. "Alyia.....please, don't torture yourself over this. None of this is real....." Heero would then turn and yell at the town itself. "AND IT'S PRETTY DAMN CRUEL AND PATHETIC!" he would yell towards no one in particular, although he was sure with a yell like that, someone had heard him. "BRINGING BACK A TOWN JUST SO YOU CAN HAVE IT THE WAY YOU WANT IT, AND NOT HOW IT ACTUALLY WAS!"

    He actually got mad at...no one in particular, and followed behind Alyia afterward.

    Last edited by Heero-chama on 10th February 2016, 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by NPC 8th February 2016, 4:51 pm

    The member 'Heero-chama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] WeakMonster Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] NormalMonster

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Age : 26
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 22nd February 2016, 8:13 am

    The blonde didn't know what to do. Tears slipped from her eyes uncontrollably. She would have turned around too look Heero right in the eye as he apologized to her, but the words that he spoke after brought the girl to a new stage as tears slipped from the crystal blue orbs. Her feet continued to pad, on right in front of the other as the angel continued to walk through the town. She didn't know exactly where she was going, but the direction that she was headed in seemed right. Though had the angel looked up and around she would have realized where she was headed. Straight towards the spot where the entire village was murdered.

    Alyia didn't pay attention any longer to her surroundings as she walked. Her feet were now on autopilot. Yet, though she wanted to continue the angel slowly came to a stop and her feet dragged together, halting mid-step. The angel drew in a sharp breath and spun around right into the chest of the blue haired male before beginning to cry. She had spent so long trying to keep the tears in, trying to not let other people see the emotions that were raging in her small little body. Her body began to shake as tear and sobs wracked her body. She didn't want Heero to see her like this but she knew that she would be able to hold up her face for long. Hence the reason that the young woman had turned and buried her face into his chest. Her head barely reached to his chest and her fingers clung to the cloth of his shirt.

    Though she had been mad at him for taking pride in killing people the angel knew that she wouldn't be able to hold a grudge against him. There was just something about him that she knew that she wouldn't be able to be angry at him for long.

    Her sobs lasted for several minutes before slowly coming to a stop and even when they did come to a stop the angel didn't move. There was something about the arms that she was in made her feel like she didn't want to move in the slightest. Her fingers were still curled up in the cloth and the angel now just rested her forehead against the chest of the higher mage. Finally she pulled away and the angel lifted her hands to her eyes and smiled up at the face of the blue haired man. She knew that even though she couldn't see him he was looking down to her. "I'm sorry... I just didn't know what to do." Her eyes were tear stained and she didn't want to have Heero look down at her through her weakness.

    WC 461



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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 22nd February 2016, 9:41 am

    They walked mostly in silence, as Heero had a somewhat serious expression after yelling at no one particular. Alyia seemed like she was on the verge of breaking down, as tears were in the corners of her eyes. Rose noticed this, as her ears would drop downward to show that she also felt the sadness that pervaded Alyia's mind.

    Heero wanted to say something, but felt he had already done and said enough. So he remained quiet, keeping his thoughts and words to himself for now.

    When he was abandoned by his Dragon, at the age of 11 he wandered the Spooky Forest for weeks, hungry as an Ox until Leonard found him and brought him to Fairy Tail. Back then, he understood the pain of loss. Back then he knew what it felt like to be alone. After so many years of being surrounded by friends and loved ones, he'd forgotten what that felt like.

    Just as he had this moment of realization, Alyia would spin and put her face into his chest.

    A shot of him looking surprised with his arms out was shown, as in the next moment his expression grew soft as she embraced him. He returned the favor as Rose stood by blushing, and kicking the dirt. Swishing her tail cutely.

    "Hey....." Heero said, putting a finger under her chin and tilting her head up. "It may not seem like it, but I was alone once too...." as Alyia looked up into his eyes, he would tilt his head and smile at her. "It wasn't always this way for me, I didn't always have Fairy Tail." he would open his eyes and stare back into hers. "But now you do....just like me, and look where it's brought you. Here, to the place you've ignored for so long. But now......it's no longer just your burden to carry. Many people at the Guild love to see you smile."

    As he said this, another thick group of Angelic Zombies rounded the corner as Heero stepped away from Alyia, putting a fist into a hand as his scarf blew in the wind.

    "And if this fake memory is stopping that smile........" the camera would show Heero from the front with a fist in his hand. "Then I'll just have to tear it to the ground!"

    As he said this, Rose would smile softly. He would do all of that...just to see her smile. For those who look up to Alyia, not just for her or him. These thoughts were what made Heero the great leader he was, because he never gave up on anyone.

    "Won't you help me destroy this fake memory in honor of your family and friends...in honor of your parents...Alyia-chan." Heero said as his arms would drop loosely to his side. Laxus style, at this moment; a yellow aura of lightning began to sparkle off of him as he let on a small grin. "These aren't the people you love.....if it was me and someone made puppets out of the people of Magnolia...or Fairy Tail...I'd be pretty damn pissed....I'm All Charged Up for you." Heero said, letting Alyia know that even if she didn't get mad. He was mad for her as the zombies began to close in all around them. "Shall we dance one more time?"

    He would ask her as he continued to smirk taking up a fighting stance again. Rose would walk up next to Alyia and nod, with her arms crossed as the three Fairy Tail wizards prepared to let this place have it.

    "And this time, I'm taking this whole town with me until there's nowhere left for you to hide!!!" Heero would shout to the wizard whom he knew was hanging around; as his lightning intensified all around him.


    × Bio
    × Magic

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 6th April 2016, 1:17 pm

    The words from the male echoed in her ears and all the woman could do was stop and listen as the blue haired man told her of his past and the things that he had gone though. He was right of course, she wasn't along anymore there were people that surrounded her that were willing to help if she would just let them. The problem for the angel was letting them, she was closed off and she was hesitant, there were so many things that had happened to her in the past that she could just not get over, she would not forgive. But that caused the blonde to stop and pause for a minute, she couldn't forget but that didn't mean that she couldn't forgive. She was an angel, it was something that she was supposed to do, something that she was supposed to be good at.

    However the time that the angel had to herself in thinking about what she was going to do was cut short as she could feel more magic approaching them. Eyes flickered up and the girl looked at the masses of undead angels that were approaching them. The warmth that she felt in the blue haired man faded as he stepped away and glared at the zombies that were approaching. He began to spoke and she could feel the anger in the works that she could not manage to muster.

    He never turned back to her as he continued to talk but the angel knew that even if she would say no he would do it by himself whether this be his battle or not. But this was not his battle to fight and the angel merely sighed before reaching though the lighting that sparked along her skin, making it teal and grabbed the scarf that was around his neck. He was trying too hard to look cool in front of her and sure she knew that he was trying, he was trying only a little too much. She yanked on the scarf with dead panned eyes and pulled the blue haired man back, most likely breaking his concentration on the approaching people. "You are such an over acting idiot..." Her word began to escape her lips as she continued to look away. "But thank you." She leaned up to him and whether or not the lightning was still around him kissed his cheek before letting go and dropping the scarf and walking towards the mass of bodies that used to be the people that she knew and loved.

    Blue and black flashed once again with a whirl and the first several of the angels fell to the ground crumbling. Her eyes were now the dark magenta she would have when she was looking into the souls of people. Her feet and weapon moved in time. A, out stretching swing the base of the handle and then a swift disciplined kick to the temple. She was engrossed in her movements and the people, or what used to be people that surrounded her.

    WC: 510



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    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Haru-senpai 7th April 2016, 9:11 am

    Heero let his anger boil up, as he felt her grab a hold of his scarf. Causing him to stop moving. As he looked surprised by this, he looked back his lightning aura not harming Alyia as she went in for the kiss, although it would provide a strange tingling sensation for her.

    As he looked down at the ground while the horde of zombies approached, he would listen to her words. The moans and groans of the zombies were overpowered by the sound of the lightning sparkling from his body; and Alyia's words.

    "Heh, sometimes for those we love. We will push ourselves beyond what we normally feel." Heero said as he looked back over his shoulder at Alyia, basically telling her that he'd meant every word he'd said, and that he hadn't been acting. If someone had made puppets or undead out of the people of Magnolia, or his family. He would be beyond his own control.

    As he saw Alyia's eyes change to a darker purple, almost magenta like color. He smiled and put a hand in his fist again.

    Just as Alyia walked forward. So did Heero, epicly with a fist punched into a hand in front of him. During their slow walk forward, a whirling explosion of Magic, that was Alyia's movement went off as several zombies went flying through the air, chopping apart even as Alyia seemed to only just be walking through the crowd. In similar fashion, Heero would disappear to his left and right several times. Sometimes even going upward, as he turned into Lightning several times and seemed to wrap around Alyia, any zombies diving toward her were zapped so fiercely with yellow Lightning that their skeletons were shown.

    As piles of chopped up (from Alyia) and steaming bodies (from Heero) were shown behind them as they walked calmly, Heero saw Alyia go into a combo with her weapon, and then finish it with a kick so fierce the zombies head actually rolled off into the sky...where it was zapped by lightning mid-air and turned to ash which floated off on the wind.

    Heero would then take a mighty stomp to his right. As he raised his Magic Power fiercely. Lightning began to sparkle off of everything in the village; even windows of houses that were super far off in town began to shake and rattle as they exploded with small sparkles of yellow Lightning. Back at Heero, he held two fingers up to his mouth and inhaled so much wind it looked like a tornado was dropping into his mouth.

    All sound from the village seemed to drop out for a moment, at the moment Heero stopped inhaling.

    "Rairyu no.....HOKOOOOOO!!!!" as Heero let out his Lightning Dragon's Roar the town was shown from outside as the camera would zoom out. A double flash of light from the center of the village; and then a HUGE beam of yellow lightning, sparkling with blue lightning at it's edges would paint over the huge crowd of 30 zombies, disentegrating them as the stream was 500 ft wide and tall, it was like a kamehameha.

    Outside of town, the stream traveled easily one mile; and smacked into the base of the Phoenix Mountains to the west, as a huge explosion of Lightning was shown on the horizon, even from town one could see it.

    As smoke and dust cleared, literally half of the town was now a huge path crater, that stretched way out of town in front of Heero.

    "Heh...maybe I over did it." as he said this, he rubbed the back of his head. But the camera would zoom over to the woman who probably was extremely pissed off. "They shouldn't have recreated this place anyways......" whoever did this had NO respect for Alyia, or those who were killed years beforehand.

    Abilities & Spells Used:


    × Bio
    × Magic

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Rose


    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Mentor : Deniel
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 19th May 2016, 8:04 pm

    Her hands and feet and weapon moved as one. Her silvery hair woven around her like that of a golden cobweb. It wrapped around her body whenever she turned and would then unravel as she turned the other way. Her hands slid along the handle as it moved from one hand to the other and she smiled as she could feel her magic running through her. She knew that her magic was not going to work well with the fallen angel corpses and she knew that it was probably going to hurt her more than it would hurt them. Well at least only mentally. She took in a deep breath and she swung through again. Her blade ran through the chest of one of the corpses and the girl yanked it out only to have it stab into one of the others that were behind her.

    She could feel the ground below her rumble suddenly and the girl looked over to her side and spotted Heero there with a crater in front of him and the dust of several of the dolls drifting into the wind. Her eyes sparkled and the young blonde haired woman turned back to the corpses that were coming at her. Her eyes slid close and she swung her scythe around her back in a light blue and black blue before exchanging it into her next hand and bringing it back around to the front. She swiped out in front of her and took out several more of the corpses before she realized the amount that she had once been surrounded with had dwindled into only a few more.  

    Her blade cut through one with an upward swing. Through the next at a slant and then a kick across the neck for the next one sending if far away from the girl before it shattered into dust. The next she took with a swing around and a twirl between her fingers as the blade cut through it and cutting it in half. Her hair hand been swirling around her in a whirl wind the blonde silver stands of her long hair creating an arc of rainbow around her, the light from the sun reflecting off of her hair creating a prism of colour.

    She couldn't see the next several seconds ahead of her as it all became a blur. With her blade being a blur and an extension of her own arm she cut down person by person but they didn't stay around her they turned into dust and floated away with the small breeze that had gathered. She fought, with her heart as she realized that there were less and less with every passing moment until there were none left. Alyia looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath before closing her eyes and releasing her breath. It was done and over.

    WC: 481



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Kirahunter 5th July 2016, 8:51 pm

    OOC: Jumping in late as a substitute for Heeroface. I'll avoid direct contact for a post, so please RP him out however you see Alyia. o-o or have him come back or whatever you were planning to do with him.

    "Angel demon zombies? Listen geezer I know I said I wanted to be the first person to know about any zombies but that sounds ridiculous." Simon, having recently returned to Ca-Elum fully grown, was presently standing on top of a large slain monster in the middle of the forgotten desert. The large grey bull like monster had a large hole in its torso where its everything should have been the edges of the hole burned shut, a product of Simon's new magic which up until a minute ago he had been show boating with. Having now defeated the creature he was standing on top of it talking into a communication lacrima, "You could of had me with angel zombies. Heck demon zombies. You know what zombie zombies wouldn't had me too. But angel demon zombies? Wouldn't that cause some kind of like heaven-hell cancellation thing killing them by virtue of existing?" An old man's voice crackled through the other side, "Not angel demon zombies Simon. Angel and demon zombies boy. You said you wanted zombies, here you go, they aren't far from here." Simon rolled his eyes, gave one last reply "Angel and demon zombies? So are they having like a heaven-hell-undead gang war or something? Like they're not fighting on the same side are they? Eh whatever I can there faster then you can reply anyway old man. I'll only check because I'm so close. Also because I'm me, if these are legit zombies I don't want to miss this." and with that pocketed the lacrima.

    His contact with the magic council had passed on a report to him about alleged "angel demon zombies fighting Heero and Alyia." A prospect that Simon found ridiculous. Heero never fought anything long enough for news to get back to the magic council, even with eye witnesses and communication lacrima. As he started running towards the location described to him by his contact, aided by his God Leg magic, he was only expecting at most to find a pile of some vaguely zombie-like monster that was already deep fried by Heero. If nothing else he'd at least be able to talk to Heero, something that he had been meaning to do since his return. Thus was how that blur of motion came to be sprinting across the forgotten desert at break neck speeds towards what should have been a burned down crater.

    It'd only take a minute for his high speed to deliver him to the edge of the village where Alyia and Heero had entered from only minutes ago. Simon slid to a stop at the edge of town which was, surprise surprise actually filled with zombie-looking creatures that weren't dead yet. He rolled his neck, "Well they don't look like textbook zombies but hey. At least I'll get a piece of the action..." Thus he braced himself to jump into battle.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

    Missions Completed

    D- 6 (150 exp)
    C- 1 (50 exp)
    B- 1 (1,050 exp)
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    Primary Magic

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories] Empty Re: Alyia and Heero [Job - Sonata of Memories]

    Post by Aliannah 5th July 2016, 11:23 pm

    Her hair fluttered around her knees as the soft breeze from Heero's attacks drifted through the air before finally settling the dust. Alyia looked around at the dust that were once the zombie like angels and took in a deep breath. She needed to stay strong, they may have been her friends at one point, but the were no longer now. Now they were simply enemies that were trying to attack her. Her eyes fluttered shut as the angel took a moment to gather her thoughts before she took in another deep breath, letting it out and turning to Heero who was to her side. "I think... I think that this may be too much for you. You couldn't handle seeing one die to my hands, how could you see any of the others."

    It was a quiet way of dismissing Heero from her side. He had been a rock for her in the beginning, but now she was strong again, she had her momentum, she could do this by herself, well or so she thought. Here in the middle of town the girl stood, the blue haired mage that she had come with now walking away from her side, leaving her the the empty town, a town full of people that she would remember but would not remember her.

    With one last look around at the destruction that she had caused the town Alyia began to move, the people who were selling food at the carts didn't seemed phased at all by what had just happened and Alyia strode right by them. The seemed to be making normal conversations, conversations that she had heard many times as a child as she would pass through the street. Bickering and bartering on how much something would cost and how much they could buy with a certain amount of money.

    Though it was all fake to reality, to the blonde angel it was like reliving a memory, a past, it was just like being home once again, but she knew that this was no longer her home, at least not anymore. Her hand slid along the frames of the houses, they were just like she remembered them, the oak from the forest trees, slightly brittle to the touch, surely to leave slivers if you were not careful. A soft and humbling smile perched itself on the angel's lip as she could hear the regular music from the center of town, there would be dances ever day for the people that lived in the town, it was the best way for bonding and Alyia could remember the giggles and the laughs that everyone shared.

    But despite the feeling that this town once had, it was now fake, there was nothing real left about this place, but maybe the memories that Alyia shared with it. She was the only real person, the only real being that she knew that had come from this place.

    WC: 491

    Summary: Alyia finished another wave of zombies, Heero has left, she is wandering through the main street.



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